HomeMy WebLinkAboutSummit Estates Homeowners Assoc OFFICE LOCATION: ra. MAILING ADDRESS: ..,.. Town Hall Annex ���"� � �� P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 �I �� ryy; Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY www.southoldtownny.gov � a .wCxa �. PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 8, 2021 Mr. Mike Agnone, Board Member Summit Estates Homeowners Association P.O. Box 779 East Marion, NY 11939 Re: Summit Estates Dock Covenants Dear Mr. Agnone: The Planning Board has reviewed the request from the Summit Estates Homeowners Association to amend the decision and covenants from the Planning Board to allow additional boats to use the existing dock. The Planning Board resolution' of September 28, 1999 restricts the use of the dock with the following wording: "in order to further ensure that the use of the dock for docking or mooring purposes remains similar to that allowed for a single family dock, and does not result in a marina_ type use for boats owned by the Summit Estates Homeowners Association, the Planning Board is requiring that the docking or mooring of boats be limited to the area of the existing "T" port (the area which is parallel to the shoreline) of the dock. The Planning Board's decision is further clarified to mean that no more than 2 boats, other than those owned and used by the Summit Estates Homeowners Association shall use the dock for docking or mooring facilities." The above wording is also in the covenants recorded with the Suffolk. County Clerk on March 8, 2001 in Liber 12106, Page 903. Any subsequent covenants filed without a majority plus one vote of the Planning Board after a public hearing are invalid. Southold Town Planning Board Page 2 April 8, 2021 In light of the intent of the Planning Board at the time to limit the use of a dock to that equivalent to a single family home, the Board has elected not to consider amending their previous decision. They also further clarify the decision and covenants to mean that no more than a total of four (4) boats shall use the dock for docking or mooring facilities. Sincerely, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman cc: Southold Town Trustees . . James F. King, President Jill M. Doherty, Vice-President Peggy A. Dickerson Dave Bergen Bob Ghosio, Jr. Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 23, 2008 Mr. William Danisi Summit Estates Homeowners Assoc. P.O. Box 779 East Marion, NY 11939 RE: SUMMIT ESTATES HOMEOWNERS ASSOC. SHIPYARD LANE, EAST MARION SCTM#38-7-12 Dear Mr. Danisi: The following action was taken by the South old Town Board of Trustees at their Regular Meeting held on Wed., January 23,2008: WHEREAS, William Danisi on behalf of SUMMIT ESTATES HOMEOWNERS ASSOC. applied to the South old Town Trustees for an Amendment to Wetland Permit #453 under the provisions of Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code, the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated December 6, 2007, and, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council and to the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Coordinator for their findings and recommendations, and, . WHERAS, the Planning Board adopted a resolution on September 28, 1999, allowing the ownership of the dock to be conveyed to the Summit Estates Homeowners Assoc. from the Summit Estates property owners, with conditions including, the use of the dock for docking and mooring purposes shall be limited to that allowed under Chapter 100-31(C) 3(a) of the Town Code, and as per this Section of the Code, no more than two (2) boats other than those owned and used by the owner of the premises, shall use the dock for docking or mooring purposes, and, WHEREAS, the applicants received an approval from the Board of Trustees on December 21, 2005, to Transfer Wetland Permit #453 from Peter Fakiris (Gusmar Realty Corp.) to Summit Estates Homeowners Assoc., as issued on February 18,1988, and, . . 2 WHEREAS, the Planning Board adopted a resolution on October 3, 2000, approving the final maps of the subdivision stating "docking is confined to the "T" portion (the section that is parallel to the shoreline) of the dock", and, WHEREAS, the existing dock structure is affected by filed Covenants and Restrictions Liber 1506 page 131, Clause 11, which prohibits any dock expansion "except by permission of the Southold Town Planning Board after a public hearing", and, WHEREAS, no such permission has been granted by the Southold Planning Board, and, WHEREAS, Mark Terry, the Principal Planner and LWRP Coordinator for the Town of Southold, in his recommendation to this Board, concluded the relocation or reorientation of the pilings, as applied for, would allow for dockage of additional vessels, than for which it was approved, and therefore violates the resolution and filed Covenants and Restrictions, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the Board determined the reconfiguration of the pilings, as applied for, does not comply with the standards set forth in Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code, and, WHERAS, the Board has determined that the pilings, in the location applied for, will have a detrimental effect upon the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, and, NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that for the foregoing reasons, and based upon the application's failure to meet the standards contained in Chapter 275 of the Town Code, that the Board of Trustees deems the proposed project to be Inconsistent with the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program pursuant to Chapter 268-5 of the Southold Town Code, based on the location of the proposed pilings resulting in an expansion of the dock structure, and, BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the South old Town Board of Trustees DISAPPROVES WITHOUT PREJUDICE the application of SUMMIT ESTATES HOMEOWNERS ASSOC. to Amend Permit #453 to relocate the four (4) pilings from outside the 'T dock to the inside of the "T" on the west. This is not a determination from any other agency. Sincerely, ~~,~t President, Board of Trustees JFK:lms . . Donald Wilder, Chairmao Lauren Standish, Secretary Town Hall, 53095 Main Rd. P.O. Box 1179 South old, NY 11971 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 Conservation Advisory Council Town of Southold At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Wed., January 16, 2008, the following recommendation was made: Moved by Peter Young, seconded by Jack McGreevy, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of SUMMIT ESTATES HOMEOWNERS ASSOC. to Amend Permit #453 to relocate the four (4) pilings from the outside of the "T" dock to the inside of the "T" on the west side. Located: Shipyard Lane, East Marion. SCTM#38-7-12 Inspected by: Peter Young, Jack McGreevy The project was not staked, however the CAC Supports the application provided the proposed modifications stay within the restrictions of a residential dock and do not create a navigational hazard with the dock to the east. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried 'l,' ;~, ' \,~, I" "'AI" .., I. 'Ii'-- 4' ,",\\.'.' "lIo · ~ ~:~.~ , I, Iii:;.',' " ~.,,~, .' ~, " ".,\ '. .f"',~ I ," ,\.. r. .' ..' ,\ JI. .' I 1'" \.' .~ . 'C r. t. .' ".~t." ,,\,.,., I' ", ,""/', I" 'i'- ,i ,. ~ ..' "., .. f. ,f, '.. ,..: . ,'I" \ . 'I'!" '1.1':'1,1'" . I'..... ,..... I. " \_, I' " ~" . ~ , .oj' ", ~ .' ~;. I I ,.. . t. . I . 1, . I" f" ',1..:-' . , '. : ~.. ~ '.i..,,".:~:"'.'."" :,', ~i" ,t;.lI'J~. '. .:.' :'!,,' '.:~i:~;\:\ , ." . ." ,. ~ ." ':,', ", J '" . '" . . ... . , ' ',~" ~;'\" ,,' ,. , . "\ '. , ,.f,.' ',' Ii '" '~. ..... " .l" ~. '.~:,\~ '': ':~''',:,:~ ..... " ;.l .. ~ .,.~ . t' ,. i'" ~' ", .'.- . . ~."" oj" ~ ~ I." 'f' Il~{:!'~ . . '.. -'1""" .." . 10'. ,)0'" . .' ~C '.(j' .1' I It,. f/, .~.~..... \"" "I':",'..r,"~\ IJ;; .'.,' I . ,".,~.. ' 1',.-, ( ;.. '" il." \' \~.. '.~' .;J I'. " '.!.i-.. 01' t ..' f'" . , ~,. \. .' ....1..;.":.':;,',\,,}(:..1'11:.'..~.,\ ,.1, , . #r" .,' ~ '\,. ~ . . o}' , ~ \ , ,'.'1' " ;'; t 11')'.," .' ,I ' \ , !.;.~~,_,:~'::'~.~~;...j;, w~ i Cp. c '3 '3 -+- g' f . . " V) <: 's S "- 'i- fJ\ f 4t ~ James F. King, President Jill M. Doherty, Vice-President Peggy A. Dickerson Dave Bergen Bob Ghosio, Jr. Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0%9 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection/Work session Report . I. Date/Time: U \ Co I 0 ~ SUMMIT ESTATES HOMEOWNERS ASSOC. requests an Amendment to Permit #453 to relocate the four (4) pilings from the outside of the "T" dock to the inside of the "T" on the west side. Located: Shipyard Lane, East Marion. SCTM#38-7 -12 Type of area to be impacted: Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland Sound / Bay Distance of proposed work to edge of above: ~ of Town Code proposed work falls under: _Chapt.275 _Chapt. Ill_other Type of Application: ~ etland _Coastal Erosion ..-/ Amendment _Administrative _Emergency _Pre-Submission _Violation _Planning Info needed; Va t .er.Dl.( t1 h .J I}-)t) 0 uI't-(er .~ ~ ? J 1\ t-f,:.'lI on ~ / <'f.W1'1 / .fre.-.,.J. q C =<l..o Modifications: Conditions: AP litH ,,110lvC./ &(./ flY (4 if ~ . L..--/ ,/ ;/ ~ Pr~nt Were: _J.King _J.Doherty _P.Dickerson _D. Bergen_ B. Ghosio, Jr _H. Cusack_D. Dzenkowski Mark Terry_other Form filled out in the field by 7+ {.u.o ,,;WI. MailedlFaxed to: Date: Enviromnental Technician ,. 1"1 g 1 Review V(:JC-k.. WG\j rer....,--W..i CO c<. (!s; Jer.~'" \ 6.cdc.) wh,"!' '" II Ov.... 2 ~e.-.",,-+ "",.A 2..3v~ -.S1'i(5 \<1c,o'~ G1 r-"""'+ --+- cVc.<0c I/,ol't~~ re5~ n.., drc:Ay r(""" \ ,02"".,( /A.l.)..,~'" o...J.. d~;u. r-"l'i 0I1'W ,p.,. (In'j;,,,.\ O\rr"'lJ>. \. vJ\l\ ~ rnsv;") f'-I",) Ih~ clR.k. '" rl'V'''':) / ((s--\ilr..-i-...... 1'1 q 2 a( , I.d-fn IJI)) ,+,/r<") I Jer. 'c J.. . bald "'" S/Y'.J? - . . Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 lWute 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 21, 2005 Ms. Cynthia Goldsmith-Agosta Summit Estates Homeowners Assoc., Inc. P.O. Box 779 East Marion, NY 11939 RE: SUMMIT ESTATES HOMEOWNERS ASSOC. SHIPYARD LANE, EAST MARION SCTM#38-7-12 Dear Ms. Goldsmith-Agosta: The following action was taken at the Southold Town Board of Trustees regular meeting held on Wednesday, December 21, 2005: RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Board of Trustees APPROVE the request for a Transfer of Permit #453 from Peter Fakiris (Gusmar Realty Corp.) to Summit Estates Homeowners Assoc., as issued on February 18,1988. If you have any questions, please contact our office at (631) 765-1892. Sincerely, blff..$ I? ~.~. Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK:lms ~",,'/' . '/" ,." , , Number of pages TORRENS Serial # Certificate # .ww . -7. RECORDED , 2005 J'.') 05 12: 11:04 PI't Edward P.Romaine CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUIH'.' L D00012395 P 939 DT# 04-47577 Prior Ctf. # Deed / Mortgage Instrument 4 Dist. Section Block Lot Real Property 1000 03500 0800 005015 Tax Service 1000 03500 0800 005016 Agen,cy 1000 03800 0700 011000 Verification 1000 03800 0700 012000 3 Page / Filing Fee Handling Tp.S84 1 Notation EA.S2 17 (County) EA.S217 (State) R,PT.SA Comm. of Ed, Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge Other Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Recording / Filing Stamps CJJ Mortgage Amt. 1. B,asic Tax 2, Additional Tax Sub Total Spec.! Assit. or Spec./Add, TOT. MTG, TAX Dual Town _ Dua) County Held for Appointment Transfer Tax n Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO s, ..Q2- 5_ -- ,:, Sub Total /0~~ 9o~ 310- S, 00 If NO, see appropriate tax clause on page # of this instrument. 7'-i-D J> . 1.5"" IS...Q2- Sub Total Grand Total 5 Community Preservation Fund Consideration Amount $ o o CPF Tax Due $ Improved ,/ Vacant Land 6 SatisfactionslDischargeslReleases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: 'Su"" "" \ + E '5-f<:;:{ e'S \-to M. '90 WN~v C fa GOSTY\C\,r R~<:., I f.'( CoR. p, I~ -15 ol-t-h iq......~ Lo~ T<s(q 1U:i) <::: ,"'t'( ~. 'f l \ (CJ I TD 10 Pr~. TD TD 7 Title Com an Information Co, Name Title # 8 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e D",,('>c--l (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) This page forms part of the attached made by: G-0<3. fY\Clr R.."c, (f-{ Co/l.P The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK TO su",," """,,i ~<;-t.:,'f.<:,,") In the Township of \.l,.o""d'u.:.k.l",r A"1h'1he VILLAGE or HAMLET of so '-' .-tho f:l ,:.,'" }!~~ ,.>c, ;:::t).: "-'"','''' ;....,.'-.,;; BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) , . .. , . . SUMMIT ESTATES , HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION INC. P.O. BOX 779 EAST MARION NY, 11939 December 11, 2005 To the Southold ToWtl Board of Trustees, On behalf of the Summit Estates Homeowners Association, Inc. we are asking that Wetland Permit # 453 be transferred to Summit Estates Homeowners Association. The common areas are now deeded to Summit Estates Homeowners Association Inc. Gusmar Realty officially transferred these properties over to the Association as of July 2005. If we need to fill out additional paper work please let us know. I can be contacted at (631) 477-2876. Thank you in advance. 'a Goldsmith-Agosta Se etary Summit Estates Homeowners Association, Inc. e) 4P~ i TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK WETLANDS PERMIT This Wetlands Permit No. ..~?~............ has been granted by the Town Trustees according t . . fu . h d' A ,. . N 534 f'l. db A. I'.. Peter Fakiris (Gusm mformatlon rnlse In pp Icatlon o. .................... ley pp Icant ......n.................................. ...~7.~!:y...s:.'?::;e:.L........ on .....!iLL................ 19..~.7..... A map of the proposed work will be kej on file in the Trustee Office under the application number given. Permit granted to do the following work ....I?..S?P.~~!:!!:L?.9.9.'...~..!~..RLgR!;~...wit);>.......5.0.'......... I _~...?'...~.~.~...!~. .P.':. .!~.':.'i.t:?;!!':~.. !?1...2~. .P.mn,g,~:.. ...... ............... ;......................... ............ ........ ...... ...... .....................................-..................................._......n.................'n......~..u...................................................... Location of property on which work to be done ......~h}p.y.~.c;l...bm.".....!i\S\t.MiH:jQ.l:L...................' .......................................................................................................................................u..~._,................. ........................................................................................_.........n.n..............~............................................ C k B H b f lit.. .. ..." Gardiners Bay' ' ree , ay or ar or ro. 109 prope.." ............................. .......................,....................................... ................................................................................................................................................................. Size of work:. 200' .. Length ........... ...... ........... ......... ........................... ......... .................... ........... ............ ..... 4' Width ..........,...,..;........................................................................................................ " ......< Height Above High Water 31 .~ ..........................................................................................., Depth Below L~w.Water ...........:::::::::::-.:::::::::::-.:-.:-.:-.:-................................................... Yards to be Excavated ...............:::-.:::-.::-.:-::::-::-.:-.:-.:.:-................................................... Yards to be Filled ........uu........................................................................,................. .. Manner in which material is to be removed or deposited .....:-:;:.::;::;:::::::::::::::::;:;:~~:;:;~........;............... . . ...~................................... .... ...... .... ...... n. '" ;....... ... ............. ......... ......... ............. ... ....... ...... n' .......... ..... '..n. Intended use of property .....~~::.'!-.!~..~:;L...................'......::...........................;................................... , . .. . . . .................................................................................................................................................................. Conditions if any ...J?~~.~.~!~!'!-...'?L~.~~..n:...1?~n~h~~~...<:!,l;~Uh!:..~QQ..~H.\ ..y.9!!.,.slf...#.,U,.....N.<I.tlt dune is to be maintairied. ...... n....... '" ............. n........ ...... n............. ..... ....... ... '" ......... ... n. n....... ...... ....n...... ................ ............... .................... Expiration Date ......~:':'.~y...n.~J?~.?J.~..~~;:~..!::~?...~!'?t,~.'?.'H!!!~!}.<:.'::'.c;l...1:!L~."~!'!..9.'!t~...:............. Nu rnber of I n~p ections Requ ired ..~::~;:?~~~~?..:;:.!':..!~..~?.:U:!'?!MI.7.~ ..!!J?9.n:.ih~.. iiRmp..l.~.tiRD..... of the work.. .. Inspecti on Fees .... ~~~.;.~~..p..~~........ .............. ............ .......................~...... .......:... .......... ....... .. . . '. .--" ____,__________~_.____~____ /~i..-.:Vt: '0 ~~'"-:':.~. ". .,'" , Liability Policies in the Am..ount of ......................;.............................,.. .;.:-.:-:~.:-.:-:;::;:.::;::~.;.:.::~.:;:.......... , , ' ,~ . , '. . . .!' . . . The validity of this permit is or may be subjeCt to the approval of other governmental. or munici. authorities. The-'Town accepts no -rilsPQosibUit'{ in applying for or.obtainingSlIch approval.lli t event that such 'approval is necessary, 'th13 holder of this permit shall not commence operations he under un.til sLich' app roval has been obtai:<:led in writing. The fail!Jre to obtain sut:h citfler approval wh required shall subject this permit to i~mediate revocation by the Trustees .upon recejpt by t Trustees. of lilfitten notice from such other governmental or municipal authorities of its refusal disapproval. ' ." . .. . ' . . .'. . '., . . , . . The applicant does by the acceptance of this permit, assume all responsibility for operations under tak~n pursuant to this permit, and shall take all prEl{:autions for the prevention of injuries to person! and property resulting from such operations. By such acceptance, the applicant also agrees to indemni tv and save harmless the Town, and its officers, agents "and employees from any and all claims arisin~ from operations under this permit and~y and all acts or omissions of applicant, his agent an. employees. :;" The applicant and the owner and occupan'tsof the premises upon which the operations authorized b\ this permit are being conducted, do, by th~ acceptance of this permit, give consent to the Town, ane its officers and employees to enter Upon the premises where such operations are being conducted t( make such inspections as the Town may deem necessary to insure that such operations are being con dueted in conformity with this permit. This operation will not substantially: A. Adversely affect the wetlands of the town. B. Cause damage from erosion, turbidity or siltation. C. Cause saltwater intrusion into the fresh water resources of the town. D. Adversely affect fish, shellfish or other beneficial marine organisms, aquatic wildlife and vege tation or the natural habitat thereof. E. Increase the danger of flood and storm-tide damage. F. Adversely affect navigation on tidal waters or the ,~idal flow of the tidal waters of the towr G. Change the course of any channel or the natural movement or flow of any waters. H. Weaken or undermine the lateral support of other lands in the vicinity. I. Otherwise adversely affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the towr . ~" ,;Z _ jo"__ ~ Slgne . ..c.....................~...c.............. President . Board of "Southold Town Trustees .2- -/ S-' p,f Date............................................................;......... . . .",; ---------------- I . . l . ~ CD > + +~ IV) ~ ~ ~ 0 ..,,,,, . I =>-Z ----- . , I ~ , ~ i i ~ i i , . , I . I I , , , j , Elj ~ Ii ~~J: VJ ~ ~ ~- . >-~lr;~ - ~] ~k~ u:!1~ <a) 4~"o , , " , , , ~i'~ ~~~;~ "^,, ~ H~!~ >- - ~ ~ !:'! ';i~p: IMI hh= , '. U i ~ ~ i ;j ~ ~ .~ ~; ) ~ . ~" o::~ " a ~ /,;~ IS yi ~ 1 !! ~.II) ~;~~~~ I""" ~;~jW ;,!,1l1 i i ij! ;iii! ~ I ~ ~ ~ lj I PI' 1111 illl!] i ii ii i , " ~ , , , ~ l" ~ ~ ~ ; ~ j! n I !dHl Ie!!! I Iii ",:;.,,1 (~-/! / \ j ; ~.! i i ill '- ,Eo in ,1 ; "II ' i. 'I HIll 11:1 i i I ~ !I, :j!.! Hli! . . OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY MAIliNG ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM COORDINATOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~. ~.-"...~-~-- --"'\~.-,., 'T:.'[_~.' I,,'. "IlL: : ~: I.L \) ~.; MEMORANDUM JAN 1 6 2008 Date: January 14, 2007 To: Board ofTrustees //.11~ ) W Mark Terry Principal Planner, L WRP Coordinator , .,. c' ~ j ~ From: Re: Request for Wetland Permit for Summit Estates I have received your request for a LWRP Consistency Review of the above referenced application. This dock was originally permitted as a private residential dock, with two permanent and two guest spaces. Note that the dock structure is affected by filed Covenants and Restrictions Liber 1506 page 131. Clause 11 prohibits any dock expansion "except by permission ofthe Southold Town Planning Board after a public hearing." There have been requests in the past for such expansion and the proposed action has been denied, both by the Planning Board and the Board of Trustees (see attached). In addition the Planning Board resolution dated October 3, 2000, approving the final maps ofthe subdivision, states that "docking is confined to the T portion (the section that is parallel to the shoreline) of the dock". Relocation or reorientation of the pilings would allow for dockage of additional vessels, for which it was approved, and therefore violates the resolution and filed Covenant and Restrictions. Cc: Kieran Corcoran ,I t Panasorol c FAX S','STEI1 FHmlE 110. ~'{}6PG131 . .. Hov. 17 1995 06:34PM P9 . . PROTECTIVE COVENANTS AND RESTRICTTON~ SUMMIT ESTATES Page 9 10. The 9' wide strip of land parallel to Main Road (N.Y. State Rte. 25), as shown on the final subdivision map is to be Offered for dedication to New York Sta-ce, and is to be kep'l: available for dedication in perpetuity, by the Homeowners Association for future highway purposes. 11. The dock, and ~~y future expansion of such, cannot be conveyed separately from Lot No. 33 ezcept by / permission of the ,Southold Town Planning Soard after a public hearing, and if such conveyance shall be allowed, it shall be to '!:he owner(s) of the park and recreation area only. 12. The declarant grants the continuing right in perpetuity to the Town of Sou'!:hold or any of its designated representatives to inspect any areas designated as open space, common ar&as or any similar area described by a different no~enclature, so as to insure continued compliance with the covenants, terms and provisions designated herein in regard to same and to insure that such covenants, terms and provisions have not been violated. Declarant grants the continuing right in per]?Eltuity to the Town of Southold or any of its des~gnated . representatives to enforce the conditions and restrictions ot the covenants as thev relate to the open space, common area or any simiiar area described bv a different nomenclature, and to take any legal action it deems necessary to enforce the conditiOns and rest:;:-ictions of 'l:he COVenan'!:s. These rights of inspection and enforcement shall be binding upon declarant, their heirs, executors, legal representatives, distributees, successors, assigns and transferees. ~ 'O~INGEO ON PAGE 10 , WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. JR RICHARD CAGGIANO , Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Fax (631) 765-3136 Telephone (631) 765-1938 . "'LANNlNG BOARD MEMB. - BENNETT ORLOWSKl. JR Chairman , . PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 3, 2000 Ms. Donna Geraghty 22655 Soundview Avenue Southold, NY 11971 Re: Summit Estates, Section 4 SCTM#1oo0-38-7-p/o 10 (a.k.a. SCTM#1000-35-8-5.3) Dear Ms. Geraghty: The following took place at a meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, October 2, 2000: The final public hearing, which was opened on June 28, 1999 and was held open until October 2, 2000, was closed. The following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, Gusmar Realty Corp. and Peter Mourkakos are the owners of the property known and designated as SCTM#1 000-35-a-(5.4-5.18) & 38-7-(8-12) and 1000-38-7-p/o 10 (a.k.a. SCTM#1000-35-8-5.3), located off Shipyard Lane in East Marion; and WHEREAS, this proposed subdivision, to be known as Summit Estates, Section 4, is for one 4.3739 acre lot; and WHEREAS, in 1989, Gusmar Realty Corp. made an application to the Planning Board for a major subdivision of 35 lots on 40.822 acres to be known as Summit Estates; and ! e. \ Summit Estates. Section 4 - 10/2100 - Paae Two WHEREAS, after the Planning Board granted preliminary approval to the subdivision application, the Planning Board allowed the applicant to proceed with the final submission in four separate sections (Section 1: Lots 1-10, Section 2: Lots 11-23, Section 3: Lots 24-32 and Lots 34-35 and Section 4: Lot 33); and WHEREAS, the Planning Board granted final approval to Summit Estates, Section 1, on October 4, 1993; and WHEREAS, Summit Estates, Section 1, contained 10 lots on 17.5036 acres, in addition to three (3) parcels of Open Space (Parcel A, Parcel B, and Parcel C) and one (1) parcel for a Park and Recreation Area (Parcel D), all subject to covenants and restrictions cofltained in a Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions recorded as part of the subdivision approval; and WHEREAS, Condition Number 11 of the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for Summit Estates reads as follows: "The dock, and any further expansion of such, cannot be conveyed separately from Lot No. 33 except by permission of the Southold Town Planning Board after a public hearing, and if such conveyance shall be allowed, it shall be to the owner(s) of the park and recreation area only." ; and WHEREAS, Lot No. 33 is the proposed lot which is now known as the pending application for Summit Estates, Section 4; and WHEREAS, the applicant asked the Planning Board to grant approval to Section 4, prior to granting approval to Sections 2 and 3; and WHEREAS, the applicant presented the information required to proceed with Section 4; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, after holding a public hearing, allowed the ownership of the dock to be conveyed to the Homeowners Association subject to five (5) conditions; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board has received notification that a revised Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions has been recorded, that a revised Homeowners Association Offering Plan has been recorded, and that the Town Tax Assessors have been notified of the change in ownership of the dock, all in accordance with the conditions of approval; and -. , Summit Estates. Section 4 - 10/2100 - Paae Three WHEREAS, the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions filed on the property confines docking or mooring to the "r portion (the section that is parallel to the shoreline) of the dock in accordance with the conditions set by the Planning Board for the transfer of dock ownership to the Homeowners Association; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board recognizes that the dock is owned by the Homeowners Association, and not the individual members of the Homeowners Association, in accordance with the interpretation of Article III, Section 100- 31 C(3) of the Zoning Code by the Zoning Board of Appeals in a decision rendered on May 11, 1993 (Appl. No. 4156); and, WHEREAS, only boats owned by the Homeowners Association, and not the individual members of the Homeowners Association, are allowed to use the dock for docking or mooring purposes, with the exception of up to two boats belonging to other owners which may also use the dock, in accordance with Article III, Section 1 00-31 C(3)(a) of the Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, the authority to reserve or not reserve space for up to two other boats belongs to the Homeowners Association; and WHEREAS, it is the responsibility of the Homeowners Association to decide which boat gets to dock in the allotted space, if any is reserved; and WHEREAS, the number of boats owned by the Homeowners Association that use the T -portion of the dock is not limited at this time by any section of Town Code but is limited by the amount of space available; and WHEREAS, a final public hearing was closed on said subdivision applicetion at the Town Hall, Southold, New York on October 2, 2000; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to Chapter 58, Notice of Public Hearing, has received affidavits that the applicant has complied with the notification provisions; and WHEREAS, all the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Southold have been met; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board approve and authorize the Chairman to endorse the final surveys dated April 9, 1999. , . -. , Summij Estates. Section 4 - 10/2100 - Paae Four Enclosed please find a copy of the map which was endorsed by the Chairman. The mylar maps, which were also endorsed by the Chairman, must be picked up at this office and filed in the office of the County Clerk. Any plat not so filed or recorded within sixty (60) days of the date of final approval shall become null and void. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Sincerely, 15~fJ~~~. ur Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman cc: Building Department Tax Assessors . . James F. King, President Jill M. Doherty, Vice-President Peggy A. Dickerson Dave Bergen John Holzapfel Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD APPLICATION FOR AN AMENDMENITO-AWETLANI} PERMIT ,.-- 'cr' 'c' ' ;::.:: 'I'. If: ..' .. T . :-, 'j, \ ' -- DATE \) il c. \~, 2.DO, o EC - 6 2007 ~ ....1;lIU:.\1:i "uN' 5 "'...........-:, { t2.....-I. A~ ,}., PHONE 'l' . t{'1 '7 - Q 0 OS- OWNER 1-\ '" .......~ OUO /V>'Ul 5 AS5 0 '" '" ::J -\ ADDRESS Po. 'tSo)l 0779 s. tI-{""",;o.<..J - fJ 'Y' t I "r 31 AGENTB;ll \)AN:S~ PHONE 6[(, .4.1{3 -CiOEl~- ADDRESS?2).%ox 0774.... E. M~V':\)/..J. ~y \l~3~ PROPERTY LOCATION Sl;f YAv-J l~. t=:.. MAV",<>oU.. TAX MAP NO. I t) boO 3 S? D 0 D 7 bOb ( J.. C 0 (:) I/We 11r-~ e, o...,J) oC \) 1~<'l.~'D' "} request an Amendment to Permit # '-I. <; '3 to \<.i'\..\OO~J..''Z ~ 'l. Ii t'i \;-,..,'1 s tJ~~ -n-... o......-\,.l,.,.<lvJl \ ~ , . sicSl'L.. co.\: ~'7 T o,J,~"",,-, ~s:: Slec.~ .-1-\........ W~?-\,,,;,!),, 'lIJ S 7 . ~ '" s;:- 1\....~ " Signed By: W/J~ \Iv ~ ~'$l>\~'I..\O\ ~d. C9L~ ~ ~\:, /\ a-.f L,uJ -..,\., ~",\ 9-~(~;)I1J . James F. King, President Jill M. Doherty, Vice-President Peggy A. Dickerson Dave Bergen Bob Ghosio, Ir. . Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TRUSTEES: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Application of ___~~~___~:f:Q,1::rAJ___f{o.l!:!L!;M).IJ..D..Ul CWXx, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) I,.7~ ~~ 'rc!MY ifJu. l 117,j 1 being duly sworn, depose and say: AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING , residing at 0(' f frt.. /Jd.l ~JV av.e .J.) LU ~~ .) / That on the~-i2day of~, 20oa', I personally posted the property known as ~ fl~ --.:)/,r>TlUUI7U/lA ~JyJ by placing the Board of Trustees official poster where it can easily be seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for eight days prior to the date of the public hearing. Date of hearing noted thereon to be held (t }p,d7 ~d n, ~3. O/.~- GI1 t1 llmu- ~, (Jm. Dated: ~ /f/~oof Sworn to before me this \1. day of ~--200'8' ~ (\'\\0'- Notary Public /~.a; ( signature) <;L~ Catherine A. Horner Notary Public, Stat. of New Yori< No.01H06023583, Suffolk County renn Expires April 28, 20tJ.:.. . . ,~.,-;.-,. / TOWN OF SOUTH OLD BOARD OF SOUTHOl.D TOWN TRUSTEES SOUTHOlD, NEW YORK WETLANDS PERMIT This Wetlands Permit No. "~?~"''''''''.'' has been granted by the Town Trustees accordirl! . " .. " 534 "" ... ""."." Peter Fakiris (Gl.\l information furnished in AppllcatJon.No. ........................... filed-by Applicant ...................................... ...~~'!:!!x...~~p.:.L......... on .....:iLL.........:...... 19..P.7..... A map of the proposed work will be I on file in the Trustee Office under the application number given. . d t d. th f II ..". k To construct ~OO' x 4' of dock ".-;t.... " "Il' Permit grante 0 0 e 0 oWing wor ................_"...................................................:.......:_~.;h:l..~..-,O ...... .I ..~...?~..~.!.~r....!,SJ.~9.e:...fiS.7.c;.~r.~9..1?!..1.~..Ej.~J1.~,....................................~....~....................................... ..........................t.....U.~....h.........h.......n.....-..........................,...... .'!l..............,;...................................... Location of property on which work tobe done ......~!E-p.y.3!-!..9...~!H:.~.<..~i\!!1..!t!~ti9;Q................... ..... ........-......................-....--..................... ........................~..............._....-.............._........... ................._~-...._......., -...................................:.......................................h......................................................................................... Creek,. Bay or Harbor fro.irti~g, p~op'er:tY ...E!~!M~~r.~..f.'.!X.................._.:..~.............................._...... ..........-...............-....................-........................................................................-......................----........ ,. Size of work:. Length .......~~Ol...____.......~....._.................:................:.............._:_.................. 4' Width _...._..~~~._.______....._........._............._..._.__-:-:....__._.._....__................_ . ~ 3' ~ . ~ Height Above High Water ___......................................................._.....__............. Depth Below low-Water .............................................................._....h................................. ---------------- ". Y E d ---------------- ards to be xcavate ............................................................................................................. Yards to be FlIfed .............-.............................................................................................. ----------------- Manner in which material is to be removed or deposited --------------------. .....~.........n...................._..................;................... ~~......................................I........................................................................................._....................................... I d f Private M-l .. . " ntende ~~e 0 property ............ .....~.............. .........~... ............... ............ .... ............ ......... .~........... ....... .............. ..-........-...............................-.......-....;.....-.-..-.._..............-...........~........................__.._-.................~........... Conditions jf any ..p.~~!!~.!!U.!!!:..E~..1?~~!:~~..!!.,I:~..!i.h!:..~!!!!_!:~.\..~g~..\_Q1..JMt.....rt8.ty dune is to be maintairie"d. . . .....-..-..--....-.......................---...-.-..-.--....................................-...........................-...-......-.......--...-........... --- -- PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ATTACH CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS ru c::J c::J .... Postage $ $0.41 $2.65 $2.15 to.OO $5.21 Address: I <-1.5"- c..-o~s...y iA.u IE '0"&01$:-\1"" tUy. \~?-:l..'& .v """'"' L\ ,-. ). s-. ;l \ .,. S .\...-L""" LO"-'j lsl...",~ C,I'I NY, 1\101 '-{ 3 W 5"'1 G. 5 \- "-"'h..T. to hlJ Yo ...\<., N'( I t:>l) \9, ~, o. \S o)l t;/ ~ c.,"~,~..;~oA ~.y l~"\,",,,\ , "-'----- U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (DomestIc Mall Only, No Insurance Coverage proVided) a- U) U) '" ~1iV1l~ ...D .:T a- m Certified Fee C Return Receipt Fee C (Endorsement Required) c::J c::J Restricted Delivery Fee {Endorsement Required} c::J M Total Postage & Fees U) c::J I .gat (;,00 5k~ ~^,,",,9. l...><l. . I uly sworn, depos and says that on the I?, 0-- dayof O.z.c. , 20~ deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth in the Board ofTrostees Application, directed to each of the above named persons at the addresses set opposite there respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the address of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of South old; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at L M~..; 0....... N, y. , that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by (certified) (registered) mail. &tvIll/dr- Sworn to before me this I 3 ~ Dayof j,{}fJp ,20&.:L- ~"(J\' '1 7Y1 . ~~ Notary Public LAUREN M. STANDISH Notary Public, state of New York No.01ST6164008 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires April 9. 201L . . NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER BOARD OF TRUSTEES. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the matter of applicant: S...... ._"'....: ~ E '5~ llI...\a ~ SC1M# '3 8 - "1, l J... YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: I, That it is the intention of the undersigned to request a Permit from the Board of Trustees to: ~"U~ L\. \,>Ola.5 c>P -t-l1L- D<.A..\ \c,o';"~ Sl~<'r.." c.c. -t\n.iL T ' eo.,..\.'"...... "'.(:: R.~ ~ocl<- -\:" \A..IS'~!. oC' -r OIU Wa..s\ sT.YlI.., 2. That the property which is the subject of Environmental Review is located adjacent to your property and is described as folJows: fi\ .,.t'\ _ ~ n VAI-Clt \ "\)" \..:C c,M......V "-' M.J' ~~ 0..... S 1..<.-"-"-"""': \- B.. s \, 1A 1.0~ s 3. That the project which is subject to Environmental Review under Chapters 32, 37, and/or 97 of the Town Code is open to public comment on: Jo......>, -;;! 3 200H . You may contact the Trustees Office at 765-1892 or in writing. The above-referenced proposal is under review of the Board of Trustees ofthe Town of South old and'does not reference any other agency that might have to review same proposal. OWNERS NAME: '3 \A..""'''''i~ 8:.s~~\:05~ MAILING ADDRESS: li'.O, 6So~ 07'"1'1 8... Ovl...."l'-i t:>,u; to. y. PHONE #: S\~ - 41..("3' qoo~- Ene: Copy of sketch or plan showing proposal for your convenience. . . .hHfU!t< It'. l<inJ.:. PI"l.'l'Iid"I\l Jill "t. 1)rIlJlrty. Vi,,,"-l'n..i'id...~nt ''''"I:.YA.IIi,.k......1l ')QY., Ht'Jl,,~n John lI"Ua"r~l 'L.t'U- IIpt ~.. ~~~ 'U'f SOIl~~:\ ~-~\ +"JJ ~~;:~ 'I'nwnH.lll ~lU9;) Ruuu' :l!". PJ). nox 117~) :4cUl\.hr.hl. Nflw YUI"k lIY11,m.,f.O 1"olt'pbmuo(6:II; 7M- ,:--~~ l'ill'C w:n I 7.it~~61i'" BOARD ()}' TOWN TRUSTl'$S TOW" OF SOU'rHO.,!) .....MI. t{ " ~O"v-b\l\ APPUCATION FOR AN AMlCNDM(~NT TO A WETLAND PF.Rl\lIT DATu ._;YU t!..:- ~'> 5"""""1" df,7A-l',ff> OWNllR LIf-ZP""lUt~ I1::.S.SP(..' ..... P) lONE. ADDRESS..Pf) 6&:,! '))7 C:-1~~. AY' I.(J~) - ~!)'i ^<.iI!N'l' \'-A \)J~IJ.~ _ PIIONE !in. ?~::1.~__ ADDRESS. G;.~o 5.~ 'r.~.~.k""';.~,,, 't '3.cr PROPCRTY I.OCATION 5k;'Y04.,.J)_ L..~.~_. T ,\ X MAP NO. I /) OD.~ 3<2~ 0 .'F?f:> .~l?.O~.c) IiW" !)li~'1!ttJ!:i>.P.f. 'iJ,1l~1Il .. r"'JUClil all Anll,'l,hnenllu pcnnil/. !i~3 ICl Mu~?ti! J#4._# _;:>1J..".J~ ,::-~ 0.. "'_~.~tZ &I':' -r,h~ -r )>gc.,t N ."'/ft::!. /J'1I s,))1.2 17':: lil-t~ To Si~ll<:d By; J?tiVI-,:- ~ a'" &aS8-l.l.t- I qOB 01&0'80 LO 11 ^O~ . . .EIoard of Trustees Applicatioll Au~--XZATl:ON (where the applicant is not the owner) -- I, ~J ..... "",,-,,,-" ~ t. <; \41.\... <; (print owner of property) residing at ~-O. \SoX (mailing address) do hereby authorize Bb~ (Agent) E.II-t......,..:~...J.rJy \\((3'1 \ l\J ~v A"^--. 't. 77.18~.3 to apply for permit(lil) from the on my behalf. Southolt Board of T ~.-..,(/ ",,;'~'. '.- , I -" MI.J.(. lOwDer's signature 11/1, 1)1/4 JYl .),q N' So I ~9J' ,~~\d) ~J ~" I~ (~ ~'r: I:'; I! ~ ~ l! ,r '_,c1, r---'-" - r j , . .;., ~ '" '.' DEe - 6 2007 \\.7 rC ' ~ ',' I.'" J '. , U b.. I " . ; .1 i ! , L___ S:"'<,;<' IC',"" r> . ;",e'",,- ."~..~. --", ->.._ Mo"' _.. _.. ___.~__.~ .._,_.~_.J 8 e-" e~8B-LL~ I (lCB "e0180 LO 11 ^CW . . AI'PLICANTJAGENTJREJ'RF..8ENTAl'IVE TRANSACTIONAL IlISCLOSllRE FORM I~ . " ~. '. 1{~~.I:mrloftDwr. ofl"tecr~ IUld~mnlovec!t. nlG t'lUl'ftOSI!lof' lhis to"" i! to pmvidc iftfnrmlllioft which t.RA aim dte town. nfDn~OkI.!..2fj~~ to "we wtulti!Yer ~lion ill ~. YOUR NAMI!: 511 .PI'" ,L_L~f> PI- r-J;s ./!!-.~:Z ""'.M~ 4.S50C. (Lasll\tlme,IiM name:. J)\Iddla inid"I, Ufllas )'t1l1olW tlflplyitiA In thIS G3I1lC or IiUmcollC l:lse or othor entity. such..., a COmpiKl)'. If ~t" iJ1dlcl.llt' Ute other f'JCI"On', arcomp.1"Y" ruunc.) NAMI\ ()I' APPLICA"ON: 1(]lCcli. .11..... owlY.) 'r.. .,...- 1Ioil.linil vori..... T....... CII..", of TAlIlC (\- E..,.;oc. ^l'P"""'lofplot _. ._. Id""';~ .- . - 1,,,mJMicmfrMIlll>toroll"l<iallll'p _ _ __ P....lng -- ~ ~ (Ir.OIho:.....I1iIQ...hc...1iYlty.).t!mt-s',...i)"I14:,.1 .liL. A_Jl/t:7 h4!:2 A~""" 110 y<l\l ,...,.....1\y (M ...""'rlt Y<>O' ",,,,.pony. -.lIibIinc. ~... diM)....,............... wllb on: .1Ila:r Of etnploy<c oftltc Town ofSuu.bold"!' "RetatinNbip" includes. by blo\~ lI\mi~ or btl~ilMS.Ui In............ "Uusinr.=ll inlClCSt'" moan." II ~lMmcSf.. indudi"!;. por\JlOI'<l.ip, ia _ Ill< _. ofI1cer or <ft1Ikp ...............illI o,",,,,,tdIlp of (ar ...p1nymo:al b)/) . ."""'r4tioP il\ "........ the t~N'ft ofTk;cr or allJ1lo)lcc: mwns JII(d tUn S% ofthc "J3II:lI. YI\S @ -..'-- - Ir~t\I M'lswa"Cd "'Y1:s". c:nmplf-IC the bala~ afllti::llarm 1111.:1 CUe Ul.1 S;J;D wlltrc i"d~. N....of'll<f>Oft"ll(llo)edby d.. T.....,.rSOolla.Id. _._. Til1eorpl)Shitmarthatrcr~n_. .-. ._~. f)cs~ribC (he Nlation:.hir tk:twlk1:n )o~lf HIto appIitonlliltJ,\..,wtlttpreM'llllati\lc) l.\d 111t' (own off,"1' Drern)'lID)'te. HIlbcr cbl:ck i1le uppmprialc line A) throu&n I)) .",.I/m' de!oibe in the spm.;c ptcvidcll. 11lC 'tlWt\olTtceror "rn~~()r his Of hcr,por.l!lC. Biblillf- (ttlronl, nrc.:hikl j,ll(dH:ci( aU tha1.npply,: _ _A) Ibc uWIl<' of"..!" \hlul S%oflbc ....".01'.... "'.....mtc..1ICk of.'" oppli".,u ('Ai....... IlI'PlkonI is. ...........i..); _ .)1) Ibc Ill@'Il or bed'"'" ~ofony i...""" i. .llOl\-<<lIJIO'.'" ...~, (whCIll1lC "lIP1i<ant is.... -....iolot, n anofT'-. iii................... ",cmpIoyoc: .f.... oppIi....:... ~_-=_)Jllhc :K'1\Ul1 applict1ft1. IlHSCRlI'nllN 01' RI",-^"UNSlIIl' -...-..-...-.- -"-..- _. --- --..-..-.,-..-- -...-..-.--.-- -..-.-....-. .--.-.-..--.- Submiltcd~' .' do or. ._._200_ SignatUR: , :' - -4_ PtintN8l1>O, ..~:-~ _.-- F"nn1"S I ,,'01 e~88-lolo" r 'lea _eDreD loD tt ^e~ . . .Iowa Ull.3UU..JlUIU LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for permits. including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other infonnation used by a Town of Southold agency in making a detennination of consistency. .Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action 1ist, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront RevitaH-mtion Program. A orooosed action will be evaluated as to its sismificant beneficial and adverse effects uoon the coastal area (which includes all of South old Town). 3. If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes" or ''no'', then the proposed action will affect the achievement of the L WRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. 'Ihus. each answer must be exulained in detail. listine both suuuortine and non- sUUDortine facts. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the L WRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of South old 's website (southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM# 3 ~ --1--- \ :L S u............-..:.-t E"",~A-\ot.:>. PROJECT NAME The Application has been submitted to (check appropriate response): Town Board 0 Planning Board 0 Building Dept. 0 Board of Trustees !kI 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action (check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency (e.g. capital construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) o o (b) Financial assistance (e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) (c) Pencit, approval, license, certification: o Nature and extent of action: o '-'- -\ ~ 0 ,,-~p 'S~>>"- L-\ ~ ; \ ; ~ s S::..-.,..--- +""- '- c> s; T 0--' hJoc-lc.... ~.::> ~~ \.I\.ov~ w~~\ s~cO~ DC .......o4:.,J &""c.., . . Location of action: 3 ..............""". \. ;;. s (,......\: "- tA.".." ('~ S> 0 e t::- . Site acreage: Present land use: Q. rz.c. "~I< A- !.... D ,J Present zoning classification: Co .........~ "-' A r II ...... 2. If an application for the proposed action bas been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the fonowing infonnation shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: e,o~ lllJJ'r..o.......... (b) Mailing address: Cr:, 0 D <; L... : ~ Y A ","cD \.,.. A. , C. ~~v;otJ. ;...;."1- il'1~'l (c) Telephone munber: Area Code (";f 4. 77- g g J.-."" Cd) Application number, if any: Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes D No [] Jfyes, which state or federal agency? C. Evaluate tbe project to the following policies by analyzing how the project wUl further support or not support the policies. provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers will require that the form be returned for completion. DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold tbat enbances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See L WRP Section m - Policies; Page 1 for evaluation criteria. Dyes D No ~ Not Applicable M.11V\:.u Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 1. Protect and preserve historie and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See L WRP Section m _ Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria DYes 0 No I!S Not Applicable . 16:E vV\."..... , "'2 '-\ ~CA"" ~~ -- -" -" 0) ~... Al~.~_ -\-_ -t-\.C lOa.A s:.9"L o or ....rc~l\~o'9tc.:...4.l .C!:~Dc..(."-C..r.. 'So IN . v..>; l~ ......,-Ic- S-<>~~.J..~. ~ . ....... ... .!.. Attach additional sheets if necessary Poliey 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See L WRP Section m _ Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria o Yes 0 No [gI Not Applicable I' _ ''''-0'-' ;.\J o\.~s 0"" t-\u.... e>~ \......... o C ~'" &01"- -\-0 _ .... W~?-\ ~'/.o..... \);"'.....4-\ ~..uu~~)' 0'- &.it.~1[.-ic.6'""'\-"'>> 't'\.. iL ,'^-...... lOc.L;I\J' tt.. oS:: -t\....~ 00-+'1>'-' ,-,,~l\. ....""~ .-.... AC-\'--t\... S ....eN;" ,(,..A..-tAC."""-..r Cot: Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES II " 06-\-iv.) s:.fJ<<:. w:\l c..c ~~ ,v,,~ t,.4V 1'1-..... &) ^,A-~""'4'''''' Attach additional sheets ifnecessal}' Poliey S. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section m _ policies Pages 16 through 11 for evaluation criteria o Yes 0 No ~NotAPplicable :By. "-"-"'....;'" -:I. yeAi';'; e>"'-t\-...... o......,\..\i,O......-S)h St~~ c,.c -\-\,...~.\.. _ tDr~\o''''...Q. "+h~ ~~" -\co~.... ;..;iI..=z!: S,. I~ (..0. \\ ,v.oL "':",,0~ /flo.>y -:'~C:r-\, 0.... -t"'-.a li~"';~ ~;Sl i.....,.l.-\~( oCw-'-~v (,u ~L.. ID~'-"; ~.r wfl.,.A.Jy ,~R.ls..~- Attach additional sheets if necessaIY Poliey 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlaDds. See L WRP SectiOD m - Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluatioD criteria. o 0 ~ . . Yes No)( Not Appm::au." (\ \. ''-'' "'...J",\..,..,.....,..Y S', lIl-iO. 0.1;" ~~ ~ ~A.... '^' -~, d'-lok- ..., 1...............- A.... h,..\', ~... Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section m - Policies Pages 31 through 34 for evaluation criteria. o Yes ONo~ NotApplieable ""-0<'> ,'N 4. ol..... 1:; ,0"'- ~<>':-f; OM of" tt... z. cio c K. " {.-o _1.1- A v;;,,~ PLr::cn.c\:"~ v"" -t-v..... otL AJ. fl ~'___It o~"'\.oo.....V'~ S~~OL .:;oS::: ~.:<;.. ......'l\. NO ~...<.>..... ~ "'A-i.;~y Co C -r\r..., oI\~ r ,-.-J 110-. "'- Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minima.e environmental degradation in Town of Southold from soDd waste and hazardoUS substances and wastes. See L WRP Section m - Po6eies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. DYes 0 No 0 Not AppDeable \ , ./ D\ J;.,J-o~ i'<. <>",-\~v....jJ $~~ot. oC: ~~ -r- J.ock Co -t"It-.... wI'> \- st~"'- <.0",\\ ICO c.~c:.- '" ~- h.... ~","...-bl", '-'-$ u,j ""., pUBUC COAST POUCIES Policy 9. provide for public aecess to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, pubDc lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See L WRP Seetion m - Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. o yJ] No rll Not Applieable v.-t..ov\'"N OD"-~''''O'u -+0 '-'-' ....I.I.-::. R l'> o~.\,\.<:>",,,"D '};~-t:. e.c t"""'--">. W IZ 'S \- / ,). LA.J: \ \. IV D ~ <;\.....~~~ ,", Attach additional sheets if ne<:eSSllIj' . WORKING (;OAST I'OLl\;~ . Poli(:)' 10. Proted Southold'. wate....dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent IIses in suitable locations. See L WRP Section m - Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. Dyes 0 No IZI Not Applicable v cl",- (;""0- *"- u.:. O<-L~ ",,, o~.\.. '" o.....J.) ,,)...,...0<.) c~ C "'oCltv tt.-~ u..-s... <> C t"""'- .' Attach additional sheets if necessary PolI(:)' 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources In Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section m - Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. Dyes 0 No rn Not Applicable . J;;2~ ,......OLN:"-'~ . ;ol_,> .I::.c-D'-I:I...<:. o~\",<,>",.....os.~~.:t. oJ;" ,I l(0~{...1"""'" ct:- ~ ~o<><:k ~o ;H..", Wol.c,,+ c;,j}~ UJ<......I..S) N{,) A..CJ:'"c~ n.u AAJ'y MI4.L1-~AJ~ "R..~ou..u-a~'S.. Attach additional sheets if necessary PolI(:)' 12. Proted agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Sedion III - Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. DYes 0 No [2g Not Applicable D ~ .' .(:C ".. <> ,,,,,- ~ tlc..l:::: ....c.....1 \.....,..,. \:\.-.. ..... Attach additional sheets if necessary Poli(:)' 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See L WRP Section m - Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. DYes 0 No It] NotAppllcable lM.o~.'tv ol.." ~ .c.,.c>~ -Yv.~ D~~l.lJ.,vQ s:~.~ c- <:.1::: W. .1)..... l4.uy f'!,AJC."~Y or ......;",il<.ltA-l .i:.SOu....c:ff~. c .(:: ;c.. ~~ NO-\.. PREPARED BY ~o~ \~':)j-A' TITLE 0 ,CEo ?u~"':> DATE..1J.. <;- en 3 '6 ---7--/2-' ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER rnEEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town HllIl, 58095 Main Road P,O, B.oxU79 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (681) 76p.6145 Telephone (681) 766-1800 .' ~jJ"' . tlilll M''Ie' I it If /i;; If; 1.,1;:1~ r---- ~, t j; Ii Ui FEB 19 2008 I L..__. . R.l.CORDS sc",~;,;I.; TC""-" .... " ~,-,--~.-.J~!";'j- ~j~"<:rr:':~;:J';~~.'"n__J OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SODTHOLD APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC ACCESS TO INSTRUCTIONS: Plea~e complete Section I of this form and give to Town Clerk's Office (agency Freedom of . Information Officer), One copy will be returned to you in response to your request, or as an interim respol1se, ~~~=~=~~~~~==================-~=~=====~~==~=====~===========~======================= SECTION~I, TO: .... :=),~;a[cJ O~ 1{'1. J~--t=~~ ([)epol'lment 0" 0 ((ice,', if known, that has the information you ore ,-equesting.) RECORD YOU WISH TO INSPECT: (Describe the record sought. If possible, supply date, file title, lax map number, and any other pel.tinent information.) ~(kPi ~...':t ~V) J)~"+ ~c~ a.tC!.1:510 If._ '=1rz~ r -+. '_ IIr . . Jj /c.'-- LId! )1 J . \ - - ( . Signature of Applicant: / Prmted Name:U9i-l1-a Address: ?a Bx ca~ {; II ~'tld4-:dd, 0-; /(001 Moiling "Address (if tffe,-ent from above) :_._, '_ Telephone Numb,er:~-?~-,-,--;;>/SC Date:_!J;O?J;,s;jOO' r -----.~=~=._-==~===========~==~=~====~===~=====--===========================~=~~~~== I [ [ APPROVED APPROVED WITH DELAY' RECEIVED DEN I ED* D~O~_/I", Elizab h A. Ne ille Freedom of Information O~ . "~ t'7~ '~d' r ,- -, ,() r'nS r ~,_ ,..J '.J. Date SC:l'hO~~1I (Jerl ~ '~~ v{'fi~fc, ~. CRESCENT BEACH CONDOMINIUM fi5)~~~DW~~ MenD lnl JAN 2 2 2008 /Jd} To: BOARD OF TRUSTEES, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD From: CRESCENT BEACH CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION Date: January 22, 2008 Re: SUMMIT ESTATES (SCTM# 38 -7 -12) PERMIT APPLICATION Soulbhold Town Board of Trustees At the request of, and on behalf of, the Board of Managers and other individual owners of Crescent Beach Condominiums, I ask the Board to deny the above referenced application for the following reasons: 1. The dock in question was permitted and built as a single family dock. In the resolution of the Planning Board of the Town of South old dated September 28, 1999 ( attached) which amended Condition Number 11 of the Original Summit Estates Declaration, the Board clearly reiterated its position that the dock use remain limited to those allowed for a single family dock. ** 'The dock will be conveyed to the Summit Estates Home Owners Association Inc., subject to the following conditions: 1. The use of the dock for docking and mooring purposes shall be limited to that allowed under chapter 100-31 C.(3)(a) of the Town Code of the Town of Southold. As per this Section of the Code, no more than two (2) boats other than those owned and used by the owner of the premises, shall use the dock for docking or mooring purposes. In order to ensure that the use of the dock for docking or mooring purposes remains similar to that allowed for a single family dock, and does not result in a marina type use for boats owned by the Summit Estates Home Owners Association, Inc., the docking or mooring of boats are limited to the area of the existing '7" portion (the area which is parallel to the shoreline) of the dock. No more than two boats other than those owned and used by The Summit Estates Home Owners Association Inc., shall use the dock for docking and mooring facilities. 2. Safety concerns. For approximately 30 years, the Crescent Beach Condominium Association has maintained a clearly defined cordoned off designated swim area in the waters at the shoreline of the easterly portion of its property for use by owners and their families, including children of all ages). ( photos attached ) The proposed location of the new slips presents a clear danger to swimmers in the designated swim area since they provide virtually no margin for error in entering or leaving the proposed slips without damaging float ropes or injuring nearby swimmers. 3. To the best of our knowledge, there are currentlv no boats owned and operated bv the Summit Estates Home Owners Association. Inc. Therefore, only two other boats can be docked or moored. Since the current configuration clearly allows for the safe and secure docking of the only other boats allowed on the dock, there can be no good reason to need relocation of any slips. Sincerely, 'nium Association us (Owner, Unit # 13 ) ** Emphasis by memo author . Page 2 PLANNING BOARD MKMHK 'BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. Chairman WILLIAM J. CnEMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. JR. RICHARD G. WARD """: ......' '~'.::t Town Hall, 53095.MaintlP!\d P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fnx(516l765.3136 Telephono (516) 766-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 28, 1999 Donna Geraghty Victorian Realty 110 Front Street Greenport, New York 11944 RE: Major Subdivision for Summit Estates, Sections 1, 2, 3 & 4 SCTM# 1000-35-8-(5.4-5.18) & 38-7-(8-12) and Summit Estates, Section 4 SCTM# 1000-38-7-p/o 10 (a.k.a. SCTM# 1000-35-8-5.3) Dear Ms. Geraghty: The following took place at a meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, September 27, 1999: The public hearing which waS initiated on July 19,1999, in accordance with Condition Number 11 of the Covenants and Restrictions, was closed. The following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, in 1989, Gusmar Realty Corp. made an application to the Planning Board for a major subdivision of 35 lots on 40.822 acres to be know as Summit Estates; and WHEREAS,' prior to the submission of the 35 lot subdivision, a residential dwelling and a dock existed on the property; and WHEREAS, after the Planning Board granted preliminary approval to the subdivision application, the Planning Board allowed the applicant to proceed with the final submission in four separate sections (Section 1: Lots 1-10, Section 2: Lots 11-23, Section 3: Lots 24-32 and Lots 34-35 and Section 4: Lot 33); and . WHEREAS, the Planning Board granted final'approval to Summit Estates, Section 1, on' October 4, 1993; and WHEREAS, Summit Estates, Section 1, contained 10 lots on 17.5036 acres, In adaltlon to three (3) parcels of Open Space (Parcel A. Parcel B, and Parcel C) Page 2 Summ~ EII8telI, Secllons 1, 2, 3 & 4 September 28, 1111111 and one (1) parcel for a Park and Recreation Area (Parcel D), all subject to covenants and restrictions contained in a Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions recorded as part of the subdivision approval; and WHEREAS, Condition Number 11 of the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for Summit Estates reads as follows: "The dock, and any further expansion of such, cannot be conveyed separately from Lot No. 33 except by permission of the Southold Town Planning Board after a public hearing, and if such conveyanca shall be allowed. it shall be to the owner(s) of the park and recreation area only," and WHEREAS. Lot No. 33, as of this tlate, is not an approved lot, but is a proposed lot on which the existing dwelling is located and is now known as the pending application for Summit Estates, Section 4 ; and . WHEREAS, Donna Geraghty, as agent for Gusmar Realty, notified the Planning Board in July 1999, that the Summit Estates property owners would like to convey the use of the dock to the Summit Estates Homeowners Association and would like to establish the use of four boat slips; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board referred the applicant to the Town Trustees in regard to the number of boat slips allowed prior to the Planning Board making a determination in regard to the conveyance of the dock ownership to the Summit Estates Homeowners Association; and WHEREAS, in accordance with COl\dition Number 11 of the Covenants and Restrictions, the Planning Board initiated a public hearing on July 19, 1999, which was held open in order for the Town Trustees review in regard to the allowable number of boat slips and the allowable use of the dock for the dockage of boats; and WHEREAS, the Town Trustees, in a report dated August 23, 1999, stated that the dock was approved by the Trustees as a single family dock, subject to the regulations under Chapter 100-31 C.(3)(a), which states that "There shall be docking or mooring facilities for no more than two (2) boats other than those . owned and used by the owner of the premises for his personal use,"; and WHEREAS, the public hearing in regard to Condition Number 1.1 was closed 0 September 27, 1999; .... BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board alloW~ -('" Ahe ownership of the dock to be conveyed to the Homeowners Assoclation:'!{!., . subject to the following conditions: . < ,in. 1. The use of the dock for docking and mooring purposes shall be limited to that allowed under Chapter 100-31 C. (3) (a) of the Town '~";''''i;,> >.' !C"'- /~ '~\ Page 3 Summ~ EatatB9. Sections 1, 2, 3 & 4 September 28, 1999 Code. As per this Section of the Code, no more than two (2) boats other than those owned and used by the owner of the premises, shall use the dock for docking or mooring purposes. ' In order to further ensure that the use of the dock for docking or mooring purposes remains similar to that allowed for a single family dock, and does not result'in a marina type use for boats owned by the Summit Estates Homeowners Association, the Planning Board is requiring that the docking or mooring or boats be Iimitectto the area of the existing "r portion (the area which is parallel to the shoreline) of the dock. The attached Exhibit "AU indicates the"r portion of the dock. Exhibit "A" is to be made a part of this resolution. The Zoning Board of Appeals in a decision for a different matter, clarified for the purposes of interpretation that ''for the purposes of Section 100-31 C. (3) (a), an owner of a parcel of land shall be an individual, a partnership, corporation, cooperative, or other entity, or a combination of the above, as a single unit." Therefore, the Planning Board's decision is further clarified to mean that no more than 2 boats other than those owned and used by the Summit Estates Homeowners Association shall use the dock for docking or mooring facilities. 2. , All members of the Summit Estates Homeowners Association shall have the right to use the dock for purposes other than that of docking and mooring of boats. These uses shall include, but not be limited to, uses such as walking on the dock and fishing from the dock. 3. The Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for the Summit Estates subdivision shall be amended to include the above mentioned conditions of approval. A draft Declaration must be submitted for the Planning Board's review and approval prior to the recording of the document in the County Clerk's Office. 4. The Summit Estates Homeowners Association Offering Plan must be amended to include the above mentioned conditions of approval. A copy of the amendment must be submitted for the Planning Board's review and approval prior to the recording of the document. 5. The Town Tax Assessors must be notified of the conveyance of the)' ownership of the dock to the Homeowners Association for assessment purposes. Verification that the Tax Assessors have been notified of the change must be submitted to the Planning Board. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Board hold the final hearing for Summit Estates, Section 4 open until such time that Conditions Number 3, 4 and 5 of the approval in regard to the public hearing in accordance with Condition Number 11 of the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions are fulfilled to the Page 4 Sumni~ Eetatee, SecUona 1, 2, 3 & 4 September 28, 1999 satisfaction Of the Planning Board. The next Planning Board meeting is scheduled for October 18, 1999. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Sincerely, ~tf~~~. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. /(4<15 Chairman cc: Town Trustees ene. it , .-.) - CJ (\) (J1 o /VIM " s'(^Tl:~6 o Plt~C.EL "0" - "QX~~R&""TIDN I:\~l\ I. 7G.l1 A-<#~ " . -- ~ --==- ~ 97.34' -. ---.::.. N 88-30' 49" W GARDINERS B4Y I , ,.... It I ?oR"-/OtJQf.poc..~ r, "";-""'-"''''''--''''"ti.:',-,,''.:',.',;'';' " il ~H /1?JIL .. A II oj .. ~~ '" "-,, % 'ii':~ ~~. ;'J ;<: ~~.~i~~.,;:.. Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 9, 2005 Summit Estates Homeowners Association, Inc. P.O. Box 779 East Marion, NY 11939 Re: Request for Floating Dock System Dear Mr. Danisi: The Board of Trustees has determined that the addition of docks is not allowed according to the information from the Planning Board found in the Summit Estates file. Enclosed is the refund for the $50 that was sent in for a pre submission conference with the Trustees. Please contact this office with any further questions. Very Truly Yours, J/. _ 1.. /7. 'Ih.-.;? ~ ',r- Albert J. Krupski, President Board of Trustees AJK/hkc TWOMEY, LATHAM, SHEA & KELLEY, LLP Attorneys at Law THOMAS A. TWOMEY, JR. STEPHEN B. LATHAM JOHN F. SHEA, III CHRISTOPHER O. KELLEY MAUREEN T. L1CCIONE DAVID M. DUBIN <) P. EDWARD REALE PETER M. MOTT SUZANNE V. SHANE JAY P. QUARTARARot JANICE L SNEAD MARTHA L. LUFT JANE DiGIACOMO PHILIP D. NYKAMP MaiUngAddres$ Post Office Box 9398 RJverhead New York 11901-9398 Location 33 West Second Street Rlverhead New York 11901-9398 OF COUNS"'L KENNETH P. LAVALLE JOAN C. HATFIELD i:l ANNE MARIE GOODALE LAURA t. SGUAZZINA MARTIN O. FINNEGAN 0 TRACY KAASCH PALUMBO BRYAN C. VAN GOTT. ELENA L. TOMARO CYRUS G. DOLCE +. ALICIA S. O'CONNORD. LISA A. AZZATO+ Telephone: 631.727.2180 FacsimHe: 631.727.1767 www.suffolklaw.com September 7, 2004 NY& LA BARS <) LL.M. IN TAXATION t NY&. CT BARS c,. NY, NJ, &. PA BARS lJ NY & NJ BARS. NY, NJ. FL, aCT BARS. LL.M. IN ESTATE PLANNING <> NY, OC, FL, & GA BARS + CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Peter Fakiris, President Gusmar Realty Corp. 13-15 37th Avenue Long Island City, New York 11101 Re: Cleaves Point Condominiums/ Summit Estat Protective Covenants and Restrictions Dear Mr. Fakiris: This firm has been retained by Cleaves Point Condominiums to ensure that Gusmar Realty Corp. and the Summit Estates Home Owners Association, Inc. comply with and abide by the Declaration of Protective Covenants and Restrictions, executed by Gusmar Realty Corp. on July 17, 1992 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's office at Liber 11506, Page 123, and the Amendment to Declaration of Protective Covenants and Restrictions, executed by Gusmar Realty Corp. on June 19, 2000 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office at Liber 12051, Page 541. The concerns on the part of the members of Cleaves Point Condominiums are twofold. First, one of the residents of Cleaves Point Condominiums recently visited a model home in Summit Estates and was told by a salesperson for Summit Estates that as soon as one half of the homes within Summit Estates are built and occupied, the Summit Estate Home Owners Association intends to petition the Town of Southold for additional boat slips. As you should recall, the Declaration of Protective Covenants and Restrictions and, in particular, the Amendment to the Declaration of Protective Covenants and Restrictions that you executed on June 19, 2000 expressly and specifically limit Gusmar Realty Corp. and the Summit Estates Home Owners Association to a total of four (4) boats, i.e.. two residents and two guests, to use the docks for docking and mooring purposes. Therefore, please be advised that any attempts on the part of Gusmar Realty Corp. or Summit Estate Home Owners Association to petition the Town of Southold for additional boat slips 20 MAIN STREET EAST HAMPTON, NY 11937 6313241200 51 HILL STREET SOUTHAMPTON, NY 11968 631,287,0090 105 MAIN STREET PORT JEFFERSON STA-, NY 11776 631.928.4400 ONE EAST MAIN STAEET, SUITE 1 BAY SHORE, NY 11706 631.665.8300 400 TOWNLlNE ROAD HAUPPAUGE, NY 11768 631.265.1414 56340 MAIN ROAD, P.O. BOX 325 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 631.765.2300 will meet with vigorous opposition on the part of Cleaves Point Condominiums, which opposition will include citing the safety and other concerns for which the Town of Southold required the Protective Covenant and Restrictions in the first place. See Amendment to Declaration of Protective Covenants and Restrictions, No.1. The second concern on the part of the members of Cleaves Point Condominiums relates to the fact that, on a continual basis over the years, cars and golf carts from Summit Estates have been traversing the Park and Recreation Area which, as you should also recall, is prohibited under the Declaration of Protective Covenants and Restrictions that you signed back on July 23, 1992. See Declaration of Protective Covenants and Restrictions, Nos. 7 and 8. We hope that this reminder will avoid future problems. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ~D 'dM.. D {~~ D~m DMD/ms cc: Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Trustees Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster . Ken poliwoda Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Melissa spiro FROM: Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees DATE: August 23, 1999 RE: summit Estates The Southold Town Board of Trustees have reviewed the Summit Estates situation. The Peter Fakiris dock was originally approved by this board as a single family dock, subject to the regulations under the current zoning and code restrictions under Chapter lOO-3l-3(a) which states "there shall be docking or mooring facilities for no more than two (2) boats other than those owned and used by. the owner of the premises for his personal use". The Southold Town Board of Trustees sees no reason to change the use of the structure and would definitely not recommend a marina use for the structure. If you have any questions, please call our office, at 765-1892. Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 c/ \ \~ ... \ 1.1 ,~\ \ JJ 'I rY . " ,y,,' I , v ~ \ \ SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer, III, President Albert J. Krupski, Jr., Vice President Henry P. Smith John B. Tuthill William G. Albertson ? Thwn Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 9, 1992 Cleaves Point Condominiums Att: H. Boening & M. Greenstein P.O. Box 29 Greenport NY 11944 Re: Army Corps Appl. #91-0925-L2 Dear Mssrs Boening & Greenstein: With respect to your letter of March 31, 1992 with attached letter from Congressman Hochbrueckner, this letter will confirm my previous letter of January 16, 1992 and as such there are no other actions available to the Southold Town Trustees concerning this matter at this time. Any future proposed alterations to the doc~ in question which are landward of the seaward most position as it is presently configured would require a wetland permit from this Board as an accessory use by Mr. Fakiris' house. The permanent use of this dock by more than two boats other than those of the owner and his immediate family would be a violation of the Town Zoning Ordinance. Although I honestly do not believe there are any other branches of Southold Government other than the Trustees and Planning Board which would be involved with this structure on an approval/denial basis at this time, you may wish to contact the legal department and the chairmen of the Zoning and Planning Boards c - for their own response in this matter. Sincerely, John M. Bredemeyer, III President, Board of Trustees cc. TA Planning Board Zoning Board . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. Chairman WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETHL.EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. RICHARD CAGGIANO Town HaIl, 53095 State Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1938 Fax (631) 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTH OLD February 27, 2001 William H. Price, Jr., Esq. P.O. Box 2065 Greenport, NY 11944 RE: Summit Estates subdivision boat slips Dear Mr. Price, The Planning Board has read and discussed your letter and the proposed amendment to the Summit Estates Home Owners Association Offering Plan. The proposed amendment does conflict with the Planning Board resolution granting final approval to Summit Estates Sec. 4. They cannot transfer ownership of the "guest" boat slips. This would be in violation of the Planning Board approval. However, I have not uncovered anything in the Town Code limiting the two "guest" slips to temporary usage. Your letter has been forwarded to the Board of Trustees and Town Attorney. I will forward any responses from them to you. Sincerely, ~~ Craig Turner Planner MAR - , . cc: Albert Krupski, Jr., Board of Trustees Gregory Yakaboski, Town Attorney Donna Geraghty, Gusmar Realty Corp. 01/23/2008 12:04 FAX 6315741258 TWOMEV LATHAM IiJ001/0l0 TWOMEY, LAlHAM, SHEA, KELLEY, DUBIN It QUARTARARO, LLP AITORNEYS AT LAW 33 WF$T SECOND STREET P.O. BOX 9398 RIVERHEAD. NEW YORK 11901-9398 631-727.2180 TELEFAX: 631-574-1258 FAX COVER SHEET S TMIIIlIIISSI~ IS r~ ......... lIRLY _ '1'BB WB OP TBIl J1lDIVIDOI\L OR Zll'tITlI' '1'0 1IIIl:CB :IT , AlII) MAY CQI'DllI \A&U:.J.UD.WI:~ ~ BIUII1GDIC '1'0 "1'BE _ 'l'IIAT IS r~ '1'BB .A-.u,--_Ar-a.nar.r muvu.BGB ca 0'1!IBB. 1XX:"I'R.IlIB.. 'II YCIJ A8B IICPl 'J!IB ...~ RBCIPDft, YOU AIIB IIIIlB8Y IIO'IIFIBD '1'11/1.'1 AIft DISCLOStJD, CQ1>YIIIG, DISTRIBUTIOR OR TIIII '1UIIlC DF D 1I1rrT.... CIr IM8 \..UUDB".RI or IJ!IIS ~ IS S!'IUC'ELY P8QB1anKD. II' UIJ III: J:VJII) 'l'8IS _~ III _, IMEDI.UBLY IlO'1'In' lIS BY DLlll'BOa ro ARP_ _ RIi'l'lIRII_ FURO. cr. TIftI'.r CODB 1640 m: SOutllold Board of '!I:ustees 631-765-6641 DAB: Kathryn Dalli, Bsq. January 23, 2008 AppliC!8HOIl of S1Dlllli ~ Estates Public hearing: 1/23/08 FRON: RB: MBSSIGB : NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING TBI:S COVER SHEET: 10 ~EJ~N~Um ~ Soulbbokl TOWI 80ard of Trustees 01/23/2008 12:05 FAX 8315741258 TWOMEV LATHAM Ii!I 002/010 TWOMEY, LATHAM, SHEA, KELLEY, DUBIN & QUARTARARO UP A.lIut",ey;y u/ Law T1tIOMAII A. TWO....V, .lA, BTE..,..EN .. I.ATttAM "'011",............111 ClHRI.-ro....... D. t<.LLEY DAYID M. O,",llfrfO JAY". CUARTAIIIAJIIO t pn... M, MOTT "ANa... INBAD M........IN D. FIN...."N. "'NNliMAJIII.~t IIRVAN Q. VA'" COTT6 MlUnne ACldrt.. Post OHIC'. 80)( 9398 Riv.rhead New YOrk 11801 ~9a98 LcIollUon 33 Weill Second S1r_1 Fliv.fneael New York 11801.8388 Dr GaIlNIIo~ KENNETH P. LAVALLE JOAN 0. HATP.IJ...O a. ~ILIP D. NYMM" A LAULIIIIA I. BGUAZZIN CYRU. 41. DOLCE, "R... U.... A. AZZATO+ KA'ftII"VN DALLI DANI." G. WANI t .#l;!IIINIFliiR,... ~ND4I.OAQ KIlt.&.V .. 1(1~I"Otw. .....T..'O:K .. ~,.~ LAU"I!N Il!. aTI".. AMIBLB. GAOSS .. Teleph_: 691.727.2180 F.wimllel8a1.T27.1767 WWW.lluffolkl.w.com VIA FACSIMILE IlIIlI BY HAND JanlllllY 23, 2008 L~INTlUCA1'1CI" t u..."" III IE5TAT1! .............a. H'lIiLA_.O NY A CTII_$.6 NY,~. to ""'._5. N'l'A ""'.<\l1li8. !II"'.OO......~....l'I,+ NV, M,I, QT," .... III"'''' . _.Tl(...... Board ofTrustees Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Summit Estates Homeowners Association, East Marion S~#: 1~38-7-12 Dear Board Members: This finn represents Cleaves Point Condominium Association ("Cleaves Poinf'), adjacent neighbors to the east of tile Summit Estates development. We are submittiDg this letter in opposition to the application of Summit Estates Homeo~ Association for a permit to move four (4) poles or piliD&s on the seaward side ofthcir dock on plU'Ce1 '1)" to the landward portion of the "T" on the west side (the "Application"). A. Histmv ofS,lImmit ....- Homeownel"S' Association. On Scptc:mbcr 28,1999, the Planning Board of the TownofSouthold ("Pl"","~ Board") adopted a resolution allowing the ownership of tho dock which is the subject of the instant lIIlPlication to be conveyed to the Homeowners Association on the express condition that "no IIIOIe 1han 2 boats other than those owned IlIIlI used by the Summit Estates Homeowners Association sball use the dock for dnrJri'1g or mooring facilities." The purpose of this resolution WIllI to limit the _ of the dock to that allowed for a siDgle fiunily dock and to prevail a "marina type" use of the dock for all homeowners with a boat. So as to BChieve this restric:lion, the plRnni'1g Board limited the docking or mooring of all boats to the 'T' portion of the dock pera1lcl to the shoreline. The pl......i1\g Board further resolved that the Declamti.on of Covenants and Res1rictions fur the Summit Estates be amended to include the a1'omiaid cooditiOllS. A <:opy of the Planning Board's resolution dared September 28, 1999 is """"'1fed hereto. As dlrected by the PlRl1llil1g Board, an .AmendmP.llt to the DeclaratiOllS of CoveDllllts and Rc8trictions, including the aforesaid conditions, dated.June 19, 2000 was recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office at Liber 12051, Page 541. lIO MAIN smEET EAST HAMPTON, NY 119S1 es'.S24.1200 51 HILL SlREET SOUTHAMPTON. NY lIoee 6S1..287.DOAo 105AOUTE 112, prL 18 PORT JIIF'PIASON STA" NY l1nO fQ1.92IJ.4400 400 TOWNLlNE AQAIJ HAUPPAUG&,NY11788 931,265.141" !&1<<1 MAIN ROAD. P. O. sox 3215 SCUTI1OLD. NY 11m la1.7Vli.llIOO 01/23/2008 12:05 FAX 8315741258 HOMEY LA THAN 1ll003/010 2 In 2004, one oftbc residents of Cleaves Point visited a model home in Summit E-. and was advised by the salesperson that the Summit Estates Homeowners Association was going to apply to the Town ofSoulbold for AlIdiri"llal boat slips om:e hIllf oflhe homes were built and OCiCIIpied. As a result, this firm wrote to Mr. Petec Fa1drls, the President of the developer Ousmar Realty Corp., l'flfIIlMil'lg him 1bat the dnrJnI'l(f and IJIOOring facility was limited to a total of 4 boats. i&., 2 residents aod 2 pests, and that any attempt on the part ofGusmar or the homeowners association to petition the Town Trustees for lIddi1ional boat slips would be vigorously opposed. A copy of this firm's lc:tla"dated Septed1ber 7, 2004 is IIDIICXed hereto. B. The Current Application. Now the time has come that the SIIIIlDIit E9tates HoDH:Owm:I'S Association is attempting to gain additional boat slips, not by a slIaightforward application for additional boat slips, but by a roundabout application for a pcnnit to rclO\late the existing pilings to the other side (Iandwud) of the 'T' portion of the doc:k to Illlhieve the SIDle result. It is a ~uuc conclusion that IIIl application for additionaJ boat slips would be denied by the TrusttJes by virtue of the Declaration ofCCMlDllDts and Res1rictions and the Amendment thereto. Tbe cum:ut Application is a tnmsparcnt atIw1pt to achieve lhe very same result. The Trustees must see tbrough this attempt and seriously question the llel:essUy for granting the Application. The mocation of the pilings to the lmdward side of the 'T' undoublledJy will a1Iow more room for the mooring or docking of additiouaJ boats. Unless the Homeowners Association can proffer an acceptable and I~ti.llate reason for reJtlNdil'lg the pilings, the Application should be denied. Otherwi.sc, the mooring of more than 4 boats at the dook will likely cause conrimu...g complaints to be lodged I1gIIiftllt the Homeowners Association and necessitate a prevalent poJicin& of tile area to coi'on;c the Iesb.ictions imposed, whereas now, tbcrc is simply not room for more than 4 boats. MOI'COva', the relocation oftlle pilings will negatively impact the wetlands. In order to remove and iDstIIl the piJiJJgs in a different location, there will be neceB8N'y dredging which will disturb the aea bottom and marine life. We n:spcdfuIIy ask that this bo8n1 scrutinize this Application to prevent any cireumvention of the CovClllllltS and Restrictions imposed on this p.upWty. We appreciml your including this letter and its attaclunents as part of the record of this matter. Thank. you for your consideration. cc: Cleaves Point Condominium Association 01/23/2008 12:05 FAX 6315141258 :ji.,. "'y,.~.,......",., ......"~t'._~. '.' !j" II . PLANNING BOARD M1lM1I2....... ..~... /' .' .' . '. ,I \' BENNETTORt.OWSKI..JR. 'n . i ' . . . Ch"~n W1LLIAM J. CD~ KENNETH!.. BDWAIIDII GEOIIGB ....~ LA'J'IL\II. .JR. lUCIIAlm'G. WARD TlOMEV LATHAM I1J004/010 ....--;..- . . . ...- -. ~ '- Tawn Hall. 53095 Main llo-.l P.O.... 1119 S.uthaJd. N~w Vark 119"11 Vax (616) 7664186 T.lephan.(516)1~1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 28, 1999 Donna Geraghty Victorian Realty 110 Front Street Greenport, New York 11944 RE: Major Subdivision for Summit Estates. Sections 1, 2, 3 & 4 SCTM# 1 OOlh$.S--(5.4-5.18) & 38-7 -(8-12) and Summit Estates, Section 4 SCTM# 10Cl0-38-7-p10 10 (a.k.s. SCTM# 1000-35-8-5.3) Dear Ms. Geraghty: The following took'place at a meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, September 27, 1999: The public hearing which was initiated on July 19, 1999, in accord&nce with Condition Number 11 of the Covenants and Ftestrlctloos, was closed. The following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, in 1989, Gusmar Realty Corp. macIe an application to the Plannir:!g Board for a msjor subdivision of 35 lots on 40.822 acres to be know u Summit Estates; and WHEREAS, prior to the submission of the 35 lot subdivision, a raidential dwelling and a dock existed on the property; and WHEREAS, after the Planning Board granted preliminary approval to the subdivision application, the Planning Soard allowed the apP!lcant to proceed with the finlllsubmlssion in four separate sections (Section 1: lots 1-10 Section 2: lots 11-23, Section 3: lots 24-32 and lots 34-36 and Section 4: Lot 33); and WHEREAS, the Planning Board granted final Elpp/'Oval to Summit Estatss, Section 1, on October 4, 1993; and , WHEREAS. Summit Estates, Section 1, contained 10 lots on 17.5036 acres, in addition to three (3) parcels of Open Space (Parcel A, Parcel B, and Parcel C) ;" ~. 01/23/2008 12:08 FAX 8315741258 TWOMEV LATHAN IiII 005/010 ....!..;.::~:..~~;,.:_:.It....:lt'::.;...~.1-:. "'::::'~~"~'''~. ", :~~l:;~'~' ':'_:.~.": .:.,:. ;.>. ..,. . ;~':~.i:'lfr{'~7:~"'I,;..~.,_~,_!.it..."-a: ..~:.. '~" '..........._.,ir:.. ;.;-:,::: .~ .30':':':"-...____:.. , . .~~~~~. . .:.~;?t~:-. .. ',;11:. _ '. " ". ""lIe;Z Summit Edla, Sectiona " 2, 3 & 4 September 28, 1111111 l> .' ,II .< : and one (1) parcel for a Park. and Recreation Area (Parcel D)..all subject to covenants and restrictions contained in a Declaration or Covenants and Restrictions recorded as part or the subdivision approve I; and WHEREAS, Condition Number 11 of the Declaration of Coverlllnts and Restrictions for Summit Estates raads as follows: "The dock, and any further expansion of SUch, cannot be conveyed separately from lot No. 33 except by permission or the Southold Town Planning Board after a public hearing, and if such conveyance shall be allowed, It shill be to the owner(s) of the parit and reaeation area only." and WHEREAS, lot No. 33, as of this aate, is not an approved lot, but is a proposed lot on which the existing dwelling ia located and 1$ now known as the pending . application for Summit Estates, S8Ction 4 ; and WHEREAS, Donna Geraghty, as agent for Gusmar Realty, notified the Planning Board in July 1999, that the Summit Estates property owners would like to convey the use of the dock to the Summit EstlItes Homeowners Associlltlon and woulcf like to establish the use of four boat slips; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board referred the applicant to the Town Trustees in regard to the number of boat slips allowed prior to the Planning Board making a determination in regard to the conveyance of the dock ownerehlp to the Summit Estates Homeowners AsSOciation; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Condition Number 11 of the COV8nllnta and Restrlctions, the Planning Board initiated a public hearing on July 19, 1999, which was held open In Order for the Town TI'U5tees review in regard to the allowable number of boat slips and the allowable use of the dock for the dOCkage of boats; and ., WHEREAS, the Town Trustees, In ~ report dated August 23, 1999, stated that the dock was apProved by the Trustees as a &Ingle family dock, subject to the regulations under Chapter 100-31 C.(3)(a), whlc:h states that "Theni shall be docking or mooring facilities for no more th8n two (2) boats other then those owned and used by the owner of the premises for his P8I'SOnal use."; and WHEREAS, the public hearing in regard to ConditIon Number 11 was closed on September 27, 1999; . BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning BOIIrd allow the ownership of the dock to be conveyed to the Homeowners Association Subject to the following COnditions: 1. The use or the dock for dockilJg and mooring P\.I'P08e.S shall be limited to that allowed under Chapter 100-31 C. (3) (8) of the Town ... J .! ..~ .. ,". .'~ 01/23/2008 12:06 FAX 8315741258 - , I 1 TWOMEV LATHAM III 008/010 ....... " :~ per this Section of the Code, no more than two (2) boats then those owned and used by the owner of the premises, shall , :'..? Use the dOCK for docking or mooring purposes. I..' In order to further ensure that the use of the dock for docking or mooring purposes remains similar to that allew&d for a single family dock, and does not result in a marina type use for boats owned by the Summit Estates Homeowners Asscx;iatiOn, the Planning Board Is requiring that the docking or mooring afboats be limited to the area of the existing "r portion (the area which is parallel to the shoreline) of the dock, The attached Exhibit" N indicates the "r portion of the dock. Exhibit "A" Is to be made a part of this resolution. The Zoning Board of Appeals in a decision for a different matter, clarified for the purposes of interpretation that "for the purposes of Section 100-31 C. (3) (a), an owner of a percel of land shall be an individual, a partnership, corporation, coop&I'lItlve, or other entity, or a combination of the above, as a single unit" Therefore, the Planning Board's deCision is further clarified to mean ~ that no more than 2 boats other than tho$e owned and used by the vt' Summit ElItates Homeowners Association shall use the dock for docking or mooring facilities. 2. All members of the Summit Estates Homeowners Association shall have the right to use the dock for purposes olher th8n that of docking and mooring of boats. These uses shall include, but not be limited to, uses such as walking on the dock and fishing ft'Om the dock.. 3. The Declaration of Covenants and Res1rictions for the Summit Estates subdivision shall be amended to lnc:Iude the above mentioned conditions of approval. A draft Deckntlon must be submitted for the Planning Board's review and approval prior to the recording of the document in the County CIer1<s Office. 4. The Summit Estates Homeowners Associ8tlon Offering Plan must be amended to Include the above mentioned canditions of approval. A copy of the amendment must be submitted for the Plamlng Board's review and approval Pfk'" to the I1lCOrding of the dOa.lmenl 5. The Town Tax AssessOrs must be notified of the conveyance of the ownership of the dock to 'the Homeowners Aseociation for assessment purposes. Verification that the TlIX Ass..1""S have been notified of the change must be submitted to the Planning Board. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Board hold the final hearing for Summit Estates, Section 4 Open until such time that Conditions Number 3, 4 and 5 of the approval in regard to the public hearing in accord.nce with Condition Number 11 of the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions are fuifllled to the 01/23/~008 12:06 FAX 8315741258 '-'!.":': TlOMEY LATHAM -"", .J . , . " '. PIIll84 Sumrnil Estata Sedions.1. 2. 3 & 4 S.pIImb8r 28, 1111111 ,.Jj' .... t~ -: '1. I"' llatisfadion of the Planning Board. The next Planning Board meeting is scheduled for October 18, 1999. Please contact this office if you have i!lny questions regarding the above. Sincerely, J::!1~l>>s Chairman cc: Town Trustees ene. I I \ i .. , 'J .... . 1ilI007/010 01/23/2008 12:07 FAX 6315741258 TlOMEY LATHAN IilI 008/010 ~. .." .w... .__. .. '-- UJ CJ I ..) ~ o o o ( .f ! f\J <.n o /'liMIT E~rA~6 o Pf\-~c..EL "0" - "'llk..kll.r"T,,,tJ Q~,. 1.7blllb:u!S. " , , i , -- - ~ - ~ =--= =-- -- 97.34' - ~ N 88.30' 49" W , GARDINERS B4y I 'I"" ?of\l/OrJ Of DOC.K { " ..i .~ 1 i L ALL. Dock./fIler AND MDO~I"'" / oF- 'So~-r~ LII'f\I"1"EO 1'"0 tt" 1""'1<;,. P\ll.efll M 1'E"~ Se.1i9\&e" 2.7. "C\C\ PL(\tJNIN6- ~AM ~Im( . ~HIBrT .. A" 01/23/2008 12:07 FAX 8315741258 TWOMEV LATHAM f'I-OE 1'01). : IilI 009/010 Jan. 16 20l/lB 115: 26PM P3 FRD'1 : . TWl>M:EY. LATHAl\l. SimA 8r KELl..... Y. I.U Att"",.,1 Gt .ta:.. Tt4OMAaA. ~IIY. J". l'T'4IP"elll II. '-4TtfAM oIOMN P'. _HMo III c:ttJIII_TOfIM'" D. IUILLrI' NIfll.u..... To WVIQlllll Djd'lD ~. 011'>>1_ fI.~Ml"WAl.A' ....... ... ....,.,. -...A.... v. ....... ~IIItP.a~.1' JiYCIO. L .--..a _"'*' L. wn JNt! DI~"IIO III'H"'D.~ Mdrw Addr'H. ~ om~ M" ,... lIIIvettI..d N... Y9tIC 11101-.3.' ...-.. .~ w..t 8MCtnd BIN.. "tv.rh_. N.w Vark 111101-e388 -"" .l:'~'" ~"a.~~6 ~ IIIAItI-. 4IOOOALC .,.~ I. ........,.... ............. ~--. --- ...... a, WAN OOTT. "'-'-- IIIYM.Ht"DOuI.- ALIaIA" O'IUJ _.... .......- ,....... "'.7Zt..,.o ........... "'.7%1'.''''7 www~__.oe.., September 7, 2004 ""........l1li0 WlL':.~: -....... .,....... ......N~. ...._.....IIIr~. tLM.....,.....,.."......... -.-..................+ CB1l1U'UIIJ MAIL RB'I'OViBJ~:K~n lUID-UESTED Peller Famia, P:raid.ent ~lbltyCorp. 13-15 3"" Avenue Long Jslmcl City, New "orlt 11101 Re: Ou:n5 Point COIldomiDllUl'll/ S1Ulllllit Bltates Protecl:l:n Covuwlb uid Re8trictiODS Dear Mr. FU:D:la: this firm hu bllCl retained. by Clea". Poird: CondomiNums 10 ensure that GWIIIM1' RMlty Corp. md. the ~t JistIl_ Home ewz-s .AlIIocDtio:I:I. 1m:. compq with and abide by ihe Declaration of FJ;ob;.:li.., CoveraEds and Rahictionl, exec:utcd by Gusmu Raalty Coxp. 01\ July 17, 1992 qd _d.sd in the Suffolk County Clerks office at Liber 11506, P<<ge 123. and1:he Amendment to Decla:ratiDn of Protective COftIlUlot8 NId ReJtrktions, --=ted by o.-w: Realty COlp. on June 19, 2000 and remrded in the SuffaIk Ccnmty Cierk'a Office at Liber 12051.. Page 541. " The concerns on the pari: IlnI twofold. !lint. one of f!w visited a model home in S Summit Eet-tee tiult u _ as built: _d lK'CUpted,. the Summit petition the Town of Southold the ml.trlbers: of Cleans }>omt CondomD11ums I!nt8 of C1esV98 Point Condominiums NC8Itly Estates and was told by a 1Nll~ for half of the homes within Summit Estates IU'e ' ate Htlml! Owne:m Association intends to additional bOat ,lip~. A.. you. should recall. the edaration of Prote..tivc: Covenanllmui RestrldiOllS and, in particular, e Anumdment to the DeclllXW.tion ofPNt-c:tm C~ 1UId~ that ~ _."",bld onJ~ 19. 2000 ....y.....ly. cui spec:lfiodly llml.t Gusmar RaIl Corp. and the Summit Estates Hcmu: Owners ...,&. Association to a total of four ( oatil, iaL two retliclents, UIod two pew, to use r th. dodcs far docldng and mo purpOS8. Therefore,. please be advised that any attle:lnpbl on tM :put of G Rally Corp. or Summit listIltll Ham.! Owners AModation to peUtion e Town of SQ"lthold for addil:ic1ud bou sUp' .,... ""'~...". ...-...JIUMI . ...,.."....IIIIMD rwow...... AaM.II'A.oII_ wJN..........1fftIII. H~"-lWft_ MKn'MOIAIn',...... 1DI.-..aD ....,... lito"... ..,............ '1 NU...... .,....-,....ftW ~tff"...... ..,.-.1_ ........... , . FR01 : Nl. : 1iII010/010 111"1. 16 aHl B5:26PM P4 01/23/2008 12:07 FAX 8315741258 TWONEV LATHAN will meet with 'Vig0J:0Wl oppoIi on the put of Cleaws Point CondOl:llfniW1l5, which 0 oeiticn wU1 indude d . the lIUety IIZld other c:ancemII for whid\ the Town ~n:tho1d. required the :ve Coven.nt 8lUi RelItrlctiOllll in the &lit plate. ~ Amenc:bnent to De lion of Prottct1ve Covenants and~, No.1. ,1M eecond ccw:em em part of the JnllDlhers of Clu;ves Point Ccmd.oJ:nWlUIIlI zekt:ee to the &at. on a ccmtinual louis <7Wl1' tlw years.. CIIaI and go!! cm:Ill hom Summit Ell ha'v. becl. travenlng the Parle: lIIld. ~tJon ArelI.lU'hic'h. u )'IN shouJd adso Is prohibitRcl1.U1der 1he Dt=cWatiml of i'robldive Cc7veNmt8 and Rest:ri thit you signed back emJWy 23, 1992. :a Declarationof~..b.ctlVl! Covm nt$ mdRestrittions, NOI. 7md 8. We hope that thie quest:icm3 or would lib to me. wm avoid Ntule problmw. If you have any this matter. pIe." do not heeitate to contact . Slna::rely, ,~ DMD/ms cc:: Southold Town Plamd:ng Southold Town TrustBu C;/ ~ .... ru III c CI c~ ~ ~"-~ .... -"-..... , l;l :;:J - "'. " '-.. cwo.. - ., . " .' .:' ,'-............~... ~<.:. :..... ~ ,':.', : ,C!'IlP" ..iI'-'~~t'!'l":' .' ',,:, .' Cl : iW. '. ..../ :AJi... , 4,:,-- .... . D. '." '.:. ,'.. . .~... ~.".," fI_ 3.I.6D DDDS a':L1D 31i71f -';', ::' ~~. ..... ,.,'.: :: " ....: .::r-::.::.: ..~ '........:.: . I ~ I , . I ~ .. ~ ,I .. JV' :: 1 \ ! . \ I ! i , , I I i I I i il"~ I" Or" 'ell .... 1) ; , ! I , , L_~u_ . ~',_ ,,,,,. :l." ,. .. I I ; , I \ \ I .J-fJ .. ., /0 ~Jt!.) . T I .;}.O . . /))41..-. -)II 1 .~ - , /6 ~i , lip ~ @ s """ IJ'f ,-( ~!> "1;4- 74-6 //-t,~ tJw~ A-SS.IC, I . S' c:;.op,~ ~ :. i) /I1N~ PDJ-tU:./~ _1"~:I>'! o r: 1"""brc.l 70 N &II ~ eA 1,'.- (f) flV\IIc.."1~ lV~rlt HCAt,;" 'S Jk; R.. ,"7. )..; I'J ii ~.,..., 0'-...1 . () 1< - ,,7<.. ~ --\ ' -:p :p ~ ~., ~.J:1 ~ 7 ....j, \~ "<l ... ~ f") D<' Q() t; l> +l 'i -U ~ ...... '}..J G . \N -- l\J . O().. )J 1.\(l....J CY D '-. 0'- eJe f' 0 r r J1 ;.0 <; t J:- d .~ " ~ '\ \ \ X 15.1 ( , ) .4.i 'Q:) .'<1" X3.~ o Q .q iii Ql:6.8 00( '2 \l ~ ~6~, ""00 III .. 0- fJt <:) \l () o ... 41 AI I' . ~ ~ !ll:Jl :0:( lJ/. 1lJ II ~ ~,. X2.7 r,- \ \ \ \ \ \ / ~ f!l o 52 V1 X3.2 5.5 2 . _ 7 N.860 Tit ll,. 49"Yt------. , -- - E:XI<;::. 'T. BoA,'T' " ~oGl<.; B4r: -, t"',. ( / / -' o o '" '" "' .... \'" o o o "' "' ... N W ~ ltl!l'M