HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12222 P 107 L_ ~ , 'In) (2 L'-'- 101 I 02 -1- 4, 7 .; ~/ ~ ';)\qlD ," CONSUlr YOUR LAWYER IlHORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT, THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED 8Y LAWYERS ONLY nus L"tDEI'<TURE. made Ille rf;;:; of )J cNA ........l' '- ~..- BETWEEN Thomas E, .;1'1(; Mulligan zmd Dar'Aene A. Mulligan, residing at ().!>. YY\a. 'NI 5"t; t:,V~~.f'" C \'.,.j 2. If f,o' party of the 11m pan, and i ch;f::;n~~r=-~t: ~~ Y)'d- i party of uoe second pan, \VlTNESSIIT1f. 1Iw Ill. party of the first part. in consideration of T.:n Dollars and OIlier valuable consideration paid by !the pony of the second p.an, dot.. hereby gtlllll and release unto Ihe party of the .,:cond pan, the hei... or 'U=om and assigns of lb. pany of thc second pan fOl'CVer. See Allacll<d Schedule A, The Gnmtor(s) berein is/arc~ Ihe same person(s) as the grantees(s) in Liber 11934 Page 143 Tbe premises herein is and is intended 10 be Ihl: same premises conveyed in liber 11934 P:lge 143 .:2u/'i-: 10). . cr\) 6Iod~,: 0 },(iV /us't: (s7> t/. (jlJ'1- TOGt:THIER with all righl litle and IOt.rest. if any. of tile pany of the first pan io md 10 any ,In>ots or roads llbulling tile ahove describe<. pmt"ses to tile eenler lines thereof; TOGETHI::R witb the apPUItJlIll:eS and all \he <:SUlle and rig,lus of \he pany of Ill. first pan in iUld to ...id premises; TO all. VE AND TO HOLD the premists herein granted unto the pany of 'lhe second pan. lhe heirs or sw:=sors and asSignsi of \he party of the =00 part forever AND Ille pany of ,he first p.... COVCllllnl$ Ih31 lhc party of llic fim part has DO{ .aone or suffered anything v-tlereby th<, said premises have bc:<." encumbered in any way whatever. except as aforesaid, ~,"'D Ill<: pany of the fim part, in L'Ompliance with Seelion 13 of tile Lien Law, cov.:ruuus th.. Il,. pany of lbe ell'5l pan will '"""ive tile collSldcradon for Ihis conveylU1C(: and will hold lb. richlto rece,ve such considel'lllion as a 'rust fUlId 10 be applied firsl for thc pur'j)O$< of paying the cost of impro\'emcfll and will apply the same finn 10 lhe p.aytllCII! of the cost of tile improvemenl hefore using any part of the 10lal of lhc same for any olher purpose The word 'party' shall be COtL<lnted lIS if il read 'parlies" wben.ver the sense of WS llldelllure SO "<luires, IIN WITNESS WHEREOF. Ille p'lr'ly of lbe first part has duly ..eeuled tbis deed u>e day and y'ear first ahove , wnUen. i ! ll'i Presence of; -)t. 1) t1 r I", f\ L. II ./11u11114 '1 1\ JhOI"J1a..r '::;.. .-' . ... MACGREGOR ABSTRACT CORP. Title No. U815 (1220) SCHEDULE A ALL dlat c:en.ain plot, piece or parcel of land, with !be buildiD&S and improvcmcms lbereon ~, $llllaU:, ly.iDg ana being at Cutchogue, Town ofSQI,lhoId, County of Suffolk IDlI Slate of New York, kllOWI1 and designated as Lot No.7 OIl a cenain IIIlIJl erUided, -Map of Tbe Woods at Curchogue', and filed in !be Office of !be Clerk of !be County ofSulfolk OIl Mardi 23, 1989. Map No. 8717, whic:h lot is more particularly bollJ1dcd IDlI described as follows: BEGINNING at a poinl on the Southeasterly side of Evcrpeen Drive, said poim beilll wIlcrc the division IillC! of Lots 11Dl1 8 intersecr!be SoIitlteasterly line of Everpecn Drive; RVNNlNG THENCE in a NortIIcastcrly direction 110111 !be Southeasretly side of Eve.l..a Drive aloat au arc of a curve to the left. said curve havilll a radius of SO feet IDlIIeIIItlt of .54.S3" feet to a point; TBENCE South 81 de&recs 27 minutes 40 secolllds East, 292.83 feet to a point; THENCE South 41 delJCCll20 mimltes 40 secolllds West, 3SO.00 feet to a point; THENCE Nortb 18 depees sa mil11JttS 10 seconds West, 281.68 feet to a point on !be Sn"~rly side of Evergreen Drive. tbe point or place of BEGINNING. FOR CONVEYANCING ONLY ThIt paIIoy fa b_ lAued. llIIOr lbl1t NIIart wIl In_lb_ till_ to filch bulldl. 8l'Id ~ ..otM on 1IMt PftlI1II- wttlch by law _tkurIt ..... lII'OPlIrty. TOGETHER wIIh .. lb_ right, fallnd Inral.., of _ pmy of _ 11m part. of. In lIIIII to - ..nd Iylna In _ _ In front of lIIIII -.dJoInInt IlIid 1IMII'lIIM. ,_._ 2 0. h ~ ..... . : 10 BE IlHn ONLX ~.P ACKNO~EDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YQRK STATE STATE~NEWYORII.c:oUNTVOF~ u: STATEOFNEWVORK.&:OUNTVOF u: On die Ilr day of PIi#' in ~ ~be{oze VI'! lIH: On die day of la die year . before IllIl rlle lIIIIIeISl"ll!f1ODIlIy Ippe8R!d c. .....11(8.., andcnipcd.....--uy .,.......4 ,.J._~1IC.o ft. ~.w ~y IlIIowll 10 me or to me em die buls: of ~Iy IlIIowll to ... or proved to .. em die buls: or atlsf.wlOty rvillIlIlce 10 be die IIIdIvldul(s) wlIosc 1IlIII1Il(5) i5 Alilf.wlOty evidcnl:e 10 be die iIIdiYldul(I) wlIosc anc(5) Is (ue) IIIIbscribed 10 die widIln ~ II1II ~ 10 me (Ire) 1IIIbscn1led 10 die widWI ~ IIIIIlIClMwIcdpd 10 me IhIl IIeIsIIeIrlley ~-~ die _in bIIIberh11elr c:IIJIIdty(les). IlII1 hehhcItIIey CHCIItl!d die _in hl5lbct1'lhcir t::IIIlIdlyClell). II1II IhIl by hl5lhcrllbclt sl em die iIIsInlmlmI. die IIIIl IhIl by hl.slbcrldrelt slpaIurc(lI) em die iDIuumnu. die i11diYidulJ(s). or lhe paIOII upoa of whO s) illlIividua1(J). or die paIOII upoa bebalf of wtdch die i11dlvlcWal(s) 1I:l\!d. cUI:Ulad die iIlsInlml:at. lICIeCI. l!XCClIIfd IIlc illSl.Nlllml. . llARAElLJ.CONWA: ....,__01,........ _.._~ --- 1lr-......3Il. STATE OF C:OUNTV OF ..: On die day or io die year . before IW die IlIIlImlslll:d. ~Iy sppearcd petIIOlIIIly known 10 me or plO\'Cd 10 IW em die buls of atlstaclory rvillIlIlce 10 be rlle iadlvIdlIaI(l) wlIosc DllllC(s) iI (IR) IIIbKribed 10 lhe w1ll1ln iosIru......1 II1II Idcnowllldpi 10 me IhIl bclsbellbcy CHCIItl!d die _ io bisIIletllbclt~. IIId IhII by hIsIberIIbeit ~) em die iomumeol, lhe i11diviclusl(I). or Iht petWI UJlOII bebalf of which die individua1(s) II:II!lt, _......od lhe _1'UI1IfIlI. IIIIIIhIIIUdl i11divicIusI mille IIICb ~ before die IIIIde:slped in lhe in (lnscn die CIIy or orller poIltlca1l111bdivl.r.ioa) CIIIIIlnscn die SUIe or Counuy or odIcr p_lIH: IdcnowJedaman -1Ikm) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED Willi CoVCIWII ApinsI GDnIOt'S AclI ThIe No. 12825 'I'IIoa.I E. Mama- IIId Dadcne A. Mull1po TO SECTION 102.(1(1 BLOCK 01,(1(1 LOT (l()4.(107 COtlNTY Oil TOWN CIIIl:lao&ue Suftbllc CowIly RccoRled II Request of MACGREGOR ABSTRACT CORP. 1-,516-354-23SO C1IriIIiK M. DltSousa RETURN BY MAlL TO Llu M. s-n, Esq. AIIDmiey II Law eIo S- '" IkaDIman 333 JcridIo Turnpike Jericbo. New York 117.53 .... ;. 1'. tl _ 10)... .. ..~ .r J .' Number ofpll&lS TORRDS ~ SaialII / llECllRI:6 2002 Hov 26 12101120 PIt Edward P.~rw a.mc IF SlJ'fW( COlJIfIV l 000012:222 P 107 DTO 02-16885 .. ~II Prior Of. II Deed I Monpp IaIlmmant Deedl Mona- Tax SWllp FEES ~I fi1maStllmps I , . .. Plac I Filma Fee Handling TP.,... - Mortpp Amt. I. Buic Tax - 2. Addilionld Ta Nol8IIon EA-.n 17 (CcIunty) !!A-S217 (StMe) - - BUll TolIl - _ SuIt ToIaI GRANO TOTAL IQ!;l. SpecJAIsit Or Spec.IMd. TOT. Mm. TAX 0uII Town Dual CounIy_ Held tor Apponiomne,n _ I - s Q.Q--. IlP.T.5.A. Comnl. or Ed. Amdavit '?P Ccrtlfied Copy Rea. Copy ClIher 16" Sub TGlBI - or NO lie lax clause 00 IKIIc 1/ , R.I Pnlp..,li Ta Service AJ-:y Veriflcation 's-p ~ - 020485871000 10200 0100 004007 ' -~ lnilills .. ..... .~." . ,. . 1 Sali~1eues I..la ProtMCY Owners MliliD& RECORDa RETURN 10: O'__t_____.. " - .:rt.-... ~(I/'-T I 333r-::r.JUt~iD ~ ~ r~~ n.:r //753 9 Suffolk Coun /: 1D ~ This JlIlBC filnus pIII'l oflht 1tIf"""cd 8 TO ~ M J) \~M\o'I The prmises ben:in is situated in SlJFFOLK COUNrY, NEW YORK. InIhtTOWIItlIipof ~~ cI In lbe VILLAOE or HAMLET of OOXES S lliRU 9 MUST BE 'lYPEDOR PRlJ\UED IN BLACXlNK ONLY PRIOR TO RE<:X:)R[)JNc; OR FlUNG. (SPEaFYTYPEOF.J:NSTRlJMFHr ) mllde by: . &:a.UIlO;) :no~~ 'lI(,ze'[:) &:a.UIlO;) .ta,....... 'CI p:napa OIl OIl OIl OIl 011 OIl ~- .. OO'8Lr'ote 00'08S'L$ oo'ot 00'0$ oo'srt OO'Stt oo'st .1:DIfmLU1III IIJJlt &0 ~ftCI V 8I DVa 8IU SBB9t-EO IllhnuM xu. &.naB P'PCI ..... -.:ra'lIlIIIIO::) 011 JI.1:)S OIl -llfo:)'~.zeo OIl ZT.Y.t.S-W OIl f)8:)IIQSSU 011 .&aUP_. 011 'll.ct.-... ~~-:r eAOqy .zo.a ..... .&alAOttOJl eIR peAl-.. GO'9et';". OO'O&t OO'li$ OO'lit 00'5$ oo'ztt ~ ,z.~._~ .ww t8S-G u::.-W BOO .&altl.l/-.ha LOt ZnzlOoocr ... OIP 'EO : Z't roor/n/tt LOO'tOO :~O'I 138Yc1 OO'OOO'StS$ 8JIO':rI(),I n <13&a.1IJt) CJRY GlIIaJND OO'tO OO'i'.O'E I lI(Ooya : lie 'ADlIS :~aao.v pIMQ OOOt :q,:>l,q.'FQ , :lDDU'I :~V :pepzoDltll S88Jt-ZO :~3~. ~ ...S~ t I..... P .:1:......... QQG/Saao: :~h '~-I JO ecfJI';I; 3fJYcJ f)HI<DICX.)D 3:)UJ[O SmIO:J.. m:arc XUflO:) rrtlluns Illmlllll IIIII~III"III"IUIIIIIIII rOR COlJNIY USE ONl V PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS; hltp;!/ www,orps.slale.ny.us or PHONE 15181 473-7222 REAL PROPeRTY TRANSfeR REPORT 14' .l3,g;P,1, , C2 Dote Deed R_rdod I 1< I {b l4.c! I . ii'J: 1 J,-:{". . c..pagel/,t), -. CT. SWfS COO. lit eJ.llo.k I PROPERTY INFORMATION 1 "'OP""Y I 1..0UitJOO l800 fiMtHSW.11"W ~""lI'C!,e:n Drive sn"iIt:T,,"otloV' New York nnCflrL'Wt< Cu~chogue \hI,;,li;.r 2. Buyer Name ~~IA<;f"~~ L....~ f1M:t N>lIMt Ifulligan Darlene J HW:iT>i;M1l (14~ NM4 'C~l"j,,'f" 3" TllI!x 1';.j):ilR' w~ hUtl!/l Ti'll< Bllb Mll \(1 be a&'1f BjII1I1U If {j("i!fr 1iiID h;;vm ildllfo!S~ 13( ba1Qlll ~! hirmi Address 4 !ndieate the numbe.- 6f AwHliifhGnt Roll Pbfttb: tt~~on the deed L~~ .,.,~--.J ;; (;)i r"llfcela OR 0 P.d'( Q~" P",<cO:ri 5, o..d f"r~y ..... 00 L.. x ..~~_~.MM" . A~l~S &. SeUar N_ DeSousa 1, C~ tM tun: b&tnw whidi most ,lIlM\uah;ly de'S(ttibM'm. ua. of the pf(lp9~ .t ~ij. 1im,!.!.t~ A U C- I) li~^",""'U'" F Corn~Il;;a' (I AP4ir1Jfll!:"1 H , Enlf!tl#ii'lJm&~j.' Amu'!lElm\Ktt I~' MJm.'Tt"!'\;1y.s.llrii4~ J 1ft<11~ltln! K puett( 5lirvl~tr I, FOrtst O"le famil\, fte5il1I'ntJlll 2: '\1(3 F"mily ~8idef1il;!1 i1~'.i{!"'lliil' Vat""'1 und f\jonfW;;i$lmi~f VN:lIrrtllll'\4 SALE 'NFORMA11ON 4-1.(: om /i~ OiW "'tl>V L-,.4?,lJCJD;.J!. QJ $;JfJ.q- rf;l~ JIt 11't@krwli ill'flJJV'il pl'i6 for ,,,~ praperfyitlc.';(.idi",1' m;'SiRili ptO'Olt,,1y j11:l'r"tw!rrI# be ,,,: HlIf fl':mn l;'f~, 6thu pttlPffl.l)' Of onMs., or "If: lti$Umplk1h 1!! )"h,)ftgl1@es(lf mMiH nbfIQ"tioo;.,j PiftfM;f}Mljnd HI 1M ffl/iir8!J1 wtll.l'itI do/lilt W'-lVlilt: STATE O~ NEw YORK STAn 80ARD OF REAL PROPERTY SaMCES RP - 5217 ."~::.ltlto-,W1 .lWCCU IOnfy it Pari at.. PlfUfj CIwdr. .. they .pp4y: IA_ l"t.il1l1;nq9uau:l: wllb S;,A!di.-'!1,.1I;Y, Aw~t;.)tI1V bkt'4 0 41.1. ~rJ<tMn;tm AQ,.;'tWill >'\--as ill'iQwi!tld 1Ql T,t!'I(l;r,r> 0 -4C. )ltlh,'j)! AIXl'!J\.'ed krr 5tlixii:v,s'~ with M",f'rowdC\i 0 Christine H. ChlClft tM bol(t'$i below 1$ the!; IIpplv 8 ~ll'l'jiprVpol"C<l"'drn:nlr!i~l'" 9, NOfW Corlllit~jocfl ~f'J Va<:I'lt L.ar;oJ tOA "'''\1fut'''Y L4<;f1Wtl ""'f"H' 3/\ Ayliri.ilrufflJ Cs:rlc' 108,f>\iY>tl'~!'!:i..tti"-jjWi:t6ll,;Ji!nl>ti<<t;I'1.;f~1Ii')),1 1biJ'i l;.,:e pl'Opttly ill in 4<"; AgOCU'(Ufili 1l1$1n:J D D D D ~j 1$< Chedi on. Of mOlW! '" thl!$lJ ~OI1$ lid _Stable to~ 1\ ' Sulo!.' l~t1lWOill'! Fce1atwC!i or For~ ftel,)ljvMl H . Sale Blltv/<<Hm R\':'\irteo CoInpatllttS ,"1 PB'tfFq~ dl g\.$Oi~i\ C Ore of:'1<; SOJyIHlllS iIIiw .. Sclj(jr D S",!,m 01' Sdl<\'t ilt- GO\f6frrf'!1ftr'lt Agun;y Qr ll.-l."tl"lll jt<$f;ultltlii E !J,,"Q(l' r)';m not Wl'lrrartty O' Mrgair ml:(] Stllu l$lXffiily &110<'\" F S~ie qi ~'~hmill !If Lcrl> than rIM! k.Tfl'f!:fIi: (SDlKify ~!()WI G Sioniflc"tIl {:i\8r:gl) m Prop$tty BliIiwMH'Il't1xuhie $liXtu!i. ..~ Sait' Om:il# t f ~i~ of OtlVf\1!'fl .if il'!elild.&:! iN $&18 P'i~ , Or-'lIY WI'ij~.i Fm:t<:lOl'Atroct;r~ $>1l1+ Dffl1J iSilCdlV 'Mlw.ti J NOIf1(" n, s.... Contrad D_ fl., Oll1:f of-Sale I nand.,- L..j/I tAmll\ 11 F\llls.w~ t4 1f1di~ -the Wlliut Of ,*,woat pr~ Itlc:'IUlkd '" thv ok!: ASSESSMEW INFORMATION L; ..L....j ~.lL....Di a'fa sMuln reflect the hrtP.5l:FirtaJ A.s5e:ssm<.)ut Ron tmdl.,./C alII 16. Yelflt 4tA&ua-srnent Mo. konl Which infomwtion, Ulum 11. Total A1iSUhed V.llmlot ill! ~h. in tt'armeri ;,_,.~",- _'_~---'----'~~ _ -,--""'-~ .... J 18, Property C1iIs$ W..f)-L-/J 19."".,,-,,,,,,... LiZ:; f7..:>- 20_ Tn Map -kiontiffOft'lll Ron Idmt~~~ itl mot. than four; .tuCt! thHt with additional kMntifierl'5.1f :}I.~-r. ItWY. ~ /a..<', trD I ~ ~ Aor..:f ()1.~Mt r>>f. {1D h I CERTIRCATIO'l L... ~J'~-'e .~~j I J ('l'rlJf) 1f'm,,,jJ (if tht iitm'Oflfinf\u'tl1idirm vntcr'td.oo ltd. form "N ink anti ~:urn't;t jlulbr It('~l..-t' jll.rl<lltllot]ffill"llnd b...Jkn and 1 U1Ktw'shtnd tha' the D1I1kin;: or IIn~' wi11fuJ r., sUdmwnl 0( InatcWI foct tK'f'dn wID 1iubjfl!l't Uk" to tlw ilro~ ... 1ht iiIt'flaJ rnw muuft: tlJ tJw n:midnK llJld tiilov <(lif n..'*' ImlmmiMll$. 8UYER'S AlTORNEV ~ ~~~~ ..........~..... -~. ~ .. \ - ~- l..>J;;~ 1><AMf ~- ~cw .;::; '1'iA&rt,M!1 .... i$;'o 0 ,. s-n't'E1' Nc"-tl'lt'1! 1, / / ~Q!R..';"" ~L.. E~~",';&."~ bJlQ.~1 /~'t (l r:...., ^'\.M.O~)( k~r"lJ\lItlill~ ,::i~ ~~ ~ -:tli-~A ff.LOI1'::W1Af;Jlllf N "--.L1J9.~L. ";.Tiff !WitOO:. n'" '1.~.(t1A ~. (~'l l NEW YORK STATE ~ OOpy j