HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/14/1966 . . . M.!NUTES JOINT MEETING ON THE MASTER PLAN December 14, 1966 A joint meeting on the Master Plan was held at the Office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, at 7:30 P.M., on Wednesday~ December 14, 1966. There were present: Mayor Arthur Levin, Trustee Samuel Katz, John Sherwood, Chairman, Village Planning Board; Dr. Leo Goldin, Harry Monsell, Village Planning Board; James Monsell, Supt. of Public Utilities of Village; John Wickham, Chairman, Henry Moisa, Southold Town Planning Board; Lawrence Tuthill, P.E. Planning Board Construction Inspector; Robert Villa, P.E. Suffolk County Dept. of Health; Miss Elsie Woods and Mr. J. BliatnagB: of Raymond & May Associates; Howard Terry, Town Building Inspector, Howard Quinn, New York State Dept. of Commerce. The meeting was opened at 7:45 P.M., by John Wickham, Acting Chairman, Mr. Bliatnager reviewed the Raymond & May memorandums on schools, public and private. This is a statement of existing facilities, recommendations will be made in a later report. Question was raised as to difference between consolidation and centralization of school districts. There was much discussion on these items. It was pointed out that in the future we may have a "Younger" population with more children of school age. The memorandum on recreation facilities was reviewed. There was a discussion on having apermit and fee system for usett public beaches, etc. A policy for development of beaches and other recreational facilities must be devised so they can be properly equipped and maintained. . . Joint meeting on the Master Plan -2- December 14, 1966 The memorandum on Fire fighting facilities was reviewed. No comments were offered on this. At this point the meeting was turned over to Mr. Whitlock, who continued his report on the water study. His previous reports were reviewed briefly. These showed that we are uSing about 1,600,000 gallons of water on an average day, PLUS, irrigation water, the 5000 plus or minus consumers on the Greenport Water System use about 80 gallons per person per day on an average day. The maximum days recorded were well over 1,200,000 gallons on the system. An average day will use 5,500,000 gallons and more for irrigation. This shows a use ratio of about five to one for irrigation. Possibly 35 to 40 per cent of rain fall will reach the underground water reservoir eventually by absorption, recharge basins and natural wet lands. t Most of our underground reservoir capacity is in the central and ~~~R~rn part of the Town. It is expected water use will increase to 100 gallons per person per day in the near future. The maximum permanent population we can accommodate, with water distribution mains and well fields properly laid out, supplying water from the "center reservoir" to the "onter fringe" areas, would be 35,000 to 40,000 people. There is now a very real danger of permanent damage to ground water from sewage polution and salt water intrusion in the "outer fringe" areas, along shore lines. Mr. Whitlock recommended dyking off heads of creeks; DON'T allow dredging of channels or basins in up land; build all marine facilities out in existing saltwater bodies; retain all drainage runDff in catahbasins, recharge basins, natural fresh water ponds, etc., DON'T allow any to runoff in salt creeks, etc. Also sewerage treated in present and future plants be pumped back into ground, not ouerboard as now; any large volume wells be located "Inland" , not mear salt: water, or close to each other. The use of water should be ccontrolled locally, by license or permit with records properly kept. Planning for this should start now. q Recomme~~ations for water distribution should be study and inYV~tYnear futurel done as a separate There was discussion on Zoning for larger lots, expansion and operation of the Village water system, absorption of "runoff~ recharge basins, etc. and possibility of Town Ordinance controlling irrigation and other "large volume wells", etc. . . . Joint Meeting on the Master Plan -3- December 14, 1966 It was agreed that "cluster development" would probably be good for this town if it could be done with a water s:tstem and "open area" program. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as mailed out. The next joint meeting on the Master Plan will be held at 7:30 P.M., Wednesday, January 11, 1967, at the Office of the Supervisor, 16 South street, Greenport, New York. The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, /~L ~ Howard Terry, Secretary Pro Tern . . ,. . ~_{f/ / / ,i i/ /viet/ ,J / I ?)?,j; / {, /J--/v~/,!', /fZ.'/ttr/;JI:: #L.,~,/ /-" . / p..--- &~-b