HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12395 P 513 .' I . L 12.3~15 r 513 1'1u'1- ~'(~.l 10:1- 7-'1 ~. NY M5 - Burp:in IUJd $lie DeN willi C~awu ogWftl5l Onnt,.,"s Ac.u Ind'vidual or CnrporauoD tSiaaJr Sbeft) (NY8TU ~I CONSULT VOUK LAWVEK BEFOKE SIGNISG THL~ INSTK~Ir.'T. TillS ISSTRUME~'T SHOIiLll BE USW BV LAWVERS ONLV THIS INDt:NTURE, made Ihe 1(0 Ilayof June BETWEEN Stanley Pawlowski, Jr. and Margaret G. Pawlowski, his wife 1785 Crownland Lane Cutchogue NY 11935 , in Ihe ycur 2005 porty of the firsl part, and Todd Johnson and Rachel Johnson, his wife Long Creek Drive Soulhold NY 11971 pany of du: se<"Ond pari. WITNESSETH, Ihallhe parly of the lirsl port. in oonsideralion ofTen D"UII/'S and Olher vnluablc consider'lion paid by the party of lhe !lCCUnd pan. does hereby grunland reI...... unlu the pany of lhe......nd pari. the heilll or .....'CeO.""" .nd lISIIigns "f lhe parly of the .econd pari forever, ALL that <Cl'Ulin plOI. piece or parcel of land, wilh the building.<.nd implOvcmcnL< !hcreun crcctcd. shulllC, lying .nd being in \he SEE SCHEDULE" A" DESCRIPTION A IT ACHED BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises as conveyed to the Grantor(s) by deed dated 9/14187, recorded 9123/87, In Ilber 10427 page 473. 1I:t\l~Ill)Q.UE: PREMIS~S ALSO KNOWN AS 1785 Crownland Lane, ClIteh8l1ge NY 11935 District: 1000 SECTION: 102.00 BLOCK: 07.000 Lot: 004.000 TOGETHER wilh.1I righl,lille and inlc",,", irany, ofd.. pany "fdu: first pari of, in nnd 10 any streets and mads .buuing Ihc abovc-dcllCribcd premiSC$to the cen"'r lines dICreof: TOGl!l'HER with lhe .ppuncnanccsand all the cal.lc and rights of the pW1y oflhe fino. port in alld UI .aid premi...<: TO HAVE AI\"O TO HOI.D lhe premi.... herein granted unl"!hc pwty uf the ,"",ond porI,thc hei", "r s...:e.""rs w1cl assign. of the porty of the second pari f"rever. AND !he parly of the first part cuvenanL< thw Ihc parly of the first pan has nOI done or suITered anylhing whereby Ih. lIBid premises have t-n incambered in any way whatever. eJ<<'Cpl as aroresuid. AND the parly oflhe filSl plIrt. in complianc. with Section I.l oflhe Urn l.llw, co.'Cnanls wllhe plIrty or the r."l pari will reccivclhe <'On.ide,,"ion for Ihi. con."yancc and will hold the right 10 receive such consider.lion... a IIUSl fund to be applied first for du: purpose of paying !he co... of the improvemcnl and will apply the same fi"",u the pay"",nt of Ihc <....... of the improvement before using any part of !he IOIlII of !he sulDe for any othcr purpose. Thr word "porty" shall be consllned lIS ir it read "parlies" whenevcr Ih. fiCn.. of this indenture so n:qui",.. IN WITNESS WH.:REOF. lIle parly of lhe finol pari has duly .xecute -. . _Fidelity NatIoJmJ 11de Insunuxe ~ Tille No.: 05-7404-61152-SUFF SCREDUI.E A-I DCiCriptlOD ALL that certain plot, piec:c or ~I of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Slate of New York, known and designated as Lot Number 8 on a certain map entitled "Map of Crown Land Lane" and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on 8127n5 as Map No. 6289. being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the comer fonned by the intersection of the: southwesterly side of Crown Land Lane and the northwesterly side of Spur Road; RUNNING TIiENCF. along the northwesterly side of Spur Road, South 42 degrees 33 minutes 50 seconds West 174.35 feet, RUNNING TIiENCE North 47 degrees 26 minutes 10 seconds West 256.40 feet; RUNNING THENCE North 42 degrees 33 minutes 50 seconds East I SO.OO feet to the southwesterly side of Crown Land Lane; RUNNING TIIENCE along said Road South 52 degrees 5 I minutes 40 seconds East 257.55 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Schedule A-I (Ilcsaiptian) Rev. (O:!AM) , USE Itr:Kl'i0K'1Ji/JGMF.NTFIJIl'" 8F.I.OWllmllN NIiW YClBK STIt7EONLY: . SIaI;;,'tN....Vork,CUUntyuf Suffolk I...: On lhe '''day of June in Ihe >= 1005 her."" me. the unde..il!"!"i. """",,,:lily ~PI""olI'Cd Stanley PawlowsKI, Jr. and Margaret G. Pawlowski . personalfy knov.n 10 me ... proved 10 nle 011 !.he basis of salisflll:lory evidence In he the individual(s) wIwse naJI1e{sl is (are)""bscribed 10 Ih. wilhin ill5llUmenl and ""knowledged 10 me 1hal helsheJlhey execuled Ihe same in hislhorfthcir .apaC'i1y(ies). and tIw by hislherlthcir sisnu1un:(s) 011 the insuunll..nl. the individual(s). or Ihe """"'" upua behalf "fwhidt Ihe individual(s) lICIed, exccu...s!he ilL""'ment. ~. t:q:-~ SEAN Y'NOLEVNEW~ NOl'A/I'I"':l.~lFI&O~.s"D3 QUALIFIED IN SUFFOLK cauNTYc& COMMISSION EXPIRES MAY., 20 Ar:KA'OM'lJilX'oMF.NT FORM FOIl USE WmllN Nliw YOIlA' STitT". ONLY: INnv ytri SIIbJrrlb;RR WilHi',u Ac:.bkl'll.'tM.cIMlI' CrrtlJiMrl S\aleofNewVorir.,Counlyof I..... On lhe c1uy of in the year bcfurc me:, Ihc undor.;igned. pc:n;m:IIly IIJlIlC'lR'd Ihe subr.:rihing wilDe.,.. In Ihc foregoing ill5llUmm~ with "inn I :un pel1unally ""'lwUnted. who. being by me duly sworn. did dcpntiC and say 111.'1 helshe/lhey reside(s' in (if,hI! plOrt nJ",lidc..... L. in a dly. in"'ruJ, IhI ","I and $/,." "1IIffI1<o,, if UII)'. II~fflJ/l: lhal heI"""they Iwow(s) 10 he the individual dcocribcd in and who eXeallOd Uu: foregoing in.<uumem: tIw said suhsaihilll! wilDesS was present OIId saw ..id execute the ....Ie; and tIw said wilne... al the 5IlI1I. liOle subscribed hilllhcrltheir RUR1e(S)..< a willies. thcrek.. BARCAIS olr SAI.F. DEt:1I wmICQ\'UN,,"~AOAJIriSTCJIlAKI'DR"SACTS TITLE Nil. STANLEY PAWLOWSKI, JR. MARGARET G. PAWLOWSKI TO TODD JOHNSON RACHEL JOHNSON FIDI!L1IT NATIOSAI. TIT"': INSURANCE . COMPANY OF NEW YORK .II ~m"9JI ~,fJ;.Fidelity~~_'. "~&wWSl.llrl.w,*A...""'.. USliItCIiNOll7.IiIIC.MF..VTFOJlAI BEUJW 1I'1111IN NIiWYClBK STATEONLI~ Slate of New Vork, COIIII1y of On the day of in Ihc y= beC"", me, !he undclliignc.'d. pcr.iUIllllly uppcared personally known 10 me or pmved 10 Ole nn the ba,.is of II3liSfllClory evidence 10 be !he iDdividull1{s) whose name{s) is (an:l ""bscribcd 10 the wilhin insuuml.'lll ODd ""knowledged 10 me thai heIsheJIhey exa:ulCd Ihe saRle in hislherllhcir c8pllCily(ics). and tIw by hislherllheir .ignatUre(.) on the inslnlmenL !he individual,s). ... lhe pernlR ol'on behalf lIf which the individual's) lIC\ed. esecuted the insUUmenL 155.: ACKNOWUiDCiM&VT ""IIIM /lUll USEOUTSIIlBNEW )'CIJ/K STItT".ON1.Y: /0..,0/ SrtJll' 4H' FDrw>I,n Gt:Itt'flI'-\~""'N,lMftr (.',nij;"'IId .. .... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 lillo' ,Cum,,,,, VftIW wi", SIlJII'. C'IIUU".. P",.'iMa ur M'lIIkipdlil1J On Uu: day of in Ihe )'Car before Ole. Uu: un~ personally appeared ,,"I>OII:lIly known to me or proved 10 me 011 lhe hw;is of SUlisf""""; evidence III he Ihe individual(s) whose namc{s) islare) subseribed 10 the wilhin in.<uumcnl and acknowledged 10 me lhut helM1eIthcy e,ccllted !he same in hi.slherltheir capac:ily(ies). tIw by hL<lhcr/!heir .igwore(s) on the ill5llUmen~ Uu: individual(s), or die pmon upon beludf lIf which Ihe indi,ilIuaI(s) acwd. exa:oled the insuu~ und I.... such individual I1IClde soeh uppearllIICC before the undenigned in the f In.'tN the cil)' or ulher political subcli,'b'inn QJJJ rlie &Ia't 111 cmml1)' "T ",hlr Il/a,,,'hI! tu:}uwwkdafIWlI/ "YIS ''';'''''~ . DISTRILT 1000 SECTION 101.00 BLOCK 07.00 lOT 004.000 COU,"TYORTOWN Nassau RIiCeJl/OEDIt T IlEQUf:srOF Fidell1y NallooaJ l1U. IIISW'8IICe Company orN.... York RUUIIN 81' "'''',. TO OLSEN & OLSEN, L.L.P. 31495 MAIN ROAD P.O. BOX 706 CUTCHOGUE NY 11935 l'.l IE o " z is I ... o ~ II: ~ w u a'! UI ~ ~ I ~umber of pages TORRF.NS Serial # Ccnili<:at. # Prior Ctf. # Deed . Mortll'lll' InSlrulIICnl Deed , Mortgage T"" Slllmp FEES 3 Page' Filing Fee Handling 5 .lIIL TP-S84 Notation EA-S217 (County) EA-S217 (Stale) Sub Total R.P.T.S.A. 3l> Comm. of Ed. S .lllL Aflidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy Sub TOlal RECORDED 2005 Jun 30 01:26113 P" Edward P.Romaine CLERK OF SUFFW COUHTV L OOOO12m P 513 Dn 04-4n31 Recurding' Filing Stamp" Mortgage AmI. I. BllSieT"" 2. Additional Tax SubTOlllI Spec.' Assit. or Spec. , Add. TOT. MTCl TAX Dual Town _ Dual County_ Held l'or AppoinlmclIl _ Transfer Tax ~8l? _ Mansion Tax The propeny covered by thi. n'olgage is or will be improved by a one or IwO flUOily dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. lICC appropriate IlU. clause on page # of thia inslnllnenl. Grand Total /6::J. D'MA..- !:-g!~'~ _ S 10200 0700 004000 Consideration Amounl @ Improved . .u_' ~ Nat;'l Land SatisfllClionIDischargeslRelease Lisl Property Ownen Mailing Address ./ TO / D RI!CORD & RETURN TO: V' OLSEN & OLSE1'l, L.t.P. TO P.O. BOX 706 GUTCHOGUE N,V 11935 Orher 102 00 SeclIon. B~J.,k 00 Real Propeny Tax Service Agency Verilication - --- - -.--" .,~ (; n. CPF Tax Que " $ ~ TO 7 l.. 8 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page fonn. part oflbe allached ~ madc by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) STANLEY PAWLOWSKI, JR j MABGAREI' G. PAWlOWSKI The premiJis herein is situated in TO TOOO JCllNSON RAOIEL JOONSON SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. In the Township of SOUTHOLD In Ihe VILLAGE or ""'\I LET of CUTCHOGUE BOXES (; THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING (over) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DEEDS/ODD Number of Pages. 4 Receipt NUmber . 05-0068699 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-47231 Recorded, At. 06/30/2005 01.26:13 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012395 513 District. 1000 Section. Block. 102.00 07.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $632,000.00 Lot: 004.000 Deed Amount. Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exlllllpt Bxempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $2,528.00 NO Camm.Pres $9,640.00 NO Fees Paid $12,320.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR. 04-47231 THIS PAGB IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Ramaine county Clerk. Suffolk County I't./, ~ .3,. g, g, 1, C2. Dote Deed Rooordod I J ,..3 ~ ,6) .{, Morn Dew Yftlr C3. Book I j, 4. ..3, if ~ I Ct. Plglt .s, ,/,0, PROPERTY INFORMATION c:::.........l)WN ~ t. Pra,.ty I 1785 CW91.:1aR4 ~D.!l8 Locltlon 'lor.....' N&.'\tIfoR I'IRT""" C,. SWIS Colli Southold cnv co ....... 2.8.- - ...~~~/)/J V4,$?ii1!S IJM I. T... IndicMe wItoro fulurll T. BlII1I11l to be Il!'Ot 8111.. If _lhan buyor 1Dl...... boIlum 01 r_ I -- * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STAlE OF NEW YORK STAlE IlOAJlI) OF REAL PROPERlY 8ERVICE8 RP - 5217 RJ4:117", JI97 CAr..). Cutchogue ......... rp JA .lIIIr~ .&tiel/Ii L ,11935 ..- LAS' ~"C>>MJOA..y HKlI .... lTaT MIWItR AND IJ'IIKT PUlW: .. nllcde........... 01_ RoI ................. on 1M .. ....""- II . of Parcola OR D PGrt o' a Parcul 1. ChIdl: the box below wNch ..., KCUrdlly dncrlbel the u.. of the property .. the 11m. 01 ....: A~omi"_"nt~1 F.~ Ag.kullu", I ~ ContntunilySorvlce 8 2 Ot 3 F.mlly Rnidenlill r Commercial J InduariM C _...1 VICInt Lond G Aporlmonl K P\obIk_ D N~dftltilll VK8f11 unci II EntmanmDl'ltl AmulCmOnl L ForeIt , SALE INFORMATION I ".___IIIt. , b,!?J, z" 0, O,-Q, 0,0 I , , . (Full SI" PrlellI thl Ictal ImDUnt JMId for tho property including pGl'IGnal property. Th. paymonllhly be In the form of cuh. other propeny 01 aoodI, Of the am.mptlon at rnortgugw ur other obIl91t1ont.l "".. round ftIo thI ,."". MIa,. doIIIIr lIRJOIIIlt. ,..1ndI_.........0I_ J ,~~ ....__111...._ ,. ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Dim ohould refl... th.l.mlt Finol Au......n' Rolland Till 8111 I.~-' .... 'xl , OR , .......".. Of"'. 8._ -- (fj"WLI)ft)g ~ I ) ~ tAlI' I COMI"A"Y fJA-W4':J/U,fJ{, ) LAIT NMII!/a:lMM'n I , "11 d5t Man.. Diy v.. '2. IIIto 01_,_ " ,I" 'OS-, UllnIh Day v.. ,......-- IT"" ..- "'... '. II .~, IlWy I Put 01. _ Chook ......., sppIv: 4A. PIInnlng Board with Subdtvlsb1 Authority EJliIII 0 ... Wx1ivillon AppnMI_ ReqLi;f8d for lr..... 0 4C- _ _d "" SuIxIMIion ....Map -- 0 t::i 119M / _ e 'I I'I'I8TNUIE . H A,p b-/};el3" T tf:. -- _....__.......,.ppiy: I. 0wrwIhIp lypIIlI Condominium .. New ConItruction on VIC*1l: Land 1a PrOQIr'tv' LocI1Id within an Agrlcultur. DiItrict ,. ~ AICItved . diIdoIure ,.,... Ind"lCIting tta: Iha prcIpIUt'( II In .., AgrIcullurlllXllrlcl o o o o ,.. a.- _ ar more at_all ~ . _ ~ ID InnIIer: A Sale Bolween Relltlvu or Former AeIIliveI R s.te 8Itww1 RIIIfed CompanieI or ,.... in Buai~. C OlIo of tho ____ ~ .Iso . ..... D 8urw ar SaIIur II GuwlrMtOIIt Agency or Londlng Institution H llood T_ _ WotrlIIIlY or IIoriIin .nd Sslo _ Solowl F 51.. of FrDClfonal or LuM thin Faa InlClfOlt (SpocIf., BoIowI o SIgnificant ChIInge in PrDparty Betwuen Taxablo St.IIUI ond S.le DAte& H 51. of BUIineII illncIuded In SaJe Pricle I O1hor UI1UIUII F..... AfllICllng Silo Prk:o (Sp.cify SoIOwI J None ; 1. 9. /) .?J I , 18.V-..-..........IO .,1 I whIIh ....nllllo........... .. 11. TOCII A......:I V....1of 11.......111 tr..... , 18._....CIno ~I ,DI-U 11.___' ~131/:L ~lJnG-v'- zo. TM M.p Identifier... I RoD IdIndfI.uJ (If more than four. .... Men wittllddiIIoMlldentllia1aJ1 I bOb. I tJ':Ulb - t1"1. I)l) - d~ 4" () , I I. I CERTIFICATION I J cer1iI)' _ oIIoflllc _ufbtlll.....lun _ua lllisr..... ...._.... comel C1olb. .....otllQ" ......k...1IIId botio.ofl......._ ................. of1ft)' ........ ..... __ "'......... ... be..... _10 BUbJc<t IX to ""on.._ uf.... ..... low ........ to lIlc.......... ..... of_.............. BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~t~ / ,0' 7Z>l>b .:ftJ#tII,S(;N .... .~ ~'.~y,v~...~~ l-AN~ ~L.S eA/ -- bIIvl b -- 6J .3/ -.... 13"1- '1~(, fD ..LlPHIM .......... NEW YORK STATE COpy