HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12367 P 927 ) ~. .. (OJ- -~-,~ " fOMlIOO1 _....... 511I Deed..... (1IIt_...... a.......... AcII-I~...~ '51..... ~lIccIt ~SUL,. YOUR LA_YEll BErou SIGlfIIIG '1'615 IJ:eTRUHSC01'-'i'HIS !,S'tEWr.E:lt' SHOULD 8& USED BY LAIIY~RS ~io't. L /)3t, ( f CP-Cf THIS INDENTURE, made the 14th clay of JIIIUII)', in the year 200S BETWEEN R1CIIARD MACIINOWSKI, JR. AND IRENE MACIINOWSKI. his wife. both residing II 291S Higbland Road. CUlChogue. New York 11935. pari)' oflbe linl put.lDd . 1"".- ..' THOMAS HALL and KATHLEEN HALL. his wire. both residing II 103 93" Stn:eI. BrooldyD:'~~w Yor\i 1'1029, pari)' ofthe second part. I.....~ '" t.... ~- :1 ~tO"",,,:," ;. ,........0'1 s' . ..,,,, . WITNESSETH, thai the pari)' oflbe liral part. in c:onsideralion ofTEN ($10.00) OOLl:ARS paid Ii)' the pa/t)' of the second part. does hereby Brant and release unto Ibe put)' of the _d-~'ihi:'beira.or.~~e~"';"lDd::l assigns of the pari)' of the second part forever. ALL that ceMin ploL piece or parcel oflllld. with the buildings and improvemenu th__ erected, shuate. lying and being I! Cutcbogue, Town of South old. CcluDI)' of SuITolk IDd State of New York, known IIld designated u 1.01 No. 17.011 a ceMin map eatided, "'Map of Highland F.slates at Cutchogue Southold". and filed in the offic:e ofllle Clerk ofthe Count)' ofSulTolk 011 April 26. 1977 u Map No. 6S37: said lot beiDg more particullrl)' bounded and described u follows: BEGINNING at a point on the IIllItherl)' side ofllighllDd Road alllle elllreme easterl)' end of the curve connecting the eutcrl)' side of Bridle Lane with the southerly side of Highland Rnacl: RUNNING THENCE a1011g the southerl)' side of Highland Road the followiDg two (2) courses and distallccs: I. Soulb 64 dear- 06 minutes SO Sl.'COItds J:ut, 1l3.91 feet; 2. Easterl)' a1DDB the ereofa curve having a ndius of673.11 feet a dilllallce ofS6.14 feet; RUNNING THENCE South 3S degrees S2 minutes 27 _cis W*,-40.4S feet to the division line between Lots Nos. 17 and II on said map; RUNNING THENCE a10nB said divisimline North 47 dear- 33 minutes SO seconds WelL 114.26 feet to 'the easterl)' side of Bridle Lane; RUNNING THENCE a1011gthe o:asterl)' side of Bridle l.ant the following three (31 courses and diSlanc:es: I. North 4!degrees 26 minub:S 10 seconds Hast. 1,60 feet: 2. Northerl)' alongthellrC ofa curve bearing In the Jell having .radius of411.72 feet adislance of 162.04 feet; 3. Northerl)' and easterl)' alonllbe Ire or a curve bearing to the riaJrt baving a radius of 22.S I feet a distance ofJ7.72 feet to the southerly side of Hilhland Road at lhe point or place of BEGINNING. SAID PREMISES beinl a one limil)' dwelling known Ill' the _ address of291S Highland Road. Cutchogue. New York 1193S,IDd are the same premises COIIWC)'ed to the putl.. of the linl pan by deed Ma)' II. 1984 and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Count)' ofSulTolk on June 4- 1914 in Liber 9574 pase 101. TOGI:TtIER with all right, title IDd interest, iflD)'. .fthe part)' of the first pari in and to an)' streels and roads abulling the above described premises to the cenler lines thmof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances IIId all the estate IIId righu of the put)' of the finl put in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD lIIe premises herein aranted unto the part)' of the _d part. the hen or suc:casors and miIDs oflbe put)' ofthe second . part lOrner. AND the part)' of the linl pan covenanU that the pari)' of the first put hu noc done or suffered anything wbmby the said premises bave been encumbered iD III)' wa)' whatncr, except as aforesaid. AND the part)' of the linl pari. in complillllce willi Section 13 of the Lien Law, COVCIIanu that the part)' of the linl part will reeeive the consideration ilr this CODVC)'IIIce and will hold the right to receive such con.id....iOll u . a trust fund to be applied rllSt for Ibe purpose of paying the C8lIl ofllle improvemenland wlllappl)' die same first to the payment of the tllIl of the improvement before using an)' put ofllle total of the same for III)' other purpose. The....... "part)'" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the IICIISC of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WH EREOF. the pari)' of the first put has dul)' executed thi. deed Ihe clay and year linl above written. IN PRESENCE OF: t72:-c ~~',. ~ STATE OF NF.W YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK On lhe 14. cIoiY of J.nuoIy. 2ClO5. ....... _lhe 1IIIlIcnipcd. pmrmIl,yappoanod RlClIARD MAaINOWSKL JIt and IRENE MAClINOWSKL .......-uY Imown ID me.. pnMlIlD me...lhe".. ofllllisliclDry _10 be"'" illlMeDlIsl ..'hole nomo(sl is ("",llllla:ribod 10 1ho wilhin insvumc:nt.... """'-Iedpd 10 me tIIII.....-hcy cxa:ul<d lhe!IIIIIIC in hislhclflhN .......I~ in). and tIIII by hislbclfthoir sipIIlntsl ... lhe inoIrunIaILlhe iodivicklal(s~..lhe penon no hdIIIIfofwhich 1ho1nd"~1ho1_. KAREN J. HAGEN NOTARY PUBUC. StIII8 at NIw'lbrlc No. 02HA4927028 ~ Qualllled In Sullolk ColI Comn\IIIIOII ExpII. MIrCh 21, - STATE OF , COUNTY OF On 1ho dI\y of In lhe)af bcIbn: _lhe 1DIenipd. I NrilIay PIIbIic in.... Iir said Slaro:. pasonaIly~ ."'" subsaihi.. w__IO'" ........ illllllDllal, wllh whom I_ pasonaIly aapIIiIIIod. ..110, beillll by.... duly sworn. did dcpoK and say IbaI ho'IIIcIlhey raidc(.l in cif'1llc.... ar...... lIiII._. iRI_ l1li_........ .......f.,.. _tIIII hoIsh6'lItqI kDow(ll 10 be "'" indlWbd dosaibod in and who llXCClIIInIthe liJnoFi.. . . i_ tlllllllid su.cl'llIi.. wllncss .... ........... saw said _Ihc!IIIIIIC; l1li tIIII said wl_lithe IIIIlC dOl: sulw2Ibod _11lIIIO(1'- I wltncssthcnIP I.... ...1bII..... if.... r*,-......... is__NY_1 and tIIII said IlDcrihl"8 wilMS _ _ ....-__ heliln: Ihc IlIIIIcnipcd in lhe 1-.... ciIy or ...... paI_ ..bdiviliall 1IId...._..._...~........pnIOf__~ Bargain and Sale Deed wmlCOWNANl' AGAINSTOKANTOR'SACTS TITI_~ No, RICHARD MACHNOWSKL JR.. AND IRF.NE M""'.N(lWSKI . . . ~. . '" ", TO , . THOMAS HALL AND KATHLEEN HALl: . , . DI8lrIbuled By Chicago Title Insurance Company ..' !. STATE OF On Ihc day of In 1hc)'Clll' ....... mc.lhc undcnipd. pasonaIly ~ . pasonaIly koown 10 me.. pnJYlOd 10 me 11I1hc....is of_liIclrIr)'nt_1O be "'" individuolCsl ,,'hole IIIIIIIC(II is (...) subIc:rIbod ID Ihc wlIhin ........... and ......1cdpI ID me tIIII hoIsh6'lItqI .......-.d Ihc IIIIlC in h1s1hcdlhcir .......1)(ilIlsl. mllbaI by hilllla:lflhcir sJcnobnCIlm Iha insrrumcd. Iho indiriduol(l~ R' lhe penon m behalf ofwhicll Iho indMduaI(l) IIdaL llXCClIIInIlho illlll'UlllCl'll ......... _III ifl................. isUm_NY_1 .... dIIII said IIIIMGInI made ...... ___ her.... 1ho undcniancdlntbc 1_1.....,..._paIiIicII__.... _or~......... .....................- _Um~ STATE O~' . COUNTY OF On lhe day of in Ihc)af ....... me pasonaIly aune 10 me kmwn. who, bei"ll by me duI)' lwam. did dopnoe and 11). l1li ... rai.... III .... bei."'" of Ihc _....... doscribod in .... whidI """"""'>Ilho IiwFinlI i__ be _lhe 0IlIII ofsald oorporaIitJn: Ihd lhe om! alIIxalllt IIIid iI'IIIrumaII '" ...... GIIpIIIIIC ICIII; 1IlIII1t ..... sa alJ"lXllII by ardor of lhe ........ .If di.-.s of lllid onrpanIion. ml1IIII hesisnodh _.........byll1ccardor. .. , IECI'IOII 102.00 1II.ocl. .... UJI" GI..GO COUhTli' OR. rows TOWSOPSCKmDl.D"Coutm'GfStJRU. RETURN BY MAII.1'O: DEBllRAII Dl1rY. E.W. 670 WI'SI" CRI!I!K A Vl!NUI! P.O. Box 1111 CUmloGllE, NEW YORK 11935 n._._.... ) .... , Numhcr of pnge.< .3 TORRENS RECIJ<DEI) 2005 Jill U 09: 14:49 ilI'I ~dward P.~oaain~ ClERI(OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L 000012367 pm D1I 04-25991 Serillll# Certificale 1# Prior Clf. 1# Occd / Mortgage In..uumenl ~ / Mortgage 1lu. St:lmp FEES Rt.'COnling / Filing Slamps 3 Grand Tolal ILl!!..=:- ja.. , ()tJO MI1I1g3gC AmI. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax __ __ Sub TOlal Spec) Assil. or Spcc./Add. TOT. MTG, TAX Dual Town _ Dual COUDlY _ Held for Appoinlmcnt__ TransfcrTax a2'/4i) 00 Mansion 11 The prope Y eo~red by \his mortgage is or will impro~d by a one elr two ramily d elling only. YES _ or NO If NO. appropriate llIX c1aullr on page 1# of this instrumenl. Page / Filing Fee Handling . 5. ..!l!!.... TP-584 Nowtion EA-52 17 (COunly) EA-5217 (Stale) Sub ')i'lal _ (:omm. of Ed. Affidavit 5, 00 R.P.T.SA :3tfJ = Certified CI'I'Y NYS Sarchargc Olher 15. ..QQ.... Sub TOlal _ Blocf'l, A::1 5 Consideration Aut s6/o.tJ{)(J!J:) CPF Tax Due S ~ UO, to Real ProperlY Tax Service Agency Verifiealion 10200 0800 014000 Improved V' Va.;:lnl Land Ii Satisfaclion.'lIDischa'l!esIReleascs List Property Ownen; Mailing Addrelll' RECORD & RETURN TO: 1>eJ:o~ Dory J ~- P. ,!}. /3.0:YL n 8 I r u.fJr:J tAJL;I N!:J / J935 7 TO -10-- 'm TO Title Com m 2-2- & Endorsement Pa e Suffolk Count Recordin ~,} (SPECIFY TYPE 01' INSTRUMENTl :!t:.~htU-d M et.t!-h I?Dw..sf<A ~ ,T,.... .. The premises here~~ is sit~aled in . f'~ NA".~ I'7i'JWs, Jt...../ SUFFOLK COUN I Y. NEW YORK, #'10 / / In the Township of .$o(J,-ft..otJ: liD rYlq ~ ~ fLld/ Jllthe VILLAGE tlLfh!"Q/). / orHAML.ETof Cu..fc.he::JlI P BOXES 6 THRlI 8 MUST IJE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING, 8 This p"ge form.. part of the alt:lched made by: (ovt"rl 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COt1N'1'Y CLBRK RBCORDS OFFICE RBCORDING PAGB Type of Instrument: DBBDS/DDD NUmber of Pages: 3 Receipt Number . 05-0008937 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-25991 Recorded: At. 01/26/2005 09.14.49 AM LJ:BER: PAGE: D00012367 929 District: 1000 Section: Block. 102.00 08.00 R'I'I\MINBD AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $610,000.00 Lot: 014.000 Deed Amount: Received the Following Fees Por Above Instrument Bxea:pt 'Rv-.pt Page/Piling $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO RYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP.584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $2,440.00 NO C~.Pre. $9,200.00 NO Pees Paid $11,789.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR: 04-25991 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF TBB INSTRUMlDIT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County