HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/07/1966 . . Southold Town Planning Board SDUTHDLD. L. I., N. Y. PLANN I N6 BOAR 0 MEMBERS John Wickhem, Choirman Henry Moise. Alfred Grebe Archib81d Young WWiom Unkelbllch MINUTES OF ~illSTER PLAN MEETING DECEMBER 7, 1966 A regular meeting on the VillSTER PLAN was held at 7:30 PM Wednesday December 7, 1966 at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, N.Y. There were present: Mayor Arthur Levine, John J, Sherwood, Ch, Henry Bunce, Dr. Leo Goldin, Harry Monsell of the two village Boards; Dr David Allee of Cornell Staff, Mr. Jatteau Bliatnager and Mr. Ben Paykin of Raymond & May Associates; Mr Howard Quinn of the N.Y.State Dept. of Commerce; Robert Tasker, Towb Attorney, John Wickham-Ch, Wm. Unkelbach, Alfred Grebe, of Twon Planning Board; Fred Hulse Jr and Robert Bergen of Town Board of Appeals; Lawrence Tuthill P.E., consultant & Construction inspector; Robert Villa P.E. of Suffolk County Department of Health; Howard Terry - Town Building Inspector. The meeting was opened at 7:45 PM by John Wickham, acting cahirman for the evening. The minutes of the last meeting were duly approved as mailed out. At this time the meeting was turned over to Mr. Paykin who reviewed his economic report which was distributed for study last month. This is to be a preliminary report which will be completed at a later date with any "updating and correctmons" necessary. He explained the tables shown in the report and gave the sources of informant ion used to compile these tables. His investigation showed that processors do not like long island potatoes as they have a high moisture content and are usually of small size, also we have a short marketing season for a product with a short "shelf life" and a poor storage quality. Further we do not have enough storage capacity and most storages do not have controlled humidity or other means of keeping a high quality product. He recommended more diversivication in vegetable production, staggering the marketing periods etc to get the most return from the farmers efforts. Mr. Paykin asked for comment on the agricultural part of this report at this time. PAGE 2, MAS~ PLAN ~ffiETING, DEC.7,L~6~ There was some comment on the cost of production, labor supply etc. Most agreed that some change in present farming operations and methods will have to be made if we are to make a success of our agriculture. There ..,ras some discussion on "premium packing", controll of aales by a large organized group etc. The commercial fishing industry in Suffolk County is a rather small operation, it is mostly done by small independant operators. Southold Town's share has been increasing slowly over the past five years. Consumption of "processed fish" has increased slowly, but "fresh fish" consumption has remained about stable. Commercial use of fish has slowly increased over the past thirty years. There was some discussion on the fishing aspect of the Town's economy - especially on the underwater land for the shellfish industry and the use of some formerly classed "trash fish" for human consumption, the packaging and distribution of "fresh fish". The recreational section of the report shows a large increase in pleasure boating - to which Southold Town is readily adaptable as it has excellent facilitys and oppertunitys to expand this sport. Investigation shows that Suffolk County is the largest area in the state for vacation homes at this time. Some comparison of spending by"vacationers" and "part time" residents was shown as related to "year around" residents. It was recommended that we establish some trailer parks and camping grounds etc for the convenience of "transient vacationers", as they are considered a good source of income. It was agreed that this report has filled in spots that sho~T where improvement can be made. At this time the meeting was turned over to Dr. Allee of Cornell staff ",ho continued his remarks on the "returns"of farm land, taxation of farm lands, ways of holding open spaces by contract agreement, zoning etc. Several methods and types ",ere discussed. It was his opinion that most farmers have to depen4 on the increased land values over a period of time to make a comparable investment to an average business. Dr. Allee used a ten year period to sample land sales for this study. He was suspicious of some of these sales as they may have been "in the family" and not "open market" sales. These ~Tere not used in computing the figures discussed. Distance from "the water" and distance to "business centers" have a large bearmng on the sale price on the sale price of the parcels used in the computations. , PAGE 3, . I-illS TER Phill1 }i,i:,":TING Dec 7 , , . 1966 There was some general discussion on land use, development prospects, the tax structure and the possibility of "contract restrictions" to hold land in agriculture or open areas. No firm conclusions were reached or agreed upon. Mr. Bliatnager distributed copies of five memorandas for the next meeting. These are to be read and ready for discussion together with other "community facilities" and development previously studied. Mr 1Jhitlock is to be here at the next meeting with further reports on our water supply study. The next meeting ,,,ill be Dec. 14th, 1966 at the Supervisors office - 7:30 PM. Meetind adjourned 9:50 PM. ~ ~ . _ _ \: )J"'-....-A...- c-J (u-C GL \ Howard Terry, Secy.Pro Tern. . ~~ ~. , . \ '\." '\ '''~ ~ ~~ \~ ~.~ "\. \.J \ \ . . I Ie