HomeMy WebLinkAboutLong Island Master Plan Commercial Development Only 1991 . . . LONG ISLAND Mp13TER PLAl\J COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT ANALYSIS .; ~. .ii.', .~.;~~LL~ 11'EIro- __0" ,_rca..... . . V~~ ~o~ 0.0 db "e,l April 1991 Long Island Regional Planning Board Hauppauge, New York - .~ ~~ focT'25 1991 . Southold Town derk LONG ISLAND REGIONAL PLANNING BOARD Morton Certilman, Esq. Chairman John J. Hart Vice Chairman Dr. Frank Cipriani Dr. Carl L. Figliola John Wickham Lee E. Koppelman Executive Director NASSAU COUNTY SUFFOLK. COUNTY Ex Officio Ludwig Hasl Connnissioner Department of Public Works Joseph Hurley Commissioner Department of Public Works Peter T. King Comptroller Joseph Caputo Comptroller Advisory Honorable Thomas S. Gulotta Nassau County Executive Honorable Patrick G. Halpin Suffolk County Executive Honorable Joseph N. Mondello Presiding Supervisor County Board of Supervisors Honorable Donald Blydenburgh Presiding Officer Suffolk County Legislature Report Preparation Carol E. Walsh Roy Fedelem Peter K. Lambert . . LIST OF CONTENTS Chapter 1. Introduction Previous Reports................................................ 1- 1 Scope of Study.................................................. 1- 2 . Implications of Changing Demographics and Housing...............l- 3 Chapter 2. Retail Development History of Retail Development on Long Island....................2- 1 Analysis of the Census of Retail Trade: 1977, 1982 and 1987.....2- 2 Retail Center Definitions...................................... .2-18 Existing Retail Centers......................................... 2-24 Service Area Analysis, Served and Unserved Areas................2-30 Retail Space Planned or Under Construction................... ',' .2-35 Retail Vacancies............................................... .2-39 Trends in Per Capita Retail Square Footage......................2-42 New Concepts.................................................... 2 - 44 Chapter 3. Offices Square footage of Office Space and Location Analysis............3- 1 Proposed Office Developments.................................... 3- 6 Surplus or Deficiency of Office Space based on Projected Employment Through 2010........................... ......... .3- 6 Chapter 4. Hotels and Motels Existing Hotels and Motels, 1991................................ 4- 1 Hotels and Motels Proposed and Under Construction. .............4- 3 Overnight Accommodations at Transportation Centers and Corridors............................................. 4- 4 Service Areas................................................... 4- 8 Conversions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-14 Chapter 5. Trends and Recollllllelldations Retail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .5- 1 Offices....................................................... .5-14 Hotels and Motels.............................................. 5-16 Gener al. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-17 Appendix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LIST OF TABLES Long Island Region: Distribution of Retail Activity by Industry: 1987,1982 & 1977................................................2- 4 Long Island Region: Kinds of Business Ranked by Sales: 1977, 1982 & 1987................................................2- 6 Long Island Region: Indicators of Retail Activity 1977, 1982 & 1987..2- 9 Long Island Region: Per-Capita Grocery Expenditures (1987 Dollars)...2-12 Nassau County and Suffolk County: Per-Capita Expenditures by Kind of Business 1977, 1982, and 1987 adjusted to 1987 Dollars...........2-13 Long Island Region: Census of Retail Trade - 1977, 1982, and 1987 Sales per Employee............................................... 2 -17 Major Municipality: Shopping Centers by Type, 1990...................2-24 Major Municipality: Central Business Districts by Type, 1990.........2-25 Long Island Region: Regional Malls, 1990.............................2-26 Nassau County Communities Outside a Five Mile Radius of Existing Regional Shopping Centers and Central Business Districts.........2-31 Suffolk County Communities in the Four Western Towns that Fall Outside a Five Mile Radius of Existing Regional Shopping Centers.........2-32 Brookhaven Communities Served by a Regional Mall......................2-32 Major Municipality: Shopping Center Vacancies, 1990*.................2-40 Major Municipality: Square Footage of Major Office Buildings- Existing, Under Construction and Proposed, March 1991............3- 3 Long Island Region: Major Office Space Location Analysis, 1991.......3- 4 Long Island Region: Projected Job Growth, 1988 to 2000...............3- 7 Overall Office Building Vacancy Rate*, Fourth Quarter 1989 to Fourth Quarter 1990, Selected Areas of the Long Island Region...........3- 8 Long Island Region: Hotel and Motel Inventory by Major Municipality, 1991............................................................ .4- 1 Long Island Region: Hotels and Motels Built Since 1982...............4- 2 Long Island Region: Proposed Hotels and Motels.......................4- 3 . . LIST OF CHARTS Nassau County Population: 1960-2010...............................1- 4 Suffolk County Population: 1960-2010..............................1- 4 Long Island Region: County Share of Sales and Population..........2- 7 Long Island Region: Retail Sales in Actual Dollars................2-10 Long Island Region: Retail Sales in Constant Dollars..............2-10 Long Island Region: Sales per-Capita in Constant Dollars..........2-10 Nassau County and Suffolk County Retail Space Existing and Under Construction by Year Constructed..............................2-36 Nassau County and Suffolk County Retail Space Existing, Under Construction and Proposed by Year.............................2-38 Nassau County and Suffolk County Retail Square Footage Per Person by year...................................................... .2-43 Nassau and Suffolk Towns and Cities, 1990 Retail Square Footage Per Person.................................................... 2-43 Nassau County and Suffolk County Average Size of Major Office Buildings by Year Constructed.................................3- 1 Long Island Region: Average Size of Major Office Space by Year Constructed............................................. .3- 2 Projected Need for Office Space in 2000 at 90%, 85% and 80% Occupancy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3- 9 HAP Areas Unserved by Community Retail Centers, 1990...................5- 5 APPENDIX Previous Reports Inventories: Shopping Centers and Central Business Districts Major Office Building Inventory Hotel and Motel Inventory . . CHAPTER 1 Introduction Previous Reports........................................................ The economic development potential of Long Island is related to the industrial and commercial resources of the region. In 1982 the Long Island Regional Planning Board released volume 2 of the Economic Development Series entitled Commercial Development Analysis - 1982. This report is an incorporation and update of this 1982 report in conjunction with other related studies that have been completed by Nassau County Planning Commission and the Suffolk County Planning Commission. Beginning in 1971 a series of reports relating to business development were published and released by the Nassau County Planning Commission. Three reports entitled Nassau County Office Studv were released in April 1984, February 1986, and March 1989. Shopping Centers 1987 was released in November of that year and the Nassau County Central Business District Studv was released in November 1979. Other reports that were used as a basis for this report are the data book 85 by the Nassau County Planning Commission and Suffolk County: A Place to En;oy which contain motel and hotel inventories. Portions of all of these reports have been incorporated into this study and updated where necessary. An annotated bibliography of these reports Is included in the appendix. 1-1 . . Scope of Study.......................................................... This study focuses on the commercial resources of Long Island and how they can be utilized to obtain the necessary economic growth that would be compatible with the anticipated population mix and the proposed development pattern of the region. Major types of commercial uses, such as retail, offices and hotels and motels are inventoried and analyzed. Vacancies, service areas, and reuse possibilities have been studied and recommendations have been developed. The retail section analyzes existing and potential retail features of the region. A portion of this analysis focuses on data from the 1977, 1982, and 1987 Censuses of Retail Trade. Another aspect examines shopping centers and central business districts within the region. Finally, guidelines for future development and redevelopment of retail commercial properties are recommended for the region. The office chapter examines existing and proposed major office buildings. Then, based upon existing office space and projected office employment, an estimate of need for future office space has been developed. The Hotel and Motel segment presents existing year round and seasonal accommodations with the implications of the concentrations of these units. 1-2 . . Implications of Changing Demographics and Housing....................... Over the next twenty years, the Long Island region is expected to maintain steady but slow population growth. This slow growth will be due to a disproportionate increase in the number of households, with a correspondingly smaller reduction in average household size. In addition, the age distribution of the region will change, with increases in the over-50 age cohorts and major losses in the younger cohorts. Changing consumer age and household configurations will impact the type and amount of discretionary income that will be spent on retail purchases within the region. The following graphs show the changing proportion of persons by age cohort in the Nassau and Suffolk County populations. The proportion of the population in Nassau County over 50 years of age has increased from 227. in 1970 to 327. in 1990, and is projected to be 437. by 2010. The proportion of Suffolk County residents that are aged 50 or older increased from 197. in 1970 to 257. in 1990 and is projected to be 347. in 2010. The aging of the population will have considerable impact on the retailing decisions made in the region. 1-3 . Nassau County Population: 1960-2010 Percent of Total Population tOO% . 75% Age Cohorts ~ 70- D 60-69 - 50-59 50% D 40-49 - 30-39 D 20-29 ~ 10-19 25% [ill]! 0-9 0% 1960 t,aOO,I" 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year ,.....'a. f.a.r.... 1.'40.... I.3S...... '........, nt,., 1'...'.00" SOlne.: N"'~ O"rtlftm.nt 01 Comm.fCO. St.,. Od, C.",,, 41115 Suffolk County Population: 1960-2010 Percent of Total Population 100% 75% Age Cohorts ~ 70- B 60-69 - 50-59 50% D 40-49 - 30-39 D 20-29 ~ 10-19 25% [ill]! 0-9 1960 1990 2000 2010 Year I..'....S, Tet,., ".".,.tlOII 1970 1980 ,..,,.. f.I",O.o f........ f.."....... "..,..... "!IHI1e.: HI'S 000' 0' Co",,,,.rco, St.,. O.t. Certl.r, .18~ 1-4 . . As the region's population ages, a different retail market will begin to emerge. Consumer needs drop dramatically after the age of 55. This older population will require more services and less hard products. In most instances, the older consumer has purchased the last of their large durable goods, placing a heavier emphasis on savings to assure a financially sound retirement. Also, with the reduction in family size due to children growing up and moving out, the older consumer is more likely to eat out. Therefore, in the future there will be a heavier demand for restaurants in reasonable price ranges. In addition, the older consumer may increasingly take advantage of mail order and television order retail purchases rather than patronize existing retail malls and stores. In recent years, one person households have become increasingly common. More single people and more elderly who live alone are a important factor in considering retail needs. Most areas of Nassau and Suffolk have high concentrations of owner-occupied housing units. Historically, owner occupied units contain a population which ages in place, producing an aging consumer base. In contrast, neighborhoods with high concentrations of rental units do not age because the high turnover of residents are replaced with residents of similar demographic characteristics. These neighborhoods have a stable, relatively unchanging consumer base. The high cost of housing within the region also impacts the consumer profiles of Long Island's residents. In a reasonably priced 1-5 . . housing market the aging and incomes of consumers in owner-occupied housing units is easily projected. The housing cycle divides into distinct stages: young householders with young children, middle aged householders with high school and college aged children, young elderly "emp'ty nester" households, and finally, one person frail elderly households. In a stable owner-occupied neighborhood where the residents age in place, household size drops until the neighborhood turns over and the housing units are recycled to younger households. On Long Island, where housing prices are very high, the projection of the natural aging of neighborhoods is intricate because household composition is not what is normally expected in a reasonably priced housing market. The high price of housing, in combination with the lack of rental housing units in apartment complexes, has resulted in a large inventory of accessory apartments within previously single family homes. The questionable legal status of these apartments causes unknown numbers of accessory units to be uncounted when an analysis of the region's housing stock is performed. The population of the region may also be underestimated, and the data from the 1990 census is questionable, since preliminary information indicates that the census does not have the ability to enumerate all persons in accessory apartments. The implications of the under count of population and the underground housing ~~onomy generates the groundwork for misinterpretation of need in the Long Island retail market. An 1-6 . . undercount of population overstates per capita income as well as per capita consumpcion. An under count of accessory apartments causes an overstatement of household demand. The underground economy related to accessory apartments may not be permanent. With the easing of the housing market, households that are presently housed in accessory apartments will purchase their own homes. The new purchases will cause the proportion of total income that is spent on housing to increase, which in turn decreases the amount of disposable income within the region. The effect of the dissolution of accessory apartments is twofold: the host household must pay the full cost of the cost of what previously housed two households and the new household must also pay the full cost of a housing unit. The easing of the housing market will enable more households to be formed and counted, but it will also decrease the amount of disposable income in the region. 1-7 . . Chapter 2. Retail Development History of Retail Development on Long Island............................ Commercial development in the Long Island region evolved from well defined central business districts (CBDs) to a strip mass of retail uses developed contiguously along most major arterials. Prior to 1956, most commercial establishments were located within established CBDs. Many of the oldest central business districts were developed around harbors which facilitated maritime commerce. The construction of the railroad in the 1800s changed the business district development pattern to locations contiguous to railroad stations. The advent of railroad related commerce drew much of the economic vitality from the established harbor business districts. Next, the popularization of automobile travel caused an increase in commercial and retail activity along major roadways. Development patterns changed again with the mass production of housing units to house the homecoming World War II GIs. These subdivisions were constructed on inexpensive farmland away from the established CBDs. A street and highway system evolved. Shopping centers are the retail centers which developed around highways and were generated from automobile-related commerce. This automobile-related commerce drew the economic vitality from the previously vigorous CBDs. While retail is still predominant in CBDs, there has been a change to 2-1 . . contain more service oriented businesses such as dry cleaners, employment agencies, and medical and professional offices. Tourism has always played a significant role in retail spending on Long Island. Today, the eastern end of the Island enjoys a healthy tourist trade in the summer months. These part-time residents add a considerable amount to the disposable income spent in the region. Tourist-oriented CBDs throughout Long Island also generate significant retail spending year round. Analysis of the Census of Retail Trade: 1977, 1982 and 1987*............ The censuses of retail trade provide an enumeration of a portion of the total commercial development in the region. In 1987 the Census of Retail Trade enumerated 19,301 retail establishments within the region. These establishments are located in shopping centers, CBDs, or in independent locations. It is currently estimated that there are 8,100 retail stores in shopping centers and 5,800 retail stores in CBDs. * The Census of Retail Trade is published every five years. The next census will be taken in 1992 and will be distributed in 1994. 2-2 . . Census of Retail Trade Definitions The censuses of retail trade enumerate the number of establishments, the amount of sales, the annual payroll, the first quarter payroll and the number of paid employees for each kind of business by county. An establishment is defined as a single physical location at which a business is conducted. Sales include merchandise sold for cash or credit at retail and wholesale by establishments primarily engaged in retail trade. Total sales do not include taxes collected from customers and forwarded to taxing authorities. Annual payroll includes all forms of compensation such as salaries, wages, commissions, bonuses, vacation allowances, sick-leave pay, and value of payments in kind. Tips and gratuities received by employees from patrons and reported to employers are included. First quarter payroll consists of payroll paid to persons employed at any time during the quarter January to March 1987. Paid employees consist of full and part time employees who were on the payroll in the pay period including March 12. Included are employees on paid sick leave, paid holidays, and paid vacations. Comparison of 1977, 1982 and 1987 The purpose of this analysis is to examine trends in sales data and purchasing power in the region. The information was summarized by major Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) groups (except where noted) to enable examination of the sales data. The information was analyzed in actual as well as constant dollars. The change in the consumer price 2-3 . . index for the New York-Northeastern New Jersey area was used to compute constant dollars. In 1987 the region contained 19,301 retail establishments which employed 209,476 persons and generated $21.6 billion in sales. Nassau County accounted for 547. of the region's retail establishments, 567. of the sales, and 577. of the employees. In 1982 there were 16,828 retail establishments and in 1977 there were 16,328. Employment increased from 154,000 in 1977 to 170,000 in 1982. Retail sales were recorded at $8.8, $13.9 and $21.6 billion in 1977, 1982 and 1987, respectively. The region's retail trade has grown consistently over the decade. The following tables are regional summaries of the last three Censuses of Retail trade. Long Island Region: Distribution of Retail Activity by Industry: 1987, 1982, & 1977 Paid Empis for pay pd Estab- including SIC lishments March 12 Sales --Percent Distribution-- Code ~ind of Business (Il (#) r$Hillions) Est. ~.mo 1- Sa.les 1987 CENSUS OF RETAIL TRADE t'OTAL RETAIL TRADE 19,301 209,476 21,586.3 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 52 Building Materials & Garden Supplies 872 9,065 t,290.6 4..5% 4..3% 6.0% 53 General Merchandise Stores 273 24,680 2,199.2 1.4% 11.8% 10.2% 54 Food Stores 2,738 36,969 4,184..8 14.2% 17.6% 19.4% 5S ex 554 Automotive Dealers 865 13,114 4,380.7 4.5% 6.3% 20.3% 554 Gasoline service stations 1,336 6,039 1,068.9 6.9% 2."" 5.0% 56 Apparel and accessory stores 2,136 11 ,588 1,390.5 11.1% 8.4% 6.4% 57 Furniture and home furnishings stores 1,430 10,391 1,344.0 7.4% 5.0% 6.2% 58 Eating and drinking places 4,659 55,085 1,638.0 Zr...l% 26.3% 7.... 59 ex 591 Miscellaneous retail stores 4-,285 29,an 3,395.9 22.2% 14..2.% 15.7% 591 Orug and proprietary stores 707 6,111+ 693.8 3.7% 3.2% 3.2% 2-4 . . Long Island Region: Distribution of Retail Activity by Industry: 1987, 1982, & 1977 Paid Empls for pay pd Estab. including SIC lishment.s March 12 Sales --Percent Distribution.. Code ~ind of Business (f) (f) (!Millions ) Est.. ~l. Sales 1982 CENSUS OF RETAIL TRADE 'IOTAL REIAlL TRADE 16,828 170,233 13,879.2 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 52 Building Materials & Garden Supplies 75_ 5,548 575.3 _.5% 3.3% 4.1\ 53 General Merchandise Stores 25_ 22,589 1,4.60.9 1.5% 13.3% 10.5% 5_ Food Stores 2,424 31,358 3,147.7 14..4% 18.4% 22.7% 55 ex 554 Automotive Dealers 77_ 9,047 2,094.9 4.6% 5.3% 15.1% 554 Gasoline service stations 1,400 5,766 Q67.8 8..% 3.'" 7.0% 5. Apparel and accessory stores 1,784 13 ,532 888.8 10.6% 7.9% ..... 57 Furniture and home furnishin~s stores 1,161 8,277 751.1 6.9% 4.9% 5.4% 58 Eating and drinking places 3,908 45,140 1,100.8 23.2% 26.5% 1.9% 59 ex 591 Miscellaneous reeail stores 3,715 23,746 2,509.0 22.1% 13.9% IB.l% 591 Drug and proprietary stores 61_ 5,230 383.0 3..% 3.1% 2.8% 1971 CENSUS OF REL\IL TRADE 1OTJ.L REIAIL TRADE 16,328 153,751 8,769.4 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 52 Building Materials & Garden Supplies 748 2.,545 135.8 4.6\ 1.7% 1.5% 53 General Herchandise Stores 313 27,626 1,265.6 1.9% 18.0% I1t.4% 5_ Food Stores 2,ltOO 26,737 2,080.3 lit. 7\ 17.4% 23.7% 55 ex 554 Automotive Dealers 821 Q,568 1,415.0 5.0% ..2 1..1% 55_ Gasoline service stations 1,698 7,189 625.9 10.4% It.7% 7.1% 56 Apparel and accessory stores 1,510 10,81+5 490.0 9.2% 7.1% 5.6\ 57 Furniture and home furnishings stores 1,085 6,839 _20.. ...% 4.'" 4.8% 58 Eating and drinking places 3,703 38,363 694.6 22.7% 25.0% 7.9% 59 ex 591 Miscellaneous retail stores 3,483 19,757 1,419.5 21.3% 12.8% 16.2% 591 Drug and proprietary stores 5.7 4,282 222.2 3.5% 2.8% 2.5% The Kind of Business Distribution of Retail Activity Changes in the distribution of sales by type of retail category indicate which retailers are the most successful in acquiring the consumer dollar. In 1987, automotive dealers accounted for the largest volume of bi-county retail sales, 20.37. of the total, followed by food stores, 19.47., miscellaneous retail stores, 15.77., and general merchandise (department) stores, 10.27.. 2-5 . . Long Island Region: Kinds of Business Ranked by Sales: 1987, 1982 & 1977 Kind of Business 1987 1982 1977 New & Used car dealers 1 2 2 Grocery stores 2 1 1 Department stores 3 3 3 Eati.ng places 4 4 4 Nonstore retailers 5 6 6 Bldg materials & supplies 6 8 R Msc shopping goods stores 7 7 7 Fuel dealers 8 5 5 Drug stores 9 10 9 Women's clothing & specialty 10 9 10 Building and garden materials suppliers and automotive dealers were the most successful with relative sales gains of 124% and 109% respectively. The large increase in building and garden materials is probably the result of the surge in housing costs in the first half of the decade. The increase in housing costs resulted in many. homeowners repairing and expanding the homes that they owned rather than moving up to a larger home. Gasoline service stations showed a gain of 10% which was the smallest gain. The small gain in gasoline service station sales reflects the stabilization of gasoline prices after the gasoline shortages of the late 70s and the increase of energy efficient automobiles. There was a 21.3% decline in the number of gasoline service stations from 1977 to 1987. Several factors contribute to this decline. These include the requirements for upgrading underground tanks which is too costly for marginal service stations and the changing character of service stations from the local service station with resident mechanic to the modeI:n, discount, multi-pump gasoline station. 2-6 . . Share of Retail Trade Gain by County The bar graph below compares the share of county population with the share of sales for the region. The Suffolk County population accounted for less than half of the region's population until 1982, when the counties had an equal number of residents. By 1987, Suffolk had slightly more than half of the region's population. Nassau County has consistently generated a proportion of the region's sales greater than its share of population. This can be attributed to the higher income of Nassau residents as well as the larger and more diversified shopping opportunities in that county. Long Island Region: County Share of Sales and Population 1977 Sales Population 1972 Sales Population 1982 Sales Population 1987 Sales Population 0% 25% 50% 75% I 0 Nassau ~ Suffolk I 100% Nassau experienced a 127. increase in retail establishments and 177. increase in retail employment between 1982 and 1987. At the same time the number of Suffolk retail establishments increased by 187. and the number of employees increased by 327.. 2-7 . . Sales gains were almost evenly distributed between Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Of the $7.7 billion increase in sales, Nassau accounted for 51.7% of the sales increase. The businesses in Nassau that showed the largest shares of gain are miscellaneous retail stores with 74.1% of the gain and apparel and accessory stores with 65.6% of the gain. Suffolk showed the largest share of gain in food stores (63.1%) while Nassau showed a 60% share of the gain for eating and drinking places. The share of gain by kind of business are an indication of the life cycles of the residents of the two counties. Nassau County residents, an older and more affluent population, are more likely to spend their dollars on clothing, eating out, and home furnishings. Suffolk County residents, a younger population with lower discretionary income, spend their dollars in food stores and building material and garden supply stores. Analysis of Retail Activity Adjusted for Inflation Retail Activity in the Long Island region steadily increased for the 10 year period from 1977 to 1987. The number of establishments and paid employees as well as dollar values of sales have increased as shown in the following table. 2-8 . . Long Island Region: Indicators of Retail Activity 1977, 1982 and 1987 Number of Establishments--------------------- % Change % Change l'H7 1982 77-82 1987 82-87 - Nassau 9,120 9,282 1.8% 10,411 12.2% -Suffolk 7,208 7,546 4.7% 8,890 17.8% Region 16,328 16,828 3.1% 19,301 14.7% Number of Paid Employees--------------------- % Change % Change 1977 1982 77 -82 1987 82-87 Nassau 93,476 101,123 8.2% 118,522 17.2% Suffolk 60,275 69,107 14.7% 90,954 31. 6% Region 153,751 170,233 10.7% 209,476 23.1% Sales ($ Millions)--------------------------- Nassau Suffolk Region CPI 1977 5,336.9 3,432.5 8,769.4 19H2 8,093.8 5,785.4 13,879.2 % Change 77-82 51. 7% 68.5% 58.3% 47.8% 1987 12,082.1 9,504.2 21,586.3 % Change 82-87 - 49.3% 64.3% 55.5% 24.6% Sales Per-Capita ($)------------------------- % Change % Change 1977 1982 77 -82 1987 82-87 - Nassau 1,649 6,200 69.9% 9,179 48.0% Suffolk 2,609 4,4H4 71. 9% 7,014 56.4% Region 3,156 5,347 69.4% 8,081 51.1% CPI 47.8% 24.6% From 1982 to 1987, the region's retail sales increased by about 56% in dollar value which is an actual increase of 25% when inflation is taken into account. The following bar graph shows retail sales in actual as well as constant (adjusted for inflation) dollars by kind of business for the region. 2-9 . . Long Island Region: Retail Sales in Actual Dollar s Millions of Dollars 5 4" I 3l I 2 I o Bldg Gen'j Food Auto Gaa Apparel Furn. Eating Mlae Drug ------ Actual Dclfars nu__ _ 1977 0 1982 ~ 1987 ,....................."....... Long Island Region: Retail Sales in Constant 1987 Dollars MIllions of Dollars 5 4 3 - 2 -- o Bldg Gen'l Food Auto Gaa Apparel Furn. Eating Mloe Drug --- Constant 198? Dollars n_ - 1977 D 1982 ~ 1987 Soure! Census at Retail Trade ,gn, 1982. sno 7987 ad/usMC by the Incr8BS8 III tl18 Metropolitan COIIsum8r Pries IIId81l (CPlj 2-10 . . Sales Per-Capita and Trends in Sales Per-Capita Adjusted to 1987 Dollars The kinds of businesses that deal in necessities, such as food, maintained consistent increases in retail sales that appear to be tied to population growth. This is very apparent when per-capita expenditures at grocery stores and other food stores is examined. The per-capita expenditure for food that is consumed in the home increased slightly after the dollar values are adjusted for inflation. Long Island Region: Sales per-Capita, 1987 Constant Dollars* Thousands of Dollars 2 I - 1977 D 1982 ~ 1987 I 1.5 1 o 0.5 Bldg Gen'l Food Auto Gas Apparel Furn Eating Mise Type of Retail Establishment Drug ..1I"'I.CA. SOI;rC8; Census of Retail TrsrJe /9"", 1982, and '987 ad/us red !O tf19 lr:cr88S6 In rh9 Metroool/taf'l CPt POouJatlof'l' 1987 & 7982 L1LCO Est 1977 9St. ex/rs{)o/allon of '70 & '80 Census 2-11 . . The actual per-capita expenditure for groceries has increased by $89 from 1977 to 1987. This increase in per-capita spending is an outgrowth of an increasing proportion of the grocery budget being spent on convenience food. The $89 per-capita increase in groceries is an indication of value added to food staples. The increase in value added foods in groceries is caused by the growing proportion of adults in the work force who do not have the time to prepare meals. Long Island Region: Per-Capita Grocery Expenditure (1987 Dollars) 1987 19821' 1977* Grocery Stores Meat & Fish Stores Other Food Stores Retail Bakeries Total $1,398 $ 62 $ 65 $ 42 $1,567 $1,296 $ 97 $ 79 $ 40 $1,512 $1,263 $ 91 $ 84 $ 40 $1,478 *Adjusted to 1987 dollars The number of grocery stores in the region has increased from 1,315 in 1977 to 1,630 in 1987. At the same time, the number of meat and fish stores has decreased from 341 in 1977 to 301 in 1982 and 300 in 1987. The number of other food stores has steadily decreased from 420 stores in 1977 to 391 stores in 1987. Both the per-capita dollar expenditure and the number of establishments for the retail bakeries category has increased in the ten year period. The number of bakeries has increased from 324 in 1977 to 417 in 1987. Grocery stores have seized part of the markets that were previously served by butcher shops, seafood markets and other food stores but have failed to usurp any of the retail bakery expenditure. 2-12 . . ~n analysis of the ten year trend of per-capita spending (adjusted to 1987 constant dollars) highlights the growing and shrinking businesses in the region. The following table summarizes the sales per-capita by kind of business adjusted to 1987 constant dollars for Nassau County and Suffolk County. Total sales per-capita have increased steadily for each five year period in both Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Per-capita spending in Nassau has increased from $7,259 per person in 1977 to $9,179 in 1987. Suffolk's per-capita spending has grown from $5,109 in 1977 to $7,014 in 1987. Nassau County and Suffolk County: Per-Capita Expenditures by Kind of Business 1977, 1982, and 1987 adjusted to 1987 Dollars -------Nassau County------ ------Suffolk County------ Kind of Business 1977 1982 1987 1977 1982 1987 Building Materials $185 $225 $384 N/A $329 $579 General Merchandise $1,074 $837 $958 $708 $564 $692 Food Store $1,600 $1,621 $1,580 $1,345 $1,401 $1,553 ~uto Dealers $1,121 $1,116 $1,719 $879 $894 $1,563 Gasoline Stations $496 $529 $457 $266 $399 $345 Automobile Related $1,617 $1,645 $2,176 $1,269 $1,293 $1,908 Apparel $423 $533 $675 $266 $319 $371 Furniture $360 $477 $627 $232 $243 $383 Eating and Drinking $562 $631 $747 $419 $424 $483 Misc Retail $1,263 $1,556 $1,738 $730 $846 $818 Drugs & Proprietary $174 $201 $294 $140 $167 $227 Total Msc Retail $1,437 $1,757 $2,031 $871 $1,016 $1,045 Total Sales/Capita $7,259 $7,726 $9,179 $5,109 $5,588 $7,014 Population 1,353,759 1,305,491 1,316,308 1,237,071 1,290,106 1,355,034 Per-capita spending at building materials and garden supply stores has increased steadily in both counties. General merchandise stores, the bulk of which is comprised of department store sales, have seen 2-13 . . decreases in per-capita sales in both counties. Per-capita spending at food stores in Nassau County has decreased from $1600 per person in 1977 to $1580 per person in 1987 while per-capita spending at food stores in Suffolk has increased from $1345 to $1553 from 1977 to 1987. The decrease in food store per-capita spending in Nassau County may be attributable to the aging of the population (therefore fewer children at home) and the increase in more workers in the household (therefore eating out is more popular). The per-capita expenditure for eating and drinking places has increased in both counties. Nassau County saw an increase of almost $200 per person from $562 in 1977 to $747 in 1987 and Suffolk increased from $419 per person in 1977 to $483 in 1987. There has been a steady increase in per-capita spending at apparel stores. This increase, in conjunction with the increase in spending at nonstore retailers (catalog, television, etc.), may be the cause of the decline in spending at general merchandise stores. In the past decade, most general merchandise discount stores (such as Korvette's, Woolco, etc.), that accounted for a large proportion of general merchandise sales, have gone out of business. Furniture stores have shown a steady increase in per-capita sales in both counties. This is certainly a result of the maturing of the baby-boom population. Two-income households that have finished paying for their dependents' educations now have money available to furnish their homes to their liking. 2-14 . . Miscellaneous retail stores in the region have shown growth and decline. Fuel dealers (except gasoline) and liquor stores have shown decreases while nonstore retailers and drug stores have shown healthy increases in per-capita spending. The increase in drug store spending is more pronounced in Nassau County where the population is proportionately in older age groupings than in Suffolk. There has been a decreasing trend of per-capita spending at both drinking places and liquor stores, whereas eating places have grown. This may be due to tougher driving while intoxicated enforcement, a decline in the young adult population, and an increase in sin taxes. All types of apparel and accessory stores have experienced consistent growth. Apparel is the only major SIC grouping which shows growth in per-capita spending. The dramatic increase in per-capita spending at building materials and supply stores has tempered the growth in spending at hardware stores. In many instances the building materials and supplies stores carry the same types of products available at a hardware store and also provide the convenience of one stop shopping. Miscellaneous retail stores include the following businesses: nonstore retailers (such as catalog sales, television promotions, etc.), fuel dealers (except gasoline), liquor stores, florists, optical goods, miscellaneous shopping goods, and other retail stores not otherwise classified. The largest growth per-capita is at nonstore retailers. At the same time that nonstore retailers are seeing a growth 2-15 . . in per-capita spending, miscellaneous general merchandise stores are experiencing a decline. The growth of one may be influencing the decline of the other. The growth of nonstore retailers is a national phenomenon and can be attributed to the popularization of catalog sales. Catalog sales have experienced increased popularity as more women join the work force and therefore have less time to shop at stores, in conjunction with the aging population who are less likely to have the motivation or stamina to shop at stores. Catalog sales widen the market area of the Catalog retailer to an area that's only restriction is the geographic constraints of mail delivery. Most catalog retailers are based outside the region. The per-capita expenditures at liquor stores is declining. The decline in liquor consumption may be the result of increasing health awareness of the population. The per-capita expenditure at drug stores is increasing. This is certainly a result of the aging of the population. In Nassau County where the population is older than Suffolk, the per-capita expenditures at drug stores has been more than $30 per-capita more than the Suffolk per-capita drug store expenditure for respective retail census years. The ten year average of retail sales per-capita for the Long Island region was $6,992 in 1987 dollars. The highest average per-capita expenditure was at food stores with $1,519 per-capita followed by sales at automotive dealers at $1,217 per-capita. Miscellaneous retail stores 2-16 . . accounted for a $1,162 per-capita expenditure. These three categories of retail trade accounted for 567. of the per-capita expenditure in retail trade. Trends in Sales Per Employee The relative position for the top and bottom ranked kinds of business for the 1977, 1982 and 1987 Censuses of Retail Trade did not change when standardized by sales per employee. Automotive dealers are the consistent leaders as measured by sales per employee with gasoline service stations ranked second. Eating and drinking establishments ranked last for each of the censuses. Long Island Region: Census of Retail Trade - 1977, 1982, and 1987 Sales per Employee -----------1987--------- ---------1982---------- -------~-1977----------- Paidic Sales per Paidic Sales per Paidit ~ales per EmDlovees Emolovee Rank Emolovees Emolovee Rank Emolovees E=o!ovee Rank Retail Trade 209,476 $103,049 170,233 $81,530 153,751 557,036 Building and gaJ:den supplies 9,065 $142,366 3 5,548 $103,690 4 2,545 553,341 6 General merchandise stores 24,680 589,108 8 22,589 564,674 9 27,626 $45,811 8 Food stores 36,969 $113,197 6 31,358 SlOO,379 5 26,737 577,804 3 Automotive dealers 13,114 $334,044 1 9,047 $231,552 1 9,568 5147,891 1 Gasoline service stations 6,039 $176,993 2 5,766 $167,844 2 7,189 587,070 , Appare 1 and accessory stores 17,588 $79,057 9 13,532 $65,685 8 10,845 545,184 9 Furniture and home furnishings 10,391 $129,343 4 8,277 $90,739 6 6,839 $61,495 5 Eating and drinking places 55,085 529,737 10 45,140 $24,386 10 38,363 518,107 10 Miscellaneous retail stores 29,831 $113,840 5 23,746 $105,658 3 19,757 571,846 4 Drug and proprietary stores 6,714 $103,342 7 5,230 $73,231 7 4,282 551,882 7 *Number of paid employees for the pay period including March 12. Sales per employee for building materials and garden supplies have moved up from sixth place in 1977 to fourth in 1982, and finally to third place in 1987. Furniture and home furnishings stores have also 2-17 . . moved from fifth place in 1977, dropped to sixth in 1982, and moved up to fourth in 1987. Conversely, food stores have become relatively more employee dependent, dropping from third in sales per employee in 1977 to sixth in 1987. Sales Per Square Foot of Retail Space Tn 1987, an estimated 31 million square feet of retail space existed in Nassau County. In 1988, an estimated 33 million square feet of retail space existed in Suffolk. In 1987, according to the Census of Retail Trade, retail sales valued at $12,082,109,000 were reported for Nassau County and $9,504,177,000 for Suffolk. This results in sales of $393.00 per square foot in Nassau and yield of $289.00 per square foot in Suffolk. These figures are estimates because the total excludes square footage figures for small stand-alone retailers and strips of less than 3 stores. Retail Center Definitions............................................... The determination of service areas for retail centers stresses consistency and simplicity resulting in generic definitions. The categorization of retail centers considers square footage, number of stores, presence of anchors and physical layout. Other factors used in determining service areas include: the population within a service area, personal income within an area, and consumer spending habits. Site-specific factors such as travel times based on road capacity and ,traffic congestion are not included in this analysis. 2-18 . . Commercial land use is defined as uses which contain both retail and non-retail establishments. The towns and villages within the region allow commercial development through zoning ordinances. Each zoning ordinance is unique and may allow one or a combination of the following commercial uses: business, shopping center, offices, general retail, hotel, nursing home, tourist home, neighborhood business, marine business, planned unit development, hospital, and central business district. In many communities commercial uses are permitted in industrial zoned land. Retail establishments are those businesses which sell a product such as building materials, general merchandise, food, motor vehicles, fuel, apparel, furniture, prepared food and drinks, and drugs. Non-retail establishments sell or provide services. Examples include repair shops, dry cleaners and laundries, cleaning services, health care providers, offices, rental shops, real estate brokers, motels and hotels. In some towns, hospital and nursing home uses are considered commercial, and in others these are considered institutional uses. Both retail and non-retail establishments can be located on commercially zoned land in shopping centers, in central business districts, or on commercial strips. A shopping center is defined as a "group of commercial establishments, planned, developed, owned and managed as a unit. It is related in location, size and type of shops to the trade area that the unit serves and it provides on-site parking in definite relationship to the types and sizes of stores." 2-19 . . A central business district (CBD) is that portion of a community which contains the "downtown" business area. Concentrated retail activity usually dominates the area, but wholesaling, residential, and institutional uses may also be found. Stores are owned individually and the district usually is not managed as a single entity. On-street parking is supplemented by limited off-street parking facilities that are usually located behind the stores or in municipal metered lots. A commercial strip is commercial development which is located outside traditional CBDs and planned shopping centers. Commercial strips are usually 100 to 200 feet deep along heavily traveled state or county roads that do not have restricted access for parcels adjoining the road. Commercial development in commercial strips is unplanned and is characteristically less dense than development in CBDs. The existing land in a commercial strip is often only partially utilized. Both CBDs and shopping centers are split into 3 categories: regional, community and neighborhood. The categories are based upon the characteristics of the retail center itself, and the market area served by the center or district. The major difference between shopping centers (exclusive of strip shopping centers) and central business districts is that shopping centers tend to be single purpose retail giants while central business districts generally provide employment opportunities not related to retail trade, housing opportunities, and access to public transportation. 2-20 . . Regional Central Business Districts and Shopping Centers A regional central business district contains large numbers of retail and service shops, apartments and large office buildings, as well as large department stores. The regional CBD is also a major employment center. The service area radius of a regional CBD is five miles. A regional shopping center in Nassau or Suffolk is a shopping center of greater than 750,000 square feet with over 100 stores and at least two major anchor tenants. These malls are easily accessible by major highway. The regional shopping center serves approximately 250,000 people in the area within a 5 mile radius of the center and within a 15 to thirty minute drive. The regional shopping center provides for the sale of general merchandise, apparel, furniture and other home furnishings. The regional center offers the possibility for one-stop, comparative shopping. Community Central Business Districts and Shopping Centers A community CBD generally contains more than 100 retail shops and a junior or major department store as an anchor. If the CBD has no anchor store then it must contain at least 175 retail stores to classify as a community CBD. The community CBD often contain apartments and office buildings. Its service area has a radius of three miles. A community shopping center is a shopping center larger than 100,000 but less than 750,000 square feet in size, containing at least one major anchor store. Historically, the community center was built 2-21 . . with a junior department store or a variety store as its anchor. Today, typical community center anchors are a home improvement center, large supermarket, discount department store or flea market. The community shopping center provides for the sale of convenience goods and personal services as well as apparel and appliances. Parking is ample. The community shopping center's service radius is three miles and the population served is between 20,000 and 100,000 people. Single store stand-alone retailers with gross leasable areas of more than 100,000 square feet are a separate type of community shopping center. These are retailers that are providing a wide variety of a type of product or a wide variety of products within one store. These immense stores act as community shopping centers themselves because of their large size and large sales volume. Like traditional community shopping centers, large single retail stores have a service radius of three miles. However, there are a handful of large single retail stores which offer a unique selection of goods, or a unique shopping experience. These have service areas of five miles. Neighborhood Central Business Districts and Shopping Centers A neighborhood CBD typically does not contain more than 100 stores nor a junior or major department store. The neighborhood central business district provides convenience retail shopping such as restaurants, food markets, personal services, and specialty shops. The neighborhood CBD may also contain public facilities and legal, medical, and other small offices. 2-22 . . A neighborhood shopping center is a grouping of stores which sell convenience goods and personal services. The neighborhood center is smaller than 100,000 square feet and usually larger than 15,000 square feet, with a parking field in front of it. There is usually an anchor store which is larger than the remaining stores in the center. This anchor is often a supermarket, discount store, large drug store, or home improvement center. The neighborhood center also contains small stores such as a restaurant, dry cleaner, hair stylist, clothing store, or bank. A free standing supermarket is considered a neighborhood shopping center because of its large sales volume. A neighborhood shopping center's service area is the area within a 1.5 mile radius and within six minutes driving time of the center. A neighborhood shopping center usually serves a population of 7,500 to 20,000 people. Strip Shopping Centers Strip shopping centers provide the same type of facilities as the neighborhood center, but with no anchor store. A strip center is a group of at least four similarly sized stores that are owned and managed as a unit. It usually contains less than 15,000 square feet and fewer than 10 stores. Strip shopping centers contain small parking lots in front of them. These centers have been built because of the scarcity of developable commercial property in intensely developed areas. They are an outgrowth of strip shopping without parking or parking in the rear. 2-23 . . Existing Retail Centers................................................. Analysis of areas served by existing retail centers, business districts and commercial strips indicates that there are areas of need and areas of oversupply. A service area may be regional, community-wide or may just cover a small area. This analysis considers the effect that the combination of shopping centers and central business districts has on requirements for retail development. The tables on the following page detail the number, type, and square footages of retail centers in the region. Major Municipality: Shopping Centersoy Type, 1990 ----Regional---- ----COmmunity--- --Neighborhood--- ------Strip------ -------Total-------- Square No. Square No. Square No. Square No. Square No. Peet of Foe' of Feet of Foe' of Fee' of !!2:.(OOO)~ !!2.:..(OOOl~ !i2.:. (0001 Stores !i2.:. 1QQSU ~ !!a:. (OOOl Stores Region 1 '1,935 1,113 105 20,333 2,254 414. 16,140 5,194 601 5,346 4,008 1,127 51,753 12,569 Nassau County 4 6,500 125 41 8,44{o, 764 190 7,146 2,422 113 967 795 348 23,059 4,706 Glen Cove 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 104 39 0 0 0 3 104 39 Hempstead 0 3,800 395 21 1t.,719 331 91 3,n8 1,123 59 503 436 113 12,240 2,285 Long Beach 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 85 74 0 0 0 1 85 24 N. Hempstead 0 0 0 10 1,918 208 31 1,443 396 17 130 102 58 3,491 706 Oyster Bay 2 2,700 330 10 1,809 225 64 2,297 840 37 334 257 113 7,149 1,652 Suffolk County 3 3,435 388 64 11,887 1,490 224 8,99lt 2,772 488 4,379 3,213 779 28,695 7,863 Babylon 0 0 0 . 1,781 111 24 1,172 278 75 621 504 108 3,573 953 Brookhaven .5 900 87 28 4,680 738 80 3,303 1,109 151 1,376 1,020 260 10,259 2,954 East Hampton 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 90 36 3 29 16 8 119 52 Huntington 1 1,046 107 5 1,243 123 36 1,439 405 89 824 518 131 4,551 1,213 I.lip 1 857 120 13 2,774 261 38 1,435 461 96 844 614 148 5,910 1,462 Ri verhead 0 0 0 2 289 28 7 261 87 9 90 64 18 639 179 Shelter Is. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 14 1 0 0 n 1 14 1 Smithtown .5 632 74 5 789 84 23 991 302 39 336 226 67 2148 686 Southampton 0 0 0 1 210 42 8 225 63 18 169 115 27 603 220 Southold 0 0 0 1 122 31 2 67 30 8 91 76 11 279 143 2-24 . . Major Municipality: Central Business Districts by Type, 1990 -------TOTAL------- ----Regional---- ----Community--- --Neighborhood--- ----CBD Total--- ALL RE!AIL CENIERS Square No. Square No. Square No. Square No. Square No. Feet of Feet of Fp-et of Feet of Feet of ~ !QQQ.l ~ No. (000) Stores ~ (OOO)~li2..:. iQQQl Stores No. i.QQ2l ~ Region 2 2,438 708 q 4,357 2,477 86 10,953 6,904- q7 U,747 10,089 1,224 69,500 22,658 Nassau COUo9lt.y 2 2,438 708 5 2,567 1,510 34 6,255 3,386 41 11,259 6.104 389 34,316 10,810 Glen Cove 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 299 176 1 299 176 4 403 215 Hempst.ead 2 2.,438 708 3 1,486 874 17 2,928 1,857 22 6,851 3,439 195 19,091 5,724 Long Beach 0 0 0 1 510 300 0 0 0 1 510 300 ! 594 324 N. Hempstead 0 0 0 1 571 336 8 1,703 1,029 q 2.,274 1,365 67 5,764 2,071 Oyster Bay 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 1,326 824 8 1,326 824 121 8,466 2,416 Suffolk County 0 0 0 4 1,790 967 52 4,698 3,018 56 6,488 3,985 835 35,182 11,848 Babylon 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 928 575 7 928 575 115 4,501 1,528 Brookhaven 0 0 0 1 340 200 12 784 525 13 1,124 725 273 11,383 3,679 East Hampton 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 343 216 3 343 216 11 462 268 Hunt.ington 0 0 0 1 700 326 5 493 329 6 1,193 655 137 5,745 1,868 Islip 0 0 0 1 344 202 8 508 341 9 852 543 157 6,761 2,005 Riverhead 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 280 171 3 280 171 21 919 350 Shelter Is. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 14 1 Smithtown 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 386 244 3 386 244 70 3,13t. 930 Southampton 0 0 0 1 401 239 7 621 395 8 1,028 634 35 1,631 854 Southo1d 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 355 222 4 355 222 15 634 365 Regional Central Business Districts and Shopping Centers Nassau County contains the only Central Business Districts that meet the regional CBD definition. They are the Hempstead Village and Garden City. Together they account for two million square feet of retail space or 4% of the regionls retail space. Nassau County contains four regional shopping centers and Suffolk County contains three. Long Island's regional shopping centers contain a total of 10 million square feet of space, 14% of all retail space in the region. Each of the four regional shopping areas in Nassau County serve an average population of almost 400,000 persons. The average population 2-25 . . computation counts each resident once which estimates the population served as if the market areas did not overlap. This average includes 386,000 persons living within the New York City portion of the Green Acres shopping center market area and 91,000 Suffolk residents in the Sunrise Mall service area. Ten shopping centers in Nassau and Suffolk were designated as regional centers in the Commercial Development Analvsis-1982. One Nassau and two Suffolk centers do not meet the "regional" determination when the new definition is applied to the 10 centers. The centers meeting the regional criteria are listed below. Long Island Region: Regional Malls, 1990 Nn. of Square Year Re2ional Mall Community Stores ~ Constructed Anchor Stores Broadway Hicksville 13~ 1,500,000 1956 Stems , Ikea Green Acres Valley Stream 185 1,600,000 1956 Macy's, AhS, Stems, JC Penney Roosevelt Field E. Garden City 159 2,200,000 1956 Macy's, Sterns, JC Penney, Vac Sunrise E. Massapequa 181 1,200,000 1973 Macyls, A&S, Sterns, JC Penney Walt Whitman S. Huntington 107 t,046,000 1962 Macy's, A&S South Shore N. Bay Shore 120 857,000 1963+Prop Mac.y's, JC Penney Smithaven Lake Grove 161 1,532,000 1969 Macy's, MS, Sears Three centers were deleted from the regional shopping center list published in the Long Island Regional Planning Board's Commercial Development Analvsis-1982. The Great South Bay Shopping Center and Gardiner Manor Mall were deleted because they do not meet the expanded number of stores and retail square footage requirements of the new definition for regional centers. The area known as the Miracle Mile in 2-26 . . Manhasset is now excluded as a regional shopping center because it does not conform to the definition of a shopping center. The Miracle Mile is not comprised of a group of commercial establishments owned and managed as a unit. It is fragmented. The Miracle Mile is comprised of two groupings of retail centers separated by residential and assorted commercial development along Northern Boulevard in Manhasset. The Americana at Manhasset shopping center is the largest center in the group, and the vacant Bonwit Teller store, a free-standing store of less than 100,000 square feet, is located across the street from it. Further west, a neighborhood shopping center, Manhasset Center, lies on the west side of Shelter Rock Road. Lord & Taylor and a separate neighborhood shopping center lie east of Shelter Rock Road. However, it is a major attractor and draws from a regional base. The three Suffolk regional shopping centers serve an average 216,000 persons. The South Shore Mall encompasses the largest population with 244,000 persons, the Smithaven Mall serves 220,000 persons and the market area of the Walt Whitman Mall includes a population of 183,000 (154,000 in Suffolk). Community Central Business Districts and Shopping Centers There are 41 community shopping centers and five community CBDs in Nassau County and 64 community centers and four community CBDs in Suffolk County. These figures reflect the greater emphasis and strength 2-27 . . of shopping centers in Suffolk County relative to Nassau County. Community CBDs account for four million square feet or 6% of all retail square footage. Community shopping centers comprise 20 million square feet or 29% of the region's retail square footage. Stand alone stores over 100,000 square feet are classified as community shopping centers. Many stand-alone stores were built in the 1960s to house discount stores (such as Modell's and Woolco) which were unwelcome in traditional shopping centers. These discount stores enjoyed success in the 1960s and 1970s but declined through the 1980s. Many of the older stand-alone stores have been subdivided into conventional community and neighborhood shopping centers or flea markets. The warehouse showroom is the single-store retail center of the 1990s. The warehouse showroom gained popularity on Long Island in the late 1980s. Examples of warehouse showrooms are Levitz (furniture), Price Club (appliances, sundries, food), and Home Depot (building materials). Other retailers are beginning to use this showroom idea (pergament of Westbury). Many large free-standing stores are in recycled buildings. Some are the result of the reuse of existing industrial space, especially industrial buildings located along major roadways such as the service road of the Long Island Expressway and Route 110. Other free-standing stores occupy buildings vacated due to the bankruptcy of discount department stores. 2-28 . . There are seven special regional free-standing stores in the region in 1990. Their uses fall into three basic retail categories: furniture and appliances, miscellaneous retail, and apparel. Among the newest regional free-standing is the Price Club store in Lake Grove built in 1987. A similar warehouse outlet, BJ's in Farmingdale, was added to the free-standing stock in the early 1980s by reusing an existing industrial building. Recently constructed free-standing stores in Nassau County are the Syms (discount clothing) and Pergament (building materials) and a 280,000 square foot Ikea (unassembled furniture). Neighborhood Central Business Districts and Shopping Centers There are 190 neighborhood shopping centers in Nassau County and 224 neighborhood shopping centers in Suffolk County. They account for 16.1 million square feet or 23% of the region's retail space. Nassau's 52 and Suffolk's 34 neighborhood CBDs contain 11 million square feet or 16% of the region's retail space. There are very few places in Nassau and Suffolk County that are not served by some type of community or neighborhood shopping. Strip Shopping Centers There are 113 strip shopping centers in Nassau and 489 strip centers in Suffolk. They contain a total 5.3 million square feet or 8% of the region's retail space. 2-29 . . Service Area Analysis, Served and Unserved Areas........................ Approximately 218,000 Nassau residents live outside the service areas of the regional shopping areas. It can be concluded that the majority of these residents shop in Nassau County since transportation access to these malls is more convenient than traveling to New York City or Suffolk County (except for the Walt Whitman Mall) for this population. An additional 36,000 persons can be added to each of the target populations to include this unserved population in the market areas. ~he five mile radii of the service areas for the three Suffolk regional malls omit coverage for 778,000 Suffolk residents. (The inclusion of the population outside the radii as served populations increases the served populations considerably.) If the service area for the three Suffolk regional malls is combined to encompass a small portion of eastern Nassau County, the eastern half of Babylon Town, the Towns of Huntington, Smithtown, and Islip, and the western third of Brookhaven Town, a population of 846,000 people is served. (See map) This results in an average market area size of 282,000 people. The balance of the eastern half of Suffolk County contains an unserved population of 489,000. Map 1 contains the service areas for the regional and community shopping areas in the region. There are many small communities along the north shore of Long Island that fall outside the five mile service area of the existing regional malls in Nassau County. It is 2-30 . . questionable, however, to say that these areas are unserved by a regional mall. Some locational standards for regional malls encompass a service area of 10 miles or a one hour driving time, especially in areas with rural populations. The Nassau communities that fall outside the five mile radii of the regional malls are listed below. Nassau County Communities Outside a Five Mile Radius of Existing Regional Shopping Centers and Central Business Districts Baxter Estates Centre Island East Norwich Glenwood Landing Great Neck Plaza Kings Point Matinecock Oyster Bay Plandome Heights Port Washington N. Saddle Rock Thomaston Atlantic Beach Long Beach City Bayville Glen Cove City Flower Hill Great Neck Estates Great Neck U. Lattingtown Mill Neck Oyster Bay Cove Plandome Manor Roslyn Harbor Sands Point Upper Brookville Atlantic Beach U. Lido-Point Lookout Bayville U. Cove Neck Glen Head Great Neck Kensington Manorhaven Old Brookville Plandome Port Washington Russell Gardens Sea Cliff West Port Washington N. Island Park The total population of these communities is approximately 191,000 persons or 147. of Nassau County's 1990 population. The total population of Nassau County can be considered served if a ten mile rural standard is applied to the Nassau regional malls. The four western towns of Suffolk County have very few communities that are not served by a regional mall. Most portions of the following communities fall outside the five mile radius of an existing regional mall. 2-31 . . Suffolk County Communities in the Four Western Towns that Fall Outside a Five Mile Radius of Existing Regional Shopping Centers Babylon Village Asharoken Eatons Neck .Lloyd Harbor Oakdale Bayport Holtsville Kings Park Captree Island Commack Fort Salonga Northport Ocean Beach Bohemia Sayville Gilgo-Oak Beach East Northport Huntington Bay Islandia Saltaire Holbrook West Sayville Population in Brookhaven Town and the five eastern towns of Suffolk County are mostly unserved by a regional shopping center. The only communities which are served by a regional mall are listed below. Brookhaven Communities Served by a Regional Mall Center each Holtsville Setauket East Setauket Farmingville Lake Grove Selden Stony Brook Holbrook Lake Ronkonkoma Port Jefferson Station There are approximately 778,000 persons who live in Suffolk County that are outside the five mile radii of the service areas of the regional shopping centers that serve the population. The unserved population in the four western towns is 163,557. However if the service radius is extended by just one mile, the unserved areas become limited to the Commack to Fort Salonga corridor and Sayville, West Sayville, and Bayport on the south shore of Islip Town. The majority of Brookhaven Town, and all of the Towns of Southampton, Southold, East Hampton, Riverhead, and Shelter Island are out of the service areas of a regional shopping center. 2-32 . . The smaller circles on Map 1 depict the service areas of the community shopping areas in the region. Both community shopping centers and community central business districts have been included on this map. The multitude of overlapping service areas shows the proliferation of shopping areas within the region. Approximately 70,000 Nassau residents live outside the service areas of the community shopping areas. Approximately 10,000 of those persons are included within the service areas of a regional shopping center. The remaining 60,000 Nassau residents unserved by community or regional shopping areas (4.5% of Nassau's total population) must rely on smaller, more local shopping centers and CBDs, or travel further. Parts of Bellmore and Wantagh are unserved by community shopping areas, but residents of these hamlets have easy access to more distant shopping centers via the Wantagh Parkway. Otherwise, the only part of Nassau County not served by community shopping centers is the north central part of Oyster Bay Town. Aside from the city of Glen Cove and the hamlet of Oyster Bay (which each contain sizeable CBDs which are not quite large enough to classify as community CBDs), most of this area is rural. A large scale shopping center would be inconsistent with its rural character and small businesses which serve residents' present needs. In the five western towns of Suffolk County, approximately 85,000 residents live outside the service areas of community shopping areas. Ten per cent or 8,500 of those persons are included within the service 2-33 . . area of a regional shopping center. The remaining 76,500 persons are unserved by a community or regional shopping center, representing 6% of the total population of western Suffolk. A large proportion of these people would be served by the proposed regional mall, Brookhaven Towne Center in Yaphank. As in unserved areas of Nassau County, persons living in unserved areas of western Suffolk can rely on smaller and more local shopping centers and CBDs. The communities of Lloyd Harbor, Northport, Fort Salonga, Old Field, parts of Dix Hills, and much of Kings Park are unserved by community shopping areas. However, since these are primarily exclusive residential areas, major retail centers would be unwelcome and inconsistent with nearby low density residential areas. Lloyd Harbor residents are relatively close to the Huntington CBD (a community CBD). Residents of Asharoken, Eatons Neck, Northport, Centerport, Fort Salonga, and Kings Park are somewhat served by the large neighborhood CBD at Northport and have access to more distant, large centers via the Sunken Meadow Parkway and Route 25A. Unserved residents of Dix Hills have access to community shopping areas via Deer Park Avenue (Route 231) and Commack Road. Old Field and northern Stony Brook residents are within reach of Nicolls Road for access to community shopping centers. Much of eastern Brookhaven Town is unserved by community shopping centers. Much of this area is comprised of low density residential development. Residents must travel further on routes such as William Floyd Parkway, Route 25A, Montauk Highway, and Sunrise Highway to reach major shopping areas. 2-34 . . In the five eastern towns of Suffolk County, approximately 83,000 residents live outside the service areas of the 5 community shopping areas. This figure represents 71.6% of the year-round population of eastern Suffolk. Since so much of eastern Suffolk is rural, residents depend more on local businesses and small CBDs. Large-scale shopping centers are inconsistent with nearby land use, especially in areas presently unserved. Retail Space Planned or Under construction.............................. lhe majority of new retail space in the region is under construction in shopping centers since, there is little opportunity for additional construction within existing CBDs. As of November 1990, there are 2,436,500 square feet of retail space under construction and 10,055,500 square feet of proposed retail space in the region. Nassau County accounts for 614,500 square feet of retail space under construction and the remaining 1,822,000 square feet are in Suffolk County. The following pie chart shows the existing retail space by county by decade built. The portion of the pie labeled "Pre-1970" is split between shopping center (SC) space built before 1970 and all CBD space. Eighty percent of Nassau's retail space and 56% of Suffolk's was built prior to 1970. Two percent of Nassau's total retail space and five percent of Suffolk's retail space is under construction at the present time. 2-35 . . Nassau County and Suffolk County Retail Space Existing and Under Construction by Year Constr~cted Nassau County Suffolk County 70-79- 21" 70-79- " 10" ,/J I ::, --- / '~ CBD 34% 80-89- UC- 8" 2" NIISSBV County Squ.,. F.., Total Retail Soace 34,377.500 In ceDs r 7,259,000 /11 Shopping Canters 2:;,058.500 SuffOlk County SQuare Fe9f TorsI Raf811 Space 35.182.000 0'(1 CBDs 8,48T,500 In ShaPD/flg Cenrers 28,694,500 Souto.., N....u COU"'Y Pllnnlno OIO.rlm,",. llAPB - Shopping Centers There are three proposals for regional malls in the region. one in Nassau County and two in Suffolk County. The Galleria is a proposed 1.3 million square foot center on the site presently occupied by Fortunoff in East Garden City. The center will be anchored by Fortunoff and Neiman Marcus along with two other anchors. At this time the proposal is on hold. One Suffolk County regional mall is proposed for a site at the intersection of the Long Island Expressway and William Floyd parkway in Yaphank. Brookhaven Town. Brookhaven Towne Center will contain 1.6 million square feet. The second regional mall proposal is for the Fairchild Republic site in Babylon. 2-36 . . The Galleria mall is proposed to be developed for upscale retailing. The development of this additional regional mall will certainly impact existing retailers in Nassau County. It will increase competition and will change the relative strengths of the existing regional malls. The development of Brookhaven Towne Center will impact the Smithaven and South Shore Malls and the Patchogue Village CBD. This area is comprised of the five eastern towns of Suffolk and most of the Town of Brookhaven. The estimated 1990 population for this area is 490,000. Suffolk County is projected to grow by more than 200,000 people in the next 20 years and the majority of that growth will take place on eastern Long Island, especially in Brookhaven. This additional population is capable of supporting a regional mall on its own. When added to the 489,000 persons living on the east end there will be enough population to support the existing Suffolk regional malls as well as the new Brookhaven Towne center. A third regional shopping center proposal has been suggested for the former Fairchild Republic site in East Farmingdale in Suffolk County. Contaminants found at this site may make development very difficult. This proposal is questionable for the following reasons: first, although there would be approximately 315,000 people within its five mile service area, this area is currently served by the three regional malls which are within 2-37 . . seven miles and the Roosevelt Field Mall and the South Shore Malls which are within ten miles of the site. Second, the land uses within two miles of this site are primarily non- residential, including Republic airport, industrial development, and ceme-teries. In addition, traffic congestion along Route 110 would be exacerbat- ed with the construction of another regional mall. Because of these limitations, this site is inappropriate for a regional shopping center. Nassau County and Suffolk County Retail Space Existing, Under Construction and Proposed by Year Nassau County 70-79' . Shopping Centers Suffolk County Proposed- 80-89' roposed. ceo eXisting and UnGer Construction Proposed TOTAL SQuare Fee,t of l=let311 Space N8S58(; County Suffolk COl,inly R8910n 34,3' 7,500 35.' 82.000 e9,499,500 2.418.500 7,837.000 10.055,500 36.735,000 42,819,000 19,554,000 Soute.,. N....... County Planning O'O'flmll"l, LlRP8 Over ten million square feet of retail space is currently proposed for the Long Island region. If all of this retail space is built it will comprise 5% of Nassau's retail space and 18% of Suffolk's. The previous chart shows the proportion of total existing and proposed retail space that is comprised of proposed shopping centers. Some of 2-38 . . these proposed centers will not be built, but all of the shopping centers that have been proposed within the region have been included for this discussion except for the 1,000,000 square foot Fairchild property proposal discussed earlier. The Patchogue CBD has the potential to become a regional CBD. The only characteristic that Patchogue is lacking is a major department store with over 100,000 square feet. The CBD does have high density housing as well as non retail employment opportunities. There is also excellent public transportation into Patchogue by rail and bus. The Patchogue CBD market area is nestled between the South Shore .Mall, Smithaven Mall and proposed Brookhaven Towne Center service areas. Retail Vacancies........................................................ The Nassau County Planning Commission performed a 1007. survey of Nassau County shopping centers in 1987. The Long Island Regional Planning Board re-surveyed a sample of Nassau's shopping centers in 1990. The Suffolk County Planning Department did a 1007. survey of Suffolk shopping centers in 1988 and again in 1990. A store is defined as vacant if it is not occupied and not in the ,process of being reoccupied. A store undergoing renovations or displaying a sign indicating that a store is "coming soon" are considered occupied. To avoid skewing vacancy rates, newly constructed vacant stores were placed in a separate category and not included in vacancy rate calculations. Data was 2-39 . . obtained from a field survey sample of 72% of the region's shopping center stores. The following table summarizes the vacancies by type of shopping center as well as the size of the sample for each type of center. Regional shopping centers in Nassau County were not surveyed. A 100% survey of the Suffolk regional malls was performed, yielding an overall vacancy rate of 2.1%. The Walt Whitman Mall had the highest vacancy rate, 5.6%, and the Smithaven Mall had only two vacancies and a 1.2% vacancy rate. Major Municipality: Shopping Center Vacancies, 1990* ---Regional--- --Community--- -Neighborhood- .----Strip---- -----Total--n- Major # Stores % # Stores % II Stores % # Stores % # Stores % Municipality ~~~ $ !QB.!. ~ ~ Total ~ ~~~ ~ Iotal ~ Nassau County 72 447 16.1 67 1,032 6.5 26 322 8.1 165 1,801 9.2 Glen Cova Hempstead R 12" 6.5 28 "5" 6.2 12 1"2 8.5 "8 720 6.1 Long Beach North Hempstead 2" 157 15.3 7 202 3.5 5 35 1".3 36 39" 9.1 Oyster Bay 40 166 24.1 32 376 8.5 9 145 6.2 81 687 11.8 Suffolk COWlty 8 388 2.1 209 1,357 15." 336 2,563 13.1 340 Z,947 11.5 893 7,255 12.3 Babylon 31 170 18.2 21 270 7.8 36 482 7.5 88 922 9.5 Brookhaven 2 87 2.3 106 634 16.7 193 967 20.0 139 930 14.9 440 2,618 16.8 East Hampton 0 10 0.0 2 16 12.5 2 26 7.7 HWltington 6 107 5.6 14 123 11. 4 35 395 8.9 59 547 10.8 11" 1,172 9.1 Is lip 0 120 0.0 43 262 16.4 39 447 8.1 65 585 11.1 147 1,"14 10.4 Riverhead 1 28 3.6 6 72 8.3 4 50 8.0 11 150 7.3 Shelter Island 0 1 0.0 0 1 0.0 Smithtown 0 7" 0.0 6 84 7.1 18 302 6.0 16 202 7.9 40 662 6.0 Southampton 4 19 21.1 21 71 29.6 12 91 13.2 37 181 ZO.4 Scuthe Id 4 37 10.8 3 Z8 10.1 1 44 15.9 14 109 lZ.8 *Note: This vacancy information was determined by a field sample. A dash indicates that no centers exist or centers were not surveyed. Generally, the highest shopping center vacancy rates were in community centers. llowcver, there are four centers which contain a full 40% of all the vacancies in community centers. Two of these centers are 2-40 . . the Loehmann's Plazas, one in Copiague and one in Lake Grove. Both centers opened in 1986, and have never succeeded. Most of their initial tenants went out of business by the end of 1988. Parts of both centers have recently been demolished, but two thirds of their remaining stores are still vacant. The Centereach Mall is another problem community center, having 50 vacancies out of 101 stores. After this center was expanded in a piece meal fashion and partially enclosed, it lost Modell's as its anchor. The shopping center is currently undergoing bankruptcy proceedings. The fourth poorly performing community center is on Carmans Road in East Massapequa. Thirty of its 43 stores are vacant. The center is partially boarded up and in poor condition, apparently awaiting renovation. Vacancy rates in neighborhood and strip centers in Nassau County were generally lower than their counterparts in Suffolk. There was a significant increase in vacancy rates in both Nassau and Suffolk between 1987/1988 and 1990. In Nassau County, the vacancy rate increased fr~m 4.9% in 1987 to 9.27. in1990. Suffolk County's vacancy rate increased from 6.77. in 1988 to 12.37.. Much of these increases are due to the tremendous shopping center construction of the middle and late 1980s. Some of the increase is due to the recent economic recession and decline in retail sales on Long Island. The increase in vacancy rates was prevalent in most major Long Island municipalities. Vacancy rates increased from 5.37. to 11.87. in the Town of Oyster Bay, from 8.27. to 16.8% in Brookhaven, from 3.47. to 9.77. in Huntington and from 8.97. to 20.47. in Southampton. Slight declines in vacancy rates occurred in the towns of Babylon, East Hampton, and Riverhead. 2-41 . . Suffolk County central business districts were surveyed in 1989 having an overall vacancy rate of 7.6%. Suffolk County CBDs had a vacancy rate of 4.6% in 1981, the last time they were surveyed. In 1989, no vacancies were found in the eastern Suffolk tourist oriented CBDs at Bridgehampton, Sag Harbor, and East Hampton. High concentrations of vacancies existed in the Riverhead CBD (23.5% vacant) and in Bay Shore (22.4% vacant). These two CBDs have much higher vacancy rates than they did in 1981. In fact, from 1981 to 1989, CBD vacancy rates increased in every Suffolk County township except East Hampton. Trends in Per-Capita Retail Square Footage.............................. As of December 1990, the total retail square footage of shopping centers and CBDs was 34,317,500 in Nassau and 35,182,000 in Suffolk. These figures represent 25.8 square feet per person in Nassau and 25.2 square feet per-capita in Suffolk. These figures represent considerable growth in the amount of retail space per resident since 1970. Retail square footage has been steadily increasing in both counties for the past twenty years. In 1970, an estimated 19.1 square feet per person of retail space existed in Nassau County and 18.0 in Suffolk. It is estimated that the square footage of retail space for each person living in the region has increased 37% from 18.6 square feet in 1970 to 25.5 square feet in 1990, as shown in the following graph. This dramatic 2-42 . . increase is a conservative estimate, since for the purpose of this analysis it was assumed that all CBD square footage was constructed prior to 1970. Major ~unicipality Rlverhead ~ Southampton -1 Nassau and Suffolk Towns and Cities 1990 Retail Square Footage Per Person 1,39.5 31.8 , 29 I 27.8 I 27.7 Southold Huntington East Hampton Oyster Bay Brookhaven North Hempstead Hempstead Smlthtown Isllp Babylon Long Beach Glen Cove Shelter ISland -1 1 ~ 1 j 1 ~ 1 ~ . 1 18.5 I 27.3 I 28.7 I 28.S ~26.9 25.3, I 21.9 I 21.1 ~ 1----' 6.8 . o 10 20 30 40 Retail Square Feet Per Person The following bar chart details the per-capita square I 16.1 N.....u C. ....v.r.g. ;l5.8 8uttolk C. Avereg. 25.2 50 footage of retail space for each of the major municipalities of Long Island. Nassau County and Suffolk County Retail Square Footage Per Person By Year Square Feet Per Person 27.0, I 26.0r I 25.0 f- I 24.0 r 23.0 ~ i 22.0r I 21.0 r- I 20.0f- ~ 19.0il ... -- 18.0Jr--+-4 ..------ I H.Of-- I 16.0! 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 76 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 Year - __ - _._ ____. .0 ~ County ~ Na88au -+ Suffolk ......'...... 2-43 . . Riverhead has the highest per-capita retail square footage at 39.5 square feet per person. This is partially explained by the fact that Riverhead acts as a center of retail activity for much of Eastern Suffolk County. Other high per-capita retail square footages exist in the towns of Southampton, Southold, Huntington, East Hampton, and Oyster Bay. The high figures in the Eastern Suffolk towns may reflect their large summer populations, which can support extra retail stores. The towns of Islip and Babylon, and the cities of Long Beach and Glen Cove have the lowest retail square footage per person. These are relatively low figures for Long Island, but they should not be taken to mean that these areas are under served. On the contrary, this table points out which major municipalities may be over served. New Concepts............................................................ Innovative aspects in the Long Island retail industry lag behind many areas in the country. This lag is caused by a combination of factors which include but are not limited to the lack of developable land, absentee landlords, restrictive zoning practices, and a vocal citizenry that restricts change. The lack of vacant land causes the extra cost of redevelopment which increases the capital costs of a project and thereby reduces the project's financial viability. Zoning practices restrict development because they disallow mixed uses on single parcels of land; or, the 2-44 . . special use procedure is so convoluted and time consuming that the carrying costs of the piece of property become exorbitant. And finally, local citizens are strong opponents of most change or increase in development. The convenience of purchasing a variety of catalog products through the mail has increased consumer expectations for selection of merchandise, availability of merchandise, and ease of purchase. Retailers have opened large, fully stocked warehouses to accommodate these expectations. Examples of such retailers are Price Club, Home Depot, and Ikea. Each of these large retailers provide the consumer with a unique product and/or service at a very competitive price. The popularization of home computers will enable consumers to purchase more over the phone through modem hookups with established retail outlets. Many retail stores with catalog departments have already begun this type of retailing activity. Many innovative retail developments that have been developed in other parts of the country should be considered for the Long Island region. These include themed retail centers and mixed use centers that include a retail segment. These new innovations may be introduced through new retail construction, or through redevelopment of existing Long Island centers. 2-45 . . Themad Retail Centers Themed retail centers are centers with a specific product emphasis. The concentration of a specific type of retail product provides the consumer with a one stop shopping opportunity. With one stop shopping, fewer trips are generated, thus alleviating traffic congestion and conserving gasoline. A fashion mall is an example of such a themed center. A fashion mall is a concentration of apparel shops, boutiques, and custom quality stores carrying special merchandise. This specialty mall is designed with distinctive architectural features aimed at the high end retail consumer. Another type of specialty center is the automotive center. Such a planned center would consist of new and used car dealers, automobile maintenance facilities, auto accessories shops and car rental outlets. "Off-price centers" are centers that include anchor stores that are discount merchandisers such as Toys R Us or Marshalls. These centers have few frills and appeal to consumers who want good quality at a reasonable price. Another type of off-price center is the factory outlet center. This is a center which contains only factory outlets. Factory outlets sell name brand merchandise which may be seconds, irregulars or production overruns. The locational constraint on such a center is that it be located at least 60 miles from any retailer that sells such items. Since shopping is a recreational pursuit for many people, factory outlet 2-46 . . centers have become tourist centers (such as the Vanity Fair outlet center in Reading, Pa., or the L.L. Bean center in Freeport, Me.). Some outlet centers are located in tourist areas (such as Orlando, Florida). A hypermarket, a specialty center under one roof, is another retail innovation. This is a very large supermarket which sells the normal array of food items but with a much larger selection. The hypermarket also includes a drug store, bakery, delicatessen, florist, prepared foods to go, film processing, video rentals and a bank or automatic teller machine. When this type of store is included in a community shopping center it tends to draw the vitality from the other tenants in the shopping center. Preferably, a hypermarket should be sited alone, but if it is not, other tenants in the center should not duplicate the services offered in the hypermarket. Mixed Uses Mixed uses can be in almost any configuration that provides convenience to the consumer. For example, areas zoned for industrial use or office building complexes should not impede the incorporation of retail establishments that complement the needs of the workers in the area. Retail services within an employment area should provide the services and restaurant facilities that might be found in a neighborhood shopping center. Placement of such establishments should be encouraged to be within walking distance of employment. The combination of a hotel facility with a shopping mall provides the mall with hotel guests who exhibit a high propensity to spend money. It 2-47 . . also provides the hotel guests with entertainment alternatives they otherwise would not have. The hotel/retail partnership must be situated to take advantage of both the conventional retail market as well as generators of hotel demand such as airports, highways and office complexes. An extension of the hotel/retail partnership is the tourism center. This tourism center would include a performing arts center, convention center, field house, skating rinks, and the ancillary retail establishments that all combine to form a viable tourism center. Tourists and convention attendees desire good quality hotel rooms, specialty shops, and high quality restaurants nearby. The success of such a center is dependent upon the proper mix of complementary facilities so that peak utilizations do not coincide. Transportation linkages within such a tourism center can connect a relatively large geographic area and still maintain a cohesive tourism center. 2-48 . . Chapter 3 Offices Square footage of Office Space and Location Analysis.................... The construction of large office buildings of over 15,000 square feet is a relatively recent phenomenon in the Long Island region. ~ajor office space is defined as a privately owned office building or group of offices, totalling over 15,000 square feet. As of January, 1991 there are over 40 million square feet of major office space in the region. This is twice the amount of major office space that existed in the region in 1982, when the last inventory of major office space was completed. The following chart indicates the dramatic increase in major office space construction. The recession period from 1975 to 1979 was the only interval which did not maintain the increase. Nassau County and Suffolk County: Average Size of Major Office Buildings by Year Constructed Square Feet (000) 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 125 o , Pre-50 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85-89 Time Period 90,91 _ Nassau County _ Suffolk County 3-1 . . Another trend within major office space is the growth in the size of the major office buildings. In the 1950s and 1960s the average size of a major office building was approximately 40,000 square feet. In the 1970s the av.erage size of newly constructed buildings rose to 60,000 square feet and in the 1980s the average size is about 80,000 square feet. The average size of major offices built in 1990 and 1991 tops 100,000 square feet. The following table summarizes the increase in the average size of major office buildings by five year intervals for Nassau County and Suffolk County. The average size of major office space constructed in Nassau County in 1990 and 1991 is over 120,000 square feet. Long Island Region: Average Size of Major Office Space by Year Constructed Square Feel (000) 120 102 20 Pre-50 50-5455-59 60-6465-6970-74 76-79 80-8485-89 90'.91 Time Period 100 80 60 40 o 3-2 . . The following summary table contains the square footage of major office buildings in the region summarized by major municipality. A total figure for the major office space that is existing and under construction is totaled. The amount of proposed office space for each municipality is then combined with the existing and under construction total to produce the grand total of major office space that would exist if all under construction and proposed major office space is completed. Suffolk County accounts for one third of the office space in the region, the same proportion as in 1982. A decade ago there were 20,000,000 square feet in the region, so 507. of the office space that exists today was built in the last ten years. There were three peak years of construction from 1984 to 1986 when more than three million square feet of office space was added to the region's inventory each year. Major Municipality: Square Footage of Major Office Buildings - Existing, Under Construction and Proposed, March, 1991 ------------------Square Feet (000)------------------ Major Under Grand Municipalitv Existing Construction Total Proposed Total - Region 40,755 2,969 43,724 15,720 59,444 Nassau County 27,096 1,521 28,617 9,234 37,851 Glen Cove 295 172 467 162 629 Long Beach 38 0 38 0 38 Hempstead 11,620 416 12,036 4,536 16,572 North Hempstead 9,228 673 9,901 204 10,105 Oyster Bay 5,915 260 6,175 4,332 10,507 3-3 . . Square Footage of Major Office Buildings (Continued) ------------------Square Feet (000)------------------ Major Under Grand Municipalitv Existing Construction Total Proposed Total Suffolk County 13,659 1,448 15,107 6,486 21,593 Babylon 758 0 758 0 758 Brookhaven 1,429 161 1,590 1,913 3,503 East Hampton 57 0 57 15 72 Huntington 6,723 122 6,845 1,200 8,045 Islip 2,732 1,045 3,777 2,730 6,507 Riverhead 71 0 71 0 71 Shelter Island 0 0 0 0 0 Smithtown 1,730 120 1,850 607 2,457 Southampton 115 0 115 21 136 Southold 44 0 44 0 44 More than three quarters of the region's major office space is located within nine clusters or corridors of development. Each of these nine areas contains at least 800,000 square feet of major office space and will contain at least 1.5 million square feet of office space if the space under construction and the space proposed to be built is completed. Another 7% of the existing office space is concentrated in areas outside the clusters or corridors of development and will contain at least 300,000 square feet of major office building space if all proposed offices are built. Long Island Region: Major Office Space Location Analysis, 1991 Office Clusters/Corridors Mitchel Field/Roosevelt Field Route 110/Long Island Expressway Oyster Bay Town/Long Island Exp. Lake Success/ New Hyde Park Mineola/ Garden City Hauppauge/ Islandia Ronkonkoma/ Bohemia Great Neck Peninsula Hempstead Village 3-4 ------Square Feet (000)----- Existing UC Prop Total 6,533 6,130 5,709 3,850 3,502 1,619 818 2,002 1,037 200 4,302 122 700 220 832 280 0 113 343 840 661 205 2,069 80 0 416 35 11,035 6,952 6,761 4,130 3,958 3,120 3,092 2,082 1,488 . . Major Office Space Location Analysis, 1991 (Continued) Office Concentrations outside Cluster/Corridors Rockville Center V. .Valley Stream V. Huntington Lynbrook V. Port Washington The Branch Glen Cove City Bethpage ------Square Existing DC Feet (000)----- Prop Total 573 506 495 391 360 301 295 30 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 172 162 40 3,000 573 506 495 391 360 301 629 3,070 Many of the newly constructed major office buildings in Nassau County that are located in cluster/corridor areas are the result of redevelopment of industrial properties. Other areas have major industrial space and the offices have been developed as an adjunct to that space. Some of the offices are located in central business districts. The largest, newer office buildings are located within short distances of expressway and parkway systems. These large offices provide amenities such as restaurants, retail shops and exercise facilities, previously available only in central business district locations. Concentrations of small office buildings exist in some central business districts such as Huntington, Lynbrook and The Branch. Other concentrations have developed along major roads such as Deer Park Avenue in Deer Park. 3-5 . . Proposed Office Developments............................................ Throughout the region, a total of 15.7 million square feet of major office space has been proposed. If this is added to the 40.8 million square feet of major office space that exists today and the 3 million square feet that are under construction, the region will contain over 58 million square feet of major office space. In Nassau County an additional four million square feet of major office space is proposed for the Mitchel Field/Roosevelt Field area. There is one million square feet of office space proposed for the Hauppauge/Long Island Expressway area. An additional 3 million square feet of offices are proposed in Bethpage in the event that the Grumman property is redeveloped. Surplus or Deficiency of Office Space based on Projected Employment Through 2000............................................ The projection of need for major office space is based upon a series of estimates. Approximately one third of all persons in office type jobs worked in major office buildings in 1988. Everyone thousand square feet of office space was occupied by 3 of these employees. At the end of 1988 there were 38,223,000 'square feet of major office space in the region. At that time the vacancy rate was 16.57. or 31,916,000 square feet of office space was occupied. 3-6 . . It is projected that 167,770 jobs will be generated on Long Island between 1988 and the year 2000. The likely distribution of these jobs is follows. Long Island Region: Projected Job Growth, 1988 to 2000 Type of Job Office Type Retail Industrial Total Number 94,751 35,700 37,319 167,770 % Distribution 56.5 21.3 22.2 100.0 When the one third proportion is applied to the 95,000 office type jobs that will be generated on Long Island through the year 2000, an estimated 32,600 of those jobs will be located in major office buildings. If every three employees need 1,000 square feet of office space, then 10,865,000 square feet of office space will be needed to house those additional employees. A total 42,781,000 square .feet of major office space will be occupied by the office type jobs in the region. This figure does not include any vacancies. Just as a 4% unemployment rate is considered full employment there is a vacancy rate of office space that is considered to be full occupancy. This rate encompasses offices that are empty due to changes of tenants and the accompanying periods of "vacant for rent" and "vacant for renovation" related to a new tenant's occupancy of the office space. There is no standardized vacancy figure that indicates full occupancy but during the boom years of the late 1980s major office vacancy rates vacillated between 10% and 20%. 3-7 . . Vacancy rates for the fourth quarter of 1990 ranged from 9.2% in eastern Nassau County to 21.4% in central Suffolk County and 25.3% in central Nassau County. These vacancy statistics are current estimates by Cushman & Wakefield and have not been verified by the Long Island Regional Planning Board. The following table shows overall vacancy rates for the region that were computed by Cushman & Wakefield. Overall Office Building Vacancy Rate*, Fourth Quarter 1989 to Fourth Quarter 1990, Selected Areas in the Long Island Region 1989 1990 1990 1990 1990 4th Qtr 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Nassau County: Western 15.5% 13.6% 14.1% 14.3% 13.8% Central 19.0% 17.2% 22.0% 22.3% 25.3% Eastern 6.8% 8.4% 7.8% 7.3% 9.2% Suffolk County: Western 20.3% 22.4% 19.7% 19.4% 19.8% Central 20.2% 22.9% 23.2% 22.9% 21.4% *Overall vacancy rate is defined as space available both directly and through sublease, divided by the inventory. Space in under construction buildings is not included. Occupancies of 90%, 85%, and 80% have been computed to provide a range of the total square feet needed to house the projected office workers who can be expected to work in major office buildings in the region. At 90% occupancy, the lowest viable vacancy rate, a total 47.5 million square feet of office space would be needed by the year 2000. At 85% occupancy the projected need for major office space is 50.3 million square feet and at 80% occupancy 53.5 million square feet is needed. Each percent of vacancy translates to the need. for an additional 0.43 million square feet of major office space. 3-8 . . Th~ following table illustrates the projected need for office space to the year 2000 based upon occupancies of 907.. 857.. and 807.. 'projected Need For Office Space in 2000 At 90%, 85%, and 80% Occupancy SQ. Ft. In Millions 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 o Ex Isting. 1991 90% Occ. 85% Occ. 80% Occ. .. Existing Space. 1991 CJ Proposed Space. 1991 F";".;I Space Needed by 2000 Source: lIRP8 As of January 1991 there is 43.7 million square feet of major office space existing and under construction in the region. Therefore. an addition of between 3.8 and 9.8 million square feet of major office space is needed by 2000 in the region. There are 15.7 million square feet of office space currently proposed for the region. This office space was proposed while the economy was healthy and office vacancies were low. Proposals at any time are tentative. and in these difficult economic times are subject to change. 3-9 . . Of course if larger proportions of office type jobs are housed in major office buildings, then additional office space would be needed. These figures of projected need for major office space is exclusive of major office space that might be built for the establishment of major corporate headquarters. In the event that such offices are built in the region it would behoove both the developer and the municipality to incorporate affordable housing as part of the corporate headquarters siting plan. The majority of office jobs pay moderate salaries and affordable housing will be necessary to attract qualified workers. 3-10 . . Chapter 4 Hotels and Motels Existing Hotels and Motels, 1990........................................ -Nassau County now has over 4,000 hotel units. Suffolk County has aver 6,000 year-round units, with an additional 4,000 units far seasonal use. These figures include the 3,000 units that were built in the region since the last update of the hotel and motel inventory in 1982. The following table details the number of hotels and motels and corresponding capacities by municipality in 1991. Long Island Region: Hotel and Motel Inventory by Major Municipality, 1991 Major Total Year Ronnd Seasonal Mlmicioalitv ID4 Units r.aoacitv M2.:. Units Canacitv No. llilit.! Ca:Dacitv Region 3"1 15,703 45,901 t85 1l,375 33,249 156 4,328 12,322 Nassau County 50 4,687 t3,765 49 4,'569 13,"1l 1 ll8 35" Glen Cove 2 225 43" 2 225 43" Kempstead 20 2,289 6,867 1.0 2,289 6,867 Long Beach t ll8 35" 1 ll8 35" N'nrth Hempstead 7 """ 1,300 7 """ 1,300 Oyster Bay 20 1,6ll 4,810 20 t,6ll t..,810 Suffolk County 291 11,016 .32,136 136 6,806 19,838 155 4,210 11,968 Babylon 1" 395 1,099 1" 395 1,099 Brookhaven 28 1,256 3,452 19 056 2,75" 0 300 698 East Kempton 102 2,897 A,l44 29 861 ',378 n 2,036 5,766 Huntington 10 1,019 2,924- 10 1,019 2,924 Islip 22 1,898 6,04.9 17 1,804 '),49\ ~ 94 228 Rlverhead II 353 1,187 tl 3~3 1,187 Shel tar Is land 8 1.0" 562 R 20" 562 Smithtown 7 619 1,903 7 619 1,903 Southampton 68 1,878 5,506 1..'\ ^98 1,856 4~ l.,180 ',650 Southo Id 21 "97 1,310 6 101 2"6 15 396 1,064 Fourteen hotels and motels have been built or have built additions to existing structures since 1982. All of these hotels are year-round and two thirds of the new hotels were built in western Suffolk County adjacent to the 4-1 . . Long Island Expressway. The new hotels are relatively large with an average size of 212 units. There has been a 257. increase in the number of year-round hotel units on Long Island since 1985. Long Island Region: Hotels and Motels Built since 1982 II Units Nassau County Garden City Hotel-Garden City Comfort Inn-Jericho Marriott-Mitchel Field Marriott-Mitchel Field Suffolk County Holiday Inn Express-Centereach Hampton Inn-Commack Marriott Wind Watch-Hauppauge Hampton Inn-Islandia Radisson Inn-Islandia Ramada Inn-Islandia Days Hotel-Medford Huntington Hilton-Melville Radisson Inn-Melville Lodge at Danfords-Pt Jefferson Expressway Motel-Ronkonkoma TOTAL 280 76 391 218 150 148 362 122 277 110 130 308 374 42 30 3,095 Year 1985 1988 1983 1991 addition addition 1990 1988 1989 1988 1988 1991 1989 1988 1990 1990 1985 addition addition The Marriott at Mitchel Field was built in 1983 with 391 units. An additional 218 rooms were added to the Marriott at Mitchel Field in response to additional demand for rooms at that site. The Garden City Hotel provides services to prominent and distinguished travelers. Prior to the establishment of the Garden City Hotel, the closest deluxe four-star accommodations were located in New York City. Another luxury hotel, the Claremont, is proposed in Roslyn. All but one of the hotels that were constructed in Suffolk since 1982 were completed since 1988. They are all easily accessible to the Long Island Expressway and to the Melville and Hauppauge areas which contain major concentrations of industrial parks and large office buildings. 4-2 . . The trend of building larger hotels has continued through the 1980s, with the Expressway Motel in Ronkonkoma the exception. The spurt of hotel and motel conversions to cooperatives and condominiums has diminished. There was an oversupply of converted units and some of the facilities came close to bankruptcy or went bankrupt. The conversion of existing seasonal units to time share units, condominiums and cooperatives has not had a marked effect on the tourism industry. One high-end congregate care facility built in Plainview for senior citizens was converted to a Residence Inn. Hotels and Motels Proposed and Under Construction. ..................... Most of the following hotels and motels were proposed prior to the downturn in the economy. These proposals were made prior to. the high this time. vacancy rates that are plaguing the hotel industry on Long Island at Long Island Region: Proposed Hotels and Motels Location Nassau County Hilton Claremont Quality Inn Suffolk County Airport Plaza Homewood Suites National Design Comfort Suites Crossroads Tech Park Hotel Crown Plaza/Embassy Suites Residence Inn Hollywood Motor Inn Ramada Inn Republic Airport E. Garden City Roslyn Woodbury Bohemia Bohemia Bohemia Brentwood Central Islip Commack Commack E. Farmingdale E. Farmingdale E. Farmingdale 4-3 Number of Units 450 77 40* 200 141 100 114 200 225 125 67* 132 N/A . . Long Island Region: Proposed Hotels and Motels (Continued) Suffolk County (cont'd.): Residence Inn Southgate University Park Route 104 Mitchel Mohring Residence Inn Hotel at Brookhaven Bus. Ctr The Inn at Medford Gateways Hotel at Evan's International Center Residence Inn Stony Brook Hotel Stony Brook Inn LIE & William Floyd Parkway TOTAL Location E. Farmingdale E. Setauket Flanders Greenport Islandia Medford Medford N. Patchogue Ronkonkoma Shirley Stony Brook Stony Brook Yaphank Number of Units 96 N/A 34 90 130 275 60* 130 300 100 150 100 250 3,357 <, addition These proposed hotels and motels may be near ground breaking or may be a part of other proposals that must be approved as a package. It is unlikely that all of these proposed hotels will be built. Overnight Accommodations at Transportation Centers and Corridors....... Many hotels have traditionally located near transportation centers and along transportation corridors. Transportation centers include rail and air travel and corridors encompass major roads. Long Island is served by a commuter railroad and a variety of airport facilities as well as one interstate highway. Nassau and Suffolk Counties are served by Long Island MacArthur Airport which provides scheduled commercial flights. MacArthur Airport is owned and operated by the Town of Islip. Expansion at MacArthur is constrained by curfews imposed by the town in response to anti-growth 4-4 . . groups from adjacent residential areas. MacArthur is currently served by 460 rooms in four hotels and would be saturated if all of the additional 641 proposed units were to be built. The proposed units do not include the hotel which is advocated for the transportation hub at the new Ronkonkoma railroad station. Nassau County hotels, specifically those in the southwest corner of the county, serve the John F. Kennedy International Airport which is located on the Queens County and Nassau County border. These hotels accommodate the crews from the various airlines. Republic Airport in East Farmingdale is owned by New York State and has the potential for limited expansion. A master plan has been adopted for the airport. The airport serves commuter planes, corporate jets and private planes. There are 106 hotel rooms nearby, and over 400 additional rooms are proposed for the area, including one hotel to be located on the airport property. Suffolk County. Airport in Westhampton has 15 year-round hotel units nearby. The Suffolk County Airport is owned by Suffolk County and an airport master plan has recently been adopted for it. Plans include additional industrial development on site and continued private and corporate plane service, as well as continued National Guard utilization. Two small airports, Brookhaven Airport in Mastic and East Hampton Airport in Wainscott, receive some destination based air traffic. Both 4-5 . . of these airports serve small private planes with some corporate traffic. Brookhaven Airport has the potential for increased usage as the Yaphank area continues to develop. The East Hampton Airport generally serves the tourist population and is adequately served with hotel accommodations. An Federal Aviation Administration sponsored study is currently examining the conversion of the U. S. Navy/Grumman facility at Calverton to examine the feasibility of joint use of the airport to allow for commercial freight operations. This study will be completed in 1992. Long Island is a long, narrow island with most major roadways running east and west. The major highway is Interstate 495, also known as the Long Island Expressway (LIE), which runs from Riverhead to Manhattan. The LIE is paralleled by the Northern State Parkway until it ends in Hauppauge, Route 25-Jericho Turnpike which runs from the Queensboro Bridge in Manhattan to Orient Point, the easternmost point on the north shore of Long Island, and Route 25A which runs from the Midtown Tunnel to Calverton where it joins Route 25. There are no hotels along the Long Island Expressway in North Hempstead since western Nassau County was largely developed before the LIE was built. The Jericho and Plainview/Woodbury areas encompass 1,100 hotel units which are easily accessible from LIE exits 40 and 41 (Jericho), and exits 44 through 46 (Plainview and Woodb~ry) and are within 5 miles of each other. 4-6 . . In Suffolk County there are new hotels at LIE exits serving Melville (49), Commack (52), Islandia (57, 58), and Ronkonkoma (60, 63). There are older hotels at the LIE exits at Hauppauge (54, 55, 57), Medford (64), and Riverhead (72). There are proposals for hotels at exits 53 (Commack), 54 (Hauppauge) and 68 (Yaphank). If a hotel is built at exit 68, the LIE corridor will be well served, except for that section in the Town of North Hempstead mentioned previously. There are three major clusters of hotels in Suffolk County adjacent to the Long Island Expressway. There are 700 rooms in Melville, 600 rooms in Hauppauge/Commack and 1,000 rooms in Hauppauge/Islandia. There are scattered motels along Route 25 and Route 25A throughout the region. In areas where the road coincides with a central business district or a harbor, it is likely that a motel can be found. The corridor which runs along the south shore of Long Island is Sunrise Highway, which runs from John F. Kennedy International Airport in Queens out to the Shinnecock Canal in Southampton. Sunrise Highway is paralleled by the Southern State Parkway until it ends in East Islip, and Merrick Road/Montauk Highway which starts as Hillside Ave, crosses Route 27 in Rockville Centre and runs east to Montauk Point. This corridor is increasing in importance because Sunrise Highway is being made into a limited access expressway from West Babylon to the Shinnecock Canal. In Nassau County, hotels can be found near Sunrise 4-7 . . Highway, where they also serve older downtown areas. From the Nassau! Suffolk border to the Shinnecock Canal, there are 96 motel units along Sunrise Highway. A 130 unit hotel in this stretch is a proposed in this stretch in North Patchogue. There are additional units along Montauk Highway, with concentrations of seasonal units in the towns of Southampton and East Hampton, and year-round units in some central business districts. Service Areas........................................................... The service area concept is an important consideration in any study of hotels and motels. The hotel service area is based upon the type of traveler being served in relation to his purpose for visiting the area. In almost every case, hotel site selection can be linked to one or more of the following activities: 1. Tourist Attractions - Resort Areas, Waterfront Communities 2. Convention Facilities 3. Office Concentrations and Industrial Areas 4. Government Facilities, Institutions and Educational Complexes All of the hotels in the region have overlapping service areas. Each hotel provides lodging for guests that have traveled to the region for anyone of the above reasons or may be visiting family living in the region. The evolution of convention facilities is a natural outgrowth of the proximity of resort areas to office concentrations and other employment centers. 4-8 . . Tourist Attractions - Resort Areas, Waterfront Communities The eastern Long Island towns of Southold, Shelter Island, Southampton and East Hampton contain the majority of the resort areas in the region. There are almost 5,500 hotel rooms in this area and 70% of those units are for seasonal use. On Long Island, Summer is the seasonal period and off-peak time is during Spring and Fall. With over 1,000 miles of shoreline and proximity to both the Atlantic Ocean, the Long Island Sound and a proliferation of bays, water and maritime sports are actively pursued. Golf courses also abound. Montauk, with 2,300 total rooms, has by far the largest concentration of hotel units, followed by the Hampton Bays and Shinnecock Hills area with 1,000 units. Westhampton Beach has 400 units and Amagansett has 300 units. Places with 200 units include Greenport, Shelter Island, Sag Harbor, East Hampton, and Southampton. There are also 400 seasonal units on Fire Island in the towns of Islip and Brookhaven. Communities with good harbors and extensive facilities for boaters and fishermen which are not included in the resort areas require overnight accommodations. Montauk and Hampton Bays have over 3,000 units, Bay Shore has 135 motel units, and Port Jefferson has about 200 units. However, the majority of harbor communities have few facilities in close proximity to the waterfront. 4-9 . . Convention Facilities There are now four areas in the region that can accommodate sizeable conventions: the Nassau Coliseum area, the Montauk area, the Hauppauge - Islandia area and the Melville area. The Nassau Coliseum and the hotels in the Montauk area are already actively attracting conventions. Smaller hotels scattered throughout the region, provide intimate settings for smaller retreats. The Marriott Hotel adjacent to the Nassau Coliseum now contains over 500 units and the luxurious Garden City Hotel contains almost 300 units. Those rooms, in conjunction with the exhibition space in the coliseum and additional facilities available at the community college and Hofstra University, provide an ideal environment for conventions. This area is also ideally located for transportation access via parkways and the Long Island Railroad and is a short distance from JFK International Airport and La Guardia Airport. At Montauk, the easternmost point on Long Island, there is a concentration of over 2,000 hotel units. Many of these units are in resort hotels that have spa features and other resort associated amenities. Also, the off peak seasons afford spectacular weather, scenery and golf opportunities that are attractive to convention attendees. In the Hauppauge - Islandia area, there are 1,000 new hotel units in four hotels with a range of room rates. These hotels are clustered around Exit 57 of the Long Island Expressway and are easily accessible 4-10 . . to Long Island MacArthur Airport and the LIE. Another cluster of 600 hotel units is located at exit 54 of the LIE, which is within a 5 minute drive of the Hauppauge - Islandia cluster. These 1,600 units would easily serve an exhibition center, and such a center could be built on the vacant land adjacent to the Long Island Expressway at the Brentwood campus of Suffolk Community College. The hotel cluster at Melville in the Route 110 corridor contains 700 rooms and is easily accessible to the LIE, the State University College at Farmingdale and Republic Airport. All four of these convention facilities have access to shopping and cultural opportunities. The facilities in the western portion of the region are within an hour of Manhattan. Office Concentrations and Industrial Areas The three largest office clusters in the region, each with over five million square feet of existing office space, are adequately served by hotel units. The Mitchel Field office cluster is served by more than 1,500 rooms, the Route 110/Long Island Expressway cluster is served by 700 units and the Oyster Bay Town/LIE corridor is served by 1,100 rooms. The Rockville Centre industrial concentration is served by 200 rooms. Other major office clusters are also served by hotels. The Mineola/Garden City office cluster and Hempstead Village are served by the same hotels as Mitchel Field. The Lake .Success/New Hyde Park cluster of offices has 100 hotel rooms in the immediate area. The 4-11 . . offices in the Great Neck area have access to 200 units. The Hauppauge _ Islandia cluster of offices are served by 1,700 hotel units. The Bohemia concentration is served by the 500 hotel rooms near Long Island MacArthur Airport. Many of the industrial areas are contiguous to the office concentrations. There are larger concentrations of industrial uses in Suffolk County than in Nassau County due to the availability of lower cost developable land. Nassau County's industrial areas have been evolving into higher commercial uses such as retail uses and office buildings. The industrial areas in Melville and East Farmingdale, Cammack and Hauppauge, Ronkonkoma and Bohemia, and Mitchel Field are all served by the same hotels as their respective office concentrations. The Woodbury concentration is served by 200 units. The Hicksville and New Cassel industrial areas are some of the least served areas but they are surrounded by heavy concentrations of hotel units. Port Washington, Deer Park, and Freeport each contain industrial areas with little or no hotel coverage. Government Facilities, Institutions and Educational Complexes The Nassau County government center in Mineola and Garden City is presently served by one hotel. There are several hotels within two miles. The Suffolk County center and the New York State Office Building in Hauppauge are well served by the cluster of hotels along the LIE. The Riverhead County center is adequately served by 291 year-round units 4-12 . . in the vicinity. The Yaphank County Center as well as Brookhaven National Laboratory are unserved but there are two proposals which would give this area 350 units. The County Court complex presently under construction in Central Islip with its neighbor, the New York Institute of Technology, may generate some demand for the 200 unit hotel proposed there. A new 130 unit hotel at exit 63 on the Long Island Expressway serves the Holtsville IRS center. An additional 130 units is proposed about one mile south of the IRS building. The need for hotel accommodations at educational complexes is based upon the amount of travel necessitated by the college or university. Since most Long Island colleges educate local students the demand for hotel space based upon college enrollments is less than at non-commuter campuses. These commuter schools generate less demand for hotel space by visiting parents and prospective students. Other education generated demand for hotel rooms is alleviated by housing visiting professors on campus. There are three colleges in the Mitchel Field-Garden City area which are served by nearby hotels. There is a proposal for another 450 units in this area. This proposal would also serve the Villages of Brookville and Old Westbury which have three college campuses and 593 hotel units in adjoining communities. The Route 110 corridor has two colleges and is served by the Melville hotel cluster. If the area's four proposed hotels were to be built, the Route 110 Corridor (Melville) would have 1,200 units. 4-13 . . An area which continues to be underserved is the Stony Brook area, which is the home of the State University of New York at Stony Brook and the University Hospital. There are 178 units serving this area including the Holiday Inn which opened in 1990. The construction of the proposed 150 units on the University property would be an asset to this area. This demand is linked to the University Hospital as well as the University. Conversions....................................................................................................................... .. During the early 1980s, there was a major movement by resort hotels to offer individual hotel room units for sale to individuals as either cooperatives, condominiums or time sharing. At that time there was concern by citizens and government officials that the conversion of large proportions of the available seasonal hotel units to private ownership would adversely impact the tourism industry by decreasing the number of rooms available for rent by transient tourists. The spurt of conversion plans in the early 1980s was a function of the rising value of real estate throughout the region. During the same time period, the value of year-round housing units was skyrocketing. The conversion of hotel units to individual ownership enabled the hotel owner to garner greater profits from the sale of the hotel because the cumulative value of the individual units was greater than the value of the undivided hotel. 4-14 . . The sale of the hotel enabled the owner to take the equity out of the property and at the same time, in many instances, remain involved in the management of the property. The management of these subdivided hotels receive a proportion of rents collected and/or a set weekly maintenance fee for each of the units. The unit purchaser envisioned these individual units as a real estate investment that would appreciate along with the rest of the real estate market. The units were sold at inflated prices that the purchaser thought would be absorbed by the spiraling cost of real estate. The earliest units purchased may have maintained their value, but units newer to the market could not recoup the inflated sales price in a flat or declining real estate market. Therefore, late 1980s saw little activity in the sale of subdivided seasonal hotels. The subdivision of an existing hotel to individual ownership has not, in most instances, removed the units from the rental market since most hotels maintain a management staff to maintain, market, and rent the individually owned units. 4-15 . . Chapter 5 Trends and Recommendations Retail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nassau County is expected to maintain a relatively constant total population through the year 2010. The population will be about 1.3 million people. Suffolk County is expected to grow by approximately 200,000 people by 2010. The majority of this growth will be in Brookhaven and eastern Suffolk County to a total of 1.5 million people. On Long Island, regional shopping areas (centers or CBDs) have service areas of at least a 5 mile radius and are within a 30 minute travel distance of their customers. The residents of Nassau and Suffolk Counties are fortunate because they have been exposed to a large variety of shopping opportunities within short distances of their homes. Regional shopping centers have evolved into large conglomerates of retail establishments. Only one of the seven regional shopping centers has less than one million square feet of shopping area. One regional shopping center has more than two million square feet of shopping space. All of Long Island's regional malls are developed on more than 60 acres of land. In Nassau County, the population served by regional shopping areas averages 205,000 persons (excluding the New York City population served by the Green Acres Mall). In Suffolk County, the service areas of the regional malls are mutually exclusive; the populations served can 5-1 . . therefore be specifically identified. The Walt Whitman Mall serves approximately 180,000 persons, the South Shore Mall serves 240,000 persons, and the Smithaven Mall serves 220,000 persons. The population that is served by the existing regional shopping centers in Suffolk County can be separated from the unserved population when an imaginary boundary is drawn across Suffolk County from Patchogue to Miller Place. The served population is 846,000 persons in the Towns of Huntington, Babylon, Smithtown, Islip, and the western most section of Brookhaven Town. This figure includes those persons located outside of the 5 mile radii of the regional service areas but who are still within a reasonable travel distance of one of the regional malls. The remaining 490,000 year round residents of Suffolk County live in the eastern portion of Brookhaven Town and the remaining 5. eastern towns of Suffolk. This is the area of Long Island that will experience population growth during the next two decades. An application for a regional mall has been approved for a site adjacent to the William Floyd Parkway and Long Island Expressway intersection. In 1990 approximately 80,000 persons reside within 5 miles of that intersection. Reasonable travel distances to that site extend from Patchogue, Miller Place, Calverton and Eastport. The population of this expanded service area includes an additional 150,000 persons. When this figure is combined with the original 80,000 persons, a total of 230,000 year round residents and an unknown number of east 5-2 . . end part time residents and tourists would be served by this regional shopping center. There is a regional justification for a regional mall in Yaphank. The site is well located at the junction of two major highways, and the center would serve a currently unserved population. The mall will draw some consumers from existing retail establishments. The proliferation of community shopping areas throughout the region shows an overabundance of community and neighborhood retail centers. There are areas in Nassau County where fifteen community retail service areas overlap each other. One only has to drive down any major road in Nassau and western Suffolk to see the continuous commercial development and the increasing vacancy problem. In central and eastern Suffolk County, where population growth is expected to continue, additional retail establishments could be built after the extensive current vacancies are absorbed. However, the lesson of the strip retail development indicates that retail development must be well planned. It is a relatively simple planning task to project catchment areas for both community and neighborhood retail shopping areas. Area populations can be projected based on existing residential zoning; and a site easily accessible by major roads can be designated (zoned) as an acceptable community or neighborhood shopping area. Tner~ should be no overlapping service areas. The proper placement of neighborhood and 5-3 . . community retail centers will alleviate some of the traffic probl2ms caused by poorly located retail establishments. AmolUlt and Location of COlIIIJIercial Development Nassau County, which has a high disposable family income, can support additional quality retail square footage. Suffolk's populations unserved by regional malls will continue to be served by existing large community shopping areas. Both the Patchogue CBD and the Riverhead CBD have the opportunity to attain Regional CBD status. The continued population growth of Suffolk County, specifically in the five eastern towns and Brookhaven Town may require a maximum of three additional community and neighborhood retail developments. The areas that are undeveloped offer planners the opportunity to designate areas which are the best choices for retail development, that. will have the smallest impact on traffic, will avoid overlapping of service areas, and will be located in areas closest to the highest residential densities. The map below indicates areas in Riverhead, Brookhaven and Southampton Towns that are not served by a community or regional retail center. Some of these areas will continue to grow but others will maintain their rural character. Those communities which will remain rural may choose to remain outside community or regional retail service areas. For example, the communities in the northern portion of Oyster Bay Town are outside community and regional service areas as are a few 5-4 . . communities in the northern sections of Huntington, Smithtown, and Brookhaven. [ill Areas Unserved By Community Retail Centers, 1990 Rner/Cal'.'enon Westhamoton/Haloton Bays "ancrvlil./East "cr,ch.s Tn Nassau County, community centers are supported by an average population of 29,000 persons. In Suffolk County, the average population for community shopping service areas is 21,000 persons. If Suffolk's 68 community centers were to support the same population as the community centers of Nassau, then Suffolk's community centers could support a total population of 1,972,000 persons. Suffolk is not expected to reach that population. These figures indicate that Suffolk County does not need any additional community shopping areas. 5-5 . . There is no general need for additional retail space in Nassau County. This does not preclude the construction of new retail if existing retail space is recycled into alternative uses such as offices. Popul~tion projections for the county present a stable or a slightly shrinking population. What is changing in Nassau is the age of its population. Nassau County, with its large proportion of owner occupied housing units, is aging in place. The changing characteristics of the region's consumers will limit the expansion of the retail markets within the region. Public policy must consider the changing needs of its citizens regarding the expansion of retail commercial capacity. Construction or expansion of shopping centers in the Pine Barrens or the Special Groundwater Protection Areas must meet rigid standards. These areas have been designated to preserve the existing natural resources of the region and must' be managed very carefully. The Riverhead area is a likely candidate for the development of an outlet shopping center. The area is accessible to the tourist areas of the north and south forks of Long Island, and to the western portion of Long Island via the Long Island Expressway. During the past three decades, many central business districts have declined, while shopping centers have prospered. One advantage a shopping center has had is that it is owned, managed, and marke"cd as a single entity, and a CBD is not. However, a 1989 change in New York 5-6 . . State law may change this. Special business improvement districts (BID) may now be created by towns and villages, allowing commercial property owners within the district to be taxed for the purpose of promotions and marketing. The implementation of such districts is encouraged, to . increase the strength and cohesiveness of CBDs and enable them to compete more effectively with shopping centers. The Village of Great Neck Plaza, in May of 1990, became the first in New York to create a BID. Since that time several local municipalities, including Patchogue Village, Port Jefferson Village and Riverhead, have implemented BIDs for the purpose of raising funds. Other municipalities are considering BIDs, including downtown Smithtown. Redevelopment Opportunities Existing development in Nassau and western Suffolk sufficiently serves the existing and projected populations. In addition, the aging of the population in conjunction with changing retail practices will cause a surplus of retail establishments in the future. Municipalities should consider incentives that encourage the reuse of vacant, abandoned, or under-utilized retail commercial properties, especially when market conditions favor this practice. To avoid retail blight, retail centers and business districts that are struggling should be considered for redevelopment or rezoning for more appropriate uses. One possibility is a reuse of stores for small offices or other non-retail services. 5-7 . . The ~iting requirements of retail properties are similar to those recommended for higher density, lower cost housing. Retail sites should therefore also be considered for redevelopment for higher density housing, as opposed to new retail development. These higher density housing units should be small in size and senior citizen and handicapped friendly. An addition of housing to an area reinforces the economic vitality of that community. New residents add purchasing power for existing retail centers, instead of new retail centers entering and competing with existing stores. Much of the strip commercial development on Long Island is unsightly. Because of the large amount of land available for this type of use, marginal uses and under-utilized properties have resulted. Commercial sites in commercial strips that have been abandoned are often not redeveloped, since it is easier to find a vacant parcel somewhere else along the strip than to demolish or rehabilitate a building. Strip development is disorganized, parking is usually uncontrolled, signs are larger and more numerous than in planned areas or in CBDs, and amenities such as landscaping are often lacking. In addition, continuous strip commercial development along major corridors encourages extensive turning movements, which diminishes the safety and traffic carrying capacity of these roadways. Contiguous strip commercial development should be developed in accord with a cohesive plan. This plan should include sufficient off-street parking, limited ingress and e~-~~~ 5~~~~ to ~nd frcm the roadway, 5-8 . . coordinated store fronts and signage, curb cuts, and adequate buffers from nearby residences. Retail Center Design Features Contributing to Failures Three retail center characteristics are important for a center to be successful: accessibility, an anchor store and visibility. Accessibility is necessary for the potential shopper to easily reach the shopping location. The center should be located along a well-traveled major roadway. In addition to being easily accessible by automobile, a successful retail center should hopefully be easily reached by mass transportation such as train and bus, and be within walking distance of nearby housing. Anchor stores are important in reinforcing the identity of a retail center. Often already well known, anchor stores attract shoppers who will patronize smaller shops in the center. This symbiotic relationship between an anchor store and its satellite shops causes the center to become an economically dynamic entity. Without an anchor store a new retail center comprised of new businesses will struggle to establish itself, often leading to a lack of tenants, prolonged vacancies, and failed initial stores. A good tenant mix augmenting an anchor will strengthen a center. Good visibility is a feature of successful retail centers that is often overlooked. Shopping centers which were designed as outdoor malls with store fronts facing in toward a courtyard are often plagued with vacancy problems. Examples of this type of center include the 5-9 . . Loehmann's Plaza shopping centers in Lake Grove and Copiague, and Coventry Commons in Stony Brook. These centers hide themselves because their stores face inward and few of the store fronts face outward toward the main road and parking lot. This shopping center layout, although pleasant to experience, offers little visibility. It is not very inviting to potential shoppers because shoppers do not know the inner mall exists, and often have no idea what stores or types of stores are located in the center. Shoppers therefore often never enter the center. Stores around corners or down dead ends in a center also suffer higher vacancy rates even in an otherwise successful center. Some very attractive shopping centers suffer from a lack of visibility. Examples include the Hamlet Green in Hampton Bays and Sterlington Commons in Greenport. The Arcade Shopping Center in Port Jefferson Station had attractive arches, but these arches limited visibility of the stores. The center was recently torn down and rebuilt as a larger, very successful center. Visibility is also a problem with recent larger strip shopping centers. Sometimes these centers are built with a large parking field in front, similar to a neighborhood shopping center design, but with no anchor store. A sign with each store's name lies above each store front but because the stores are set back so far from the main road the potential shopper driving by cannot read the names of the stores. An example of this problem is North Country Plaza in Miller Place, built in 1986. By 1989 ana half of ~.~ ."~ ~~~--~ ~~v~~~ remained vacant. A strip shopping 5-10 . . center is most successful when its stores are located close to the main road for maximum visibility of the store fronts and signs. Another visibility problem of strip shopping centers exists when the shopping center is constructed perpendicular to the main road. In these cases the center often lies on a thin parcel of land adjacent to sites which are already developed. The development on these adjacent parcels prevents good visibility of the center, especially since the center lies perpendicular to the road. Even worse, the center is totally invisible to one half of the traffic on the road. A motorist approaching the center from behind only sees the back of a building and will realize that it is a shopping center only after he or she has passed it. Not only is this scenario economically detrimental to the center, but it presents a traffic hazard because of vehicles abruptly stopping or turning. The worst possible "perpendicular design" exists when the center faces the traffic which must make a left turn to enter the center. In this case the center is invisible to traffic which could more easily and safely make a right turn into the center. There are other factors which contribute to the successful retail center. Some of these include the absence of competition, good management, promotion and advertising, cohesiveness and attractive appearance. Increased competition from other centers, poor management, and run down appearance will often lead to vacant stores. 5-11 . . A center with poor design is not doomed to economic failure. A failed center may eventually become successful as a non-retail or professional office center. These types of centers do not necessarily rely on an anchor or good visibility for success. Aesthetic Improvements Most retail shopping areas in the region can be improved aesthetically. The most dominant feature of most shopping centers is the sprawling parking lot. Treed buffers and landscaped berms can be used to screen the parking lots from roadways. Signage should be tastefully designed and coordinated with the design features of the shopping area. Large areas of blacktop should be punctuated with alternative ground covers and low maintenance landscaping. Design features and landscaping should be accented with appropriate, energy efficient lighting. Traffic Considerations Traffic congestion has become a major issue in the region. Retail developments along major roadways have exacerbated traffic congestion by increasing the amount of turns at spots other than at intersections. Redevelopment of existing commercial properties should be redesigned to eliminate all unnecessary driveways and coordinate egress and ingress at existing intersections wherever possible. Distracting signage should be eliminated and all roadway entran<;es should have unobstructed views to assure safe merging into traffic. 5-12 . . Access to public transportation should be stressed during development and redevelopment. Road cutouts for buses and bus shelters should be included as part of the redevelopment design. Pedestrian Movements As the population ages, more emphasis will be placed on the comfort and safety of the population. Large parking lots should be designed with "safeways" or designated walkways that funnel pedestrians to the shopping mall, office building or any other facility that includes a large parking lot. The pedestrian should have the right of way at all safeway and roadway intersections. Pedestrians would have to be educated to use the safeways rather than ambling across a parking lot. The safeways would be attractively landscaped, safely lighted, furnished with benches and garbage cans, and possibly covered. Central business districts can develop the same type of safeway system within its sidewalk and road system. In the Village of Patchogue a pedestrian has the right of way in designated crosswalks. All signs indicating pedestrian right of ways should be the same size (very large) and at every entrance to the CBD. 5-13 . . Offices................................................................ . Projections indicate that between 47.5 and 53.5 million square feet of total major office space will be needed in the region by the year 2000. This is multi-tenant major office space. This projection is based upon the projected amount of office-type jobs that will be generated in the region through 2000. This projection does not include office space that would be needed by additional corporate headquarters. The unique requirements of corporate headquarters cause corporate space to be examined apart from the computation for projected need for office space. The fact that they create their own demand for office space, thereby guaranteeing full occupancy, makes the development of corporate headquarters within the region a prime opportunity for positive expansion of the region's economy. Corporate headquarters should be actively pursued since there is adequate vacant land to accommodate additional construction. At the present time 40.8 million square feet of major office space exists and 3.0 million square feet is under construction in the region. An additional 15.7 million square feet of office space is proposed for the region. The region's office building vacancy rate for the fourth quarter of 1990 was approximately 207.. To attain a 107. vacancy rate, an additional 4.0 million square feet of existing office space would have to be occupied and all of the 3 million square feet of office space under construction would have to be occupied as it becomes available. 5-14 . . During the downturn in the economy, the vacancy rate may rise but in general the amount of work force and office space is in balance. If all of the proposed office space is built, there would be an excess of office space in relation to the amount of projected office type workers in the work force. One change in office development that is evolving in the region is the reuse of shopping centers for office use. Shopping centers are increasingly becoming the sites for medical related offices. One shopping center in Nassau County has been completely recycled as an medical office complex. A neighborhood or community shopping center site has the location and siting characteristics that lend themselves to medical office reuse. The site is accessible to the surrounding neighborhood from which the medical facilities draw their patients, the store configurations allow expansion of growing medical facilities, and the parking lot and one floor layout of the center allows easy access for the handicapped and elderly. Failed shopping centers can also be converted to general office use. Another innovation that is emerging in the office building market is the opportunity to buy part of an office building in a condominium ownership arrangement. Office condominiums are available throughout the region. 5-15 . . The incorporation of a major office building on a planned unit development (PUD) site should incorporate high density, low cost housing. Office space has the potential to expand at a greater rate than the work force that will be needed to staff the buildings. Since most office type jobs receive low salaries, it would be to everyone's advantage to incorporate affordable housing on the office site so that the employees will have a place to live. Hotels and Hotels....................................................... The dramatic expansion of the year-round hotel unit inventory in the past decade has left little room for expansion beyond the existing proposed hotels. The major office and industrial clusters and corridors are well-served. The potential for large conventions has evolved because of the construction of clusters of hotels. In turn, conventions would generate more demand for hotel rooms. The proliferation of hotels and travel related services along the Long Island Expressway is unknown to strangers to Long Island. Signage similar to the sign system used in Virginia, which indicates the commercial logos for lodging, food and fuel, would be helpful to visitors. There should also be intermittent signs indicating the distance to Riverhead and Montauk along the LIE. The areas that may require some expansion in the future revolve around the expansion of facilities that generate hotel unit demand. As 5-16 . . the University Hospital at the State University at Stony Brook develops specializations, there will be a need to house the families that come for such treatments. As the cluster of industrial and office space in the Yaphank area develops, there will be demand for some expanded hotel unit availability in that area. Special groundwater protection concerns curtail the development of additional hotel units in the easternmost portions of the region. Constraints on the development of Long Island MacArthur Airport limits the present use of the airport. General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The region is projected to maintain its present population with little growth, except in the towns in eastern Suffolk County. This growth constraint, in conjunction with the aging of the population, will produce a resident population with different consumer needs and an older work force. Areas that have remained pristine are protected from development so that the aquifers beneath them will remain clean. Since large proportions of the western part of the region are developed and little vacant land is available for new development, underutilized and antiquated uses are ripe for redevelopment into more viable uses. Redevelopment of existing parcels is not a new concept as illustrated by the redevelopmenr of Mitchel Field in Uniondale. Mitchel Field was an air base that has been redeveloped by recycling existing 5-17 . . buildings in conjunction with new construction. Mitchel Field is now the site of Nassau County Community College, the Cradle of Aviation Museum, the Nassau Coliseum, Hofstra University residences, a hotel, and an impressive office and industrial complex. Large, existing parcels provide excellent opportunities for the application of the planned unit development (PUD) zoning category. This zoning designation allows some flexibility for the development of a large parcel of land. The PUD category enables mixed compatible uses on the parcel. A planned unit development zone would incorporate housing, offices and possibly some neighborhood retail on the property. The purpose of the PUD is to minimize the impact of additional development on surrounding areas that are over-burdened by cumbersome traffic and a lack of housing opportunities. 5-18 . APPENDIX . PrRvious Reports Inventories: Shopping Centers and Central Business Districts Major Office Building Inventory Hotel and Motel Inventory . . Previous Reports* Nassau County Planning Commission. Nassau County Central Business District StudY. Mineola, New York, November, 1979, 144 pp. Contains the classification of CBDs, reasons of CBD decline. general and specific recommendations for CBD revitalization. national and local plans, and local prototypes. Long Island Regional Planning Board, Commercial Develoument Analvsis- 1982, Volume 2, Economic Development Series. 1982, 118 pp. Contains a commercial overview of Nassau and Suffolk County retail centers and their service areas, private office buildings, and hotels and motels, with corresponding inventories. Nassau County Planning Commission, Nassau County Office Study 1983. Mineola. New York, April, 1984, 22 pp. Contains an inventory of office buildings of over 15,000 square feet with square feet, number of floors, and year built for each building. Also estimation of vacancy rate and total ~quare feet existing and under construction. Suffolk County Planning Department, Suffolk Countv: A Place to En;ov. Hauppauge, New York, December, 1984, 262 pp. Contains tourism and recreational opportunities available in Suffolk County including: history and culture, parks, sports, recreation and leisure activities, lodging, and conservation and the environment. Nassau County Planning Commission, data book 85, Mineola, New York, June, 1985, 365 pp. Contains general information about Nassau County including the following topics: area, climate and geography; commerce and industry including overnight accommodations; communications; education; history; housing; income; labor force and employment; population; public facilities; recreation; transportation; and, utilities. Nassau County Planning Commission, Nassau Countv Office Update 1985, Mineola, New York, February, lQ86, 35 pp. Contains an inventory of office buildings of over 15,000 square feet with square feet, number of floors, and year built for each building. Also office space survey with number of employees, estimated vacancy rate, and size of existing office buildings. B-1 . . Nassau County Planning Commission, Shopping Centers, 1987, Mineola, New York, November, 1987, 80 pp. Conrains detailed inventories of strip, neighborhood, community and regional shopping centers in Nassau County including year built, number of stores and total square , footage. Nassau County Planning Commission, Nassau Countv Office Studv 1988, Mineola, New York, March, 1989, 36 pp. Contains an inventory of office buildings of over 15,000 square feet with square feet, office building size, vacancy rates, major office space concentrations, construction activity, and proposed office buildings. * RRports prepared prior to 1991 Commercial Development Analysis B-2 . . ABBREViATIONS USED IN COMMERCIAL INVENTORIES MAJOR MUNICIPALITIES: GC City of Glen Cove HE Town of Hempsteaa LB City of Long Beacn NH Town of North Hempstead DB Town of Oyster Bay BA Town of Babylon BR Town of BrooKhaven EH own of East Hamoton HU ;own of Huntinaton 'c ~own of Islip .0 RV Town of Riverheao SI Town of Shelter lsland SM Town of Smithtown SO Town of Southampton SU Town of Southold RETAIL CENTER TYPES: CCBD CSC NCBD NSC RCBD RSC SSC Community Central Business Distrlct Community Shopping Center Neighborhood Central Business District Neighborhood Shopping Center Regional Central Business District Regional Shopping Center Strip Shopping Center Page No. NASSAU COUNIY SHOPPING CENIERS AND CENIRAL BUSINESS OISIRICIS - NOVENBER I, 1990 TOIAL SBUARE YEAR TYPE CENIER NANE ANCHOR STORES SIREEII SIREET2 CONNUN 1TY FOOl AGE OPENED SIORES TONN OF GC: NCBO IGlen Coye CBOI Glen St. School St. Glen Coye 299,000 m NSC Glen Coye S.C. KIFore,t Aye. EINalnut Rd. Glen Coye 54,000 19SB 17 NSC NIFore,t Aye. NINalnut Rd. Glen Coye 22,000 1955 B N5C Orchard Pla,a S.C. NIGlen St. S/loon Path Rd. Glen Coye 2B,OOO 1957 14 10NK OF HE: CCBD (Cedarhurst CBD! Central Aye. Spruce St. Cedarhurst 464,000 273 cm IFreeport CBDl Nain St. Nerrict Rd. Freeport 545,500 321 . cm (Rockyille Centre CBDI Nerrick Rd. N. Village Aye. Rockyille Centre 476,000 2BO CSC Steoart Plaza kiddie City, Caldor, Blockbuster Video N/Shoart AYe. N/Buentin Blvd. E Garden City 204,500 1990 IS CSC Fortunolf Fortunolf SIOld Country N/ElI ison Ave. E Garden City 2BS,SOO 1962 2 CSC Levitz Levitz SIOld Country N/E..t Gate Bvd E Garden City 145,500 I CSC SYI5 5y., N/Nerrick Ave. S/Pri "do Rd. E Garden City 100,000 1m I C5C Perga.ent Pergaaen t N/Nerrick Ave. N/Steoart Ave. E Garden City 100,000 19B9 1 C5C Ea,t Neadoo NaIl Path.ark, Nar,hall, NIFront SL EIE. Neadoo Ave E..t Neadoo 143,000 1979 31 CSC Clear.eado~ nail Svc. nerch. ,FoDdlowo, Gap, Austin Drug NIHe.pstead Ipk N/N.obridge Rd. E..t Neadoo IBI,SOO 1969 19 CSC HOle Depot,Consulers,"odelIOs Super.kt SIHe.p,tead Ipk EIE. Neadoo Ave E.. t Neadoo 259,500 1956 33 C5C Ho.e Depot, Naldbau., N/Help,tead Ipk E/Nakot,k. Ave. EI.ont 196,500 1961 5 C5C Bay Harbor NaIl Svc, "erch.,Burlington Coat,"arshalls N/Rockaoay Ipke S/P.ninsula Bvd lnoood 275,500 1965 24 C5C N/Rockaoay Ipke NIPeninsula Bvd Imllood I12,SOO 1962 6 CSC Pergnent NIHe.pstead Ipk E/Berger Ave. Levittoon 140,000 1963 B CSC Nassau naIl Rickel, Path.ark, Lord' lay lor Outlet NIHe.p,tead Ipk N/Cardinal Rd. Levittoon 277 ,500 1973 41 C5C Caldor Plaza Caldar, Herlans, tids R Us N/H..p,tead Ipk EIHa.let Rd. Levittn"n 250,000 19B6 16 C5C N/H..p'lead Ipk E/Division Ave. Levittoon 365,000 1951 29 C5C (vacantllFuture k.art-19901 S/He.p,had Ipk E/6ardiners Ave levittmm 194,000 1963 6 . C5C The 5and, Food town, Curtains' HOlet nandee EILong Beach Rd S/Nott 5L Oceanside 165,000 19BB 33 C5C Ivacanll, Gold Coa,t Vendor, Narket NlLong Beach Rd NIDaly Blvd. Oceanside 241 , 500 1967 17 C5C Alexander's Alexander's S/5unri.. Hoy. E/Gre" Acres Valley Strea. 32B,SOO 1966 1 C5C H..pshad 5.C. S/He.p,had Ipk E/Nosloin,ter N H..p,tead 277,500 1956 6 C5C Fiye loons Shopping PI, Pergalent, Pathlark NE/Rockaoay Ipk SE/Brookvill. Woodlere 476,000 1969 36 NCBD IBaldoin CBDI Nerrick Rd. Grand Ave. Baldoin 137 ,000 9B NCBD lEast Rockaoay CBDI Nain St. Atlantic Ave. E Rockaoay 101,000 72 NCBD IEI.ont CBDI He.pstead Ipke. EI.ont Rd. EI.ont 7B,SOO 56 NCBO (Floral Park CBDI Plainfield Ave. lulip A,.. Floral Park I12,000 BO NCBO (Franklin Square CBDI He.p,tead Ipke. Franklin Ave. Franklin Square 245,000 144 NCBO IHeolett CBOI Broadoay Franklin Ave. Heolett 234,500 1JB DB4\PEIER\REIAIL~ SHOPP I NG. RP I INBYTYPN.ORY Page No. 2 NASSAU COUNTY SHOPPING CENTERS AND CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS - NOYENBER I, 1990 TOTAL SQUARE YEAR TYPE CENTER NANE ANCHOR SIORES STREET! SIREm CONNUN ITV FOOTAGE OPENED STORES NCBD IIn.ood CBO I laMrence Ave. BayvieM Ave. InMood 105,000 75 NCBD Ilsland Park CBDI Long Beach Rd. Long Beach BI,d Island Park B2,SOO 59 NCBD ILa.rence CBDI Broad.a, Rocka.a, Ipke. laMrence 111,500 B4 NCBD IL,nbrook CBDI Peninsula Blvd. Helpstead Ave. L,nbrook llB,SOO m NCBD INal,erne CBBI He.pslead A,e. Dog.ood Ave. "alverne 117,500 B4 NCBD (Nerrick CBDI Nerrick Ave. Sunrise HliIY. "errid 160,000 153 NCBD (Oceanside CBB I Long Beach Rd. AlIantic A,e. Oceanside 194,000 114 NCBD ISeaford CBDI Nerrick Rd. N..hington Ave. Sealord B7,000 61 NCBD IYalle, StreaM CBDI Franklin Ave. Sunrise HMY. Yalle, Strea. 370,500 liB NCBD INantagh CBBI Nerrid Rd. Nantagh Ave. Nantagh 211 ,000 114 NCBB (Nood.ere CBDI Broad.a, Nood.ere BI,d. Woodlere 136,000 97 NSC EIGrand Ave. SIHgh School Dr Bald.in 12,500 1965 6 . NSC Fainie. S.C. EIGrand Ave. S/Yillage Ave. Bald.in 36,000 1m 10 NSC Bald.in S.C. Ke, Food, Nool.orth's, NcCrory EIGrand Ave. N/Hgh School Or Bald.in 7B,OOO 19SB 11 NSC NIAll antic A,e. ItlBayvieM Ave. Bald.in 60,000 1967 19 NSC S/Nerrick Rd. iii/Harrison Ave. Bald.in IB,SOO 1954 6 NSC Bald.in Plaza S/Sunrise H.,. NIGrand Ave. Bald.in 70,500 19BO 16 NSC Pathark Path.ark NIGrand Ave. S/Sto.e Ave. Bald.in IB,OOO I NSC South Belloore S.C. N/Nerr i ck Rd. EISI. Narks PI. Belloore 33,500 1962 9 NSC N/Nerr i ck Rd. E/Bell.ore A,e. Bell.ore 15,000 1975 IB NSC S/Nerrick Rd. N/Ne.bridge Rd. Bel Ioore 15,500 1961 7 NSC Sunrise PI' at Belloore S/Sunrise N/Bell.ore Ave. Bel hore 64,000 19BO 16 NSC N/AlIantic A,e. NIRR Iracks E Rocta.a, 36,500 1964 4 NSC Harbor Nail N/Nain, S/nain NIAlIantic Ave. E Rocta.a, 25,500 1951 16 NSC Rockbotto., Breg Buttle's Health Club E/Nerrick A,e. N/Belhore Ave. E..t Neado. 50,500 1953 10 NSC Neado.brook Square N/Hoopstead Tpk E/Conti Sq.BI,d E..t Neado. 24,500 19B6 IS NSC hldbau.s Plaza Na Idbau.s SIFront 51. N/Nerrick A,e. E..t Neado. 63,000 1954 21 NSC Neado. Plaza E..t Neado. Bo.1 SIFront 51. N/Ne.bridge Ave East Neado. 63,000 1957 IB NSC Neado.brook S.C. Sears Outlet Store S/He.pstead Ipk N/Prospect A,e. East Neado. 43,000 1950 11 . NSC C lo.n E/EI.ont Rd. N,S/Yillage A,e EI.ont 52,000 mo 16 NSC Great Alerican Drug Store S/He.pstead Tpk N/Buller BI,d. EI.ont 22,000 1959 10 NSC Yalle, S.C. Neat Far.s EIFranklin Ave. S/Nid.a, CI. Frankl in Square IB,OOO 1975 IS NSC King Kullen E/Ne. Hyde Park N/N..hington St Franklin Square 42,500 1974 II NSC S/He.pstead Tpk N/N....u BI ,d. Franklin Square 21,000 197B 5 NSC Bog.ood Plaza Key Food N/Dog.ood A,e. N/Seabury Ave. Franklin Square 46,500 1951 13 NSC Hillside Plaza Perga.ent, Rockbotto. NIFranklin A,e. Opp,N/Frankl in Franklin Square 36,500 19SB 9 NSC Ranibo. Shops,Consu.ers KitchenslBaths NIFranktin Ave. Opp,N/Franklin Franklin Square 31,500 1961 4 NSC Path.ark Pathoark NIFrank lin A,e. N/Ganin BI,d. F rank tin Square 15,000 I NSC Gu, Loobardo Plaza SIAtlantic A,e. NIGu, lo.bardo Freeport 25,500 13 BB4\PETERIRETAILN SHOPPING.RPT TNBYTYPN.QRY Page No. 3 NASSAU COUNTY SHOPPING CENTERS AND CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS - NoVE"BER I, 1990 TOTAL S~UARE YEAR TYPE CENTER NA"E ANCHOR STORES SIREETI SIREE12 Co""UNlTY FoolAGE OPE NED SloRES NSC Allanlic Plaza S.C. SIAllanlic A,e. NIS. Main 51. Fre.porl 15,500 19B3 11 NSC Ells Plaza S.L SI"errict Rd. opplBergen PI. Fr..porl 35,000 1984 15 NSC SISunr i.. H.y. EIS. Bergen PI. Freeport 51,000 195B 10 NSC NIH..pslead Ipl NICherry Vall.y Garden City 5 11 , 500 1m 14 NSC H..pslead S.C. NINassau Rd. EIHenry 51. H..pslead 2B,000 1950 . 11 NSC Island Pla,a S.C. SIH..pslead Ipl NISI. Pauls Rd. H..pslead 19,000 1964 10 NSC Peninsula S.L NIPeninsula EI"ill Rd. H..I.ll 67,000 1960 25 NSC SIPeninsula NIRocta.ay Ave. H..lell 31,500 1960 10 NSC SElBroad.ay NIPi.r.onl A,.. H..lell 27,500 1956 14 . NSC SISheridan Blvd NIooughly Ave. In.ood 24,500 1%2 11 NSC NIRocla.ay Tpk. NIBurnsid. Ave. InMood 61,500 m8 16 NSC NILong Beach Rd SfTe..s PI. Island Part uninc 50,000 1972 10 NSC Belhpage "arl.1 Plac. EIN. Nantagh A, SNIBroad.ay Le,i llo.n 15,500 1m 7 NSC EINorlh Nanlagh NIShenan PI. LevittoMn 16,000 1B NSC NIHe.pslead Tpt EIHa.lel Rd. Lev i llo.n 60,000 1m 6 NSC Cenler Island S.C. SIH..pslead Tpt NIGardiners Ave Levillo.n B4,500 1951 17 NSC Gardiners Discount Ctr NIGardiners Ave SIJ.ffries Rd. Lev i llo.n 4B,000 1955 17 NSC NIN..bridg. Rd. NfT.ig La. Levitlo.n 17 ,000 1952 13 NSC Nantagh A,.. S.C. NINanlagh Ave. SISlony La. levittOltn 19,500 1952 12 NSC EIH..pslead Ave NfLatevi.. Rd. Lynbrool 25,000 1957 6 NSC Philips Plaza SISunri.. H.y. NIBroad.ay Lynbrool J4,500 19B6 17 NSC NI"err i ct Ave. NIN.bsler SI. tlerrick 21,000 1956 11 NSC NI"erricl Rd. EIH..I.ll Ave. l1errict 22 , 500 1962 B NSC SI".rrict Rd. NI"errict Ave. "errid 24,000 1959 4 NSC Holiday Pari A , P, Consu.ers Dist. SI"errict Rd. EIBernard SI. "errick B5,500 1963 19 NSC "erricl "all S.C. SIS.i lh SI. NIH..lell Ave. "errick 6B,000 1970 15 NSC a.ni Plaza Genovese NIJerusale. Ave NIPea Pond Rd. N Bell.ore 31,500 1956 14 . NSC B.II.ore Plaza Ihe Parly E'p.ri.nc. SIB.Il.ore Ave. NINe.bridge Rd. N Bell.ore 16,500 1957 6 NSC Shopril. SIJerusal.. Ave ElNe.bridg. Rd. N Bell.ore 3B,000 196B 6 NSC A ! P A I P SIJerusale. A,e NIP.a Pond Rd. N B.lloore 16,000 (19BO 1 NSC Shoprite SIJerusale. Ave EIN..bridg. Rd. N B.Il.ore 3B,000 mB 6 NSC SIN. Jerusal.. NIEnnebroct Rd. N B.lIoore 23,500 1953 16 NSC W/t1errict Ave. HIJerusalel Ave N t1errid 21,000 1956 8 NSC C To.n Sloutch Broadoy NIN.FI.tcher A, N Valley Slrea. 24,000 1955 9 NSC Key Food Sloulch Broad.y EIEI.onl Rd. N Valley Slrea. 15,500 1962 5 NSC Sloulch Broad.y NIEd.ards BI,d. N Valley Slr.a. 15,500 1954 11 NSC Ryans Sloulch Broad.y EfTuxedo Or. N Valley Slrea. 40,500 1949 12 NSC GOUl SIDulch Broad.y opplopal 51. N Valley Slrea. 20,000 7 NSC Nilloo Nood Shopp.s Genovese N/Jerusaln Aile EINantagh Ave. N Nantagh 60,000 1996 24 oB41PEIERIREIAILN SHoPPING.RPI INBYlYPtI.ORY Page No. 4 NASSAU COUNTY SHOPPING CENTERS ANO CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS - NOVEMBER 1, 1990 TOTAL sOUARE YEAR TYPE CENTER NAME ANCHOR STORES sIREET1 sTREE12 COMMUN JIY FOOIAGE OPINED STORES NsC Ch.rry.ood S.C. K.y Food NINantagh Av.. N/J.rusal._ Ave N Nantagh 63,500 1953 26 NsC Oc.ansid. PI"a Maldbauls, Genoyese Ellong B.ach Rd slNindsor PI.y. Oceanside 76,500 1977 21 NsC Gr.at linroln S.C. CORsu.ers, Woolworth NIAlIanlic Av.. NlLong Bearh Av Oceanside 55,500 1\'56 20 NsC Lincoln PI"a Nllong B.ach Av Opp,N/Pin. st. Or.ansid. 18,000 1~'B4 20 NsC Naldbau_s Naldbauls N/27 E/Oc.an Av.. Rorlvi II. C.ntr. 18,000 1 NsC N/N. Vi lIag. Av NIRanda II Avo. Rockvill. C.ntr. 45,000 1\'77 6 NsC Foodto.n EINassau Rd. s/lak..ood Av.. Roos.v.lt 57,000 I\'B4 14 NsC E/Car_an Av.. SIN. st..art Av 5 N.stbury 19,000 1\'60 12 NsC GeorgetowR "anor slOld Country N/N.stbury Rd. 5 Nestbury 3B,500 195B 11 . NsC V/Canan Ave. slland la. 5 Nestbury 17,500 1~'19 25 NSC N/M.rrick Rd. E/K.nora PI. s.aford 23,000 1\'57 B NsC Nassau Road S.C. (varantl EINas"u Rd. NIsouth.rn Pk.y Uniondal. 19,500 1956 9 NsC B.I-Air S.C. N/M.rrick Rd. NIFI.tch.r Av.. Vall.y Str.al 4\,500 1\'63 9 NsC s/M.rrick Rd. EIBallard Av.. Vall.y str.a. 25,500 1979 11 NsC EINantagh Av.. NIPark Av.. Nantagh 21,000 1956 7 NsC Nantagh Shopping Plaza EINantagh Av.. NIPark Av.. Nantagh 35,500 1965 17 NsC EINantagh Avo. s/J.rusal," Av. iantagh 22,000 1\'52 1\ NsC s.tagh s.L N/M.rrick Rd. E/spruc. st. iantagh 21,500 1963 21 NsC NINantagh Av.. NIPark Av.. iantagh 20,000 1\'56 12 NsC E/Noodfi.ld Rd. s/H.lpst.ad Av. iest H,"pstead 32,000 1967 1\ NsC lak.vi.. S.C. EINoodfi.ld Rd. NIEagl. Av.. ies t H.lps tead 19,000 1956 6 NsC E/N.ptuo. Av.. SIN. Central Av Woodlere 30,000 1967 6 NsC slHungry Harbor EIGolf Dr. Woodlere 37,000 1963 12 NsC Hygrad. S.C. s/Rosedal. Rd. NIPark la. ioodler. 19,000 1961 7 SSC EIGrand Av.. Opp, N/sto.. Av Bald.in 6,000 I SSC s/M.rrick Rd. N/lakeside Av.. Bald.in 3,000 1985 I . SSC NIM.rrick Rd. E/B.dford Avo. B.lllore 15,000 1965 B SSC s/Merrick Rd. EIPark PI. B.lllore 1,000 7 SSC N/st..art Av.. EIRv Il.F Id .Ent. E Gard.n City 10,000 1990 3 SSC slOld Country NIFullon St. E Gard.n City 3,500 1985 I SSC EIMerrick Av.. slFront St. East Meado. B,OOO 1956 6 SSC E/N..bridg. Rd. sls.v.nth Av.. East Meado. 5,500 1969 5 SSC M.ado. Plaza S.C. E/N..bridg. Rd. N/Falcon St. East Meado. 17 ,500 1955 16 SSC B.II-M.ado. S.C. N/N.Jerusal.. N/B.l1lore Rd. East Meado. 8,000 1980 6 SSC Stop 20 PI"a N/Mearhal Av.. OpplJournal Av. Ellont 5,500 1m 8 SSC NICovert Av.. s/Cisn.y Avo. floral Park 12,000 1986 9 SSC N/Oog.ood Blvd Opp/Bald.in Dr. frank lin Square 10,000 1959 9 SSC NIFranklin Ave. slArlington Avo fraoklin Square 6,500 1976 8 SSC NIFranklin Avo. slGavrin Blvd. frankl io Square 9,500 1m 5 DBIIPETERIRETAllN sHOPPING.RPI INBYTYPN.DRY Pag. No. 5 NASSAU COUNTY SHOPPING CENTERS AND CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS - NOVE~BER I, 1990 TOTAL SQUARE YEAR TYPE CENTER NA"E ANCHOR SIORES STREET! STREEI1 CO""UN JIY FOOTAGE OPENEO SIORES SSC Penin,ula Blvd. H..p,l..d 10,000 UC19B9 IS SSC Broad.ay Everitt Ave. H..lell B,500 1965 8 SSC EIJorusale. Ave S/Con,tellalion levi llo.n 12,000 1950 8 SSC Cenlral Park Plaza N/Cenlral Ave. N/Carriere 51. lev i Hown 5,000 1986 6 SSC N/He.p'l..d Tpk lflJerusaJu Ave levittO'lln 10,500 1956 5 SSC N/Jerusal1!l Ave EICenter la. levi lto.n 16,000 1953 10 SSC SIHe.p,lead Tpk E/Elerson Ave. levi llo.n 4,000 1984 5 SSC 8elhlo.n Shopping Plaza N/I07 S/Courlney la. levi llo.n 9,000 1981 7 SSC Cenler lane Villge Gre.n N/C.nler lane N/Cliff lane Levi ltotm 12,000 1951 10 . SSC N/".rrick Rd. N/Nie..n Ave. lynbrook 6,500 1964 8 SSC E/He.p,l..d Ave S/Arlinglon Ave "alverne 10,000 1989 8 SSC la 80utique N/"errick Rd. N/"errick Ave. "orrick 10,000 1983 8 SSC Cherry Hill S.C. N/"errick Rd. E/Nyn,u. Ave. "orrick 7,000 1975 5 SSC S/"errick Rd. E/Henry 51. "errick 6,000 1983 8 SSC N/Jorusal.. Ave E/Ne.bridge Rd. N Bell.ore 6,000 1968 6 SSC N/Jorusal.. Ave NI8elloore Rd. N B.II.ore 17 ,000 m80 7 SSC S/Jorusal.. Ave E/Ne.bridg. Rd. N B.II.ore 7,500 196B 6 SSC S/Jerusal.. Ave E/Bell.ore Rd. N Belloore 3,000 1962 4 SSC E/Cenlral Ave. S/Ealon Gale N Valley Slrea. 13,000 1950 16 SSC N/Nantagh Ave. N/Jorusale. Ave Norlh Nantagh 8,000 1964 6 SSC E/la.son Blvd. N/Perkin, Ave. Oceanside 6,500 1965 5 SSC E/long B..ch Rd S/E Atlantic Av Oc..n,ide 5,000 1963 4 SSC ",dison Plaza S/"oll 51. N/Ocean,ide Ave Oc..n,ide 9,500 1983 10 SSC Bro.er Ave. S.C. N/8ro.or Ave. Sf Davison Ave. Dc..n,ide 12,000 1977 10 SSC Brooke Plaza Fashion Explosion N/long B..ch Rd N/Alha.bra Dr. Oceanside 18,000 1985 15 SSC N/long 8..ch Rd SIN.hukena Ave Oceanside 11 ,000 1988 9 . SSC Ea,l Bay Shopping Plaza N/long B..ch Rd N/Alha.bra Dr. Oceanside 6,500 19B6 7 SSC Nllong B..ch Rd S/Henrielta Ave Oceanside 5,000 1985 4 SSC Nllong B..ch Rd SINeidner Ave. Oceanside 6,000 1979 7 SSC Associaled N/long 8..ch Rd N/hler 51. Rockville Cenlre 12,000 1956 4 SSC S/Jerusale. Ave N/Nashinglon Av S..ford 7,000 1965 5 SSC S/"errick Rd. N/Nilloughby Av S.aford 6,500 4 SSC S/Sunri.. Hoy. N/Jack,on Ave. S..ford 13,500 1984 13 SSC E/Nassau 8lvd. SE/Uniondale Av Uniondale 8,000 ucmo 0 SSC Elerson Plaza N/"errick Rd. E/E.erson PI. Valley Slrea. 10,000 1982 9 SSC N/He.p,lead Tpk N/N.. York Ave. i H..p,l..d 10,000 1986 8 SSC NI".rrid Rd. E/Pine 51. iantagh 4,500 1963 6 SSC N/"errick Rd. E/Bayvi.. PI. Mantagh 5,000 1974 7 SSC N/".rrid Rd. N/Abbey CI. Nantagh 5,000 1972 6 D841PETERIRETAllN SHOPPING.RPT TN8Y1YPN.ORY Page No. 6 NASSAU COUNTY SHOPPING CENTERS AND CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS - NDYE"BER 1, 1990 TOTAL SOUARE YEAR TYPE CENIER Nm ANCHOR STORES STREETl STREET2 CO""UNITY FOOTAGE OPENED STORES SSC S/Jerusal.. Av. N/Nantagh Av.. Nantagh 13,jOO 1960 j SSC S/".rriel Rd. N/Riv.rsid. Or. Nantagh j,OOO 1971 7 SSC S/".rricl Rd. E/B.verly Rd. Nantagh 9,jOO 1m 12 SSC T.rra Pari S.C. SISunrise H.y. N/Nantagh Av.. Nantagh 4,jOO 1964 6 SSC N/Nantagh Av.. NIParl Av.. Nantagh 4,jOO 19B2 IS TONN OF LB: CCOD ILong B.ach CBDI Pari Ave. Long B.ach Blvd Long B.ach 510,000 300 . NSC Long B.ach Plaza S.C. NIParl St. W/Riversid. Bvd Long Beach B4,500 1985 24 TONN OF NH: CCBO (Gr.at Noel Plaza C801 Associated Superlarket "iddlo Necl Rd. Cutter "i II Rd. Groat Noel Plaza S71 ,000 336 CSC Carl. Plac. S.C. "arshalls,Toys R Us NIOld Country E/GI.n Cove Rd. Carl. Place 125,000 1\'7B 13 CSC Country GI.n C.nt.r Fil.n.'s Bas,".nt, Th. Wiz NIOld Country W/Glen Cove Rd. Carl. Place 270,000 1\'B9 30 CSC Great Noel "all Moolworth,Consulers,Fathlart Drug N/"iddl. Necl SIGreat Necl Rd Gr.at Noel Plaza 107,000 1m 29 CSC Nh.atl.y Plaza Path..rl S/25A E/Glen Cove Rd. Greenvale 106,500 1\82 26 CSC Abrahal & Straus Abraha. & Straus St2SA EICollunity Or. "anhass.t 275,500 1\65 6 CSC lord & Taylor Lord & Taylor SmA E/Sh.1 ter Roel "anhasset 173,000 I CSC A.ericana at Kanhasset Ivacanll, Naldbauls SINorthern 81vd W/S.aringto.n "anhasset 300,000 28 CSC Channel, Finist, Genovese N/Hillsid. Ave. W/hlda Ave. N N.. Hyd. Pari 179,500 1m 10 CSC lake Success Center Soars,Play.orld,"Ddolls,P.rgalont,JC S/Union Tpl.. E/Lal.vill. Rd. N N.. Hyd. Pari 17j,000 1m 40 CSC Soundvi.. "arl.tplac. E/N.. Shore Rd. NIE. Sound v i.. Port Nashington N 206,500 1\63 25 NCBO (Great Necl CBOI Siglunds,Food Eaporiul,Nassau "(Gowan "iddl. Necl Rd. Fairview Ave. Great Necl 251,jOO 118 NCBO ("anhassot CBOI PlandDI' Rd. Bayvielt Ave. Nanhass.t 302,500 17B . NCBO l"ineola CBOI "ineola Ave. First St. Nineola 260,000 m NCBD (N.lI Hyd. Pari CBOI Jericho Tph. N.. Hyd. PI. Rd N.. Hydo Pari 129,000 92 NCBO lPort Nashington C801 hin 51. Central Dr. Port Washington 2j8,500 m NCBD IRoslyn CBOI hin 51. No. Blvd. Roslyn 89,500 64 NCBD IWestbury CBDI Post Ave. "apl. Ave. Nestbury 199 ,000 117 NCBD INilliston Pari CBOI Hitlsid. Ave. Nillis Ave. Nilliston Pari 212,500 m NSC Ro.. Plaza S.C. E/Willis Ave. N/N.h Place Albertson 14,000 1986 12 NSC Alb.rtsDn Circlo S.C. E/Willis Ave. N/l.U. Nill.ts Albertson 60,500 1965 21 NSC Parl.ay Plaza Naldbauls, Consulers EIGlen Cove Rd. OpplYDice Rd. Carl. Place 87,000 1m 22 NSC Stapl.s, lighting C.nt.r EIGlen Cov. Rd. S/Nestbury Ave. Carl. Place 40,jOO 1959 B NSC Clo(ls To..r S.C. Kids R Us, Unit.d Stalos Appar.1 EIGlen Cove Rd. N/RR Traels Carl. Place 56,500 19B4 7 NSC Sealan's. Red lobster NIOld Country W/"eadD.broDI Carl. Place 51,500 1978 12 NSC NBO, Sa. Ash N/Old Country Opp, E/leclendf Carl. Place 50,000 mBO 6 0841PETERIRETAIlN SHOPPING.RPT TN8Y1ml. ORY Page No. 7 NASSAU COUNIY SHOPPING CENIERS ANO CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS - NOVEMBER I, 1990 TOIAl SDUARE YEAR TYPE CENTER NAME ANCHOR STORES SIREH1 STREE12 CO"MUN ITY FOOIAGE OPENED STORES NSC Pier 1 Ilports W/GI.. Cove Rd. S/W..tbury Av.. C.rl. Plac. 27,500 19BB 3 NSC Country GI.n C.nt.r Pearle Express, Kauf.an Carpet W/GI.. Cove Rd. N/Old Country Car Ie Place 85,000 1950 l4 NSC "acy's Furniture Clearance Center W/GI.. Cove Rd. SIVoice Rd. Carl. Plac. 90,000 10 NSC Outl.t C..lral Sea.an's Clearance Center W/GI." Cove Rd. N/Voi" Rd. Carl. PI.ce 79,000 1990 23 . NSC E.st Hills Shopping Plz EIRoslyn Rd. SIL. LE. East Hills 19,500 1m B NSC W..twood S.L W/GI.n Cove Rd. NIL. LE. East Hills 31,500 1951 l4 NSC N/25 E/Nassau Blvd. 6ard.n City Park B2,500' 1967 19 NSC W.ldbauls N/25 E/M.reus Rd. Gard.. City Park B1,OOO 1973 24 NSC SIB. I.. Rd. M/Horace Hardin Great Neck uninc 12,500 1951 7 . NSC Herricks S.C. Grand Union, Genovese N/Hillsid. Ave. E/H.rricks Rd. Herrids 5B,500 1954 16 NSC nanhasset Center Filene's S/25A W/Sh.lter Rod tlanhasset 72,000 10 NSC S/25A E/Sh.lter Rod tlanhasset 58,000 28 NSC Rockbollol N/25 E/H.rricks Rd. Mineol. 28,500 1959 5 NSC N/25 W/Jay CI. tlineola 22 ,000 1953 9 NSC North Shore Com,ens Dress Barn, Paperoni EIL.kevill. Rd. NIHil! sid. Ave. N N.. Hyd. Park 22,000 198B 5 NSC lakevill. S.C. Cross Isl.nd Fruit E/l.kev; II. Rd. SIUnion Ipk Ext N N.. Hyd. Park 19,000 1952 9 NSC N.. Hyd. P.rk S.C. King Kull.n, Shoe lo.n N/Hillsid. Ave. W/l.kevill. Rd. N N.. Hyd. Park 23,000 1951 II NSC S/Hillsid. Ave. E/N.. Hyd. Park N N.. Hyd. Park 55,500 1946 IB NSC N.. Hyd. P.rk S.C. Annie Sez S/M.reus Ave. E/N.. Hyd. Park N N.. Hyd. Park 31,500 1964 B NSC Po.t.s Corn.r S.C. A . P N/Old Country "/Tennyson Ave. N.. Cas.. I 47 ,000 1978 11 NSC W.stbury PI.z. W.st N/Old Country Opp,E/Hyacinth Nelli Cassel 32,000 1971 13 NSC 0.1 co PI". EIShore Rd. S/PI.as.nt Ave. Port Washington N 47,500 19B2 15 NSC Harborvi.. Shopp.s S/25A E/Bro.d..y Roslyn 35,000 19B7 16 NSC Stratford S.C. W/Wi11is Ave. S/L.LE. SearingtOtm 22,500 1960 10 SSC SI.tion S.C. S/LU. Will.ts EIAlbertson Av. Albertson 4,500 1955 5 SSC W/Willis Ave. S/B.gl.y Ave. Albertson 3,500 197B 4 SSC N/Old Country E/Ch.rry l.. Carl. Plac. B,OOO 19B4 9 . SSC G i lanD N/Voice Rd. W/GI.n Cove Rd. Carl. Plac. l4,000 19B9 11 SSC N/W..tbury Ave. E/GI.. Cove Rd. Carl. Plac. 7,500 197B 4 SSC E/GI.. Cove Rd. N/G.org. 51. East Hills 4,500 1951 4 SSC Guinea Woods Shop pes E/GI.. Cove Rd. S/G"rg. 51. East Hills 5,000 1961 4 SSC E/GI.. Cove Rd. N/C.dar St. Greenvale 6,500 19BI 8 SSC W/l.kevi II. Rd. S/25A lake Success 5,000 4 SSC Mir.cl. Mil. of Gr..t Nk SmA EIClark Dr. tlanhasset 11,000 19B6 5 SSC N/25 W/Pennsylvania tlineola 12,500 1977 11 SSC Hush-A-By. SlHillsid. Ave. WIN.. Hyde Park N Ne. Hyde Park 1B,000 193B 8 SSC Old Country PI.z. N/Old Country W/Carl.ton 51. Nelit Cassel 5,500 1976 4 SSC Bel Aire Comlons N/Old Counlry ii/Nelli York Ave. HeM Cass! I '4,500 1916 4 SSC N/Old Country E/D.yton 51. N.. C.55.1 5,500 4 DB4\PEIERIREIAllN SHOPPING.RPI INBYTYpN.ORY P.g. No. 8 NASSAU COUNTY SHOPPING CENTERS AND CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS - NOVEN8ER I, 1990 TOTAL SDUARE YEAR TYPE CENTER NANE ANCHOR STORES STREET! STREH2 CONHUNITY FOOTAGE OPENED STORES SSC R.,.r. C.nt.r S.C. E/Pl.hshington SIR"er. Rd. Port N..hington 12,000 1~'B6 8 SSC Nillis Plaz. NINiIlis Ave. N/C.nter 51. Nilliston Park 2,~00 1\'50 5 TONN OF 08: CSC Busy B.. H.II 8usy B.. S/Sunris. H.y. N/Unqu. Rd. E H....p.qu. 292,~00 1m I CSC S.ars S.C. Sears,Naldbauls,Toys R Us,Service "ch S/Sunris. H.y. E/Unqu. Rd. E H....p.qu. 3J2,~00 . 1m 22 CSC D.lco Plaz. King KoII.n E/Bro.d..y SIOld Country Hicksvill. 113, ~OO 1984 35 cst S.ars S.ars E/Bro.d..y S/N".d. 51. Hicksvill. 254,~00 IY64 I . CSC IKEA IKEA N/Bro.d..y S/N.vad. 51. Hicksvill. 22~,OOO UC 1990 I CSC Birch.ood P.rk S.C. E/Bro.d..y 5/25 Jericho 100,000 1m 22 CSC Southg.t. .t B.r H.rhor FoodtOM", Harlon Drug S/Nerrick Rd. N/Nhil..ood Rd. N.ss.p.qu. P.rk 121,000 1979 20 CSC Plainview Centre Food tON", Genovese, "ande! E/S. Oyster B.y NINoodbury Rd. PlainvieN 13~,000 1954 5~ CSC Noodbury Plaz. JC P.nny, Austin Drugs E/S. Oyster B.y SINoodbury Rd. Plainview 109,~00 1955 25 CSC Int.r-County S.C. (vacant I Yaeant I E/Car..ns Rd. Opp/Lind.n 51. N A.ity,ill. 12~,~00 1m 43 NCBD IB.thp.g. CBDI St..art Ave. Central A,.. B.thp.g. 183,~00 108 NCBO 'F.r.ingd.l. CBDI N.in 51. Conklin St. Far.ingd.l. 207,~00 122 NCBD IGI.n H..d CBOI GI.n H..d Rd. GI.n Cove Ave. GI.n H..d 9~,000 6B NCBD IHicksvill. C8DI Bro.d..y Barcl.y 51. Hicksvill. 217, ~OO 128 NCBO Ilocust V.II.y CBDI Birch Hill Rd. Forest Ave. locust V.II.y 130,000 93 NCBO I H....p.qu. CBD I Bro.d..y Hicksvill. Rd. N....p.qu. 122,000 B7 NCBD 10yster B.y CBOI H.in St. South 51. Oyster B.y 175,000 103 NCBD (Syoss.t CBDI Und.rhill 8lvd. Oyster B.y Rd. Syoss.t 195,~OO 115 NSC North.ind S.C. S/B.yvill. Ave. N/P.rry Ave. Hayvill. IB,OOO 1966 4 NSC B.thp.g. PI." King Kull.n E/St..art Ave. N/B.nkert St. B.thp.g. 76,500 1963 25 NSC SNII07 E/Bloo.iogd.l. B.thp.g. 18,500 195~ 9 . NSC NII07 N/l.u..n l.. B.thp.g. 14,000 1966 14 NSC N/H.rrick Rd. EIJuludo. Or. E H....p.qu. 38,~00 19~6 8 NSC C.r..n Ro.d PI.z. NICar..ns Rd. NISunris. H.y. E N....p.qu. 21,000 1986 9 NSC Nor.ich S.C. Blu.berri.s' E/Oysler B.y Rd NI25A E..t Nor.ich 24,000 19~6 13 NSC TONer Square E/Oyster B.y Rd NI2~A E..t Nor.ich 28,000 1986 10 NSC E/N.in 51. SIProspect St. F.ningd.l. 38,500 1983 5 NSC N/H..pst..d Tpt N/Nerrils Rd. Far.ingd.l. 29,000 19~6 14 NSC E/I07 N/"ineola Ave. Hictsvill. 14,500 1986 II NSC EIBro.d..y N/N.vad. 51. Hicksvill. 3~, 500 1984 4 NSC N.st Vill.g. Gr..n E/N..bridg. Rd. SIBarter l.. Hicksvill. 17 , 500 19~1 13 NSC Hicksvill. PI.z. NIOld Country EIH..d Ave. Hicksville 26, ~OO 1956 14 NSC C.o!er Shops Austin Drugs NIOld Couotry N/I06 Hictsvill. .69, ~OO I9~4 27 NSC H.rsh.lIs NIPI.invi.. Rd. N/S. Oyster B.y Hicksvill. 39,~00 1962 10 D841PETERIRETAllH SHOPPING.RPT TN8YTYPN.DRY Page No. 9 NASSAU COUNTY SHOPPING CENTERS AND CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS - NOVENBER I, 1990 TOTAL SoUARE YEAR TYPE CENTER NANE ANCHOR STORES STREETI STREET2 CoNNUNIIY FOOTAGE OPENED STORES NSC Noodbury Center Staples, Noodbury lanes SINoodbuury Rd. NIS. Oyster 8ay Hicksvi lie 51,500 1961 11 NSC Broad.ay Plaza N/Broad.ay N/le.is St. Hiclsville 26,500 1m 9 NSC Allied S.C. N/Jerusale. Ave S/Ninding Rd. Hiclsville 29,500 1954 IB NSC Nestbury S.C. N/25 E/Greentrl!1! [ir Jericho 26,000 1951 13 NSC N/8road.ay S/Northern Phy Jericho 61,000 1m 10 NSC Syosset Centre Jewelry E.poriul 5/25 N/S. Oyster Bay locust Grove 28,500 1~56 20 NSC Nuttonto.n PlaIa sm N/Nichael Dr. locust Grove 20,500 m9 B NSC Ne..arl , Le.is 5/25 NIGreenfield Rd Locust Grove IB,OOO <1970 3 NSC EIBirch HiIl Rd S/lindbergh 51. Locust Valley 23,000 1m 12 . NSC 5/Forest Ave. E/Neir La. locust VaIley 26,000 8 NSC Village Square Plaza king Kullen E/Hictsville Rd N/Nerricl Rd. N"sapequa 26,000 1\53 IS N5C Roclbollo. S/Jerusal.. Ave NlHiclsville Rd N"sapequa 29,500 1910 5 NSC Nassapequ. P.rl S.C. Key Food N/Parl Blvd. S/Clarl Blvd. N"sapequ. Pari 19,500 m5 6 NSC Locust V.Iley 5hoppes Oyster B.y Rd. NIUnderhiIl Rd. "atinecod 21,500 11 NSC Nassapequa Plaza NaIdbau'5, Consulers, Mandel! E/Hiclsville Rd N/Jerusale. Ave N N"sapequa 10,000 1913 13 NSC Holiday Pari 5.C. Narshalls, A , P N/Hiclsville Rd N/Jerusale. Ave N N"sapequa BO,OOO 1961 18 N5C Calvert Nanor 5.C. Behr's N/Hiclsvi lie Rd 5/00g.00d La, N N"sapequa 29,000 1m 20 NSC N/Hiclsville Rd N/Dulf PI. N N"sapequ. 32,000 1955 IB NSC United Slates N/Hiclsville Rd Opp, N/5ulfoll N N"sapequ. 2B,OOO 1961 6 NSC Old 8elhp.ge S.C. EIOld Bethp.ge 5/H.ypath Rd. Old Bethp.ge 55,000 1m 21 NSC Pari Plaz. N/Glen Cove Rd. S/Glen He.d Rd. Old Broolville 45,000 1913 12 N5C Pine Hollo. S.C. E/Pine Hollo. N/Peerless Dr. Oyster Bay 61,500 1960 14 N5C N/H..pste.d Tpl EIIOI Plainedge 62,000 11 N5C Plainedge S.L S/He.pste.d Tpl NIIOI PI.inedge 61,500 1980 13 NSC N/Hiclsville Rd N/lris PI. Plainedge 18,500 1953 9 N5C Norton Vill.ge S.C. N/Old Country EIRe, PI. Plainvil!M 81,500 1956 11 . NSC 5/0ld Country NIPallon Pl. Plainvil!N 24,500 1953 10 N5C SIOld Country E/PI.invie. Rd. PlainvieM 54,000 1961 11 NSC Washington Ave. Plaza S/N"hington E/Nanello HiIl PlainvieM 12,500 1915 8 N5C N/Nanello Hi 11 5/Coun try Or. PlainvieN 33,000 1956 17 NSC N.netto Hill Pial. Naldbau.s, 5uper I N/N.nello Hi 11 N/Country Drive PlainvieM 11,000 1%9 25 NSC Triangle Plaza E/Nain St. SIRR Tracls S Faroingdale 30,000 1989 0 N5C 5id Farber S.C. E/Nerrills Rd. 5/Fall.ood Pk.y 5 Far.ingdale 55,500 1m 17 N5C County Line S.C. Key Food S/Great Necl Rd EICar.ans Rd. 5 Faroingdale 36,500 1951 19 N5C S/He.pstead Tpl E ,N/E"t Gate 5 Far.ingdale 35,000 1951 11 NSC N/Nerritts Rd. N/Cort PI. S f.roingdale 21,000 1955 14 N5C Nohring Plaza N/Glen Cove Av. 5/Do.ning Ave. Se. Cliff 13,000 1m 9 NSC Austin Drugs E/Jaclson Ave. SlIra Rd. Syosset 15,500 1954 11 N5C N/25 E/Jaclson Ave. Syosset 30,500 19B4 1 D84\PETERIRETAILN SHOPPING.RPT TNBYlYPN .oRY Page No. 10 NASSAU COUNTY SHOPPING CENTERS AND CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS - NOVENBER 1, 1990 TOTAL SOUARE YEAR TYPE CENTER NANE ANCHOR STORES STREET! STREET2 CONNUNITY FOOTAGE OPENED STORES NSC Syoss.t Plaza Nm N/C.dar St. Syoss.t 4B,000 1990 19 NSC Trun. Food C.nt.r Nllra Rd. EIJackson Av.. Syoss.t 31,500 1961 6 NSC Noodbury COOlon N/25 EINoodbury Rd. Noodbury 50,500 1m 3B NSC Country Square Nm NINoodbury Rd. Noodbury 14,500 1m II. NSC Noodbury Nail Finast N/25 EISouth Noods Noudbury 41,500 1979 12 NSC Turnbury COllons Nm NINoodbury Rd. Noodbury 33,500 11B6 22 NSC J.richo PI. at Woodbury NI25 NIWoodbury Rd. Noodbury 25,000 . 11B6 19 NSC S.r.ndipity at Noodbury sm E/Piqu.ts La. Noodbury 20,000 11B6 11 NSC SEINoodbury Rd. SIRR Tracks Noodbury 30,000 UC19B9 0 . SSC S/C.ntral Avo. EISchoror St. B.thpag. 1,000 1114 5 SSC N/Norrick Rd. N/Juludo. Dr. E Nassap.qua 9,500 11'14 6 SSC NIOystor Bay Rd S/Ha.thorn. Rd. East Nor.ich 1,500 1m 5 SSC C.ntral Plaza E/GI.n Covo Avo NIC.ntraIDr. GI.n H..d 9,500 1\2B 6 SSC E/Broad.ay N/B.thpag. Rd. Hicksvill. 12,000 1\69 5 SSC E/Broad.ay S/Burk. St. Hicksvill. 3,000 1I5B 5 SSC L.vitto.n Pk.y Viii Grn EIL.vitto.n Pky S/Blu.b.rry La. Hicksvill. 12,000 1951 13 SSC Antuns NIOld Country Dpp, E/Nonro. Hicksvill. 20,000 6 SSC SIOld Country E/Nonro. Avo. Hicksvill. 20,500 1151 11 SSC Tower Plaza N/N..bridg. Rd. N/St..art Avo. Hicksvill. 1,000 19B4 4 SSC NINoodbury Rd. SN/V.nus Rd. Locust Grov! 10,000 1161 1 SSC A.S.P. Nini Pla.a 5/25 E/Gre.nfi.ld Rd Locust Grove 8,000 IIB3 1 SSC NIForest Avo. NIBirch Hill Rd Locust Vall.y 4,000 19B4 5 SSC S/For"t Avo. NIFourth St. Locust Vall.y 4,500 1964 4 SSC Broad.ay Plaza EIBroad.ay NIBaHilor. Av. "assap.qua 8,500 19B6 10 SSC NIJorusal," Avo E/N.C.ntral Av. "assapequa 6,500 1956 5 SSC NINorrick Rd. E1S..ford Avo. "assapequa 12,500 1971 15 . SSC SINorrick Rd. N/Bayvi.. Avo. "assapequa 10,000 1957 9 SSC SIN.rrick Rd. EINest End Avo. tlassapequa 8,000 1953 1 SSC Sunrise Plaza SISunr i50 H.y. WI Brooklyn Av.. Nassap.qua Park 1,000 19B6 1 SSC NIBoundary Avo. Opp/N. Broad.ay Plain.dg. B,OOO 1956 B SSC N/Hupst..d Tpk EIDolphin Dr. Plain.dg. 6,500 1956 4 SSC Th. Nark.tolac. NIOld Country W/Napl. Ct. PlainvieM 7,000 1960 7 SSC NIOld Country II/Universal PlainvieM 13,000 <19BO 10 SSC NINoodbury Rd. E/S. Oystor Bay PlainvieM B,500 19B6 B SSC Old Country C.nt.r SIOld Country E/BarnuI Avo. PlainvieN 12,500 191B 9 SSC ElN.rrits Rd. N/Notor Avo. 5 Farlingdal. 9,000 19B4 1 SSC NlNain St. SlIntorval. 5 Farlingdal. 4,500 1956 5 SSC GI.n Plaza N/GI.n Covo Av. SIGI.nola Avo. 5.. Cliff " 3,500 1981 4 SSC E/Berry Hit 1 Rd NISyst-Cold Spr Syoss.t 9,000 1973 5 DB4\PETER\RETA1L~ SHOPPING.RPT TN8Y1YP~.ORY Pago No. 11 NASSAU COUNTY SHOPPING CENTERS AND CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS - NOVENBER 1, 1990 TOTAL SOUARE YEAR TYPE CENTER NANE ANCHOR STORES STREETI STREH2 CONNUNITY FOOTAGE OPENED STORES SSC EIJadson Avo. N/25 Syosso1 10,500 1'164 9 SSC NIJackson Avo. NI25 Syossot 4,000 1'154 4 SSC Syossot Villago Plaza NIOystor Bay Rd SIChunh 51. Syossot 11,000 I'1B2 9 SSC 55 Plaza NIOY5tor Bay Rd SIChunh St. Syossot 10,000 I'IBB 7 SSC SINonick Rd. NICar... Blvd. N Aoilyvil1o 14,000 1'166 9 SSC Woodbury COMlon Corner NI25 NINoodbury Rd. Noodbury 6,000 3 SSC NINoodbury Rd. SIRR Tracks Noodbury 10,000 19B9 7 . . DB4\PETERIRETAIlN SHOPPING.RPT TNBYTYPI/.ORY Page No. SUFFOLK COUNTY SHOPPING CENTERS ANO CENTRAL BUSINESS OISTRICTS - NOVE"BER I, 1990 TOTAL SOUARE YEAR TYPE CENTER Nm ANCHOR STORES STREETI STREET2 COM"UN I1Y FOOTAGE OPENED ACRES STORES TDNN OF BA: CSC loeh~ann's Plaza Price Club, Filene's, Jack Lalane S/Sunrise EIBay Vie. Copiague 130,000 19B6 24.6 25 CSC Hooe Depot Hooe Depot EIIlO N/"ilbar Blvd. E Faroingdale 100,000 ucmo U I CSC B J's B J's N/Slith SI. NINe. High.ay E Farlingdale 107,500 ms 9.4 1 CSC Levi tz Levitz S/Price Pk.y. NIIlO [ Farlinqdale 166,000. 15.2 1 CSC Sunset Plaza KK,Genovesf,WoolMorth,Pier 1 Imports NIDeer Park SINoods N Babylon 165,000 1m 16.5 35 CSC Sunrise PJaza "arshalls, ll, RocHottol, "eat FariS E/Well.ood N/Sunrise N Lindenhurst 222,000 (1170 20,B 57 CSC Great South Bay S.C. Caldor, NoolMorth, JC Penny, Pergalent Nf27A W/Brootvale W Babylon 550,000 1957 46.6 35 . CSC Rickel, Path.ark, Cheap Johns Nf27A W/Bearh.ood W Babylon 155,500 1m 13.6 15 CSC IvacantllFuture Ilart-19901 Sf27A '''"uncie M Babylon IBS,OOO 1m 12.6 1 NCBO IAlilyville CBDI BroadMay SIRR Alityville IB7,000 15.7 110 NCBO IBabylon CBDI "'in SI. Deer Park Ave. Babylon 302,500 24.6 17B NCBD ICopiague CBDI Grea t Ned Rd. Oak St. Copiague 63,000 6.7 45 NCBO IDeer Park CBDI Deer Park Ave. N/Grand Blvd. Deer Park 70,000 6.3 50 NCBO ILindenhurst CBOI Melloood Ave. Hofhan Ave. Lindenhurst 209,000 IS.B 123 NCBD INorth Babylon CBDI Deer Park Ave. N/Pick.ick La. N Babylon 33,500 4.4 24 NCBO IWyandaneh CBDI Straight Path Acorn St. Wyandaneh 63,000 9.0 45 NSC Snug Harbor Square Finast Sf27A EIBayvie. Alilyville 47,000 mB 5.7 16 NSC "errined S.C. Heat FariS, McCrory Sf27A WIS Great Neck Copiague SB,500 (1970 4.6 12 NSC Pathlark S/Sunrise WIStrght Path Copiague 47,500 <1770 B.O 10 NSC Pioneer Carpet E/Collark NIL. I. Deer Park 21,500 1976 2.0 5 NSC Waldbauls W/Deer Park Dpp/Sch.artz O,er Park 3B,000 (1970 3.B II NSC Deer Park Shopping Plaza Tid Tod Drugs W/Deer Park Dpp/Sch.arlz Deer Park 31,500 (1970 2.B II NSC Deer Hills S.C. WIDe.. Part N/Clarnont Deer Park 26,000 1970 1.9 12 NSC Sherwood Plaza Staples, lauflan Carpet EIIlO S/Sher.ood E Farlingdale 35,500 mB 2.9 B . NSC Sea.an's Furniture EIIlO N/Schlidt Blvd. E Farlingdale 70,000 0.0 2 NSC Bi-County Plaza King Kullen, Genovese Nf109 E/Caruns E Farlingdale 70,000 19B2 5.5 17 NSC "acy's Furniture Store WIIIO N/Price E Farlingdale B2,SOO (1970 6.7 7 NSC King Kullen, Genovese WIPart N/27A lindenhurst 45,000 198B 16.7 13 NSC Cheap Johns EIIIO S/Nathalie N Alit"itle 29,000 1m 2.9 14 NSC Pathlart, Aid Auto Stores EIDeer Part SINeets N Babylon 94,000 <1970 B.l 19 NSC Mid-Island Dept. Stores, Cheap Johns EIOeer Park S/Neets N Babylon 53,500 (1970 3.9 4 NSC Slables Shopping Plaza EIDeer Part S/"oha.k N Babylon 44,500 (1970 U IB NSC Deer Shore Square Meat FariS, Marshall; E/De.. Part Ave SIBay Shore Rd. N Babylon 54,500 (1970 5.1 B NSC Finast, Roctbottol NIDeer Part SIVaneott N Babylon 69,500 1m 5.2 13 NSC Babylon Gallery (vacanti EI109 S/"illard N Baby Ion 4B,500 (1970 2.2 13 NSC Consullers N/27A EIBrootva I e W Babylon IB,OOO (1910 1.3 2 DB41PETERIRETAILS SHOPPING.RPT TNBYlYPE. DRY Pag. No. 2 SUFFOLK COUNT' SHOPPING CENTERS AND CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS - NOVENBER I, 1990 TOTAL SOUARE m,R TYPE CENTER NANE ANCHOR STORES STREEII STREET2 CONNUN JIY FOOTAGE OPEIIEO ACRES STORES NSC Naldbauls, Brooks Pharlacy NISunris. NIHubbards N Babylon 5B,500 19i'3 6.5 15 NSC Shopr il. NI109 NIEd.1 N Babylon 76,000 19i3 9.0 17 NSC I..cantl EISlraighl Path N/Accrn Nyandanch 21,000 (1970 1.5 , 11 NSC Nh.all.y Holloo S.C. SIColonial Sprg EICircl. Nyandanch 31,500 1m 3.0 20 SSC N127A EIPark Alilyvill. 13,000 W'70 0.9 7 SSC Bay Villag. PlaIa N127A EIBayvi.o Alityville 7,000 .19119 0.7 7 SSC Oc.an Av.. S.C. S127A NIOc.an Alilyville 12,500 (1970 0.7 8 SSC Alil, Nail S127A EIS. K.lchal Alilyvill. 8,500 1907 0.8 15 . SSC Babylon's E. End Shopp.s NI27A EICoop.r Babylon 9,500 19U7 0.9 12 SSC NIJohn OpplP.arsall Babylon 7,500 19i'5 0.5 5 SSC P.lor Square S127A EIFir. Is Babylon 9,000 1906 O.B 9 SSC Copiagu. Pia" NI27A NISt. Anns Copiagu. 3,500 19114 0.3 4 SSC S127A NINilson Copiagu. 2,000 1904 0.2 4 SSC S127A EICoolidg. Copiagu. 7,000 <1970 0.4 6 SSC S127A NICool idg. Copiagu. 4,500 (1970 0.3 5 SSC N.rr in.ck II 5 127 A EiBaylaon Copiagu. 7,000 19B5 0.6 6 SSC 990 PI..a S127A EIS.Gr.al Nk Copiagu. 4,000 (1970 0.3 4 SSC Copiague Co..ons S127A EIS.Greal Nk Copiagu. 6,000 19BB 0.6 11 SSC 1195 North East PlaIa Aid Auto Stor.s SISunris. Hoy. NIB.thpag. Copiagu. B,500 198B O.B 4 SSC SISunris. Hoy. EIB.thpag. Copiagu. 17,500 (1970 1.1 3 SSC 1635 NIGr.at N.ck Rd NIHollyoood Copiagu. 7,000 19B9 0.7 B SSC EIBay Shor. Rd. NIBrook Av.. O..r Park 3,000 0.0 4 SSC North Fork Bank PlaIa EICollack Rd. SIGrand Blvd. O..r Park 10,000 UC1990 0.0 B SSC Deer Park Center EIO..r Pari NIN.ston O..r Park 14,500 (1970 0.9 12 SSC EIO..r Park SIRR Tracks D..r Park 7,500 (1970 0.5 6 . SSC NIBay Shor. EIO..r Park O..r Park 9,000 (1970 O.B 5 SSC NlBay Shor. EICarlls O..r Park 9,500 (1970 O.B 9 SSC CrOMn NIBay Shore EIColuck O..r Park 9,500 19B7 0.9 7 SSC Grand Concourse Plaza NIGrand Blvd. NIBrandyoin. Dr O..r Park B,OOO 1989 0.0 10 SSC NIL. I. Av.. EfNright Av.. O..r Park 3,000 0.0 4 SSC NIL.I. El1rving O..r Park 6,000 <1970 0.7 6 SSC Glory S.C. SIGrand NIColoack O..r Park B,OOO 1986 O.B 7 SSC O..r Nac S.C. NICollack NiL.l. O.or Park 16,000 1974 1.9 12 SSC EIIlO SISlilh E Farlingdal. 20,000 1geB 1.5 9 SSC 110 PI..a EIIlO N/Sh.roood Av.. E Farlingdal. 14,000 0.0 7 SSC SI109 N/Soulhrn Pkoy. E Farlingdal. 13,500 (1970 0.9 5 SSC Univ.rsity Shops SIN.lvill. E/AI...nd.r E Farlingdal. 14,000 1m 1.4 10 SSC Narin. S.C. Island Fans N/27A NIO.laoar. Lind.nhurst 15,500 (11'70 1.2 9 OB4\PETERIRETAILS SHOPPING.RPT TNBYIIPE-GRY Pag' No. 3 SUFFOLK COUNTY SHOPPINB CENTERS AND CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS - NDVENBER I, 1990 TOTAL SDUARE YEAR TYPE CENTER NANE ANCHOR STORES STREETI STREET2 CONNUN ITY FDOTABE OPENED ACRES STORES SSC N/27A E/S. 2nd Lind,nhurst 11 ,000 1m 0.6 6 SSC DelaMare Plaza NI27A E/D.laoare Lind.nhurst 9,000 11B6 O.B 11 SSC NI27A N/S. 3rd lindenhurst 4,000 I1B4 0.4 5 SSC Nar an Plaza NI27A N/Park Lind.nhurst 7,000 (1970 0.5 7 SSC Villag. S.aport Plaza NI27A E/S. Bth Lind.nhurs t 6,000 I1B7 0.6 10 SSC S/Sunrise Hoy. E/Straight Path lindenhurst 3,000 (1970 O.B 6 SSC N/Breat Neck EIAlbany N A.ilyvill. 11,500 ((170 O.B 5 SSC Copiagu. Plaza N/Sunr i 51! Hwy. N/Ocean N A.ityvill. 11 ,000 19B9 1.4 7 . SSC E/O"r Park SIScott N Babylon B,OOO 1m 0.7 B SSC E/D"r Park N/Nohaok N Baby Ion 1,500 (1170 0.5 6 SSC N/D"r Park N/Prairi. N Babylon 3,500 (1170 0.2 4 SSC Sp.ll.an . Son C.nt.r N/D"r Park N/Barn.t N Babylon B,OOO <1170 1.1 7 SSC 5/109 E/Strght Path N Lind.nhurst 9,000 <1170 0.6 10 SSC S/Sunrise Hoy. N/Du"ns H Lind.nhurst 3,500 (1'170 0.4 4 SSC S/Sunrise Hoy. N/Clinton H Lind.nhurst J7 ,000 (1970 0.5 5 SSC S/Sunrise Hoy. N/H. Rich.ond H Lind.nhurst 6,000 19B9 0.0 4 SSC Wellwood Co..ons N/N.lloood N/Heathcot. H Lind.nhurst 1,000 1964 O.B B SSC N/N.lIoood Av.. H/Nari. 51. H Lind.nhurst 3,000 0.0 4 SSC E/Brookval. H/27A N Babylon 1,000 <1170 0.4 7 SSC Br.at East N.ck Plaza E/Breat E Nk 5/101 N Baby Ion B,OOO 1971 O.B 10 SSC E/Litll. E N.d S/Clar..ont N Babylon 4,000 <1170 0.2 4 SSC EILi tll. E Heck N/Lexington N Babylon 3,000 <1170 0.4 6 . SSC E/Littl. E Heck S/Ch.lsea N Babylon 3,500 <1'170 0.3 4 SSC E/Straight Path SlI5th N Babylon 10,000 <1170 0.4 7 SSC HI101 N/Strght Path N Babylon B,500 <1'/70 0.4 5 SSC South Island Plaza HISunrise Hoy. EIFarber N Babylon 6,000 19B1 O.B 5 . SSC Forest S.C. NISunrise Hoy. EIFarber N Babylon 7,500 197B O.B 6 SSC SISunr i se Hoy. E/Bolding N Babylon 5,500 1967 0.5 4 SSC S/Sunrise Hoy. N/Bolding N Babylon 9,500 <1'170 0.6 5 SSC Shane' Ii S/Sunr i se Hoy. E/B.I.ont N Babylon 19,000 <1170 1.2 4 SSC Pedone Plaza S/Sunris! Hwy. N/Chance PI. N Babylon 6,000 0.0 5 SSC EI.oood Plaza N/101 N/Elooood N Babylon B,OOO 11B1 0.1 7 SSC B,I.ont Plaza N/B.I.ont S/Nyandanch N Babylon 10,000 11B6 1.J B SSC N/6reat Neck Rd HIArnold Ave. N Babylon 10,000 0.0 6 SSC N/Litll. E Neck Nllst N Babylon 7,500 <1170 0.6 B SSC N/Littl. E Heck S/5th N Babylon 4,500 <1170 0.3 4 SSC N/Littl. E Neck HI1th N Babylon 6,000 (1970 0.3 1 SSC N/Liltl. E Necl Opp,N/Baur St. N Babylon 5,000 0.0 4 OB41PETERIRETAILS SHOPPINB.RPT TNBYTYPE.DRY Page No. 4 SUFFOll COUNTY SHOPPING CENTERS AND CENTRAL SUSINESS DISTRICTS - NOVENSER 1, 1990 TOTAL SOUARE YEAR lYPE CENTER NANE ANCHOR STORES STREET! STREET2 CONNUN ITY FOOTAGE OPENED ACRES STORES SSC MIStraight Path S 11m M Sabylon 7,500 (1970 0.7 S SSC EIStraight Path NIBooker Myandanch 4,500 (1970 0.3 S SSC EIStraight Path NIOavidson Ave. Myandanch 6,000 UC1990 0.0 5 TOMN OF BR: cm IPatchogue CBOI Sweezy's, Nid-Island Dept. Nontauk Hwy. Ocean Ave. Patchogue 340,000 36.3 200 CSC Nodell's Center each Nail Perga.ent,NDdeII's,ling lullen,Superl NI25 EINark Tree Cenhrrach 459,500 1973 41.4 101 . CSC Selden Plaza Rickel, Naldbauls, leewards NI25 MIC.R.Sl Cora. IB5,500 197B 26.3 46 CSC Cora. Plaza Caldor, Path.ark, Consulers S/25 EIGrand S.ith Coral 23B,500 1969 24.9 39 CSC Caldof, Genovese, KK NI27A EIC.R.I01 E PatchDgue 147,500 1m 12.3 4 CSC S~an Nursery [o..ons Maldbau.s, Malgreens NI27A Ellake Drive E PatchDgue 122,000 1970 14.0 37 CSC HD.e Depot HD.e Depot NISunrise EI112 E PatchDgue 135,000 1960 7.5 3 CSC Sterns, Yield House NI25 EINDriches lake GrDve 155,000 <1970 13.2 3 CSC loeh.ann's Plaza LoehMann's, Rockbotto~, Jack LaLan! SI25 EINDriches lake Grove 130,000 19<36 32.5 26 CSC S.ithaven Plaza TDYs R Us, Service Nerchandise, NBO SI347 MINDriches Rd. lake Grove 103,000 1910 14.B 13 CSC C.ldDr Plaza CaldDr, ling lul1en, Rite Aid EIRDnkonkD" N/Division lake RonkDnkD" 132,000 1971 11.2 9 CSC lake ShDre Plaza Waldbauls, Genovese NIPortion MICenaele lake RonkDnkD" 230,000 19lB 26.7 IB CSC IvacantllFuture l.art-19901 NI25 EfCurrans Niddle Island 123,500 19\6 16.3 I CSC Strathlore [ollons Plaza ling lullen, Aid AutD StDres NI25 EIMDodvil1e Rd. Niddle Island 139,000 UC19B9 16.3 55 cst ShDppers Na II Globe Nart, Anchor Savings Sank S/25 OpplSt .Nargaret Niddle Island 120,000 (1170 16.2 2 CSC Nount Sinai S.C. King Kullen, Genovese SI341 EICrystal BrDDk NDunt Sinai 135,000 1919 14.b 34 CSC Sunshine Nall Finist, neCrory, Genovese EIC.R.IOI NISDuthaven Ave N SellpDrt 200,000 193B 24.0 49 CSC GateHay Plaz. Pergalent,Marshalls,Service nerch,Wiz N/Sunrise MIM.verly Ave. N PatchDgue 2bO,000 193B 36.1 2B CSC Sun Mave Plaza Waldbau,s,PI'YHDrld,RDckbDttD',US I SISunrise Mlhverly Ave. N Patchogue 101,000 1911 ll.7 20 . CSC NeseDnset S.C. (vacanti, US I, Jeffrey's NI341 MlTerryvi lle Rd PDrt JeffersDn Sta 104,500 1911 11.5 32 CSC Perga.ent, Path..rk, Nid-Island Dept. SI341 EICanaI Rd. PDrt JeffersDn Sta 110,000 1973 10.6 3 cst Jefferson ShDpping Plaza Meat FariS, Woolworth's MI1l2 SIChereb la. PDrt Jefferson Sta 112,000 (1170 10.2 33 CSC PDint Plaza Genovese, Caldor, King lull!n, Frank's SI25A WIRocky Point RDcky PDint 219,000 1973 21.1 2B CSC College PI.za II, GenDvese, Child WDrld, Narshalls NI25 EIBDyle Selden 170,000 1975 24.1 24 CSC Suffoll Plaza Maldbau.s, lays Drug Nart NI347 MIOld TDHn Rd. Setauket-E Set 110,000 1965 11.3 16 CSC Millia. FIDyd PI.za lK, Genovese, Cheap Johns, NcCrDry EIMilli.. F1Dyd NISeaeDn St. Shirley 155,000 1977 20.3 35 CSC South PDrt C.ldDr, Maldbau.s NI27A EIGrand Ave. Shirley 215,000 1990 29.2 24 CSC Shirley NaIl Path.ark, Consulers SI27A MIMilli.. FIDyd Shirley 110,000 19B1 12.2 27 CSC BroDktDHn ShDpping Plaza rtarshalls, Rickel, BOMI, Maldb.ulS NI347 MIHallock Rd. Stony BroDk 25B,000 1970 37 .1 2B NCSD ISellport CBDI S. CDuntry Rd. SellpDrt I.. BellpDrt 73,000 5.6 52 NCSD (Center NDriches CBDI NDntauk HHY, EIChichester Av Center rtoriches 71,500 B.3 51 NCBD lEast NDriches CBDI Nontauk Hwy. Pine SI. E NDriches 2B,000 b.7 20 DS41PETERIRETAIlS SHDPPING.RPT TNBYTYPE. DRY Page No. 5 SUFFOLK COUNTY SHOPPING CENTERS ANO CENTRAL BUSINESS OISTRICTS - NOVENBER 1, 1990 TOTAL SOU ARE YEAR TYPE CENTER NANE ANCHOR STORES STREETI STREET2 CON"UN ITY FOOTAGE OPEl/EO ACRES STORES NCBO IEasl Palchogu. CBDI Montauk H.y. E/Grove Ave. E Palchogu. 36,500 6.1 26 NCBD IEaslpor! CBDI Nonlauk H.y. EIUnion 51. Easlporl 35,000 10.9 25 NCBD llak. Ronkonlo.a CBDI Ha",Uns Ave. SIPortion Rd. Lake Ronkonkou 4/,500 6.8 14 IICBD IRonkonko.. CBDI Railroad Ave. iii/Hawkins Ave. lake Ronkonkou 31,000 0.0 22 NCBD IMaslic B.ach CBDI N.ighborhood Rd EINoodsid. Rd. "astir Beach 56,000 6.2 40 NCBD IPort J.ff.rson Sta CBDI Raul. 25A NIRR Tracks Pori J.fferson 5/,500 3.6 41 NCBD IPort J.ff,rson CBDI Raul. 25A E. Nain 51. Pori J.ff.rson 212,000 IB.9 160 NCBD IRocky Poinl CBDI Broadlrlay NIRoul. 25A Rody Poinl 52,000 5.6 31 . NCBD IEasl S,lauk,1 CBD! Rout. 25A E/Bre.sler la. S.lauk.I-E 5.1 24,000 4.1 11 NSC Super Saver NIS. Country OppIA"d..y B,lIport 13,000 <19/0 2.9 2 NSC King lullen N/2/A N/B,II Blu, Point 31 ,500 <1910 3.B 10 NSC Cheap Johns N/2/A N/Clinlon C,nlor Norich.. 12,500 <19/0 1.4 2 NSC Center noriches Square King lullen, Nool)lorth SmA Nllale Center l10riches /0,000 (1'110 /./ 14 NSC Centereach Plaza N/25 E/N. Ho.,1I Centereach 16,500 <19/0 2.0 9 NSC Harrow's N/25 NIEast.ood C,nlereach 50,000 <19/0 3.6 9 NSC AlP, Mid-Island D'Pl. SIor,s 5125 N/PI....nl Centereach 80,000 1914 10.4 12 NSC Neat FariS 5/25 EIHors, Blod Centereach 34,500 (19/0 3.3 5 NSC Allantic Plaza 5/25 E/S. Col..an Centereach 31,500 19B6 5.3 6 NSC Cheap Johns, US I, Blockbuster Video 5/25 EIHolbrook Centereach 6B,500 <19/0 9.7 17 NSC Park Hill C,nt.r 5125 EIPark Hi II Centereach 31,500 (1970 3.1 14 NSC US 1 Plaza US I, Joyc, L,sli, E/1I2 N/25 Coraa 27,500 1973 1.9 4 NSC Tanglelrlood COllons 8rite.ay E/1I2 N/Barone Coral 60,000 19B9 7.7 22 NSC Coraa [omlcns Frank's EI1I2 Nl4th Coral 36,500 1973 5.5 18 NSC Plaza 99 S.C. N/25 N/Nartin Cora. 24,000 1985 3.4 1/ NSC Shoppes of S,lden 5/25 E/C.R.B3 Cora. 23,000 19B8 2.6 16 NSC langle.ood Hills S.C. Penn Furniture, Pine Cioeu N/112 S/Pi" Coral 90,000 19/3 12.0 26 . NSC 112 Shopping Plaza EI1I2 5/110rri5 E Palchogu, 20,000 1912 2.1 IB NSC (vacant! NmA NISchoenf,ld E Palchogu. 18,000 (19/0 2.1 1 NSC Easl Main Shopping Plaza SmA E!Evergreen E Palchogu, 26,000 1986 2.9 23 NSC Shoreha. Plaza N/25A OppIG'org' E Shoreh.. 32,500 1980 5.0 25 NSC King Kullen, Genovese N/2/A E/S. Country Easlport 48,000 19BO 6.9 11 NSC Coll'g' Plaza Waldbauls. Genovese N/Horse Block E/Waverly Fareingville 82,500 1912 10.1 22 NSC fri County (vacanll N/Horse Block OpplOriol, Farlingville 50,000 1973 4.3 9 NSC A.erican Arcade Unique Physique NIPorlion Rd. N/S. Ho.ell Farlingvill' 25,000 19B9 4.0 10 NSC liffany Plaza NIPortion Rd. W/"orris Farlingvill, 60,000 UC19B9 5.3 30 NSC l.r, Business Center l.r. HOle Furnishing Center NIPortion Rd. E/Soulh Ho.,11 Farlingville 85,000 1990 7.0 11 NSC Express.ay Plala Shopril" CVS S/Horse Block N/North Ocean Farlingville 14,500 1979 38.5 11 NSC RonkonkoM' COlmons Blockbust,r Vid,o S/Portion Rd. E/8ayberry Rd. Holbrook 30,000 19E9 3.4 18 DB4\PEIER\RETAILS SHOPP I N6. RP T TNBYlYPE. DRY Page No. 6 SUFFOll COUNIY SHOPPING CENIERS AND CENTRAL BUSINESS DISIRICIS - NDYE"BER I, 1990 TOIAl SOUARE YE,1R IYPE CENIER NA"E ANCHOR SIORES SIREElI STREH2 CO~"UN IIY FOOTAGE OPEI~ED ACRES STORES NSC A . P SIUnion Ave. N/"ain St. Holbrook 40,500 1914 4.6 B NSC lake Grove Shops N/25 EISlony Brook lake Grove 30,500 1979 3.4 15 NSC lake Grove S.C. Georgetown nanor,Burlington Coat Fact. 5/25 NIH"Uns Ave. lake Grove 68,500 <1/70 6.3 10 NSC A . P E/HaNUns S/Galolol lake Ronkonko.a 47,500 1975 5.9 15 NSC lake Ronkonko.a S.C. Cheap Johns, Aid Auto Slores SIPorlion EIFosler lake Ronkonko.. B5,000 <1170 7.9 23 NSC "andee N/Ronkonko.. Opp,N/Division lake Ronkonko.. 20,000 1996 2.3 9 NSC "anarch Center N/27A Opp, E/loois Av ~aslic 30,000 UCI990 0.0 20 NSC Naldbau.s SI27A NIOld Neck "astic 52,000 1974 6.7 B . NSC Counly liquidalors 5 127 A EI"aslic Rd. "astie 41,500 1973 5.6 15 NSC ling lullen al "edford King Kullen, Genovese EI1I2 SIHorse Block ~edford 93,500 1986 12.6 21 NSC "edford Plaza Cheap Johns NIHorse Block NIEagle Ave. ~edford 56,500 (1970 6.8 15 NSC "eal Faras N/Il2 NIPark Ave. Nedford 26,000 1m 3.7 4 NSC 112 Express.ay Plaza Aid Auto Slores, Norld Gy. N/Il2 S/N"er I y A,e. ~edford 32,000 1986 3.3 14 NSC 112 Co..ons Tiffany Dinetles NII12 N/Central Ave. Nedford 22,000 1986 2.2 10 NSC "iddle Island Plaza King Kullen, Genovese 5/25 E/Yap.-"id.ls. Niddle Island 6B,000 1977 10.B 20 NSC A . P, Geno,ese N/25A N/Ni1ler Place ~iller Place 59,000 1973 B.I 10 NSC North Counlry Plz Unique Physique Fitne~5 Center N/25A NI"iller Place Ni lIer Place 60,000 1986 7.3 27 NSC North Shore Nail N/25A EIPipe Slave ~iller Place 17,500 1984 7.7 17 NSC N/25A NIOak land Ave. ~iller Place 30,000 1989 2.2 12 NSC Norlhgale Plaza N125A NIHighland A,e. Nount Sinai 23,500 1907 2.9 19 NSC Wedgewood Square Plaza N/25A E/Crysll Brook nount Sinai 25,000 197B 2.6 13 NSC N/27A N/Slalion Rd. N Bellport 16,500 <1770 0.9 11 NSC Na,erly Plaza ling lullen, Genovese N/Sunrise N/Naverly Ave. N Pa Ichogue 89,000 1978 10.8 26 NSC Yillage Square N/27A Opp, NIRai I road Patchogue 27,000 UC1990 2.5 14 NSC N/27A E/Rose Ave. Patchogue 24,000 0.0 5 . NSC COllons 5/347 NlTerryville Rd Pori Jefferso. Sla 40,000 19115 6.4 27 NSC Three Roads Plaza Grand Union S/Cana I Rd. E/1I2 Pori Jefferson Sla 53,500 19/3 6.B 14 NSC Arcade Plaza Foadlo"", "andee, CYS N/1I2 NN/Bicycle Pth Pori Jefferson Sla 59,500 nn 9.3 24 NSC Jefferson Park N/Il2 NN/Jayne Blvd. Pori Jefferson Sla 24,000 19115 2.B 15 NSC Genovese, (vacant) N/Jayne N/Old 10Nn Port Jefferson Sta 53,000 (1'170 6.3 14 NSC SI25A EIRocky Poinl Rocky Point 47,500 <1'/70 3.0 10 NSC Country Corners 5/25 E/College Seide. 21,000 19/3 2.3 13 NSC Nestfield S.C. Cheap Johns, Aid Auto Slores 5/25 EI81ue Point Selden 46,500 19"2 5.3 11 NSC Niddle Counlry Plaza One Price Fashions 5/25 NIBlue Point Rd Selden 30,000 19110 3.3 16 NSC Pori Haven Plaza Cheap Johns, Shoppers Narl NI347 NIOld TONn Rd. Selauket-E Sel 60,000 (11/70 9.6 11 NSC 810ckbuster Video N/347 N/ArroNhead la. Selauket-E Sel 16,000 UC1990 0.0 0 NSC Nesl S.L King kullen, Genovese S/25A EIHills Dr. Selaukel-E Sel 40,000 <1970 4.1 12 HSC Three Village Plaza SNeezy's S/25A E/Hills Dr. Selaukel-E Sel 65,500 (11/70 10.3 21 DB41PETERIRETAIlS SHOPP ING.RPT IHBYlYPE. DRY Page No. 7 SUFFOLI COUNTY SHOPPIN. CENTERS AND CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS - NOVENBER I, I~~O TOTAL SQUARE YEAR TYPE CENTER NANE ANCHOR STORES STREET I STREE12 CONNUNITY FOOTA.E OPENED ACRES STORES NSC Finast S/25A ElHills Dr. S.lauk.t-E S.t 40,000 1m 3.7 7 NSC S.tauk.t Villag. Nart S/25A ElJones 51. S.lauket-E S.t 2~,500 (1970 2.5 IB NSC Shirl.y Plaza E/Ni Ilia. Floyd NISurr.y Shirl.y 2B,000 1m 2.B IB NSC Green, The E/Nillia. Floyd S/laHrencl! Rd. Shirl.y 16,500 1~7B 1.7 II NSC Odd Lot, US I NI27A NIN. Floyd Shirl.y 30,500 m70 1.3 5 NSC Duality Plaza NINillia. Floyd SINorthern BI vd Shirl.y 20,000 . I~B7 1.6 B NSC Aid Auto Stores NINillia. Floyd S/Surr.y Circl. Shirl.y 12,500 I~BB 1.1 5 NSC Aid Auto Stores NI25A N/Nestchester Sound B.ach 1~,500 1m 2,5 7 . NSC Sears Outl.t NI25A E/Nestchester Sound Beach 42,500 1~73 4.6 8 NSC Rocky Point Plaza Waldbau.s N/25A N/Fair.ay Sound B.ach 55,000 m70 11. 2 I~ NSC Inn.r Court Shops E/Nain SIChristian Stony Brook 17,000 1~87 2.2 13 NSC Coventry Commons Cooky's N/347 N/Stony Brook Stony Brook 61,500 1m 6.2 2B NSC S.ith Point Plaza N/m E/Stony Brook Stony Brook 31,000 1~7B 5.B IS SSC Blu. Bay Plaza N/27A Opp/Buftu. Blu. Point 6,500 1~83 0.7 6 SSC Vi IlagE' COllons SI27A EIHo.an Blu. Point 6,500 1~112 1.0 7 SSC E/27A SICar.an Brookhaven 5,000 l~r6 0,6 4 SSC leonina ShoppE's NI27A Opp/S..i, Center "oriches 10,000 I~IIB 1.0 7 SSC Old N.d Nark.t SI27A EIOld Neck Rd. Center "oriches 10,500 UCI~B~ 1.4 II SSC Si, N Plaza NI25 N/Oa.n Centereach IB,500 (1'/70 1.5 II SSC Niddl. Country Plaza Abaft's N/25 Opp, N/Rusli c Centereach 1B,500 19'3 1.6 II SSC NI25 N/Oak Centereach 6,000 1~1I5 1.2 4 SSC N/25 E/Oa.n Centereach 11 ,000 19!3 1.1 6 SSC N/25 NIDa.n C.nt.reach 5,000 (1970 0.6 7 SSC N/25 Opp,E/Forrest Centefl!ach II ,000 m70 O.B 4 SSC Cutlery Plaza N/25 W/Crown Acres Centereach 4,500 1904 0.5 4 . SSC C.nt.r.ach Plaza N/25 N/Hallond La. Cenlereach 12,000 0.0 10 SSC Plaza 1707 NI25 NIHa..ond La. Centereach 4,000 0.0 5 SSC NI25 N/N. Ho..11 Ave Center each 8,000 0.0 4 SSC Handy Pantry S.C. NIPortion NIAvenu. B Center each B,500 197B 1.1 4 SSC Liberty Plaza 5125 NIPark Hi II C.nler.ach 20,000 19BB 1.9 13 SSC 5125 E/Horse Blod Centereach 8,000 (1970 0.5 B SSC 5/25 Opp,N/Dak Center each 9,000 1m O.B 4 SSC Riddl. Country Plaza II 5/25 NIPark Centereach 19,500 1974 1.9 14 SSC 5/25 NIRuslic C.n ler.ach 4,500 1m 0.7 5 SSC 5/25 NIS. Ho..1l Centereach 5,500 m70 0.7 4 SSC 5/25 "IF or rest Centereach 4,500 197B 0.3 4 SSC L.I. Pan.ling C.nt.rs 5/25 OpplOak Centereach IB,OOO 1974 1.4 3 SSC Yankee Trader Plaza E/112 S/GI...". Coral 15,000 19BB 1.3 9 DB41PETERIRETAILS SHOPPING.RPT TNBYTYPLORY Page No. B SUFFOll COUNTY SHOPPING CENTERS AND CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS - NDVEHBER I, 1990 TDT Al SQUARE YEAR TYPE CENTER NANE ANCHOR STORES STREETI STREH2 COHHUNITY FOOTAGE OPENED ACRES STORES SSC Shop Milh Us Plaza EIl12 S/GI.nl.r. Coral 10,500 19B\ 2.9 B SSC Coral Pond Plaza EI1I2 N/25 [oru 14,000 1m 0.9 II SSC EIGibbs N/Pin. Coru 15,000 19B1 2.5 . 13 SSC Coral Easl S.C. NI25 N/N.slfi.ld [OfU 15,000 197b 4.7 14 SSC NI25 E/Palch-HI.Si. Corn 0 ucmo 0.0 0 SSC N/25 NI1I2 Coral B,OOO 0.0 b SSC Coral TOMers 5/25 M/F if. Corn 6,500 1991 3.0 10 SSC Sofa B.d C.nl.r 5/25 MIHoon.y Pond Coraa 10,000 (1910 0.5 5 . SSC Shoe To.n 5/25 EIGrand Slilh Cora. 17 , 000 1971 I.B 5 SSC Conte.parary CO.lons 5/25 MIFif. Corn 5,500 19B,j 2.4 6 SSC Tangl..ood C.nl.r MI1l2 S/C.R.B3 Coraa 6,000 19B5 0.7 5 SSC MI1l2 Sl2nd Coru 3,000 19B1 0.1 I SSC Slralhlor. Plaza SI17A N/locusl E Horich.s 12,000 19B11 1.7 10 SSC East "oriches Co..ons SI17A E/lotusl Av.. E Hor i th.s 7,000 1990 O.B 6 SSC Dani.l. Plaza EI1I2 Opp/Shab.r E Palchogu. 15,000 19BII 1.7 13 SSC Shoe To.n N/27A MIC.R.101 E Palchogu. 12,000 1970 1.0 I SSC N/Soulh Counlry M/Dunton Av.. E Palchogu. 4,000 1975 0.0 I SSC SI17A N/Dunlon E Palchogu. 6,000 19B7 0.6 I SSC 5 117 A E/Conk! in Av.. E Palchogu. 17 ,000 (1970 1.1 7 SSC S/Soulh Counlry N/Roos.,.ll B,d E Palchogu. 4,000 0.0 I SSC lings Plaza MI1l2 NE/H.dford A,.. E Palchogu. 1B,500 (1970 L3 13 SSC Plaza 101 MIC.R.IOI E/H..J.tl E Palthogu. 6,000 19B9 0.5 6 SSC S/Hain E/S.aluck Easlporl 15,000 19BB 1.4 6 SSC N/Hors.block Rd E IGranny Rd. Farling,i1I. 5,000 0.0 3 SSC Ruggi.ro C.nl.r NIPortion EIS. Ho..1l Farling,ill. 5,000 19B6 1.3 9 SSC Hors. 810ck Shopping Plz S/Hors. Block Opp,E/Lidg. Farling,i1I. 6,500 19B1 0.6 7 . SSC Co..ons, The SIHors.b10ck Rd E/Mav.rly A,.. Farling,ill. 7,000 1990 0.0 8 SSC SIHors.b10ck Rd M/Poller Ave. Farling,i1I. B,OOO 1989 0.0 b SSC Ca. pus Square MINav.rly Opp/Calpus Farlingvill. 6,500 197B 0.6 I SSC 5125 E/S...zy Gordon H.ights 4,000 1m 0.5 I SSC Coral Hills Plaza 5125 E/Fif. Gordon H.ighls 8,500 1979 1.1 9 SSC J.ff.rson Plaza 5125 Dpp,E/Arnold Dr Gordon H.ights 19,500 1990 2.7 15 SSC 5125 MIN. II inglon Rd Gordon Heighls 8,000 1990 0.0 7 SSC Rustic Plaza SIPortion NIHolbrook Holbrook 14,000 1m 1.3 8 SSC SIUnion Ave. Ellnickerbcker Holbrook 7,500 19B9 0.7 6 SSC Holbrook Centre NIHain 51. NIRailroad Ave. Holbrook 17,500 19B4 2.0 10 SSC Naver I y Plaza NllIE Ser,ice M/Maverly Ave. Hollsvill. 12,000 19B9 1.1 12 SSC Portion Plaza S/Portion W'"orris Hollsvi II. 9,000 19B5 1.0 7 DB4\PETERIRETAllS SHDPPING.RPT TN8YTYPLDRY Page ND. 9 SUFFOLK COUNTY SHOPPING CEHTERS AND CEHTRAl BUSIHESS DISTRICTS - NOVEMBER I, 1990 TOTAL SOUARE YEnA TYPE CENTER NANE ANCHOR STORES STREETI STREET2 COMMIIN ITY FOOTAGE OPEIIEO ACRES STORES SSC Portion & Warren Plz II S/Porlion W/Warren Ave. Holtsvill. 10,000 19B5 1.1 9 SSC S/Podion W'Warren Holt,vi II. &,000 <1m 0.4 I SSC 5 l 5 Shopping Pia,. SIPortion E/Mapl.cr.sl S. Holtsvill. 9,000 19BI O.B 8 SSC A l 8 Shopping Pia,. SIPorlion W/Av.nu. 8 Holtsvill. 5,000 1906 0.1 5 SSC S/Podion E/Av.nu. 8 Holtsvi II. 3,000 1984 0.3 5 SSC Lake Grove Center 5/25 OpplElliol Av.. l.t. Grov. 9,000 UC1989 1.7 3 SSC Liana Co lions E/H.otins Opp,SIDivision lal. Ronlonlo.. 5,500 1986 0.6 6 SSC Pari Plaza E/Haotins Opp/Wi Ilr idg. l.I. Ronlonlol' 19,500 1986 1.8 16 . SSC EIRonlonlola SINi Ilr idg. l.I. Ronlonlol' 6,500 1971 0.5 4 SSC NIPortion E/C.n.d. lal. Ronlonlol' 4,500 1985 0.6 5 SSC NIPortion E/CI.ary lake Ronkonkol' 9,500 (1910 0.6 8 SSC Porlion Plaz. S/Porlion Opp/Gal.lol lal. RonlonlDla 11,500 1974 1.3 9 SSC Pla,a Nin. Shopping Mall N/Haolins NIOivision l.t. Ronlonlol' 11,500 (1970 1.4 9 SSC W/Ronlonlola SIIOth l.I. Ronlonlola 6,500 1910 0.5 I SSC Plaza 100 N/Ronlonlo.. N/O.hood lal. Ronlonlo.. 5,000 1986 0.6 5 SSC Totme Plaza N/llA N/l,"b.rl Av.. "astir 10,000 1988 1.2 9 SSC Mastic Plaza N/21A W/Fulton Av.. Hastic 14,000 UC1989 1.4 14 SSC Bridget Couons H/17A Opp, E/C.dar PI "astic 6,000 1988 0.0 4 SSC Downtown Mastic Plaza SmA E/Rob.rt St. Hastic 6,500 <1970 0.3 5 SSC Nuccio Shopping Pla,a E/Mas1c 8each SIOuay Av.. Hastic 8.ach 14,500 1974 1.4 9 SSC Plaza III EIl12 S/Coll."i.1 M,dford 4,500 1981 3.4 & SSC OIYlpic Plaza Ellll N/OIYlpic Ave. M.dford 10,000 1985 1.6 10 SSC OIYlpic PI.,a Norlh E/1l1 S/Southaven Ave H.dford 7,000 1984 0.8 5 SSC EI111 S/J.aaica Ave. H.d ford 7,000 0.0 4 SSC S/Hors. Blocl E/Scou1ing Blvd H.dford 6,000 1974 0.9 4 SSC 1080 Roul. 112 Slor.s Nllll N/C.nlral Av.. M.dford 10,500 1976 1.5 8 . SSC WI 112 N/Hors. Blocl M,dford 4,000 (1910 1.5 3 SSC 3316 Plaza Nllll SIGranny Rd. M.dford 8,500 1988 2.0 5 SSC Shopoorlh Plaza Brant-Ross Furniture W/lll N/Hors. 810cl M.dford 10,000 1geB 1.0 3 SSC Plaz. VI, Th. WI 112 N/Jallaica Ave. H.dford 5,000 0.0 4 SSC Spring lake CDlmans R.liabl. Gard.n & F.nc. NilS E/Chu"h l.. Middl. Isl.nd 9,500 1m 1.1 7 SSC CO.lene Center N/25 NIArnold Or. Middl. Island 13,000 1988 7.4 B SSC Middl. Island Viii Clr N/25 E/Roely Point Middl. Island 6,500 19B4 1.0 5 SSC "iller Square NI15A N/O.k1and Ave. Miller Place 6,500 19E7 0.6 4 SSC Aliano S.C. True Value N/15A N/O.k1and Av.. Hiller Place B,500 19B6 4.1 15 SSC R l R Mini.all NI15A W/Parl Av.. Hiller Plac. 19,000 1984 1.4 9 SSC NI15A NIOakland Av.. Hi lIer Place 1,500 1984 0.8 5 SSC Park Avenue Plaza N/15A NIParl Av.. Hiller PI.ce 10,000 1990 1.3 II D841PETERIRETAllS SHOPPING.RPT TN8YlYPLORY P.ge No. 10 SUFFOLK COUNlY SHOPPING CENIERS ANO CENIRAL BUSINESS DISIRICIS - NOVEnBER I, 1990 TOIAL S~UARE YEAR lYPE CENIER NAnE ANCHOR STORES S !REEl! SIREET2 COnnUNlIY FOOIAGE OPENED ACRES SIORES SSC smA EIParkside Ave. niller Place 4,000 1973 0.3 4 SSC SmA Nllyler Ave. ni lIer Place 7,500 (1970 0.5 7 SSC niller PI.ce Squ.re SIEcho Ave. NISylvan Ave. niller Place 11 , 500 (1970 1.3 6 sse smA NIHighland Ave. nount Sinai 6,500 1973 0.7 5 sse smA W,"yrtle nount Sinai 15,000 (1970 1.1 9 SSC Ali.no Shoppes SmA Elerystal Brook nount Sinai 5,000 19B9 0.0 4 sse E/Naverly Ave. NN/Buckley Rd. N P.tchogue 6,000 (1970 0.7 7 SSC W.verly Point PI.z. S/Naverly Ave. Opp, W/Johnson N P.tchogue S,OOO 1990 0.0 B . SSC nedford Ave. Centre N/lI2 S/Sharp N P.tchogue 9,500 19B4 2.0 7 sse 112 Vill.ge W/1l2 S/Sh.ber N P.tchogue 7,500 1977 0.7 & sse nedford PI". W/lI2 N/Sh.ber N P.tchogue 1B,000 1990 1.4 13 sse E/Naverly Ave. N/Roe Slvd. P.tchogue 4,000 0.0 4 sse N/25A E/Beach Port Jefferson 3,500 19B3 0.4 4 sse PI". 414 W/25A OpplSpring St. Port Jefferson 5,000 19B4 0.7 5 sse Station PI". E/lI2 Opp/Joline Port Jefferson St. 9,000 19B7 O.B 6 sse E/J.yne Blvd. N/m Port Jefferson St. 3,500 19B6 0.3 4 sse 4600 N/m E/Woodhull Ave. Port Jefferson St. 10,500 19BO 1.0 4 sse Old Country eer,"ic Ii Ie slm Nllerryville Port Jefferson St. 12,500 19B4 1.2 3 sse Cineu Plaza Blockbuster Video N/25A Opp,N/Bergen PI Port Jefferson St. 9,000 19BB 1.6 & sse Randall Square N/25 Opp,NIRed n.ple Ridge 5,000 19B9 0.5 4 sse NmA EIR.dio Ave. Rocky Point 12,000 19B9 1.2 6 sse N/25A E/Jackson St. Rocky Point B,OOO <1970 0.9 3 sse Rocky Point Vill.ge etr NI25A E/H.llock Lndg Rocky Point 11 , 500 19B4 1.1 10 sse D , F nini-n.1I NmA E/H.llock Lndg Rocky Point 7,000 19B4 2.3 6 sse smA E/Ad..s St. Rocky Point 9,500 (1970 O.B & . sse Radio PI". SmA EIR.dio Ave. Rocky Point 3,000 19BB 1.1 6 sse Stevens Square SmA Opp,W/Rky pt L Rocky Point 4,000 (1970 0.3 4 sse Boyle Ro.d PI.z. E/Boyle Rd. Opp,Nlnontclair Selden 15,000 19B5 1.6 12 sse NI25 Opp,W/Highvi.. Selden 1B,000 197B 1.5 11 SSC PI a,,- 729 N/25 EIAbinet Ct. Selden 2,500 19BI 0.5 4 SSC S/2S EIBlue Point Selden 7,000 1973 1.2 6 sse 3 Village HOle Center NI25A EIJones St. Setauket-E Set B,OOO (1970 0.7 7 sse N/2SA N/Bre.ster L.. Setauket-E Set 4,000 0.0 4 sse 128 NIOld To.n Rd. smA Setauket-E Set 4,500 19B& 0.9 4 sse Floyd H.rbor COllons EIWilli.. Floyd N/Roberts Rd. Shirley 10,000 197B 1.0 6 SSC Roy.1 lo.er Plaz. E/WiIIi.. Floyd N/nor.-nid.ls. Shirley 15,000 19B6 1.3 9 sse Garden Pia" SmA W/Garden Shirley 11,500 197B 1.2 B sse PNP PI". Sleolin Dr. WIRevilo Ave. Shirley 6,000 1990 0.0 4 OB4\PETER\REIAILS SHOPPING.RPI INBYTYPLORY Page No. 11 SUFFOLK COUNTY SHOPPING CENTERS AND CENTRAL BUSINESS OISTRICTS - NOVENBER I, 1990 TOTAL SOUARE YEAR TYPE CENTER NANE ANCHOR STORES SIREEIl STREE12 CONNUNITY FOOTAGE OPENED ACRES STORES SSC SINaslic Blvd N NINilliao Floyd Shirley B,OOO UC1990 0.0 7 SSC Floyd Harbor Plaza N/Nilli.. Floyd N/latuence Rd. Shirley 13,000 1989 1.2 II SSC Slalion Shopping NINilliao Floyd SINastic Blvd N Shirley 7,000 (1970 1.1 5 SSC Cineaaplu N/Nillia. Floyd SINes hood Dr. Shirley 5,000 mo 0.0 4 SSC Cross Point Plaza 810ckbuster Video N/25A N/Hallod landg Sound Beach 7,000 1989 1.0 3 S5C Narket Square N/Echo Ave. W/Devon Sound Beach 3,000 . 197B 0.4 3 SSC 207 Hallod Rd. EIHallock Rd. N/m Stony Brook 12,500 1m 1.2 6 SSC Narket Square Food EllpOriul EINain S/Chri s lian Stony Brook 15,000 (1970 3.1 5 . SSC University Shopping Sq. N/25A N/Cedar SI. Stony Brook 9,000 (1'170 1.3 10 SSC Station COlllllons N/25A N/Cedar SI. Stony Brook 12,000 197B 1.1 9 SSC 690 S/25A N/Bennetts Stony Brook 5,000 (1'/10 0.4 4 SSC N/Horseblod Rd N/iaphank .Ave. Yaphank 11,000 UCI990 0.0 10 TONN OF EH: NCBD IAoagansett CBD) Nain SI. EINindoil1 la. Aoagansett 26,500 10.0 19 NCBD lEast Ha.pton CBDI Nain SI. NeMtown la. East Haopton 231,000 11.2 ll6 NCBD INontauk CBOI Nontauk H.y. Edge.ere SI. Nontauk B5,500 7.7 61 NSC Super Saver N/27 E/Close Aaagansett 13,500 1912 1.5 3 NSC IGA IGA N/27 5E/Abros Idg Aoagansett 15,000 (1170 2.0 1 NSC Haopton Place 5hppng Ctr N/27 E/Cove Hollo. East Haopton 27 ,500 UCI9B9 2.2 2l NSC A I P A I P S/Ne.to.n NINa in East Hupton 14,000 (1170 1.0 1 NSC Nainscott Village N/27 EINorth.est Rd. Wainscott 20,000 1989 0.0 8 5SC 5/27 NE/Sk iohaopton Aoagansett 8,500 1972 0.7 4 S5C N/Sprngs-Firpl S/Abraha.s Path Aoagansett 17 ,SOD 1985 1.5 8 SSC Nidha.pton Square NINainscott NN N/27 Nainscott 3,000 1987 0.2 4 . TONti OF HU: mo IHunlington CBDI "eat FariS Route 25A Route 110 Hunlington 700,000 32.5 326 C5C "arshalls, HOMe Depot N/25 E/lark fie I d COluck 155,000 1966 19.9 2 CSC Huntington Square Nail Sears 5/25 Nllarkfield E1.ood 285,000 1980 IB.O 27 CSC Big H Path.ark,Narshalls,Wlwrth,lordITaylor N/N.Y. 5/Seoon Huntington Station 302,000 1962 27.3 57 C5C TSS Nail T5S, A I P EIlIO II/Northrn Pk.y. N,I viiI, 225,000 1974 22.6 20 C5C Pergalent,Toys R U5,H~r.an's,Filene'5 EIlIO, N/N.Y. 11/5ch.ab S Hunlington 276,000 1961 21.4 17 IICBD ICold Spring Harbor CBOI Rout, 25A ElElo PI. Cold Spriog Harbor 77 ,000 4.7 55 NCBD lEast Northport CBDI larkfi,ld Rd. II/Pulaski Rd. E Northport 108,000 9.6 77 IICBD IGreenlawn CBDI Centerport Rd. NIGates 51. Greenlatm 68,500 7.3 49 OB4\PETERIRETAllS SHOPPING.RPT TIIBYTYPE. ORY Page No. 12 SUFFOLK COUNIY SHOPPING CENIERS AND CENTRAL BUSINESS OISIRICIS - NOVENBER 1, 1990 TOm SOUARE YEAR TYPE CENTER NANE ANCHOR STORES STREET! SIREET2 CONNUN IIY FOOIAGE OPENED ACRES STORES NCBO (Hunlinglon Slalion CBOI Roule 110 SIRR Iracks Hunlinglon Slalion ~6,000 7.2 40 NCBD INorlhpDrt CBDI Nain SI. Noodbin. Av.. Norlhporl 183,~00 9.2 lOB NSC Fairfi.ld C.nl.r neat faris E/Collack S/Fairfi.ld COllack 42,~00 1m 4.0 14 NSC Peppertr!e Co..ons N/2~ NICollack CO'Ia~k 37,000 1986 3.4 17 NSC Co..ack Corners Brooks Phar..cy sm E/Col..ck CDI..ck 60,~00 1960 6.6 23 NSC HeatherMood Center J.ffr.y's sm E/Calv.rt COluck 4~,~00 . (1970 4.9 15 NSC Palh..rk sm E/Calv.rl COI..ck 7~,000 1978 7.~ 16 NSC Rick.l Plaza Rick.l, Curlains I HOI. S/2~ E/lark fi.ld COluck 7~,000 1980 6.0 13 . NSC Ellood C.nler US 1, Gr.g Bulll.'s Filn.ss C.nl.r S/2~ N/Daly Di. Hills 7~, ~OO m70 7.2 24 NSC Oil Hills D.sign Ctr. I.. D.. Carp.t sm N/Slal. Di. Hills 27,000 1987 1.4 8 NSC Crossroads, The S/2~ Opp,N/Ellood Rd Di. Hills 25,000 1990 2.~ II NSC Di. Hills Plaza Pathlark S/2~ NIOld CDunlry Di. Hills 79,000 197~ 7.6 1B NSC king lulleR, Genovese E/larkfi.ld N/Clay Pi lis E Northporl 43,~00 m70 3.7 9 NSC Aboll's E/larkfi.ld N/N.bster E NDrlhporl 16,000 <1970 1.1 ~ NSC H.li 1I Square Appl. Orchard Food C.nt.r E/larkfi.ld S/Pulaski E Northporl 33,000 m70 3.3 18 NSC Finasl SmA E/Calherin. E Norlhport 23,000 (1970 2.6 9 NSC Grand Union S/2~A N/V.rnon Vall.y E NorthpDrt 34,000 1971 3.~ 10 NSC Ih. C.nl.r at E.NDrthprl Pi.r 1 IlpDrts N/2~ N/larkfi.ld Ellood 26,000 19B6 2.7 B NSC (iddi. City Toys, RDCkbotlDI N/2~ ElV.rl.y. EhoDd 70,000 1989 7.0 3 NSC NDrlhport Plaza l,,"ards, BIDCkbust.r Vid.D N/2~ E/EhDDd E1lood 42,~00 <1970 3.6 20 NSC larkfi.1d COIIDns C.darhurst Pap.r N/larkfi.ld Opp/N.adollark EIIODd 32, ~OO 1973 !.B II NSC lick lock C.nl.r Tick lock Drug, Aid Auto Stor.s N/larkfi.ld S/Clay Pi lis ElloDd 43,~00 m70 ~.O II NSC Easl 'Pori Plaza Ch.ap Johns N/larkfi.ld N/C.dar EIIDDd 34,000 m70 3.6 14 NSC NonlOod Plaza N/2~A E/NDrlDOd Fori SalDnga 16,000 1987 3.3 16 NSC ley Food E/8roadlay N/Pulaski Green I aNn 23,000 <1970 2.7 B NSC Greenlaw" Plaza Maldbauls, Harlan Drugs S/Pulaski N/Beally Greenlawn 71,000 1m 7.6 23 . NSC ling lull.n ling lu lI.n E/N.Y. Opp,N/Hill Huntington 20,000 1963 3.2 I NSC Naldbauos Naldbauls E/Nall S/Union Huntinglon 41,~00 19B4 3.7 I NSC SDulhdoln Sup.r Nark.t NINall Opp/Nill Huntington 27,000 1m 4.1 16 NSC Th. Parly E.p.ri.nc. Plz E/N.Y. S 11 5th Hunlington StaliDn 43,000 (1970 2.B II NSC lD.hlann's, B.d Bath I B.yond N/2~ E/Nesl Hills HunlingtDn Slalion 31,000 1964 2.9 3 NSC Waldbaulst Brooks Phar.acy Nm E/lDnglellDI Hunlington StaliDn ~2, ~OO 1m ~.2 10 NSC E/llO OpplYarlouth N.lvill. 20,000 m70 2.0 7 NSC Ih. Ground Round N/2~A N(Gilberl NDrlhporl 27 ,~OO (1970 2.6 10 NSC King Kullen, Genoyese N/2~A N/Church NorthpDrt 61,000 1986 4.8 12 NSC llO Plaza Lan. Bryant E/llO Opp/Chichester S Huntinglon 2~,000 0.0 ~ NSC ling (ull.n ling (u II.. N/llO N/Schlab S Huntinglon 1~,500 (1970 l.9 I NSC NBO, Aid Auto Slor.s N/llO N/Northrn PkIY. Nesl Hills 24,~00 (1970 2.0 4 OB41PEIERIREIAIlS SHOPPING.RPT IN8Y1YPLORY Page No. 13 SUFFOLK COUNIY SHOPP1N6 CENIERS AND CENTRAL BUSINESS DISIRICIS - NDVEnBER 1, 1990 TOIAL SDUARE YEAR IYPE CENIER NAME ANCHOR SIORES 5 IRE Ell SIREET2 COMnUN ITY FOOIA6E OPENED ACRES STORES SSC Centerport Plaza E/Little Neck N/25A Centorport 7,500 (t970 0.6 7 SSC SIMill Dal Rd. Opp,W/Ridgefi I d Centorport 5,000 0.0 5 SSC E/Collack N/Genesee [ollack 1,000 <1970 l.3 I SSC E/Couack Rd. S/Fairfield Way COllad 5,000 0.0 I SSC 517 E/Larkfield Rd. S/CIay Pi lis Rd COllad 15,000 19B9 2.3 7 SSC N/25 WIRura I COllad B,OOO (1970 0.5 5 SSC Ne_Iark , Le_is N/25 Opp,N/Niltshre COllack 1B,500 <1970 l.3 I SSC NI2S Opp,E/Nillshre COllack 12,500 1975 1.3 I . SSC R. V. Cole Furniture NI25 ElF ire Dept COllack 16,500 19B9 1.5 9 SSC Long Island Paneling NI2S Opp,E/Vallont Cellact 17 , 500 1976 1.6 5 SSC Co..ack Tower Plaza SI2S N/Collack Rd. COllack 9,500 UC1990 1.1 6 SSC 5125 E/Vallont COllack 12,500 1m 1.0 6 SSC 5/25 N/Nillshire Dr. COllact 10,000 0.0 7 SSC COlud Co..ons N/COllack Opp,N/6enesee COlud 16,500 (1970 1.3 1\ SSC Nhite Birch Pla,a N/Collack OppI6.nese. [Clluct 13,500 19B7 1.3 7 SSC N/Collack Opp/Fairfield [ollark 3,500 19BB 0.3 3 SSC N/Collack Opp,N/6enese. COllad 1,000 1971 0.6 I SSC NICollack 5125 COllack 7,000 (1970 0.5 5 SSC State Stre.t Plaza 5/25 E/Stat. Di. Hills B,OOO 19B9 0.7 9 SSC Fernande, PI"a 5/25 E/Di. Hills Rd. Di. Hills 1,000 0.0 I SSC Huntington Co..ons 5/25 Opp,N/EI_ood Rd Di. Hills t2,000 19B9 1.3 11 SSC Dix Hills Co..on 5/25 N/Deor Park E Di. Hills 5,500 19B6 2.0 Il SSC 5/25 NIOld Country Di. Hills 7,000 UC1990 0.0 5 SSC E/Lark f ie Id Opp/Hh E Northport 13,000 .<1970 O.B 7 SSC laurelwood Center E/Laurel Opp/C.dar Hi II E Northport 10,000 19B7 1.1 B . SSC E/Laurel Opp/UpIand E Norlhport 5,500 (1970 0.6 I SSC Ihe S.all nail E/Laur.1 N/Dickinson E Northport 1,000 <1970 0.3 I SSC SmA E/Harrison Dr. E Northport 5,000 0.0 I SSC SI2SA NIVernon V. E Norlhport 5,500 197B 0.3 5 SSC Larkfi.ld PI"a The Party ExperiencE! NILarkfi.ld N/5th E Northport IB,OOO (1970 2.9 7 SSC N/Larkfi.ld Rd. N/CIay Pilts Rd E Northport 7,500 (1970 0.5 9 SSC N/25 ElEldorado Dr. Ehood 23,000 UW90 2.0 I SSC N/25 E/EI_ood Rd. EI_ood 1,000 (1970 1.0 I SSC N/25 NIPark EI_ood 10,500 <1970 1.0 B SSC NI2S E/l1anor EI_ood 7,500 (1970 0.1 I SSC 5/25 EIDaly Rd. EI_ood 12,000 (1970 1.5 6 SSC 5/25 E/Daly Rd. El_ood 25,000 (t970 0.9 7 SSC W/Lark fi.ld Rd. N/Colonial El_ood 3,500 (1970 O.l I DBIIPEIERIREIAILS SHOPPIN6.RPI INBYlYPE-ORY Page No. " SUFFOLK COUNIY SHOPPING CENTERS AND CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS - NOVEMBER 1, 1990 TOTAL SgUARE YEAR TYPE CENTER NAME ANCHOR SIORES SIREETI STREE12 CD""UN ITY FOOTAGE OPENED ACRES STORES SSC SI25A EIRinaldo Rd. Fort Salonga ~,DOO 0.0 4 SSC N/Bro.d..y S/Central Green laMn 10,~00 (1910 O.B 10 SSC NIBro.d..y NIRockn. Greenla"" b,~OO <1910 0.3 b SSC NIBroadN'y N/S.ilh Green I aMn 9,000 (1910 1.0 b SSC H.l..ite Plaza EIN.Y. Sllet'No.oke Huntington 1~,~OO 191b 1.4 10 SSC EIPark SIPartr idge Huntington 1,000 1917 0.8 7 SSC Huntington Plaza EIMaIl N/Mill Huntington 19,000 1%7 1.5 13 SSC NI2~A NIOld Northport Huntington 7,000 0.0 7 . SSC North Country Village NI2~A E/8.aupre Huntington 1~,~00 197~ 2.4 11 SSC Fort Hill Plaza N/2~A EIOverlook Huntington 11,000 1983 1.0 7 SSC N/Gerard EINall Huntington 9,000 19b7 O.~ 4 SSC Bay Hills Plaza S/2~A N/Lo.. Huntington 7,000 (1970 O.B 4 SSC Vi llage Square N/N.II S/Central Huntington ~,OOO 19B3 0.2 b SSC N/N.II St. N/SoulhdoNn Rd. Huntington ",000 m2 1.2 7 SSC EllIO NIE 21st St. Huntington St.lion 4,000 0.0 4 SSC ElDepot Rd. NIVundran SI. Huntington St.liDn 4,000 0.0 4 SSC E/N.Y. SIE. 21st Huntinglon Station 3,~00 (1970 0.3 4 SSC E/N.Y. SIHenry Huntinglon Station 6,000 m70 0.3 4 SSC 90~ E Plaza N/25 EICooper Huntington Station 3,000 1974 0.3 6 SSC North Shore Plaza N/2~ E/Thorney Huntington Station B,OOO 1986 0.7 ~ SSC Jericho Turnpike Plaza N12~ Opp,E/Pinetr.. Huntington Station 12,000 198B 1.4 B SSC Huntington Station PI.za N12~ N/Tollon Huntington Station 6,000 19B7 O.b 8 SSC NIMarfield Dr. NI110 Huntington Station 7,000 1m 0.0 6 SSC N/N.Y. N/N. 23rd Huntington St.tion B,~OO (1970 O.b 7 SSC NIN.Y. N/N"t Hills Huntington St.tion b,~OO 1967 0.7 8 . SSC Whihan Square N/N.1. Ave. SIAcade.y Huntington St.tion ~,OOO 19B9 0.3 6 SSC N/25A E/Laurel Northport b,~OO <1910 0.6 4 SSC S22 E/110 Opp, SlOver hi II S Huntington 6,000 (1970 0.4 4 SSC E/110 Opp/Overhi II S Huntington ~,OOO (1910 0.3 4 SSC Clock TOMer Plaza EllIO NISchNab S Huntington 17 ,000 1989 I.B 11 SSC EllIO Opp,S/Overhi II S Huntington 9,~00 ml0 0.8 3 sse A Plaza SI25 OpplLongfelloN S Huntington 10,000 19B4 0.9 B SSC S/25 N/E.erald La. S Huntington ~,OOO 0.0 4 sse SI2S N/E.erald La. S Huntington 6,000 0.0 5 SSC Nesl Hills C.nter S/25 NICager S Huntington 6,000 1974 O.b 1 SSC Pine Tree Plaza S/25 lilIPinetree S Huntington 7,000 1964 O.b ~ SSC S/25 ElGoeller S Huntington b,OOO 1973 0.5 4 SSC Post Plaza S/2~ Opp/Sil ver S Huntington 13,000 1916 t.6 9 D641PEIERIREIAILS SHOPPING.RPI INBYTYPE. ORY Page No. IS SUFFOll COUNTY SHOPPING CENTERS AND CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS - NoVENBER 1, 1990 TOTAL SoUARE YEAR TYPE CENTER N~NE ANCHOR STORES STREET1 SlREEll CoNNUNIlY FOOTAGE OPENED ACRES STORES SSC Wlll0 S/Schoab S Huntington 11 , 500 (1970 0.9 4 SSC Wlll0 S/Chicago S Huntington 1,500 1\73 0.2 4 SSC t1eqalovies Wlll0 N/Schoab S Huntinglon 20,000 <1970 1.1 9 SSC Wlll0 S/Schoab S Huntington 9,500 (1970 0.4 6 SSC Wlll0 N/oaoson 5 Huntington 10,500 (1970 0.5 12 SSC Wlll0 S/Sprucetree S Huntington 14,500 . (1970 0.9 5 SSC W/N.Y. OpplEdison 5 Huntington 4,000 197B 0.3 4 SSC N/25 WIBraoks West Hills 7,000 (1970 0.4 7 SSC Soeet Holloo Plaza N/25 E/Charles West Hills 13,500 1975 1.2 15 . SSC Cold Spring Hills Center N/25 E/Cold Spring West Hills 11 ,000 0.0 10 SSC West Hills Plaza 5/25 E/Chicory la. West Hills 11 ,000 <1970 O.B 11 SSC Huntingoood Center 5/25 opp,E/oahood West Hills 4,000 19BB 0.6 5 SSC 400 Plaza North Shore Interior Designs 5/25 WIHarhan Hill West Hills 1B,000 (1970 0.9 7 TOWN OF IS: cm IBay Shore CBD) Nid-Island DepL Nontauk Hoy. E/Clinton A,e. Ba, Shore 343,500 22.6 202 CSC Sealans, Genovese, Blockbuster Video N/27A If/Sallon Ave. Ba, Shore 13B,OOO 1963 11. 7 26 CSC Sa"ille Plaza Marshal Is, KK, (vacant-Future Klartl N/Sunrise Hoy. E/lakeland A,e. Sohe.ia 344,500 196B 40.3 15 CSC Brentoood Shopping Plaza (,acantl, Ie, Food, Brent City E/Brenhood Rd. NIFirst A'e. Brenhood 162,000 (1970 13.B 31 CSC East Islip Centre Narshalls, Cheap Jahns, Staples S/Sunri Sf Wflrish E Islip 110,000 196B 10.9 11 CSC Sun Vet Nail Pathaark,Rickel,McCrory,Consulers N/Sunrise E/Broadoa, Halbrook 267,000 1974 22.4 45 CSC Shops at Sunlakes, The Sears, Jeffreys, Sea.ans, Herlin; N/Sunrise Ho,. W/Broadoa, A,e. Halbrook 139,000 1990 14.B 7 CSC Islandia Center Pergalent, Finast S/Veterans Ho,. E/BI,denburgh Islandia 2B7,000 UC 1990 2B.1 0 CSC Nodell's Plaza Pergalent, Pathurk, Modell's, "asters S/Sunrise Ho,. E/S"on A,e. Islip 221,000 1976 IB.3 16 CSC The Nkt at Ba, Share Waldbau.s,Rockbolto.,To,s . lids R Us N/Sunrise Ho,. E/Brenhood Rd. N Ba, Shore 140,000 19B3 15.6 15 . CSC Oakdale Plaza KK, Ben Franklin, Shoe lOMo N/27A WI Berard oakd,le 145,500 (1970 14.0 40 CSC L.I. Nerchandise Nart L.I. Nerchandise Nart S/Sunrise W/Braadoa, Sa"ille 110,000 1962 15.B 1 CSC Gardiner "anar "all IvacantJ, Sterns, KK, Sears, Genovese S/Sunrise EINanor W Ba, Shore 600,000 1959 40.6 47 CSC (vacant), "eat FariS, Belair Cafe N/Sunrise Ellane W Islip 110,000 1956 9.7 13 NCBD IBrentwood CBDI Suffolk A,e. Fourth SL Brentwood 35,000 7.0 25 NCBD IBright.aters CBol Orinoco Dr. Windsor Ave. Bright.aters 36,500 5.3 26 NCBD ICentral Islip CBDI Carleton Ave. SIRR Tracks Cenlral Islip 25,000 9.2 IB NCBD lEast Islip CBol Nontauk Ho,. E/So.erset A,e. E Islip 74,000 5.5 53 NCBD Ilslip CBDI Nontauk Ho,. E/S.ith ~'e. Islip 10B,000 8.2 77 NCBD ISa"ille CSDI Nontauk Ho,. Railroad Ave. Sa"ille 175,000 7.B 103 NCBD IWest Islip CBol Higbie la. SIRR Tracks W Islip 29,500 5.0 21 NCBo (West Sa,ville CBDI Nontauk Hwy. E/West A,e. W Sa"i1le 25,000 6.1 IB oS4\PETERIRETAILS SHOPPING.RPT TNBYlYPE. DRY Page No. 16 SUFFOLK COUNTY SHOPPING CENTERS AND CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS - NOVENBER 1, 1990 TOTAL SDUARE YEAR TYPE CEHTER NANE ANCHOR STORES STREET! STREET2 CONNUNITY FOOT AGE OPENED ACRES STORES NSC Bay Islip Pia.. King Kullen Sf27A MISuon Ave. Bay Shore 49,500 1973 5.2 7 NSC Bayport Shoppes CVS NI27A NISyl,an Bayport 32,000 19BB 3.B 14 NSC Harrow's NISunrise Nllincoln Bohelia 29,000 1973 l.O 3 NsC Bohe.ia S.C. Shoprile, CVS, Aid Auto Stores HISunr i.. H.y. E/Ocean Ave. Bohelia 63,500 1976 B.5 23 HsC Brenhood PlaIa Celpare Foods EICo.aad sElHilltop Brenhood 61,000 (1970 4.9 21 HsC NIBroad.ay Brenhood 40,000 19B7 3.9 ,17 NsC IGA NIHey.ard NINashington Brenhood 24,500 (1970 2.3 5 HsC shanes Hlsecond A,e. Nlli.berline Or Brenhood 25,000 0.0 2 . HSC BrentMood COllons HISuffolk EIJefferson Brentwood 2B,OOO (1970 2.6 1B NsC Pathiark Pathaark Slsuffolk NI4th Br en hood 16,500 (1970 2.1 1 HsC Brent.ood Narket Brent.ood Narket NIBrenhood NICandle.ood Brenhood 24,000 (1970 3.3 2 NsC Bingo Nlsuffolk EIChurch Central 1s1ip 19,000 (1970 2.5 5 NsC Woolworth, (-ToMn, Rainbow Shops NINh"I'r HISuffoH C,ntral Islip 72,000 1970 B.O 1B HsC Vanderbilt S.C. Pergalent, King Kullen, Consulers NINh..ler SINotor C,ntral Islip B5,500 1974 9.3 19 HsC "eat FariS N,at Far.s HI27A NICarl,ton Ave. E Islip 1B,500 (1970 1.7 I HsC Waldbauls, Brooks Pharlicy sf27A Ellaurel E Islip 60,500 (1970 U 19 HsC Villag, Gr..n Naldbau.s EIV,ts Hlsparton Hauppauge 59,000 1971 B.2 22 HsC Ch,ap Johns slV,ts Nil 11 Hauppaug' 36,500 <1m l.5 B Nsc Atriu. Plaza N/11l SlloMn line Hauppaug, 2B,OOO 19B6 l.9 12 HsC Th, PlaIa at Holbrool EINain slRailroad Holbrook IB,OOO 19B2 2.0 13 HsC Holbrook COMmons slPatch-Holbrk Elspring.,ado. Ho I brook 25,000 1990 6.7 20 HSC Path.ark Pathoark Ellslip Ave. SIRR Trads Islip l5,OOO 1970 4.5 1 HsC Saxon COllllons HI27A Elsa'on Ave. Islip 25,500 <1970 2.0 12 HsC Child Norld N/Sunrise ElBrook H Bay Shore 42,500 1977 4.2 B HsC Jack LaLan, Fitn,ss C,nt,r Nlsunri .. NI5th H Bay Shore 46,500 (1970 3.9 1B HsC Big A Auto Parts N/Brenhood Rd. slConnecticut N Bay Shore 15,000 0.0 6 . HsC T,rrac, PlaIa S.C. Super Food Supermarkets s/C,darhurst NIConn,tguot H 6reat River 2B,OOO <1970 3.9 16 HsC Sid Farb,r's Oakdal, Plz slsunri.. E/O"an Oaldale 25,000 19B7 3.B 22 HsC Waldbauls, Genovese slsunri.. Elsyca.ore Oakdal, 71,500 1972 7.7 16 HsC Oaldale Plaza SISunrise EIPond Oakdal, 30,000 198B 4.8 17 NsC Grand Union HI27A Ellincoln say,ille 47,500 (1970 5.1 20 NsC say,i11e Shopping PlaIa Hf27A EIRailroad say,ill, 21,000 (1970 1.5 13 HSC (,aconll Sf27A EIB,nson say,ill, 15,000 1973 1.6 I HsC sunris, Plz at say,ill, slsunri.. H.y. NIRaft Ave. say,ill' 32,000 UCI989 3.8 0 NsC EIHigbi, stUdall N Islip 23,000 (1970 1.7 11 HsC Nillia. DIUS PlaIa Consulers, Grand Union SIUnion EIBOlch N Islip 63,500 t974 9.t 13 HSC Captr.. Village (vacant), King Kullen StUnion Bl,d. NIK,ith i Islip 6B,500 1970 6.6 24 HSC US 1 Auto Parts S/Sunrise NIS.i thto.n i Say,ill' 30,000 19B7 4.4 13 OB41PETERIRETAIlS SHOPPING.RPT THBYTYPE. DRY Page No. 17 SUFFOLK COUNTY SHOPPING CENTERS AND CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS - NOVENBER I, 1990 TOTAl SQUARE YEAR IVPE CENTER NANE ANCHOR STORES SIREEIl STREET2 CONNUN !TV FOOIAGE OPENED ACRES STORES SSC NIHoo.lls NI5th Bay Shore 13,000 (1970 O.B 10 SSC South Shore Plaza S/Sunris. Hoy. N/Brenhood Rd. Bay Shore 12,000 19B7 2.0 B SSC SIUnion Blvd. N/Brenhood Rd. Bay Shore 1,000 1973 O.T 6 SSC NIFifth Ave. N/Hoo.lls Rd. Bay Shore 7,000 0.0 6 SSC E/Bernice Or. N/27A Bayport 5,500 t9B7 0.5 4 SSC Bayport Co..ons N/27A NISecond Ave. Bayport 10,000 . 19BB O.B 10 SSC SI27A E/Snedecor Ave. Bayport B,OOO 1990 0.0 4 SSC N/Sunris! N/Syca.ore Bohelia 17,500 1973 1.5 9 SSC l.l. Pan.ling C.nt.r N/Sunris. EINalnut Boh..ia 22,000 1973 2.6 4 . SSC N/Sunris. Hoy. EIPond Rd. Boh..ia 14,000 19B6 1.3 5 SSC S/Churth E/S.ithtoon Bohelia 6,000 19B3 0.1 7 SSC Shopping Center S/Churth NINalnut Bohuia 9,000 <1970 0.9 7 SSC NacArthur P fala S/V.ts E/S.ithtoon Boh..ia 9,000 19B6 0.9 6 SSC S/V.ts N/locust Boh..ia 20,000 19B3 1.9 4 SSC S/V.ts E/Nashington Bohelia B,OOO 197B O.B 6 SSC S/V.1s Hoy. N/9th Boheah 6,500 191B 0.7 5 SSC N/S.ithtoon N/Churth Bohuia 4,000 <1910 0.3 5 SSC EI5th Nl4th Brenhood 5,500 (1970 0.5 4 SSC EI5th N/Anna BrentwDod 4,000 1973 0.4 4 SSC E/5th SIOalton 8ren h.ood B,500 1973 0.7 7 SSC Ti.b.rlin. Shopping Ctr Elli.berline S/1st Brenhood B,500 (1970 0.6 7 SSC E/Nashington SIC lark. Brenhood 4,500 19BB 0.4 4 SSC Candl.oood Plaza N/Candl..ood Rd EIFilth Ave. Bren hood 6,000 19B9 0.0 7 SSC N/Clarke N/Nashington Bren hood 3,000 <1970 0.2 4 SSC N/Suffolk NIFu Iton Bren hood 15,000 (1910 0.6 12 SSC S/Not" N/Brenhood Brenhood 4,000 197B 0.4 4 . SSC S/Notor Pk.y. N/Br.ntoood P.y Brenhood 7,000 0.0 6 SSC III C.nter Nllslip N/P.ath Bren hood 6,500 <1970 0.5 5 SSC Syta.ore Center Nllslip Ave. S/Syta.ore SI. Brenhood 11,500 (1970 1.0 10 SSC Caguas S.C. N/Nids S/Nm i 11 Brenhood B,500 (1970 O.B 5 SSC N/Nitks NISuffolk Bren hood 4,500 (1970 0.3 4 SSC NIBay Shore NIAtkerson Bright.aters 7,500 <1970 0.6 6 SSC Islip Ave. S.C. Ellslip S/Apritot Central Islip 14,000 (1910 1.1 10 SSC Ell,lip N/Sag. Central Islip 4,000 19B5 0.4 4 SSC S/Co..ercial E/Cal.b's Central (slip B,500 19B3 1.2 9 SSC S/Not" N/Nh"ler Central Islip 8,000 1984 1.1 6 SSC NI1I1 N/Central Central Islip 6,500 <1970 0.6 4 SSC East Islip Far..rs Nkt E/Carl.ton S/Ada., E Islip 20,000 <1970 0.7 12 DB41PETERIRETAllS SHOPPING.RPT TNBVTVPE.ORV P.g. No. 18 SUfFOLK COUNTY SHOPPING CENTERS AND CENTRAL 8USINESS DISTRICTS - NOVEHBER I, Ig90 TOTAL SQUARE YEAR TYPE CENTER NAHE ANCHOR STORES STREW STREE12 COHHUN IIY FOOTAGE OPENED ACRES STORES SSC E/C"I.lon S/B..ch.r E Islip 4,500 (1970 0.3 4 SSC Is lip Gr..n N/21A M/So..".1 E hlip 9,000 1m 0.7 7 SSC H.in Slr..t Pl.z. N/27A M/Gr..n.ood E Islip 14,000 1\86 1.1 9 SSC 140 SI27A EISuffolk E Islip 6,000 IlB9 0.5 6 SSC 126 Hont.uk High..y SI27A MIH.lin.cock E Islip 15,000 <1970 I.B 9 SSC E.st Islip Pl.z. SI27A M/Yu.. E Islip 14,000. <1970 1.0 6 SSC SI27A ElH.rok. E Islip 10,000 (1910 0.7 7 SSC SI27A E/P.uchogu. E Islip 3,000 1989 0.2 0 . SSC SI27A E/Noodl.nd A,.. E Islip 10,000 1990 1.0 9 SSC N/Conn.lguol A, N/J.ff."on SI. E Islip 6,000 0.0 6 SSC V.nd.rbill PI.z. S/Holor E/Br.nhood H.upp.ug. 6,500 1985 1.0 5 SSC E/Grundy SIT.rry Holbrool 5,500 <1970 0.5 6 SSC 971-5 H.in Sl. Center Em.in N/FurrO\ll5 Holbrook 14,500 1976 2.5 8 SSC 961 Plaza E/H.in N/Furrows Holbrook 14,000 1988 J.3 10 sse N/furro.s E/H.in Holbrook 5,000 1919 0.7 4 sse Furro\lls Plaza S/Furro.s N/H.in Holbrook 6,000 1919 1.1 5 sse N/Grundy A,.. NIDon.ld BI,d. Ho I brook 4,000 0.0 4 sse H..t Far.s NINain N/Furrows Holbrook 11,000 1913 1.1 5 sse E/Islip N/H..lock Islip 5,500 1918 0.4 4 SSC NlIslip S/Jenkins Islip 5,000 (1910 0.4 5 sse TerraCE! Plaza NISunr i se H.y. E/AlI.nlic Ave. Islip Terrace 12,000 UCI990 0.0 10 sse NIC"lelon S/Beoverd.. Islip Terrace 1,000 19B2 0.8 1 SSC 3m NIV.ts N/louis Kosslh l.k. Ronlonko.. 5,000 1988 0.5 6 SSC l.k. Ronkonkol' S.C. N/V.ls EINashinglon l.k. Ronlonlo.. 8,500 1918 1.0 7 SSC 51 Johnson E/Oc..n l.l. Ronkonko.. 13,000 1914 1.2 10 SSC lak. Hills C.nter Shoe To.n N/Ros.vale SIC.nlrl Islip l.l. Ronlonlo.. 9,500 (1910 0.8 4 . SSC E/5th NIN.. Hupshr. N Bay Shore 7,000 1913 0.6 5 SSC 5th Avenue ~anor El5th Nlfr.d.rick N Bay Shore 4,000 (1910 0.5 4 sse E/8r.nl.ood SIN.. York N Bay Shore 8,000 (1910 0.6 9 SSC Hayshare Co lIons E/8r.nINood NIP.nnsylvani. N 8.y Shore 8,500 1988 1.1 8 SSC NIB.y Shore Rd. E/Oc..n N 8.y Shore 1,000 0.0 4 SSC N{Sunris! N/8r.nhood N Bay Shore 20,500 (1910 1.4 5 sse SHirl Rd. NIFiflh Ave. M B.y Shore 3,500 1990 0.0 4 sse E/Conn.tquol NIOc..nsid. N Gr..t River 12,000 1986 1.6 9 sse o & G s.e. Eflo..lI S/Ch.slnul N Gr.. I River 8,500 1986 0.8 1 SSC Terrace Center N/lo..ll S/Oceanside N Great River 11,500 (1970 1.1 9 sse M/21A Opp,E/8.y,i.. O.kd.le " 8,500 (1910 0.9 5 SSC O.ldal. Co.,ons N/27A Opp,E/8ay,i.. O.kd.l. 15,500 (1970 1.5 II DB41PETERIRETAllS SHOPPING .RPT TN8YTYPLQRY Page No. 19 SUFFOLK COUNTY SHOPPING CENTERS AND CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS - NOYE"BER I, 1990 TOTAL S9UARE YEAR TYPE CENTER NA"E ANCHOR STORES STREHl STREH2 CO"NUNITY FOOTAGE OPENED ACRES STORES SSC S/27A N/Bayvi.. Oaldal. 3,500 (1970 0.3 5 SSC 5 127 A E/Oaldal. Oaldal. 3,500 1973 0.3 4 SSC Station Plaza SI27A E/Oaldal. Oaldal. 3,500 1973 0.2 6 SSC Raft S.C. EIRaft S/SunrisE! Sayvill. 17 , 500 1904 1.7 12 SSC N/27A N/SaJlon Sayvill. 7,500 1970 0.4 7 SSC ".loul Plaza SISunri s. E/Julb.t Sayvill. 5,000 . 1909 1.2 5 SSC 777 E1Udall SIHunter W Islip 3,500 1973 0.2 4 SSC EIUdal1 NIHunter W Islip 6,000 <1970 0.3 5 . SSC N/27A E/Oal Necl W Islip 6,500 1976 0.0 6 SSC S.gua.s Colony S.C. CVS SI27A E/S.qua.s W /slip 10,000 1973 2.7 0 SSC SIOay Sbore E/O[..n W /slip 19,500 (1970 1.5 II SSC SIHunter Avo. W/Udall's Rd. W Islip 6,000 1990 0.0 4 SSC W.st Islip Plaza S/Sunri.. H.y. W/Udall Rd. W Islip 10,000 1990 0.9 II SSC Union Plaza SIUnion E/K.ith W Islip 11,000 (1970 0,0 0 SSC W/Higbi. S/(urzon W Islip 4,500 1973 0.2 4 SSC W/Higbi. N/P.u..nal. W Islip 5,000 (1970 0.3 6 SSC W/Udall NIHunter W Islip 4,500 <1970 0.4 5 SSC B.yvi.. Building N/27A E/Washington W Sayvill. 4,500 1907 0.5 4 SSC L. 5.11. Co..ons N/27A W/D.I. W S.yvill. 10,500 1902 2.5 11 SSC Fur Plaza, The S/Sunri.. H.y. E/S.ithto.n W S.yvill. 12,000 1905 I.B 5 IOWN OF RY: CSC Riverh..d Plaz. C.ldor, (ing (ull.n 5/50 E/Ostrander Riverh..d lB4,500 (1970 20.B 20 CSC County S.at Pl.za Pergalent, Waldbauls 5/50 W/Roanol. Riverhead 104,000 19B6 9.6 0 NCBD (Ja...port CBDI Rout. 25 E/Ci"l. Dr. Jalesport 22,500 10.4 16 . NCBB (Polish To.n CBDI Pulasli Rd. E/S...zy Ave. Riverhead 26,500 3.6 19 NCBD (Ri,erh..d CBDI Rout. 25 N/Uni," Ave. Riverhead 231,000 24.2 136 NSC J.ffrey's Plaza J.ffr.y's, Ch..p Johns N/50 N/Roanol. Calverton-Roanote 05,500 1972 11.5 16 NSC Jall!sport Center L.gend Ph...." 5/25 E/Nashington J....port 17,000 <1970 4.4 10 NSC Country COllons N/25 NITuthi II' s L.. Northvill. 30,000 1910 3.0 II NSC Peronic Plaza N/50 W/Niddl. Northvill. 31,000 1972 5.5 1J NSC NeMurt , lelilis 5/58 N/Roanol. Ri verh..d 33,000 (1970 3.2 12 NSC Wading River Square N/25A E/W.ding River W.ding River 24,500 1987 2.4 14 NSC King Kullen S/25A E/N.ding River Nading Ri vl!r 39,500 1970 6.2 II SSC nushrool MeadoMS sm H/Edg.. Aquebogue 7,000 1907 1.0 5 SSC ColIverton Co.~ons N/25 W/Fresh Pond Calverton-Roanoke 10,000 1909 2.6 16 SSC S.vo Shopping PI.z. N/50 WIMill Calverton-Roanote 14,500 1984 1.7 4 DB41PETERIRETAIlS SHDPPING.RPT TNBYTYPE. 9RY P.g. No. 20 SUFFOLl COUNIY SHOPPING CENTERS AND CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS - NOVEHBER I, 1990 TOTAL SOUARE YEAR TYPE CENIER NAHE ANCHOR STORES STREET I SIREET2 CDHHUNITY FOOTAGE OPENED ACRES STORES SSC V.I.rans Plaz. NIOld Counlry N/Oliv.r Av.. Riv.rh..d 10,000 19B5 0.0 \ SSC 5125 Opp/Ho..1I Riverhead 10,000 1990 1.\ 11 SSC S/5B .1I0strander Ave Riverhead 10,000 1m 1.0 10 SSC SI5B W/Roanoke Riverhead 5,500 <1970 1.4 3 SSC O.born. Plaz. N/O.born S/Pu I aski Riv.rh..d 4,500 19B6 0.5 5 SSC lilli. B.y S.C. NI25A NIN.ding Riv.r Nading Riv.r 10,000 . <1970 1.B 6 10NN OF 51: . NSC lOA IGA N/F.rry S/H.n.aring Sh.lhr 1.I.nd 14,000 (1970 5.4 IONN OF SH: CSt ",yfair S.C. Or.nd U.,S..r. Oull.I,Hid-I.I.nd O.pl. 5/25 OppIB..ch.ood Co.."k IBB,OOO <1970 23.6 \0 CSC Co...d Plaz. Pergallent, Sterns, Wa IdbauIs I r r ,1IJke Is S/V.1s H.y. E/Co...d Rd. COII"k 26B,500 1962 17. 2 19 CSC Pric. Club Pric. Club 5125 N/Horich.. Nesconset 105,000 19B7 19.\ I CSC Tri-Counly Fl.. H.rk.1 Iri-Counly Fl.. H.rk.t N/25 N/Edg..ood Av.. S.ilhlo.n 110,000 1960 16.9 2 CSC Br.nch Shopping PI.z. Gr.nd Union,Child World,Aid Aula Slor. 5125 Willi Viii of Ih. Br.nch 117,500 (1970 9.2 22 NCBO Iling. Park CBOI Rou h 25A Wllndi.n H..d liog. Park 94,000 B.O 67 NCBO IS.inl J.... CBOI L.k. Av.. N!Third 51. S.inl J.... 40,500 5.B 29 NCBO IS.ilhlo.n CBOI Roul. 25 W/Roul. 111 S.ilhlo.n 251,500 16.9 14B NSC ConSUlters N/25 E/Rulh Blvd. Couact 24,500 (1970 2.6 9 NSC Bon.il Vill.g. N/Holor Phy. E/ColI"k Rd. Couad 20,000 1979 2.1 14 NSC A I P S/Holor Pk.y. E/Co.."k Rd. COllad 57,000 1975 7.1 IB NSC L.I. Ar.n. Fl.. H.rk.1 L.I. Ar.n. Fl.. H.rk.1 S/V.I. H.y. N/Sun.H..d.Pky. CCIIlUct. 55,000 m70 22.B I NSC Counlry Viii Shpng PI.z. W.ldb.u.. SmA E/Br..dICh.... ForI S.long. 49,000 1m 7.5 14 . NSC Hauppauge Center Nlm E1111 H.upp.ug. 23,500 m70 3.1 13 NSC Hid-I.I.nd O.p.rl..nl Slor.s 5/347 NIl 11 H.upp.ug. 36,500 <1970 3.4 6 NSC ling lull.n 5/347 N/HI. PI.as.nl H.upp.ug. 51,000 1m 5.B 11 NSC H.upp.ug. S.L H."h.lls slm NIIII H.upp.ug. B7 , 500 m70 12.7 31 NSC N.I db.ulS smA N/SI.Johnl.nd lings Park 26,500 1973 2.4 2 NSC lings P.rk PI.z. I.y Food, B.n Fr.n,lin Nllndi.n H..d S/H..do. lings Par, 67,000 1970 10.0 13 NSC (vacant), Sea.an's Nlm W/Hillsid. Nesconset 45,000 19B3 5.2 6 NSC Nesconset Plaza S.ilhlo.n Libr.ry NIS.ilhlo.n Opp,E/H.yfair Nesconset 43,500 197B 7.2 22 NSC Coloni.1 S.C. E/25A S/Clinlon Av.. S.inl J...s IB,500 1971 2.3 15 NSC N. Counlry .1 51. J...s SmA ."Acorn Saint Jales 26,500 1973 3.7 11 NSC p.lh..r, slm E/AI."nd.r S.inl J...s 73,500 1m B.5 1\ NSC ling lull.n NIL.,. Av.. SIRR T rad s Saint Jales 20,000 (1970 2.0 2 OB4\PEIERIRE1AILS SHOPPING.RPI TNBYTYPE. ORY Page No. 21 SUFFOLK COUNTY SHOPPING CENTERS AND CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS - NOVENBER 1, 1990 TOTAL sOUARE YEAR TYPE CENIER Nm ANCHOR STORES SlREET I slREET2 CONNUN ITY FOOTAGE OPENED ACRES STORES NSC Norlhgale Shopping N/2~ E/Kings Pari Rd S.ilhloon 3~,000 (1970 I.~ 26 NSC Noreoood N.II Che.p Johns N/2~ E/Noreoood s.ilhloon 24,~00 1971 2.6 B NsC Vels Nail N/Vels Hoy. E/Ny.nd.neh S.ilhloon 16,000 19BO 2.~ 10 NSC Aboff's, Slraob.rry Field s/2~ E/N.ple Ave. S.ilhloon 14,~00 <1970 1.3 2 NSC Hillsid. Vill.ge Cenler Maldbauls, Genoves! Elll1 5/25 Viii of the Br.neh 99,000 1976 B.3 29 NSC JC Penny, N.lgr..ns s/2~ E/Lawrenre Ave. Viii of the Br.neh 77 , ~OO 1970 B.I 2~ SSC EICollaci N/lIE Co...et II, ~OO <1970 O.~ 5 SSC Northgale N.riet EICollaci Rd. S/Crooi.d Hi II COII.et 7,000 1m 0.9 5 . SSC O.i Shopping PI.z. E/Harn.d Rd. COllaci 7,000 1975 1.3 6 SSC Shoe Toon E/lII NlToon line Rd. H.upp.ug. 14,000 1973 1.7 4 SSC N/25A N/lvy Rd. lings Pari ~,OOO (1970 0.8 4 SSC L.i.sid. Plaz. N/S.ilhtoon E/Gibbs Pond l.i. Ronionio.. 5,500 1973 0.6 5 SSC N/S.ilhtoon E/Gibbs Pond l.i. Ronionio.. 7,000 19B3 0.7 5 SSC N/S.ilhtoon N/Sp.etel. L.i. l.i. Ronionio.. 10,000 (1970 0.9 9 SSC N/S.ilhtoon Bid E/Niehols Rd. l.i. Ronionio.. 5,000 19B9 0.0 4 SSC Toon line S.C. S/S.i thtoon N/Bauss Rd. lake Ronkonkola 14, ~OO 1973 1.7 8 SSC S V Nini..1I S/S.ithtoon N/Ch.stnut l.ie Ronionto.. 6,500 1988 0.6 5 SSC S/S.ithtoon 81d N/Chestnut St. lake Ronkontoli 6,000 1989 0.0 5 SSC E/L.t. Ave. N/S.ilhloon Nestons!!l 3,500 (1970 1.0 6 SSC E/S.ilhtoon N/Annett. Nesconsel 9,000 (1970 1.9 8 SSC Terry Ro.d S.C. ElTerry Rd. NlToon line Rd. N.seonset 11,000 1982 1.6 8 SSC DIG Center N/S.ilhtoon NISouthern Nestons!l 11,000 1976 1.3 7 SSC NIS.ilhloon N/Sheppard L.. Nesconset 6,500 (1970 0.7 6 SSC SI25 Opp,E/Franilin Nesconsel 7,000 (1970 1.1 4 SSC L.te Plaz. S/S.ilhloon N/L.i. Neseonset 13,000 1987 1.2 7 . SSC L.ncaster Plaza s/S.i thtoon Opp/l.ncaster Neseonset 15,000 19B8 1.5 3 SSC S/S.ilhloon Bvd NINiehols Rd. Nesconset 18,000 1990 1.1 9 SSC 418 COllons E/2~A S/Clinlon Ave. Saini J..es 6,000 1983 0.7 4 SSC L.ieoood PI.za E/late Ave. s/Noodlaon Ave. Saint J...s 10,000 1988 1.0 5 SSC S.ilhav.n Plaz. N/25 N/Astor Saint J...s 9,000 1987 1.3 10 SSC m NI25 E/Hobson Av.. Saint Jues 12,000 1990 0.0 5 SSC N/25A Opp/Clinlon Av. S.int J...s 6,000 1990 0.0 5 SSC S/25A E/l.i. Av.. S.int J..., 3,~00 1983 0.3 3 SSC SmA E/l.i. Av.. Saint JaI.s 3,~00 1978 0.3 5 SSC N/lai. Av.. N/6th Saint J..., 5,~00 1983 0.5 4 SSC N/L.te Ave. Nl7lh Saint J..es 5,~00 (1970 0.4 5 SSC N/l.te Ave. s/61h Saint Jiles 8,~00 (1970 0.3 6 SSC N/L.ie Ave. N/Noodl.on Ave. Saint J..es 7,000 1909 0.7 6 OBIIPEIERIREIAILS SHOPPING.RPT TN8YTYPLORY Pago No. 22 SUFFOLK COUNTY SHOPPING CENTERS AND CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS - NOVENBER I, 1990 TOTAL SOU ARE YEAR TYPE CEHIER Hm ANCHOR STORES SIREEII SIREEI2 COMNUNIIV FOOTAGE OPENED ACRE S SIORES SSC EI25A S/Roso SI. S.ithtoMn 4,000 <mo 0.& 4 SSC Branch Contor N/25 MIPI,.outh S.ithtoMn 14,500 1m 1.& & SSC S.ith Most Pla.a N/25 M/Cornoll Dr. S.ithtoMn 12,000 19BB 1.1 1 SSC S/25 MIBrooksito Dr. S.ith!oMn 4,000 0.0 4 SSC SI25 M/LodgeMood Dr. S.ithtoMn 5,000 19B1 0.& & SSC M/Naplo Avo. N/llI S.ithtoMn 20,000 1910 1.4 12 SSC Terr, Road Pla.a MlTo", Rd. NINorth Rd. S.ithtoMn 1,000 19B9 0.0 & . 10WN OF SO: cm (Southa.pton CBDI Nain St. Jobs La. Southa.plon 40&,500 2&.B m CSC Bridgehalpton Co..ons Caldor, King Kullen, Rite Aid N/21 M/Snako HolloM Mator.i II 209,500 1913 23.1 42 NCBD (Bridgeha.pton CBDI Montauk HM'. EISchool SI. Bridgeha.pton 10,000 11.9 50 NCBD lEast ouoguo CBDI Nontauk HM'. E/Contral Avo. E ouogue 35,000 3.2 25 NCBD IHa.pton Ba,s CBDI Nontauk HMV. M/SquirotoMn Rd Ha.pton Ba,s &B,500 &.4 49 NCBD louoguo CBDI Jessup Ave. NINain St. ouogue 25,000 &.0 IB NCBD ISag Harbor CBDI Nain SI. N/Sage SI. Sag Harbor 185,500 13.2 109 NCBD (Water.ill CBDI Montauk HM'. MIStation Rd. Malonill 3B,OOO 5.5 21 NCBD IMestha.pton Beach CBDI Nain St. MIBe"h Rd. Mestha.plon Beach 199,000 12.5 111 NSC King Kullen N/21A Opp,ElTe""e E ouoguo 42,000 1m 5.0 1 NSC IGA, Cheap Johns SI21A E/Spring,ille Halpton Ba,s 21,000 <mo 2.9 & NSC Ha.let Green, Ihe SI21A EISpring,i1le Ha.pton Bavs 12,500 1981 2.2 21 NSC Village Plaza SI21A MIPonquogue Ha.pton Ba,s 11,000 <WO 1.5 II NSC A I P A I P NIJagger EIMind.i II Southa.pton 23,000 1910 2.4 I . NSC IGA M/Main NINugent Southa.pton 20,500 (WO I.B 3 NSC Ha.pton Bavs Pla.a Sterns, Genovese NI21A M/CR 24 Mestha.pton 58,000 1932 9.8 & NSC A I P, National EISunset OpplHanson Mestha.pton 8each 24,500 mlO 2.3 2 SSC NI21A ."Terrace E ouogue 1,000 1970 2.0 5 sse 225 Ha.pton 8illiards SI21A MIMest Iiana E ouogue 12,000 0.0 1 SSC NI21A Opp,W/Canoe PI. Ha.pton Ba,s 5,500 19'1& 1.0 4 SSC Nle.R. 39 EIN. Nain H..pton Park 5,000 <mo 0.9 1 SSC Water Street Shops NIMater M/Main Sag Harbor 11,000 19q1 0.& 1 SSC NI21 MlTuckahoe Rd. Shinnecock Hills 8,000 m8 1.4 II SSC H/Sunrise HM'. SEIShrubland Shinnecock Hills &,000 I 9 ill 1.0 5 SSC International Plaza N/21A OpplFirsl Heck Southa.pton 18,000 19'15 1.1 9 SSC Village Easl SM/C.R. 39 HI21A Southa.pton 12,000 1912 1.0 1 SSC HOle Furnishing Centre N/21 SM/Sebon" luckahoe ,14,000 m5 1.8 5 sse Mater Mi II Plaza S/21 EIDavids Maler.ill 2,500 <1'110 0.& 4 OB41PETERIRETAILS SHOPPING.RPI IN8VTYPE,oRV Pago No. 23 SUFFOLK COUNTY SHOPPING CENTERS ANO CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS - NOVEMBER 1, 1990 TOTAL SQUARE YEAR TYPE CENTER NAME ANCHOR STORES STREETI STREET2 COMMUN ITY FOOTAGE OPENEO ACRES STORES SSC Bar Boy N/27A W/Hello.s Pd Wo.thaopton 17,000 19B9 I.B 2 SSC EIOld Rivorhoad N/27A Wosthaopton Boach 14,000 1976 1.4 5 SSC North Mall E10ld Rivorhoad S/Rogo.. Wosthaopton Boach 14,000 19B6 U 17 SSC E/Sun.ot Opp,S/Hanson Westha.pton Beach 5,000 1977 0.5 4 SSC NI27A W/Rogo.. Wo.thaopton Boach 6,500 1988 0.7 7 SSC N/Mil1 Rd. E/Maplo 51. Wosthaopton Boach 6,500. (1970 0.7 5 SSC S/27A W/Su..ot Avo. Wosthaopton Boach 5,000 UC19B9 0.5 4 . TOWN OF SU: EIFactory Avo. CSC Matlituck Plaza A , P, 60novoso N/25 Mattituck 122,000 1972 8.7 17 NCBD (Cutthoguo CBDI Routo 25 W/Wickhaos Dr. Cutthoguo-No. Suff 24,000 8.3 17 NCBD (Groonport CBDI Main 51. Front 51. Green port 246,500 15.9 145 NeBD (Mattitud CBDI love la. Routo 25 Matti tud 45,000 4.1 32 NeBO ISouthold (80) Route 25 NIYoungs Avo. Southold 39,000 6.9 28 NsC King Kullon N/25 Opp,E/still.tr eutthoguo'No. Suff 41 , 500 1972 4.7 9 NSe Foathor Hill N/25 Opp/Nolls Southold 25,000 1988 2.4 21 sse Harbor Mall N/25 Opp/Harbor eutthoguo-No. Suff 10,500 1984 1.2 6 sse Sterlington Co.,ons slFront St. W/3rd 6reenport 18,000 19B9 2.0 23 sse Mattituck COI.ons Nm Opp,E/Bray laurel 13,000 19B9 1.9 9 sse N/Middlo Rd. EICo, Neck Rd. Mattituck 10,000 Uel9B9 1.4 10 sse Colit eontor 5/25 E/Marlono la. Mattitud 6,000 0.0 4 sse Southold Shopping Mall N/e.R. 27 Opp,N/80issoau Southold 9,000 19BB 1.2 5 SSC Colonial Corners sm Nllocust Avo. Southold B,OOO 19B7 0.7 10 SSC Southold squaro S/e.R. 27 W/Boisseau live. Southold 16,000 19BB 1.2 9 . DB41PETERIRETAlls sHOPPING.RPT TN8YTYPE.ORY . . NASSAU <XlONTY OFFICE BUILDrms - MAllCH 18. 02FICE :SUILDING NAME '.;LEN CU!E CITY '}len Harbor Plaza Plaza ()ffice Bldg. Glen Cove Village Square (jlen St. & Mill St. 50 Glen Street 24 School Street 4 Cedar Swamp Rd. 1 School St. Condo 15 Glen Stree-c 3 School St. Condo Nassau N. Cent,re ADDPESS Glen Street Glen St. & Mill St. 50 Glen Street 24 School Stree~ 4 Cedar Swamp Rd. 1 School Stree-c 15 Glen Street 3 School Street 107 Arterial Hwy. 1991 YEAR CONSTRUCTED (J (I o (J 1967 1978 1979 1984 1984 1986 1988 GLEN O:,VE CITY TOTAL: ::')UARE F(OTAGE u (I :35, 000 o 15,000 30,000 25.000 32.000 40,000 48,000 70,000 :295.0(,:) 'l'(];N OF HE: BALDWIN Baldwin Plaza Bldg. 2280 Grand Ave. 1973 21. 000 BALDWIN TCYI'AL: 21. 000 BELLMORE Mfrs. Hanover Trust Co. 2631 Merrick Road 1975 28.000 BELLMORE TCYI'AL : 28.000 CEDARHURST 123 Grove Ave. 1965 22,000 CEDARHURST TCYI'AL: :~2 , 000 E GARDEN CIr{ Coliseum Corp. Headquarters 901 Stewart Ave. (J (I Garden City Corp. Ctr. Quentin Roosevelt Blvd 0 0 Canon Ellison Ave. (J 0 Nassau Plaza I 0 0 Stewart Avenue Office Bldg Stewart Ave. (I 0 Nassau Plaza II 0 0 Forum West 0 0 Reckson Office Building (J (I Forum Office Park 0 0 First World Building 0 (I Centra 600 600 Old Country Road 1959 180.000 Avis Bldg 900 Old Country ROad 1962 156.000 Reliance Federal Savings 585 Stewart Ave 1966 147.000 Roosevel t Office Building 900 Ellison Ave. 1969 145.000 865 Merrick Ave 865 Merrick Ave 1971 109.000 591 Stewart Ave. 591 Stewart Ave. 1974 38.000 Singer Building 875 Merrick Ave. 1979 40,000 666 Old Country Road 666 Old ColUltry Road 1980 117.000 550 Stewart Ave. 550 Stewart Ave. 1981 47,000 OBNBYTN.QBE OBBYCOM.E'RM F~e No. :: EAST MEADOW ELMONT FLORAL PK V FREEPORT V . . NASSAU COONTY OFFICE BOILDINJS - MARCIf 18. OFFI,jE BUILDING NAME 1101 Stewa~ Ave. 55 C. Lindberl';h Blvd. Belzona Molecular 'Bergwall The c.~mmerce 1035 Stewart Ave. Nassau W. Corp. Center II 850 Old COI~try Road 99 Quentin Roosevelt Blvd Ellipse Mitchell Field Corp. Center Nassau W. Corp. Center I 70 C. Lindbergh Blvd. Atria West (Chase Bldg) 801 A.-dnn Ave. 11eadowbrooi<; Plaza South The (jffice t~ Mitchel Field Law Center University Plaza West Law Bldg Atria East 755 East Gate Blvd. Nassau West Omni Center 595 Stewart Ave. Meadowbrook Forum Lufthansa E. Meadow Plaza Meadow Brook East United Artists Plaza Travelers Financial Center Meadowbrook Plaza 1 1230 Hempstead Tpke. 570 Elmont Road Landmore Church St. & Sunrise Hwv. 33 N. Main 12-18 Sunrise Highway 70 Sunrise Highway 147-151 W. Merri~ Rd. 81 S. Bergen Place ADDRESS 1101 Stewart P~/e. 55 C. Lindbergh Blvd. C. Lindberl';h Blvd. 106 C. Lindberl';h Blvd. 711 Stewart Ave. 1035 Stewart Ave. 60 C. Lindberl1;h Blvd. 850 Old Col~try Road 99 Quentin Roosevelt Bl'l East Gate Blvd. 1600 Stewart Ave. 50 C. Lindbergh Blvd. 70 C. Lindbergh Blvd. 900 Stewart Ave. 801 A.'dnn Ave. 377 Oak St. 877 Stewart Ave. 615 Merrick Ave 990 Stewart Ave. 755 East Gate Blvd. Earle Oving'ton Blvd 595 Stewart Ave. E GARDEN CITY Merrick Ave. 1640 Hempstead Tpke. 1900 Hempstead Tpke. 1975 Hempstead Tpke. 2545 Hempstead Tpke. 90 Merrick Ave. 30 Merrick Ave. EAST MEAIOW 1230 Hempstead Tpke. 570 Elmont Road ELMONT South Tyson Ave. FLORAL PK V Church St. & Sunrise Hwv 33 N. Main 12-18 Sunrise Highway 70 Sunrise Highway 147-151 W. Merrick Rd. 81 S. Bergen Place ____..c"'~~~-_J:.....___ 1991 YEAR CONSTRUCTED 1981 1982 1982 1982 1983 1983 1984 1984 1:?85 1985 1985 1985 1986 1986 1986 1987 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1989 1990 1991 SQUARE F':orAGE 94.00~i 220.000 55.000 30.000 300.000 93.000 220.000 15.000 60.00D 75,000 220,000 225.000 93,000 233.000 30.000 60.(100 150.000 132.000 55.000 80,000 210,000 22,000 550,000 87,000 TOTAL: 4.288.000 o 1970 1970 1971 1981 1984 1985. TOTAL : 1971 1973 TOTAL : 1986 TOTAL: o o 1912 1925 1952 1956 I) 109.000 72.000 32.000 28.000 240.000 15.000 496.000 28.000 18.000 46.000 40.000 40.000 o 17.000 15.000 23.000 17.000 20,000 .',_...c.::;.?:<:: ~;,~,~'fsi,'_ . . fcv;;e ,\v NASSAU COUNTY OFFICE BUILDIOOS - MARCH 18. ':'FFICE BUILDHK3 NPl1E ADDRESS Pennvsaver Bldg 30 S. (^~ean Ave. 5 Broadway :30 S. !:'-\8ean Ave. GAI'IDEN "'I1Y 7 FREEPCRT V 1565 FrarutlL~ Ave. 1565 FranKlin Ave. 53-65 Hilton Ave. 53-65 Hilton Ave. Doubleday 501 Franklin A',e. Garden City Exec '>r 1415 Kelllun Place :310-20 Old Count!;! Rd. 310-20 Old Country Rd. :350 Old Count!;, Rd. 350 Old Count!;I Rd. 520-540 Franklin Ave. 520-540 Franklin A'Ie. :370 Old Country Rd. 370 Old Count!;I Rd. 1001 Franklin l'.'Ie. 1001 Franklin Ave. LI Plast.ic Sur.l5eons Gl'OUp B iE-,Ol Fr:mklL'1 il~'-."e. 1140 Fr:...'1klin. ..0.~ve. 1140 Frarj.~lil:l Ave. Fidelity W{ lOOO Franklin Ave, ;3hearson BUilding 801 Franklin Ave. 1505 KellLun Place 1505 Kelllun Place Insurance E.xcr~9l1ge Buildir.g 229 7th Street Garden City Prof Ctr 226 7th Street AM Bleig 233 7th Street 601 Franklin Ave. 601 Franklin Ave. 1399 Franklin Ave. 1399 Franklin Ave. INA Building 100 Ring Road West . Granite Building (500 Blelg) 500 Old Country Rd. Demmest Building 224 7th Street 100 Garden City Plaza Ring Rd. 1055 Franklin Ave. 1055 Franklin Ave. 1100 Franklin Ave. 1100 Franklin Ave. 200 Garden City Plaza Ring Rd. Roosevelt Savings Bank 1122. Franklin Ave. 1050 FranKlin Ave. 1050 Franklin Ave. Dartmouth Bleig 1301 Franklin Ave. Franklin Ave. Office Center 1225 Franklin Ave. 1010 Franklin Ave. 1010 Frankli.:l Ave. Franklin Ave Prof Ctr 1205 Franklin Ave. Franklin Ave. Office Center 1325 Franklin Ave. 300 Garden City Plaza Ring Rd. 969 Franklin Ave. 969 Frarutlin Ave. 1984 875 Franklin Ave. 975 Franklin Ave. 400 Garden City Plaza Ring Rd. 999 Frarudin Ave. 999 Frarudin Ave. HEMPSTE..A..D V GARDEN CITY V Hempstead Village Fleig. 134 .Jackson St. 16 Main St. 199 Fulton Ave. Executive Building 159 North Franklin St. 134 .Jackson St. 16 Main St. 199 Fulton Ave. 250 Fulton Ave. 159 North Franklin St. ., :,~"~,; 1091 '{EAR S'dUARE '))NSTRUCTED ~'::~)TAGE 1967 18.000 1974 15.000 TOTAL: 125. 00(/ 0 (J 1925 55.0GO 1947 417 . (1~!O 1953 51.000 1954 20.000 1955 15,000 1955 51,000 1956 19.000 1958 85.000 1958 21.00() 1960 42. oc:n 1960 27.000 1960 .30. 000 1961 17.000 1963 42.000 1963 16.000 1965 31,000 1965 26.000 1~65 42.000 1966 .36. 000 1966 40.000 1967 16.000 1969 125.000 1970 60.000 1970 26.000 1971 125.000 1976 42.000 1978 58.000 1980 40.000 1980 160.000 1980 52.000 1980 40.000 1980 160.000 1980 142.000 34,000 1985 34.000 1987 165.000 1987 28.000 TOTAL: 2.390.000 o o o 192'9 1930 1954 o o o 37.000 100. 000 49.000 . . F?J?;e No. 4 NASSAU.couNTY OFFICE BOILDIOOS - MARCH 18, 1991 YEAR SQUARE OFFICE EUILDING NAtvm ADDRESS CONSTRUCTED FCOTAGE 320 Fulton Ave. 320 Fulton Ave. 1956 61. 000 619 Fulton Ave. 619 Fult.)n Ave. 1958 18.000 91 North Franklin St. 91 North Franklin St. 1959 36.000 '474 Fulton Ave. 474 Fulton Ave. 1961 18.000 Imperial Square 175 Fulton Ave. 1962 180.000 Tri-Road fr~ildL~ 14 Front StreeT. 1969 33,000 Hempstead Executive Plaza 50 Clirlton St. 1972 130,000 393 Front Street 393 Front :3treet 1972 32,000 West End Prof Bldg :33 Front StreeT- 1972 22,000 Island Towers 196 Fulton Ave. 1976 42,000 Nassau Plaza 1 Fulton Ave. 1982 60.000 Plaza 230 230 Hilton Ave. 1984 60,000 236 Fulton Ave. 236 Fulton Ave. 1984 24,000 Hempstead Bus Tenninal 100 Main st. 1986 120.000 45 Main Street 45 Main Street 1987 15,000 HEMPSTEAD V TOTAL: 1,037~OOO INWCOD The Landmark @ Inwood ?120 NASSAU AVE? 0 17,000 INWOOD TOTAL : 17,000 LAWRENCE V Savings of America Bldg 700 Rockaway Turnpike 1973 30,000 LAWRENCE V TOTAL: 30,000 . LEVITTOWN The Village Green 0 24,000 2900 Hempstead Tpke. 2900 Hempstead Tpke. 1966 19,000 3000 Hempstead Tpke 3000 Hempstead Tpke 1971 52,000 Crescent Office Park 3601 Hempstead Tpke. 1973 90,000 Eisenhower Medical 2870 Hempstead Tpke. 1976 15.000 LEVITTOWN TOTAL : 200.000 LYNBROOK V Congressional Bldg 381 Sunrise Highway 1930 38.000 444 Merrick Road 444 Merrick Road 1961 80,000 211 Broadway 211 Broadway 1969 20,000 Willow Office Bldg. 8 Freer Street 1971 90.000 Merrick Road Merrick Road 1973 27.000 Natwest Bank 300 Merrick Road 1975 34,000 Jamaica Savings Bank 303 Merrick Road 1975 72.000 Lynbrook Court 266 Merrick Rd. 1987 30,000 , LYNBROOK V TOTAL: 391.000 MERRIC"I.. Merrick Prof Ctr 2174 Hewlett Ave. 1960 24,000 Granite Bldg 2116 Merrick Road 1966 19,000 Merrick Road Office Condo 1955 Merrick Road 1967 15,000 MERRICK TOTAL: 58,000 ROCKVILLE CTR V LI Savings Bank 53 N. Park Ave. 1954 35,000 . _:'-':tge pl.::_, .... . t)FFICE BUILDING N.c411E NASSAU COUNTY OFFICE BUILDHUS - MARCH 18. 1991 YEAR 165 N VILL~GE Ay~ 100 ~IEIi:PICK ED W BLIG 30 Hem~s~ead Ave. .265 SUNRL3E ff~r{ .371 I'IEIiPICK RD 100 ~IiPICK FD E BLDG 119 North Park Ave. 77 N CENTRE ME Ryan 11edical Arts Bldg 100 N CE~ITRE AVE f.5 Maple Ave. .36 Li:1coln Ave. Lincoln Plaza , "E --,--. ~J i'l ~ll:\..'i,,::r '~estbury Plaza ONIONDALE EAB Plaza II EAB Plaza I VAI.J.E{ STREAt'1 V 65 Roosevelt Ave. 507-5.35 Rockaway Ave. 99 W. Hawthorne Ave. 31 First Ave. 11 Sunrise Plaza 71 S. Central Ave. 33 W. Hawthorne Ave. Sunrise Hwy 20 E. Sunrise Hi~way 10 5th St. Sunrise Pavilion 50 W. Hawthorne Ave. WANTAGH Wantagh Commons LI Savings Bank 2020 Wantagh Ave. 3375 Park Ave. WEST HEMPSTEAD 60 Hempstead Tpke. 300 Hempstead 'Tpke. ADDRESS 165 N VILLN;E A'IE 100 MEIiPICK RD W BLIG . 30 Hempstead AVe. 265 :3UNRISE HWY .371 MEIiPICK ED 100 ~RRICK P.D E BUG 119 North Park Ave. 77 N CENTRE AVE 2000 N VILLAGE A'{E 100 N CENTRE AVE 55 Maple Ave. 36 Lincoln Ave. 2 Lincoln Ave CON8THt!GTED 1963 1963 1964 1969 1970 1971 1975 1,375 1979 1980 1985 1986 1989 ~'90 Westbury Road ROGKVILLE eTR V TOTAL: S WESTBURY Hempstead Tpke. Hempstead Tpke. UNIONDALE 65 Roosevelt Ave. 507-535 Rockaway Ave. 99 W. Hawthorne Ave. 31 First Ave. 11 Sunrise Plaza 71 S. Central Ave. 33 W. Hawthorne Ave. 70 E. Sunrise Highway 20 E. Sunrise Highway 10 5th St. Sunrise Hwy 50 W. Hawthorne Ave. 1975 TOTAL : .~GGARE r'\-,Or AGE 59.CiOO 72.000 34.000 50.000 33.000 66.000 26.000 ;31.000 62.000 .30.000 30.000 20.000 25.000 573. iXiG 26. 0(;0 26.000 o 0 1984 1.100.000 TOTAL: 1.100.000 1957 1962 1962 1968 1968 1970 1976 1984 1984 1986 1988 1988 VALLEY STREAM V TCrrAL: 3366 Park Ave. 2020 Wantagh Ave. 3375 Park Ave. WANTAGH 60 Hempstead Tpke. .300 Hempstead Tpke. o 1965 1967 1969 TOTAL : 1955 1966 WEST HEl1PSTEAD TCrrAL : ~ . ,.... ',' ",,-;"'~'.~,":'~__1'.;i.i.;..,,~.., 27.000 23.000 36.000 53.000 15.000 .'32.000 18.00n 150.000 30.000 30.000 60.000 32.000 506.000 30.000 19.000 70.000 21.000 140.000 65.000 21. 000 86.000 . . f'c...s:e ~b. b NASSAU COUNTY OFFICE BUILDIffiS - MARCll 18. 1991 YEAR OFFICE BUILDING N~11E f...DDRESS '-'~N-TO"CT:m ,....ll i:l \'U'""' W SQUAEE FCOTAC-iE HE TCtlN TOTAL: i1.620.CC/) LONG BEACH CI'Ff 249 East Park Ave. 249 East Park Ave. 1964 16.000 Long Beach Workplace Condo 425 National Blvd 1988 22.000 LONG BEACH CITY TOTAL : 38.000 TCMN OF NIl: ALBERTSON 983 Willis Ave 983 Willis Ave 1980 15,OCiO Raddock Bldg. 1 Albertson Ave. 1985 30.000 ALBERTSON TOTAL: 45, 0::(; .CARLE FLACE 200 Stonehene;e Lane 200 Stonehenge Lane 1961 35.000 265 Glen Cove Road 265 Glen Cove Road 1965 24.000 1 Old Country Road 1 Old Country Road 1970 272.000 CARLE PLACE TOTAL : 331,000 EAST HILLS V East Hills Prof. Bldg. 70 Glen Cove Road 196.6 24,000 EAST HILLS V TOTAL: 24,000 FLORAL FK V 199 Jericho Turnpike 199 Jericho Turnpike 1969 40,000 Fortunato Bldg. 102-114 Jericho Tpke. 1983 25.000 Landmark Condos 99 Tulip Ave. 1987 5.0.000 FLORAL PK V TOTAL: 115,OClO FLOWER HILL V Flower Hill Office Bldg. 1025 Northern Blvd. 1966 26.000 FLOWER HILL V TOTAL : 26.000 GREAT NCK PLZ V 150 Great Neck Road 150 Great Neck Road 1961 25.000 Station Plaza East 17 Barstow Road 1965 25,000 45 N Station Plaza 45 N Station Plaza 1967 36,000 7-9 Park Place 7-9 Park Place 1967 20.000 175 Great Neck Road 175 Great Neck Road 1969 34.000 265 Great Neck Rd. 265 Great Neck Rd. 1969 50,000 Linden Place Bldg 1 Linden Place 1969 62.000 The Atrium 98 Cutter l1ill Road 1970 175,000 Executive Plaza 185 Great Neck Road 1970 40,000 10 Cutter Mill Road 10 Cutter Mill Road 1971 22.000 11 Grace Ave. 11 Grace Ave. 1971 56.000 29 Barstow Road 29 Barstow Road 1972 23.000 Sterling Bldg. 159 Great Neck Road 1977 22.000 60 Cutter Mill Road 60 Cutter Mill Road 1978 100. 000 ~c~'_.=.~'{",i_-,-"';,."~..'.. :C' -, :"aJSe t'j,:,. GREAT NEc-r: u GREAT NECK V GREENVALE HERRICKS LK SUCCESS V . . OFFICE BUILDING NANE NASSAU moNTY OFFICE BlJILDIl-nS - MARCH 18. The Towers HHS Bldg. :30 Cutter Mill Road ~40 Cutt.er Nill Road 239 Great: Neck Road 160 Grea"t Neck Road 488 Grea"t Neck Road Northern Blvd. Crossroads Building 320 Northern Blvd. Grea"t Neck Pro. Cent.er 300 Nort.hern B1 vd . 260 Northern Blvd. 350 Northern 51 vd . 833 Northern Blvd. 865 Northern 81 vd. 119 Northern Blvd. Waterview Office Building 233 East. Shore Road Nassau Office Building 3003 Nel~ Hyde Park Rd. 400 Lakeville Road 6 Ohio Drive 2000 Marcus Ave. 2 Ohio Drive. Lake Success Quadrangle 4 Ohio Drive Lake Success Quadrangle Canon Plaza Lake success Quadrang 1e 119 Community Dr. 420 Lakeville Hoad Grea"t Neck Col Blelg 410 Lakeville Read 1 Marcus Ave. 444 Ull{eville Road Lake Success Plaza ADDRESS 111 Grea"t Neck Road 235 Great Neck Road 80 Cutter Mill Road 40 Cutter ~Jill Road 239 Great N~-k Boad 160 Great: Neck Read 488 Gr'ea"t Neck Road 1991 YEAfl CONSTRUt..;rw 1980 1984 1985 1985 1986 1988 1988 SQUAFE ~-(iOTAGE lBO.DCG 15,000 80.000 55.000 26.000 15.000 16.000 GREAT NCK I'LZ V TOTAL: 1.051.000 Northern Blvd. 55 Northern Blvd. 320 Northern Blvd. 101 Northern Blvd. 300 Northern Blvd. 260 Nort.hern 81'/d. 350 Northern Blvd. 833 Northern Blvd. 865 Northern Blvd. 119 Northern Blvd. GREAT NECK U 310 East shore Road 233 Eas"t Shore Road GREAT NECK V 9 Northern Blvd. GREENVALE 3003 New Hyde ParJ{ Rd. HERRICKS 400 Lakeville ROc~d 6 Ohio Drive 2000 Marcus Ave. 2 Ohio Drive. 3000 Marcus Ave. 4 Ohio Drive 3 Dakota Drive 1 Dako"ta Drive 5 Dakota Drive 119 Co~~ity Dr. 420 Lakeville Road 560 Northern Blvd. 410 Lakeville Road 1 Marcus Ave. 444 Lakeville Road 1 Hollow Lane --'--_.~-~--"-'---._..._--_. "---- o 1969 1910 1911 1913 1977 1985 1988 1989 1990 TarAL : 1981 1986 TarAL: 1968 TarAL : 1976 TOTAL: 1965 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1910 1910 1970 1912 1972 1912 1913 1978 1978 1980 o 62.000 15.LlOO 36.000 :35 . 000 22.000 20.0GO 46.000 70.000 46.00D 352,000 50.000 35.000 85,000 38,000 38,000 61. 000 61. 000 43.000 66.000 100.000 66,000 190.00Ll 66.000 133.000 133.000 133.000 20.000 48..000 60.000 100,000 102. 000 ?O,OOO 115.000 ," _'-'.;c:~;'-.-:::;&.;..k;:::...-_ ",:"~~,;(.,::':;j..,,~ ~ Fage No. ~:. t1ANHASSET MlNEOLA V N NEW HYDE PK . . MASSAU COONTY OFFICE BUILDIOOS - MARCH 18. OFFICE BUILDm3 NPl1E ADDRESS 600 Northern Blvd. 600 Northem Blvd. Lake Succe::;e Eueinees P.':trk - 175-200 Community Dr. 2300 Marcus Ave. 2300 t1arcus Ave. -2335 New Hyde Park Rd. 2335 New Hyde Park Rd. Sebena World Airlines 2110 Northern Blvd. 1615 Northern Blvd. 444 Community Drive 111 East Shore Road 1000 Northern Blvd. 1201 Northern Blvd. 1010 Northern Blvd. Zurich ~positL~ Buildin~ Valley ()ffice Plaza North Shore Pro Center The Miracle 100 E. Old Country Road Lever Building Benchmark Sation PLaza North 185, 195 Willis Ave. 22 Jericho Turnpike 100 Herricks Road 204 Old Country Ro.."\d 235 Jericho Turnpike 173 Mineola Blvd. The Chancer:l 120 Mineola Blvd. Key Court building 211 Station Road The Pavillion, Phase II The Sterling Plaza LK SUCCESS V 2110 Northern Blvd. 1615 Northern Blvd. 444 Community Drive 111 East Shore Road 1000 Northern Blvd. 1201 Northern Blvd. 1010 Northern Blvd. 1165 Northern Blvd. 1129 ~brthern Blvd. 935 Northern Blvd. MANHASSET 250 Old Country Road 100 E. Old Country Road 114 Old Country Road 170 Old Country Road 222 Front Street 185, 195 Willis Ave. 22 Jericho TurnPllte 100 Herriclts Road 204 Old Country Road 235 Jericho Turnpike 173 Mineola Blvd. 190 Willis Ave. 120 Mineola Blvd. 300 Old Country Road 211 Station Road 200 Old Country Road 330 Old Country Road MINEOLA V 1300 Union Turnpike 1300 Union Turnpike 2035 Lakeville Rd. 2035 Lakeville Rd. Triad I 2001 Union Turnpike. Triad II 1985 Marcus Ave. 1983 Hillside Medical Complex 1575 Hillside Ave. Triad III 1975 11arcus Ave. Triad IV 1981 Marcus Ave. Triad V Marcus Ave. Triad VI Marcus Ave. N NEW HYDE FK 1991 YEAR CONSTRUCTED 1981 1984 1988 1988 ;3(:)UP3;;: FCOTAGE ::,5 . 000 91.000 20,000 20,000 TOTP.L: 1,611,000 o 1956 1965 1968 1981 1981 1981 1984 1985 1986 1988 TOTAL : 1925 1957 1964 1966 1971 1978 1979 1979 1980 1983 1983 1983 1983 1986 1986 1988 1990 I) 28.000 40.000 30.000 27.000 65.000 15.000 155.000 48.00::= 64.000 36.000 508.000 103.000 16.000 116.000 101.000 101.000 29.000 33.000 16.000 18.000 15.000 30.000 36.000 109,000 77,000 72.000 135.000 105.000 TOTAL: 1.112.000 1969 1975 1979 360.000 1984 1985 1986 1988 1991 TOTAL: 34.000 55.000 270,000 44.000 360.000 360.000 350.000 o 1,833.000 __ _~:;".c"~-~ i, _' "-'-';~~,,;iILL'; _, ~':-t.qe Nc:>. .:, HEW CASSEL llE\~ !EDE PK V NORTH HILLS V . . OFFICE WILDING tIAME NASSAU COUNTY OFFICE BUILDIN;S - MARCH 18. 1065 Old CouTn::ry Road 1025 Old Country Road '275 Grand Blvd. 1335 ,Jericho TurnpH:e 2003 ,Tericho Turnpike 1700 Jericho Turnpike 3333 New Hyde Park Rd. 800 Comw.1llity Drive G:>rpora-r.e Genter 3111 New Hyde ?al~ Rd. PI' WASHINGTN N V Publishers Clearing House Publishers Clearing House FT WASHINGTON ROSLYN EST V 14 Vanderventer Ave. 2-8 Haven Ave. 900 W. Shore Road 2 Seaview Blvd. Amvest Plaza Flex Bldg. Seaview Commerce Ctr. 95 Seaview Blvd. Roslyn Plaza ROSL'lN HEIGHTS 125 Mineola Ave. 111 Mineola Ave. Expressway Office Bldg. Expressway Plaza 1,2,3&4 ROSL'i1~ V The Stratus RUSSELL <;DNS V 525 Northern Blvd. ADDRESS 1065 Old c,:;,untry Road 1025 Old 0)I.1lltrv f."Jad 275 Grand Blvd. NEW CASSEL 1335 Jericho Turnpike 2003 Jericho Turnpike 1700 Jeri~~o Turnpij.{e NEW HYDE PK V 3333 New Hyde Park Rd. BOO C,olllllll.1lli ty Drive 600 CommW1ity Drive 3111 New Hydefark Rd. NORTH HILLS V Channel Drive Channel Drive 1991 '{EAR CONSTRUCTED 1960 1971 1974 TOTAL: 1976 1977 1986 TOTAL: 1975 1975 1883 1983 TOTAL: iJ 1985 PT WASHIOOTN 1'1 V TOTAL: 14 Vander/enter Ave. 2-8 Haven Ave. 900 W. Shore Road 2 Seaviet~ Blvd. 44 S. Bayles Ave. 40,60,80 Seaview Blvd. 99 Seaview Blvd. 95 Seaview Blvd. PT WASHINGTON 1044 Northern Blvd. ROSLYN EST V 125 Mineola Ave. 111 Mineola Ave. 99 Powerhouse Road Powerhouse Road 1964 1970 1982 1984 1985 1987 1988 1988 TOTAL: 1969 TOTAL : 1964 1971 1971 1985 1800 Northeln Blvd. ROSLYN HEIGHTS TOTAL: ROSLYN V 525 Northern Blvd. ~~~~~----- 1980 TCYI'AL: 1962 ~3QUAFE [.~(:OTAG2: 40,000 16,COO 1::'.000 71. OOd 31. O(J() 20,000 24.000 75,000 161,COO 27.0C:0 198,000 20.0CiO 406,0(,0 94,000 66,000 160.000 28.000 20.000 51,0<jO 30,000 21,000 100, GO;'::; 60.000 50,000 360.000 51,000 51,000 .30,000 20.000 41:000 142,000 Z33,000 100,000 100,000 23.000 . . Ft:1,ge Ho.1U NASSAU COUNI'Y O~'FICE: BUILDIOOS - MARCH 18. 1991 YEAR SQUAFE OFFICE EUILDING NA/1E ADDRESS CONSTFUGTED E"-~()TAGE 333 East Shore Road 295 Nort..hern Blvd. 1964 32. OO'.~i 425 Nonhern Elvd. 1965 18. (iiY' 445 Northern Blvd. 1966 28.0C.1(.1 475 Northern Blvd. 1968 28.000 305 Northern Blvd. 1968 18.000 277 Northern Bl';d. 1971 27.000 287 Northern Blvd. 1978 27,000 RUSSELL GDNS V TOTAL: 201. OOCI 333 East Shore Road 1977 17.000 THOMASTON V TOTAL : 17.000 Merricll',: Ave. (I :) W/MerricJt A-;e. 0 Brosh Hollow Rd. (I :I 400 Post Ave. 1983 53.0eO 265 Post Ave. 1985 50.000 355 Post Ave. 1988 15.000 1400 Old Country Road 1988 200.000 WESTBURY V TOTAL : 318,000 101-105 Hillside Ave. 1960 20.000 2 Hillside Ave. 1984 18,000 WILLISTON PI{ V TOTAL: 38.000 NH TOWN TOTAL: :. , 228 . 000 295 Northern Blvd. 425 Northern Elvd. 445 Northern Blvd. '475 Northern Blvd. 305 Northern Blvd. 277 Northern Blvd. 287 Northern Blvd. THOI1A~3TON V WESTBURY V (Breslin) (Breslin) Westfair Office Park Holiday Plaza Kapco Centre HICO Parkway Plaza WILLISTON PK V 101-105 Hillside Ave. 2 Hillside Ave, P:~e No. 11 ..TERI(:--iO 11ASSAPEQUA OYSTER BAY . . NASSAU CXlUNTY OFFICE BUILDIOOS - MARL'!:! 18. OFFICE BUILDm.:; NAME 35 N. Broaduay 20 Neubridge Rd. Parkuay Bldg. '76 N. Broaduay 183 Broaduay 120 Pethpage Rd. 25 W. Barclay St. MHT Center 960 S. Broaduay MHT Canter Plaza 400 385 W John St. Alleyuay Jericho/Westbury (iffice Pk Forte Bldg. Jericho Office Center 333 Jericho Tpke. Bomar Plaza I L. I. Office Park 113 S. Service Rd. Bomar Plaza II 350 Jericho Tpke. L. I. Office Park 400 Jericho Tpke. Robbins L. and Jericho 410 Jericho Tpke. 420 Jericho Tpke. 50 Jericho Tpke. 99 Jericho Tpke. 375 North Broaduav 390 North Broaduay Jericho Plaza Jericho Plaza Jericho Quadrangle I Jericho Quadrangle II Jericho Quadrangle III 25 S. Service Rd. The Jericho Atrium 7001 Office Center 70 Jericho Tpke. 120 Hicksville Rd. 20 Broadway Main Street Centrum ADDRESS :35 N. Broaduay 20 Neubridge Rd. 550 Old COtmtry Rd. 76 N. Broadway 183 Broadway 120 Bethpage Fd. 25 W. Barclay St. 50 Duffy Ave. 960 S. Broadway 100 Duffy Ave. 400 S. Oyster Bay Fd. 385 W ,Tohn St. HICKSVILLE Jericho & Eileen Brush Hollow Road 55 Jericho Tpke. 333 North Broadway 333 Jericho Tpke~ 380 North Broadway 131 Jericho Tpke. 113 S. Service Rd. 366 North Broadway 350 Jericho Tpke. 125 Jericho Tpke. 400 Jericho Tpke. Robbins L. and Jericho 410 Jericho Tpke. 420 Jericho Tpke. 50 Jericho Tpke. 99 Jericho "Tpke. 375 North Broaduay 390 North Broaduav 1 Jericho Plaza 2 Jericho Plaza 100 Jericho Tpke. 200 Jericho Tpke. 300 Jericho Tpke. 25 S. Service Rd. 500 North Broadway 7001 Brush Hollow Road 70 Jericho Tpke. .JERICHO 120 Hicksville Rd. 20 Broadway MASSAPEQUA 69 W. Main St. 1991 YEAR CONSTRUCTED 1930 1957 1965 1966 1968 1969 1970 1975 1980 1983 1984 1988 TOTAL: (I (I 1963 1964 1966 1966 1967 1967 1968 1969 1969 1969 1969 1970 1970 1970 1971 1972 1974 1978 1980 1980 1981 1983 1984 1985 1985 1989 3QUAFE E'C()TAGE 27.000 19.00(; 43.000 23.000 15.000 20.000 70 146,000 55.000 270.000 42,000 60,000 790.000 " .) o 19.000 25.000 30.000 40.000 27.000 38.000 65.000 41.000 62.000 27.000 32.000 27.000 27.000 15.000 44.000 40.000 45.000 263.000 300.000 285,000 260.000 250,000 15.000 150.000 25,000 52.000 TOTAL: 2.204.000 1969 1983 TOTAL: 1986 80.000 20.000 100.000 25.000 ~'age Nt). 12 FLAINVIE"; .SYOSSET Wcx.1DBURY , . . NASSAU ('..Q{JNTY OFFICE BUILDIl-nS - I-"..ARCH 18, OFFICE BUILDING NAME '777 Old Country Rd. 1 Duponc Street 88 Sunnyside Blvd. 100 Manetto Hill Rd. 1 ~.mes Court 1 Fairchild Ct. 146 Manecto Hill Rd. 125 East Pethpage Rd. E.xecutive Plaza 45 S. Service Rd. 45 E.xecutive Drive 255 Executive Drive 1670 Old G:)Lffit.rv Rd. 225 Dupont. St. 6901 Jericho Tpke. (formerly Cerro Wire) Syosset Bowl Jericho Prof Bldg 33 Queen Street 50 Jackson Ave. N. Shore Atrium I 5 Aerial Way N. Shore Atrium II 115 Eileen Way Americ,ma Park 477 Jericho Tpke. Elite 485 Underhill BLvd. 125 Michael Dr. 2 Roosevelt Ave. Walter G. Uhl Bldg. Nassau BLdg. Crossways IntI. Plaza Geico Crossways IntI. Plaza Plaza Bldg. Crossways IntI. Plaza Gateways E.xec. Mall Gateways Exec. Mall Gateways Exec. Mall Gateways Exec. Mall Gateways Exec. Mall Gateways Exec. Mall ADDRESS CYSTER R.o. Y 777 Old COlffi't17 Rd. 1 Dupont Street 88 Sunnyside Blvd. 100 Manet.to Hill Rd. 1 Ames '~ourt 1 Fairchild Ct. 146 Manetto Hill Rd. 125 East Bethpage Rd. 255 E.xecutive Drive 45 S. Service Rd. 45 Executive Drive 255 Executive Drive 1670 (lId COU1'l'try Rd. 225 IlUpont St.. PLAINVIEW 6901 Jericho Tpke. Robbins La. Jericho Tpke. 175 Jericho Tplte. 33 Queen Street 50 Jackson Ave. 6800 Jericho Tpke. 5 Aerial Way 6900 Jericho Tpke. 115 Eileen Way 575 Underhill Rd. 477 Jeric.~o. Tpke. 200 Oak Dr. 485 Underhill BLvd. 125 Michael Dr. 2 Roosevelt Ave. SYOSSET 8243 Jericho tpke. 7600 Jericho Tpke. 40 Crossways Park Dr. 750 Woodbury Rd. 20 Crossways Pk Dr. N. 100 Crossways Pk Dr. W . 101 Crossways Park Dr. 185 Froelich Farm Blvd. 195 Froelich farm Blvd. 145-175 Froelich Farm Bl 800 Woodbury Rd. 99 Sunnyside Blvd. 180 Froelich Farm Blvd. -. '. .~..~". ;.'..':....::.-..."",..~ 1991 YEAR CONSTRUCTED TOTAL : 1963 1968 1970 1973 1980 1983 1984 1985 1985 1986 1986 1986 1886 1987 TarAL: o o o 1964 1965 1976 1979 1979 1981 1984 1985 1985 1987 1987 1988 1989 TCYrAL : 1966 1970 1970 1972 1973 1973 1973 1975 1975 1977 197.8 1978 1978 SQUARE FCOTAGE 25,000 17.000 40.000 30.000 43.000 40.000 60.000 20.000 40,000 82.000 100.000 62.000 70.000 :36.000 22.000 662.000 o o 41.000 53.000 17,000 35.000 186.000 60.000 160.000 20.000 230.000 30.000 19.000 36.000 17.000 17.000 921. 000 20.000 50.000 30.000 250.000 50.000 144.000 20.000 20.000 15.000 30,000 31. 000 42.000 17.000 . . ;:"::,!,qe No.1:: NASSAU COUNTY OFFICE BUILDllGS - 11ARCH Ul, 1991 n~FICE E-GILDING N;;.HE YEAB CONSTRUCTED ADDRESS Ciatet.Javs ~'{e~. t'1;9.11 Gatewavs ~~:ec. t1all Gat.E:H::iYE ~{ec. da.l.l. ',:rossw,"3.Y~ IntI. F~3.z,:i. Gat.e~o1ayF.: 1000 Gateways E,.'{ec. r1all SW/Crossways F'k h' J, (~roe:::1;.7,:t 170 Froelich ~-arm DIvd. 65-95 Fr0elich Farm Blvd 105-125 Frcelich Farm 21 1 Media Crossways 1000 rloc)(jbur'l Rd. 810 rioodbury Rd. 1879 1979 1380 1981 198:3 1984 1986 :-3H ICrossw.:lYS Pk iN ;>;} ", \Jros ~iCJODBURY :3Qr.L4.FE ~'cmf1.::=: 40. 0'>) 20,lJU') 40.0('<i 48 ~ CH.:U 230.0CiCi 20,000 15.000 TOTAL; 1, 132. Clon OB TU~N TI)TAL; 5,915,000 NASSAU COUNTY TOTAL '~7 ,096, CiOO 'lU</N OF BA: t01ITYVILLE V BABYLON V DEER PAHK ~ F t1..Fl1INGDi<..LE N AMITYVIT.T.l<' N LINDENh1JHST W BABYLON TGIN OF'BR: CENTEF:EACrl OBSBYTN.0BE . . SUFFOLK COUNTY OFFICE BUILDIOOS - MARCH 18, ,:lFFI8E BUILDING NAl1E ~37-157 Bl~aawav 2iverside A~le. Arg1ye S<'luare The 400 B:.dg. The White House SE/Leer Park & Claremont 900 Broadhollow Rd. Posillico Bldg. Tech 110 60 Executive Blvd. 1 Michael Dr. The Equi1;able Medical & Dental Center 150 E. Sunrise Hwy. 500 Montauk Hwy. Realtor Bldg. Federal Square Pro. Center The Park Avenue Bldg. Bank of Smithtc.wn Long Island Savings Bank New England Village ADDRESS 1991 YEAR CONSTRUCTED 137-157 Broadway Riverside Ave. 1965 1988 AMITYVILLE V TOTAL: 181 Montaul-: Hwy. 400 W. Main St. Main Stree1; 1955 1969 1990 BABYLON V TOTAL : SElDeer Park & Claremont 1988 JEER FL~RK TOTAL: 900 Broadhollow Rd. 1970 100 Broad Hollow Rd. 1973 110 Bi-County Blvd. 1984 60 Executive Blvd. 1984 1 Michael Dr. 1984 500 Bi-County Blvd. 1986 E FARMINGDALE TOTAL: 1200 Farmingdale Rd. 1973 N AMITYVILLE TOTAL: 150 E. ,'" . ..,. 1975 ;':"lmr~ee tH-lY. N LINDENHURST TOTAL : 500 Montauk Hwy. 1972 300 Sunrise Hwy. 1972 393 Sunrise Hwy. 1972 Montauk Hwy. 1986 W BABYLON TOTAL: BA TOWN TOTAL: 1919 ~liddle Coun'trv Rd. 2100 Middle Country Rd. 3771 Nesconset Hwy. 1966 1972 1988 CENTEREACH TOTAL : 30UAFE 2-'-(ITAGE 1'7. (;(:U :=.o.OO(! :37,C00 18 . (:iY~~ 50. (!oe 22.000 90.000 1:;, nrHl .....,.'.,.".,... :5. c.,t;,- 30.000 18.000 150.000 25.000 25.000 93.000 341.000 22.000 22.000 30.0C:(i ;30. 0(,0 40,000 18. 000 15.000 150.000 223.000 758.000 21. 000 30.000 21. 000 72.000 OBBYCOM.FRM . .. ".,' -~-"'-'~~;~'"---'- Page 1~1(). ~ i=;:)PJu.~ E: PATCHCGUE E SHOP.EHAM ~.A..Bl1INGVILLE HOLBROOK HOLTSVILLE LAKE GROVE . . SUFFOL.'I: COlJNl'Y OFFICE BUILDIOOS - HARCH 18, 1991 OFFICE EUILD::,TG nlu'1E TBS BUildil'llt Cor~"1l \)ffi-::e Bldg. Isl&ld Coloni31 Bldg. 9roo~~3ven Medic3l Ar~s Patchogue Sills l'led. G. Hospital Rd. Fro. Center Maple Commons Pro. Center Crossroads Pro. C~ntre Allstate Bldg. Teachere Fed. Credit Bldg. Ackerly (lffice Bldg. Holbrook Med. Center Grumman property SE./Nesconset & Moriches LAKE RONKONKOMA Hawkins Office Park MANORVILLE MEDFORD N PATCHOOUE '"~-,-'lih..,.:<.c.:,~,.,..,.,,,~,;., LIE E.xit. 69 Broolmav€'Jl Eusil:tess Pk. 1717 N. Ocean Ave. Strathmore Office Park Gateways 440-450 Waverly Ave. A.DDRESS '{EP.B. 3'"X:rAfiE zXjNSTFTjCTED :~(I:)T AGE 625 t-1idd2.e ;=~ount.ry" Rd. ~;56 ~l:.dci2.e Coun"trt Rd" 1971 1973 ':CRi<.l'1 TOTAL: 475 East ~alll St. 4 Ph'll!:.::: Dr. 240 Patcn.-Yap. bO. 250 Paccn.-Yap. Sd. 1965 1965 1970 1976 E PATCHCGUE TaTAL: 1985 45 Rout.e A E .3HOREPNl TOTAL: SE/Port.lcn (Ii Morris 1 Allstate Dr. 2410 N. (cean Ave. SWlPortion & Ackerly o 1977 1981 1990 FARMINGVILLE TaTAL : 1978 233 Union Ave. HOLBROOK TaTAL: Express Dr. N. o HOLTSVILLE TaTAL : SE/Nesconset & Morkhes (J LAKE GROVE TaTAL: 622-626.650 Hawkins Ave. 1972 LAKE RONKONKOl1A TOTAL: LIE E.xit 69 0 tW10RVILLE TaTAL: Horse Block Rd. 0 1717 N. ('~ean Ave. 1986 3680 Route 112 1987 MEDFORD TC1I'AL: SlUlrise Ht.Jy . 0 440-450 I'iaver Iy Ave. 1984 15.0C:{; :=:0, (l(JO :35 . 000 40 . {jOt) 17.UOO 17 . UCtO 20.0CiO 94.1.100 20.0UO .~O. UlH] :) 225.000 60. (!()O 22.000 307.000 20,000 20,000 o I) Cl o 20,000 20.000 o o o 60.000 150,000 210.000 o 30.000 - . ~;age: 1'1(;. FATC'rtCGUE V IT JEFF STA FT .JEFF V ROCKY IT SELLEN . . OFFICE BUILDIlKl N;ll1E SUFFOLK COON'l'Y OFFICE BtJILDlOOS - MARCH 18, 1991 SE/Colllmbia & Rte 112 Patc:toglle Office Bldg. Wed,!;ewood Bldg. L. I. Advance Bldg. S. o.::ean Ave. Medical Center Peconic Bank .Jefferson Park Norstar Eank Nesconeet E/Hoocihull Davis Pr.:>. Park Mather Hospital St. Charles Hospital Jefferson Med. Park Station Med. Complex Port Jeff. Pro. Complex Harbor Towne Properties The Tides Office Bldg. Coram Selden Pro. Center SETAllKET/E SET Stony Brook Tech Center (Klatsky) Setauket Medical Condos Heritage Square SHIF.LE'1 STONY BRCOK Exteban]{ Office Plaza NE/Nesconset & Moriahes 207 Hallock Rd. Bldg. Stony Brook Med. Park --,~'~"".,..- ADDRESS N PATCH03UE SE/Columbia & Rte 112 31 Oak St. West Main St. 20 Medford Ave. s. Ocean AV*9. PATCHCGUE V 5360 Nesconset Hwy. 1010 Route 110 51 Terx,'Ville Rd. 650 Route 112 Nesconset E/HoodilUll 5225 Nesconse't Hwy. IT .JEFF :3TA N. Country Rd. Belle Terre Rd. 31 Oak St. 251 Oakland Me. 640 Belle Terre Rd. Route 112 IT JEFF V Route 25 A ROCKY P'!' 660 Middle Country Rd. SELDEN N/Nesconset Rte. 25A 3400 Nesconset Hwy. S. Jersey Ave. YEAR SQUARE CONSTPUCTED 8-0)TAGE TOTAL : u 1952 1955 1965 1986 TOTAL: 1976 1981 1987 1988 1988 1888 TOTAL : o o 1965 1~70 1972 1988 TOTAL: 1988 TOTAL: 1973 TCYI'.<\L : o o 1972 1988 1500 W. Floyd R{wy. SETAllKET/E SET TOTAL: SHIR~-Y NE/Nesconset & Moriches 207 Hallock Ave. 2500 Nesconset Hwy. 1974 TOTAL : o 1974 1985 30.000 U 17.0UO 15.000 15.000 20.000 67.000 57,00Ci 18,000 60.000 25.000 15. uGCi 34.000 209. DOli o o 16,000 21, 000 21, 000 15,000 73,000 25.000 25.000 18,QOO 18,000 o o 25.000 55.0uO 80.000 25.000 25.000 o 24.000 100.000 . . ~'.?.ge No. 4 SUFFOLK COONTY OFFICE BUILDIOOS - MARCIl 18. 1a91 YEAR CONsrBUCTEIi OFFICE EUILDIH3 NAME ADDRESS STONY i:FC':,:iK TOTAL: SQUAP-E ~,:(trAGE 124,000 BR TU~N 'rOTAL' 1.429.000 'lU<iN OF ElI: t~AINscarr () 1986 1987 1988 TCYrAL , C-ood Friend P,3.rk Good Friend Park (',ood Friend Park Good Friend Park WAINSCOTT Eli TOWN TOTAL' o 18.000 15.000 24.000 57.000 57,000 TCMN OF lID: CC~U1.4.CK Long Island Savlll"'s Bank 6080 ,Jericho Tpke, 1973 40.000 Fairfield Colonial Center 283 (',ommack Rd. 1984 30.UOO 6143 Jericho Tpke. 6143 Jericho Tpke. 1985 27,000 65 Commack Rd. 65 Commack Rd. 1986 31. 000 5036 Jericho Tpke. 5036 Jericho Tpke. 1986 25.000 Fairfield Office Center 66 Commack Rd. 1986 28.000 Larkfield Rd. Larkfield Rd. 1986 20.000 COMMACK TCYrAL: 201.000 E NORTHPORT Larkfield Rd. Larkfield Rd. 0 0 Larkfield Pro. Center. 554 Larkfield Rd. 1968 15.000 E NORTHPORT TOTAL,: 15.000 FORT SAWNGA Norwood Plaza Fort Salonga Rd. 1987 15.0(1) FORT SALONGA TCYrAL : 15.000 HUNTINGTON North Shore Med. Group 325 Park Ave. 1958 20.000 48-52 Elm St. 48-52 Elm St. 1959 24,000 Hunt. Med. & Pro Bldg. 23 Green St. 1961 29,000 7 High S1;. Assoc. 7 High St. 1965 24.000 Village Green Pro. Bldg. 124 Main St. 1965 18.000 63 New York Ave. 63 New York Ave. 1965 45.000 755 New York Ave. 755 New York Ave. 1972 32.000 Village E. Pro. Center 205 E. ~lain St. 1978 28,000 North Harbor Med. Offices 152 E. Main St. 1980 15.000 124 E. Main St. 124 E. Main St. 1985 15.000 North Harbor Med. Offices 175 E. Main St. 1985 G~.tlUU 141 E. Main St. 141 E. Main St. 1986 15.000 110 Route 110 110 Route 110 1986 30.000 120 New York Ave. 120 New York Ave. 1986 20.000 755 Park Ave. 755 Park Ave. 1988 40.000 Huntington Atrium 775 Park Ave. 1988 77.000 d.",","_" ~<),",':c~..:_;';"';.,,::,,,,,,,,~""_' Page No. .>> . . OFFICE BUILDING NAME SllFFOLK COONTY OFFICE BUILDlfGS - MARCH 18. ')ld Walt ~ihitman Rd. HUNTINGTON :3TA' Hunt1Il.gton Med. Group . Walt wbi tman Office Bldg. Dime Savings Bank Huntington Plaza MELVILLE Expressway Corp. 1800 Walt Whit~ Rd Maxess Rd. 1121 Walt ~lhitman Rd. (DeMatteis) 535 Bldg. 60 Broad Hollow Rd. 20 Broad Hollow Rd. 110 Colonial Center Paragon Office Bldg. Huntington Office C-enter Expressway Plaza HUntington Office Plaza Pitney Bowes 555 Plaza Melville Park Office Bldg. Huntington Quadrangle Chemical Bank Bldg. Corporate Quarters Citicorp Melville Office Plaza Paragon Enterprises Huntington Business Campus Melville Corp. Center II Melville Corp. Center I Panafax Bldg. Parkway Plaza Melville Corp. Ctr III 265 Broad Hollow Rd. Fairway Office Bldg. Evans Corp. Center Walt Whitman Corp. Ctr 3 Greenway Plaza I. II. III 25 Melville Park Rd. Extebank 1895 Walt Whitman Rd. Plaza Office Center Center Round Swamp Rd. 15 Park Drive 495 E.'CPressway Corp. Ctr Long Island Savings Bank' Ruland Rd. Office Bldg. <'<..-/..; ADDRESS Old Walt Whitman Bd. HUNTINGTON Pulaski Rd. 315 Walt Wnitman Rd. Walt Whitman Rd. 33 New York Ave. 1991 YEAR CONSTRUC"!'ED 1989 TCYrAL : 1959 1965 1978 1984 HUNTINGTON STA TOTAL: 1800 Walt Whitw~ Rd Maxess Rd. 1121 Walt Whitman Rd. Round Swamp Pd. 535 Broad Hollow Rd. 60 Broad Hollow Rd. 20 Broad Hollow Rd. 150 Broad Hollow Rd. 534 Broad Hollow Rd. 900 Walt Whitman Rd. 401 Broad Hollow Rd. 275 Broad Hollow Rd. 560 Broad Hollow Rd. 555 Broad Hollow Rd. 425 Broad Hollow Rd. Broad Hollow Rd. 115 Broad Hollow Rd. 60-100 Baylis Rd. 245 Old Country Rd. 445 Broad Hollow Rd. 125 Baylis Rd. 520 Broad Hollow Rd. 225 Broad Hollow Rd. 35 Pinelawn Rd. 10 Melville Park Rd. 734 Walt Whitman Rd. 175 Broad Hollow Rd. 265 Broad Hollow Rd. 510 Broad Hollow Rd. Bay lis Rd. 170 Broad Hollow Rd. Pinelawn Rd. 25 Melville Parl~ Rd. 999 Walt Whitman Rd. 1895 Walt Whitman Rd. 88 Duryea Rd. 1986 120. 000 15 Park Drive N. Service Rd. 201 Old COunt~l Rd. Ruland Rd. 1963 1965 1966 1966 1969 1970 1970 1971 1971 1971 1972 1972 1972 1978 1979 1980 1980 1981 1981 1981 1981 1982 1984 1984 1985 1985 1985 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1987. 1988 1988 &JUARE FC'JI'AGE 38.000 495.000 22.000 28.000 16.000 109.000 o o o o 175.000 o o o (I lCiO. 000 16.UOO 34.000 80.000 111.000 45.000 103,000 125.000 51.000 60.000 100. 000 1,200.000 101.000 450.000 82.000 268.000 95.000 150.000 190.000 100,000 50.000 32.000 80.000 131. 000 75.000 177.000 70.000 200.000 100.000 18.000 55,000 24.000 89.000 180.000 209.000 20.000 Page No. b S rtLiNTINGTON 'faoIN OF IS: BliYSHOBE OOHEMIA BBENTWOOD HAl1FPAlll;lE . . SUFFOLK COUNTY OFFICE BUILDIOOS - MARCH 18. (~FICE BUILDI~; NAME Norstar B9Y~ Bldg. NEC BldJ;!;. Ornni 110 General Accident Insurance 175 Pinelawn Rd. ~lal t ~lhi tman Rd Court House Bldg. Medical Arts Bldg. Bay Shore Pro. Bldg. Bay Shore Office Plaza 1460 N. Clinton Ave. Coleca Bldg. Airport Corporate Center- Atrium Office BLdg. Mac Arthur Plaza Airport Int!. Plaza Grumman Data Systems (Tsunis) UNKNOWN Sycamore Plaza Naphill Bldg. Bank of Hamp"tons Corp Ctr Suffolk Ave. Office Plaza Route 111 S/Central Dr. Colonie Hill Expressway Office Plaza Woodlands Hanover Square Crossroads Corp. O>.nter Federal Office Plaza Zolar Bldg. 527 Town Line Rd. Hauppalll'le Office Plaza ADDRESS Broad Hollow Rd. 532 Broad Hollow Rd. Broad Hollow Rd. 201 Express Dr. N. 175 Pinelawn Rd. 1991 YEAR CONSTRUCTED 1989 1989 1990 1990 1990 OOUARE F((/f AGE 260.000 83.000 105.000 145.000 105.000 MELVILLE TOTAL: 5.789.0liCi Walt wbi tman Rd S HUNTINGTON 1986 TOTAL : 33.000 33,000 Hl1 TOWN TOTAL: b,723.000 88-92 E. Main St. 375 E. MAin St. 1 E. Main St. Main St. 1460 N. Clinton Ave. BAYSHORE Vets. Meml. HwY. Johnson Ave. 30&40 Orville Dr. 4250 Vets. Meml. HwY. 25 Orville Dr. Vets. Meml. Hwy. 1690.3340 Vets HwY. 1650 Sycamore Ave. 3900 Vets. Meml. HwY. Vets. Meml. Hwy. OOHEMIA 625 Suffolk Ave. BBENTWOOD Route 111 S/Central Dr. Motor Pkwy. 300 Wheeler Rd. 800 Vets Meml. HI"Y 601 Vets Meml. HwY. Vets. Meml. Hwy. Fell Ct. 1300 Vets. Meml. Hwy. 527 Town Line Rd. 900 Vets Meml. Hwy 1955 1965 1974 1989 1989 TOTAL : o o 1972 1972 1973 1982 1987 1987 1988 1988 1990 TOTAL : 1978 TOTAL : o o 1981 1984 1984 1986 1987 1987 1987 1989 20.00G 30.000 55,000 16,000 40.000 161. 000 o o 143,000 53,000 32.000 30,000 15,000 90,000 44,000 41. 000 20.000 468,000 15,000 15,000 o o 38.000 110.000 75.000 72.000 60,000 21. 000 20.000 221. 000 ?'~e No. I HOLTSVILLE I3LANDIA V ISLIP RONKONKOMA ~ W ISLIP . . ,)FFICE BUILDING NAME SUFFOLK COUNTY OFFICE BUILDIIDS - MARCH 18. Crossroads Corp. Center 4 Claremont Corp. Center IRS GAteway Bl~. Computer Associates Corp. Woods Office Campus (Zanghi) Islandia Center PLaza 57 North (Parr) Crossroads Exec. Center Staller Office Plaza Metropolitan Life Crossroads Exec. Center PLaza 57 South One Suffolk Square Corporate Plaza Islandia Plaza (Parr) 3033 N. Service Rd. Islandia Pavilion Islip Office Center Ronkonkoma Hub PROP (Parr) Evans Development EAB Bldg. Mac Arthur Center Equi-9 5th Ave.& Peconic St. Lakeland Office Condo Vets Hwy. Office Complex Meridian Plaza Atrium 500 510 Montauk Hwy. ADDRESS Vets. l1eml. Hwv 1200 Vets. t1eml. Hwy. HAUPPAUGE 755 Waverly Ave. HOLTSVILLE Express Dr. N. Old Nichols Rd. S. Service Rd. Veterans MelJl()rial Hwy. Motor Pkwy. 1727 Vets. l1eml. HWV. 1455 Vets Meml. n\~. 2929 Exprswy Dr. N. Vets. Meml Hwy 2950 Exprswy Dr. S. 1610 Vets Meml. Hwy Sycamore Ave. 1930 Veterans Hwy. 1770 Motor PkWY. 3033 N. Service Rd. Motor Pkwy. ISLANDIA V Route 111 SILIRR ISLIP Railroad Ave. Vets. Meml. Hwy. 4175 Vets Meml. Hwy. Smithtown Ave. Commack Rd. 5th Ave.& Peconic St. 3505. 3355 Vets Hwy. 3355 Vets. Meml. Hwy. Vets Meml. Hwy. RONKONKOl1A 400 Montauk Hwy. 510 Montauk Hwy. W ISLIP 1991 YEAR CONSTRUcrED 1990 1990 TOTAL: 1974 TurAL : o o o o o o 1969 1979 1980 1985 1986 1986 1987 1987 1988 1990 1990 TOTAL : 1988 TurAL : o o o o 1968 1984 1985 1986 1986 1987 1988 TOTAL : 1984 1986 TurAL: SQUARE fCOI'AGE 155.000 36.000 808.000 48.000 48.000 o o o o o n 30.000 23.000 150.000 186.000 94.000 65.000 36,000 15.000 30.000 15.000 167,000 811.000 25.000 25.000 o o o o 40.000 20.000 100. 000 40.000 75.000 20.000 55,000 350.000 26.000 20,000 46.000 . . p:u;re No. .j SUFFOLK COUNTY OFFICE BlJILDIOOS - i'I.ARCH UFFICE BUILDING NPJ1E P.DDPESS YE.llli ,,,XIAFE CONSTRUCTED "-;:(II'AGE IS To..olN TOTAL: '2.732.000 1'CMN OF RV, CALVERTON Middle Count~r Rd. ~liddle COl.mtry Rd. 1988 16.000 GALVERTON TOTAL : 16.000 HIVEREEP.D Roanoke Lodge 400 West Main St. 220 Roanoke Ave. 400 West Main St. 1935 1969 15.000 40.000 RlVEBHEAD TOTAL : 55.000 RV TOWN TOTAL: 71. 000 TOffl OF SM: CCHI1....Cl Valmont Executive Towers S. Parkway Dr. 0 I) Crooked Hill Hd. Crooked Hill Rd. 0 0 Fairfield Corporate Ctr 2171 Jericho Tpke. 1963 50.000 353.356.366.368 Vets Hwy 353.356,366.368 Vets Hwy 1984 87.000 340-354 Vets. Meml Hwy. 340-354 Vets. Meml Hwy. 1985 31,000 CCt1MACK TOTAL : 168,000 . HAtlPPAUGE Evans Financial Center Motor Pkwy. 0 0 (Racanelli) Wireless Rd. 0 0 Adams Ave. & Wireless Adams Ave. & Wireless 0 0 Hauppauge Pro. Center 111 Smithtown Bypass 1964 24.000 Hauppauge Office Bldg. 496 Nesconset Hwy. 1969 28.000 The Towers 330 & 350 Motor PI,wy. 1971 145.000 Nat'l Bank Of N. America 740 Vets. Meml Hwy. 1974 18.000 Smithtown Rehab Center 515 & 517 Route 111 1977 27.000 Hauppauge Atrium 300 Motor Pltwy. 1979 55.000 Hauppauge Office Condo. 200 Motor Pkwy. 1984 70.000 Heartland Plaza 415 Oser Ave. 1984 45.000 New Hwy. New Hwy. 1985 25.000 90 Adams Ave. 90 Adams Ave. 1985 45.000 Hauppauge lnt'l. Plaza 70 Corp. Dr. 1985 75.000 Crown Atrilun 120 Commerce Dr. 1985 25,000 130 Oser Ave. 130 (lser Ave. 1985 25,000 Heartland Adams Ave. Plaza Adams & Oser Rds 1985 30.000 , RAl Oser Ave. 1985 17.000 90 Adams ave. 90 Adams ave. 1985 28.000 275 Marcus Blvd. 275 Marcus Blvd. 1985 52.000 Hauppauge Corp. Center 150 Motor Pltwy. 1986 160.000 TAB Office Bldg. S. Parkway Dr. 1987 15.000 140 Adams Ave. 140 Adams Ave. 1987 48.000 527 Town Line Rd. 527 Town Line Rd. 1987 30.000 170 Motor Pkwy. 170 Motor Thwy. 1ge8 18.000 205 Oser Ave. 205 Oser Ave. 1989 30.000 Valmont Executive Towers S. Parkway Dr. 1989 15.000 . Page No. '.. . OFFICE BUILDING NAME SUFFOLK COUNTY OFFICE BUILDIIDS - MAOCH 18. Hauppaw<e ExecU"!;i'Je Ctr Ki.ngs H~/. NESCONSET Nesconset Hwy. Metropoltian Nesconset Hwy. SMITHTOWN Jericho Tpke. E/Winston St. .Johns Hospi t.'\l Comm. Hospital of W Suff 22 Lawra~ce A'Je. l1aple Ave. l"ro. Bldg. Prudential Center Station Plaza Jericho Greens Eghrari Offices THE BRANCH Colonial Square 11 Route 111 Smithtown Exec. Center Colonial Branch Bldg. Liberty Mutual Smithtown Commons HIllside Village Plaza Greens T<Hl OF SO: BRIOOEHAMProN Eastern Fed. Bldg. Newman Village SOllTHAMPTON U County Rd. 39 Benton Plaza SOllTHAMPTON V Old Town Medical Village N/Hampt.on St. ADDRESS 125 Wireless Rd. Kings Ht~. HAUPPAlK;E Nesconset Hwy. Nesconset Hwy Nesconset Hwy. NESCONSET Jericho Tpke. E;Winston Rte. 25A 22 Lawrence Ave. 80 Maple Ave. E. Main St. 50 Karl Ave. 811 Jericho Tpke. Redwood La. SMITHTOWN 180 E. Main St. 11 Route 111 222 E. Main St. 285 E. Main St. 260 E. Main St. 267&269 E. MAin St. 50 Route 111 300 E. Main St. THE BRANCH 1991 YEAR CONSTRUCTED 1990 1990 SQUARE FOJTAGE 30.000 . 18.000 TOTAL: t. 098.000 o 1986 1988 TOTAL: o o o 1970 1972 1987 1987 1987 1989 TOTAL : 1966 1969 1972 1973 1980 1984 1985 1986 TOTAL : o 17.000 32.000 49.000 o o o 18.000 17.000 25.000 15.000 24.000 15.000 114.000 30,000 24.000 79.000 25.000 48.000 . 24.000 51. 000 20.000 SM TOWN TeTAL: 1.730.000 301. 000 Mont.'\uk Hlo.Y. Montauk Hwy. BRlOOEHAI1PTON Colmty Rd. 39 County Rd. 39 SOU'I'HAMF'I'ON U 1986 1987 TOTAL : 1982 1985 TerrAL: Old Town Rd & Meetnghse 0 N/Hampton St. 1987 SOllTHAl'lPTON V TOTAL: 15.000 21.000 36.000 44.000 20.000 64.000 o 15.000 15.000 Page No, 10 TCHI OF SU: t1ATTITUCK . . 1991 YEAR CONSTRUu w SO TUtIN TOTAL: ,,;)UAFE ~'<XlTAGE 115. D()~~l 44.00G 44.0('0 SU TUtIN TOT.A.L: 44, ceo 1987 TOTAL : SUFFOLK COUNTY TOTAL 13,659,000 SUFFOLK COUNTY OFFICE BUILDImS - MARCH 18. OFFICE BUILDING NAl1E ADDRESS North Fork Bancorp Old Hain & Main MATTITUC'l ",,,,~,_''''';";..''^.o...,>",,,,,,,"- . . Nassau CDuntv "Ot!l and Motel in'Jentorv March 1991 YEAR - ROUND SEASONAL TONN OR COMMUNI TV "DTEl NAME ADDRESS Units CaDacitv Units Caoacit"f City of Glen Cove 'Harrison Conference Center .osons La. 200 lOO Hot!1 Colonv Aros 190 Glen Cove Rd. 25 34 Citv of Glen Cove Total m 134 0 0 To.n of Helostead East Meado. Coliseul Motor Inn 1650 Helostead TD,e. 110 330 Ellont Bellont Far, Inn 35 Plainfield Ave. lB 54 Garden Ci t'; Garden City Hotel 45 7th St. 2BO 840 Freeoort V. FreeoDrt Motor Inn' Boa tel 145 S. Main 51. 61 1B3 Van,ee CliDoer Motor Lodge 295 S. Main 36 lOB . Huos tead V. Grand Roval Hotel BO Clinton St. IB2 546 Island Par, long Beach Motor Inn 3915 Austin Blvd, 60 lBO Plantation Motel 4040 long Beach Rd. 3B 114 lynbrook V. Sunrise Motor Inn 1 Sunrise H.y. 13B 414 Caori-lynbrook Motor Inn 5 freer St. 56 16B "errick Gate.ay Motor Lodge Sunrise H.y. E. 60 IBO Oceanside Oceanside "otel 2730 long Beach Rd. 33 99 Rockville Ctr V. Diolo.at Motor Inn 1000 Sunrise H.y. B9 267 Holiday Inn 173 Sunrise H.v. 100 300 Uniondale Long Island Marriott 101 Ja.es Doolittle Blvd. 609 I.B27 Nantagh Jones Beach Hotel Atlantic Blvd.' Bvron St. 3B 114 N. H..ostead Caori Motor Inn 434 He.ostead Toke. 48 144 Helostead Motor Hotel 130 He.ostead Ave. 72 216 Westbury V. Island Inn Old Country Rd. 204 612 Race.ay Inn Motel Old Countrv Rd.' Post Av. 57 171 To.n of Helost.ad Total 2,289 6.867 0 0 Citv of long Beach Jackson Hotel 10 W. Broad.ay St. 11B 354 Citv of Long Beach Total 0 0 11B 354 . . yEAR - .QUND SEASONAL TOWN OR COMMUNITY HOTEL NAME ADDRESS Jnits CaoacHY ':nits ~ii~acltY Toon of North HenDstead Carle Place Holiday inn 369 Old Country Rd. 150 .50 Floral Park V. Floral Par, Motor Lodge 30 Jericho TD.e. 55 160 6reat ~,. Plaza V. aayberry Great Nec, Motel 75 N. Station Plaza 63 183 Manhasset Royal Inn Motor Lodge 1177 Northern Blvd. 83 249 Roslyn Village Capri Roslyn Motor Inn 1053 Northern Blvd. bO IBO Roslyn Village Motel 22 Bryant Ave. 14 21 Westbury Toon & Country Motel 49 Old Country Rd. 19 57 'Gon oi ~orth Heoostead Total 444 11300 ,; , " Toon of Oyster Bay Bethpage 8ethpage Mote I 4107 Helpstead Tp,e. 59 171 East Noroich East Noroich Inn Northern Blvd.& Rte. 106 68 204 Hiclsvil1e Days Inn 828 S. Oyster Bay Rd. 70 210 Hic,sville Motor Lodge Duffy Ave. 72 216 Jericho Codort Inn 101 Jericho Tpke. 150 450 Edgeoood Motel 38 Jericho Tp,e. 72 216 Hooard Johnson Motor Lodge 120 Jericho Tpke. BO 240 Jericho Motel 32 Jericho Tp,e. 23 46" Meadoooroo, Lodge 4400 Jericho Tpke. 83 m Lattingtoon Tides Motor Inn Bayville Rd.lBayvilIe Av. 63 189 Massaoeoua Olsen's Hotel CarOiln Mill Rd. 27 81 Massapeoua Par, Bar Harbour Motel 5050 Sunrise Hoy. 51 153 Old Westbury De Severs,y Conference Center Northern Blvd. 13 39 Oyster Bay North Country Hotel South SL 46 138 Plainvieo Holiday Inn 215 Sunnyside Blvd. 119 m Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel 150 Sunnyside Blvd. 183 549 Pickoic, Motor Inn E.it 4B. L.r. E.oy. B4 252 Residence Inn Gerhard Rd. 160 480 Woodbury Quality Inn 7958 Jericho To,e. 84 252 RaOilda Inn 8030 Jericho Tp,e. 104 312 loon of Oyster Bay Total 1,611 4.BI0 0 0 TOWN OR COnnUNITY HOTEL MAnE Nassau County Tot~l . . ADDRESS lEAR - ROUND Units Caoacity 4.569 13.411 Source: Long Island Regional Planning Board 3/1B/91 ROYFIHOTElN .,.,.~" SEASONAL ani ts Caoari tv liB 354 . . Suffolk County Hotel anD Motel inventory March 1991 VEAR - ,CUND SEASONAL 70WN OR CCMMUNITY :-:,DTEL ~;A~E ADDRESS Units C.oacit, Units Caoin tv Toon of Babvlon Aoitvville V. Colonial ,~otel 259 Broadoav 20 SO Copiague Copiague Motor Lodge 10 34th St. 30 90 South Bay Motel 1159 Merrick Rd. 40 176 Deer Park Deer Park Motor Inn 354 Coouck Rd. 42 120 E. FarOlngoale ~arlinqoaie Motor Looqe Route 110 59 :38 HollywOOD Motor l,n Rte.l09&Southern Sta.Pk.y 47 141 Lindenhurst V. Lindennurst Motel 150 W. Montauk Hoy. 10 21 Marina Motel 134 E. Montauk Hov. 40 90 Sky Motel Route 109 14 30 N. AoitYYille Sayonara Motor Inn B31 BroadNJY 35 7B N. Babvlon Brook Motel 915 Sunrise H.v. 13 33 N. Lindenhurst Pines Molor Lodge Rte 109 & 3rd SI. 21 76 W. Babvlon Starlight Motel 570 Sunrise H.y. 16 32 SunYieN Motel 420 Sunrise Hov. B 24 Toon of Babvlon Tolal 395 1.099 0 0 Toon of Brookhaven Blue Point B[ue Point Motor Lodge 167 Middle Rd. 9 27 Centereach Holidav inn E'oress Route 347 150 450 East Patchogue Patchogue Inn Motel 1035 Montauk H.v. 41 123 Fireo Island Cherry Groye Beach Hotel Main Walk 60 19B Belvedere Hotel Bavvie. .alk 20 40 Carousel Guest House Holly .alk 11 1B Cherry Groye Inn LeNis Walk 36 4B Seacres t Main Walk 3 9 DaYis Park Leia Beach Boatel Trustees Walk 7 Z1 Fire [5. Pines Fire Is. Pines Boatel Harbor Walk 19 57 . . YEAR - ROUND SEASONAL TOWN OR COr.~UNITY "OTEl NAME ADDRESS Units CaoiCl t" Units CaDicitv Ocean Bay Pk. flynn's Hatei 125 :50 Sea Shore Motei Bayview Ave. 19 57 Lake Ron.onkou E'DreSSWay Motel 60 Mill Rd. 30 90 MedforD Centunon Inn 3140 Route 112 50 150 The Inn at Medford 2695 Route 112 76 22B 112 Motor Lodge 2001 Route 112 26 78 Days Hotel E.presswav Dr. S. 130 390 Patchogue V. Capri Motel 479 W. Main St. 23 30 Hal hay Mote 1 Route 112 29 60 Shore Motor Inn 576 Sunrise Hwy. 24 69 F~rt Jeh. Sta. Terrvvli]e Motor ladae 1371 Route il2 48 150 Port Jeff. V. Danford's Inn 25 L8rDadwn 162 486 Harborside Inn 201 W. 8roadway 46 m Ridge Ventura 8av Motel 1019 Route 25 18 48 Shirley Shirley Motel 681 Montauk Hwy. 27 78 slith Point Motel William Floyd Pkwy. 21 63 Stony Brook Three Village Inn 150 Main St. 28 45 Yaphan. Yaphank lakeview Lodge Mill Rd. 18 54 Town of Broo,hayen Total 956 2,754 300 o~8 Toon of East Ha.pton A.agansett Sansett Sreen Manor Main St. 18 34 Herlitage Resort Montauk Hwy. 56 168 Mill-Sarth Country Inn Wind.i 11 la. 12 35 Ocean Colony' Tennis Club Montauk Hwy. 56 142 Ocean Dune ADtS. Bluff Rd. 63 252 Sea Breeze Inn Atlantic Ave. 10 20 Sea Cres t Inn Navaho La. 45 m c Sun Haven Mote I Montauk Hoy. 4B 144 White Sands Motel Shore Dr. 25 SO Wind.arD Shores Motel Montauk Hov. 39 iI7 East HUDtDn V. Sassett House 128 Montauk Hov. 12 36 CaDtain's Cove 16 Mudford Ave. 5 14 Dutch ~otel 488 Montauk Hwy. 30 84 East Sate Cottages Montauk Hwv. 18 54 East Halo ton House 226 Mon tau. Hwy. 52 100 Hedges Inn 74 Jales La. 4 28 Holiday Acres Montauk Hwy. 18 54 The Hunting Inn 94 Main St. 23 45 "---~-_.__._.._-~--~~-----_..__._- . . VEAR - ROUND SEASONAL TONN OR COMMUNITY HO TEL NAME ADDRESS Units Caoacity Jnits Caoac:itv Maidstone Arms 207 Mun St. 22 30 The 1770 House 143 Main St. 7 20 Three Mile Harbor Inn 367 Three Mile Harbor Rd. 12 60 Shag.ong Marina Three Mile Harbor Rd. , 3D " Montauk Albatross Inn S. EiI.ood Ave. IB 54 Albatross West S. Elm.ood Ave. The Anchorage Inn Nest Lake Dr. 45 IBD A. Breyers Sound Haven Cottages West Lake Dr. 10 52 Atlantic Terrace Motel Surfside Pl. 100 300 Avalon Lake Front Motel Second House Rd. 10 14 Beachcomber Motel Old Montaul H.y. BB 264 Beach House Ocean Resort S. Elm.ood Ave. 44 176 BeaCh Plum Motel Old Montauk MOY. 2B 52 Bill's inn Edgelere Rd. 10 30 Blue Haven Motel West lale Dr. 2B 36 Born Free Motel S. Elerson Ave. IB 60 Breakers Mote I Old Montauk H.y. 22 75 Bridgeford Cottages East Lake Dr. 12 45 Briney Breeze Motel Old Montaul H.y. 35 9B Burcliffe By-the Sea Old Montaul Hoy. 7 2B Captain's Marina, The East Lake Dr. 5 12 Cro.s Nest Inn Old West Lake Dr. 6 26 Driftwood Motel Montaul H.y. 50 150 E. Decl Resort Motel Dctan Beach 3D 100 Fischer's Cottages East lake Dr. B 40 Fort Pond Lodge Second House Rd. 14 54 Four Dais Cottages Flalingo Rd. 11 24 Gurney's Inn Old Montauk H.y. 125 200 Harbour Side Motel Nest Lake Dr. 21 70 Hither House Lincoln Rd. B 35 Keeler's Anchor Marina Nest Lale Dr. B 16 landyra's Ocean Front Cottages DeForest Rd. 6 30 Landing. The West Lake Dr. 14 34 Lenhart's Motol Old Montaul Hoy. 25 4B Lido Motel South E.ory 20 66 Maisonottes Motel South Elery 12 54 Malibu Motel S. EiI.ood Avo. 32 4B Mallard Inn Tuthill Rd. 4 12 Mflory Motel Montaul H.y. 20 4B Moakley's Cottages East lako Dr. 3 12 Montaul Manor Condo Hotel E.gemere Rd. 140 420 Montauk Motol Edison St. 26 7B Montauk Soundvieo Cottages Nest Lake Dr. 13 56 Montauk Yacht Club & Inn Shr Island Rd. lOB 321 Montauket Hotel. Inc. Tuthi 11 Rd. 10 54 Noptuno Motel Edison St. 12 36 Ocean Beach Motol S. Emerson Ave. 94 207 Oceanside Beach Resort Monhuk Hwy. 30 90 Ocean Surf Motel S. Elerson Ave. 2B 60 Outrigger Cottages East Lale Dr. 25 50 Panoralic Vie. Ocean Aots. Old Montaul H.y. 115 250 ,_~.L"L'-;.J.ii', ;.~-"'- . . ',EAR - ROUND SEASONAL TOWN DR COMMUNITY HOTEL NAME ADDRESS Units CaoacHy Units CaoacHv Port Roval Motel Navy Ro. jO SO Rod & Reel Motel Lake Montauk 18 36 Ronio Resort Motel 5. Elm.ooD Ave. ., '19 Royal Atlantic Beach Resort 5. Eserson Ave. n :;00 Rusch.eyers of Montauk Second House Rd. 22 SO Sail Inn of Montauk West Lake Dr. N/A Sands Mote I S. Eserson Ave. 35 70 Sandy Acres Motel West Lake Dr. 6 20 Sea Cli Ii Inn Ditch Plains Rd. 9 28 Sea Close Cottages S. Essex St. 4 25 Seascape Motel Old Mpntauk H.y. 8 32 Sharon's Inn Ditch Plains Rd. 10 SO Shepherds Neck Inn Second House Rd. 80 100 Snug Harbor Motel West Lake Dr. 34 102 Sounovie.er Motel 254 Soundvlew Dr. 11 50 Star Island Marina Star Island Rd. 20 60 Stingray Motor Lodge S. Eserson Ave. 26 36 Sun 'N Sound Motel Soundvie. Dr. 20 100 Surf Club at Montauk S. Essex 51. 92 276 Surfside Inn Old Montauk Hwy. 13 28 S.eeney's Seawind Motel West Lake Dr. 16 30 Tiny Underwood's Motel West Lake Dr. 20 85 Tipperary Inn West Lake Dr. 16 60 Wavecrest Motel I Old Montauk Hwy. 66 200 Wavecrest Motel II S. El..ood Ave. 28 60 Wavecrest Resort Motel Old Montauk Hwy. 20 40 West Lake Drive Motel Wells Ave. 8 12 White Swan Motel Second House Rd. 10 30 Windia..er Inn Edg..ere Rd. 12 36 Montauk subtotal I 687 1.931 1,566 4,299 Northwest Harbor Alternate Lodging 3 Shellfish La. N/A Sag Harbor (pt I Royal Oaks Motel Route 114 12 26 COZY Cabins Montauk Hwy. 19 47 Wainscott Wainscott Motel Montauk Hwy. 24 72 Town of East Haspton Total 861 2,378 2,036 5,766 To.n of Huntington Centeroort Chalet Motor Inn Route 25A 47 188 Cold Soring Harbor Anchorage Motel Main St. 28 44 Co.uck lotI Cossack Motor Inn 2231 Jericho Tpke. 73 146 Huntington Abbey Motor Inn 317 W. Jericho Toke. 30 90 Hu~tinqton Motel 331 M. Jericho Toke. 3S 70 . . YEAR - ROUND SEASONAL 'OWN OR CO~~UNITY ~01EL NA"E AODRESS Units Caoacity Units CapaCl ty Onesti Motel ;65 W. Jericho Toke. 17 34 Huntington Sla. Hooard Johnson 5 Motor Ledge 270 W. Jericho Tpke. 65 IbO Kings Inn 295 E. Jericho Toke. 42 l4b ~elviile Huntington Hilton 555 Broadholloo Rd. lOB 924 Raddison Inn ~alt Whitlan Road 174 1,122 To.n oj Huntington Total 1.019 2,924 0 0 Toon oj Islip Bav Shore Bay Shore Hate I One Park Plaza 14 14 Bay Shore Motor Inn JOO Bay Shore .d. b9 172 Soinning Wheel ~otel 372 E. ~ain S t. 16 Jl SUllit Motor Lodge 501 E. Main St. 50 126 Bohelia Triangle Inn 1blO Lake Ave. 54 121 Fire Island Kislet Calelot ~otel aka Dune Gate Mtl Oak Walk 29 87 Ocean Beach Bayberry Inn b2D Bayberry Walk 10 10 Clegg' 5 Hotel Bay Wa 1k 25 50 Houser Hotel Bay Walk 10 10 Jerry's Hate 1 b20 Bay Walk 20 Jl Hauppauge Holiday Inn oj Hauooauge 1740 Ex Dress Drive South 120 472 OIYloic ~otor Lodge b50 Vanderbilt ~otor Pkoy 41 124 "arriot Wind Watch Vanderbilt Motor Pkoy 162 1086 Holbrook MacArthur ~otor inn Veterans Hoy. 52 78 Islandia Halpton Inn 1bOO Veterans Hov. 122 lbb Radisson N. Service Rd. 271 811 Ralada Inn 1515 Veterans Hoy. 220 546 [slip Terrace Eldorado Motel 2765 Sunrise Hoy. 8 16 Ronkonkooa Eden Rock Hotel 1055 Veterans Hoy. 60 153 Holiday Inn 1845 Veterans Hoy. 294 1,208 Sayville Lands End Motel 70 8roons River Rd. 14 56 Sayville Motor Lodge Sunrise Hoy. II 91 .Toon oj Islip Total 1,804 5.491 94 228 Toon Dj Riverhead AQuebogue Drealers Cove Motel Peconic Bay Blvd. 16 48 Baiting Holloo WODdclifj Park Resorts Oakleigh Ave. 40 250 . . '(EAR - ROUND SEASONAL ,OWN OR CGnr.UNITY HOTEL NAME ADDRESS Units Ca.oicitv Units CaDael tv Jaaesoon Vineyard MDtor Inn Route 25 18 54 RiverhOao Holidav Inn of Riverhead Route 25 100 300 Hydes Inn 1111 N. Main St. 20 bO Judge Belford's Inn 210 Osbourne Ave. 2b 78 Riverhead Resort MDtel Rout! 25 5b 200 Soiss Motel 1271 N. Main St. 21 b3 South JaaosDDrt Motel on the 8ay FrDnt St. 18 bO Wading River Judges Hotel Nading River Manor Rd. b 10 Nading River Motel Route 25 32 b4 Town oi Rivernea~ Total m 1.1B7 0 0 Toon Df Shelter Island Shelter Island Booditch House Ibb N. Ferry Rd. 9 Ib Dering Harbor Inn Ninthroe Rd. 30 100 RatS Head Inn Ral Island Dr. 17 30 Shelter I. Heights 8arbary Coast Inn Menantlc Rd. 4 18 Chequit lnn 23 Grand Ave. 44 88 Peconic LDdge SterR! pt. Rd. 40 90 Pridoin Hotel Shore Rd. 40 120 Shelter Island Motel Shore Rd. 20 100 Toon of Shelter Island TDtal 0 0 204 5b2 Toon of Slithtoon COloack I at. I HaletDn lnn b80 COloack Rd. 148 444 Hi 11 too Motel 112b Jericho Teke. 38 113 HDoard Johnson 2 Vanderbilt Motor Pkoy. 105 no HaueDauge I pt.1 Saithtoon Sheraton 110 Motor Pkoy. 212 848 Sain t, J ..es Beacon Motel Slithtoon By-Pass 39 80 Slithtoon Slithtoon Motor Lodge SlithtDon By-Pass 39 BO Toon HDuse Motor Inn 880 Jericho Tpke. 38 112 Toon of SoithtDon Tot.l on 1.903 0 0 Toon of South.IPton Bridgeh'leton Village Green Motel Montauk H.y. E. Quogue Best Eastern Motel Montauk H.y. 21 92 _.__.-_.~^~~ . . YEAR - ROUND SEASONAL TOWN OR COMMUNITY HOTEL NAME AODRE5S Units Cspaclly Units CaDici t? Caffrey House, The SQuires 4ve, IB 3, Marine ria.Dcon Ocean Resort Dune Rd, 20 as HalDton Bays Aliens Acres Resort Motel bB Foster Ave, b3 240 Anchor Cabins & CDttages 124 PonDuogue Ave. 10 33 Bayvie. House 32 Lighthouse Rd. 7 30 Bel-Aire Cove Motel 20 5hinnecock Ave. 12 50 Belvedere Motel Canal Rd. 10 40 Black Whale Motel 23 A1ason La. B 32 Canoe Cove Cottages 33 Canoe Place Rd. 4 14 Casta..y Cottages 53 West Tiana Rd. 7 2B Colonial Shores Cottages 83 West Tiana Rd. 24 bO Orake Motor Inn Ib Penny La. IS 50 Ebb Tice Motel 293 Montaul H.y. 15 30 Edgeoater Motel 47 Raloasture Rd, 20 52 Fisher.ans Ouarters Motel North Rd. a ib Haloton Arms Resort bl West liana Rd. 2B 100 Haloton Bayside Motel 29 Sardiners La. 19 40 Haloton Court Motel 320 W. Montauk H.y. ZS 75 Halo ton Haven 120 North Rd. 4B 144 Halo ton Maid Motel Montauk HNY. 25 bO Harbor Vie. Motel Montauk Hoy. 12 40 Hidden Cove Resort 33 W. Tiana Rd. 32 12B Indian Cove Montauk H.y. NIA Irish Mist Cottages & Motel Canoe Place Rd. 37 74 Marine Rest 72 Foster Ave. 30 100 Oak Tree Inn b4 W. liana Rd. b 19 Ocean Vie. Terrace Motel 478 Montauk ri.y. 13 39 Penny Cove Cottages IBA 5hinnecock Rd. b 24 Pine.ood lOb PonQuogue Ave. 5 25 Rod & Reel Hotel Montauk rioy. 9 18 Rikys Inn 30 Newton Rd. 10 40 SkioDers Cottages 2SbA Montauk H.y. 24 Bb 5.iss Aire Resort. Inc. Bl W. liana Rd. 3b 130 ltrrys Motel 95 Soringville Rd. 44 BB Tiana Bay Resort Motel 50 Raloascure Rd. bO 120 Tiana Pines Motel & Aots. 324 Montauk H.y, Ib 4B West.ind Cottages 177 W. Montauk Hoy. Ib 75 Halo ton Bays subtotal ZSB 1bO 50S LbOl Ouogue Vi 11 age The Inn at Ouogue Main St. 10uogue St.1 15 30 Weather Vane Inn Main 51. 40 120 Riverside Best Western Motel 30 Moriches Rd, bB 200 Sag Harbor V.lotl Alerican Hotel Main St. 4 B Barons Cove Inn West Water St. bb 132 Mill Creek Cottage & Marina Noyack Rd. 5 30 Sag Harbor Inn W. Water 51. 44 m 50uthalDton V. Bayberry Inn County High.ay 39 2B 45 ~--,":"'...'r'-. ~_'c...,__",-',-'."-,M,,,";,_,-_:.-'_", . . VEAR - ROUND 5i::ASONAl rOWN DR CDMMUNITV HOTEL NAME ADDRESS :Jnits C~ilaci ty 'jilitS Caoacit'j Country Inn 200 Hill St. 12 1b Easterner 1 ihe b39 Montauk HNv. S 24 H111 Guest House 535 Hill St. 11 22 Horizon Hills Montauk HNV. 25 70 Longvue Motel LongveiN Rd. 15 SO Sandp1per Cottages , Motel Ib55 North HNv. 74 ISO Shinnecock Motel Montauk HNY. 25 4S Southaooton Inn 91 Hill St. 90 200 Southalpton Motel 450 North HNY. 12 2b Southaloton Village Motel 315 Haloton Rd. 10 33 Squaw Hills Motel North Hwy. 2B 84 Tal O'Shanter Hotel 300 Montauk IHaooton Rd.l 10 32 Village Latch Inn 101 Hill St. SO bl ~ind.ard at Southaloton Hills Sta. Rd. 40 ,bO ~esthaooton Westhaooton Motel Montauk H.y. Ib 32 Westhaoo. Seach V. Saileys Motel Montauk Hwy. 15 40 Bathdune Hate I Dune Rd. m 1.060 The Beach Pad 22 Beach La. S 24 Dune Deck Hotel Dune Rd. SI 120 Grassoere Motel Beach La. 20 50 Port 0 Kai Motel , Marina Dune Rd. 30 9b Town of Southalpton Total b9B I.m I.ISO 3,650 To.n of Southold Cutchoque Alianos aeachcomber Resort 3S00 Duck Pond Rd. bO 150 East Marion Blue Dolphin Motel Main Rd. 20 SO Cozee Cove Cottages IbOO Bay Ave. 9 Sb Hellenic Cabins Main Rd. 7 21 Greenoort V. BarUet House 503 Front st. 9 21 Drossos Motel Main Rd. II 30 Greenporter Resort Motel Front St. 18 35 Oak Farl Cottage Main Rd. b 2S Silver Sands Motel 10930 Silverlere Rd. 33 99 Soundvie. Inn 57lB5 North Rd. 70 200 Sterlinqton. The 131 3rd Sl. 15 30 Sunset' Mote I 59105 North Rd. 17 bO Townsend Manor Inn , Marina 714 Main Rd. 20 45 Mattitutk Sroadvie. Lodqe Peeonit Say Blvd. 14 2S Matti tuck Sed' Breakfast 195 Pike Ave. b 10 Matti tuck Hotel Bay Ave. 19 40 Orient Point Bayhouse Cottage Apts. Villaqe La. B 40 Southold The Cove 4 Bayvie. Ave. 25 15 . :a.N OR CC~MUNIIY "aTEL NAME ~orth Fork SeaeR Motei southoid Beach Motel Tfrnlng POlnt i~n 70.n ot Southcld Total Suffolk County lotal NIA - Not available Source: Long Island Regional Planning Board ~"18Iql .uYF\HOTELs , , "DDRESS TEAR - 'vilNO Units C;~acity SEASONAL Units ~aOaCl~Y Scundview Ave. ~orth Rd. ~ain Rd. 106 "-''l -" 12 :0 ~2 30 101 246 396 1,064 6,B06 19.m 4,210 11.968 -:;.. .'S; /...