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JUNE', 1966
A jmint meeting on the Master Plan was held at 7:30 P.M.,
Wednesday, June 8, 1966, at the Office of the Supervisor, 16
South Street, Greenport, New York.
There were present: Harry Weinroth, Raymond and May Associates;
Mayor Arthur Levine, Samuel Katz, Greenport Village Board; John
Sherwood, Chairman; Harry Monsell, Dr. Leo Goldin, Henry Bunce,
B. Van Poperin g, Jr., Greenport Village Planning Board; John
Wickham, Chairman; Archibald Young, Henry Moisa, William Unkelbach
Southold Town Planning Board; Lawrence Tuthill, P.E., Consultant
Town Planning Board; Robert Villa, P.E., District Engineer, Suffolk
County Depatment of Health; Howard Terry, Building Inspector.
The meeting was opened at 7:40 P.M. by John J. Sherwood,
Acting Chairman. The minutes of the last meeting were approved.
Harry Wein~oth displayed three large maps showing alternative
methods of community growth potential.
1. Community development around centers with about half of the
Town used for agriculture.
2. Radial~and waterfront development showing residential growhh
around the shore front with smaller "centers" much as we now have.
All reports to date show that we can support an 80,000 maximum
population with our present water supply, properly distributed and
Wen~ow have a summer population of about 40,000 people, which
is half70ur potential and need public water and sewers in the heavily
populated areas. The sewer outfall should have secondary treatment
and be pumped back into the ground in the perimeter areas to protect
our inland water pool.
There was a general discussion of the farming area and the
areas under development, and the increase in population.
Joint Meeting on the Master Plan
June 8, 1966
3. Plan with strong center development - this was unamiously
opposed by all present.
There was some discussion on increasing the size of lots and
of Federal Aid Programs for public water and sewer systems, open
area programs, etc.
Methods of tightening subdivision regulations were discussed
and Mr. Weinroth is to make a list of alternatives to larger lots
as the answer to our problem and bring them to a special meeting
next wednesday, June 15, 1966 at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at
the Town Office, Southold, for discussion with the Chairmen of
each Planning Board, Robert Villa, Howard Terry and Town Attorney,
Robert Tasker, if he can make it.
Mayor Levine discussed a plan to distribute water throughout
the Town as he has been to a Federal conference on this problem.
They require a Master Plan, Town wide, before they will participate
with Federal funds.
He also urged that no development be permitted on County
Road 27. We should keep this as a hi-speed road-to keep all
business in the present business areas and improve them with more
parking areas, etc.
Robert Villa went into some detail on our problems in the
more densely populated areas. It is his opinbn and that of some
others that larger lot size for the Town will be too late to
solve the problem we now have in our densely populated shore
front areas. These must have publiC water and some places
sewers. This sewerage should have secondary treatment and be
pumped back into the ground as a restoring barrier.
Any water mains or sewer installations should not be .n
private ~ands, they should be publicly operated even tho a
developer is required to install them at his own expense.
There was a general discussion on size and operation of
small sewer systems, water systems, etc. Mr. Weinroth agreed
all should be publicly operated.
There was some discussion of a belt
Sound shore with acre or larger zoning.
feasible and probably would not require
on tHs size lot.
of development along the
All agreed this was
publiC water or sewers
Joint Meeting on the Master Plan
June 8, 1966
Several suggestions were made on means to cure some of our
water and sanitary problems that are critical now.
Some discussion was held on a building code with a Board of
Architectual Review to check plans and sites before construction.
Most agreed we need atuilding code but could not agree on districts
or zones for different classes of buildings. Most favored a larger
mininum floor area with a larger building lot.
Dr. Leo Goldin and John Sherwood expressed a desire to get
more active on the Village part of the plan, particularly their
waterfront development. It was his opinion we should increase the
size of lots rather than get involved with public water, sewers,
etc. We should preserve the status of what we now have and let
the new comers thake care of themselves without crowding the ones
already here. The Village should be the business centers with
residential development on the outskirts.
Mr. Weinroth again explained the object of the overall plan is
to provide for business, residential, agriculture, tourists, etc.,
and some industry, preferably an Industrial Park Area. He thinks
Greenport is probably the ideal center for the heavier business
and industry. This part of the plan has not yet been reached.
Mayor Levine stated that there has been legislation introduced
in Albany to create an urban renewal agency and housing authority
for the Village of Greenport. They hope to rebuild the more
delapidated parts of the Village, starting with the removal of a
junk yard on Third Street. He also would like to see some plans
for their waterfront development, but feels they have no
residential problems.
All agreed we should now select the areas for business and
industry and have thelA set out on the new land use map. There was
a discussion on the type of industry we could attract, their area,
and labor requirements, our labor pool, etc.
The meeting wad adjourned at 9:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
ILDJ-{ ~ ~
Howard M. Terry, Secretary Pro Tern