HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/21/1967 . . .' ~, / . . _M_I_N_U_T_E_S_ SOUTHOLD TOWN MASTER PLAN June 21, 1967 A special meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board and the Southold Town Board of Appeals was held at the Town Office, Main Road, Southold, New York, on June 21, 1967. There were present: Supervisor Lester M. Albertson,Town AttorlW Robert W. Tasker, John Wickham, Henry Mdlisa, William Unkelbach, Frank Coyle, Fred Hulse, Jr., Robert Bergen, Charles Grigonis, Jr., Otto Van Tuyl, P.E., Consultant, Howard Terry, Building Inspector. The meeting was opened at 7:45 P.M., by Supervisor Albertson who gave a brief report of his trip to the Supervisor's meeting up State. The revised subdivision regulations, (brown cover), which Raymond & May brought out yesterday were reviewed and certain corrections and additions were made. On page 2 - Article II Definitions - Minor Subdivisions - Strike out "not involving the construction of a street or road." On page 9 - Item D - change to "the Planning Board's Engineer." On page 11 - Section 7-A - add "see amendments to Section 278 of the Town Law laws of 1967." On page 12 - Item C - delete entire Section , On motion by H. Moisa, seconded by C. Grigonis, and unamiously carried. The New Law - amending Section 278 of the Town Law - making the filing of a map a continuing offer of dedication of roads, playgrounds, etc., by a developer unless restricted by ledgen on the map was discussed. It was a~ed that this will be done similar to the legend suggested for !Birch Hills Map"/ 'Master Plan Meet~ -2- .June 21, 1967 ,ll On page 21 - Item E - 'Special fun d" to be eliminated and "as required by amended Section 277 of Town Law 1967" be substituted. On Page 22 - Item E - continued - Strike out "planning" and Substitute "Town" Board shall... On page 22 - Item I add - specifications available from Super- intendent of Highways. On page 23 - Article V, Section lA, (4) Change to read: "Town tax maps - school disttict and sheet number." On page 24 - (31. Strike "State" and substitute "County" Board of Health... On page 24 - (6) - Change to 36" by 20" to comply with Section 335 of Real Property Law. On page 25 - (14) add "Or concrete" monuments.... On page 26 - Section 4 A - change to 20" by 36" On page 26 - Section 4 A (5) delete entire item. On page 27 - (7) Second line - change line "of" street instead of 1I0rn. On page 27 - (7) sixth line -"Chords" not "cords". On page 27 (7) seventh line - change "tenths to read "hundreths", als change "angles to "brearings." On page 27 E - add "when available or required." A motion was made, seconded and carried to approve the subdivision regulations as corrected. The building inspector is to hand correct a copy of these and mail to each Town Board member toghether HeX with a copy of a letter to be drafted by the Supervisor. After some discussion it was agreed to meet again on Tuesday, June 27, at 7:30 P.M., in the Town Office, to review the New Zoning Ordinance proposals as submitted by Raymond & May. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, f~:;, r~y Pro Tern . ~/~~~;:t; . / a.?~~ ~.--</ c-- - /1 ( c"'~~ L-~""-~ . , , . , 1//,.