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September 15, 1965
A joint meeting of the Town Board, the Village Board, the
Village and Town Planning Boards was held at the office of the
Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, on September 115
1965, 7:45 P.M.
There were present: John Diffigios and William Barton, New
York State Department of Commerce; Richard May and Harry Weinroth
of Raymond and May; Mayor Levine and Samuel Katz of Village Board;
John Sherwood, Harry Monsell, Dr. Leo Goldin of Village Planning
Board; Supervisor Albertson, Justice Tuthill, Councilman Demarest
of Town Board; Robert Tasker, ((Town Attorney; Archibald Young,
Henry Moisa of Town Planning Board; Albert Richmond, Town Clerk;
Howard Terry, Town Building Inspector; and Robert Gillispie, Jr.,
Town Board of Appeals as guest.
MR. DJ:FFIGJ:OS stated that regular meeting dates will now be
on the second Wednesday of each month. The next session will be
on October 13, 1965, at the Supervisor's office, Greenport, New
York. He further stated that Raymond & May will make upa work
schedule for each meeting and send memorandums each month. They
want constructive criticism sent to them prior to each meeting on
the subject matter that is sent out.
There has been a meeting with men from Cornell and Raymond &
May at the Albany office to set up a timetable for this project. /
to coordinate each phase of the plan and materials that will be
used by both parties. We are to have 24 (701) meetings in the
two years of the project and 12 meetings with the men from Cornell
during this period. Pirini Company will meet with us at least
four times.
It is now possible that we may get all of the Federal money
that was requested, but trimmed off the original allottment as
there has been revised thinking and further appropriation at the
Federal level. The Pirini Company can do most of the Water Survey
work in six months and will probably be represented at the October
meeting here. They will be at Raymond & Mays office on September
29th, 1965, for a conference.
,. ....
Joint Meeting
September 15, 1965
SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: The Atomic Energy people have $2,500
which they may be willing to put into a survey of both Riverhead
and Southold Town Water Resources and Planning Research work in
connection with the proposed desalinization plant. Possibly we
can get this money and use it in our planning.
MAYOR LEVINE: How much is Cornell's share of the costs <of
the project?
MR. DIFFIGIOS read figures from contracts and proposals:
approximately $8,150 from local and 701 funds, and $35,000 of
their own funds. They will be at one of the regular meetings in
the near future to give a summary of findings.
RICHARD MAY: We have completed a land use survey and are
putting it on a base map now. (A large map of 800 ft. = 1" was
displayed, based on U.S.C.&G. data for base.) Later on Sectional
Maps @ 100 ft. = 1" will be made and developed. Each road and its
surfacing will be shown as public or private. The Village base
map will be 200 ft. = 1".
Aerial photos of the XTown were displayed and general dis-
cussion as to what will be shown on the final map was held.
At this time, the Proposed Subdivision Regulations for the
Village were discussed. MR. SHERWOOD felt these were superfluous
as there was no land left to subdivide in the Village. It was
explained by MR. MAY that there was such a thing as minor sub-
division of less than five lots, as well as major subdivision of
five or more lots. Such regulations are essential for the plan
and for urban renewal projects. Copies were distributed to
Village members to read over and make suggestions for changes at
the next meeting.
Copies of proposed changes in the Town Subdivision Regula-
tions were distributed for members to look over and quite some
discussion on a complete revision was held. It was the general
opinion that highway specifications should not be part of sub-
division regulations, but should be a separate matter, other item
in present regulations should be regrouped and separated by
category. General discussion was followed by agreement that
Raymond & May should rewrite the regulations along the lines dis-
cussed at the meeting.
During the discussion it was bro~ught out that the Planning
Board can reexamine the filed maps and require developers to make
changes if they think it in the best interest of the Town to do
so. It will require a public hearing for such a change.
It is proposed to have Mr. WHITLOCK of Pirini Company and
someone from Cornell group here at the next meeting, October 13.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M.
t Howard ~erry
Acting Secretary