HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12400 P 828 'I ' L 11. LiDO fg2'6 ~ J), rII. t}/ Tax Mop De.ian.lion DiIt.JctoO Set. /DO.. 00 Blk,07. (J 0 Lol(l) 010,000 ... f()]-l-/6 Qr"i{'n-~ IIy005 . aa:...n ancl Sole Deed willi C........Ipi... 0.......1 AtU Individual or Cor)IonI_ISl.... Slleen ~YDTU 1002) CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING TillS INSTRUMENT - TIllS IliSTRUMENT SIIOULD BE USED BY LA WYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made Ihe 30th day of June ,in the ycsr 2005. BETWEEN ALBERT H. DANKLEFSEN and MARY M: DANKLEFSEN, his wife, both residing at 1350 Crown Land Lane, Cutchogue, New York party of the first pan, and :1'1. DEAN KkZA~residing at Massapequa, New York 6 Alaska Avenue, pany of the second pan, . WITNESSETH, that the pany of the first pan, in considellltion ofTen Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the pany of the second part, ,does h=by grant and release unlO the pany'ofthe second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the pany of the second patt fOlCVer, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel ofland, with the buildings and improvemenli thereon erected, situate,lying and being in the See description annexed hereto and made a part hereof. Said premises are known as and by the street address: 1350 Crown Land Lane, Cutchogue, New York. Said premises are conveyed subject to covenants, restrictions, easements and agreements of record, if any. Said premises are the same premises as the premises conveyed to the Grantors herein by Deed dated August 23, 1984 and recorded on August 29, 1984 in Liber 9631 Page 236, and the Grantors herein are the same persons as the Grantees in said Deed. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if lilY, of the party of the firat part of, in and to any streelS and roads abutting the abovc-dcscribed premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appunenanccs and all the estate and righli of the pany of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unlO the pany of the second part, the hem or succ:essors and assigns of the party 0 f the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the pany of the flTSt part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND tbe pany of the first parl, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the pany of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the rigbtto receive such consideration as a b'UStliind 10 be applied first for the purpose of paying the COlt of the improvement and will apply the same first 10 the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The w~rd ','party" shall be consaued as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. I,i': .. . I'" . " ".,,"' .. .. IN \VJTNEss W~EREOF, the pany of the firsl part has duly cxecu~ed this deed the day and year first above written. . IN PRESENCE or: ~K'j)J~ BERT H. DANKLEFSEN -y.J. ~(~ '~ JH. &-~1-Lh'" . _ M ANKLEFSEN . ~.. oWJ - . 'lIb c;,..w... v..~ v.~ CJ~r J "4 . - ... . TITLE NO: 05-9533-S SCHEDULB A ALL that certain plot, piece, or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold. County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lot 13 on a certain map entitled, 'Map of Crown Land Lane" and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on August 27, 1975 as Map No. 6289, being more. particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northeasterly side of Crown Land Lane distant 183.17 feet southeasterly from the intersection formed by the northeasterly side of Crown Land Lane and the southeasterly side of Spur Road, said point also being where the division line between Lot 12 and Lot 13 on the . aforementioned Filed Map No. 6289 intersects the northeasterly sido of Crown Land Lane; RUNNING THENCS North 42 degrees 3] minutss SO secondo Sast 199.47 feet to a pointj THENCS South 48 degrees 12 minutes 20 aeconds Bast 202.51 feet to a point: THENCE South 42 degrees ]3 minutes SO seconds West 198.84 feet to the northeasterly side of Crown Land Lane: THENC~ along the northeasterly side of Crown Land Lane North 47 degrees 26 minutes 10 second. West 167.22 feet to a point; THSNCE continuing along the northeasterly side of Crown Land Lane North 52 degroes 51 minutes 40 seconds West 35.49 feat to the p~lnt or place of BEGINNING. PIRST IlBW YOU: TITLB AGBIfCY L'1:D. USIi: AC1C'IfJWU1JG!JI FOIlM 1IEI.OW wmmv N/lW You STArr ~r. Slate of New York, Ccnm1y of NASSAU I II.: Qrllhe 3 o day of June indleyeor 2005 befano me, the 1II1dlntlPk'L penanBIly IpIlSed .. _ ~~~j"' " .. MARY M. DANKLEF.SEN. ' penlIII8Ily knDwn'lfiii=. a:-JiIMld to me 01\ tlieliiilii of......r"'~i evidence to be tIie ~s) ~ I1IIIII(s) is <n) IlIbs:ribed to the wi1hin InslNmenlIlid II:IcnilwIedpd tome dial ~ aecuIlld Ihe same in his&edIheir~ies). and IIIolby~ sipllln(s) 00 Ihe iIlSIrumont, the indi\icbI(s). or the penon upon bebIIf of which Ihe individuaI(s) ICIOd, execulIld Ihe . CRAIG HARTE NOTARY PUBlIC, Stale of New YOlk No.01HA8026168 Oualilied In N8IS8U County ACI'IW)IIl~~~~~~ftJIr&'SrAJllow.r: (NN yort SlIIJrcrIbItrt wtm... AdR."..,......., CDr/llN'-I Stlre of New York, COUlIly of I a.: On the day of in the year before me. the undersigned. personllly IppelIred . the subscribing willlC55lO the foregoing iMlnImeIIl, willi whom I am penonlfly aeqlllinted, who, being by me duly sworn. did depose and Sly dllt helshe!they reside(s) in (/fllte pltlCu/...ldtmH irInG city, 1..,1wdt IM./rft/ tIIId _, 1III1IIlHtr./f ..... '''....n; that helshelthey know(s) 10 be the individual described in and who elteC\Ited the f'orcsoina: insllllment; that said subscribing willleu was present and saw Slid execute the same; and that said willleSS It the same time subscribed hislberltheir name(s) U I wibless thereto. BARGAIN &: SALE DEED WTTHCO\"ESAlo"1'l AGAlNSTOIANTOR" ACI1 Tm.E So. DANKLEFSEN TO KAZAN FlDELITVNATlONAL TITLE INSURANCE e CO:\fPANY OF N!W YORK I~_TII>I'" O~, . ~AoFide1lty ~ __r"'_LMl",,"A_ us,AarMlIJUDGMENT FORM 1IIlU1W Jf71HlN N/lW rIM&' STArr O.\tl~ Slate of New York, Coaoly of lJ~v...- IlL OnIhe"Odayof:.J~...e. inlheyar befanotqe..1bo undt.S;gnod. penclIdy oppeared ,41 bcr" ~. ()1rN't.l.e ~"iI,J . penanBIly knDwn to me or pnrved 10 me on the basis of -~ evidence ID be the individuaI(s) wbase IIllIIC(s) is en) Illbacribed to the wilhin InslNmenlllllllllClcnowledpd to me Ihat b&'IbeIIbey lllOCIlle:d Ihe _ in his&edlheirCllplCit)'(ic!I),lIId Ihotby ~ sipllln(s)on the inslnIment, Ihe iDcIMdIoI(s). or die peISllII upon bebIIf of which Ihe indivicIuaI(s).................. the inIIrument. CY- - CRAIG HARTE NOTARY PUBLIC, Stlllll of New YOlk No. 01~AS028168 QualIIIlId in NeIl8U County Commisslan Explnn .hnI7, 2007 AC1IN/1I1IfJ!1J FI1IitM,. lSOUtriDBNlJWJMrSDJllOIu. (0IIl o/SI.,. IN Fo,.",. 0......1 ArbrDwI.......' Cmtjl<tIJ.} ......................................... } 0.: (c-pIao v_ ""'.I SIIIM. c..wr,.. _orMwllt:/ptJlltjI On the day of In the year before me, the undenigned, personally appeared penonally known to me or proved 10 me on the basis of5llisf~ evidence 10 be die individual(s) whose IWIIC(s) is (are) subscribed to the wilhin inSll'1lment and acknowledp to me dlat belshelthey executed the same in bislherltheir capacity'{ies), that by bislberl their lipamre{s) on the inslnlmenl, the individual(s). or the penon upon behalfofwhich the incIividwll(s) lCted, executed the inslrwnCIIl.md that such Individual .madc such appearance before the undersilllled iDthe (11IIm III. c/Jy IN <<Iter poIltictJl .1IbdivUItm .1Id lite ."". '" ....../1)' '" <<Iw pi_ tItIlJCbJaw/odgmml ..... la.Im). DISTRICT 1000' SECTION 102.00 BLOCK 07.00 loT 010.000 ~oRToWN SOUTHOLD RECORDF.D AT RE(lIJESTOF Fldt!Bty NlllIonal ntle InsurlllCt! CoIllpllDY of New York RE7VIJNIIYUAIL 7t' GIANNATTASIO & GIANNATTASIO 686 Broadway Massapequa, NY 11758 , !:! .. 1Il ~ fi! o ~ l!i ~ rr: Ii! i III ~ l .' , Number of pago:s TORRENS Serial # Cenificate # Prior Ctf. # ~d . Mongage Inslrument Deed , Mllnguge TIlX S1amp FEES 3 Puge 'riling Fee I1undling .....i. ..lllL b 1'P-584 Nf..lt.ltiun EA-5217 (Coumy) Sab Total EA-S217 (Stule) R.P.T.S.A. ~- Comm. of Ed. 5. .00.:. Aftidu\'il Cenified CuPY Reg. CllPy Sub Total Other Gr~nd Total /~~- 07.00 Lot 010.000 5 102.00 Block Real Pmpc:ny Tux Service Agency V"rilicalion ~05~~~56 1000 ~MA A lhlU -- 10200 0700 010000 6 SatisfuclinnlDillCharg"slRc:leu5e Li.~t Property OWIl\'I'S :\1uiling Address RECORD" RETURN TO: Camillo GIannattasio. Esq. 686 Broadway :\1USSDpCqUD, NY 11758 RECORDED 2005 Ru9 01 09144: 28 All Edward P. Romaine lURK OF SlFFW< COUHTY L 000012400 P 828 DTfI 05-il0014 Recording' Filing Stamps -- MllrtgUgc Ami. I. Bosie TlIX 2. Additional Tax' SubTotul Spec.' Assit. or Spec. , Add. TOT. MID TAX Dual To~n __ Dual C"unlY _.._ Held for Appoinlmc~ Tr~n.ferTux ~ _ _- Mansion Tux lbe property covered by this mOll!uge i. or will be improved by u one or IW\l family dwelliog only. YES or NO __._ If NO. see appropriate tall clause on puge # of this instrument. C\losidcrulion A moun! - CPF Thx Due S Impro\'Cd VU\':lnl Lund TO /"0 TO __.._ TO 7 TItle Company fnronnatlon Co. Name First New York Title A ene\" Ud. Title # 05-9533-8 8 Suffolk County Recordin & Endorsement Page This puge forms (lIITI of the alloched Drec:I mude by: (SPECIFY TYPE 01' INSTRUMENT) .Albert H. DlInk~fsen and Mary 1\". Danklefsen The prcmisis herein is situated in TO In the 'I'lwnship of Soulhold SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. .Dflln Ka7Jln .Ir. In the VILLAGE or HAMLc" of _ UOXES .. THROUGH 8 MUST DE TYPED OR I'RINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FII.ING. (nvrr\ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ I11I IIIIIIIIR 1111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrwaent. DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 4 Receipt Number . OS-007920S TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-00014 Record.ed. At. 08/01/200S 09.44.28 All LIBER: PAGE: D00012400 828 District. 1000 Section. Block. 102.00 07.00 BXAMINBD AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $504.000.00 Lot: 010.000 Deed Amount. Received the l'o1lowing I'ees For Above Instrument 1I!"'""'lpt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO IlYS SRCHG $1S.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $7S.00 NO TP-S84 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $2.016.00 NO COIIIII\.Pres $7.080.00 NO Fees Paid $9.248.00 TRANSI'BR TAX NUMBER. 05-00014 THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' THB INSTRUJIBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County C1erk. Suffolk County . PLEASE lYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRIT1NG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http;J/www.orps.state.nv.us or PHONE (6181 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY Cl. SWIS Coc!e )''7, 7, ;3,. g, f, ~I ,. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C2.___ I .{ 1 ( ,()~ I ManIII lMf" Yllr C3._k I 1,,;e,'-I,O,DIf;A.~I6: ct, g, PROPERTY INFORMATlON "=1 1 1<;0 C~.a..Land Lan... ....T....... Cutchogue, Southold Cll'I'ClR:OIIIJI STAlE OF _ YOlIIl STAlE IIllAIID OF IlEAl. PIlOl'IIl1Y __ RP . 5217 aNZl7.... JWI 2. IIuyor NIl... . j'f' UlTNAW,Wjtl J . ..- DEAN "'1WIl 11J.~'i LMINAMi/~'" _T_ 3. T.. 1__.......T..81.........._ I -.. W__buyor_lII_cllormI. -- I LAlP' HAM! , COW'AN't HR5rNUllr. IfImT h'llllllllMD I'IIIHT ..... arr OIIICWlI .r~1t ..ClIIlI L =... I - Hall t~r Ixl DP'11t lOR I . .0.'1..tl ..,.. ___01.__.....,...... OA.l'IInnil1g _ willi s._ AuIharlIy ElIiIII D" ... "'_"","",,",_Aoqulrodfor T_ 0 C._Appoooodfor__Mol>_ D- ALBERT H. .. ...... .. runber of .a--~r1ll'lt RoII_ ._................_ .1 I .of_ OR 0 PoIIof.Plreal 1.- - DANKLEFSEN .N6fUW/CD8WI'f' -- DANKLEFSEN MARY M. ...-r... 1AIi,.......,aM'AN'r 1. Check the box bIIDw whloh 1lIOII --. ..tl.lI.,.......... au 01 the ~ at ....lIm. III ..... -....--.....,...... I. o..-MIp Typo II ~nium .. NIw ConIIruction on VIl*1l Land 1M. ......., Lac:oIad _ on Agri:u....1 ___ ... ....-.-...--.a lhIt 1hI PRIC*1Y II in III Agrfc:UtunllIiIM:I o o o o A~ 0nI F_ _Ial E~ AQrk:ullllral I ~ Cammunily_ice B 2.. 3 F.mUy Aaoi_ F earn.......1 J_II C __ V..... LInd (; ApaItlTlllll K....,.k1 Ba_ D __I v.... LInd .H ~n...nt/Am......nt J. ...... 'SALE INFORMATlON I ..._-- . '2. Doll cI _,..-. 6 ...... 1 30 Oar 1 05 1_ ,.. a.II OM.,...... _101 ~ . _.................-.: SlIO__..__ SOIo__~ot_..SuIl_ Dna of "'"._ 10.... . SIIor IIuyar ot 81110<10 __ Aganov or Llndlng _'1utIon Daad Typo... w......... otllargaln ... _ tspad/y _ SIlO 01 F_lot Louthan Faa_IS_",_ S1g_ CIoolllllln "'-'<1- T_ __.nd _ Do... SIlo 01 S_ ._In Sola PriGI om. u...... _ _ng SIIa ......1SpocI/y _ Nono 6 1 1 4,'1 05 DIr' YCICIl - .5 0 4.1 0,0 ,0, 0 ,01 , ~ . IFull SlIa PrIca 10 "'" tolIl........ pold lor"," ..-Includlng..-_. Th. ~nllMV be In the farm 01 Cllh.1DIhDr PfOPOItY 01 goodI, or the ttIUII'tPCiOn or lTIOl1:g-ger Dr oIW __~ flIIa81DU1Jd to rha ,.".. wtIoIe doIIM MHJUfIt 14............_",....- I ~ 0 0 I _-....- . .l ' ASSESSMENT INFORMATlON . Dolln"1eI ..BIC:I tho 1II1II Fln.l_m.nt RoIl.1Id Tax Bill '1. =~'=- IO.:!T 17. ToIII_V_CoId_In_1 13.FuU__ , ; .(""J.. . O.d I , ,I. ""- a.. ,'1.: \. Q-u '1.___1 S"" 0+" '- l> 20. T..Map lda._lllII 1loI_1II....__._____1 I"[),j-r ~ I~;SU, 102.,D'; 81.": 07.DtI}4r~~ I I CER11FICAllON I I CIT1lfy ..... III "'... 1_ "'_.. .._ ... IhIII rom.... ..... .... ....... 110 ... '- '" IIlI' ........... ... boIleIl .... I __ .... '110 ....... '" OOV' _ "'_ ... __ ... ~ ... 10 IIIe _..IL .., "'........ ..... __ II .110 -....... ..... III..... ....._uta. !!l!B!! BUYER'S ATTORNEY EM' .;f'" 6i \ e. '" t\.. '-l-'-l'; 0 LAIT_ ~ww:. \\0 )( DAn _T_ Is .'''''JIUIMII S,y~ .~ QIYClH IOWII 0~~t( 111 s"',.. y UI.,.r1f.'(J~~.. -- l' ~..{h..&~ ..Iy -_ ,. i\ \. ....- ,111- "~DO ~- I )1'1( r. ..- l!'bD\ .1 DAIt NEW YORK STATE COPY '-