HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/15/1967 . . , M.!..NU~~E. JOINT MEETING ON THE MASTER PLAN February 15, 1967 A joint meeting on the Master Plan was held at 7:30 P.M., Wednesday, February 15, 1967, at the Office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York. TheEe were present: Mayor Levine, Trustee Samuel Katz; Planning Board Members - Bernard Van Papering, Jr., Harry Mansell, Dr. Leo Goldin; Town Attorney Robert Tasker; Planning Board Members - Henry Moisa, William Unkelbach, Frank Coyle, John Wickham, Chairman (arrived during the meeting) i building Inspector, Howard Terry; Mr. Richard May, Raymond & May Associa tes and Robert Villa, P.E. of Suffolk County Health Department. The meeting was opened at 7:45 P.M.,by William Unkelbach, Acting Chairman. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as sent out. The second memorandum on transportation were distributed to all present. Mr. May posted several maps showing accident location by groups and classification, proposed new limited access roads, our present road system and how they classified them, ~ maps with overlays showing population density, business centers, proposals for lot sizes, water and sewer districts, parks - existing and proposed extensions and new areas, industrial development. . . , Joint Meeting on the Master Plan -2- February 15, 1967 Mr. May explained their proposal for new street or highway standa~s by widthsJconstruction, etc. He proposed setbacks from the center line of the highway for each class district. It is his opinion the tendacy will be to wider streets in the future. This brought a discussion of paving width, shade trees, grass seeded malls, etc. Mr. May wants Town and Village comments on these street proposals by next meeting so that they can be finalized at that time. Mr. May spoke on the problems of residential, business and industrial traffic, maps of "strong center" development roads and alternate of'pOPUlation~ center development were displayed and explained. The population density map was explained by the color chart, and brief description of existing roads was given and how traffic patterns must be developed. Mr. May stressed the water problem as outlined by Mr. Whitlock's reports to date. He statedd we are getting polution in our built up areas, creeks, etc., from seweaage and residue runoff etc. There are 28,000 acres of land in the Town - about 44~ square miles; Greenport Village is over 400 acres - about 4~ square miles. About 10% of the Town is developed. Approximately 1% business and xpMVVTYY~T industry; about 10m acres of public lands of various uses; 5~~ of Town is in agriculture and about 1/3 of the area is not used or classified. This includes wetlands. This leaves about 3,600 acres (not used by agriculture) or about 6300 lots for development and building which should accommodate about 19,000 people with our present population would be 33,000 in all. He referred again to Mr. Whitlock's report of water consumption and population tables of maximum growth potential, and to the Cornell study which expected 35,000 population by 1985. There were many questions and ideas expressed on these figures. . . Joint Meeting on the Master Plan -3- February 15, 1967 Mr. May stated that if we keep thepopulation to five per acre our water use can be maintained about "as is" for average rainfall year. He recommeded: we preserve our agricultural land by all available means; residential uses be mainly south of Route 25, and a strip along the Sound served by a new road from peconic to MattitucK business expansion should be planned for Mattituck, Southold, and Greenport areas; all business areas shoSld have public water and sewers in immediate future - soon as possible; provisions made for public water supply in best water be-- a~~~area righvnow; all sewer effluent and storm water re- turned to the ground; inlets and creeks should not be dredged or filled to exploit them but should be controlled so as not to become clogged or poluted. The Town must establish a policy now on creeks, wetlands, etc., and stick to it as set forth. There was considerable discussion on this and methods of controlling the use of wetlands by contract ageements, special zones with restrictions, purchase of same, etc. Mr. May stated that industrial areas should be located between the major highways and on the railroad. preferably near Mattituck and Greenport areas. Suggested areas were shown on an overlay of the population map. It was his recommendation that motels have a special zone district, some suggested locations were shown on an overlay of the population map. A map overlay Showing a parallel to the railroad and west of Greenport was shown. both the Town and Village on "limited access" roads about cutting over to the North Road XXXK He wanted comments from this. A map overlay showing proposed expansion of Orient State Park to about 600 acres, and other existing parks and public areas with proposals of expansion for same and some new park areas were shown with comments on each. He wanted the opinion of both the Town and the Village on this. The over lay of lot development was shown on the population map with "small lot" (% to 1/3 acres), and some one acre and two acre development. , . . ,( Joint meeting on the Master Plan -4- February 15, 1967 This brouhgt on a long discussion of area requirements public water service and public sewers etc. agreed that half acre lots should be ~ as our 12,500 square feet lots today are not It was generally minimum size large enough. Mr. May will make a special memoranda and some recommendations on this and a special meeting will be hid with the Town Planning Board next Tuesday, February 21, 1967, at the Southold Town Office, Southold, New York. At this time a policy will be established for development of creeks and "we'tlands" as well. The next regular meeting will be held at the Office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greennport, New York, at 7:30 P.M., on March 8, 1967. The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~~;r~, Z~e:;; Pro Tern