HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/24/1964
Southold Town Planning Board
5DUTHDLD. L. I., N. Y.
John Wickham, Ch.,irman
Henry Moiso.
Alfred Grebe
Archib<!lld Young
Wi!li"m Unkelb"ch
March 24, 1964
A joint meeting of the Town Board, the Village Board,
the Village and Town Planning Boards was held at the office
of the Supervisor, 16 South street, Greenport, New York on
March 24, 1964, 7:50 P.M.
There were present: Lester M. Albertson, Supervisor;
Ralph Tuthill and Henry A. Clark, Justices of the Peace;
Louis Demarest and Howard valentine, Councilmen; Robert W.
Tasker, Town Attorney.
Greenport Village Planning Board: John Sherwood, Chairman,
Dr. Leo Goldin, Harry Monsell, Bernard Van Popering, Jr.
Southold Town Planning Board: John Wickham, Chairman,
Alfred Grebe, Archibald Young, Henry Moisa, William Unkelbach.
From New york Department of Commerce: John Diffigos,
Cornelius Rotteveel, Consultant Richard May, Jr., Edwin King,
Spectator, Howard Terry, Building Inspector, Town of Southold,
acting secretary.
- Page 2 -
Southold Town Planning Board
50UTHOLD, L. I., N. Y.
Henry Moise)
Alfred Grebe
Archibtlld Young
WilliGm Unkelbtlch
John Diffigos reviewed the meeting held
10 A.M. today in New York with the Federal
Aviation Agency and state Department of Aviation.
Re: Airports study for the town.
John Wickhem, Ch.,irmGn
An airport study is required as part of a
"701" project. A site should be selected and
some preparations made including topography
surveys, preliminary maps, possible cost estimated,
etc. for the records. It is not mandatory to make
the installation at this time. Mr. May will write a section for
the scope of studies to meet these requirements.
We, (The Town of southold), will be the first community to
get funds for this study. This section should be ready and
complete by the middle of April.
John Wickham: The county has spent $75,000 with Spelman
Associates on airport studies, and has alot of material on the
Town of Southold. I think we should use this.
Mr. May: We don't need to cover this area - only re-evaluate
it and continue from there up to date, and add recommended con-
trolls of the area around the proposed site - such as heights
of buildings, clear guide paths, and approaches etc. - and a
study of the economic impact on the base of the community.
I hope the Spelman Report has a traffic study and a cost
estimate with a proposal on method of financing construction
together with a highway access study.
Supervisor Lester Albertson: We have a copy of most of
the Spelman Reports, and most of these items are covered.
. page 3-
John Diffigos read the paragraph on Federal requirements for
airport studies item by item, and then discussed the meeting with
Dr. Metz of Cornell University held at noon today in New York.
They will itemize all cost to select the ones that are eligible
for Federal money assistance - some are, and some are not.
John Wickham: We have specified the amount of housing studies
to be made, there will be about 60 for the village, and about 300
for the town.
Mr. May and Mr Diffigos: Most towns and villages need some
urban renewal work in some part of their area, so they must have
these studies in preparation, or they will have to duplicate them
later on for a urban renewal program. We must consider the possibility
of incorporation of the present hamlets at some time in the future,
and he prepared for future rebuilding. We would need about 300
surveys of sub-standard housing.
Supervisor Lester M. Albertson: HOW much more will this cost?
Mr. May: We don't.know yet, we are waiting for the Cornell
John Wickham: Cornell can do some of these studies much cheaper
than Raymond and May, the figures quoted so far are not accurate.
There was a general discussion on the type of houses included
in the study.
Mr. May: We must include a migrant study to qualify for the
Federal money.
Mr. Diffigos: This will be part of the study - not a special
or separate study - we can use available data, and I understand there
is considerable available.
May distributed copies of his revised proposal to all
(Copy attached to these minutes in file).
- Page 4 -
Mr. Diffigos went through the proposals item by item and
reviewed each. Changes were made on the following: Page 4 "G";
Page 5 "B-2" add a,b,c,; page 6 add item 5 for airport plan; add
"H" Section 1, top of page 4 - planning standards; and a condensed
progress report at the end of one year. Page 7 "E" include estimate
cost and method of financing capital improvements - both Town and
village - together with controlls for private development. Page 8
to rewrite two paragraphs following A2-B subdivision regulations.
Page 9 add cost of airport study and Cornell costs that are not
eligible for Federal Funds.
The estimated final cost is now $35,050 plus the two extra items
for the town, add $16,200 for the village. Both will share the
additional administrative cost ($5,893 plus $421 - over 24 months.
Administrative cost of Cornell and water study shall be $421 added
to the town.)
There was a general discussion on the terminology of the contract
and parts of the water study - particularly on the lab tests and
the Fishers Island water supply. It was decided to do lab tests on
all of Fishers Island water supply, as well as the balance of the
Mr. May: The next step, I will review my proposals as set
forth tonight and reword the Cornell and pirine proposal to coincide
completely. We will be ready by Mid-May with the "package" - all
costs, etc. final and the formal application ready to sign and submit.
Mr. Diffigos: The state will be "banker" and pay all vouches
as work progresses and is accepted - the various plans must be
complete in all aspects. The Town must underwrite costs of Cornell
and Pirini studies over and above the parts eligible for Federal Funds.
There was further discussion on the fine points of qualifications
to use "701" funds and tie in all parts to the overall plan.
Mr. Diffigos: We don't need another joint meeting on this. We
will have a meeting of the heads of the various departments in New York
sometime in May, when the final contracts are ready, and the
application is ready to sign. The agreement on apportioning of cost
should be done by May 1, so that everyone knows how much it will be.
We will require affidavits of availability of funds at the time of
contract signing. The actual signing will probably take place early
in fall. I will notify all of time and place for the next meeting -
probably in New York in May. ..I. / , ' ~____
Meeting adjourned 10: 05 P.M. /!(1(v{.( 1(( ((2//1 i.
Howard Terry
Secretary Pro Tern
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