HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12394 P 34 -, , iI. ~.Y.s. . Real Estste ansfer Tsx $1,440.00 LI) ,)C1 L/ r ,:~LI ID')-(r7 Form M~ ('IJ99J . :!OM - Slrpin and Salt Deed. with Covcnaa1"1&Jlli1lll Qranaor'. AN-Individual or Corporalioa. CainIJe Well OOIIaULT YOUII UW"fUI UFO........ .....IIIITIIU~ - 'I'IUII.... 1 ......, IIIOULD....- n ~ O.Y. THIS INDENTURE. made Ihe 6th day of June, 200~ and BETWEEN JOAN M. CRON as TRUSTEE OF JOAN M CRON REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST DATED NOVEMBER ~7. 2004, of 52~a NW 80th Avenue Road, oeala, Florida 32675 part yoflhelirst pwI. and 28000 MAIN ROAD, LLC, a New York limited liability company, having its principal place of business at 28000..Main Road, Cutchogue, New York 11935 pmy or lhe second pan. WITNESSETH, Ihallhe pany of lhe first part. in cOIIJideralion of len dolla.. and nther valuabl. consideralion paid by Ihe pany or lhe I<<ond pan. docs hcrehy gronl .nd rel.~ unlO lhe party of lhe sccond pllrl. the heirs or succe....... and .....igns of the pany of Ih. second pari forever. ALL Iha, ccn.in pllll. piCl.., nr pan:.1 .,f I.nd. with the buildings and improvemenls therron erecled. situate. lyilJll :md heinginlhc Village of Cutchogue, in the TOwn of Southold, County or- Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described in Schedule A which is attached hereto. . : .' ~ r. . BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises convey~d,\~~ th~ ~arty of the first part by deed dated November 17, 2004 ang lre.corded-.1n. .. the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on November 23, 20q"lj.~I'J:~.~I.P.:!::.l........; 12356 Page 648. " TOGETIIER with all righl. lille .nd illlcrcst. if any. of Ihe parly of the filSl pari. in .nd lu .ny slreel< and roads abulling Ihe .hnve.dcscribed premi.c. I" Ihe cenler lines Ihereof: TOGETHER wilh Ihe appunenance. and alllhc e.tale anJ right>.,flhe pony nf Ihe lilSt P:lrI in und '" ,aid prem..es: TO IIAVEANDTO HOLDlhe premi.e, herein granlco unlO rhe pOlrl)' or Ih~ s~cond P:UI. I he: heirs ,.r !oU('('t!loMH'~ an.... ~s,.i~n~ urrhe puny aflhe sccond ['un fortver, ,\Xl> .he rany uf Ihe finol pal'l coyenanl", Ihallh-= parly uf Ih,,' fir",1 pun has n..1I ......me ur surfcrcd an)'lhin,lt whcrth)' Ihe !'.Il.... prenliM:'!'l have been c:nc:umbcr~d in :Iony way whult\'t!r. excepl u"" u[ort'",aid. ANI) rhe p;."I)" nflhe IiTSI ratl. in "'\Inpli:ance \A,'ilh $cl.:liun 13 uf Ihe Licn Law, ",'"vcnan!!; rhalthe:' parly of thc lir!iil pari will receive rht: cun!iiidcrulinn for this cOnVtyuRce and Will hl.lld the righlln receive ,;uch con,.itJcr. alion a. a lIu.1 fund III be .pplied firsl ""r Ih. parpos. of payin, lhe cll.1 of Ih. improvemenl and will apply the! !\amc fir,.t lClthe pa)'mcnt (If Ihe cost of rhe improvement before u~ing, any pan of the h'llul uf the same for any mher purp"lsc. The wnnJ "rilrty" :-ohall be ..:nn"'lrued OJ), if il read "rarlic!''' whenever ths: s,c:n...e oflhi~ in....enlure su n:~uircs. IN WITNESS WIIF.RF.OF. Ih. parlY nf Ihe IilSl pall h.s July eleealcd Ihis deed Ihe day and y.ar IilSl abu,. wrinen. IN PIU:''CES('I! 01.: JOAN M. CRON AS TRUSTEE OF JOAN M. CRON REVOCABLE.LIVING TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 17, 2004 By ~;ik.~/f"M~_ ~n M. Cron, Trustee Page 2 of 4 .' " ',' '. S~aLB A ALL that certain plot, piece of parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Village of Cutchogue, in the Town of Southold, County of 9uffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: .1 BEGINNING at a point on the Southerly side of Main Road at the junction of the land formerly of Morrell and Horton, distant 166.54 feet West of the West side of New Suffolk Lane (Avenue), as measure~ along the Southerly side of Main Road; RUNNING THENCE North 39 degrees 22 minutes 10 seconds East, along the Southerly side of Main Road, fifty feet: RUNNING THENCE South 50 degrees 37 minutes 50 seconds East at right angles with the main highway, sixty-five feet; RUNNING THENCE South 9 degrees 53 minutes 20 seconds East and parallel with New Suffolk Avenue forty-five feet; RUNNING THENCE South 63 degrees 08 minutes 40 seconds West, thirty sev~n and 7/10 feet to a point at the junction of the land formerly of Morrell and Horton; RUNNING THENCE Northerly along the line of land formerly of Morrell and Horton, North 4I:degrees 08 minutes 00 seconds West, eighty-five feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER with a Right of Way bounded and described as'follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Westerly side of New Suffolk Road at the North line of land of Cutchogue Fire District, which said point is the Southeast corner of the right-of-way herein described; RUNNING THENCE along land of Cutchogue Fire District the following two courses and distances: . 1) South 78 degrees 16 minutes 40 seconds illest 59.84 feet; 2) North 42 degrees 30 minutes 30 seconds illest 25.31 feet to the land of Cron; RUNNING THENCE along said land North 63 degrees 08 minutes 40 seconds East 18.85 feet to the land now or formerly of Rysko; RUNNING THENCE along said land, South 10 degrees 16 minutes 40 seconds East 16.67 feet; RUNNING THENCE North 78 degrees 16 minutes 40 seconds East 55.33 feet to the Westerly side of New Suffolk Road; RUNNING. THENCE along the Westerly side of New Suffolk Road, South 9 degrees 53 minutes 20 seconds East 10.0 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Pag~_..4 of 4 " _edgament llIken In N"",_ SllIllI Stale 01 N_ York, County 01 On the day 01 , In the year the undersigned, personelly appeared _edgehltl..lleken In New_Stale , aa: Slale 01 New York. County 01 . .s: , befont me, On the day 01 , In lhe year the underalgned. personelly appeared I before me. personally known 10 me or proved 10 me on the baala 01 aaUlfactory evkIence 10 be the Indlvidual(a) whose name(a) 18 (are) .ubacribad 10 the w11hfn instrument and acknowledged 10 me th.t he'.heJthay executed the .ame In hlalherllhelr capacily(fea), .nd thai by hlalherllhelr .Ignature(.) on the Inslrunenl, !he lncivIdual(s) or the person upon beh.n 01 which the Indlvldual(.) acted, ...wed the Instrument. Aclmowledgement by Subacrlblng WIlnna taken In New Yllrk Slale Slate of New York, County 01 On the dsV 01 . In the year the underslgnad. parsonally appa.red . before me. lhe aubscrlblng wltnasa to the for8go1ng Instrument. with whom I am personally acquainted. who balng by me dulV sworn. did depoaa and say. that helshallhay reslda(s)In that helahallhay know(s) 10 ba the IndMdu.1 described in and who 8lIIlCUled lhe foregoing Instrumanl: that said subscribing wllnass was present and II8W aaIcI exacule Ihe same: end thel said witness el the same lima IUbacrIbed hlSlharllheir nsme(s) as a __thereto. Tille No.: JOAN M. CaON AS TRUSTEE OF JOAN.M. CRON REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 17, 2004 10 28000 MAIN ROAD, LLC Distributed by Chlago nOe Insurance Company personallv known 10 me or proved to me on the baai. of aaUafacIory evidence 10 be the Indlvtdual(s' whose name(s) Is (....) aubacribed 10 the within Instrument and acknowledged 10 me that he'sheJthay exacuted the same in hlalherllhelr capaClty(la.), and Ih.1 by hllllherllhelr s'gnature(s) on the Inslrument, the IndMdual(s) or the parson upon bahan of WhiCh tha lndMdual(s) .cted, executad the Instrument. Acknowledgement leken outside NawYork SllIllI ,88: . Stata 01 Florida . County of Marion , .s: . (or Insert District ot Columbia. Territory, Posseuton or Foreign Country) On the tr-aav 01 June , In Iha year2004 , balore me. Ihe undersigned, personsllv appeared JOAN M. CRON parsonslly known to me or proved to me on the basi. 01 s.tislactory evidence to be the Ind'lVIdualle) whose namece) 18 -fet'e) eubacribed to Ihe within Instrument end acknowledged to me that ....,.hWlMy executed the ..me In -ItIe/herllltelf. capecilv(~, that by ~'herlllMllo- .Ignaturelll) on the Instrument, Ihe Indlvidual(e) or the perwn upon bahaII of which the IndMdual(1/ acted. axecuted the instrument, and Ih81 SUCh individual made SUCh appearance baIonllhe undersigned in the city of Ocala, State of Florida (add the cIly or poIi1lcal subdivision end Ihe Slata or counlry or other place the ecknowledgement waslaken). ~ SECTION BLOCK LOT COUIIITY OR lOWN . . _DDb.w.. I .....- -""P"'lI'''t21'! M__~~~~i REI'UIIN BY MAIL 1'0: DANIEL .C MOONEY PC PO BOX 702 MATTlTUCK NY 11952 ZIp No. Pa... 3 of 4 ~ 0 I ~ I .. Il I 2 , I .. '. , " tbD ,', .t '""f ," [ilz Number of pages TORRENS RECORDED 2005 Jl'fl 23 10. OS, 26 R" Edward P.ROlIIaine CLERK OF ' SUFFOlK COUlITY L DOOOI2394 P 034 DT# 04-46063 Serial # Certificate 1# Prior af. 1# Deed I Mongllge Instrumenl Deed I Mongage 'fax Stamp FEES Recording I filing Stamps 3 Mongage Ami. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec J Assil. or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appoinlmenl Tl1IDsfer Tax ! IfI/O () c) Mansion 'fax The propcny covered by this mongage is or will be improved by a one or IWo family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate lax clause on page 1# of Ibis inslrumenl. 4 Dis!. 1000 Seclion 102.00 Block06.00 LoI007,OOO 5 Commwdty Preaervatioo hod Real Propeny Tax Service Agency Verification 10200 0600 007000 Consideration Amount $ 360.000,00 CPF Tax Due $ 4.200.00 Improved x Vacanl Land 6 SatisfaclionslDiscluugeslRclcascs Lisl Propcny Owners Mailing Address RECORD &: RETURN TO: TD 10 DANIEL C MOONEY PC PO BOX 702 MATTI TUCK NY 11952 TD TO 7 Title Com an Infonnation CO.Namc Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Co. Tide 1# RH80040263 8 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms pan of the altached JOAN M. CRON AS TRUSTEE OF JOAN M. CRON REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST DATED NOVEMBER ]7. 700& Deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: The premi!iCli herein is situaled in SUffOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO 28000 MAIN ROAD,.LLC In lhc Township of In lhc VILLAGE or HAMLET of Cutchoi.... BOXES II THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORI)fNG OR riLING. Southold Page 1 of 4 (over) II11I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SOFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DBEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 4 Receipt Number : 05-0066180 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-46063 Recorded. At. 06/23/2005 10:05:26 AM LIBER: PAGE: D00012394 034 District: 1000 Section. 102.00 EXAMIHBD AND $360,000.00 Block: 06.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 007.000 I'OLLOWS Deed Amount. Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument 1!:x8lllpt Ex8lllpt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1,440.00 NO COIIIIII.Pres $4,200.00 NO Fees Paid $5,882.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-46063 THIS PAGE IS A PART 01' THE INSTRllMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Ramaine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE lYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.st8te.nv.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 FOR COUNlY USE ONLY 1'-(,7,':;, t., g, 1, C2. Dote Dud 1Io-..i.d I " I 9'.:?J "tP u ~ MOnII'I ~., Yur c.f. CU_ 1/ ,"',.3, '9..'-II~.P_((),.3, PROPERTY INFORMATION CI. SWIS CMe ,. REAL PROPERlY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP . 5217 IMI1 .... 3m 1"_1 LocoII.. 28000 ITIIIITII~II Main Road 1'111111'''''' Southold aJYQII TOWN CutchoSlue ...... 11935 ...... 2..... Homo 28000 Main Road. LLC LAlTItMII/~ f""NA16 LAlfNMIE/~ I. T.. IndlcmI whn fvhn Tn BilIa..1Q bI...u 81111nt1 ,,_____III_oItormll - FIIITNAIA lAIT Mo\Mt I COIIPMY FIlIIT .... 11RI!IT -..-rII AND I'fIIlUT NoW! .. 11Idiaa.. .... ......... vi A__ ...nI -....-,,-.....- gno 011 TOWN "An ~gg; 1 I, of Parcell OR 0 Pitt of . P,reel ..=.... I Size _rm 'xl DlPI'N IORI '..... .1 .2 I 1OnIy........._---oppIy: 4A. ploMng..... _ Sl.lldivIIlon _ E.- 0 "_"'___bT_ 0 4C. _........... _ WOO..........ldood 0 ......... Nom. Joan M. Cron ae Trustee of Joan M. Cron I Revocable Living Trust dated LAIr NM&la:JIR'NI!I .....1...... November 17, 2004 1.AlTtrrcA..:/CIOMI'Nft' """- 7. a.c. .... Ita. below whlcb mast ucurnaa, dlllCllbes 1M ... of the property .. .... 111M aI ulro A~ 0.. Fomily Ru_ 8 Z..3 F__1lo1 C RelklenUII VDClnt lIn:t D __... v..... ~ I SALE INFORMATION I 11.___D.. E~"'_"" I~__ F X Convnon;aI J_... Cl ........., K....... Sorvlco H EnUlrtllnmlnt I AmUNl"l'Wlflt L FOllIN - ......._--oppIy: .. 0wn00IhI. Typo .. C<lndamJnIum to New ConIlruaion on V..,. lM1d lIIA......rIy~_.....-_ -1Iu'/W'-.___k1dicoOing ....... "",_II In..AoricutIu",_ o o o o .J..'\t, I~ 1L c::a.. _.. mant..... -~ _ _....... tD IranIIer: 1\ . SlIe 81tWUn ReJltivea 01 Fonner ReIaiwI B Sill BIlwHn ReiIted eomp.n;. or Partnn in BUIineH C llNt 0I1l1o IIuyooo II .110 . _ D _ .. Sol.. II Govornn.d ....... or Londing Inolilullon Ii DMd Typo not _,only or s.......... "..I_Iv_, F "10 01 F_ or lMo.... ~ 1_ \Spocify IIoIowl Cl SlgniIIconrCllongo" "'- -.. T_ smu.ond __ H _oI_......_I._PrIco I 0Il10r U....... -... AfIocIIng"" Prico IS....Iv_ J X Nono 12.00"" _I T_ 6 ...... , 17 '05 Doy v.., ,3.6.0,0, O. 0.0.01 , , . (Full &.Ie PrIce .. lhe totallmOllnl Plid for the properly Including pDrJOnll propIltV. This Plymenl !'Ny be in the form or CIIh. at"" properly or good.. or tile uaumption of mongagoa or DAher obIigIbOnLJ ",.... round 10 '1M ,..,., whoIf doI"r MIOUnL 14._""'_"~ IN/A . 0 I __In....... . ,. ~ ' , ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - 0... should r.flect tho Iote.t Fi..1 AI...."'... Roll .1Id Tox Bill IS.""__ .:::"aI~'::"'" I 0,4 I 17. ,....-...V.. CaI"'''''''1n tr...... I ; , 5 5 0 01 i 18.~a- 14, 8. 5t-LJ 1.......1-....,.._ I Mattituck - Cutchogue UFSD 10. T......._oI 1 Ilol_01 11""'__.__""__1 102 - 6 - 7 I I CERTIFICATION I I cmlIy .. "'... i...... "'............ ........ ... lido form on lnIr .... ........ (10 ... .... '" 1111 ......JodMe ond beUd) _ I und_ ..... ... mUln& or fod _ wID li1IIlI<<l- to ... ......won. of Ihe ...... .... _.r 10'" ............ ..... "'....._ BUYER'S ATTORNEY Mooney Daniel C. .....- ,...- .'IlUT ...... &1WHT NMIE wnR 5AUJ 631 -.""" 298-1100 lI~N""'" CI1Y"_ IT'" ...- ~~ i2~td'f'T~figf ll11ttBUjo~Wb.JY'~ ~OO~RON REVOCABLE By ~,71I.J e.~/ I'/Vdr' V..IM.....'IIM DA'II Joan K. Cron, Trustee NEW YORK STATE COPY .J