HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/13/1964 . . Southold Town Planning Board SDUTHDLD. L. I., N. Y. PLANNIN6 BOARD MEMBERS John Wickhom, Choirman Henry Moiso Alfred Grebe Archibold Young William Unkelbach M.!NUTE~ JOINT MEETING February 13, 1964 A joint pre-application meeting was held between the Southold Town Boards and Greenport Village Boards regarding the proposed Master plan, on Thursday, February 13, 1964, 7:30 P.M., at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street,' Greenport, New York. There were present: Messrs. John Diffigos, Bureau of planning, New York state Department of Commerce, Howard Quinn, Department of Commerce, Richard May, Jr., Raymond & May Associates. Southold Town Board: Lester M. Albertson, Supervisor, Henry A. Clark and Ralph Tuthill, Justices of the Peace, Louis Demarest and Howard Valentine, Councilmen, Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk, Robert W. Tasker, Town Attorney, Harold Price, Superintendent of Highways. Southold Town Planning Board: John Wickham, Chairman, Henry Moisa, Alfred Grebe, Archibald Young, William Unkelbach, otto W. Van Tuyl, Consultant, Howard M. Terry, Building Inspector. Greenport Village: Arthur Levine, Mayor, John Sherwood, Chairman, village Planning Board, Harry Monsell, member, Village Planning Board. . . Page 2 - Pre-application meeting Supervisor Albertson opened the meeting at 7:45 P.M. Mr. John Diffigos of the Department of Commerce, Bureau of Planning reviewed the previous meeting and answered questions relative to the cooperation of the Vinage and Town. He wants joint monthly meetings if possible, otherwise the cost for services will be double. Mr. Wickham and Mr. Sherwood agreed on this along with Supervisor Albertson who stated that this would save money for both the Town and Village. Mr. Diffigos advised that there will have to be one or two separate meetings also. He also stated that there will have to be a resolution from the Town to participate in a joint application, the Village has already submitted one. When asked if the Town presently is engaged in a joint financial venture with any branch of the government, Supervisor Albertson said, yes, the Federal-State jetty at Goldsmith's Inlet. Mr. Diffigos read the principal items in Cornell's proposal, stating that 701 will not pay this item, they will need a cost breakdown. He also reviewed the Conservation Department's part of the program. The Federal and State will participate in the cost of this, but a cost breakdown will also The urban aspect should be stressed, not agriculture. The Department of Rural Sociology proposal was reviewed. Part will be paid if it is reworded properly. possibly this will cover 20% of the $40,000 total cost, but maybe $2,000 plus cost to the Town. 701 will feel the entire job must be done if they pay for any part of it. There was a discussion on the division of costs. Mr. Wickham said the State's total cost would be $25,000,the Town to pay $10,000 maximum. Mr. Diffigos said there would possibly be some complication regarding the State and Federal money to be paid to Cornell to support the college work. There was a discussion on ways to overcome this. Mr. Wickham will find out about State and Federal money used by Cornell. possibly $8,000 of the Federal money for study and the balance to be made up by the Town. . . Page 3 - Pre-application meeting Mr. Diffigos advised that after this meeting they will have to decide if they will support all of the proposal and are willing to go ahead. A statement will be needed certifying that Federal aid on the urban renewal plan will not be requested. Mr. May advised that the Village and Town should not waive rights to urban renewal at this time, but should have the sample on sub-standard homes made so that it will be part of the record for possible future use. To meet the qualifications for urban renewal 335 interviews at $6.00 each are needed, but a total of 1400 interviews will be needed eventually. Mr. May agreed to see what interviews were necessary over and above those conducted by Cornell. Mr. Diffigos stated that701 will pay about 75% of the water survey costs, although they will not pay for laboratory and soil tests. The Town and Village costs will be approx- imately $1,000. Mr. Wickham wanted to know if we can guarantee we will pay the water engineer and then depend on being reimbursed? Mr. Diffigos stated that no guarantee can be made until New york and Washington approve the payment. We could proceed at our own risk of paying the entire bill or the engineer and Cornell could take the risk. Mayor Levine asked if the Town would go ahead at their own risk and Supervisor Albertson said, yes, on the water. Mayor Levine stated that they have a great deal of work done on a water survey. He wanted to know how manywater consultants were interviewed. Mr. Wickham advised that they have checked with several and they want the best with a high national and international reputation. This is a very important item and that is why Malcolm pirnie was chosen. Mr. Diffigos said the choice is up to the Town and Village, they only approve if they are on their eligible list. Supervisor Albertson said this is most important and we are willing to pay for this if necessary. Mr. Diffigos said the water survey language will be rephrased to make a good impression on the SGte and Federal offices. Mr. Diffigos said that all contracts are made with the state, no sub-contracts at this time. Contract only the Consultant. They want all direct contracts and require that all workbe to their standards. They will more or less supervise all of the work. . . Page 4 - Pre-application meeting Mr. Diffigos reviewed the Raymond & May proposal for scope of service forthe Town and Village. I. A. (1) A contract should be signed for ground water. (2) Mr. Wickham would like to have Plum Island and Gull Island exempt from the survey. A letter on this will be necessary. (3) There should be a base map of the Village at 1" = 200'. (4) There should be a base map of the central business district of the Village. (Mr. May advised that an unlimited number of copies of these maps can be made.) B. The Town and Village topographic map to be the same as the base map. E. The economic study should show a b~oadened industrial aspect, fishing, etc. There should be reports on same. E. & F. It must be decided who will make the interviews and how they will be done. Item 3 under F. should be expanded. G. The Orient Point bridge impact - to be rewritten. There was discussion on this and they will use existing data. It was agreed there isa need for a plan for the bridge and without the bridge. II. A. 3. The official map will be the same scale as the base map. This will show present facilities and can be amended by a hearing to show any proposed roads. The Town and Village should purchase lands for future parks, etc. These should be defined for the proposal. B. They are to supply a report on public facilities and should elaborate on water and sewer studies for both the Town and Village. . . Page 5 - Pre-application meeting. They should attempt a school district study if possible for the entire area with the cooperation of the school districts. D. the Town report there should be 100 to In making the final and 20/the State. to III. There will be 24 joint meetings, plus 4 separate meetings each to be paid out of the fee prescribed. Mr. Wickham asked Mr. May how much of his time we can expect. He stated that they will supply a weekly conference with the planner and will attend as many meetings as required. He will also supervise the consultants personally. The project planner will be named and must be responsible. Mr. Wickham stated that we have problems with public relations and Mr. May advised he would handle this himself. He expects to attend most meetings himself. In the proposed fee schedule New Suffolk and Fishers Island will be added to the population density study. They will do a business study on all villages. There was a discussion relative to the scale of water- front development map. This section is to be rewritten to use best available data maps. The Town and Village can chose how many copies of the report and maps they want, but they do not want the 7000 specified. Mr. Diffigos will check and see how many copies the Federal government will pay for. The Village proposals were then reviewed. Maps will be 1" = 200'. Business Section 1" _ 100'. There are to be reports on each analysis. The waterfront survey will be general and overall, not specific. Storm sewer system to be included in the studies. The Village is to get 100 copies of the report, 20 for the State. capital improvements program to be for a 6 year period. There was a discussion on the progress report. There will have to be at least 8 reports. They propose only one preliminary report for the Federal, State and County. The Village wants an extra 1,000 leaflets at $1200 extra cost. . . Pa~e 6 - pre-application meeting Payment is to be made after the project is completed. The Village will pay $3,000 plus adjustments and the Town will pay $5,800 plus any adjustments. The Town and village must have their share of the cost of the project on hand or appropriated at the time the state prepares the contracts for approval of the local attorney. When the final contract is signed they must give an affidavit to the state certifying that they have the money on hand for payment. The state makes payment to the consultants from their own schedule. Discussion was held on each item. Mr. Diffigos requested a list of the Town and Village officers. (All boards.) Discussion was held on the County Planning Board and Department of Public Works, etc. and their effect on the plans. March 24, 1964, Supervisor's Office, 7:30 P.M. was set for the hext meeting. Mr. Diffigos advised that he will be in his office only Monday and Friday for the next two weeks. A further item discussed was including airports in the studies. Meeting adjourned at 11:45 P,M. Respectfully submitted, MUIr( (l ?;;;7/! /' Howard Terry . .- ",/ /' "/ ~ci ./ ~;:; 6~ /7 / ;;? c/ / 3 ' / /.5 / r-.// / ('C~?~d' ~!2!=0<<"--'- /" I ",.~<-- ~ C;;" /c:'; .