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March 8, 1967
A regular meeting of the Town Board and the Planning Board together
~ith the Village of Greenport Board and Planning Board ~as held at the
Office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, Ne~ York, at 7:30
P.M., Wednesday, March 8, 1967.
There ~ere present: Supervisor Albertson; Councilman Louis Demarest;
John Wickham, Chairman Planning Board; Henry Moisa, William Unkelbach,
Frank Coyle, To~n Planning Board; Otto Van Tuyl, P.E. Consultant; La~rence
Tuthill, P.E., Inspector for Planning Board; Ho~ard Terry, Building
Inspector~ Alvah Goldsmith, Chairman, To~n Trustees, Douglas Robertson,
George Simpson, To~n Trustees; Robert Tasker, To~n Attorney, Trustee
Samuel Katz of Village Board; Harry Monsell of Village Planning Board;
James Monsell, Sup't of Utilities of Village; Robert Villa, P.E. Suffolk
County Dept. of Health; Howard Quinn, Ne~ York State Dept. of Commerce,
Ernest Whitlock, Malcolm Pirnie Engineers; Richard May, Jr., William
Baron, Raymond & May Associates.
The meeting ~as opened at 7:45 P.M., by John Wickham, Acting
The minutes of the last regular meeting on February 15, 1967, and
the minutes of the Speeial To~n Planning Board meeting of February 21,
1967, ~ere approved as sent out.
The meeting ~as turned over to Mr. May ~ho displayed and explained
a revised land use and zone district map. He explained that ~e must set
a "planning policy" tonight and revie~ the comments sent to him from the
Town Planning Board meeting of February 21st. He also revie~ed the
memo dated February 16, 1967 ~hich ~as distributed prior to the meeting.
Some of the population figures given at previOUS meetings ~ere
restated to bring the ne~ persons present up to date. He also stated
that ~e can not project beyond the 1980-85 period at this time as there
are so many variable factors involved.
, Master Plan Meeting
erch S, 1967
All projections and estimates are based on using our own available
water supply and keeping about the same level of agriculture. Any
increase of population or agriculture over the estimates quoted would
require "outside water" from Riverhead Town or a "desalting" plant.
Agriculture and "open lands" are essential to the entire program. Each
item of the February 16th memo was read and discussed. Methods of
holding "open areas or space" were again reviewed.
Mr. May went over the Planning Board's recommendations from
February 21st meeting and has revised the "buildable land" estimate
up to 6,000 acres plus or minus. He stated that lots of ~ acre
and one acre would increase population to 37,000 estimate and might
be difficult to hold this size as we have so many small lots now, and
water distribution in these areas is essential. He thought some of
the Industrial land proposals should have further discussion before
setting final policy and locations. Holding open farm land is the key to
the whole plan.
The question of how many small lots there really are south of
Route 25 was Y.Vy~ raised. The best guess was that 30% are small
lots. This brought on a discussion of single lots and "partially
sold" subdivisions and possibility of revising some of these as a
filed map may be changed after three years.
The ~uestion of zoning one acre with water and two acres without
water was raised. The opinion was that only one size lot can be set
up and that we cannot rely on Health reasons only to make it stick.
must be set with all factors considered. There was some discussion of
the Health Department regulations. It was thought possible to get the
Health Department to revise and "upgrade" their requirements if we can
get the other east end Town Planning Boards to go along on this "upgrading".
Mr. Whitlock reviewed the ground water table. rainfall, etc., for
the new people present. He cited the figures 1Ih ich he had previously
given - of 8~ million gallons per average day is the maximum consumption.
There was a long discussion on water use by agriculture and private
residences,R~wvvw business. etc. Mr. Whitlock explained again that
the best water was in the west and central part of the Town and well
fields should be established there and pumped to the "fringe-areas".
the danger of wells and sewage along the low areas on the waterfront,
etc. He emphasized that no inlets or canals should be dug into the
meadows or upland, no bog should be removed on creek Dent property but
a channell in the center or deep part of a creek would do no particular
harm. He also showed a map with the present waternains. pumping stations,
etc.. and a proposal for main extentions in East Marion and possible
location for additional wells in East Marion and Orient. He recommded
mains in Orient as soon as possible.
. Master Plan Meeting
March 8, 1967
The area west of peconic Lane was discussed in detail. Mr. Whitlock
explained the proposals for the new test wells at Bowery Lane and
Alvah's Lane on Middle Road, which will be done under the County Water
Survey now under way. He recommended the immediate establishment of
water districts south ~*eRoute 25, west of peconic and the Mattituck area,
from Mill Lane west to7Sound and installation of mains as soon as
possible. The area north of Route 25 and east of Mill Lane to Peconic
Lane and north along the Sound should be another district some time in the
future when there is more development in this area.
He again stressed the need to purchase all available land around
Laurel Lake as soon as possible to protect it as a water supply and that
wells be driven back from the lake to get as much natural filteration
as possible.
There was more discussion of residential development along the
Sound Shore. Mr May thought these should be "larger lot" development.
There was more discussion on dredging meadow lands, drains, etc.
Mr. Whitlock again stated this should not be done. The question of
bulkheading and sheeting such canals was raised. Mr. Whitlock stated
this would help hold back FY_K_.A fresh water but will not do a good
job. He stated one should not let salt water past the natural high
water line.
The methods and ways of setting up water districts was discussed,
also the cost of producing water from "desalting plants".
There was some discussion on possible law changes pending in the
legislature and possible changes that might come from the State's
Constitutional convention this summer, as it will affect "Planning and
Zoning" and open space program. It was, upon a show of hands, agreed
to try and keep aur present ratio of agricultural lands by any means
that the Planning Boardcan work out.
There will be a special meeting of Town Planning Board and Mr.
May on March 22, 1967 at the Southold Town Office, Main Road, Southold,
New York, at 7:30 P.M., Mr. May will try to bring Mr. Brownell who
did the State of Vermont "open area" program if possible.
The next regular joint meeting will be April 12, 1967, at 7:30
P.M., at the Office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport,
New York.
Master Plan Meeting
March 8, 1967
Mr. Whitlock will be out for more field work next month when
the land has "dried out" some. He will also go to Fishers Island
again for a re-check of their operation.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
~~Q lhV,
Howard Terry, Secretary Pro Tern
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