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July 12. 1967
A regularly scheduled j oint meeting on the Southold Twon
Master Plan was held at the Office of the Supervisor. 16 South
Stree~. Greenport. New York. at 7:30 P.M.. Wednesday. July 12.
There were present: Supervisor Lester M. Albertson. Councilman
Howard Valentine. Councilman Louis Demarest. of Southold Town Board:
Mayor Arthur Levine. Trustee Samuel Katz of Greenport Village Board:
John Sherwood. Chairman. Harry Monsell. Henry Bunce. Dr. Leo Goldin.
Bernard Van popering. Jr. of Village Planning Board: James Monsell.
Superintendent of Village Utilities: John Wickham. Chairman. Henry
Moisa. Frank. Coyle. William Unkelbach. Alfred Grebe of Town Planning
Board: Robert Gillispie. Chairman. Board of Appeals: Otto Van Tuyl.
P.E. Consultant. Lawrence Tuthill. P.E. Inspector for Planning Board:
William Barron of Raymond and May Associates: bruce Wilkins of Cornell
University Staff: Ernest Whitlock of Malcolm Pirnie Engineers: Howard
Terry. Town Building Inspector.
The meeting was opened at 7:40 P.M.. by John WiCkham. Acting
The minutes of the last three Planning Board meetings on sections
of the Master Plan were. on motion. seconded and carried. approved
as ma:iled out.
.... The meeting was turned over to Mr. Whitlock of Malcolm _ Pirnie
Engineers who reviewed his preliminary draft of final report on the
ground water study for the Town and Village. which is dated June. 1967.
The report was gone over section by section with comments by Mr. Whitlock
and questions from the floor. He stated that he had a conference with
Mr. Arthur Johnson at the New York State Water Power and Controll
Joint Meeting on the Master Plan
July 12. 1967
Commission Office this morning and he has agreed with the findings
and recommendations in this report. ~twas his urgent recommendation
that the Town or Village buy the land on which the County is going
to dig the two deep test wells - one at Alvah's Lane area and one
at Ackerly Pond Lane a:nea - both along Route 27. Jim Monsell stated
the Village is going to take options on these sites and hopes to
purchase them in the future.
Mr. Whitlock displayed a "base map" of the Twon with water table
elevations and test well locations marked on it. Also were numbered
sites where he proposed dams tQ601d back run-off water at the head of
certain creeks and low areas. Watermains. pumping stations, etc.. were
also shown. This map was divided by sections and the features of each
section were explained in detail.
Mr. Whitlock commented on the increased population and increased
water use since 1949. This is shown by charts and tables in the report.
The question was raised from the floor as to how some farmers
have their irrigation ponds on the edge of the salt marshland and do
not seem to get "salted water". Mr. Whitlock explained that the dykes
and marsh held back a lot of lXllt water as this is more impervious
than the upland where the fresh water is running off the top of the
"water dome". ~t was his opinion that the farmers had not drawn
enough waer to pull in salt water or were just plain lucky.
He emphasized that the larger and deeper "water pools" in the
central and western parts of the Town should be tapped and the water
pumped through mains to all "outer fringe" and peninsula areas of the
Town as soon as possible. rather than allow more private wells to be
installed without con troll as is done now.
Section V~~ of the report was reviewed item by item.
~t was suggested that the Planning Board be given con troll over
all wells by issuing permits and that farmers use be limited to a
certain percentage of the rainfall on their lands. Also it was
suggested to drastically limit water used by sod farmers and the
possibility of prohibiting it by Ordinance.
Joint Meeting on the Master Plan
July 12. 1967
Mr. Whitlock is doing a special chapter or section on Fishers
Island. this is not ready yet as the required information has just
been received from the Island. ~ need more storage and larger
water mains as the original one are not and were not large enough
in the first instance. The new wells which were installed last
year and now discharge into the eXisting resource ponds do not have
really good quality water. There have been no recent analysis made of
this water as the ponds are full now and the pumps are not in use.
Mr. Whitlock stated that for every irrigated acre taken out of
farm production five people can be supported by the same amount of
water used. but under no conditions can we have total residential
development with our limited ground water supply without getting "outside"
water from Riverhead Town or westerly from there OR water from salt
water conversion.
Mr. Whitlock will have 50 copies of the final report printed as
the contract requires and close out his obligation through Raymond ~
May Associates as soon as possible. He was given an unanimous vote
of thanks for his efforts in our behalf and an invitation to return
at any time he can make it conveniBnc; further the Planning Board stated
they may wish to have him do some further work in the near future.
The meeting was turned over to Bruce Wilkins of the Cornell
University Staff at this time. He submitted his final report on the
recreation and fishing survey done of and for the Town (including
Village of Greenport) and reviewed it. section by section.
Copies of this report had previously been distributed to the Town
Board and Planning Board. Village Board and Planning Board. and a
few others as far as the supply lasted. Copies were furnished to those
present who did not have them. Mr. Wilkins explained the questionare
used and the methods used to gather the information which makes up the
report. There was some discussion on each of the tables given in the
report and on the suggestions made to increase the recreational
activities and income for the Town.
After a detailed review of the report a question and discussion
period folowed. This covered such items as eel grass and the scallop
crop; polution of waters by small boats. yachting. over night living
on boats. etc.; effects of dredging and filling of "wetlands" meadows
lands. etc.; controll of boating. controll of fishing and claming. etc.;
effects of erosion. pesticides. freshwater run-mff. etc.; also controll
of beaches. park areas. etc.
Joint Meeting on the Master Ban
July12. 1967
Copies of the report are available to anyone interested. a limited
number have been printed and it is possible that reprints will have to
be paid for on the cost of publication basis. It is possible that the
Town may have to pay for any over their allot ment of 50 copies.
Mr. Wilkins was given an unamimous vote of thanks for his
work and stated that he will be Willing to come to any future meetings
if we want or need him.
Dr. Allee isto come here in the near future. possibly in the
first part of August to give his final report.
Mr. William Barron stated that Raymond & May Associates will
want to set up a meeting during the last week of July or first week
of August. He will let us know one week in advance.
It was announced that the Town Board is to have their annual
meeting on Fishers Island on August 9. 1967 and that the different
Boards will be officially notified in the near future.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 P.M.
Respectfully submitted.
H~';;:;. ~ry
Pro Tem
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