HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/09/1966 MIN.!!.1:.E~ JOINT MEETING ON THE MASTER PLAN February 9, 1966 A j oint meeting of the Southold Town Boards and the Greenport Village Boards was held on the Master Plan on wednesday, February 9, 1966 at 7:30 P.M., at the Office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York. '. There were present: Harry Weinroth of Raymond and May Associates; Howard Quinn, Planning Division of New York State Department of Commerce; John Sherwood, Village Planning Board; Mayor Levine and Samuel Katz, Greenport Village Board; Supervisor Albertson, Councilman Howard Valentine, Southold Town Board; John Wickham, Henry Moisa, Southold Town Planning Board; Raymond Dean, Superintendent of Highways; Robert Tasker, Esq., Southold Town Attorney; Lawrence Tuthill, Professional Engineer; Otto Van Tuyl, Professional Engineer and Consultant; Howard Terry, Building Inspector. The meeting was opened at 7:45 P.M., by John Sherwood, Acting Chairman. Supervisor Albertson read a telegram stating the Department of Commerce has received approval for the second part of funds for the Southold Town Project. The minutes of the last meeting were discussed and approved with a change of wording in the last part to read"Possible Errors" in the census of 1960. Joint Meeting on the Master Plan -2- February ,;9, 1966 It was requested that the Mayor and the Supervisor try to keep the same census districts for 1970 as were used in 1960 so a comparison can be made on all the items listed. Mr. Weinroth displayed a preliminary land use map of the Town and another of the Village. The Village was asked to take their's and check it for accuracy, street names, and other data shown, and have it ready for the March meeting. Copies of memoranda No. 8 were distributed. This covered preliminary housing report based on the 1960 census. The metho~s of taking a census were discussed, also the time of taking a census, and if it was done by the Federal Government or private companies who specialize in this field. Memoranda No. 8 was gone over and discussed section by section. The accuracy of the home owner's estimate of value of their houses was questioned. Mr. Weinroth is to check on some of the housing conditions, as some of census terms do not fit the actual condition of buildings today. There was a discussion on the types of Ordinances that can be passed to controll the up-keep of premises and main- tenance of buildings, both residential and commercial. Also, it was suggested that changing the time of census taking can affect the "per capita" aid programs, either up or down depending on either summer or winter population. Progress Report No. 9 was distributed. Mr. Weinroth reported that he has looked over the proposed amendments to the Southold Town Zoning Ordinance that are now before the Town Board for action, and he finds nothing wrong with them in their present form. These will be more or less a "stop gap" measure until the new Zoning Ordinance is drawn up at the end of the Planning Program. Mr. Weinroth suggested that the height of apartment buildings should be the same in all districts. Mr. Weinroth stated that he plans to have Mr. Whitlock at the April meeting with his report on the water resources. Joint Meeting on the Master Plan -3- February 9. 1966 Mayor Levine inquired about four unit apartments in the Town and was advised that two story buildings are allowed in the Multiple Residence District and the Business Districts on minimumclots. The proposed amendments would '. increase the si~eof- lots, side yards, etc. He also inquired about the Town"s plans for parks and open areas and was advised that nothing has been done except in subdivisions. pending the recommendations to come fro~ this Planning Study. This brought on a discussion of the park and playground funds, its operation and status at this time. Mr. Weinro'!lh was asked to investigate this and bring a report as soon as possible, ')SO if possible, we can improve on our development "road end" situation and begin to plan for some "Neighborhood" parks and other acquisition programs. The next j oint meeting on the Master Plan will be held at 7:30 P.M., Wednesday, March 9, 1966, at the Office of the Supervisor. 16 South Street. Greenport. New York. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted. ~(~Sl ~ Howard Terry, Acting Secretary /bd