HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/27/1967 ~ . . M.!.NUTE~ MASTER PLAN MEETING June 27, 1967 A special meeting of Planning Board and the Board of Appeals on the Master Plan was held in the Town Clerk's Office, Main Road, Southold, New York, at 7:45 P.M.. June 27. 1967. Theee were present: John Wickham, Chairman Planning Board; Henry Moisa. Frank Coyle, William Unkelbach. Robert Tasker. Town Attorney; Robert W. Gillispie, Jr., Chairman Board of Appeals; Fred Hulse, Jr.. Charles Grigonis. Jr., Otto Van Tuyl. P.E., Consultant; Howard Terry, Building Inspector. The meeting was opened by John Wickham, Chairman, who stated the purpose of this meeting was to review the revised Zoning Ordinance proposals as submitted by Raymond & May last week. These were gone over page by page with the fOllowing comments: Article III - Page 1 - (b) add accessory uses - "including irrigation" - provided... (b) I. i. - change last two lines to read: Any stand in excess of 100 square feet area shall be setback at least 20 feet from the street line; any stand of less than 100 square feet area must be setback at least five feet frmm the street line. Any "farm stand" in existance at the effective date of this Ordinance must within one year be setback to comply with the provisions of this section of the Ordinance. - 2. Add after. except ducks, "and large domestic animals", on lots of 10 acres or more. Page 2 - (c) and rest home separately. drug ~~~yyy~ addiction are list each type and class of Nursing home Add "facilities for treatment of all types prohibited". Page 2 - - Change Section 8.2 to be 9.1 (By Board of Appeals - not pLanning Board.) . . Master Plan Meeting -2- June 27,1967 Page -3- (c) 6 - change Town Engineer to "Suffolk County Department of Health." (d) - Structures "and other installations" necessary... (d) - add publiC utility rights of ways -"approved by the Planning Board" as well as... Page 4 - (e) 5 - leave this section out. ~1.1.2. (f) eliminate this section and substitute prOVisions of Article VI of present Ordinance. Page 5 (g) add - 2. Non farm and other labor camps by approval of the Board of Appeals. (See Section 1003A of present Ordinance.) Page 5. (h) 1. add - other than those - "owned and used by the owner of premises for his personal use". (j) change Town Board to Planning Board. Page 6 - (b) 1. add - carried on by - "The resident and" - not more ... (d) line one change "space'to "spaces". (e) 1. "uses clttomarily incidential to any of the above uses when located on the same lot and not involving the conduct of a separate business. (Article III, Section 300 Sub. 7 of present Ordinance.) Page 7 - (f) 2.- Change to "one or more single or double faced signs, the total area of which shall not exceed 32 square feet in area - measured on one face of the sign. Such sign or signs shall be setback at least five feet from any property line and" advertising only the sale of farm, garden or nursery products produced or grown on the premises or of animals raised on the premises. Page 7 - (f) 3. - change line 5 to not less than - "10 feet from front or each side line" Page 7 - 4.- add- Subidivision - "Set back at least 35 feet from the front property line and 10 feet from either side line. . . Master Plan Meeting -3- June 27, 1967 Page 7 - 5. Change to five feet from any street or property line. Eliminate part last line - "or attached to the building if closer". Page 8 - Section 3.2, (b) line 2 - eliminate "or more" (b) (3) line 1 - eliminate "one and one half" change to "three" - off street parking, etc. Page 9 - (b) (4) - fourth line change 400 square feet to 600 square feet. Page 10 - (e) 2.- add "or s"beet" (e) 6. - line one add - no gasoline - "and/or fuel" - pumps - "or tanks" shall.... (e) add Section 7 - no motor vehicles sales, used car lots, gasoline service or repair shops, or similar businss to be located within 300 feet of church, public school, library, hospital. orphange, nursing or rest home of any class or within 300 feet of a residence district zone line. Page 11 - 3.4.Ll. as present Ordinance.) (i) 4 - change size to 6' 6" X 12' 6" (same Page 12 - (k) change 200 feet to 50 feet from property line. Page 14- (j) Change to "boat building, service and storage facilites and other constuction uses". Page 15 - 6, ii - add"Such pools to have fencing, gates, and other safety devices as provided in Section (c). (b) 1. add "such cabin or cottage shall have a mininum of 180 square feet of floor area and a maximum of 350 square feet of floor area. Page 16 - (b) 3 - change to 50 feet from any lot line. (b) add Section 5 - Public address system, loud speakers, etc., are prohibited. 3.8/1.1. - Change these use districts and uses in each to conform to present Ordinance "B". "B-1". "B-2". and "e" Districts.- Pages 16, 17, 18, 19. . . I Master Plan Meeting -4- June 27, 1967 Page 23 - 4.1. 4. - sideyard - eliminate "none required by 10 feet mininum if provided" 't In C-N Dist.) These all would revert to same as present Ordinance, if present Ordinance "B", "B-2", "B-1" and "C" District prov~ons are used. After much discussionE was considered best to use present business zone classifications, permitted uses, side yards, etc., as they were more applicable to our needs. There was more discussion on the A-R Districts and the use of some type "open space" or"Contract restrictions" program to hold land in agriculture rather than housing development. The discussion included public water district and mains as well as sewer system. Date for the next Master Plan meeting was left open pending further word from the Cornell Group or Raymond and May. Several Planning Bo~d matters were discussed and the Map of Birch Hills Property, Duck Point Road, Cutchgoue, New York, Bas signed and given to Mr. Van Tuyl. Letter from William Niles relative to a change of zone on 17 acres south side Middle Road (CR 27) was read and Mr. Niles to be advised the Planning Board would not approve this change. The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~-J-~9- ~"-" Howard Terry, Secretary Pro Tem . ~h</ /Le-- ~'? ./7t:7 '-' J, .~ -\; .~;tl . .....) r---( {('(;,cV . '~ .('~/2~~ < ~~ ./ CJ.7-~___ Ck~ ~ . '. . .