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Southold Town Planning Board
SDUTHDLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971
John Wickham, Chairman
Henry Molsa
Alfred Grebe
William Unkelbach
Frank Coyle
February 21, 1967
A special meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board
was held at the Town Office, Main Road, Southold, New York,
on TueSday, February 21, 1967, at 7:30 P.M.
There were present: Messrs: John Wickham, Chairman; William
Unkelbach, Frank Coyle, Supervisor Lester Albertson, Alvah Gold-
smith, Chairman Town Trustees; Howard Terry, Building Inspector.
John Wickham opened the meeting and copies of memorandas
received from Raymond & May Associates today were distributed
to all present. These memos were on population potentials as
discussed at the Master Plan meeting on February IS, 1967.
The proposed "land use Zone" map also sent by Raymond
and May was laid out for review and discussion. This map had
their proposals for industrial areas, marinas, "wetlands"
preservation areas, busmness areas, parks, existing, enlarged
and new parks, some motel districts, street improvement, new
express highway and several classes of residential districts
shown on it. The map was gone over carefully by everyone
present, and the proposal to develop residentially most of
the area south of Route 25 with small lots and publiC water
was not well received. After a long look and considerable
discussion it was agreed that the "undeveloped open areas"
in this section generally south of Route 25 and along the Sound
shore front should be held to one acre lots without public water
and one half acre with public water.
Southold Town Planning Board
February 21, 1967
It seemed to be hard to justify small lots on one side of
a street and as much as three acress on the other side of the
same street. After further discussion it was decided to "key
mark" the map with numbers and a corresponding list of
usggestions to forwa~d to Raymond & May associates for a
compromise revision of this map. This will contain all
suggestions agreed on tonight.
There was some discussion about development of Robbins
Island. All present felt it should be continued "as is"
if possible. If it must be changed at all it should be
limited to a "private club" with facilities for members only.
"Open farm areas" were discussed as to the possibility of
maintaining them in agriculture, the amount of irrigation water
used nww and the possible future use of said water, also the
possibilities of two and three acre zoning in these areas and
the possibility of holding these areas by "contract restricti. ons"
or open area program.
There was quite some discussion on "contract restrictions",
how they operate and where they are presently being used.
The question of land speculators getting in on such a pro-
gram was brought up for discussion. It was generally agreed
that they should not get in the same program as farmers who
own and operate farms for a living. Possibly one of the
alternate "open area" programs could be adapted to this land.
The following items by number were noted with comments
or recommendations:
1. Eliminate this park area - put in one acre zone class
residential district.
2. Make this a one acre residential aone.
3. The proposed park should include all meadow lands south
of Route 25 and east of Narrow River Road, but the best farmland
should be kept in agriculture.
4. No dredging of creeks, meadows, etc. in this entire area.
5. Must be two acre zone without publiC water and one acre
with public water.
6. To be park area.
Southold Town Planning Board
February 21, 1967
7. Two acre zone without public water and one acre zone
with public water. (includes lands in item 3 also).
8. One acre zone without water, one half acre with public
9. Eliminate indus~rial district and make this a one acre
10. Two acre without public water or one acre with water zone.
11. Eliminate Marina - make it as item 8 above.
12. Make Marina and public beach.
13. Eliminate park and make as item 8 above.
14. Show airport to be public in future and improved.
15. 12,500 square feet and 100 feet wide with water; 20,000
square feet without water.
16. Eliminate Industrial District - put in class 7 as above.
17. Consider some industrial area here to hook up with
Riverhead Town' s Industrial park to the west.
There was a long discussion on dredging creek meadows and
creek channels;~ the loss of fresh water by doing this and the
possibility of holding back the fresh water supply and fresh
water run off by ~ikes at the head of some creeks as recommended
by Mr. Whitlock of Malcolm Pirnie Engineers who are doing the
water survey.
There was some discussion on the planned "pilot project"
at Smith-Wells-Howell area in Pine Neck. Several methods of
dikeing this area was discussed.
The trustees want to be present next time Mr. Whitlock
comes to a Master Plan meeting so they can discuss dredging
and bog removal with him. They are to be notified of his
next appearance.
Southold TownPlanning Board
February 21. 1967
After much discussion it
policy would be to open creek
disturb "wetlands" or meadows
than is absolutely necessary.
"bog" to make sand beaches on
was agreed that the Town's
channels as necessary but not to
or "natural bottom" any more
No new "canals" or removal of
creek front property will be
There was quite some discussion on rainfall and water
use; both on farms and residential lots. the per centage
returned to the under ground water pool and preserving the
"run off water". etc. It was agreed that residential lot
owners use more than "their share" of rainfall so that in
"intensely built up areas". public water must be supplied
soon. Therefore. the larger the lots are made the less demand
for public water will be necessary.
The next regular meeting of the Southold Town Planning
Board will be held Wednesday. March 7, 1967, at 7:30 P.M..
at the Southold Town Offic~. Main Road, Southold, New York.
The next regular meeting on the Master Plan will be held
at 7:30 P.M.. Wednesday. March 8. 1967. at the Office of the
Supervisor. 16 South Street. Greenport, New York.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
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Howard Terry. Secretary Pro m