HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/13/1965 " M..!.NUTES MASTER PLAN October 13, 1965 A joint meeting on the Master Plan was held at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, on Wednesday, October 13, 1965. There were present: Messrs: John Sherwood, Dr. Leo GoldiD, Harry Monsell, B. Van Popering, Jr., Henry Bunce, new member of Village Planning Board; Harry Weinroth, Raymond and May; John Deffigbs and Mr. Stoken, Department of Commerce; Ernest Whitlock, Malcolm Pirnie Engineers; Councilman Louis Demarest, Town attorney Robert Tasker, John Wickham, Henry Moisa, Lawrence Tuthill, Professionsal engineer; and Howard Terry, Building Inspector. The meeting was opened by John Deffigios at 7:45 P.M.. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as sent out. Mr. John Sherwood reported the Village Planning Board has adopted their proposal for subdivision regulations. They were sent to the Village Board and attorneys for their approval. A hearing will be held on these regulations after the ~ Village Board takes action on them. Mr. Weinroth distributed loose-leaf covers for each member to keep monthly agendas, progress reports, notes, memos, etc., for the entire project. Copies of number three progress reports were distributed together with copies of proposed subdivision regulations for the Town of Southold. It was reoommended that the Planning Board and the Town Attorney read them over and prepare their comments for the next meeting. Several items were discussed, such as, the duties of the highway superintendent, and the construction inspector, etc. -2- It was recommended that the Southold Town Board delegate power to controll subdivisions on existing highways to the Planning Board so that these subdividers will be required to make all improvements that others are required to make. The Town Attorney stated that this has been done in the recent resolution passed by the Town Board prior to the entering into work on the Master Plan. It was decided that the Town Attorney and Mr. Weinroth will examine the proposed regulations to check any legal questions. The Planning Board will have recommendations for the next meeting on November 10, 1965. Mr. Diffigios stated they are having some legal phrasing problems with the Cornell group on the use of their material in drawing up contracts. No contracts have been signed yet, pending settlement of this matter. The consultants and others are working without pay until this matter is settled. Mr. Whitlock explained his program and gave a progress report to date. (copy of proposal attached.) proposal "A" is Town financed, Proposal "B" is financed by "701" funds. Mr. Whitlock also mentioned the possibility of getting some State atomic and space agency funds (about $1,250.00) for both Riverhead and Southold Towns to carry the water study further in depth in connection with the proposed desalinazation plant at the Riverhead/Southold Town line area. John Wickham discussed this proposal. He has been in on all of the discussions with the atomic commission and the Supervisor. They are now proposing a flexible plant that can be expanded in storage from one million gallons to five million gallons per day,output of feesh water, instead of the one million maximum originally proposed. Mr. Harry Monsell (retired Superintendent of utilities in the village of Greenport) again reviewed the possibilities of developing Laurel Lake area water shed as source of supply of water for the western part of Town. Mr. Whitlock stated that this is to be part of his water resource report and will be checked out throughly. He will meet with the Supervisor and the Monsells on October 14, 1965, in themorning. Mr. weinroth stated he expected Professor Caroll of Cornell to be present at the meeting tonight, however he will have their representative at the next meeting on November 10th. Mr. Weinroth distributed agenda sheets for meeting up to February, 1966. , -3- There was a lenghty general discussion held on water. Topics discussed were rainfall, drainage, runoff, darning and draining swamps, soil types, irrigation use, etc. Also discussion was held on holding open areas, XKKKXXX; agriculture, leases, easement rights, parks, public areas, etc. The matter of the State Highway Department running storm water into creeks, bays, etc., instead of into recharge basins was brought up. It was agreed more pressure should be put on State Engineers to stop this practice. Mr. Whiclock stated he wants to see these drainage projects and run-offs during a moderate to heavy rain storm. He was assured that someone would take him on a tour of the Town any time he was available to go. The next joint meeting on the Master Plan will be held on Wednesday, November 10, 1965, at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, at 7:30 P.M. The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Howard Terry, Acting Secretary MALCOLM PIRNIE ENGINEERS New York, New York 10036 , , October 13, 1965 MEMORANDUM INVESTIGATION OF GROUND WATER SITUATION IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN CONNECTION WITH THE URBAN PLANNING ASSISTANCE (701) PROGRAM The function of Malcolm Pirnie Engineers in connection with the Southold Urban Planning Assistance (701) Program is confined to investigation and studrees related to water supply conditions in the Town, and the availability of ground water to provide the water supply needs of various types of development proposed by others. The services are divided into two parts covered by our Proposal "A" to the Town of Southold for "non-701" services and our Proposal "B" to the Bureau of Planning, Department of Planning of the State of New York for services eligible under the Proposed 701 program for Southold. Our services under Proposal "A" comprises, in general, collecting information as to character and extent of ground water in Southold. It includes field investigations and tests of the soml which over- lays the upper sand and gravel fresh ground water reservoir which exist throughout the Town of Southold. This work was commenced last fall by investigaEing surface topography and soil com~retions in the Town, collecting and testing samples of types of soils which overlies the sand and gravel and by collecting information as to existing wells in the Town particularly the various wells whihh supply Greenport with water. A review of existing ground water studies and reports related to ground.ater conditions in Suffolk County and in the Town of Southold also was commenced. These investigations and studies will be continued in connection with our services under Proposal B which will be coordinated with and directly related to the 701 Urban Planning Program. The services of Malcolm Pirnie Engineers under Proposal B include the following: (a) Estimate present water use in various parts of the town. (b) Estimate amount of water that can be removed safely from the ground within various sections of theTown. (c) Furnish to the Planning Consultants, estimates of probable waeer consumption and effect on ground water reservoir of various types of land uses including: agriculture, residential of various degrees of density, commerce and industry. . Page -2- , (d) Evaluate alternative land use proposals prepared by Planning Consultants in terms of effect on ground water levels and water consumption requirements. (e) Review of preliminary findings with others as required and prepareJa report couering our investigations, findings and conclusions. Consideration also will be given to the availability of water supplies, other than from local ground water sources such as the desalinization plant proposed for construction at a site immediately adjacent to the western boundary of SSouthold. MALCOLM PIRNIE ENGINEERS