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January 11, 1967
A joint meeting on the Master Plan ~as held at 7:30 P.M.,
Wednesday, January 11, 1967, at the Office of the Supervisor,
16 South Street, Greenport, Ne~ York.
There ~ere present: Alfred Grebe, Henry Moisa, William
Unkelbach - T~n Planning Board; Robert Tasker - To~n Attorney;
H~ard Terry - T~n Building Inspector.
Dr. Leo GOldin, Harry Monsell, Harry Bunce,- Village Planning
Board; James Monsell - Sup't of Utilities, Villageof Greenport.
Richard May and Jittu P. Bhatnagar - Raymond & May Associates;
Ho~ard Q~inn, Ne~ York State Dept. of Commerce; Robert Villa -
Suffolk County Dept. of Health.
The meeting ~as opened at 7:45 P.M. by Dr. Leo Goldin,
acting Chairman.
The minutes of the last meeting ~ere approved as sent out.
Mr. May stated he has in hand some notes made by the To~n
Planning Board on lad use mpps ~hich they ~ill revi~ and make
any changes that they find necessary on these maps.
He requested both To~n and Village Planning Board to go over
their subdivision regulations and Zoning Ordinance frame ~ork and
land use maps and make notes or cite any changes or corrections
so these can be finalized, as ~e must complete the project by June-
July at the latest. It may be necessary to have seveBal extra
meetings to finish on time.
Also, if there is any comment on previously discussed
memoranda these should be noted at this time. Tonight ~e are to
go over and discuss the memoranda on "Preliminary transportation
report" - High~ay systems.
Mr. Bhatnagar took over the meeting at this point to dis!uss
the memoranda.
Joint Meeting on
the Master Plan
11, 1967
He first gave a clarification of "Hold over" questions from
last meeting on school centralization and consolidation. He
stated that his findings were that the State cannot force
centralization, it is done by vote of the people in the districts
Mr. Bhatnagar then discussed the overall Long Island HIghway
system as it affects East-West travel and traffic volume at
various locations in the Town. It is his opinion that we need
more East-West roads to relieve conjestion at some points. An
accident survey has been done in time Village, a chart was
displayed showing locations of these accidents and the most
hazardous places.
The question of Shelter Island Ferry traffic was raised. It
was generally agreed the one way traffic and placing of Ferry
lines on the south side of Wiggins Street was adequate for the
present volume of traffic. Some discussion was held on the
parking area for this Ferry. Some thought additional parking
should be provided on the railroad property south of Wiggins
Street and west of Third Street. Similiar to the Town's
arrangement on Pike Street, Mattituck, using the railroad property.
There was some discussion on the "New London" Ferry traffic
and parking. It was generally agreed that their lot was adequate
for quite some time to come.
There was a long discussion on Village traffic problems and
town roads, better circulation of traffic in each hamlet, etc.,
possible location of traffic lights, increasing parking areas, etc.
The possibility of the Long Island-Connecticut Bridge was
again brought up for more discussion, with its effects on the
North Fork. Most were of the opinion if a bridge is built it will
probably go west of South old Town.
The next meeting on the Master Plan will be held at the Super-
,visor's Office, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, on February
8, 1967, at 7:30 P.M.
Raymond & May will have a preliminary new land use plan map
for the Town. If time permits they will also have one for the
Village some night. They want a list of Town Highways with
w~hs and lengths so they can be properly classified. Also a set
Joint Meeting on the Master Plan
January 11, 1967
of latest highway specifications. Howard Terry to get same and
Mr4. Bhatnagar will phone Friday A.M. and make apointment to come
here and do more "On site" inspections and get additional
The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M.