HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/13/1966 , . . . M.!.NQTE~ JOINT MEETING ON THE MASTER PLAN July 13, 1966 A joint meeting om the Town and Village Boards and respective Planning Board was held at the Supervisor's Office, 16 South Street, Greenport, at 8:00P.M., Wednesday, July 13, 1966. There were present: Mayor Arthur Levine; Trustee Samuel Katz; Harry Monsell, Bernard Van Popering, Jr., Village Planning Board; Howard Quinn, New York State Department of Commerce; Richard May and Harry Weinroth, Raymond & May Associates; Town Attorney RObert Tasker; Lawrence Tuthill, P.E. Consultant~ John Wickham, Henry Moisa, Town Planning Board; Howard Terry, Building Inspector. Several members of both the Planning Boards were absent due to illness. The meeting was opened at 8:00 P.M., by Mayor Levine, acting Chairman. Mr. Weinroth posted and displayed colored land use maps of the Village of Greenport showing the business, industrial, and residential uses. This map needs some more minor additions and corrections. It was used for discussion of the housing studies done in the Village by Raymond and Mayas well as the census bureau. Mr. May stated that Mr. Weinroth is leaving Raymond and May Associates to take over as the Planning Director for the City of Lawrence, Mass., in the near future, but will be avail- able for a while longer. Mr. Bruce Wilkins of the Cornell Staff will be featured at the August 10, 1966 meeting with a report on the commercial fishing study they have done. An invitation is to be sent to Rev. Arthur Bryant to be present at this session. . . Joint Meeting on the Master Plan -2- July 13, 1966 ~ Mr. May expects most of the program to be finished by the end of this year so that all heaDhgs, etc., can be completed before June, 1967. Anew planning expert will be assigned to our project by September when our land use map is completed and the new revised subdivision regulations will be ready for distriBution. ~ Mr. May also wants to start wOEk on the new Zoning Ordinance for the Town in September. Mr. Weinrtoh distriButed copies of Memo #11 - Housing Study and Neighborhood Analysis Reprot for the Village of Greenport. Mr. May discussed this preliminary report and wanted everyone to read it carefully before taking any action on it. He explained how they did the survey in areas 1 and 2 shown on a map in this report, and what they found. Mr. Weinroth explained how they evaluated the buildings, their occupancy and structural condition. Inarea 1, there is one particular section of deficient housigg is the Ludlam Place viCinity. They entered every 4th deficient dwelling and interviewed the tennants. There were very few refusals to cooperate. Some figures on income of tennants and rents paid to landlords were obtained from the Suffolk County Welfare Department. Lack of central hea~ing was the largest complaint of tennants in both area one and~o. The waterfront study will be done as a separate item. This has been started but not complete as of now. The streets are generaly adequate for present population and use. Area two - approximately 150 house, 55% were fair conditions or below with 74% non white population, 26% white population with more home owners than tennants. The roads are ~ adequate for present population and use and there are a few more homes in this area. Mr. May asked for question fxom the floor. Very few responsed. Mr. Weinroth recommended that the Village look into all of the auailable programs for financial assistance to improve these areas. He stressed other programs than urban renewal. This lead to a general discussion of various possibilities and methods of rehabiliation and public improvements. . . Joint meeting on the Master Plan -3- July 13, 1966 Mr. Weinroth displayed the Town land use map in color. This will be complete for the September meeting. There was some discussion on the new revised town subdivision regulations. These are now ready for printing and will nave some copies for the September meeting. Mayor Levine offered a resolution thanking Harry Weinrtoh for his work for both the Village and the Town to date and wishing hims success in his new position with the City of Lawrence, Mass. This was passed unamiously. The minutes of the last meeting were approved. The next regular meeting on the Master plan will be held at 7:30 P.M., Wednesday, August 10, 1966, at the Office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greeport, New York. The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 P.M. Respectfully submitted, I~~~D--~ To~ Howa~d M. Terry, Secretary Pto Tern