HomeMy WebLinkAboutArshamomaque Preserve . Arshamomaque Preserve Chapel Lane Greenport, NY . . . Management Plan for the Arshamomaque Preserve INTRODUCTION On October 15, 2001 the Town ofSouthold and the County of Suffolk acquired title to a 53. 16-acre parcel (SCTM#1000-45-1-9.1) from Jack Levin for $600,000. This parcel is adjacent to a 75.37-acre parcel (SCTM#44-4-3.1) that the County of Suffolk purchased in October 1999 from the estate of Oscar Bloom for $696,894 DESCRIPTION The Arshamomaque Preserve is located in the Town of South old, on the west side of Chapel Lane and the south side of Route 48, in the hamlet of Greenport. The total preserve is 128.4 acres that contains freshwater ponds and wetlands, mature woodlands, small open grasslands and shrublands. Approximately l/3rd of this site was farmed in the early 1960's. . The preservation of this property is an effort by the County of Suffolk, Town of Southold and the Nature Conservancy to preserve what has been referred to as the "Jewel of the North Fork". The Arshamomaque Preserve supports a rare assemblage of plant species, including Swamp Cottonwood and a wide array ofterrestrial and aquatic wildlife. A particularly large and undisturbed narrow-leafed cattail marsh occurs on this site. The Arshamomaque Preserve contains the following plant community types: Old Field Community (Majority of the property) Eastern Red Cedar Black Locust Grey Birch Little Bluestem Northern Bayberry Forested Wetland Swamp Cottonwood Red Maple Pin Oak Tupelo/Blackgum . Emergent Wetland (Cattail Marsh) Narrow-Leaved Cattail . Swamp Rose Marsh-mallow Marsh Fern Mixed Hardwood Forest White Oak Pin Oak Chestnut Oak Black Oak Bitternut Hickory Pignut Hickory Mockernut Hickory American Beech A complete flora inventory is found at the end of this Management Plan (2004). . The Arshamomaque Preserve is a valuable wildlife and bird habitat. Signs or sighting of deer, raccoons, rabbit, muskrats, opossum, squirrel and fox are often noted during field visits. Snakes and amphibious animals such as turtles, frogs and salamanders are also present and often seen in the project area. Several large snapping turtles and painted turtles are found swimming or basking in the irrigation pond at the west end ofthe property. The irrigation pond is the breeding ground for a wide variety of frogs and toads and the pond is teaming with tadpoles in the spring/summer. The mixture of grasslands, shrublands, woodlands, freshwater cattail marsh and a fresh water pond provide feeding and nesting habitat for a wide variety of birds. A sample of the birds observed at the preserve includes, blue jay, crow, sparrows, chickadee, red- bellied woodpecker, great homed owl, osprey, cardinal, Canada goose, wood duck, mallard, black duck, swan, blue heron, red tail hawk, wrens, catbird, thrush, various warblers, meadowlark, red-winged black bird. A detailed inventory of the fauna is being compiled by Cornell Cooperative Extension and should be completed in early 2005. SITE CONVERSATION & MANAGEMENT GOALS . The Arshamomaque Preserve shall remain in its natural state and reserved for nature and hiking trails. A small stone blend parking lot has been constructed on the west side of Chapel Lane and a map on the kiosk, at the trailhead, delineates the trail. The trail winds through the open fields, woodlands and along the freshwater marsh. A second trail is planned in the fall of2004 that will highlight the vernal ponds found at the south end of the property. The trail system will allow visitors the opportunity to experience the natural beauty of the site. The trails will provide public access without jeopardizing the existing resources. The trail will be constructed in a manner that will provide a safe recreational . opportunity for visitors and will be resource compatible. The trails will be designed, constructed and maintained according to the standards of the USDA Forest Service specifications. A brochure will be available (winter 2004) listing the flora & fauna that are found on the site. Several small markers will be located along the trail to highlight the various flora communities that are found on the premises. The trail will be unpaved and cleared in a manner sensitive to the environmental resources. All trimming along the trail will be done with flush cuts and all material shall be placed in brush piles for wildlife enhancement. Several open fields will be restored on the site to provide a more diversified wildlife habitat. Open field grasslands, 2 to 5 acres in size, will be re-established in the areas that were previously farmed, in the 1960's. These areas will be mowed to maintain open grasslands. The open grasslands will be mowed during the winter, to minimize disturbing nesting wildlife. The open fields will be mowed every two years to prevent them from returning to shrub lands. All plantings on the site will be native species. . Trail maintenance will be an annual activity conducted each spring, with periodic maintenance throughout the year, as needed. Maintenance will include trimming of vegetation that has grown into the trailways, removal of deadfall or trees found in the trailways and litter pick up. The trails will be mowed, as needed, during the growing season. Public access to the Arshamomaque Preserve will be from dawn to dusk, 365 day a year and will provide opportunities for the public to enjoy passive recreation such as walking, photography, bird watching and the quiet contemplation of nature, being careful to prevent degradation of natural communities. The property will be maintained in its natural state, except for such foot trails and property maintenance activities, as may be appropriate without impairing the sites natural character. No unauthorized motorized vehicles will be allowed on the property. Hunting opportunities on this property and other Town properties will be addressed in a Town Open Space Management Plan, to be developed in 2005. MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES In order to achieve the above management goals, the Town of South old, at its discretion, may implement some or all of the following strategies: . 1. Develop and maintain a public foot-trail system to provide opportunities for . passive recreation. The trail system will give special attention to: I) minimize human disturbance to native plants and animals; 2) trails will be laid out to minimize the impact on natural terrain; 3) controlling unauthorized uses such as mountain bikes, off-road vehicles and dumping; 4) disturbance to neighbors. 2. Use of the USDA Forest Service specifications as a guide for trail construction and maintenance. 3. Establish an Oversight Committee to determine the rules and regulations of the Preserve. 4. Hunting opportunities on this property will be addressed in an up-dated Open Space Management Plan for the Arshamomaque Preserve, to be developed, with the County of Suffolk, in 2005. CONCLUSION If carefully protected and maintained, the Arshamomaque Preserve has the potential to provide a high-quality recreational, educational, ecological and aesthetic resource for the public to enjoy. . Up-dated: November 13, 2004 . . Arshamomaque Preserve . Flora & Fauna Inventory Cornell Cooperative Extension . . Flora List for Arshamomaque Preserve Aceraceae (Maple Family) lJ Acer negundo Box Elder lJ Acer rubrum Red Maple Acoraceae (Calamus family) lJ Acorus americanus Sweet Flag Anacardiaceae (Sumac Family) lJ Rhus copallinum Dwarf or Winged Sumac lJ Toxicodendron radicans Poison Ivy Aoiaceae (Carrot Family) lJ Sium suave Hemlock Water Parsnip Aauifoliaceae (Holly Family) lJ /lex opaca American Holly lJ /lex verticil/ata Winterberry Araceae (Arum Family) . lJ Arisaema triphyllum Jack-in-the-Pulpit AraIiaceae (Ginseng Family) lJ Aralia nudicaulis Wild Sarsaparilla Asteraceae (Aster Family) lJ Achillea mil/efolium Common Yarrow lJ Ambrosia artemisiifolia Ragweed lJ Artemisia vulgaris Mugwort lJ Euthamia graminifolia Lance-leaved Goldenrod lJ Hieracium caespitosum Meadow Hawkweed lJ Hypochaeris radicata Hairy Catsear lJ Solidago canadensis Canada Goldenrod lJ Taraxacum officinale Common Dandelion BaIsaminaceae (Touch-Me-Not Family) lJ Impatiens capensis Jewelweed . Betulaceae (Birch Family) lJ Betula populifolia Gray Birch . BIechnaceae (Chain Fern Family) 0 Woodwardia areolata Netted Chain Fern Brassicaceae (Mustard Family) 0 Alliaria petiolata Garlic Mustard Caorifoliaceae (Honeysuckle Family) 0 Lonicera japonica Japanese Honeysuckle 0 Lonicera morrowii Morrow's Honeysuckle 0 Lonicera tatarica Tartan Honeysuckle 0 Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis Elderberry 0 Viburnum acerifolium Maple-Leaf Viburnum 0 Viburnum dentatum var. lucidum Southern Arrowwood Celastraceae (Bittersweet Family) 0 Celastrus orbiculatus Asian Bittersweet Oethraceae (Clethra Family) 0 Clethra alnifolia Coastal Sweet Pepperbush . Convolvulaceae (Morning-glory Family) 0 Convolvulus sp. Bindweed Cuoressaceae (Cypress Family) 0 Juniperus virginiana Eastern Red Cedar Cvoeraceae (Sedge Family) 0 Carex crinita Fringed Sedge 0 Carex debilis White Edged Sedge 0 Carex stricta Upright Sedge 0 Cyperus sp. Flat Sedge Dennstaedtiaceae (Bracken Fern Family) 0 Pteridium aquilinum Bracken Drvooteridacae (Wood Fern Family) 0 Onoclea sensibilis Sensitive Fern 0 Polystichum acrostichoides Christmas Fern Elaeal!:naceae (Oleaster Family) . 0 Elaeagnus umbel/ata Autumn Olive ~ . Ericaceae (Heath Family) 0 Gaylussacia frondosa Huckleberry 0 Kalmia latifolia Mountain Laurel 0 Leucothoe racemosa Fetter-Bush; Swamp Doghobble 0 Rhododendron viscosum Swamp Azalea 0 Vaccinium corymbosum High-bush Blueberry Fabaceae (pea Family) 0 Apios americana Groundnut 0 Robinia pseudoacacia Black Locust 0 Trifolium pratense Red Clover 0 Trifolium repens White Clover Fa2aceae (Beech Family) 0 Fagus grandifolia American Beech 0 Quercus alba White Oak 0 Quercus bicolor Swamp White Oak . 0 Quercus palustris Pin Oak 0 Quercus prinus Chestnut Oak 0 Quercus velutina Black Oak Geraniaceae (Geranium Family) 0 Geranium maculatum Spotted Geranium Ju2landaceae (Walnut Family) 0 Carya alba Mockernut Hickory 0 Carya glabra Pignut Hickory Juncaceae (Rush Family) 0 Juncus effusus Soft Rush 0 Juncus tenuis Old Path Rush Lamiaceae (Mint Family) 0 Lycopus uniflorus Northern Bugleweed 0 Lycopus virginicus Virginia Water Horehound Lanraceae (Laurel Family) . 0 Sassafras albidum Sassafras ~ . Lemnaceae (Duckweed Family) 0 Lemna minor Duckweed Liliaceae (Lily Family) 0 Allium canadense Wild Garlic 0 Maianthemum canadense Canada Mayflower 0 Maianthemum racemosa False Solomon's Seal 0 Uvularia sessilifolia Sessile Bellwort Lvtbraceae (Loosestrife Family) 0 Decodon verticillatus Waterwillow; Swamp Loosestrife Malvaceae (Mallow Family) 0 Hibiscus moscheutos ssp. moscheutos Swamp Rose-mallow Mvricaceae (Bayberry Family) 0 Morella pensylvanica Northern Bayberry Nvssaceae (Sour Gum Family) 0 Nyssa sylvatica Blackgum; Tupelo . Oleaceae (Olive Family) 0 Ligustrum vulgare Privet Ona2l"llceae (Evening Primrose Family) 0 Epilobium sp. Willowherb; Fireweed Orobancbaceae (Broom-rape Family) 0 Epifagus virginiana Beechdrops Osmundaceae (Royal Fern Family) 0 Osmunda cinnamomea Cinnamon Fern 0 Osmunda claytoniana Intenupted Fern 0 Osmunda regalis Royal Fern Pinaceae (pine Family) 0 Pinus rigida Pitch Pine 0 Pinus thunbergiana Japanese Black Pine Plantal!inaceae (plantain Family) 0 Plantago major Common Plantain . . Poaceae (Grass Family) D Andropogon virginicus Broomsedge D Panicum virgatum Switchgrass D Phragmites australis Common Reed D Schizachyrium scoparium Little Bluestem Grass Polvl!alaceae (Milkwort Family) D Polygala verticil/ata Whorled Milkwort Polvl!onaceae (Buckwheat Family) D Polygonum arifolium Halberd-leaved Tearthumb D Polygonum pensylvanicum Pensylvania Smartweed Primulaceae (primrose Family) D Lysimachia terrestris Earth Loosestrife D Trientalis borealis Starflower Pvrolaceae (ShinleafFamily) D Chimaphila maculata Striped or Spotted Wintergreen . Ranunculaceae (Buttercup Family) D Ranunculus recurvatus Hooked Crowfoot; Blisterwort Rosaceae (Rose Family) D Amelanchier arborea Shadbush D Fragaria vesca Woodland Strawberry D Geum sp. Avens D Prunus serotina Wild Black Cherry D Prunus virginiana Choke Cherry D Rosa multiflora Multiflora Rose D Rosa palustris Swamp Rose D Rubus hispidus Bristly Dewberry D Rubus sp. Brambles, Blackberry, Raspberry Rubiaceae (Madder Family) D Cephalanthus occidentalis Buttonbush D Galium aparine Cleavers; Stickywilly . ~ . Salicaceae (Willow Family) Q Populus heterophylla Swamp Cottonwood Q Salix sp. Willow Simaroubaceae (Quassia Family) Q Ailanthus altissima Ailanthus; Tree of Heaven Smilaceae (Catbrier Family) Q Smilax rotundifolia Roundleaf Greenbrier; Bullbrier Sohal!Daceae (Peat Moss Family) Q Sphagnum sp. Sphagnum Moss Thelvoteridaceae (Marsh Fern Family) Q Thelypteris noveboracensis New York Fern Q Thelypteris palustris Marsh Fern Q Thelypteris simulata BoglMassachusetts Fern Tvobaceae (Cattail Family) Q Typha angustifolia Narrow-leaved Cattail . Vitaceae (Grape Family) Q Parthenocissus quinquefolia Virginia Creeper Q Vitis labrusca Fox Grape . ~ . Faunal List for Arshamomaque Preserve Common Name Mammals Opossum Raccoon Red Fox Eastern Cottontail Grey Squirrel S. Flying Squirrel Star Nosed Mole Short tailed Shrew Little Brown Bat Big Brown Bat Feral Cat White Footed Mouse Deer Mouse Muskrat White Tailed Deer Reptiles and Amphibians Snapping turtle Box Turtle E. Painted Turtle Diamondbacked Terrapin Spotted Turtle Garter Snake Brown Snake N. Water Snake E. Hognose Snake Milk Snake Ring-Necked Snake Red Backed Salamander Red Spotted Newt Peeper Scientific Name Didelphis marsupialis Procyon lotor Vulpes vulpes Sylivagus floridanus Sciurus carolinensis Glaucomys volans Condylura cristata Blarina Brevicauda Myotis lucificus Eptesicus fuscus Felis domestica Peromyscus leucopus Peromyscus maniculatus Ondatra zibethica Odocoileus virginianus Chelydra serpentina Terrapine carolina carolina Chrysemys picta picta Malac/emys terrapin terrapin Clemmys guttate Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis storeria dekayi dekayi Nerodia sipedon Heterodon plat/rhinos Lampropeltls trIengulum Diadophis punctatus edwardsii Plethodon cinereus Notophthelmus viridescens Pseudacris crucifer Season YR YR YR YR YR YR YR YR SP,SU SP,SU YR YR YR YR YR SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU . . URL LINK htto:/lweb6.si.edu/mnalimaae info.cfm?soecies id=65 htto:/lweb6.si.edu/mnalimaae info.cfm?soecies id=285 htlP:/lweb6.si.edu/mnalimaae info.cfm?soecies id=420 htlP:/lweb6.si.edu/mnalimaae info.cfm?soecies id=371 htto:/lweb6.si.edu/mnalimaae info.cfm?soecies id=298 htto:/lweb4.si.edu/mnalimaae info.cfm?soecies id=106 htlP:/lweb4.si.edu/mnalimaae info.cfm?soecies id=47 htto:/lweb4.si.edu/mnalimaae info.cfm?soecies id=25 htto:/lweb4.si.edu/mnalimaae info.cfm?soecies id=199 htto:/lweb4.si.edu/mnalimaae info.cfm?soecies id=86 htto:/lweb4.si.edu/mnalimaae info.cfm?soecies id=86 htlP:/lweb4.si.edu/mnalimaae info.cfm?soecies id=266 htto:/lweb4.si.edu/mnalimaae info.cfm?soecies id=232 htto:/lweb4.si.edu/mnalimaae info.cfm?soecies id=231 htto://www.bnl.aov/esd/reservelturtles.htm htto://www.bnl.aov/esd/reservelturtles.htm htto://www.bnl.aov/esdlreservelturtles.htm htto://www.bnl.aov/esdlreservelturtles.htm htto://www.bnl.aov/esd/reservelturtles.htm htto://www.bnl.aov/esdlreserve/snakes.htm#Eastern%20Hoanose%20Snake htlP://www.bnl.aov/esdlreservelsnakes.htm#Eastern%20Hoanose%20Snake htto://www.bnl.aov/esd/reserve/snakes.htm#Eastern%20Hoanose%20Snake htto://www.bnl.aov/esdlreservelsnakes.htm#Eastern%20Hoanose%20Snake htto://www.bnl.aov/esdlreservelsnakes.htm#Eastern%20Hoanose%20Snake htto://www.bnl.aov/esd/reservelsnakes.htm#Eastern%20Hoanose%20Snake htto://www.nowrc.usas.aov/narcamfidauide/redback.htm htlP://www.nowrc.usas.aov/narcamlidauide/rsnewt.htm htto://www.nowrc.usas.aov/narcamlidauide/soeeoer.htm . Faunal List for Arshamomaque Preserve Common Name Grey Tree Frog Green Frog Southern Leopard Frog American Toad Fowlers Toad Birds American Crow Fish Crow Blue Jay American Robin Eastern Bluebird Wood Thrush Red-Bellied Woodpecker Downy Woodpecker Hairy Woodpecker N. Flicker Black-Capped Chickadee Tufted Titmouse Dark-Eyed Junco Yellow-Rumped Warbler Northern Cardinal Ring Necked Pheasant Ruffed Grouse Bobwhite Quail Canada Goose Black Duck Mallard Wood Duck Double Crested Cormorant Great Blue Heron Great Egret Scientific Name Hy/a versicolor Rana damitans Rana sphenocepha/a Buto americsnus Bufo fow/eri Corvus brachyrhynchos Corvus ossifragus Cyanocitta cristata Turdus migratorius Sia/ia sia/is Hy/ocich/a muste/ina Melanerpes carolinus Picoides pubescens Picoides villosus Colaptas auratus Parus atricapillus Parus bicolor Junco hyemalis Dendroica coronata Cardinalis cerdinalis Phasianus colchicus Bonasa umbel/us Collinus virginianus Branta canadensis Anas rubripes Anas p1atyrtJynchos Aix sponsa Phalacrocorax auritus ArcJea herodias ArcJea alba Season SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU YR YR YR YR SP,SU SP,SU YR SP,SU YR YR YR YR YR YR YR YR SP,SU YR YR YR YR SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU . . URL LINK hllo:/Iwww.nowrc.usas.aov/narcamlidauide/hvlavers.htm hllo:/Iwww.nowrc.usas.aov/narcamlidauidelbronze.htm hllo:/Iwww.nowrc.usas.aov/narcamlidauide/ranaut.htm hllo:/Iwww.nowrc.usas.aov/narcamlidauide/american.htm hllo:/Iwww.nowrc.usas.aov/narcamlidauide/bfowl.htm hllo:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovlid/framlstli4880id.html hllo:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovlid/framlstli4900id.htm I hllo:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovlid/framlstli4770id.html hllo:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovlidlframlstli7610id.html hllo:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovlidlframlstli7660id.html hllo:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovlidlframlstli7550id.html hllo:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovlidlframlstli4090id.html hllo:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovlidlframlstli3940id.html hllo:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovlidlframlstli3930id.html hllo:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.oovlidlframlstfI4120id.html hllo:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovlidlframlstli7350id.html hllo:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovlidlframlstli7310id.html hllo:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovlidlframlstli5670id.htm I hllo:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovlid/framlstli6550id.html hllo:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovlidlframlstli5930id.html hllo:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovlidlframlstli3091id.html hllo:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.oovlid/framlstli3000id.html hllo:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.oovlid/framlstli2890id.html hllo:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovlidlframlstli172Oid.html hllo:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovlidlframlstli1330id.html hllo:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovlidlframlstli1320id.html hllo:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovfidlframlstli1440id.html hllo:llwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovlidlframlstli1200id.html hllo:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovlidlframlstli1940id.html htto:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovlidlframlstli1960id.html . Faunal List for Arshamomaque Preserve Common Name Snowy Egret Whippoorwill Common Nighthawk Ring Billed Gull Great Black-Backed Gull Herring Gull Least tern Common Tern Belted Kingfisher Red-Tailed hawk American Kestrel Northern Harrier Sharp-Shinned Hawk Cooper's Hawk Osprey Great Horned Owl Eastern Screech Owl Scientific Name Egretta thu/a Caprimulgus vociferus Chordeilus minor Larus de/awarensis Larus marinus Larus argentatus Sterna antillarum sterna hirundo Ceryle alcyan Buteo jamaicensis Falco sparverius Circus cyaneus Accipiter striatus Accipiter cooperii Pandion haliaetus Bubo virginianus Otus asia Season SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU YR YR YR SP,SU SP,SU YR YR SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU SP,SU YR YR . . URL LINK htto:llwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovfldlframlstli1970id.html htto:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovfldlframlstli4170id.html htto:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovfldlframlstli4200id.html htto:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.llovfldlframlstli0540id.html htto:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovfldlframlstli0470id.html htto:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovfldlframlstli051 Oid.html htto:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovfldlframlstli0740id.html htto:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovfldlframlstli0700id.html htto:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovfldlframlstli3900id.html htto:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovfldlframlstli3370id.html htto:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovfldlframlstli3600id.html htto:/Iwww.mbr-DWrc.usas.aovfld/framlstli3310id.html htto:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovfld/framlstli3320id.html htto:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovfldlframlstli3330id.html htto:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovfldlframlstli3640id.html htto:/Iwww.mbr-DWrc.usas.aovfldlframlstli3750id.html htto:/Iwww.mbr-owrc.usas.aovfld/framlstli3730id.html !- ~ J ~ f ~ ~ ~ ! ~ ~ .I l J 11 ~ r I ~~ ! ) i i t 1 J lE R Ijlh JIIIH')llf))1 Ii JlIIU!.. I hill ! lit!!llf d"J~ II ~. Hhfhh UHJiihdbU ,Uid,UlmiUbUHhdundhnfdIHi nm ~ ~ ~ ififllilJJiljJislsilllJ'IIJif'JfijjiiJilJJJ r!jjJJiiiiIJllifJlfllljjjJJIJJ! ~ . . . . Arshamomaque Preserve Maps & Trail Guides . . . . . -, Habitat a8t Wildlife: The primary plam community type in the Arshamomaquc Presen'c is the old field successional community. This community arises from lands that were once farmed or disturbed and have since begun to revert back to a climax community such as an oak-hickory forest. Based on aerial photographs of the site from 1930, approximately 60% of the preserve was farmed. Over time, areas were left fallow and resulted in the mixed stages of succession that can be observed along the trails. Some areas are at early stages of development and are dominated by grasses and Forbs (perennial herbs), which provide food and cover for whitetail deer, bobwhite quail, and eastern conontails. A large area of the old field community is at the shrubland stage where northern bayberry and eastern red cedar are the dominant species. These areas provide cover for animals ro sleep/roost and esc.1.pe predarors. Finally, stands of black locust trees represent an advanced stage in succession. These trees will eventually give way ro beeches, oaks, and hickories, but they may persist for many years. Although a large portion of the preserve was farmed at one time, some clusters of mixed hardwood forest still exist. 'Ihese woodlands are primarily composed of oaks and hickories, however a stand of American beech has survived as well. The woodland communities are important habitat for many species as they not only provide nesting and roosting areas, but they also supply food in the form of nuts, with beech nuts being especially sought our by many species. Walking through one of the wooded areas of the preserve, one can expect to see whitetail deer, squirrels, mice, voles, woodpeckers, and owls. Arshamomaque Preserve contains two rare wetland communities. TheArshamomaque Preserve includes an excellent example of a swamp cottonwood forest, a community considered rare in New York State.The swamp cottonwood, with it's buttressed trunks, form a pure stand or mix with swamp white oak and several other hardwood species to form a mixed hardwood swamp. These forested swamps likely support populations of cavity dwelling birds, including wood ducks and screech owls. "!be cattail marsh is the other wetland of note. This site has an extensive system of cattails that may have once been common in some areas of Long Island, but has since succumbed to development and the invasive common reed. There are small stands of common reed within the preserve, but the relative undisturbed condition of the cattail marsh limits the invasive potential of this aggressive plant. Many animals take advantage of the marsh and its adjacent open water including muskrats and waterfowl. Wood duck boxes have been placed within this area to encourage nesting and increase local populations. Site Map . 1 = Trail Head Red Trail L ---=0 Preserve Blue Trail Overlook Path For more information about this and other recreational opportunities in the Town of Southold, please contact: Town of Southold 631-765-1800 PO Box 1179 or: Southold NY 11971 http://southoldtown.northfork.net ~~~l Key: Welcome to Arshamomaque Pond Preserve: This 53.8-acre parcel of land was purchased by rhe Town of Sourhold as part of the Arshamomague Preservation Plan. The property is part of the Long Island Pine Barrens Maritime Reserve and was listed for protection because of its exceptional scenic, biological, and recreational resources. The preserve has over 2,500 feet of shoreline frontage on Hashamomuck Pond (1!ill Creek) and includes tidal salt marsh meadows, pristine woodlands, and vernal freshwater ponds and wetlands. This unique natural complex ranks as one of the most valuable and productive coastal and marine ecosystems in the nation. Site History: Originally the creek was caIled Thomas Benedict Creek, named after one of Southold's first settlers who was a miller by trade, and later shortened to Tom's Creek. After more than 200 years of the channel~'\vay (the prescnt railroad bridge) being used to turn millstones, the creek became known as Mill Creek, which is interchangeable with Hashamomuck Pond, today. The Arshamomaque area is known for its particularly fine clay that was used for brick making. The Sage and Sanford Brickyards produced millions of bricks from 1887 to 1939 from clay mined in this area. owns'..mPru....... Help protect and maintain the natura! beauty and wildlife habitat of the area. ~ ~} Please: Stay on designated trails. Take nothing hut pictures, leat'e nothing hut footprints. Leash your dog. A Cbeck carefully for ticks after )'Our walk. V Educational cont..nt pnwided ~y th.. Marin.. Pwgram of: Cornell University Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County CorneICoope<atl\>eExtenSionprovidM~ Pf<l9I"Imlllld~oppOrturW\les, Th, Arshamomaque Pond Presen', is open 10 the public year-round from dawn 10 dusk. - Sou tho 1 d N. Y Town of Southold PO Box 1179 Southold N.Y. 11971 631-765-1800 htt p:Jlsou thold town. nurt hfor k .n~lt Trail Guide PRESERVE