HomeMy WebLinkAboutArshamomaque Pond Preserve . Management Plan for the Arshamomaque Pond Preserve INTRODUCTION On December 20,2000, the Town of Southold acquired title to a 23.8-acre parcel (SCTM#1000-56-l-6) on Arshamomaque Pond (Mill Creek), on the north side of Route 25, in Southold, from Robert Sutermeister and others, for $400,000. On January 10, 2002, the Town purchased an adjoining 1.3-acre parcel (SCTM#1000-56-4-l6), from Andrew Aurichio for $60,000. On December 17, 2003, the Town of Southold purchased 2 adjoining parcels from the John Q. Adams Revocable Trust (SCTM#1000-56-l-8.l & SCTM#1000-56-l-l0) totaling 27.7 acres, increasing the Arshamomaque Pond Preserve to 52.9 acres. DESCRIPTION . The Arshamomaque Pond Preserve is located in the Town of South old, on the north side of Route 25, in the hamlet of South old. The property has over 2,200 feet of shoreline frontage on Arshamomaque Pond. The property encompasses pristine woodlands and tidal saltmarsh meadows, vernal freshwater ponds and wetlands. Several open grassland and shrub land areas are also evident on the property. The Arshamomaque Pond area is home to several nesting pairs of osprey and one of South old Town's most productive shellfish (hard clams) areas. Arshamomaque Pond is 167 acres in size and has access to Southold Bay. The property is visible from the bridge linking Arshamomaque Pond and Southold Bay and its uninhabited shoreline is a critical part of the environmentally sensitive fish and wildlife habitat. The property is part of the Long Island Pine Barrens Maritime Reserve and is listed for protection because of it exceptional scenic, biological and recreational resources. This unique natural complex ranks as one of the most valuable and productive coastal and marine ecosystems and centers on the Peconic Bays, a federally designated Natural Estuary. The Nature Conservancy has recognized this maritime reserve, as a world-class resource and on of the "Last Great Places". The Arshamomaque Pond Preserve is included in the New York State Open Space Plan, the Long Island Pine Barrens Maritime Reserve, and the Peconic Bay Maritime Reserve and part of the federally designated National Estuary Program. The Arshamomaque Pond Preserve is representative of the classic, unspoiled Peconic Bay ecosystem at its best, with a relatively unspoiled and undisturbed coastal estuarine ecosystem. The dirt farm road and some of the open grasslands areas on the property are . the only evidence of disturbance by man. Areas such as the Arshamomaque Pond . Preserve are becoming rate on Long Island and provide habitat for a diversity of fish and wildlife species. In 1984, this area was included in the New York State Significant Fish and Wildlife Habitat Program and the pond is also considered an important recreational area for small boats, kayaks and sailboats. Many wading birds, ducks, shorebirds and osprey feed in this area or use the area during winter migration. The area is especially significant as a feeding area for herons, egrets and ibis, which nest on Plum Island. Arshamomaque Pond (Mill Creek) is an important wintering area in Southold Town. Winter surveys of waterfowl show concentrations of black ducks, mergansers, buffleheads, goldeneye, mallards and Canada geese, in the pond. The Management Plan calls for the construction of additional osprey nesting platforms to built on the site. The shellfish resources (clams, scallops, blue claw crabs) are significant to commercial and recreational harvesters. The diamondback terrapin, on the NYSDEC list of species of "special concern" are often seen in the pond during the summer months. Arshamomaque Pond also serves as a significant ecological nursery and feeding area for many estuarine fish species and is an important spawning area for weakfish, winter flounder and scup. Some of the plant communities at the Arshamomaque Pond Preserve are as follows: Saltmarsh . Spartina alterniflora (Saltmarsh Cordgrass) Spartina patens (Saltmarsh Hay) Distichlis spicata (Spikegrass) Salicornia spp. (Saltworts) Coniferous Forest (Small stand) Pinus strobes (White Pine) Mixed Hardwood Forest Quercus spp. (White, Post, Black Oaks) (Q. alba, Q. stellata, Q. velutina, Q. illicifolia) Carya glabra (Pignut Hickory) Acer rubrum (Red Maple) An inventory of the flora found on the preserve (2004) is attached. CULTURAL HISTORY Arshamomaque, Hashamommock, Hashamommuck, Hashamomack, Arshamonoque and Arshamomuck are some of the spellings found in local documents for this area. The "most common" spelling is Arshamomaque. . Even before the Town of Southold was founded in 1640, adventures from England, by way of the West Indies and what is now North Carolina found their way up to this fiefdom ofthe Earl of Stirling. Stirling, a favorite of the King (Charles I), was granted all . of Long Island and its adjacent islands. Through his friend and agent, James Farrett, Sterling sold or rented land in order to encourage colonization. According to former Southold Town Historian Wayland Jefferson, Matthew Sinderland, received a deed from Farrett for the lands around Arshamonaque on June 18, 1639. Among the other settlers of Arshamomaque were the Salmons, the Ryders, the Conklins and the Bennetts. This area, across from Shelter Island, was attractive because of its natural resources, lofty oak trees for masts and barrel staves, tall pines for turpentine (some of these tall pines are still found on the site) and a particularly fine clay for brick making. When there was no longer wealth to be extracted from the swamp pine, the land proved ideal for rural settlement. The west side of the creek offered a safe harbor for vessels and furnished power from a windmill. Originally the creek was called Thomas Benedict's Creek, after a first settler and miller by trade and later shortened to Tom's Creek. For over two hundred years the waters in the charmel-way turned millstones thus giving the name Mill Creek that, along with Arshamomaque Pond, are use interchangeably today. The whole eastern terrain was a vast clay deposit and the reason so many vernal ponds are found in the area. The Arshamomaque Pond Preserve is northwest of site of the old Sage and Sanford brickyards. . The shores of the creek produced a heavy crop of creek-thatch, the most important fodder for cattle at this period. It should be noted that hay was not indigenous to this part of the country and was not grown on Long Island until nearly two hundred years later. For the modem farmers viewpoint the presence of so many swamps and marshy pieces of land would constitute a detriment. Not so to the men of the 17th and 18th century. Flax and flax seed became the chief money crop and these wet places were essential in the preparation of flax for the weaver. SITE CONSERV A nON AND MANAGEMENT GOALS The Arshamomaque Pond Preserve shall remain in its open, natural and scenic state and be reserved for nature trails. The purpose of the trail system is to allow visitors the opportunity to experience the natural beauty of the site. The trails will provide public access, without jeopardizing the existing resources. The trail system was marked out from the existing farm road that ran through the property and is laid out in a marmer that provides a safe recreational opportunity for visitors and will be resource compatible. The trails will be designed, constructed and maintained according to the standards of the USDA Forest Service specifications. The trailhead, located on Route 25, has a covered kiosk to display a map of the preserve, the trail system and the natural features on the site. . . Several small markers will be located along the trail to highlight the various flora and fauna communities that are found on the preserve. The hiking trails will be unpaved and cleared in a manner sensitive to the environmental resources. All trimming along the trails will be done with flush cuts and all material shall be placed with the cut ends away from the trail in order to minimize the appearance and impact or hauled away. Several small areas that are now shrub lands may be restored to open fields to provide a more diverse wildlife habitat. In addition, the area around the several small vernal ponds should be cleared of deadfall and debris. The Town of Southold has constructed a small stone blend parking area for 3 or 4 cars and installed a timber fence to prevent vehicles from driving on the property. The existing trail loop that runs through the property has been marked with trail signs and the trails are brush hogged and trimmed, as needed, to keep them clear and open. The Southold Town Department of Public Works checks the trail periodically and removes litter and any fallen trees from the path. Any planting on the site will be native species. . The public assess to the Arshamomaque Pond Preserve will be from dawn to dusk, 365 days a year and will provide opportunities for the public to enjoy passive recreation such as walking, photography, bird watching and the quiet contemplation of nature, being careful to prevent degradation of natural communities and wetland areas. The Southold Community Preservation Committee will explore the feasibility of hunting opportunities on the property, as part of an overall management strategy for all Town properties. The Arshamomaque Pond Preserve will be maintained in its natural state, except for such foot trails and property maintenance activities as may be appropriate, without impairing the Preserve's natural character. MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES In order to achieve the above management goals, the Town of Southold, at its discretion, may implement some or all of the following strategies: . 1. Develop and maintain a foot-trail system to provide opportunities for passive recreation such as bird watching, photography and nature study. The trail system will give special attention to: 1) preventing degrading of tidal wetlands; 2) minimizing human disturbance to native plants and animals; 3) controlling . unauthorized uses such as mountain bikes, off-road vehicles and dumping; 4) disturbance to neighbors. 2. Use the USDA Forest Service specifications as a guide for trail construction and maintenance. 3. Establish an Oversight Committee to determine the rules and regulations of the Preserve. CONCLUSION If carefully protected and maintained, the Arshamomaque Pond Preserve will continue to provide a high-quality recreational, educational, ecological and aesthetic resource for the public to enjoy. Up-dated: December 7,2004 . . . Arshamomaque Pond Preserve . Flora & Fauna Inventory Cornell Cooperative Extension . . Flora List for Arshamomaaue Pond Preserve Aceraceae (Maple Family) (J Acer negundo Box Elder (J Acer platanoides Norway Maple (J Acer rubrum Red Maple Anacardiaceae (Sumac Family) (J Rhus copallinum Dwarf or Winged Sumac (J Rhus glabra Smooth Sumac (J Toxicodendron radicans Poison Ivy Aniaceae (Carrot Family) (J Daucus carota Queen Anne's Lace; Wild Carrot Aauifoliaceae (Holly Family) (J !lex opaca American Holly AscleDidaceae (Milkweed Family) (J Asclepias incarnata Swamp Milkweed . (J Asclepias syriaca Common Milkweed Asteraceae (Aster Family) (J Achillea millefolium Common Yarrow (J Ambrosia artemisiifolia Ragweed (J Arctium minus Lesser Burdock (J Artemisia vulgaris Mugwort (J Baccharis halimifolia Groundsel-tree (J Bidens frondosa Devils's Beggartick (J Cirsium vulgare Bull Thistle (J Eupatorium perfoliatum Thoroughwort; Boneset (J Hieracium venosum Rattlesnake Weed (J lvafrlltescens High-tide Bush; Saltmarsh-elder (J Lactllca serriola Prickly Lettuce (J Leontodon alltllmnalis Fall Dandelion (J Mikania scandens Climbing Hempweed . (J Solidago sempervirens Seaside Goldenrod . 0 Symphyotrichum tenuifolium Perennial Salt-marsh Aster 0 Taraxacum officinale Common Dandelion Balsaminaceae (Touch-Me-Not Family) 0 Impatiens capensis Jewelweed Berberidaceae (Barberry Family) 0 Berberis thunbergii Japanese Barberry Betnlaceae (Birch Family) 0 Betula lenta Black/Sweet Birch 0 Betula populifolia Gray Birch Brassicaceae (Mustard Family) 0 Alliaria petiolata Garlic Mustard 0 Brassica rapa Field Mustard; Rape 0 Lunaria annua Money-Plant Caorifoliaceae (Honeysuckle Family) 0 Lonicera japonica Japanese Honeysuckle . 0 Viburnum acerifolium Maple-Leaf Viburnum 0 Viburnum dentatum var. lucidum Southern Arrowwood Celastraceae (Bittersweet Family) 0 Celastrus orbiculatus Asian Bittersweet Chenooodiaceae (Goosefoot Family) 0 Salicornia maritima Slender Glasswort; Saltwort 0 Salicornia sp. Pickleweed Clethraceae (Clethra Family) 0 Clethra alnifolia Coastal Sweet Pepperbush Commelinaceae (Spiderwort Family) 0 Commelina communis Asian Dayflower Cuoressaceae (Cypress Family) 0 Junipents virginiana Eastern Red Cedar Cvoeraceae (Sedge Family) 0 Carex stricta Upright Sedge . 0 Cyperus sp. Flat Sedge ~ . Dennstaedtiaceae (Bracken Fern Family) 0 Pteridium aquilinum Bracken DrvoDteridacae (Wood Fern Family) 0 Onoc/ea sensibilis Sensitive Fern 0 Polystichum acrostichoides Christmas Fern Elaeal!DaCeae (Oleaster Family) 0 Elaeagnus umbe/lata Autumn Olive Ericaceae (Heath Family) 0 Kalmia latifolia Mountain Laurel 0 Rhododendron viscosum Swamp Azalea 0 Vaccinium angustifolium Low-bush Blueberry 0 Vaccinium corymbosum High-bush Blueberry Fabaceae (pea Family) 0 Robinia pseudoacacia Black Locust 0 Trifolium pratense Red Clover . 0 Trifolium repens White Clover 0 Vicia cracca Bird Vetch Fal!aceae (Beech Family) 0 Fagus grandifolia American Beech 0 Quercus alba White Oak 0 Quercus ilicifolia ScrublBear Oak 0 Quercus ste /lata Post Oak 0 Quercus velutina Black Oak Geraniaceae (Geranium Family) 0 Geranium maculatum Spotted Geranium Hamameliaceae (Witch Hazel Family) 0 Hamamelis virginiana Witch Hazel JUl!landaceae (Walnut Family) 0 Carya alba Mockernut Hickory 0 Carya cordiformis Bitternut Hickory . , . Juncaceae (Rush Family) 0 Juncus gerardii Black Rush 0 .funcus sp. Rush 0 Juncus tenuis Old Path Rush Lauraceae (Laurel Family) 0 Sassafras albidum Sassafras Liliaceae (Lily Family) 0 Allium canadense Wild Garlic 0 Maianthemum canadense Canada Mayflower 0 Maianthemum racemosa False Solomon's Seal Lvthraceae (Loosestrife Family) 0 Decodon verticil/atus Waterwillow; Swamp Loosestrife Malvaceae (Mallow Family) 0 Hibiscus moscheutos Crimson-eyed Rose-mallow 0 Hibiscus moscheutos ssp. moscheutos Swamp Rose-mallow . MonotroDaceae (Indian Pipe Family) 0 Monotropa uniflora Indian Pipe; Corpse-plant Mvricaceae (Bayberry Family) 0 Morella pensylvanica Northern Bayberry Nvssaceae (Sour Gum Family) 0 Nyssa sylvatica Blackgum; Tupelo Oleaceae (Olive Family) 0 Ligustrum vulgare Privet Osmundaceae (Royal Fern Family) 0 Osmunda cinnamomea Cinnamon Fern Oxalidaceae (Wood-Sorrel Family) 0 Oxalis stricta Yellow Wood Sorrel Pinaceae (pine Family) 0 Pinus strobus White Pine 0 Pinus thunbergiana Japanese Black Pine . . . Plantal!:inaceae (plantain Family) 0 Plantago major Common Plantain Plumbal!:inaceae (Leadwort Family) 0 Limonium carolinianum Sea Lavender Poaceae (Grass Family) 0 Andropogon virginicus Broomsedge 0 Dichanthelium clandestinum Deer-Tongue Grass 0 Distichlis spicata Spikegrass 0 Panicum virgatum Switchgrass 0 Phragmites australis Common Reed 0 Schizachyrium scoparium Little Bluestem Grass 0 Spartina alterniflora Smooth Cordgrass 0 Spartina patens Saltmeadow Cordgrass Polvl!:onaceae (Buckwheat Family) 0 Polygonum cuspidatum Japanese Knotweed . 0 Polygonum pensylvanicum Pensylvania Smartweed 0 Rumex acetosa Garden Sorrel 0 Rumex crispus Curly Dock Pvrolaceae (ShinleafFamily) 0 Chimaphila maculata Striped or Spotted Wintergreen Rosaceae (Rose Family) 0 Amelanchier sanguinea Round-leaved Serviceberry 0 Fragaria vesca Woodland Strawberry 0 Malus sp. Apple; Crabapple 0 Prunus serotina Wild Black Cherry 0 Rosa multiflora Multiflora Rose 0 Rosa palustris Swamp Rose 0 Rubus hispidus Bristly Dewberry 0 Rubus sp. Brambles, Blackberry, Raspberry Salicaceae (Willow Family) . 0 Populus tremuloides Quaking Aspen r . . . Smilaceae (Catbrier Family) o Smilax glauca o Smilax rotundifolia SDhalmaceae (peat Moss Family) o Sphagnum sp. ThelvDteridaceae (Marsh Fern Family) o Thelypteris palustris Tiliaceae (Linden Family) o Tilia americana Cat Greenbrier Roundleaf Greenbrier; Bullbrier Sphagnum Moss Marsh Fern American Basswood; Linden Vitaceae (Grape Family) o Parthenocissus qUinquefolia o Vilis labrusca Virginia Creeper Fox Grape / . Faunal List for Arshamomaque Pond Preserve Common Name Mammals Opossum Raccoon Red Fox Eastem Cottontail Grey Squirrel S. Flying Squirrel Star Nosed Mole Short tailed Shrew Little Brown Bat Big Brown Bat Feral Cat White Footed Mouse Deer Mouse Muskrat White Tailed Deer Reptiles and Amphibians Snapping turtle Box Turtle E. Painted Turtle Diamondbacked Terrapin Spotted Turtle Garter Snake Brown Snake N. Water Snake E. Hognose Snake Milk Snake Ring-Necked Snake Red Backed Salamander Red Spotted Newt Peeper Scientific Name Didelphis mersupialis Procyon lotor Vulpes vulpes Sylivagus f10ridanus Sciurus carolinensis G/aucomys volans Condylura cristata Blarina Bravicauda Myotis lucificus Eptesicus fuscus Felis domestica Peromyscus leucopus Peromyscus maniculatus Ondatra zibethica Odocoileus virginianus Chelydra serpentina Terrapine carolina carolina Chrysemys picta picta Malaclemys terrapin terrapin Clemmys guttata Thamnophis sirtalis sirta/is Storeria dekayi dekayi Nerodia sipedon Heterodon plat/minos Lampropeltis trIangulum Diadophis punctatus edwardsii Plethodon cinereus Notophthalmus virirJescens Pseudacris crucifer Season YR YR YR YR YR YR YR YR SP,SU SP,SU YR YR YR YR YR SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU SP, SU SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU . . 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Faunal List for Arshamomaque Pond Preserve Common Name Grey Tree Frog Green Frog Southern Leopard Frog American Toad Fowlers Toad Birds American Crow Fish Crow Blue Jay American Robin Eastern Bluebird Wood Thrush Red-Bellied Woodpecker Downy Woodpecker Hairy Woodpecker N. Flicker Black-Capped Chickadee Tufted Titmouse Dark-Eyed Junco Yellow-Rumped Warbler Northern Cardinal Ring Necked Pheasant Ruffed Grouse Bobwhite Quail Canada Goose Black Duck Mallard Wood Duck Double Crested Cormorant Great Blue Heron Great Egret Scientific Name Hyla versicolor Rana clam/tans Rana sphenocephala Buto american us Bufo fowler! Corvus brachyrllynchos Corvus ossitragus Cyanocitta cristata Turdus migratorius S/afia siafis Hylocichla mustelina Melanerpes carotinus Picoides pubescens Plcoides villosus Colaptes auratus Parus atricapillus Parus bicolor Junco hyamalis Dendroica coronata Cardinatis cardinalis Phaslanus colch/cus Bonasa umballus Coli/nus virginianus Branta canadensis Anas rubripes Anas platyrhynchos Aix sponsa Phalacrocorax auritus Ardea herodias Ardea alba Season SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU YR YR YR YR SP,SU SP,SU YR SP,SU YR YR YR YR YR YR YR YR SP,SU YR YR YR YR SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU . . URL LINK htlo:/Iwww.nowrc.usas.aov/narcam/idauide/hvlavers.htm htlo://www.nowrc.usas.aov/narcam/idauide/bronze.htm htlo:/ /www.nowrc.usas.aov/narcam/idauide/ranaut.htm htlo://www.nowrc.usas.aov/narcam/idauide/american.htm htlo:/ /www.nowrc.usas.aov/narcam/idauide/bfowl.htm htlo://www.mbr-owrc.usas.aov/id/framlsl/i4880id.html htlo:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aov/id/framlsl/i4900id.html htlo://www.mbr-owrc.usas.aov/id/framlsl/i4770id.htm I htlo://www.mbr-owrc.usas.aov/id/framlst/i761 Did.htm I htlo:/ /www.mbr-owrc.usas.aov/id/framlst/i7660id.html htlo://www.mbr-owrc.usas.aov/id/framlsl/i7550id.html htlo://www.mbr-owrc.usas.aov/id/framlsl/i4090id.html htlo:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aov/id/framlst/i3940id.html htlo://www.mbr-owrc.usas.aov/id/framlst/i393Did.htm I htlo://www.mbr-owrc.usas.aov/id/framlsl/i4120id.html htlo:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aov/id/framlsl/i7350id.html htlo://www.mbr-owrc.usas.aov/id/framlsl/i731Did.html htlo:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aov/id/framlsl/i567Did.html htlo:/ /www.mbr-owrc.usas.aov/id/framlst/i6550id.html htlo://www.mbr-owrc.usas.aov/id/framlsl/i5930id.html htlo:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aov/id/framlsl/i3091id.html htlo:/ /www.mbr-owrc.usas.aov/id/framlsl/i300Did.htm I htlo:/ /www.mbr-owrc.usas.aov/id/framlsl/i2890id.htm I htlo:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aov/id/framlsl/i1720id.htm I htlo://www.mbr-owrc.usas.aov/idiframlsl/i1330id.html htlo://www.mbr-owrc.usas.aov/id/framlst/i1320id.html htto://www.mbr-owrc.usas.aov/id/framlst/i1440id.html htto://www.mbr-owrc.usas.aov/id/framlsl/i1200id.html htto:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aov/id/framlsl/i1940id.html htto:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aov/id/framlst/i1960id.html . Faunal List for Arshamomaque Pond Preserve Common Name Snowy Egret WhippoOlwill Common Nighthawk Belted Kingfisher Red-Tailed hawk American Kestrel Northern Harrier Sharp-Shinned Hawk Cooper's Hawk Osprey Great Homed Owl Eastem Screech Owl Scientific Name Egretta thula Caprimulgus vociferus Chordeilus minor Ceryle alcyan Buteo jamaicensis Falco sparverius Circus cyaneus Accipiter striatus Accipiter cooperii Pandion haliaetus Bubo virginianus Otus asio Season SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU YR YR SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU YR YR . . URL LINK htto:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aov/id/framlsUi1970id.html htto:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aov/id/framlsUi4170id.html htto:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovlid/framlsUi4200id.htm I htto:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovlid/framlsUi3900id.htm I htto:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aov/id/framlsUi3370id.html htto:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovlid/framlsUi3600id.html htto:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovlid/framlsUi331 Oid.html htto:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovlid/framlsUi3320id.html htto:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovlid/framlsUi3330id.html htto:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aov/id/framlsUi3640id.html htto:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovlid/framlsUi3750id.html htto:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aov/id/framlstli3730id.html . Arshamomaque Pond Preserve Maps & Trail Guides . . . Welcome to the Arshamomaque Pond Preserve 63445 Main Road (Route 25), Southold, NY 2/10 of a mile east ofthe Port of Egypt Marina on the north side of the road . Arsbamomaque woodland trail. Trail Guide The Town of Southold purchased this parcel as part of the Arshamomaque Preservation Plan. This property is part of the Long Is/and Pine Barrens Maritime Reserve and is listed for protection because of its exceptional scenic, biological and recreational resources. This unique natural complex ranks as one of the most valuable and productive coastal and marine ecosystems remaining in the nation. It centers on the Peconic Bays, a federally designated National Estuary. . The Nature Conservancy has recognized this maritime reserve as a world-class resource and one of the "Last Great Places". The Arshamomaque Pond Preserve contains a rich assortment of wildlife in its woodlands, open meadows, vernal ponds and tidal wetlands. . The Preserve has over 2,200 feet of shoreline frontage on Arshamomaque Pond (a.k.a. Mill Creek). Trailhead Originally the creek was called Thomas Benedict's Creek, after a first settler and miller by trade and later shortened to Tom's Creek. For over two hundred years the waters in the channel-way (railroad bridge) turned millstones thus giving the name Mill Creek that, along with Arshamomaque Pond, are used interchangeably today. Please look both ways and hold the hands of young children when crossing the Long Island Railroad Tracks as you proceed north into the Arshamomaque Pond Preserve. Os~rey Overlook This short trail spur will give visitors the opportunity to watch osprey as they patrol the skies over Arshamomaque Pond in search of fish in the waters below. Several nests are located around Arshamomaque Pond and the birds are found on site from mid March to October. . Many shorebirds, ducks, herons, egrets and ibis also feed in the wetlands and pond. Ferns & Vernal Ponds The Arshamomaque area is known for the particularly fine clay that was used fOJ brick making. The Sage and Sanford Brickyards produced millions of bricks during the period from 1887 to 1939. The soil in the Preserve is rich in clay and humus that temporarily holds water, thereby creating many vernal ponds and seasonally wet areas that are ideal for the ferns, salamanders, frogs, turtles and toads. J>ines&_Q!lks This area was attractive to Southold's first settlers because of the vast number of tall pines that were used in the manufacturing of turpentine and the oak trees that were used for ship masts and barrel staves. Wetlands & Shellfish . Arshamomaque Pond is a significant shellfish resource and provides clams, scallops, oysters and blue claw crabs to commercial and recreational harvesters. The diamondback terrapin, on the NYSDEC . list of species of "special concern" are often seen in the pond during the summer months. Arshamomaque Pond also serves as an ecological nursery and feeding area for many estuarine fish species and is an important spawning area for weakfish, winter flounder and scup. Flora & Fauna The Arshamomaque Pond Preserve is home a wide variety of plants and animals. White tail deer, opossum, muskrat, raccoon, fox, great blue herons, box turtles, kingfishers, Canada geese, diamondback terrapin, osprey, salamanders, toads, hawks, and owls are some of the more common birds and animals found on the site. The site also contains a rich mixture of ferns, mountain laurel, black, scarlet & white oaks, pignut & mock hickory, beech, dogwood, red cedars, black locust, sassafras, tulip or yellow-poplar, maple-leaf viburnum, black cherry Arshamomaque Pond Preserve is open from dawn to dusk. Please..... Stay on the designated trails Take nothing but pictures . Leave nothiug but footprints Dogs must be leashed or under the control of the owner Check carefully for ticks after your walk _I - Parking and Permits Fort Corchaug South old's Hamlets Dam Pond ReMntoTop [Home] Web Site Hosted courtesy of North Fork Internet Web Site Designed and Maintained by the Southold Town Data Processina Deoartment This is the official website of the Southold Town Hall . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ $ t:f I t J ~ ! ! ~ Is I. . ! I 1-; I j ~ j J j fJ II! I,M! lflll~! I Ui!!ll II lh! hi-II i lilt! I U ~ JilfJlllJIJ JII;jilililiJJ~lli!lj~iJJJ!iijIIJfJIIIJfllliijjjjiijllJIJjJjliJJJ!JiiJlf . . > . .. ~ o . fi . 0: . . . . Arshamomaque Pond Preserve Maps & Trail Guides . . . ) ...... . . welcome the Arshamomaqlle POlld Preserve. The Town of South old purchased this parcel as part of the Arshamomaque Preservation Plan. This property is part of the Long Island Pine Barrens Maritime Reserve and is listed for protection because of its exceptional scenic, biological and recreational resources. The property encompasses pristine woodlands and tidal saltmarsh meadows, vernal freshwater ponds and wetlands. This unique natural complex ranks as one of the most valuable and productive coastal and marine ecosystems remaining in the nation. It centers on the Peconic Bays, a federally designated National Estuary. The Arshamomaque Pond Preserve contains a rich assortment of wildlife in its woodlands, open meadows, vernal ponds and tidal wetlands. The Preserve has over 2,200 feet of shoreline frontage on Arshamomaque Pond (Mill Creek). Trailhead Originally the creek was called Thomas Benedict Creek, after a first settler and miller by trade. It was later shortened to Tom's Creek. For over two hundred years the waters in the channel-way (railroad bridge) turned millstones, thus giving the name Mill Creek that, along with Arshamomaque Pond, are interchangeable today. Please look both ways and hold the hands of young children when crossing the Long [sland Railroad Tracks as you proceed north into the Arshamomaque Pond Preserve. Osprey Overlook This short trail spur will give visitors the opportunity to watch osprey as they patrol the skies over Arshamomaque Pond in search of fish in the waters below. Several nests are located around Arshamomaque Pond and the birds are found on site from mid-March to October. Many shorebirds, ducks herons, egrets and ibis also feed in the wetlands and pond. . Ferns, Vernal and Saltwa.onds The Arshamomaque area is known for the particularly fine clay that was used for brick making. The Sage and Sanford Brickyards produced millions of bricks during the period from 1887 to 1939. The soil in the Preserve is rich in clay and humus that temporarily holds water, thereby creating many vernal ponds and seasonally wet areas that are ideal for ferns, salamanders, frogs, turtles and toads. " .... --. - -,., ..?- ~.:..;' '~'. ~.w. .~~j~ .~~,.- ~"""~ .." ___~J.' ~.:".~. .. .. _ ,,~: '."~ JF. 9 ... _. ..'.': ,~-:;_ . ~'-r::''''';'"'''-:''' ", """ ~ "",., .~ ~.. ~ -.....,,-: '-r ,. .- - <~' ,~ .. ....,. Pines and Oaks This area was attractive to Southold's first settlers because of the vast number of tall pines that were used in the manufacturing of turpentine and the oak trees that were used for ship masts and barrel staves. Wetlands and Shellfish Arshamomaque Pond is a significant shellfish resource and provides clams, scallops, oysters and blue claw crabs to commercial and recreational harvesters. The diamondback terrapin, on the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation's list of species of "special concern" are often seen in the pond during the summer months. Arshamomaque Pond also serves as an ecological nursery and feeding area for many estuarine fish species and is an important spawning 'area for weakfish, winter flounder and scup. Flora and Fauna The Arshamomaque Pond Preserve is home to a wide variety of plants and animals. Whitetail deer, opossum, muskrat, raccoon, fox, great blue herons, box turtles, kingfishers, Canada geese, diamondback terrapin, osprey, salamanders, toads, hawks and ow Is are some of the common birds and animals found on the site. The site also contains a rich mixture of ferns, mountain laurel, black, scarlet and white oaks, pignut and mock hickory, beech, dogwood, red cedars, black locust, sassafras, tulip or yellow-poplar, maple leaf viburnum, and black cherry. . :;.f"'li. :;U' '1~1:~'~ ~. 'f~'" ....... ,.~ f"i: ~ rEo ..: "., I - ~,,~'1 ~~"4"- .- "h"';~' "'1 '., ~\~. ,.,!l... . _:r - :-.- .Jlt1f L.... . . .: ,:~ "u:,~' ,.. !r. -':. "'..r.f.... ~l.. . I 'r<' ,'" '( . JIll l.. , '.' f ': \., ' ,t'f... ':~ ',,, . ""t:;". ."':.,. '._ '; ~ The Arshamomaque Pond Preserve is open 10 Ihe public year-roundfrom dawn 10 dusk. Help to protect and maintain the natural beauty and wildlife habitat of the area. Please... . Stay on designated trails . Take nothing but pictures . Leave nothing but footprints . Leash your dog . Check carefully for ticks after your walk For more information about other recreational facilities in Southold Town, please contact: Town of South old PO Box 1171 Southold, NY 11971 (631) 765-1800 . .~ v . Arshamomaque Pond Preserve Trail Guide '~r, I '.,~." 1 . I" .' , .. , .~.: ".. -. . ,'" .' , . ", ~ '. Salt marsh meadows are anorher large communiry in the preserve. Salt marshes are found along Hashamomuck Pond, both north and south of the railroad tracks. The seaward edge of the marsh (low marsh) is dominated by salt marsh cordgrass, which slowly gives way to the high matsh meadow of spikegrass and salt meadow hay. At low tide, few animals are obvious, save the occasional great blue heron or egret stalking the channels and pools on the marsh for fish or fiddler crabs. A closet look reveals exposed ribbed mussels and the rare "bank" oysrer along the marsh edge, as well as the air-breathing salt marsh snail, which climbs down from its high perch on a grass blade to graze on microscopic algae lefr behind. At high tide, the marsh is filled with animals. Mummichogs and killifish swim over the marsh, while blue crabs search for prey along the cotdgrass edge. Habitat. Wildlife: Arshamomaque~d Preserve includes large stands of mixed hardwood forest. The forested areas are dominated by oaks and hickories, but include birches, maples, Ametican beech, and a stand of mature white pines. Vernal pools and ponds occur throughout the woodlands due to the clay deposits that prevent surface water from draining into the soil. These wet areas support wet tolerant plants, like high-bush blueberry, sweet pepperbush, and swamp azalea, and provide breeding areas for salamanders, newts, frogs, and toads. By mid-summer, the watet in most of these areas will be drawn-down. leaving few indications that th= wet conditions had existed. Whitetail d=, red fOx, r. .. R raccoon, and squirrels reside in the woodland areas of the preserve. Another freshwater community exists in the pteserve. A freshwater marsh. dominated by the invasive common reed (Phragmites australis), provides a secluded area for waterfowl including black ducks and mallards. Small areas of the marsh have not succumbed to the advances of Phragmites and support swamp rose, swamp azalea, grasses and sedges. Frogs can be seen hiding along the edges of the emergent grasses, waiting for insects to wander by. Site Map For more information about this and other recreational opportunities in the Town of Southold, please contact: Town of Southold 631-765-1800 PO Box 1179 or: Southold NY 11971 http://southoldtown.northfork.nct ~~~, Key: Blue Trail - - Preserve Red Trail 1 = Trail Head Welcome to Arshamomaque Pond Preserve: This 53.8-acre parcel of land was purchased by the Town of Southold as part of the Arshamomague Preservation Plan. The property is part of the Long Island Pine Barrens I\.laritimc Reserve and was listed for protection because of its exceptional scenic, biological, and recreational resources. The presenTe has over 2,500 feet of shoreline frontage on Hashamomuck Pond ~lil1 Creek) and includes tidal salt marsh meadows, pristine woodlands, and vernal frcsh\vatcr ponds and wetlands. This unique natural complex ranks as one of the most valuable and productive coastal and marine ecosystems in the nation. Site History: Originally the creck \vas called Thomas Benedict Creek, named after one of Southold's tirst settlers who was a miller by trade, and later shortened to Tom's Creek. After more than 200 years of the channel-way (the present railroad bridge) being used to turn millstones, the creek became knmvn as Mill Creek, which is interchangeable with Hashamomuck Pond, today. The Arshamomaque area is known for its particularly fine clay that was used for brick making. The Sage and Sanford Brickyards produced millions of bricks from 1887 to 1939 from clay mined in this area. ~~'O'''M'''_''''"' ....~..am""'_P'n~'.~ .; 1f-.-1 .....1 .,. ,,.,.,, o_~ "..m p,n.,.n Help protect and maintain the natural beauty and wildlife habitat of the area. . ~)( Please: Stll)' on designated trails. Take notbing bllt pictnres, lean notbing bllt footprints. Leasb yonr dog. A Cbeck carefit/Iy for ticks after yonr u'alk. ~ Educational conlt'nt provided by the Marine rropam of: Cornell University Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County ComelI~""'E>:lon,.",~8QV&I pmgt""'alld~~ Tbe Arsba",omaque Pond Presen'e if open to tbe public j''far-rolllld fro", daWN to dusk. Sou thaI d N. Y Town of Southold PO Box 11 79 Southold N.Y. 11971 631-765-1800 http://sou tholdt own. northfork.l1l't Trail Guide PRESERVE