HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12404 P 9 , NO N.Y.S. REAL ESTATE TIWlSP'ER TAX STAMPS REQUIIlIlD L /21104 f ~ " 102- I-}(o Form 1lUlT.I'_1 ' lOM - IlarpinlllllSIllo Doell. willi c_, ......._.._IlIdi.WUaI or CorponIiao, I... ....II IIrnULT_LMrnII__..__.._.....,._______n~_T. THIS INDENTURE. made lhe 2nd dIIyof August 2005 and BETWEEN ROSE DIACHUN, residing at 875 School House Road, CUtchogue, New York'11935, as surviving tenant by the entirety of Leo Diachun, who died a resident of Suffolk County, New York on March 28, 1987 (Surrogate's Court File No. 710 P 1987) .0 J , t (J-",)' ),Vllf U (& t;.,((l~. partyofd1elillllpan.ond BARBARA DIACHUN, residing at 875 School House Road, Ciltchogue, New York 11935 pony of the secoad pan. WITNESSETH.lhallhe pany or the fim pan. in considenllion of len doll..... and mher valuable cnnsideraliClll paid by lIu: pany of d1e IleCond pan. dcx:5 he",by panI and ",Ie_ UDlD d1e pany of the second pan. \he hein or lIucces50IlIlIIId W1Signs or \he (IIIIIY Clf \he sccond part forever. ALL IhaI OCIlain pJOI. pie...... or pa,"J Clf land, wilh lhe buildinp and imP!O''CmenlS IhelCOn erectal. .ilullle. Iyina and hcinll"in'tlr at CUtchogue, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, bOunded and described as follows: uJ BBGINNING at a monument an the northwesterly line of School House Road, 351.70 feet southwesterly along said northwesterly line from Depot Lane, said point of beginning being the easterly corner,of land of BYers I from said point of beginning running along said land of BYers North 410 32' SO' Nest 146.59 feet to a monument and land of Grattan; thence along said land of Grattan North 460 57' 30' Bast 150.0 feet; thence along land of Gackenheimer South 41" 32' 50. Bast 146.59 feet to said northwesterly line of School House Road; thence along said northwesterly line South 460 57' 30. Nest 150.0 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. BBING AND INTENDBD TO Bll the same premises conveyed by deed dated AUgust 9, 1961 and recorded in the Suffolk COunty Clerk's Office on August 14, 1961 in Liber 5032 Page 258. RESBRVING, however, to the party of the first part the exclusive possession and the use and occupancy of the above-described premises for and during the natural lifetime of the party of the first part, with the party of the first part to pay for all maintenance and repairs, insurance charges and taxes relating to said premises. TOGETHER wilh oil rillhl. lil1e ~nd i,uen:.I. ir uny. or lhe puny or lhe lirlll ~n, in und IU uny SU'CCb und mllds abullinllthe .bove-d~""ribed premi... 10 Ih~ c~n'er lin~'lhel'C()f: TOGETHER ,,'jlh Ihe uppun~nan"" und ulllhc C"OIC und rillhl' ..f.he pony or Ihe lir" ~n in und 10 ""id p",mh",.: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Ihe premise. he",in ~r~lIIed unto the parly ..t Ihe ..",..nd p~rl. Ihe heirs or .ueec..o... and _illn, vflh. ""ny "f,h. .....nd pun r..",vcr. ^/'iD Ih. puny ur the fi"'l purl cu\'enunl' IhOlI"" purly of Ihe li"'l p~1 h.. n... dune..r surrered on)'lhin!! wher~by Ihe .uid p",mise. huve been encuonbc:red in uny wuy wh~lever. e.ecPIIlll UfDI'CS~id. ANI) the pUrl)" nt".he fir",. pafl. in compliunt:t: ....ilh Sec:tion 13 or the Lh:n Luw. cC'lv~nanI51hullhe' parly nr the Iir'l pon will reeeiv. Ihe cun.idera,ion I'm Ihi. e..nveyanee und will huld Ihe rillbl'" receive .ueh eon.ider- alinn a. u Iru.l rund 10 be upplied 1i...1 for Ihe purJ'C'.e of puyinB ,he ellSl or Ihe improvemenl ond will upply Ihe Sume 1i..,,1 IV Ihe poymenl nr Ihe .U.I or Ihe improvemenl befo", u.inll any pin ur Ihe 10'01 or Ihe lIame rur uny lIlher purpo.e. The wnrd "p~ny" .hull be cCln.,rued a. ir it ",ud "punic." when.,'Cr Ih. ..n.e ..r ,hi. indenlu", II' ",qoire.. IN WITNESS WHER":O"~ Ihe ""rlY or the firsl pun hu. duly ...culed Ihi.. d.,'d Ih. duy and y~or find ubow. ...rillen. .'" J'M1~Q:~("I!n"': ~ ~~~A~ Rose Diachun Page 2 of 3 AcIrnowladae.._.llnM'" ....1bI1l..... SllIte of Newlbtk. County of Suffolk Iltm.led.....d lIIIIIIn In NMr1bl1l..... . N: SllIte of NlIW ~ County of .": On Ihe 2nd lhIy of Auguet .In 1hlI,.., 2005. beIonl me. On lIIII clay of .In Ihe,.., lhtt unclelBlgMd. perlonelly appeared ROSE DIACRUN IhlI und8rlllllllld. plIl8Onl1lty appeellld perlonall)' known 10 me or proved 10 me on 1111 basla 01 ....Ifaclory lMde.a to belhlllncllvldulll(al wholII Mm8Ia) fa (MI1Ubac11blld to lIIII wIIIIn Inalnlmanl and adalCl. 'I ~oeIIto .... Ihll ltafahellh8y executad Ill. '1.... In -fllllharllMll- capacltylfel). and IIIal by~ar""""'''gn.lUlII(8) on Ill. IIIIlrUmenl, 1Iul1ndlvldu8l(8) or lIla pIllIOn ... beIlaII 01 wIlk:h IhlIlnclvldua1(1t ~. eI8CUted IhlIIn8lrum8nl. /~A . Notary Public IlICIWIDP.1NIl &~~ii er. I ..t . ,,'IA...... AclcnCIwIedg_ by 8ubacrlbIng WIInau laken In .... Yark ..... Slale of Naw York. County or On Ihe day 01 . In IIle year Ilia undeIBlgnlld. pal80nalty appHllld . before me. IhlI aubacrlblng wIlMa to IIl8 IoIlIgoIng Inalrumenl. with whom I am plIl8Onl1l1y acquainted. who baing by me duly _. cId dep08lIend _ lIlal lIlIIIIhlIIIIlay reaIde(8)1n lIlat I1eI'8MIlIHIy 1cnaw(1) to be ...IndIvIdU8I......1b.d In and who lIlClICUllIdllle foregaIng III8lMnlIIIl; lIlal slid subIcrtbIng wlnaa wu preaenl and IIIW IIIid eucul. Ihe aa....; and lIlal aald wtlnasa II IIIe aame lime 8lIbl1Ci IllId hIaI1Ierllhlllr narne(1)18e wIlneI8 lIleIlIIO. T1lIe Na.; ROSE DIACHUII 10 1lAII.IIAII.A DIACIIUN Distributed by CbIt:8&O l1t1e Insurance Compuy Page 3 of 3 . befare me, perlonllty known to m. or proved to m. on Ill. baall of aalIaIac:lory lMde.a to belll8 lndIvlduII(a) wIl_ name(a)1a (1111) 8IlbICItblId to lIla wtlldn Inalrumenl MIl ada.u.Jladgad 10 me IIIal IIe11ha/lhey .xeculad Ilia ...... In IIla1harllhalr capacfty(Iea). Ind thaI by hlalhlrllllalr IlgnllulII(a) on Ilia InIIlrunwIl, III lndIvIlMI(a) or IhlI plIIlIOn upon bIhIIf or wIlk:h hlnchldUll(8) ~.lIlClICUllId lIIIIlnaIrumanL AcIaIcNI...JIo....lIIII !akin -.... Naw1bl1l Stale . aa: . Slata of . County of . sa: . (or Inort DI81rlcl of Columbia. Tarrtlory. ~ or Fallllgn Country) On lha clay of . In IIlI year \he undlralgnlld. plIIlIOft8l1y appHllld I before me, peIBonally known 10 ma or proved 10 ma on '111. balla 01 Mhfaclory lIlItdance 10 be h IndivlduII(a' wholII nlme(a,1a (alii) lub8Cllbed to IIl8 wIlhIn In8lnImenllnd lICIcnowIedged to ma lhal he/lhallhay .xeculed Ihl 8Ime In hlalherllhelr CIPlclty(tea). Ihel by hlalhar/lheir algnalure(a) on Ihe InIlrumanl, ilia lncIIvkiIaI(a' or lie pII80n upon blIhan of wIlk:h tha lndIvIdual(I)IICllId. elIIICU\ed IIle 1nIlrumenl. and Ihat lueIl IndvIdIIII mIde 8lICh applIIl8nce bafor8 the undIIraIgnad In the (Idd ilia cIIy or pallllcalllUbdlvleton and lIIII a_ or c:ounIry or OIher pl_ Ihe acImowIedgemanl wu taken). SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OFllOWN RETURN BY IIAIL 10: LARK & POLTS ESQS PO BOX 973 CUTCHOGUE NY 11935 ZIp No. I I a I t I I " ...I. .t' : Number of pages TORRENS RECORDED 2005 Rug 16 02:39:21 "" Edward P.RolNine CLERK (F SUFFlllK COUKTY L 000012404 POO9 DT' 05-02470 Serial # Certificate # Prior Ctf. 1# Deed.' Mortpge InlllrUmen! Deed / MOItgagc Tax SllIInp fEES Recording/Piling SwnpB 3 Page / riling Fee Handling TP-584 Grand Tollll /' Monpgc AmL I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub TOIaI SpecJAssit. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held ror AppoinllllCllt TransferTu CJ--=- Mansion Tax 1lu: property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a ooc or two family dwelling only. YES or NO Ir NO. see approprilllll tax claullC on page # of this inslrumenL 5. J!!L Notation EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (Stale) R.P.T.S.A. Sub ThIaI Cllmm. or Ed. Aflidavit 5. 00 2fL Certirlcd Copy NYS SurchwJe Other 15. 00 Sub Total 4 Dist.1000 Section10Z.OO Block 01.00 RC'oll Property Tax Service 10200 0100 026000 Agency VerificUlion eo......wty PrHervatloa I'lUul Consideration Amount $ -0- CPF Tax Due $ N/A Impl'llved Vacant Land Ii SalisractionsIDischwJeslRelellllCs US! Property Ownelll Mailing Addrcsa RECORD" RETURN TO: It) LARK , FOLTS ESQS PO BOX 973 CUTCHOGUE NY 11935 TO TO TO Title Com an Information R/A A Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms part of the allllChcd Deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) nwde by: ROSE DIACHUN The premises hen:in is situaled in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO In the TowlUlhip or Southo1d BARBARA DIACHllN In the VIlLAGE or HAMLET of Cutchoaue BOXES'THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONI.Y PRIOR TO RECORDING OR I'ILlNG. (over) Pale 1 of 3 I IImlll 1111 11111 11111 nil/ 1111111111 mill 11111 1/1/1111 111111111111111111111 1111 SUFFOLK coonu CLBRK RJl:CORDS OFFICE RBCORDING PAGB Type of ZD.trument: DBBDS/DDD Number of paga.: 3 Receipt NUmber : 05-0085517 TRANSFBR TAX NOMBBR: 05-02470 Recorded: At: 08/16/2005 02:39:21 PM LIBER: PAGB: D00012404 009 Di.trict: 1000 SectiOD' Block: 102.00 01.00 W'Yll.JIJ:NBD AND CHARGBD AS :FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot. 026.000 Deed Amo\IDt. Received the P0110wiDg Pee. Por Above ZDstrument Ibr-.pt Bxlllllpt Page/PiliDg $9.00 1fO HaDdliDg' $5.00 1fO COB $5.00 1fO HYS SRCHG $15.00 1fO BA-CTY $5.00 1fO BA-STA'l'B $75.00 1fO TP-584 $5.00 1fO Cart.Copie. $0.00 1fO RPT $30.00 1fO SC'l'II $0.00 110 TraDsfer tax $0.00 1fO COIIIII.Pre. $0.00 110 Pee. Paid $149.00 TRAIISPBR TAX JICIIBBR: 05-02470 '1'HJ:S PAGB ZS A PART 01' '1'HB ZIISTR1JIIBI!lT 'l'HZS ZS HOT A BZLL Edward P.RamaiDe CO\IDty Clerk, Suffolk CO\IDty . * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C1.8W1S ~ I 1- 7, 1. P! 1J1', "1 cz.__R.. _ O_'i?/ /~ /~n ~ y- STAlE Of NIW \'0lIl ITAB IIOARD OF RIAL~.., RRVICEI ca. Book PROPERlY INFORMATION R" - 5217 -.a17 .... JIll 1'=1 875 1IlIIlT_ School Bouse Road IIJIIUT..- ..- - Sou1:hold cm.._ Diachun LMTIWIIIIClDIII"tUft CU1:choque -- 11935 I _au: Barbara .., NAIll LAlr_/1CICMWIW' ,.., .... I. T.. ___r.........be_ I -.. N__buyor_lol_oIbm1. - Diachun I....NMII/aIIII'A"ft' Rose .., .... P.O. Box 296 CU1:choque grrc-.1VMI ":::..v , - ~.RE1' IXI .~. . , N Y 1 11935 .411: _mat 1OnIr._a1.__....,....... .fA........ ....... 1L1---A*n AdharIIy EaIIII 0 ..SU_~_~larr_ 0 c.......~....IL....~vl*lnwldl_~ 0 ..-.--......-..... ........... 1M........ '" ... -... .... ........ . ..4........ 1 1,0/_ 011 0 _.,._ ""'" 10111 5 0, ..- - Diachun LMIwu.,~ Rose -- LAllI __/1mIIMIIY .... .... 7._........___- ....,_...._01...._....._01_ A~ OnoFtlmlly_101 B 2..3F...,_ C _V_l.Ind D NoI. fn'c'lfldll Yecanr lind , SALE INFORMATION I 11.___ N/A E ~ AgrIcuIIurol F c:ornn.uI G _ H e_l_ I ~ Communlly_ J -. K __ L _ -....--....,- I. ~ Tv. 10 CaNbnInI... ..___..V_lAnd l1li."'-__.......-_ 1&1uyor_.__-.. ......_1010.."'__ o o o o / ..... .., / - tl.... _......_ MlIdlL-. ..- .. ID....-r: ---..-- ---CamponIoo..............-- llno 01 IIlo IuvIIW 11_. _ _..IloIIorIo_AIIonalI"'-"_ - TVlllOII -.IllY..........nd _ ~_ _oI_...........Foo_lSpoo:ily_ "-Cbongoln"-'Y _T_____ ....oI_IoInal_InIoIo_ OIIlor_F_-.a__lSpoo:iIy_ - 1"_oI_l~ 8 / - 2 / 05 Oor - N/A I . .. ~ .0 I 0 I , . IFull__IoIllo_.......pold""...pr__"'Il_I_. ThIo _01_ be .IM""'" 01 -. _ _....-........ _PlIon 01 morI,.g_ or ocher L". r ..) ..... rDUItd to _I ,.".,........-. 1"_"_01__ N A __In"_ I . . . , . , ~ 0 . 0 I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION -1lIII ohould ....1Cl .... _ Fln.1 ~ont Roll .nd Till Bill 11Fu1__ Life Es1:a1:e 1"'_". 4lioii_, 0.5 117.T__V_IoI......-In_, .... ......._IIM.... 6 4 , 0.01 11."-"_ I 2. 1,0 I-LJ 11.___ I Ma1:d1:uck - , ; Cu1:choque UFSD .. Tu MIp IIIIrdIIrtIII .........IIRIrC.. ..................,......................... .. ~I I'MI 102 - 1 - 26 I I CERTIFICATION I I ~ .... .. ...... ............ ...... _ .. ddI.... ~ _ oad __ .18...'" "1lIJ ......... .... _ ... I ......... . .... ... ....... ...., -...._ "_Ilrd _ wi! ....... _ II 1M --..... _low -. II.............. ......... _ !Y!m BUYER"S AnoRNEY ~ ~fY. I 8/2/05 --- ar ara D1achun .... Lark ....- Richard F. ....- 875 ...,- School House Road SI-.r u. WWI lAW 631 -- 734-6807 -- Cu1:chogue .......- NlC 11935 .TAn .~ !!!.WI j? -'0 ~J'n_)1 8/2/05 ......-- Rose ac un .... NEW YORK STATE COPY "\. ~