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September 21, 1966
A joint meeting on the Master Plan was held at the Office of
the Supervisor, 16 South~Street, Greenport, New York, at 7:30 P.M.,
on Wednesday, September 21, 1966.
TIere were present: Herbert Kalin and Samuel Katz, of the Village
Board; John Sherwood, Chairman, Harry Monsell, Dr. Leo Goldin of
Village Planning Bca rd.
Robert Tasker, Town Attorney; Raymond Dean, Sup't. of Highways
and public works; Lawrence Tuthill, P.E.; Robert W. Gillispie, Jr.,
Chairman Town Board of Appeals; John Wickham,Chairman, Henry Moisa,
Alf~d Grebe, William Unkelbach of Town Planning Board; Howard Terry,
Building Inspector.
Mr. Ernest Whitlock and Ralph Haestadt of Malcolm Pirnie Engineers;
RiChard May, Jr of Raymond & may Associates; Robert Villa, P.E., of
Suffolk County Department of Health.
Mr. Howard Quinn, of New York State Department of Commerce
called that he was unable to attend this meeting.
The meeting was opened at 7:50 P.M., by John Wickham, Acting
A motion was made, seconded and carried, theminutes of the last
meeting on the Master Plan be approved as sent out.
The meeting was turned over to Mr. May, who gave copies of the
land use maps to both the Town and Village Planning Boards. He is
furnishing a complete ' set of both to the State Department of Commerce
Office, as required by the contract.
Mr. May distributed several bulletins to Both boards; capital
improvement programs, school requirements, proposed new zoning
Ordinance frame work, and recreation standards. He went over each
of the bulletins and explained each and the usual procedure to be
followed in each case.
Joint Meeting on the Master Plan
September 21, 1966
John Wickham questioned the part a~gned to the Planning Board
in the capital improvement program. Mr. May esplained this is the
trend now and will soon be required by law; and is now if there is
an urban renewal program for the municapality.
Mr. May had and went through an evaluation booklet on both
the Town and Village present Zoning Ordinances. It was his opinon
that it would be better to write a new Ordinance in each case than
try to amend the present Ordinances. He urged all to read the
evaluation bulletin and the frame work proposed for a new Ordinance
so that when his revisions of the Ordinaace are ready we can make
the adjustments quickly.
Mr. May recommended that the Master Plan itself be complfted
and hold hearings etc., before the new Zoning Ordinances are put
before the public.
He stated that Zoning governs the use of ~ private lands, and
most of the law governing zoning has come from court decisions on
Zoning Appeal cases, etc/
There was some discussion on special exceptions and special
permits. This is to be held over until work on the Ordinance
reaches this point.
It was decided to hold the next meeting on October 19, 1966, in
two separate sessions. The village Planning Board is to meet at
4:30 P.M., and the Town is to meet at 7:30 P.M., of that day to wo=k
on Ordinances for each municapality separately.
At 9:50 P.M., Mr. Whitlock took over the meeting to give and
additional report on his water survey.
He stated that we are up against a very serious condition. The
amount of our water is very limited. We are using an average of
5,000,000 gallons per day. Thereis no "outside" source of water,
it all comes from rainfall. We had an average of 44 inches per
year over a long period of time, but it is 33 inches or less far the
past three years. OUr water table is now at its lowest point on
record. The other lowest points on record were in 1950's and the
He compared water use for irrigation to a population use. On
the present level of use, irrigation water would support five people
per acre. He restated our water table is better fueher inland and
further west in the Town and so uplDng Island to Nassau County, where
they have nearly a balanced use and supply.
Joint Mee~ing on the Master Plan
September 21, 1966
Orient is now down to about one foot above sea level. B If
theEe is much residential developement there, the use of irrigation
will have to be curtailed or restricted.
Mr. Whitlock showed the ~ map with the water table chart and
well readings that he is keeping records of. These cover various
locations throughout the Town.
Mr. Villa discussed the new County Test Well program and
the plans of the County Water Authority to supply water from the
west central partof the County to the East.
There was some ~ discussion on planning development to fit
the water supply and on a probable distribution pattern.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
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Howard Terry, Secretary Pro tern
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