HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12203 P 879 ~ '- .>- #I''''fI. ~SP f" ~ ( Ja c ~ f~/ci r",~ ~ "'" LOOCl iN 102.00 ... Q2.QO ~"t 006.0ll8 / () d-- - d- - C. ~ \oIt.)- I t!<of ~.. . l<V1JIfl. '''''P" ..Js"".o...l...l1: o..-......,c;._._..._..~~~,....,IJl'\I.1I1l2. (ft.~UI.T \'OIJIl ""''''''''l!lllll!m'llll~. ~ l.~ .11IIlI1.~"'1lIUUUI. UIIIl'lIlY I.oAwn;IIlIONI.Y THIll INiPE."ITURE. m'* lb. lW,TVt't~:N .d.. &J .1., or .Aq'lnt ,..dIe)"lOt 2002 LEVIS t". EllSOlI ruicling at (l!Iof) lIain 1Ic&4, Cutcbogue. Mev York It93S I ') - .- ""'..fllO.~ '*. ..... '.~ '". ...,.... ~"''(M...~ ,'" ~:-...-: ".r. ,.......,.......,;. , .:..;" ,.OIIJl'nt-. jlIII\Y ,<( IN n""f"lll In>J OOLll CREEK BUILDING CO. CORP, a f(J Corporat.1on hinrl.nS U. pa- of 1Iua101l.. III 77 Steplum1 Ave.. Ballt ,..tc:hog.... MY 11712 pany "r u", ",,"odd lWI. W11'l\IF.ssl!.1ll.lIw ll1e ron, IIl'thoe /I"" p:ltl.ln ~_ oI'TM Dolllnidudw'nI!ul* ~'-" .I....,.wlly IN pany "'!he ~""",doe. ~ pII....d.......... _U!c:ron, U(""'.-...lp:ltl.Ih:"'iosor__'Pd~o( thoe ;>my of."" ...,""" POl\ fme"ff. 1\1J.1lmI ,'t,,,,,, pIi<,>!. piC<c<l< p;IMI 0( IDl. willIlIlI: !lolIl1dlllp1OOll".IO.~."""IlI_"~ .....~lIlIII.....~ at Cutchogu.. In the Town of Southold. 81:&1:<1 of IIIev Yorlt. b81na bOllftl lhUI ! de81aDaced eo and by Lot 1 O'll . certa1n Bllbd1v1a1.0lI .., udtl.d. -SllbdividO'll lYp of Debor.h Edson". wllkb IIl4p .... filed in tb. OffieB of the Cletk. of the Coullty of Suffolk on 6/7/88 uRdu rlle .....tll..,. 8537, II,U.""~ c..,U{'t, SUIUE(:T to a SO foot exdUI1vIl ..._1: 0\111'1' che notthed1 .ide of tll. lIubjecc. I'rnbn In bl/at of prfllilU.. to thaBortbeaat p"nul)' _d 'by l.C'\rls L l!d$on. fonoed,. Grace Edun. -' Itnmm ell $v.ffoU COUllt7 Tat Hap lIlo. 1000-102-2-16, ..bleb ..._nt 1. .bownon 'Lot '110. 1 of t_ abova filed .,. Satd neement 1.e cneted by . deed ...._t of wen un bnev1thlllld i.a lattulANd to be neo'l'ded lli_it.Moudy nth tlliB deed. SUIlJECT 1'0 CaVll'utt. el14 hnr:i1:tiamJ ettllcbaC hel'eto n4 ude . part nereof. BEIJIG JJID IlITKIiJ)IIl TO 81'. part of tbe preoi... COIIIV8f*d by deed d.u.t 1130/95. 'recorded 6/28/95 1ll I..U,,,r U730 cp !Il13. TOGmlEJI. ""Ill ~I rilbL.IAk "'-' illle~ 1I"""....rtbc party oftbc lint pwl.ar, illWlUlIlll)' IIItr1:lIolllld......a/lIIIllllc Ulc obo\'\.'-<le><ntlC'dpreml..... ",thr _I_~. TOOf:l1tf:ll 'IIIiIh_>p",'ll> w_....lIIIlIle_.. npu.allhc patI}oBII< HrJI J>Iln hi IPld 10 soi4pR111i_ro HAVE, AND 1'0 llO.IJ) illl: plWllla....l'IiIIWIlIIllolhO'pldy...... _"''!Il p"'''' ."" "".... II< I.~ lIofIlI awilII'" 0( IN party or II",M<UCIlI part r__. ~LJ 111< I"'!'r or '"" rim po" "'~ ilw "'" J"'A)' or lilo n... patllIaIll<Il dOer or auJrm:d 1Il)'Ibbl.-ioytl1l: - I""",.i"", h... bc.m ""-l.Imil1cml t.....y ....7 ~'Cl', nft:JlIl"'~ AND thr Jl'OI1}..,( ill< Iit~ p;.ll.. ",~p~ w14ll ~ lhr ....1......1........ ",_;slhlllhc portY on. filii pan ,,'in ""''''''''' "'" ._kk""..... turll#""""')............ ...11 Mldllle ri5/Ul>.I ~ UIdlwul>leAlk'llU__ fIln4lG N__ r"", t", Jl>c 91'_ or lIO~'il\f illl: WI! al u..i~'WUIClIl ud ",II llpJjljf IIrc_llM tI) IIlc ~..r IIw Mol at 11Ie lm!m"""""'! I><l'ont ~ ~"r pm of <he !QIlI1 of lilt ,:.."" r.......y "-1""'1"'M' Tho< """'" ""","mall "" .~""irit_ ")>ofIld'..Itmi:wrrilll:_..rlltllllllleltlluellU~ ." It''':''~''~cf;.ot~l rN WlTNDS WIU':III:OF. tlIc porty or Ur r,,,,, ""'" !".. Wly ."",'Illcd 'bJ~ dol:d ~ UUi~YJ/iDGMIIJVT ""-lJ1'HJw .'"NfIi/YEW rtJllll!J.""'U;ONu> Sc*CIII'NtwV.......c-"ur SuHolk 1- 5buatNowYfllll.~'" On~ 9 doyof AuglUlt: ",1hc:ICW 2002 brfm: ....,Ibo_~ P'~""""""", ~h L. Edson , ~r __10 me 01' ~ !iO me l;Illhc buill of .....1,"'""1 .~lObc.1le illdi~) """""'...mc<.)i!lut)1IiIbt.cibcdlOlk wItIlin ~.... ~IO"'" iIIIII ~~ ,lie 111ft ill ~ ~"'lIlIlI dlIIlly ~ .iplllure(s) mille .iIImnnc:m. lhe iIldl'idlIIll')' 01'''' pcnraa vpotI bdl.1Ilor wfliclllIIc ond....t.r.II(.) ...'led. ~ Ik iaJIn.<mI:aL ~~e--~ ~~=Couftly ~rlJ ~ Ftc 'kCA~ ~ . ,........ //-,AlI....,,r AI,! A~ J'_ FOIIIIlsJE W/nUHIVItWYcIllllSTAn:ONt.r: ~V"'(l "-rr'__UaOurllDtlNllWI'GU.V.mIOIIUl f""'YM~nriJt,i".,W<<..,..,zA.ft.~4__"'~J Ja..""'",I'"",...GIJtMil.l.l.I. n..... If~J sw.CIII'Nrw ".... C""nIJ or ,.... . H .. .. .. . . .. . . . H .. . ... .. . .... .. .... ... ...... ... a.... IC"-"___.c-,.__" ......., o..lIIc clay at .. IIle yt:lt ~.....Illc""""'~pcnonlllly~ ,he 1IllINI:ribiP\il ......., '" ,"" r~ il1lMllOC'lU. wl1b wlldm , ...;. --""~, wt.>.l>oIn, bjt 1M duly ''''en. dJ.l dofl"'" ond lQ)'.....~y""'*".l.. l{dwplut."...JJmni. i... r;Jt" mcUwk IN mM_"'....,_. if....,.~"""~Itnow(.1 '" be lbc lIIdi.kIulIl tk..:rib<d ill _ "''''' ~ Illc fore...... i_"""".... aid -bini _......-.. MIl laW lIlIiiI ._ Ik same: lIlIlI WI Ai4 witrocu .. the ....... 111m IlUIoIctibcd ~1llISl!lC(.)......rn.:..~. ll.uG.u:< It ~"'l./! DaD MIM:('l'NIMA.."'" ~.Mi;."..,. M"Q; Tm.T.NO. 1'\l{Jt- J. . "ioy Levi. L. Ed""" TO Gold Creat Building Co. Corp. I M.K.M. ABSTRACT seRVICES INC. 238 MINEOLA BOUlEVARD MlNEOLA N.Y. 11501 (516) 742-4700 ,.,."~ _. .. . . . . III ... IJsJElDiNI1WUI1I1MIIvr__lR...;NA+~(MJi I- Olllllc da)o at ia..,.... ~mc,"'~' ~pcnClllll)1f'I*Il'Ild ~~...meotpll)'lll!d""'IllIIIba"or~ ~...be:dIr lPdMduoIl'I__IiIIlI1I:fIlM (ale) IIllIcribId lollba wIdJln iUnunmllHId ~ ill_dill ~illIIIlCUII lllc!_I.~~"'dIlIb.r ~ ~) -_ ~ lIIlldridalllJ), ., - ,..1fOII bdlaIrClll''lOtlldlIllc~'''''........s rile -...-. 00 lht da)o g/' ill cIlC ,.... bofon: mc.1IIc....~~...... . ~r __10 me w\llllMllllotllllllO....... or ~..........,. ........,.... ......W.icIu1Il(J).....~b~)........L.lIO.. ..idll..'-IUlOI~.........5:7Ei,~(( JO(j JlIe_llohW... /lb.ic' dill...,.......,.. I mlloll_1be _1M........ r(wiIidI JlIe iodIlrioluollU)lC\IIl,.....-..I ... _MII......iIIlul lIIIdc -. ......t..u lIel'o..u.' . ~ illbe (""'" _clty<< IIIIM ~""""..J._ut~'" ol4upkrllw4d:.l/III _1OIUlrJ. 1 Dls'nm:r ,_ SI'.CTIOIl 10 ~. ... llt.clc:X .,...... Lm' ....... ODm'ORToWIil SO............ ~_"'TIlf!QUIff(jf FIlIIlit1....... 'lflII1_ c-~"'N*" Yark QI1IIlNn_ "' .,...1IW.... ~~." I "'" 'l*- ,.tw ST. ".$....... 14 .' ..,,. ~ a I 1$ .. !!I .. 2 g a , i --. .. ., TITlf: NO: MKM-8-1ms . SCHEDIJU! C AI..L that ccnl1.lD plot. pi_ Ol' ~l orland, with the Imil~~ ~~. :.!ft.t ffle{fr:. lying and being &1 Cutcbogue, m lbc Town ofSOlIIfw) u~ of New YoU. beiDs known Md designated lIS and by Loll on a ccnain. ..wivision map m&i1Ied, "Subdivision MlIp of Deborah Edson", which mlp was filDd In theOft"lCI of the CICIt of tile County ofSlllTolk OIl 06r071l18 uOOer F'dc Numbw 8537, bftn, more pltt.icullll'ty bourJoded will dcsmbed lIl:COfding to said map lIS follows: BBGlNNING ill a point on lhe northerly side ofDcpot Road where the _.is in1lnocled by me division line between Lots I Md 2. SaId point bdPi clilClAl: 1661.03 feet JlOrthlwlerly lL1 _1U"ed along lbc northerly.. of Depot Road hmthe comer fom1cd by tbll int~ion oflbe nonhetly side of Main ROlid and tbc:: lIiIlrIbculcdy &ide of Depot Road; RUNNING THENCE North 38 deg'l'llell3 miilllleS 30 second.. west alon:a!he IIlHtJU:r1y side ofDepoI Road, 250.27 feet to the division line bcl.WCClIILot I and the Jands now or fOltncl'ly ofMarlllll Columbw. Club.lnc,; 1llBNCE North 4S degrees 51 min1lles 30 5CCOIlds east aIona the Iut mentioned division 1ine.4:sll.75 feet lo the division lincbotween. lot I and the lands now or &mnerlyof Graec Il Edson; THENCE So\lth 38 degrees 59 minulea 30 5CCOIIds east along lbe ~ division line, 291.43 fcellO the division line betWCCD Lolli I 8IId 2; . TltENCE South 5 I dicgrce5 00 Illinutcs 30 scconda west alcma the Iut QlllQIkmcd division li.ne, 460.26 feel 10 the DOl"lheriy side ofDcpol Road, the pointorp_of BEGINNING, . , .. .~ . . i~ ..:,' COVENANTS IIIlU RSSTRlcnONS I. .. ft . No dwellin~ $h~U be a:eclod havil1tt less than 1400 I!l'*'= fi:ct on !he fim l100r interior living area. l!adIcfwelling shall have a braswnent ofconctelc blocltor poUflld cement Eal;11 dwelling shall have IIIl aI1aI:hed double PIP. the cntrllncc to which snall""t face the fOlId. 2. No aboveground swimming poob shIll be en:c:1cd or mliDlaillld em IIIly of lhe said lots. 3. All plms and spcciliClltions fOl' COI'lIltUctIcm abd ba IIlbjed 10 the lI,pprvval in writillg or Ihc developcl', which approval abd no<< be llMl!IIIOnably withheld. There $n.1I be no instIIil:lation or III "mobihMYPO" on llII1)' IoL 4. No commercial vehicles. ~l vehicles. lrallm, or c:ampcr. &ball be kept Imglll1lgod on IIny lot. Any boll1 be lIlOlW on tbe pn;nt_ iI to bc IklfCd aIc.na the. rear lil'lll ofllu:plol, ifOOl garaged. . S. No mote lhllltwo pets Wll be lnainlaim:d on tho premises by ~ 101 owner. G. No rcnces,eilhcr' flatul'lIl or --mlldc. shall be m:c:ted or nWnl.aincd on any loI inuce8$ of four (4) Cm in heistl!. However,no fcm:u wb.usocvcr IhaII be erecled or grown tllthal _ orthc Cront yard of each pklt which is forward oh lille cstllblish<:d b)' IlXtending Ihc frontline of ClICb hoUlfC 10 ellllb side line of tho riot 7. No accumulations of rubbish, prbage. jWlk or lI1lIlerial, of IIIlY kind_all be permi lied to lemai" on nid premilieS. No lIdYlldisi"llill18. billbcNmll or otber sign l1evices $11011 be pcrmilWdon IIIlY of said 1018. cxc:epli.llla dewIopa-'uip of rell$onablc dimc::rmons. or a "for aalll", "rOl' mil" or "'p1Ofc:alnl oI1lcc" .ign no<< larger than 12" It 24", 8. No Al'Id, earth or sod shall be removed from the pmlllK, or aUllltion be 31lowallo temainopen then:on. CXCCpI a maybe MCellW)' dllfin.lbWldilll COllSlruction periods. IlIdlvidllalloC p8ding &ball be complctCid bcromG~ncy. 1\ ner cortSlruclion. lawn and ~g shall be Installed and mainmincd I hereaner in an IlItraclivc mannl!l'. lllCK Covenants and RCIlrictiollS shall expin: on JlIIIe 1,2022. . Y w ,j. .~~:; - ..... , ;'. ::' r ':";:I'~ ..~: :' . ..', ... ,.\ '. , . . " ~ "'. ~ . " , ~ ,. " . ~ . @ Numbt,- of l"'1I<< TORRENS J I' 2 I) 1 Serllill ~ 2002 Auo 16 OIllJ9z29 Illl EMrd P. Ror.llUlf (;Ujll( OF SlFftU COlJI'IY L DllOO12203 pm lYT4102-O:lllB3 CMlrIClle N rr.... ou Dftd I ~lll' l.tlnmmlil Ollcll/M<V1GiI" Tu SUmr fEW; ROI:UfII~lJl, i 1'111111 !lwJIlOi 4 !"illIl Fmn. fee ~ Iontl Ulaslt: 1lIlI 2. AoIdlllowal T.... Sub r."., - flllddlift. 'll'.3-34 I'IIllJIilioIl liA,n 111c-.ry) liA.$217 (Slatrl __ Sub To1l!1 (;enill('d Cllpy Krs. (,"0,., Oilier s..b Tol;>l ./ ,0 'S , SpecJAIIlI, 01 Sp,e:,/AlkI. 1'01', MTU. lAX tlllIl T_ '''''1 C"'lI'If_ lIeld rQl' ^JIl1IIItlon.l~ 'rl'llllllir T"" _ Mantlun Tu , _ '11w~ _\lII fly Ihilllmlippll.... will ht I/lIPT,.vtd by II IIl1e III IWU llrllllll' d""III".oll)'. YF.S lIf'NO IU'O. set ...P"'l'f..... III' ellUn 1111 ~ 1/ _wlils__, i QlL... RI',T.SA C'-l"I<",,,orC"li lIlrldaY~ ~ GRill'll) ,O'f'M. I T(rall'ropcrly T~ Scrvice: IIgmcy Vc:rilirnl"ltl llill !1m toll n Itxt Lvt ~ II C'Ufllnntnit .'~rvaIiUf' Fund COllllidcrati~m AIIlClum Sm.OOO.oo s."'lII' 1000 10200 0200 006008 t CPIT Tpx Due S 2.500.00 DnI. IlI!f1I"1"N Initials: -,,' VtlC8IIl,.lIl1d X 3 Salisrm::lio,,&lDj.dll~l\~ l.is:! Pr(~)' 0WIwis Mailll\il Add ItECURD'" ItY.11JRN TO: It) Jakllbowllkl. RobutBon !. Coldlllldth. Ell,!.. 969 Jec1c.ho Tutrtpika lit. .I...... If't It 780 Attn, MArt Goldamlth. &.q. 1'0 11> TO ~ I 11ne COmpll.)' l.ful'mll.iult Co. Nun lIKH Ab.tract Suvice.tl 1m:. rille/l Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e 'Illis IJIlF forms part cf Ill!: lIlWcl1<1d Il.al' aa1.n " Sale Dud 10.0., lor: ISl'cClFY '.1 VI'Ii Of INSTRUMliNI' > 1....1s I.. E<lson -.1\e ~ Iletein iIlllih"~I.1 m SUFFOLK COUNtY. N1~ VOJU<.. III tm: To_hip uf lioutllold 11Ith: VIUAl.jE III IIi\Ml.~r lit' Cutebope 1'0 (;. o.D 'toWt f!l,r........" (.., $... IJUXI.iS S lllRU 'i MUST ilE1YI'WOR I'RlNIED IN IlIACK INI<ClNLY l'1UOR1'O I~NOOfU-1WNCi. 10VEftJ . 111111111111111111111I10 1111111111111111 SUfroLK COOH'l'r M.~K UCORDS OlrI'ICB RBCOJmIHG PAID D1111trlet: 1000 Il.ctioat .look. ~0:il.00 02.00 B7....Ul:ED AIm t"'1UDmm AS mLLOWS $200,000.00 lt8CClr4ed I At. LIBBRt PHJh Lelt t 006.008 08/16/2002 08.Ud' IX D00012203 an Type of' In.trumant: DlIBIlll/DDD Hu.liIlber of..g... 5 TR.ARSl"BR TAX NmmBlh 02-02583 Daed ..lllIDI:Nn.t. 'It.c.l..... thll 1'011 owing r... :rCIJ: Above X~l: lIXapt 110 Hllltllll_ 110 1IIYS 8O:RC:IW 110 u- STll.U 110 CUt.Copl.. 110 SCTK 110 ec-.. P:e. 1'... Paid Us.OO J5.00 J5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $800.00 $5.00 $15.00 $25.00 $0.00 $0.00 12.500,00 '3.405.00 --.pt 1m 1m 1m 110 110 110 Paglll/F111.1lg COB lU.-CTY '1'1'-584 mi'T '1'r_.fllr tax TRAHSI'BR '1'U mnrmlUh 0:il-O:il5B3 '1'JUS PAGB XiI A p.u'l' OJ! '!'BII DlB'rRtDllllft' Bdwllrd P.aoaallUl Co\Dlty C'1ulI:, SuffOlk COImty , ~. . ., .~ PLEASE lvfii!bR PA'ESS FIRfv1LV"~WR1TfNG (5NFORrvf~~ INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 p ~". . ." I . . REAl PROPERTiV TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 RP-5117 Rev 3197 I. ProP".rty,t, {J "'1'" \ LAM' LocatIOn STREET NUMBER STREET NAME eLj C.te ,......1.. CITY OR TOWN 2. Buyer (n,.D < (lU1<- ~v,...QI'''-1I. "-u I "'. Name LAST NAME I COMPANY VILLAGE ZIP CODE FIRST NAME LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME 3. Tax Indicate where future Tax Bills are to be sent Billing if other than buyer address (at bottom of form) I Address LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME 4. Indicate the number of Assessment Roll parcels transferred on the deed CITY OR TOWN II # of Parcels OR D Part of a Parcel STATE ZIP CODE STREET NUMBER AND STREET NAME DEPTH lOR I 'ACRES' . IOnIy if Part of a Parcell Check as they apply; 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists 0 48. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer 0 ce. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided 0 5. Deed Property Size \ (lit C\.. FRONT FEET Ixl 6. Seller Name l::. o]op.! tu..., I L LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME 7. Check the box below which most accurately describes the use of the property at the time of sale: i l A~one Family Residential B 2 or 3 Family Residential C. Residential Vacant Land D Non-Residential Vacant Land ~ E ~ Agr;cultural I ~ Commun;,y Se",;ce F. Commercial J Industrial G Apartment K Public Service H Entertainment I Amusement L Forest Chec~ the boxes below 88 they apply: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium 9. New Construction on Vacant Land 1OA. Property Located within an Agricuttural District 108. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating that the property is in an Agricuttural District o o o o """" 11. Sale Contract Date Gf ( '" f 01. Month D., Year S- f ~ f 1;,)1- Month D., Year 15. Check one or more of these conditions as applicable to transfer: 12. Date of Sale I Transfer A B C D E F G H I J Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Business One of the Buyers is also a Seller Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Below) Sale of Fractional or Less than Fee Interest (Specify Below) Sig'hificant Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price her Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) None 13. Full Sale Price , ), (.) (J , 0, (j:-, ,0, 0 I , , . (Full Sale Price is the total amount paid for the property including personal property: This payment may be in the form of cash, other property or goods, or the assumption of mortgages or other obligations.) Please round to the nearest whole doffar amount. 14. In~lcate t~. value ~ personal I I I I I I I (J I 0 I 0 I property Included 10 the sale , . _ , . F~ ~ "'L I 17. Total Assessed Value lof all parcels in transfer) I 16. Year of Assessment Roll from I which information taken ; ; \ q 0 V ; 18. Property Class I 11, I I-LJ I.. School Dimi.. N.me I s Ci ~ i\{(J..., 20. Tax Map Identifier(sll Rollldentifierls} (H mOre than four, attach sheet with additional identifierls)) )02.- 2 -- 6.8 I oertify thel aU of the items of infonnation en on this fonn are ln1e and correct (to the best of my knowledge and beUef) and I WJderstand thel the making of any willful false statement of material fact rein will subject me to the orovisions of the oenallaw relative to the making and filing of false instruments. \ BUYER'S A TIORNEY , \ \ \ \ \- \ . \ \\ I, \ .\ \ \ BUYER SIGNATURE bcc...IY5,(/ i't,< I lAST NAME 111 ~( FIRST NAME II 'Sit"",, }J't r- \,t STREET NAME (AFTER SALEl (,31 7/ -.A::JO-OYOO STREET NUMBER AREA CODE TELEPHONE NUMBER l:..l\n (If(''\1:t\..G,, CITY OR TOWN Pi STATE \\ -, ,1 ZIP CODE /- // / / .--'- -;'/' '~~/.... . - .8EL SIG~AT\JRE .....~ ///j:;v( f; / qJo\-. DATE ,