HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12203 P 859 ,. '.~ ",'1st< S40 ~ 1 aoc 3 p 1;':5~[ T.. MIp (K....1t6timt th.t. loaD S<<. 102.00 ~1\ 02.00 liuiIU 006.004 . " .........s.t,~ HYllIl5.D.........._Doool....c-......_..........._...C. .....lSIoIIIt-omnu- COMiW.T YOUR ...........-u __'_I:<1l 'I11llj _TII\lM1H1'. Tllll'tI(jTlIIDUCOI'I'S1I01lLD__UIY LA_OICI.Y THlli INDEl'iTUKE. _ 1Il< I!lI!:TWl:I!1f +l 'I d~y of Aquae . In "')'01' 1002 L~tS L. EDSON reatd1ns at (No') Kltn Road. Cutchogull. It... York U935 . '-..l. ~' portyof Ill< Ii.... j>ln. IlIld COLD CUEK llUILDIIIC CD. COlU'. a Nev York CorporaUtnI badDl 11:. p1.ac.' of bwIt_ lOt 17 Stephani Ave., East '.rcho.ull, Hev York 11772 ,- I"'fly of I"" ....tIJ port. WlTNESSF.TIl,llIl>1 tlIc porty ofm. flnt pIII'l.lll ~ "Tea Dol_ IIIIlll adIicr...... '.-"OI.p1i14 bJlIlc pu1y of the J<<ond pan, <Iou herdI)i pDl.lIml rck:Ne _ m. f*\Y "","1CCOlld pon.1IIe hoin "II~ udlUiJlll of lhe potty of Iho ~pon r__. ALLlhiM <mal" pIai. '""" 0< poIiI(d oftmd. .wlIIllllc blliIdiapllillll ~_lII:teGn.-.s...... JrioI- bcIn& IiIIIlIIK at Cutchogu.., in the Town of Southold., Stet. of ... York. bo1ll1 ~ &IllI designated u allil by Lot 4 On a nrea!n ...bll1v1d01l up IUlcitle4. "SIlb41vllliOll tlep of Oeb-orahEelBO'll", which up .,.. f:l.1.d iJI elHl Office of t~ CIuk of tIHI CO"'llt)' of Suffolk 011 6/7/81 UDCIllr FUa IluUar 8537,~ l'CIl:~ .....,s "-- ",.. . .Rare of . BElliG AllD IN'i'EIilDED TO 8E /tile .... pr..uu c:omra1&d to tIHI arutal" hu'dn by Deed dated 1130/95. nc:cmIlld 6/28/95 iJI Llber 11130 cp "3. SUtlJECT 'to CovelUUlea and Raatr1c:tlonll .. auatlur<l '-nto all4 IIIoIIde . plln bueof. TOGli.THU_ ,.11 rl,&1lI. tlllc IIld illlCml, if ""7.011"" p;tl)' oflbollta pGIIl or. ill.... 1ft ..,__h...1iIoIUIIIa IIor; alloY. ~n bt4 p...mi.... to Ibo_li....lllcn:of;TOGEnuut willi lbo JCIlIWI ~1'I1Ild 1IIl1bc_ a41tP11 ""'" port, olIN: nr>! portUlW 10..... ...........;1'0 UAVIE ANDTOIlOLD liIeprlllllla.lIclei1I....__tllcpllllJ'dlllcc a=r.d 1""1. Ihe llei", ar.oec_ucI..mam 01 tile putyohllctaXllld pon r_. . /lND tho 1'""1 of tl1c; r_ p31l CCI_1IIIt tile pIIIy oIl111llta pon llIIlIllt ~ Ilf ~ U7IlWr& wIIIrdIy lIII uill pn:m.... h."" bu. i~ I. oay ~ '""*_. cxccpl. .lomrai&l. AND U1c pilil\y of Il1c 1111I port, i. ~.llll Srcliallll of 1lul,1.ia Law. _ I -1hIl dlIc pIIIy dtlle lltat pit! will ....,"..1l1c COJlI~l"'" fOr.tpLs~ ond willlMlld.rip ...1!Ctd.., lWI:l>~ldlr.lllv_elnlafUll..bu..l1c8 Ill'll lor 111< f""'I'O$<<if'p3yiDll'IIlc!:Oll of,lbc'..ljlrO"~- ...... will apply tIItIAnlDlltatta ..~dtlltl_dlllc i"'P""''''''''''' bdM,!'l"mc~kP.il1~Oi~ tGlJIloflbc..OIe foruyadlicr ~ Tho: word "P"'y~ """'lobc"""""""'...lClIlU<I~j>lniu. wb&_lbo_ar1llisillidCIIUlr..IO~" IN WITNESS WKFJtEOl'. lbo I"'fly of lbo f>n< put liD duly ...~.~ IlIis dcccIlbo 1/lI'lIt:1>lllta,p', . TtfLE NO; MKM..s.19203 SCHEOUL.B C- . " . ~D c..w>~ o+S(;a~lk.. ALL tM! certain plol,pillCc or parcel of land. whb the but . . lhcnloD ~ silUlle, lyingllnd being III CutcOOgue,Jn!be Town of S'......~I.t. laleofNew York.&eintl known and dcllignalt'd 0$ and by Lot 4 on a certain nbdivisiOll map _Icd. "Subdivision Map ofDtbornll Edson", which map was filed in the OfT_oCtho Clerk of !he Counly of Suffolk on 06107/88 under File Number 8537, being more particularly bounded Md d~ribcd. ...coMing 10 $aid map as follows: BEOINNlNG al a poinloll the n.orlbeaslen)' side ofDepollload, wIlcre thIl umc is inlersecred by !he division line between Lolli 4 and 5. Slid poinl &eiJIS diatln1ll36.01 feel northw~erly as measuredlllong the tIOI1healeli)'sidll ofOqlot RaId .from the: comer fomlOO by Un: intersectiem ofthll n.orthcrly side of Main R.o!Id and lIu: JJ~er!y side ofDepollWad; RUNNtNG THENCE Nooh 3S degrees 36 millUU:ll40 m:onds west aIoQIJlIJo northeaslerly :;ide of [)cpot Rood, 175.00 fcello 1110 divisiemlioe between Lots ;) and 4; THE.\lCe: North S I degr<<ll 00 minutC$ 30 seconds _ a~ 1110 IasI mlll\tiomld division line, 463.46 fjlCl!O the division line between Lols" and the land.s oew or formerly of Gr~ R. Edson; TH ENeE SoUth 38 dqrees S9minutos 30 &eConds tIISl along 1110 1111 ftIIlIIrionod division lioe, I ,]S.OO fcello the division line bc:l_ LoIs 4 and S; THENCE Soull1 S I dcg~ OOmimues 30 RCO/Ids 'WClIIl:&lOOl the 1aal mentioned divillion tine, 464.62 lccllO tho n.orlherly side orDepoI ROlId. the point orp1acc or BEGINNING. .. " - " "i " 7., , ,~ '~ COVENANTS IQd RESTRJCTrONS I. No dweUing Jnall be Cl\'lCted baymglea lban 1400 lIquare rectcm 1110 I.... Door imelior IivinglU'Ca. Each dwelling shall have allascment ofOlHlCRlC block or !I(lU'n:d t'Cmcnt. Each dwelling UmI1 haye lItIllUlIChed c.louble 8~ Ole: Dllttluu:c to which shall not (lICe die mad. , , " ' " 2, No aboyeground swimming pools shall be CRCtcd or nudnt.aincd on any Qrthll said WilL 3, All plsns and speci6cl:ltions for eonsuuctiDIIllhall be llUbject to IhII appmYDI ill writing of the dc:vdoper, whicb llpptOVaJ .11 not be unreuoDlb.ly wilhbcld. There shall be no installation 0(. "mobile-type" Oft IIIlY lot. 4, No comlDlll'Ci.IIl vcltick:$. fClCrcatiolllll yclUcJca, trailers. or Clllll\pDluhilll be kept ullg;maglXl on any lot. Afty boat be lItcrtll.l Oft lhc pn::ml_ il. be 1l0Rd lIlOllill Ihe rear line of die plol. i (not gIII'llged. . S, No more lh:ln two pets shall be mainlllinlld Oft dtc prom,- by ~ 101 owner, G, No fences. either' nalurlll or mlItI-mallc. shall be Cl\'lCted ornmrdainal 011 ~ lot In excess offollr (4) feel in height. Howovc:r, no fDIICC$ ~ Ihall be erected aT arown in that ~ of Ole: lh.mt .)'anJ of CIICh plot wbicb . farwanl of. line tstllblished by exlCndingll1c frontlillO of each house Ul-a tide line:: orlhc plot 7, No accumulatlorlll of rubbish. garbage, jl.lu or mIll!rials or my kiQd nil be permitted 10 _in on suid ptemiscs. No adva1llliJ!l8 ~ bilJlloan:q or Olhcr sign lIeviccll Gtutn be permitted on any of Aid IoU. exceplil'l& a devclaper's sip of relulOnablc dilllalSions, or II "for Sl/l.c", "fcT rcnl" or "profcssionlll Orra"siBJ'l not I~rget IlIIm 12" x 24"" 8, NQ sund, ~rth or sod shall be renlOved Iionl the premise. fit llKlIVIll.ioJI be llll(l~ 10 remain open thereon, exc:cplas muy be MCeSIa1'y duMa building construction periods. lndivicl.wlllot aracfillB shall be completed bc1Ore: oalUpIIIlC)'. After Clll1llilruction. lawn lIJ!Id lsndsClJpina sbaQ be ill.'l.tlllled IIIld m.lnIlIinod lherel'l ftCI' In an allfBCliVll manner. 111CSl: CovclUlnts and ReslriClions shl1lJ~pire Oft JWllll, 2022. ,~~,; ,. '. .~:. . :t..l ./f. ::' ~. ..' '. :: '. . ":;/<:'~:~I" . .. ~ ',.', '" , J. ",' , ;'.. '" ",' .;1"" ,': '. . "',,> '.,:j~~.' .~,.~~ "~~. "'; , . ~ - - -. " " . ... -~_...._Nl.wtl;lUsr...nONu; SUIIIIatNn ".....C0um:7.r s...ffoU ,..., Oftlhc 9 4rItJ'" ~t lllllle)'lllllr 2002 brIGre me. die ,"'lIIcnIi~......,.u, ~ Lftia L. U_ , ~lillOii IIJ IIIIC lit jwi:Md... ...._... !:IooIll d...~ hi...lObodlc....~.... 1InIlCtl)/iI.(!w)Milaltl.d10. \I!l!hIn.__._......I.~.t...IIlII...~_~ .... - I. IlIWaI'llleil' :IJ fllUIaI. II!lI ... I/lf ~ ~.lIJlM I--: _bIU'.'W,. dIi: JIl"IOIIIIplIII behIlrol'ioIllcIt..~...I.....)_lfdllw: 1-. ..rtGkoJ"'$ R~",~ ftl1-~ tJJ..,. W.SoQ~ C3. r:...~r::'r~ lJ"'..n.i'-t.;:l.-O'=' .- . ~_HII'\I hIIIM_lJalt'mllllN/nlf I'VAKS'IIIl'Il'OIIJ.r. tMw"'~L" . ...._~M ~'r,", r~ ............y....~.r ,.., Ool!le 4rItJ.. Ide)'C'llt IldoIlt me. IIIC tll!lblli.-.cd,.... '~l' lij.~t....d . dIf SlJt.lllilllo& Wib1l:lIsIOIlll! ~ I_LwlIh <M>om lam ~ly.... . ....\ wIIo, baIrlC I/lf me ut::r .-. did .""",II11II .." lIoIllDildllle, ....icIoW ill 11f1blt~"'ntftkJtult...~........mt___t', if..,.lItnriAlIoIl'~ -.00 II> ~ iIIc W.1iIIlII 6:scribcd ~ lIIlI ..... ~ tile r...,.,... ~~.... a1d__"''IIIIlrleu_pmtntllllll_lIIIiiI _ tile _l1li lIoIl..w.....llIlb11_llmoIlIIIIIlalll<d ~lIlIIIIIMlIIIan---. ~.1I.Wl1lall . "",,.~"'CI'III'1'''IiIJ~Ji!..M:II TMANo. ~\". S. f 'f1.d Leul. L. I4aon 'to Gold Croke ....tld1rla Co. COTp. . M.K.M. ABSTRACT SE1Mce, t!'4C. 238 M1NEOlABOUtEVAAO MINEOIA N.V. lUiOl (516) 142-4700 ~~__.rfT1flliNli."I'IMKST..TEONu; SUlllloI'Hcw ".....Ccw.t1a1' I..., Onllle: clayol' In IIle yew bcIiIII:_illc~i.ocd.~~~ ~~IO""O<~io""''''''''''__at_'; ~lOklhe~'l_""""'(Sl iI (lI'tlm.:ribodlOlIe - '- l1li ~ co"'" Ih:It hc:I!ihoIIbcy clIIICwd Lhe ... in lIlaIIH:rAIldr ~l. !WI 'IQ b,. ~ ~l 0Il1bo I........"".. Ihe indiivid..lQil. .. lbe ~ """" IIOhaIt or wIIicIi dIc inlIlvldlnl(l.l..-l. ~ IlIe ___ lIa;/'(1llrUIfIJCM'M'J'D1w -~~NKIl'I'VAKS'IIImo.\'U! fCt.H1(_..IF."",.Gm.mI~""'_~1 ..I..., ",.,.","'._,._-....."...,..., IC.........l'..... ....._, C-.y. "-",, '" 1<-<1>"1", On die .,0/' ,. dIi:_ ""r;"",""'.tllc_~.~I)o'~ fU'II'lIII1 ~ II) "'" or pIO><d II> "'" on the ~ d ~"r~ ~l/)botllclld\'id...I(.)~""""'I.)io(....l~lO:he ........--__~OOmcN"""""""'''..,..~ed 1bo_..h~_il1lia}.1h:It byl>","","hi.~) m tllc --.1Ilc lodividld/(l}. Ollie __"1>0" l:IcWt d whiclI tllcllld~lICIe4.t~Il><u._nl,_LhII_jl'lllll_1 modr _ .........._ "'*"" Il>r ~&""" i. (be r-""'.:try",~~",UIbJI.,,_ """,,,. :1IdIf:m'''--:<W udia~ 1M ~",...u..... tul..j. , 0m1I1Cl' I IIb'O Sa:oo,,, 1.0'l.. av 8I.Dol II'!. en .. , 1m 006> 00.. CWIIlY 011 TCI\lI1'i S.....,... ....:. ~ff:OIl.fJED~rR(lUUror F'IddIf ~ 'l'lllc............~,. tltHcwY<<1I tl11lJRN BY lWl. TV ,. ~ ....stil I 1\1 fICSO~" ~, '1...._ 11It~ "" '3:1'\1"t~ AM I"S'", I I , R I '~ I I I: i - , . . " . ' . 1;- 2 1 Num""'o,f~ TORIUI'lS e;- ~ 2Oll2 ~ 16111'1"138 SlIt EIMtnI P.IlcNtn. a.m: OF liU'FWC l.:I:lMV l 000012203 Pll59 on~ s.ooll Cetllrtnl:t' _ "o",{\( ~ Un:d I Mort~.l!;. 1~1ruuwlll DrnII ~T.. SW.., fmiS R_dilq I fllilq Slab,,,, . "... I mine ('. CttlillC<d COJIY Rea. Cup)' Othe. Sub TOIII 10( ~Aull. 1,IlIIkTu Z. luldlliMll ra Sib ToIIII SflocJJqSH. Or Sr<<. JI\4W. TIT!". MlU. TAX l)unl T_ 0uIl Coon.)' T:;ern;a:PrM-'~~ I\tlmfiun Tu _ 1110 P"IPC'lY CWN.ft'd b'; Ill.. n.l)IIplC' if III II1lJ1 he IIM",ulIcd by a '"'II >If lWei ram iI)' dwcIlltq<1ftly. YI$ Ol'NO Ir NO, fee IIfpnlprllllc tax cllw", "" JIIIll<III _atlhi&illIllUllllelll.. II.1Ad1ln,l TI"SfH , . "'_cion 1JA..52 17 (C_y) l,'A'5217{SllOiJol _ 511b1'0llIl CIImm. I>f lid 5~ 1lI',1'.&1\. ?Jr- _ Mfd.vi, <lRJ\NOTO'l'^I. R.., l'mpc::tIy TlIl~ ~ Asm:>' Vcrif.....illu llisl Sed"", n lock !AI .. -.---- 6 Ctmmnullly ,JNIICf'vulillll 1'\11141 Comlldcmlicm ^mou..l $ 200..,000.00 C"'I' 'I'M OLKI S 2,500.00 S1""1p 02029310 1000 10200 0200 006004 :.. ~ -;1 SIIi:lilKliollsIDisdlllI'llUlKeIllUCll4lM'I'ropIltlY'Vw'M:ta .....m.., AddN ...:J IU1.C01Ul '" RETURN TO: . . bnpmrcd aranl1.lad X 'IV ) () TO TO Jakubowski, RobertS'(lQ & Goldulth, EIIqll. 969 JeTicho Turrtpik~ St, Jame.. NY 111S0 AUn: Mark Gold$.lldth. Esq. ~ M Title Com....' rnronn811lm Cu. NalllOl MKM Ab.tcoc:t Senlc.. Inc. 'I'IIIc1l It""" $-' ..0) Suffolk COWlt Recordin & Endorsement Pa e 'Ihis poac forn~ iW\ ,.r ilY.: lllLllcl lI:\l Ilugd.. . Slob !:leed lnl"" ltj,~ (SI'EClI'Y TVl'f! OIllNSmUMEl'lf I L.....ts L . Edllol'l 'll~ prallises lterclllls 1Iiltl;llt'd ill SUPH)J.K COUNn', NllW YfJRK. "U Cold Creek ~uildin& Co. Corp. 1111111: lQv.nlIhip ",r Soutbold In 1111: VlUAClE "'r HAMIl~r of ~tcholU. OOXES S '111RU 9 MUST IW; TYPe) OR lltlNTElJ IN IlIACK INK 0Nt. V I'RIOI~ TO REOJROfNCi OR HUNG, lOVeRl . IWIIIIII~lllIlllllllmIIIIlID~~11 Immlm~11111 StJl'J'OLJ: CO'O'iN'l'Y CLBU UCORDS OJTICB RBCORDDlG PAGS ~a of Z:natrUllMmt. DBiWs/1'.lDU WulIIber of lIage.1 5 7'RANSJ'D TAX mnmul 02.02564 hcocded; Atl LIBlDb PAGS: 08/1&/ll002 0'''5'.38 _ >>00012203 859 District; 1000 Sactlonl Block; 102.00 02.00 UAJiWIIBI) um CIIAiU~iW AS fOLLOWS $200,000.00 Loti 001.004 Deed. .l'ulIoW:It I Re<::eived the Following Fa,.., por J.))ova %JUltz:umaDt XX.-pt 50 lhDdliDg 50 &11'8 smlCU'tJ 50 ar..~ m Cart. . COpies m SCD: 50 CC:Illm.'ra ..... PuIS '15.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 J]O.OO $800.00 $5.00 '15.00 $25.00 $0.00 to.OO 12.500.00 Il..OS.OO b'T i~t BO BO NO Il1O NO Jm Page/PIUng COil 1l1t.-C'l'Y '1'P-584 RPT "trlUUl f at: tax Tll.AJI8I'D TAX Jil"tlI1CDlim. 02-02564 'flUS PAID %$ It. PUT OP 'l'1ilB ~ Bdwa1:cI lI.II'--II:I.. COw:lty Clerk. ElUffolll: Cowl!;,)' ". . .. ~..... PLEASE TY"E;.oif~EssmML Y WHew WRITING ON FORivI-- INSTRUCTIONS: htlp:// WV\IW:orpfstat~.II~ or PHONE (518) 473-7222 ...:: ,.,. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW v'OIIK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERlY SERVICES RP - 5217 RP-S211 Rev JIfJ'T 1. Prope.rty I Location O(pJr L.- A f-c' STREET NUMBER STREET NAME (....1 'C (-\'V C \..L- fl q,) CITY OR TOWN VILLAGE ZIP CODE 2. Buyer Name ~l.O C. (lUI' LAST NAME f COMPANY (<,"1 L Pi,., <:..0 CM (vi' FIRST NAME LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME 3. Tax Indicate where future Tax Bills are to be sent Billing if other than buyer address (at bottom of form) Address LAST NAME f COMPANY FIRST NAME STREET NUMBER AND STREET NAME CITY OR TOWN STATE ZIP CODE ... Indicate the'number of Assessment Roll parcels transferred on the deed 5. Deed Property Size ((l{l.j.. I X I FRONT FEET DEPTli lOR I 'ACRES' . (Only if Part of a Parcel) Check as they apply: 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists 0 ~. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer 0 4C. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided D # of Parcels OR D Part of a Parcel 6. Seller Name f:o.O)<J,J LAST NAME I COMPANY L.", (Vi ~ l FIRST NAME LAST NAME f COMPANY FIRST NAME , 7 . Check the box below which most accurately describes the UIHt of the property at the time of sale: ~. A One Family Residential B , 2 or 3 Family Residential C Residential Vacant Land c/ D Non-Residential Vacant Land E~A9riCultural F Commercial G Apartment H Entertainment I Amusement I ~ Community Service J Industrial K Public Service L Forest Check the boxes below as they apply: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium 9. New Construction on Vacant Land 10A. Property Located within an Agricultural District 108. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating' that the property is in an Agricultural District D D D D .-~~ 6 1"\ Ol 11. Sale Contract Date I I Month Day Yaa, 12. Date of Sale I Transfer S I " I c., <- Moo'" Day Year 15. Check one or more of these conditions 8S appIicab&e to transfer: A B C D E F G H I J Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Business One of the Buyers is also a Seller Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Below) Sale of Fractional or Less than Fee Interest (Specify Below) Significant Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price her Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) None ;;)0000... t~t=lt"SalePrice " I I I 10 I 0 I - ". (fun Sale Price is the total amount paid for the property including personal property. This payment may be in the form of cash, other property or goods, or the assumption of mortgages or other obligations.) Please round to the nearest whole doffar amount. 14. Indicate ~e value ~ personal I I , I I I' I 0, 0 I 0 I ~~... 16. Year of Assessment Roll from I 0 L 17. Total Assessed Value (of all parcels in transfer)l which information taken ; ; \ b (j 0 ; 18. Property Class J I I , , I-LJ 19. School District Name I \ G"tm I I (Jl. ell.> I 07.cr\> F., ' , , ,/ "ol;. OO~, 5"O....i\'; OLI) /" /OL--2~-~'lf 20. Tax Map Identifier!s) I Rollldentifierlslltf more than four. attach sheet with additional identifierls)) \ i'i) I ~ , '",~' , I certify that 'au of the items,of infonoation entered on this form are true and correct (to the best or my knowledge and belief) and I understand that the making of any wiIIful'faIse statement of material fact herein will subject me to the Drovisions of the nenallaw relative to the making and filing of false instruments. BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY hoCb~." in fl1 N~ LAST NAME FIRST NAME b3 ( .3Go OVDO AREA CODE TELEPHONE NUMBER \ I) "S"LP', 1\ ,.:\ p.1,..\: STREET NUMBER $TREETNAME 1AFTER SALE) l~. r !lTc.,,,,, L' }J':< II/)t CITY OR TOWN STATE ZlPCOoe / / ~. //~.. ../. . ,/ pj/( s/ '\Io\.- DATE' .z:? ~ilLER SIGNATURE '""''''''''''c.