HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-01/07/1981~28 A regular meeting of the Board of .Town. Trustees was heldat 7.30' p.m.,- Wednesday, January7,. 1981, at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. " Present were: President Anna Hataier Vice-president Henry Smith Trustee HalSey Staples Trustee Frank Kdjaw~ki, Jr. Trustee Paul Stoutenburgh The trustees held a w~rk sessio~ at 6:30 p.m'il to gd'over a brochure which they. would like to publish for the Town of Southold. Sometime before 7:30and the opening of the regular meeting, the Board met with Supervisor William R. Pell III and Councilman Henry Drum regarding the question of who should have Ourisdiction to designate priorities for dredging in the mouths of the creeks. The Trustees will sez up an appointment for January 26th., weather permitting, with the county representatives to tour the creeks. The regular meeting was opened at 8:00 p.m. by President Hataier. John Wickham appeared before the board regarding several matters. He is looking for a quitclaim deed f~ the trustees for spoil deposited on his property on Cutchogue Harbor. He discussed the property on which his cranberry bogs are located. Title insurance terminates at high water 'mark. He is looking for a quitclaim deed from the commoners for all lands that vegetation grows on. He asked if there was anyobjection from the trustees and Mr. Stoutenburgh indicated that alegal opinion would be in order. Mr. Wickham has a legal interest in Sebastian's Cove subdivision and stated that eventually they intend to maintenance dredge the area. They also intend to do repair work on thewing wall of the bulkhead. Mr. Kujawski said he hoped that DEC would buy this property. Mr. Wickham said he was willing to sell but ~ould not give it away. No members of the board committed themselves in anyway to the proposals made by Mr. Wickham. The following corrections were to be made to the minutes of December 3, 1980, On page 425 in the action regarding the matter of Norman Boos Mr. Staples wanted it corrected to say he feels it is am extension of a non-conforming use rather than not in the jurisdiction of the trustees. The following should be added on page 425 regarding the action for Michael F. Colavito. Mr. Stoutenburgh ¢~ted his nay to state that he felt public land should not be used for private gain. He feels it is much too valuable land to be dredged out. 429 Trustee Staples made a motion, seconded by President Hataier and carried to approve the minutes cZ December 3, 1980, as ~ corrected. The next meeting of the board will be February 4, 1981. On motion made by President Hataier,' seconded by Trustee Smith, it was · RESOLVED to approve the application of William Pruitt to place offshore stake will pulley line to bulkhead at Gull Pond. Vote of the Boa d. Ayes: .Hataieri,' Kujawski, Smith, Staples, Stoutenburgh-" ~, ~.. ~-" ~ ~ On motion made by'Trustee Kujawski, ~seconded by President Hataier, it was - ' ~ . ~ ~-. ~,. RESOLVED to approve the application of Corinne Boos to replace existing 6' by 9' floating dock with two new.floating~- docks 8' ~ 10' each at private property ofthe applicant.at East Creek with the condition that the. total length of the docks· and floating docks shall not exceed the length of d0cks~of adjacent property owners. ~ '' ' '~ :-- Vote of the Board:. Ayes:~ Hataier, Kujawski, Smith/Staples, ' ' Stoutenburgh . .' On motion made by ~rustee Stoutenburgh, seconded by Trus2ee Kujawski, it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Port of Eg.ypt Marine~ Inc. to place 12 pilings with dockor~runway to moor boats temporarily at private~property Of the applicantat Budds Pond with the condition that Mr. Liebleinhas spoken With Bill Morris and gotten his approval for the prooect also. Vote of the Board: Ayes.' Hataier, KuOawski, Smith, Staples, Stoutenburgh On motion made by Trustee Stoutenburgh, seconded by Pres£dent Hataier, it was RESOLVED to deny the application of Charles B. Knispet to place offshore, stake Will p~ley line to bulkhead at Gull Pond because the boat intended to be placed is considered too large for the area and should be in a marina. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Hataier, Kujawski, Smith, Staples, Stoutenburgh ~President Hataier made a motion, and carried to renew .the following moorings: J~mes Castagna Helmer Kent Charles C. MoNeilly Melchione Imvestment Helen E. Schwan Elizabeth A. Yarc J. Royal Gilford Joseph F. Krupski Kenneth T. McQueen Nadan Rossovich · ~ Ruth T. Weimann Don Z ieran '~ ~_ c seconded by Trustee Staples '( C; ' ~ '. The foll0wing'-mailgram received by the Trustees,office 12/17/80 was read into the minutes. The undersigned protest permits for off-bulkhead mooring stakes for use by commercial fishing boats at the Norman ¥~ipp Marine Park. Such ~an action by the trustees isa unilateral and illegal abrogation of the park's deeded recreational status. It is also a direct violation of federal and state laws regulating the pro- tection ~and use of Wetlands and navigable waterways,'~ We are supporting ,the legal action being taken against the trustees to enforce all existing laws and regulations protecting ecologically gragile areas such as. Gul~;Pond. ~We request this communication be read aloud at the meeting of 16 December and be placed ;in'the minutes of that meeting. --~- .Francis and Miriam Conant, P. 0. Box 572, Greenport New York 11944, 870 InletLane, Greenport The trustees did not meet on December 16, but the letter was read at this meeting. 1980 in any event c c C C