HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12203 P 862 ~ lJ""'<<" FiIllU~ ! . '\ -.l;, 7/ d;?)C' - (/Y;i{,'}- T......, new...il.. ~ 1000 $00 102.00 aIL 02.00 LoOdIJ 006.005 I\Wf. S ''l.Jcl,., , . .. NY OO! . 8_'" aM _\lll:oIl.....~ ......._.. _1oolinW.~IIlqlI~ltfTlITIIlIIIm CllNl>UI;r '(001I1... WVU: _Il$l(;NlNll ~ 1_\llIIDfl'.. TUl$ ~lIIlIIUWK.I(II flY ....W\'EIIIIIlMII' TN tllINI.It''''''TUItI(, ,NNlC: ihl: j?lZ IlI':TWlI:EN "upflt . _lhlI,.. 2002 ~o/' 1.:.WIS 1... EDSON t'esld1q a.t (Mol) Ks10 lod. CutChO&U8. New Ynrk ll93S , ,,,,,,...I.be rLm pm. .fl<J C::lDl,!) <: fO'!l1)..lIllJ~ l". "/" at n Supbaai AVfI.. East Patchog"'.. N.w Ynrk 11772 pat"1 01 t~.-wl pon., :.' 'f'" ~.." = . .. WmlESSE1'Q.1it:ll1h<: pony'" lhlIrlll1l pon. QltoIIIldcniimotTCIl Dul~lIGIIIlIIIllrY"'lcrl '.~iOI poilllll)' iIIc: poflY orl.!le SlOlOII4 pon. .kX'lllr:n:by..... on4 .eltaE ~AA> d1cJl'll11 o/'lhlI~pon;lIii:hCiia........' .lIGII ~o/' u.: pll1Y ofdws.ccond pod tQlrC:VCt, .p :"",'04,,1'. . CO ~.:.,. ': "'1I[4"t ~:' .UL Il.. ~ plOl. pioco:or ~..,(lII1d, wiIIllllelMlillllrlclllllll inIpnMR..... ~-.l.....IJilIIIIIlII....-- lilt Cutchopa. in eha Towne! SO\Ithuld. SeaCe of __ YoR. H.1aa kDow PI4 des1snatad AliI and "y Lot 5 00 . cuu1D f1l.1bd1v1a1Gn .., ut1t1.ad. .Subdlv1aion Hap of Deborah Ed.on". vlliIlb ..p w.u IUd 1n eb. Off1u of ebe Clark of ,th Count)' of Suffolk on 60/H un4u I!1lA lIUIlIbu 8131: .~~~".....~.lr:t......... Bl!.INC AIm INTEIIDED to BE/Hit.at. prell"" conve';.a' r.:;. tM ICautor lIarein by_Deed dste! 1/30/9', recorded 6/28/95 f~ Llb.r 11130 e; 693. SUIlJI?C'r TO COV8l'\1lnt.. and Ilaatdcticma .u f1ttac1llli hereto alld ..... . pan heraol. TOGnHt:R wtlll.aU ....ha,.1ldc DDd u.-.I( 11II1. ot &he pIIIIl, otdllt Iinrlplllllfll.lll....lO ..,.._ud..... _..._ 1Il<t...d=ribccl p"""~ IQlIleculcrli_lIu:rcot; TOGETlIUwilll dIlt ......-.....Illl dIlt_....rir,tUotlllo pMY ollho 1l15l pIIIIl '" _to lAid pn:mn.:., TO UA.V&ANDTO IIOWdIlt pn:....),mMJIIIIIICIII-.. pIIIIl)'..... oc.:oll<l p.t'1.1Ile lltill or _ ud wlaIw ..rdle pIIIIl)' ot lite _'0116 pill fanwr. AND IIlc pIllyo/'lbo rmttplll"""'._1Iw lho pIIIIlyotdlellnl pIIlllu,*doHor...rrClllll~ wllol;~ llIeulll pt'Cm,_It.>"" bc:l::1o .~ bI..y ....1)' wllatc..r. n<<p1ulIfoleAiIl. AND IIIe porty oIl1le fU'Sl put.lll_pllmco willi $cc\icMI13 or,hc Lie. Law, _.....llIe parl1..,(dIe Ilnl pul ",lit 1'<<<," !he COIIIi4e~ion (or.OO ....YC)'IClCClllGll will boW die ri&lIlkl _..IIIdl_ldcnllolllas._ _ kI bupFl_ fl,.. T.... ,"" ....'l""'" .Qj P"Y....lhlI..... oIlIlc j'"I""'."llIfllt ucllIIilll(lplJ' __ JInIt ID _.~ of lhlI_ o/'Ille " . .n"" ill1~ro'.mc", '*- "1i1l& "'T pan of.Dc IDlaI olllle _ rot Ml)' uIhct pllqIOIC. .l:.'l:...,' .-'. ~ '\be '""'" "p:i/I)'"1lWl bo.OCVitrIic'd.. ir,tn:ad .-..... ~11Ie_5I>orlhiailldMllniO-u'- tH.'!'I" ~ '., "'. , .,. ......-- ......- :":' ~ ~ ""~...:. '; " ., r..".~ !o>,"'~ .iN:W.!:fN~ WU&Il.EOP. IIlc pMy 0/' 1114 nm pill IIu diUIy """".lOoIlbiJ dcOlI" day....,., Ilnl.... ..n_. ~/i%r . ..... -' TITLE NO: MXM-S-l9204 . SCHlIDULE' C .. . ~1hateert&iDPlot.piecoor~oflalld, wil1l.1beblli _ j2"a..c~-:::.::;f.h.,11:.... ')'ins and beinS at CuldlOgul!, ill 1he Town otSo\l..l~ ~ ofNew YOIt, bdo8 knovm llnd deaipalcd as lUId by Lot 5 0011 certain aubdivilion map ....tltled. "SubdivUiooMap ofDcbotah Bdsoin", which map Wilt IiIelS m Ibc omccoC1he am: of Iht County of Suff'o1k 00 06J011'8ll under Fite Num.bcrr 8537, being 1l'llCIte ~had)' bow1dcd lWl dc:smbed. lli:GOI'dina to said. map 15 t'ollows: BEGiNNING 1Il a pomt on !be ~y s.ideofDepot Road where IbcIDe is iIBa~lCd by die division line ~ LoIs.s and 6, taic:I poilu bciJ:lJ diItam 961.01 feci. ~I)'aa mcullRd alllO& lbll nonbcasIcdy McorDepot Road &om tha comer fimud by tile ~ of&betlllrtberiyaido of Main Road lAd &benoCtbc:ulvlylidc OCDcpotR.o8d; " RUNNING THENCE Notch 38 dcjTllCl36 IIlirnUa 40 llOCOIldll west aIon& &be aonbe.utctl)' $ide ofDcpoI Road, 175.0111"0<< to &be division Ilao ~ Loll 4 and S: 1'HENCE N~ 51 -= oom.inullll 30 $CICOt'Ida cutal.on& 1M Iut ....Iioacd divilioa Unc. 464.62 Ecet 10 &be dSYision Iln4 bctWCCQ LDt S and thcland& IIOW or fbnncriy of <haec It Ed.$on; THENce SouIh.~ dq;lm 59 mlll"leiS 30 SIll:ondc fait aIon& &he Iut "P"Tlll<lncd dirisUm u.. 175.00 flllltlD Iht diviaioo Line between LoIs 5.6; THENCE S~1h 5 I degrees 00 DIIimna J.() ~I!~ wc:st aI.on& &be IasllDlllliaDcd divilkm line, 459,79 feet to &be nonbcasIcdy side of'DcpoI Road, 1M poilu or p1.u;e of' BBGINNING. w ___._ ............,.._ ,.. .'e_....., "."''''-' "'" ~....' .....* ,,.. -.. -_. ,--_. ... ,..., , '" ~.'.'...J : i ~."~ i~ ,.J ~.., ~.. , J "~.::'~.l'.,*j '.. ~'i.' r:. to(. '~l', .'r; I < 'll,~t r .. , '.t",'''U.... "H" , >"'. ,. .. .~ J I" ~.' 'f 1;;11, J-:..." .;!,~;, . -""'~ -, , . "" . " .. . "" j -. ..~. \. . ~._, \ ': '- "..,. ,..... " ,:""'>- ..,.."""", /", '>0>. ;;... ..... ."" ""'.. ~~.", .,..."" t l' .- -~ { ," l~ .;;;.. COVIlNANTSand RESTRICTIONS L No dwelling shall be m:eled havinilcss than 1400 sq_ kefOl'lI.bc rmt lJDOf interior living IlfeIL Each dwelling sball haye I bas~ ofCCllW'Otc bJoc:k or puutcd CGmfllll EIlCb dwelling shall hllVO an atUdled double phl&ll, the e.ttrancc to whkh ahilllnot flce 11M! road. ),. ,~ 2, No aboV<:llJ1'lundlwimming pools shIlIl be cn:ctc:d or mainlaincd GO any of the llnit$ lotll, :t A II pla"1I and spccifiCllliom for eonstruetioo shan be subject eo Ihe IIPf1rn\lll.l in writing of tbe Ikvclupt:r, whiCh IIpf'KOYIIlIIIall not be ulll'ClSOllllblywilhhcld. There m'llll be no inslllllatioo of II ''mobitc.l)'pC" OI'lllnY lot. 4. No comm~cill! vehicles, l'CCfCIilliCllllI vebidcs, Imi lent, or CllmpCI'I ShIll be kcpc Illlgil'lIgc:d on any lot. Any boal be stored OI'llhc premilel lito be IIclrQd along IIl\:fC8r liml onhe plol. if not gmIgc:d. .. :So No more Ihan two pc:II sball be maintained Ofl !he prema by ~lot owner. 6 No fences. eilher IllIluraJ or man-mllde, shall be CR>clc:d onnaintainlld on MY lot in exCCS& oHour (4) feet in height. However,no fences whatsocvcr.1l be ercclcd or grown in ibM IIroa of the limtl )<ud of tlldi pJot whic:b is forward of 1I lioe established by cXlanding the froollillC of cm;h MuIlC to ~ aide line onlte plol. 7. No accumulations of rubbish, aamagc, junk or malllrillls of III)' kind. Iblll be IlCnnil1ed to remain on IIlIid prenriscs. No lldvaIising lips. blUboIrda oc other '!lIII devi~ shall be pcrmi:llecl GO 1lIl)' of IIlIid Inu, ClIcClfdins . r.Ieve!opcr'. sip or reasonable dimc:nsiQlIs, Qr II "for sale", "ferr rciIt" or "jlf'Of'c:uiOllftI olllee" sip nol largerlhan 12" x 24", 8e No $lUll!. earth or aiOd shall be removed from the prtlIlIise. 0( CXQvatiOl1 be allow<:d lon::rna.in open IIICrcOl1, ClICIlplllS may he necClllll)' durin. buildins comltul;lio!1 periods. Illdividullot umding.1I be eompkkd before 0CCUfIII1IC)'. A fier wnslmction, IlIWo and 'andse8ping shall be iflliilldlccllll1d mllinlllinccl l~eIIncr In an allrnC1ive manner. 111<:" COVCII'"ls and Re&tricll.g1U shall expire 00 June 1,2022. .:",,:.'-". .. fJ$II-lI&tm-It8w....$ZUIIOttt.t: ~..,.....y....c:-,., Buffo.lle ,...., 0Il11k !I.,.... AqUlllt ...lIIIlynr 2002 ~""'llII~"........'1~ h:~ L. Ed_ . ptIlllIIliIIIf.._....~JOmt'*lIIcllillUt;If~ cW'--lltllvllle~""""IlIIIII:fS'ls(d:' w.......lOliIc ..... __nl~IoQltMil ~~ die _ "" ~~). IlldtMil by ~ ~ M iIiI '-.... ilillIIIIl~l. or Iho pootrm ..- bcl..Ir......1lle lndi~ Idrd, WI<"IIIOJ IIlr lnoInimoIIl. "".,,-" lit ..~,...-tlllt~Nlf'lfl'(llillCmMfll\'I.n ,...,.ila J.'......A..L.-l..1. r~l SIIIIIeal'1fwY.....CIulr<<lt 1-.: 0IIi1i1 1Itt1", mll1e,.... 1dft-.IIlc~pllCI!lllOIly"'rl .d lM~ __ kI_"""" ialI__,"ll'bDm 1m pcIIMIIJ)' ~..1lcilII by ... oIuly _ dIol"'l""* an.! ...,llilol ~..,~h1 11/.,.,.'fI'1/'....."'willf"........,."W___........., 1/-. ~-~"iI'ilwwoo(.) lei "" IIlc nlWIoIuaI " n... Ia .... . aecuII:d l1li: bqui.. '-:.- -.ld lIIiIIIIIcri.... "'-............ _Ill" JoIcI eUCllll: ihl __ _ .. aid ...._ .. ... _limo lIltl$eilb:d ~ .......r...~..wu1llllN. ..1IQIIlI......t&DIID . ~.....,..........,., ~Mjrl" <'''!, .p...,. Leld8 1.. Ueon 'TO Tml'HfJ. . (;()l..b c~ Rt.t~rc.ltr}. M.K.M~ A~ SeRvICiSINC. ! : 238 MINEOLA BOULEVARD : MINEOlA N.V. \ 150\ I (516) 742-4700 ~~_I'IlI!MHIJ)lI._m..__StAR:Ottt.r. 1l4lllurNo:w y..... r-'Yol t"'-' 0II1iE "'1.,( ""I><:)'lllt' bdi>ro -.l1li: .~lI'lCd. _"'''1 'Pl'<"alW penIIIIlIIIlJ.............l1!ICllN ~.o _0' Ill<: ~ol&1llls(,""",y ~lObcllK>indi~l')....... """"i$)Is(e)..~IO'h< wllldn 1ni&tn.uMn, ud ~ 10 "". .1Ii&I ~...- .10. _ f:n ~ etpIC~yliell. and IhoI by ~ir ~Il... tit< ino.w-. * inll;"'~$). IN IlK> _, LlpOfl bdldrorv.ilicIt!lll! iI>Ili""""'fi'lat:Wll. """coo:d LIIe._ ..~,.WM_tJ$lto.mNJl1f11D>>-ST..l'I!ONU': /f1Irjrf- or roMp _ -""*"i-C.n!/k""/ * . .. , . - ,- . , . . ,-. " . , ., .."...,......... ,. " . . ~ . ~ . , .. t....: ~___.c....-q, """""'."'......~I 011.,.., ~ t;If in IIlc ,..,. ldlw I!M, III.llil1lJ<nip<!, ~[y~ ~lJ ~ t(o mt or _d Iv "'" "" IilIL' lIuu.,r ...u..ellLlllrY ..~ IOIlc lilt iII..li,iduaI(.,,",,,,* olllfl<(.l i. (""'l_...lttd.o the "'iIhi. __....... ~IO mI! l!tIt~"""utcd ~- ill ~ !~.!....il)/id}.ltwI by ~lllotlt tilll"'lotel.) m"'" ............ ~ 1.1Ii~.). Of "'" 1'<"-.....1lchoIf or..-ltlch !Ill! iIldmdooI(.)....-.I, -!Ill!~.',...IIl.lU'l.=jali._l --'l'l""'.lI('C!bcl"tII!e""'~...1ll<: {~. {#}',l1'1!IIW pc>Iilinll J~iloIi...."", uN Ibi: _ iN........". "f iAIIw~Iiw&~.....,,"'"""J. , DlmtIC'l' l <<d SIlc'nQI< '6 L n Il..m:lt .':1.. _ !.or 0414, 60'S C<il\!firY Qf. TawH '$....P~" . ,....ll....\"'. _ArUQII&1TOIf flddII1 N:ollooal 'niI!I11WI'aIU~ c.......J<." ~ Vork 8:1(1111.." "'.\it ro '3'" ",,,,,..1;o,s.c;. I ,. ......po.,... ltlj' 1......... ,t...... "lIf. '1..,..., "':1 \ "to i I iii H , . I .... I I i . .- -- '.. . . Nu~>btf <>( I"llI" TORRENS j' 1 . Sr,ialll IlECllllOBl 2002 AlIQ 16 1171 S9I JfI III'l tdwiIrd P, Itouil'll' Q.EIllC IF sm:ou: . COlII1Y L 1lCl10122QS P 8':2 Drt 02-025b7 (rnilir:mclJ Prior Or. rf DoN 11\I<<tlicgC' IIWNmtRI lkcd I MutlIlP&C 1u SWlIj) "Ell.' ~1l1 JIillIl& lku,.. 4 l'op/I'1Ii11&1'<< llon<lling ll'.m MoII~ I\llll. 1.llQil:lu 2. II.cloIiliana& Tn ..--::... N0UA10fl Cffliftt'll Copy IlcliCopy OIh.. S>.Jb .0IlIl /() ) Sull TOllIf ;.....JMiL O. lit*- 'MoL roT. MfG, TAX l>IaaI T....... 0..., C.'llllly Ikld I<v ^fI1Wl~ .. .._r..rTu ....am __ Mus,,*'I~c ~__ n.j1l11p11rty ~ br lllilllllMPll" i.<< will ht Impq'led by . ll'lIC' or ._ fllmil)' dweWtI~ fIIlI).. Yl~ ....HO IfNO,*lIllll"l!PfIll.1II1 c:l_0Il piIi!j.O:/I _lItlbhfmlnlmc.1lI. EA-S2 17 Ie-I)') EA-S217 ts....) _ Sub lMllI C"""",..fGd. AlThJllvA J Q$.t...... IlJ'.'I'SA ~ GMND TOTAL Stllmj> Rea' "",pM)' Ii:l.' Scrvla /\FIle)' VC'flfu:lIt1,", Di:sl. Sed l<>ll B rm. 10200 0200 OO6Ol)6 'All & Cummullit IlnlIICl'Yltllutl Fuml CO...WcnlltlUf. Amount $j9.0;000,00 CI'F ,... Due S 1.500.00 Oal. , S 11llfll'W'N hriliab 7 SlIlisfnclit. . _II...m1 X J.kubovlllk1. RobuUon " Gold_itb, "'1111. 969 JerichO' Turnp!k. St. J....... NY t 1780 IIUn: tlark Golda"'i~b, Ea'l' '1"1) '1'1> 'm 9 . TIUe Corapauy Infunmlliotl Ct. N 1m. KDl Abatuct ServtcoUl 1n:c:. '11 lie tl . Suffolk Count Reoordin & Endorsement Pa e . I bill P"F f(,ntlS pn.... "flhe Illti:1<:ill.-U BarJAln & Sale Deed .. - ....... by: Le:wh I.. l!d"II" (SI'lDFYIYJlJ~OF 1NS'IRUMlNI" I ., he 11l'cn1iSl!.'l hm'in is 1Ii1l.lllllld it! mJFl'OlK QXJNI"V. NEW 'tURK. l'0 G....t t..~il;..t.-!"l""'--( c:..,. c:.o.." In 1I1U To\VlI5hipoC s.:.ut....ld In Ihe VIllAGE Qt HAMLl~l"or Cutcbaaue BOXES S 11 JRU 9 MUSf Ill! 'fYPI.:D OR PltlNlliU IN 1lL.A<.X INK tN.. Y rlUOlt'l'O Rlf.CORDJNO 0It l-TUN(J. (OVER} ---~--~--~ "CEASE TvPE-Oil'PRESS Ffi:!Mi:YWHEN WRITING ON FORM '- ~ ..- INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps:state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 1. P'operty 1 Location O",V'-'l STREET NAME L (\ J.-I: STREET NUMBER REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 RP-5217 Rev 3197 CITY OR TOWN VilLAGE ZIP CODE 2. Buyer Name &._ () c.. "Ie L\<:. LAST NAME f COMPANY FIRST NAME 6\.11.- O/'f (, Ceo (...,t-fl LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME 3. Tax Indicate where future Tax Bills are to be sent Billing if other than buyer address (at bottom of forml Address LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME STREET NUMBER AND STREET NAME STATE CITY OR TOWN 4. Indicate the number of Assessment Roll parcels transferred on the deed I I # of Parcels Part of 8 Parcel OR D S.Oted Property Size 1 i' r~-T"-"'c.rJij,"'('_K^ J.TIJ..lgFl~ DEPTH \ ~ n (( FRONT FEET 'ACRES' . 6. Seller Name l:-_1X)'"fJ LAST NAME f COMPANY "..."....._."..,:'-~"'_-,,".;..l'~:..:. ,.__.'.....~....,,""'"' L (,.,;() t .... FIRST NAME ZlPCODE (Only if Pllrt of II Parcel) Check as they apply: 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists 48. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer 4C. Parcel Approved for SubdiviSlOn;Jith ij~p FirOV'tae'tl o o EJ""<'- ''''OII~ ...''''"'' 1,--,.--.... LAST NAME f COMPANY FIRST NAME ~t !"' 7. Check the box below which most accurately describes the use of the property at the time of sale: A[ne Family Residential E ~ Agricultural I ~ Community Service B 2 or 3 Family Residential F. Commercial J Industrial C Residential Vacant Land G Apartment K Public Service o Non,Residentiel Vacant Lend H Entertainment I Amusement L Fore" Check the boxes below as they BPPY: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium 9. New Construction on Vacant Land 1OA. Property Located within an Agricultural District 108. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating that the property ;s in an Agricultural District o o o o ~........ 61 1<:; 10L 11. Sale Corrtract Date Month Day Yoar 12. Date of Sale I Transfer :? 1 9 16? Month Day Year 15. Check one or more of these conditions as applicable to transfer: A B C o E F G H I J ,;? ,C ,( ,C ,I: ,0, 0 , 0 I , , . (Full Sale Price is the total amount paid for the property including personal property. This payment may be in the form of cash. other property or goods, or the assumption of mortgages or other obligations.) Please round to the nearest whole dollar amount. 1.... Indime t~e value of personal I I I I I I I 0 I 0 I 0 I p'operty,ncludedlnthesele_ I~ . 13. Full Sale Price Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Business One at the Buyers is also a Seller Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Below) Sale of Fractional or Less than Fee Interest (Specify Below) Significant Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price ther Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) None 16. Vear of Assessment Roll from I c> l which information taken . 17. Total Assessed Value 'of all parcels in transfer) I 18. Property Class '" ,~ I-LJ 19. School District Neme I )",-\\""'c_o 20. Tax Map Identiflerls) I Rollldentifler(slllf more than four, attach sheet with addltionalldentifier(sll 1",",-, 1101.0"01 6l.C)O () 64. oc.S" I ~ f ; ; () C!> I ; 102- 2..~.S- ,C",,_H ~rl~~iii";"-".-~>>""'-'~'''~.' .~"~~-\~ "'r,~~\~~~'~1_ '~~'.0,_,t_~<-"~~~~:~~~~f~"~r~~'~:g,.}~:_ ~ ~~~~~-".~". .""_j~4_.,+,.,.~"~.(""~,,..,,.-'_"i --- I <eI1lfy that aU of the items or infonnation entered on this fonn are true llIld corr<ct (10 the best or my knowledge llIld beI1eI) llIld I undentand that the maklng or any willfuIl'aIse sta_ent or material fact herein will subject me 10 the provisions or the oenallaw relative 10 the maklng llIld filiog or l'aIse Instruments. !I BUYER BUYER'S AlTORNEY I . \ i i i I BUYERSIG S(+."l ()--c.C(JS]l,HA LAST NAME FIRST NAME RE DAte STRE::7~ER ":>i1.. -0, \; l\ }..i I " L( )oJ '-".: STREET NAME (AFTER SALE) AREA CODE <>JI L. P~'P(.ll I CIN:'P....4~LER ~,~ ELLER SIGNATURE . )J1 \(/72.." STATE ZlPCODE ~ f c;,/ 02 OATE )-1 f'rf2lt J'o 6<+ ~ TELEPHONE NUMBER , I .