HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubdivision of Land Chapter A106 SUBDIVISION OF LAND ~ Chapter AI06 I , I I I i , [ From the CODE ! i of the ~! .., .I ""'"- Town of SOUTH OLD .' : GENERAL CODE PUBLISHERS CORP. Spencerport. New York 14559 () SUBDIVISION OF LAND Chapter AI06 SUBDIVISION OF LAND ARTICLE I ( General Provisions ~ AI06-IO. Authority of Planning Board. ~ AI06-1I. Declaration of policy. ~ AI06-I2. Short title; adoption. ~ AI06.I3. Definitions. ARTICLE II Procedures ( ~ AI06-20. General requirements. ~ AI06-2I. Sketch plan. ~ AI06.22. Approval of minor subdivision. ~ AI06-23. Preliminary plat for major subdivision. ~ AI06.24. Final plat for major subdivision. ~ AI06.25. Required improvements. ~ AI06.26. Filing of final plat. ~ AI06.27. Public streets; recreation areas. l ARTICLE III Design Standards ~ A I06.30. Standards to be minimum requirements. ~ AI06-31. General requirements. ~ AI06,32. Street layout. ~ AI06-33. Street design. A10601 8-25-83 ~ . ( SOUTHOLD CODE ~ A106-34. Street names. ~ AI06-35. Lots. ~ A106-36. Drainage improvements. ~ AI06.37. Other improvements. ~ AI06-38. Parks, open spaces, school sites and natural features. ( "- ARTICLE IV Documents to be Submitted ~ AI06-40. Sketch plan. ~ AI06-41. Minor subdivision plat. ~ AI06-42. Major subdivision preliminary layout. ~ A106-43. Major subdivision plat. ~ A106-44. Accompanying documents and information. ARTICLE V Variances and Waivers ( ~ A106-50. Variations in cases of hardship. ~ A106-51. Waivers of required improvements. ~ A106.52. Board to impose conditions. ~ AI06-53. Approval of Board of Appeals actions. [HISTORY: Adopted by the Planning Board of the Town of Southold 9-6-67; approved by the Town Board of the Town of Southold 9-26-67. Sections AI06-13,. AI06-27, A106-38F and ( A106-42A amended during codification; see Ch. I, General Provisions, Article II. Other amendments noted where ap. plicable. ] GENERAL REFERENCES SoU r(>Jtlo'"sl - See Ch. 81. \\,ptla.ndll - See Ch. 97. Zoning - See Ch. 100. A 10602 8-2:1-83 l ( ( ( l- \ S A106-10 SUBDIVISlON OF LAND S A106-11 ARTICLE I General Provisions ~ A106.10. Authority of Planning Board. By the authority of the resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Southold adopted on September 26, 1967, pursuant to the provisions of Article 16 of the Town Law of the State of New York, Chapter 63 of the Consolidated Laws of N ew York, the Planning Board of the Town of Southold is authorized and em- powered to approve plats, with or without streets, for sub. divisions within the l;mits of said town. ~ A106-11. Declaration of policy. It is declared to be the policy of the Planning Board to consider land subdivision plats as part of a plan for the orderly, efficient and economical development of the town. This means, among other things: A. That land to be subdivided shall be of such character that it can be used safely for building purposes without danger to health or peril from fire, flood or other menace. B. That proper provision shall be made for drainage, water supply, sewerage and other needed improvements. C. That all proposed lots shall be so laid out and of such size as to be in harmony with the development pattern of the neighboring properties. D. That the proposed streets shall compose.a convenient system conforming to the Official Map, if such exists, and shall be properly related to the proposals shown on the Comprehensive Town Plan, as such may be in existence from time to time, and shall be of such width, grade and location as to accommodate the prospective traffic, to afford adequate light and air, to facilitate fire protection and to provide access of fire-fighting equipment to buildings. E. That proper provision shall be made for open spaces, in- cluding parks and playgrounds. A 10603 9 A106-11 SOUTH OLD CODE 9 A106-13 F. That adequate provision shall be made to conserve the natural beauty of the town. G. That an unusually detailed review shall be afforded to development plans for waterfront property. ( ~ A106-12. Short title; adoption. (, In order that land subdivisions may be made in accordance with this policy, these regulations, which shall be known as, and which may be cited as, the "Town of Southold Land Subdivision Regulations," have been approved by the Town Board 'on Sep- tember 26, 1967, and adopted by the Planning Board on Sep- tember 6, 1967. .~ A106.13. Definitions. For the purpose of these regulations, certain words and terms used herein are defined as follows: CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF A FINAL PLAT - Approval by the Planning Board of a final plat subject to conditions set forth by the Planning Board in a resolution conditionally approving such plat. Such conditional ap' proval does not qualify a final plat for recording nor authorize issuance of building permits prior to the signing of the plat by a duly authorized officer of the Planning Board and recording of the plat in the office of County Clerk of Suffolk County. [Added 5-8-73) CROSSW ALKW A Y - A right.of-way dedicated to public use, ten (10) feet or more in width, which crosses a block to facilitate pedestrian access to adjacent streets and prop- erties. CUL-DE-SAC (COURT) - A short street having.one (1) end open to traffic and being permanently terminated by a vehicular turnaround. EASEMENT - A grant of the use of a strip of land by the public or by a corporation or persons for specific purposes. A 10604 ( l '-- ( ( ( ( \ 9 A106-13 SUBDlVISION OF LAND 9 A106-13. ENGINEER or LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER - A person licensed as a professional engineer by the State of New York. FINAL PLAT - A drawing prepared in a manner prescribed by these regulations, showing a proposed subdivision and containing, in such additional detail as shall be provided by these regulations, all information required to appear on a preliminary plat and the modifications, if any, required by the Planning Board at the time of approval of a preliminary plat of such proposed subdivision if such preliminary plat has been so approved. [Amended 5-8-73] FINAL PLAT APPROVAL - The signing of a final plat by a duly authorized officer of the Planning Board after a resolution granting final approval of the plat, or after conditions specified in a resolution granting conditional approval of the plat are completed. Such final approval qualifies the plat for recording in the Suffolk County Clerk's office. [Added 5-8-73] - LOT - A portion of a subdivision or other parcel of land intended as a unit for transfer of ownership or for development. MAJOR SUBDIVISION - All subdivisions not classified as minor subdivisions, including, but not limited to, subdivisions of five (5) or more lots, or any subdivision requiring the construction of a new street or the extension of municipal facilities. . MASTER OR TOWN PLAN - A plan for the develop- ment of all or portions of the Town of Southold, prepared by the Planning Board pursuant to Section 272-a of the Town Law, which plan indicates the general locations recommended for various public works, places and structures and the general physical development of the town, and includes any unit or part of such plan separately adopted and any amendment to such plan or parts therein. MINOR SUBDIVISION - Any subdivision containing not more than four (41 lots fronting on an existing street or A 10605 ~ A106-13 SOUTHOLD CODE ~ AI06-13 not requiring the extension of municipal facilities, and not adversely affecting the development of the remainder of the parcel or adjoining property and not in conflict with any provision or portion of the Master Plan, Official Map or Zoning Ordinance, if such exists, 1 or these regulations. OFFICIAL MAP - The map established by the Town Board pursuant to Section 270 of the Town Law, showing streets, highways, parks and drainage rights-of-way, both existing and proposed. PLANNING BOARD or BOARD - The Planning Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. PRELIMINARY PLAT - A drawing prepared in the manner prescribed by these regulations, showing the layout of a proposed subdivision, including, but not restricted to, road and lot layout and approximate dimensions, key plan, topography and drainage, all proposed facilities unsized, including preliminary plans and profiles, at suitable scale and in such detail as these regulations require. [Amended 5.8-73] PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL - Approval by the Planning Board of the layout of the proposed subdivision as set forth in a preliminary plat, but subject to the ap- proval of the plat in final form in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 7 of Section 276 of the Town Law. [Added 5-8-73] SKETCH PLAN - A rough sketch of the preliminary layout (or final plat, in the case of minor subdivisions I to enable the subdivider to save time and expense in reaching general agreement with the Board as to the form of the layout and pursuant to the objectives of these regulations. STREET - A way for vehicular and pedestrian traffic, whether designated as a street, road, avenue, lane or other way, located between right-of-way lines. STREET, LOCAL SERVICE -A street running parallel to and in the immediate vicinity of a major highway for the 1 Editor's Note: See Ch. 100, Zoning. AI0606 c. () (" \,. l ( ( ~ A106-13 SUBDIVISION OF LAND ~ AIOo-13 ( purpose of relieving traffic on the major highway at the points of crossing. STREET, MAJOR - A street or highway of great con- tinuity which serves or is intended to serve as a major traffic artery within the town or county, or both, and which is designated on the Town Plan as a maln arterial highway, major thoroughfare, parkway or other equivalent term to identify those streets comprising the basic structure of the street plan. STREET, MINOR - A street supplementary to a major street and of limited continuity which serves or is intended to serve the local needs of a neighborhood or a section thereof. ( STREET OR RIGHT. OF-WAY WIDTH - The distance between property lines, measured at right angles to the center line of the street. STREET, SECONDARY - A street or road of con. siderable continuity which serves or is intended to serve as the principal or collector trafficway between large and separated areas or districts and which is the main means of access to the major street or primary road system. SUBDIVIDER or APPLICANT - Any person, firm, corporation, partnership or association who shall layout, for the purpose of sale or development, any subdivision or part thereof, as defined herein, either for himself or others. SUBDIVISION [Amended 9.23.80]: A. The division of any parcel of land into two (2) or more lots, plots, blocks, sites or other divisions of land, with or without streets or highways, including any ex. tension of any existing street, for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of sale or building development, and including resubdivision; provided, however, that the term "subdivision" shall not include the setoff or creation of a single lot from a parcel of land, provided that before any such setoff or creation shall take place, the owner shall submit such proposal to the Planning Board for its approval and determination of whether such setoff or creation constitutes a subdivision. In ( l A 10607 5 - 25 - R7 ( 9 AI06.13 SOUTHOLD CODE 9 AI06-13 making such determination, the Planning Board shall give consideration, among other things, to: (1) Whether the lot to be set off is of such character as to be suitable for the intended purpose without danger of flood or other perils. (2) Whether adequate provision is or will be made for (.) drainage, water supply, sewer disposal and other necessary utilities and improvements. (3) Whether the iot to be set off is of such size as to conform with the present or future deveiopment of neighboring lands. (4) Whether the proposed set off will be consistent with the present or future street layout of the neighborhood. (5) Whether the proposed set off will require the extension of municipal facilities or services. (6) Whether the proposed set off will be in harmony ( \ with the future growth and development of the town. (7) Whether adequate means of access and off-street parking are provided. (8) Whether the proposed set off will adversely affect the present or future uses of neighboring lands. B. If the Planning Board grants approval to set off a lot as hereinbefore provided, it may impose such con. ditions as it deems necessary or appropriate. C. An application to the Planning Board to set off a lot as herein provided shall be accompanied by a fee of two ( , hundred fifty dollars ($250.): [Added 4-19-83; amended _ . 3-10-87] SUPERBLOCK - A block of exceptionally large size in both dimensions, with access to interior lots by culs-de.sac branching in from surrounding streets and providing one (1) or more open spaces. SURVEYOR - A person licensed as a land surveyor by the State of New York. A I 0608 ;) -~!) - H7 L ( ( ( ( " '-. ."-... ~ A106-20 SOUTHOLD CODE ~ A106-21 ARTICLE II Procedures ~ AI06-20. General requirements. Before making any offer to sell, or before entering into a con- tract for the sale of, any part of a proposed subdivision, and before any permit for the erection of a structure, removal of topsoil or for dredging any channel in such subdivision shall be granted, and before undertaking any land clearance, grading or channel dredging operations,2 the subdivider shall apply to the Planning Board for approval of such proposed subdivision In accordance with the requirements and pursuant to the procedures set forth in these regulations. ." ~ AI06-21. Sketch plan. A. Submission of sketch plan. The applicant shall submit to the Planning Board at least two (2) weeks prior to the regular meeting of the Board twelve (12) copies of the sketch plan of the proposed subdivision, with road profiles and topographic elevations at five. foot contours and the proposed drainage areas. Such plan shall comply with the requirements of Article IV, ~ AI06-40. [Amended 5.8.73] B. Discussion of improvements, requirements and classification. " (1) At its meeting with the applicant, the Planning Board should discuss the objectives of these regulations and the requirements for street improvements, drainage, sewerage, water supply, fire protection and other similar aspects. In addition, the review will cover the availability of existing services and other pertinent information. (2) At this meeting, the Planning Board shall classify the proposed subdivision as a minor or major subdivision, as defined in these regulations. However, when it deems it necessary for protection of the public health, (Cont'd on page 10609) 2 Editor's Note: See also Ch. 81, SolI Remova.l, and Ch. 97, Wetlands. A 10608. 1 12-25.80 ( ( ( l ~ ~ AI06-21 SUBDIVISION OF LAND ~ AI06-22 safety and welfare, the Board may require that a minor subdivision comply with all or some of the requirements specified for major subdivisions. If a proposed subdivision is classified and approved as a minor subdivision, the subdivider shall then comply with the procedure outlined in Article II, ~ AI06-22, of these regulations. If it is classified as a major subdivision, the subdivider shall comply with the procedures outlined in Article II, ~~ AI06-23, AlO6-24 and A106-25. C. Study of sketch plan. The Planning Board shall determine whether a subdivision sketch plan meets the purposes of these regulations. Any changes to be made on the proposed subdivision map required by the Planning Board shall be submitted, in writing, to the. applicant or his duly authorized representative. All such changes shall be in. corporated in the applicant's next submission to the Planning Board. ~ AI06.22. Approval of minor subdivision. A. Application and fee. (1) Within six (6) months after the approval ofthe sketch plan by the Planning Board, the subdivider shall submit an application for approval of a final plat. If such application is not received within six (6) months, the Planning Board approval of the sketch plan shall expire. The plat shall follow the layout of the sketch plan, as approved by the Board, plus any recom. mendations made by the Planning Board. Said ap. plication shall also conform to the requirements listed in Article IV, ~ A106.41. (2) All applications for plat approval for minor subdivision shall be accompanied by a fee of two hundred dollars ($200.) per lot, tog-ether with an inspection fee of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.). [Amended 4-22-80; 4-9-85; 12-2-86] AI0609 I~ -2:). X6 ~ AI06-22 SOUTH OLD CODE ~ AlO6-23 ( B. Number of copies. Six (6) copies of the final plat shall be presented to the Planning Board at least two (2) weeks prior to a regularly scheduled Planning Board meeting. C. Subdivider to attend Planning Board meeting. The sub- divider or his duly authorized representative shall attend the meeting of the Planning Board to discuss the final plat. D. When offic.ially sUbmitted'd The final plat shall be con- ( . sidered officially submitte only when all the surveys, plans, required certifications and signatures and other data required in Article IV, ~ AI06-41, are submitted complete and in good form, together with the application and fee, at regular meeting of the Planning Board. E. Public hearing. Before the Planning Board shall act on the final plat, it shall hold a public hearing in accordance with ~ 276 of the Town Law. F. Action on subdivision plat. The Planning Board shall, within forty-five (45) days from the public hearing date, approve, approve with modification or disapprove the final plat. ~ ) ~ A106-23. Preliminary plat for major subdivision. [Amended 5- 8-73] A. Application and fee. (1) Prior to the filing of an application for the approval of a major subdivision plat, the subdivider shall file with the Town Clerk an application in duplicate for the approval of a preliminary plat of the proposed sub- . division, in the form prescribed in Article IV, ~ A106- 42. The preliminary plat shall comply with the re- ( ) quirements set forth in these regulations, including '- Article IV, ~ A106-42, and ~~ 276 and 277 of -the Town Law. AI0610 12.2,"). M6 ~\ ( ( ( l \ ~ A 106-23 SUBDIVISION OF LAND ~ AI06-23 (2) The application filed with the Town Clerk shall be accompanied by a fee of one thousand dollars ($1.000.) plus one hundred dollars ($100.) per acre. or part thereof. in the proposed subdivision. and an inspection fee equal to five percent (5%) of the amount of the approved perfor- mance bond. [Amended 4,9-85; 12-2-86) (Cont'd on page A1061l) A10610.1 12.2;)."'6 ( ( ( , . \. ~ A106-23 SUBDIVISION OF LAND ~ A106-23 B. Number of copies. Twelve 112) paper prints of the preliminary plat and the duplicate application shall be filed with the Town Clerk at least two (2) weeks prior to a regularly scheduled Planning Board meeting. The Clerk shall immediately forward to the Planning Board four (4) prints of the plat and a copy of the application. C. Subdivider to attend Planning Board meeting. The sub- divider or his duly authorized representative shall attend the meeting of the Planning Board to discuss the preliminary plat. D. Study of preliminary plat. (1) The Planning Board shall study the preliminary plat,.. taking into consideration the requirements of the community and the best use of the land being sub- divided. Particular attention shall be given to the arrangement, location and width of streets, their relation to the topography of the land, channels, water supply, sewage disposal, drainage, lot sizes and arrangement, the future development of adjoining lands and the requirements of the Master Plan, the Official Map and Zoning Ordinance, if such exist.' (2) The Town Superintendent of Highways will review all above aspects of the design of the proposed sub- division, including a field check, and submit a report to the Planning Board with his recommendations prior to the scheduled meeting. E. Hearing and action on preliminary plat. (l) Within forty-five (451 days after the receipt of such preliminary plat by the Clerk, the Planning Board shall hold a public hearing thereon, which shall be advertised at least o)1ce at least five (5) days before such hearing. . 12) Within forty-five (451 days after the date of such hearing, the Planning Board shall approve, with or without modification, or disapprove such preliminary J Editor's Note: See Ch. 100, Zoning. AI0611 ~ A 106-23 SOUTHOLD CODE ~ AI06-24 plat, and the ground for a modification, if any, or the ground for disapproval shall be stated upon the records of the Planning Board. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions hereof, the time in which the Planning Board must take action on such plat may be extended by mutual consent of the owner and the Planning Board. When approving a preliminary plat, the Planning Board shall state in writing modifications, if any, that it deems necessary for submission of the plat in final fonn. 131 Within five (5) days of the approval of such preliminary plat, it shall be certified by the Clerk of the Planning Board as having been granted preliminary approval, and a copy shall be filed in his office and a certified copy mailed to the owner. 141 Within six (6) months of the approval of the preliminary plat, the owner must submit the plat in final fonn. If such plat is not so submitted, approval of the preliminary plat may be revoked by the Planning Board. ~ AI06-24. Final plat for major subdivision. [Amended 5-8-73] A. Application for approval. 11) The subdivider shall, within six (6) months after the approval of the preliminary plat, file with the Town Clerk an application in duplicate for final plat ap- proval of all or part of the proposed subdivision, using the approved application blank. Thus, the subdivider may develop the subdivision in progressive stages instead of in its entirety. But no subdivision or portion thereof shall be considered unless it has frontage on a public street or abuts an existing street on the town's Official Map or an approved street for which a bond has been filed. (2) Failure to submit all or a portion of the final plat for final plat approval within six (6) months shall automatically cancel the preliminary plat approval, A106l2 ( (. ( ( "- I '- c ( '- ( ( ,,- '- S AI06-24 SUBDIVISION OF LAND S A106-24 unless a request for an extension of time is granted by the Planning Board. Such extension shall be granted only if the proposed subdivision fully conforms to the zoning regulations in effect at the time such extension is applied for. B. Number of copies and date of official submission. In order for a final plat to receive Planning Board approval, the documents listed in Article IV, S A106-43 shall be filed with the Town Clerk, in good form, at least two (21 weeks in advance of the regular meeting at which it is to be con- sidered officially submitted. The Clerk shall immediately forward such maps to the Planning Board, which shall forward one (I) copy to the Town Board Highway Com- mittee. C. Endorsement of state and county agencies. Water and sewer facility proposals contained in the final plat shall be properly approved and endorsed by the required county agencies, which such approval and endorsement shall be secured by the subdivider before official submission- of the final plat. Three (3) cloth prints of the proposed final plat shall be submitted to said county agencies, together with all other necessary details required by the Planning Board. In addition, applications for approval of plans for sewers or water facilities will be filed by the subdivider with all necessary town, county and' state agencies. D. Reports of Town Superintendent of High ways and Planning Board Engineer. Within thirty (301 days -after said plat is submitted for final approval, the Superin- tendent shall submit a report to the Planning Board on the highways in the proposed subdivision. The Planning Board's Engineer shall, within said period of time, submit a detailed list of all improvements and construction items and an estimate of the cost of construction. E. Public hearing. Within forty-five (45) days of the sub- mission of a plat in final form for approval by the Planning Board, a hearing shall be held by the Planning Board thereon, which shall be advertised at least once at least five (5) days before such hearing; provided, however, that when AlO613 S AI06-24 SOUTH OLD CODE S AI06-24 the Planning Board deems the final plat to be in sub- stantial agreement with the preliminary plat approved and modified in accordance with requirements of such ap- proval, if such preliminary plat has been approved with modification, the Planning Board may waive the requirements for such public hearing. ( F. Action on final plat. (1) Within forty-five (45) days after the date of the hearing on said final plat, or in the event that such hearing was waived, within forty-five (45) days of the submission of the plat in final form for approval, the Planning Board shall, by resolution, conditionally approve, conditionally approve with or without modifications, disapprove or grant final approval and authorize the signing of such plat. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions hereof, the time in which the Planning Board must take action on such plat may be extended by mutual consent of the owner and the Planning Board. (21 In the resolution granting conditional approval of ( such final plat, the Planning Board shall empower a duly authorized officer to sign the plat subject to completion of such requirement as may be stated in the resolution. Within five (5) days of such resolution, the plat shall be certified by the Clerk of the Planning Board as conditionally approved, and a copy shall be filed in his office and a certified copy mailed to the owner, including a certified statement of such requirements which, when completed, will authorize the signing of the conditionally approved final plat. . Upon completion of such requirements, the plat shall be signed by said duly authorized officer of the l Planning Board. Conditional approval of a final plat shall expire within one hundred eighty 1180) days after the date of the resolution granting conditional ap- proval unless such requirements have been certified as completed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Planning Board may extend the time in which a conditionally approved plat in final form must be AI0614 r 1\.... '-- c ( ( '- '- ~ A106-24 SUBDIVISION OF LAND ~ AI06-25 submitted for signature, if in its opinion such in- tention is warranted by the particular circumstances thereof, for not to exceed two 12) additional periods of ninety (90) days each. (3) In all cases where the Planning Board requires the furnishing of a performance bond, the final plat shall not be signed until such bond has been approved by the Town Board and a certified copy of the Town Board resolution approving the same is filed with the Clerk of the Planning Board. ~ A106-25. Required improvements. A-. Waiver of required improvements. The Planning Board may waive the provision of any or all such improvements and requirements as, in its judgment of the special cir- cumstances of a particular plat or plats, are not requisite in the interests of the public health, safety and general welfare. In the case of each waiver granted, the Planning Board shall enter upon its records the reason why the particular improvement is not necessary and it shall attach appropriate conditions or require such guaranties as may be necessary to Protect the public interest. A waiver of any requirements by the Planning Board shall not become effective until approved in writing by the Town Board Highway Committee. [Amended 5-8-73J B. If at any time before or during the construction of the required improvements it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Town Superintendent of Highways that the unforeseen conditions make it necessary or preferable to modify the location or design of such required im. provements, the Superintendent may, with consent of the Planning Board and upon written request of the sub- divider, authorize the modifications, provided these modifications are within the spirit and intent of the Planning Board's approval. The Superintendent, in issuing an authorization under this subsection, shall do so in writing and shall transmit a copy of such authorization to AI0615 9 A106-25 SOUTH OLD CODE 9 AI06-25 the Planning Board and Town Board Highway Committee at their next regular meeting. [Amended 5-8.73] C. Inspection of improvements. In order to assure that all town specifications and requirements are met during the construction of all required improvements, and to assure the satisfactory completion of improvements and utilities as required by the Planning Board, a construction in- spector representing the Board shall inspect the im- provements during the progress of construction. It shall be the duty of the subdivider to notify the Planning Board and Highway Department two (2) days prior to the commencement or completion of any work on each stage or operation of the construction of improvements. Said construction inspector shall, after completion of con- struction, certify to the Planning Board that all required improvements have been constructed as required by the Board. In addition, the subdivider shall furnish a certified set of drawings showing all improvements as constructed, in the same detail as required for the approved final plat, including the method of installation. [Amended 11.7-68 and 5.8-73] D. Utilities required. The subdivider shall submit to the Planning Board a letter from each public utility company whose facilities are proposed to be installed in the proposed subdivision. Such letter shall state that the utility com- pany will make the installations necessary for the fur- nishing of its services. E. Proper installation of improvements. If the construction inspector shall find, upon inspection of the improvements performed before the expiration date of the performance bond, that any of the required improvements have not been constructed in accordance with plans and specifications filed by the subdivider, he shall so report to the Town Board, Building Inspector and Planning Board. The Planning Board then shall notify the subdivider and, if necessary, the bonding company, and take all necessary steps to preserve the town's rights under the terms of the bond. - AI0616 (' ( ( ( (- ( {1 A 106-25 SUBDIVISION OF LAND {1 AI06-25 ( F. Safeguards during construction. In order to prevent flooding, erosion or any other dangerous or hazardous condition from occurring during the progress and com- pletion of required improvements, the Planning Board may require the developer or his contractor to take such action, including the construction and/or installation of temporary facilities, as the construction inspector may recommend. [Added 4-22-80] (Cont'd on page A10617) ( c ( '-- A10616.1 8-25-80 ( c c \~ !l A106-26 SUBDIVISION OF LAND !l A106-27 ~ AI06-26. Filing of final plat. A. Final approval and filing. Upon completion of the above requirements and notation to that effect upon the final plat, it shall be deemed to have final approval, and the plat shall be properly signed by the appropriate officer of the Planning Board and shall be filed by the applicant in the office of the County Clerk. Any plat not so filed or recorded within thirty (30) days of the date upon which such final plat is approved or considered approved by reasons of failure of the Planning Board to act shall become null and void. [Amended 5-8-73] B. Plat void if revised after approval. No changes, erasures; modifications or revisions shall be made in any final plat after approval has been given by the Planning Board and endorsed in writing on the plat, unless the said plat is first resubmitted to the Planning Board and such Board ap- proves said modifications. In the event that any such final plat is recorded without complying with this requirement, the same shall be considered null and void, the Building Inspector shall not issue building permits and the town shall institute proceedings to have the plat stricken from the records of the County Clerk. ~ A106-27. Public streets; recreation areas. A. Public acceptance of streets. The approval by the Planning Board of a final plat shall not be deemed to constitute or be evidence of any acceptance by the town of any street, right- of-way or easement shown on such final plat. The applicant shall comply with all town rules and regulations regarding the dedication of highways.' (See Section 278 of the Town Law as amended.) B. Ownership and maintenance of recreation areas. When a park, playground or other recreation area shall have been shown on a plat, the approval of said plat shall not con- 4 Editor's Note: Speclflca.tions for highways to he accepted by the town are on tile in the office 01 the Town Clerk and are available for inspection during regular office hours. A10617 ~ A 106-27 SOUTHOLD CODE ~ AI06-27 Ci stitute an acceptance by the town of such area. The Planning Board may require the plat to be endorsed with appropriate notes to this effect. The Planning Board may also require the filing of a written agreement, in proper form for recording in the County Clerk's office, between the applicant and the Town Board covering future title, dedication and provision for the cost of grading, development, equipment and maintenance of any such ( recreation area. . C. Future status of streets, parks and easements. Acceptance of formal offers of cession of streets, easements and parks shall rest with the Town Board. In the event that the applicant shall elect not to file the plat in the office of the County Clerk within the required period, then such formal offers of cession shall be deemed to be void. D. Improvements required before buildings in subdivision may be occupied. Where a permit is desired for the oc- cupancy of a building in the subdivision prior to the completion of the improvements as required in the Planning Board's approval of the final plat, the street ( serving the proposed building shall be completed to a degree satisfactory to the Planning Board and Town Superintendent of Highways. In general, the extent of said street iroprovements shall be adequate for vehicular access by the prospective occupant and by police and fire equipment prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit. Where such permit has been issued, the street shall be maintained by the subdivider in such satisfactory con- dition. E. Plats straddling municipal boundaries. Whenever access to the. subdivision is required across land in another municipality, the Planning Board may request assurance ( from the Town Attorney that access is legally established '-- and from the Superintendent of Highways that the access road is adequately iroproved, or that a performance bond has been duly executed and is sufficient in amount to assure the construction of the access road. In general, lot lines should be laid out so as not to cross town boundary lines. A106I8 ~ c c ( ~. ~ AI06-30 SUBDIVISION OF LAND ~ AlOfi-32 ARTICLE 1II Design Standards ~ AI06-30. Standards to be minimnm reqnirements. In considering applications for subdivision of land, the Plan- ning Board shall be guided by the standards set forth hereinafter. The said standards shall be considered to be minimum requirements. ~ A106-31. General requirements. A. Character of land. Land to be subdivided for building purposes shall be of such a character that it can be used safely without danger to the residents from any menace. B. Conformity to Official Map and Master Plan. Any sub- division shall conform to the Official Map of the town, if such exists, and shall be in harmony with the Master Plan. C. Specifications for required improvements. All required improvements shall conform to the town specifications, which may be obtained from the Town Clerk. Where ap- proval of the New York State and/or Suffolk County Departments of Public Works and Health are required, specifications for' required improvements may be obtained from the respective agencies. ~ AI06-32. Street layout. A. Width, location and construction. Streets shall be of sufficient width of not less than fifty 150) feet, suitably located and adequately constructed to conform to the Southold Town Highway Specifications and with the Master Plan, if such exists, and to accommodate the prospective traffic and afford access for fire fighting, snow removal and other road maintenance equipment. The arrangement of streets shall be such as to cause no undue hardship to adjoining properties and shall be coordinated so as to compose a convenient system. [Amended 5-8-73] A10619 9 A 106-32 SOUTHOLD CODE 9 A 106-32 r '- B. Arrangement. The arrangement of streets in the sub- division shall provide for the continuation of major streets of adjoining areas and for proper projection of such streets into adjoining properties in order to make possible necessary fire protection, movement of traffic and con- struction or extension, presently or when later required, of needed utilities and public services, such as sewers and water drainage facilities. Where, in the opinion of the (. Planning Board, topographic or other conditions make such continuance undesirable or impracticable, the above conditions may be modified upon written approval of the Town Superintendent of Highways and the Town Board Highway Committee. [Amended 5-8-73] C. Minor streets. Minor streets shall be so laid out that their use by through traffic will be discouraged. D. Special treatment along major streets. Where a subdivision abuts or contains an existing or proposed major street, the Board may require local service streets, reverse frontage with screen planting contained in a nonaccess reservation '- along the rear property line, deep lots with rear service alleys or such other treatment as may be necessary for adequate protection of residential properties and to afford separation of through from local traffic. E. Provision for future resubdivision. Where a tract is sub- divided into lots substantially larger than the minimum size required in the zoning district in which the subdivision is located, the Board may require that streets and lots be laid out so as to permit future resubdivision in accordance with the requirements contained in these regulations.' F. Dead-end streets. The creation of dead-end or loop residential streets will be encouraged wherever the Board finds that such type of development will not interfere with normal traffic circulation in the area, provided that interior parks are covered by appropriate covenants as to main- tenance. In the case of dead-end streets, where needed or desirable, the Board may require the reservation of a ten- ( ")., ~ S Editor's Note: For provisions reg&rding lot slz.esln the various zoning districts, !lee Ch. lOll, Zoning. A 10620 \... c 9 AI06-32 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 9 A106-32 ( '" foot-wide easement to provide for continuation of pedestrian traffic and utilities to the next street. Sub. divisions containing twenty (20) lots or more shall have at least two (2) street connections with existing public streets or streets shown on the Official Map, if such exists, or streets on a recorded fin81 plat. G. B lock size. (1) Blocks shall not be exclusively long. Blocks, generally, shall not be less than four hundred (400) feet in length nor more than one thousand two hundred (1,200) feet in length. In general, the width of a block shall not be less than twice the normal lot depth. (2) In blocks exceeding eight hundred (800) feet in length, the Planning Board may require the reservation of a ten.foot'wide easement through the block to provide for the crossing of underground utilities and pedestrian traffic, where needed or desirable, and may further specify, at its discretion, that a four.foot.wide paved footpath be included. The Planning Board shall require the proper maintenance of any such easement. (3) Irregularly shaped blocks, including superblocks, indented by culs.de.sac and containing interior spaces, will be acceptable. when properly designed and coordinated with the overall plat and when adequate provision for the maintenance and ownership of public areas is provided for. H. Intersections with major streets. Minor or secondary street openings into a major street shall, in general, be at least five hundred (500) feet apart. I. Street jogs. Street jogs with center-line offsets of less than one hundred twenty.five (125) feet shall generally not be permitted. J. Angle of intersection. In general, all streets shall join each other so that for a distance of at least one hundred (100) feet a street is approximately at right angles to the street it joins. ( ( l AI0621 8.2~.80 . ~ A106-32 SOUTHOLD CODE ~ Al06.33 K. Relation to topography. The street plan of a proposed subdivision shall bear a logical relationship to the topography of the property, and all streets shall be arranged so as to obtain as many of the building sites as possible at or below the grade of the streets. Grades of streets shall conform as closely as possible to the original topography. [Amended 5-8-73] L. Other required streets. Where a subdivision borders on or contains a railroad right.of-way or a major street right.of- way, the Planning Board may require a street ap- proximately parallel to and on each side of such right.of- way, at a distance suitable for the appropriate use of the intervening land (as for park purposes in residential dis. tricts, or for commercial or industrial purposes in ap- propriate districts). Such distances shall also be deter. mined with due regard for the requirements of approach grades and future grade separations. ~ A106-33. Street design. A. Widths of rights-of. way. Streets shall have the following widths. When not indicated on the Master Plan or Official Map, the classification of streets shall be determined by the Board. Type of Street Minimum Right.of.Way (in feet) Major Secondary or collector Minor 100. 80. 50 · NOTE: Except when the Master Plan specifies a greater or lesser width. B. Improvements. Streets shall be graded and improved with pavements, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, drainage . facilities, water mains, sewers, streetlights and street signs, street trees and fire hydrants and/or firewells. Firewells shall have an eight-inch casing and a twenty-foot A10622 8. 2~. 80 () C.i ( c ~. ( ( '- ( i \- "- ~ A106-33 SUBDIVISION OF LAND ~ A106-33 stainless steel screen and shall have a pumping capacity of three hundred fifty (350) gallons per minute. There shall be a depth of water of at least forty (40) feet. The number and location of fire hydrants and/or firewells shall be de- termined by the Planning Board. In making such deter- mination, the Planning Board may seek the recom- mendation of the Commissioners of the Fire District in which the proposed subdivision is located. Notwith- standing the foregoing, upon request, the Planning Board, upon written approval of the Superintendent of Highways and the Town Board Highway Committee, may waive, subject to appropriate conditions, such improvements as it considers may be omitted without jeopardy to the public health, safety and general welfare. Pedestrian easements shall be improved as required by the Planning Board. Such grading and improvements shall be approved as to design and specifications by the Town Superintendent of High- ways and the Town Board Highway Committee. [Amended 5-8-73; 12-9-75; 4-22-80] C. Utilities in streets. The Planning Board may require that underground utilities be placed in the street right-of-way between the paved roadway and the street line to simplify location and repair of lines when they require attention. The subdivider shall install underground service con- nections to the property line of each lot within the sub- division for such required utilities before the street is paved. Such underground utilities shall be located within the sidewalk area. [Amended 5-8-73] D. Utility easements. Where topography is such as to make impractical the inclusion of utilities within the street rights-of-way, perpetual unobstructed easements at least twenty (20) feet in width shall be otherwise provided with satisfactory access tQ the street. Wherever possible easements shall be continuous from block to block and shall present as few irregnlarities as. possible. Such easements shall be cleared, graded and seeded where required. [Amended 5-8-73] E. Steep curves; visibility at intersections. Sharp curves shall be avoided. In order to provide visibility for traffic safety, A10623 8-26.80 9 A106.33 SOUTHOLD CODE ~ .'-\1i..Jl1-::U that portion of any comer lot, whether at an intersection entirely within the subdivision or of a new street with an existing street, which is shownshaded on Sketch A shall be deared of all growth I except isolated trees I and ob- structions above the level three (3) feet higher than the center line of the street. If directed by the Planning Board, the subdivider shall regrade this area. r 20' o N . :<:<:<:<.:.::::::; I . .:....:::." <<::'--:">:::.::/ >......:...)/ :::::::::/ ::::; ;- ;/ :STREET LINE j SKETCH A [Amended 5-8.73] F. Dead-end streets. Where dead-end streets are designed to be so permanently, they should, in general, not exceed eight hundred (800) feet in length and shall terminate in a circular turnaround having a minimum right-of.way radius offifty (50) feet and pavement radius offorty-four (44) feet, curb to curb. At the end of temporary dead-end streets, a temporary turnaround with a pavement radius of forty- four (44) feet, curb to curb, shall be provided, unless the . Planning Board approves an alternate arrangement. !Amended 5-B-73] 1\10624 8 -25-S0 () (.) ( l: -, ~' ( S A106-33 SUBDIVISION OF LAND S AI06-33 (. G. Watercourses. (1) Where a watercourse separates a proposed street from abutting property, provision shall be made for access to all lots by means of culverts or other structures of a design approved by the Town Superintendent of Highways. 121 Where a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, drainageway, channel or stream, there shall be ICont'd on page A10625) ~ ~, A10624.1 2- 25.76 ( ( ( {1 A 106-33 SUBDIVISION OF LAND {1 AI06-34 provided a stormwater easement or drainage right-of. way as required by the Town Superintendent of High- ways. [Amended 11.7-68] (3) Necessary drainage structures must be provided to receive all runoff waters from natural drainage areas outside of the subject subdivision which will in any way tend to create a drainage problem within the . suhdivision area. [Added 11-7-68] H. Streets or loading space in commercial developments. Paved rear-service streets of not less than twenty (20) feet in width, or in lieu thereof, adequate off-street loading space, suitably surfaced, shall be provided in connection-- with lots designed for commercial use. 1. Free flow of vehicular traffic abutting commercial developments. In front of areas zoned and designed for commercial use, or where a change of zoning to permit a commercial use is contemplated. the street width shall be increased by such amount on each side as may be deemed necessary by the Board to assure the free flow of through traffic without interference by parked or parking vehicles and to provide adequate and safe parking space for such commercial or business district. !i AI06-34. Street nwnes. A. Type of nwne. All streets shown on a preliminary layout or final plat shall be nwned by the developer and be subject to approval of the Planning Board. Streets shall have names and not numbers or letters (such as "1st," "First" or "A" Street). B. Names to he substantially different. Proposed street names shall be substantially different so as not to be confused in sound or spelling with present names, except that streets that join or are in alignment with streets of an abutting or neighboring property shall bear the same name. Generally. no street should change direction by more than ninety degrees (900) without a change in street name. A 10625 ~ A 106-35 SOUTHOLD CODE ~ A 106-36 ( ~ AI06-35. Lots. A. Lots to be buildable. The lot arrangement shall be such that in constructing a building in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance' there will be no foreseeable difficulties for reasons of topography or other natural conditions. B. Side lines. All side lines of lots shall be at right angles to straight street lines and radial to curved street lines, unless (. a variation from this rule will give a better street or lot plan. C. Corner lots. Corner lots shall be of sufficient dimensions so that any structure placed thereon shall conform to the building setback line of each street. D_ Driveway access_ Where practicable, corner lots shall be so laid out that their driveways have access to that street which carries or is intended to carry the lesser amount of traffic_ E. Monuments and lot corner markers. Permanent monuments meeting specifications approved by the Town Superintendent of Highways as to size, type and in- stallation shall be set at such block corners, angle points, points of curves in streets and other points as the Town Superintendent of Highways may require, and their location shall be shown on the final plat. ( ~ AI06.36. Drainage improvements. A. Removal of spring and surface water. The subdivider may be required by the Planning Board to carry away by pipe or open ditch any spring or surface water that may exist either previous to or as a result of the subdivision. Such drainage facilities shall be located in the street right-of- way, where feasible, or in perpetual unobstructed easements of appropriate width. B. Drainage structure to accommodate potential develop. ment. A recharge basin, culvert or other drainage facility ( ""- .' 6 Editor's Note: See Ch. 100, Zoning. AI0626 l. ( ( l \ 9 A 106-36 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 9 AlOfi-37 shall, in each case, be large enough to accommodate potential runoff from its entire drainage area, whether inside or outside the subdivision. The Town Superin- tendent of Highways, the Town Board Highway Com- mittee and the Planning Board shall approve the design and size of facility based on anticipated runoff from a six- inch rainfall in twenty-four (24) hours' storm under con- ditions of total potential development permitted by the Zoning Ordinance' in the watershed. [Amended 5-8-73] C. Land subject to flooding. Land subject to flooding or land deemed by the Planning Board to be uninhabitable shall not be platted for residential occupancy nor for such othe~. uses as may increase danger to health, life or property or aggravate the flood hazard, but such land within the plat shall be set aside for such uses as shall not be endangered by periodic or occasional inundation. D. Drainage requirements. The subdivider shall be required to install the facilities for the drainage of streets and lots as required by the Town Superintendent of Highways. Such drainage facilities, including recharge basins, to be in- stalled within the plat area, shall be constructed and completed prior to the installation of any other street improvements required on the plat. All such drainage structures shall be maintained in good operating condition until such time as the land is dedicated and released to the town. All stormwater must be returned to the soil and under no condition should it be allowed to run off into salt water. E. Fencing of recharge basins. All recharge basins shall be fenced prior to excavation. All fencing shall be constructed in accordance with requirements and specifications available from the Town Superintendent of Highways. ~ A106-37. Other improvements. A. Sanitary sewer facilities and sanitary sewer districts. The subdivider shall install sanitary sewer facilities in a manner 7 Editor's Note: See Ch. 100, 7..onlng. A 10627 9 A106-37 SOUTHOLD CODE 9 AI06-38 prescribed by the applicable county agencies. Necessary action shall be taken by the developer to enable the Town Board to extend or create a sanitary sewer district for the purpose of providing sanitary sewers to the subdivision. [Amended 5-8-73] B. Street signs. Street identification signs of a type approved by the Superintendent of Highways shall be provided by the subdivider and placed at all intersections in locations within theright-of-way approved by the Superintendent of Highways. . C. Streetlighting standards. Where required by the Planning Board, streetlighting standards of a design conforming to the town specifications shall be placed in a manner and location approved by the Town Superintendent of High- ways and the Town Board Highway Committee. In the case of a subdivision involving a county or state highway, approval shall be obtained from the appropriate highway agency. [Amended 5-8-73] ( (. ~_.-.. .1"-. ~ AI06-38. Parks, open spaces, school sites and natural features. A. Recreation standards. The Planning Board may require that land be reserved for parks and playgrounds or other recreation purposes in locations designated on the Town Plan or Official Map, or otherwise where it deems that such reservations would be appropriate. Each reservation shall be of suitable size, dimension, topography and general character and shall have adequate road access for the particular purposes envisioned by the Planning Board. The area shall be shown and marked on the plat, "Reserved for Recreation Purposes." When recreation areas are required, the Planning Board shall determine the number of acres to l be reserved on the basis of providing five (5) acres of recreation area for every one hundred (l00) families or dwelling units. [Amended 5-8-73] B. Minimum size of park and playground reservations. In general, land reserved for recreation purposes shall have an area of at least four (4) acres. When the reservation in any AI0628 \... ( ( , ."-~- ( " ( ',-... ~ A 106.38 SUBDIVISION OF LAND ~ A 106.38 particular subdivision would create less than four (4) acres, the Board shall require that the recreation area be located at a suitable place on the edge of the subdivision so that additional land may be added at such time as the adjoining land is subdivided. C. Recreation sites. Land reserved for recreation purposes shall be of a character and location suitable for use as a playground, playfield or other recreation purpose and shall be relatively level and dry. All land to be reserved for dedication to the town for park purposes shall have prior approval of th~ Town Board. D. Other recreation reservations. None of the subsections' above shall be construed as prohibiting a developer from reserving other land for recreation purposes in addition to the requirements of this section. E. Alternate procedure: money in lieu of land. (1) Where the Planning Board deems that a reservation of land would be inadequate in size for park or playground use, either along or in conjunction with abutting reservations on adjoining subdivisions, the Planning Board may waive the requirement for such reservations, with the condition that the applicant deposit with'the Town Board a cash payment in lieu of land reservation. Such deposit shall be placed in a special fund as required by Section 277 of the Town Law, as amended, and separately identified to show the name and location of the subdivision for which the deposit was made. (2) Such deposit shall be used by the town for a neigh. borhood recreation area, including the acquisition of property. Such deposit must be used within a reasonable period of time and any such expenditure must be for facilities that will be actually available to and benefit the persons in said subdivision and be located in the vicinity of the subdivision. (3) The Town Board shall determine the amount to be deposited based on the following formula: not less A 10629 9 A 106-38 SOUTH OLD CODE 9 A106-38 than three thousand dollars ($3,000.) per gross acre of land that would otherwise be required for recreation purposes or five percent (5%) of the fair market value of the total acreage proposed for subdivision as determined by an independent appraiser retained by the town. F. School sites. Upon receipt from the School Board of a letter declaring its interest in a school site of a specific size and location within a proposed subdivision, the Planning Board may require a subdivider to set aside such area. Upon the failure of the proper authorities to purchase such school site within thirty-six (36) months after the date of the approval of the plat, the subdivider, upon application to the Board and approval of such application, shall be relieved of the responsibility of showing such land for public purposes. G. Reserve strips prohibited. Reserve strips of land which might be used to control access from the proposed sub- division to any neighboring property or to any land within the subdivision itself shall be prohibited. H. Preservation of natural features. The Planning Board shall, wherever possible, encourage the preservation of all natural features which add value to residential develop- ments and to the community, such as large trees or groves, watercourses, beaches, historic spots, vistas and similar irreplaceable assets. In general, all trees on the site, except those situated within proposed areas for building sites, driveways and utility lines and for a distance of ten (10) feet therefrom, shall be preserved. 1. Street trees. The Planning Board shall require the planting of new street trees in subdivisions. Such trees shall be of such variety and shall be planted in such manner as prescribed by the Board. [Amended 5-8-73] J. Streets terminating at tidewater. All streets terminating at or near tidewater shall have a width of not less than one hundred (100) feet for a distance of one hundred (100) feet from their terminus. Appropriate traffic signs and guard- rails shall be installed. Suitable access must be provided A10630 (\ (. ( ( "-- ~ ( . ( ( ~ A 106-38 SUBDIVISION OF LAND ~ A106-40 to such tidewater, together with the necessary stairways, walks or other facilities to afford convenient access to such waterway. [Amended 5-8-73] ARTICLE IV Documents to be Submitted ~ A I 06-40. Sketch plan. A. The sketch plan initially submitted to the Planning Board shall be based on the town tax map, at a scale of one (II inch equals one hundred (100 I feet. The sketch plan shall be submitted showing the following information: (1 ) A key map showing the location of the proposed subdivision and the distance to the nearest existing street intersection. (2) All existing structures, wooded areas, streams and other significant physical features within the area to be subdivided and within two hundred (200) feet thereof. Contours shall be indicated at intervals of not more than five (5) feet except for minor subdivisions, where contours will be required only upon request of the Planning Board. Two-foot contours may be required by the Planning Board where drainage problems are deemed to exist. 13) The name of the subdivision property owner and of all adjoining property owners as listed on the town tax rolls. 141 Town tax map, school district number and sheet number. 15) Location of available utilities and of proposed, mapped or existing streets. 161 The proposed lot and street layout, including recreation areas; systems of drainage. sewerage and water supply Isee ~ A106-41C below I within the subdivided area. A10631 S A 106-40 SOUTH OLD CODE S A106-41 (7) Notations of all existing restrictions on the use of land, including easements, covenants or zoning lines. B. A statement in affidavit form shall be submitted setting forth the names and addresses of all persons, corporations, partnerships and associates having an interest, direct or indirect, in the subdivision, and the nature of such interest. [Added 5-8-73] ( (. ~ AI06-41. Minor subdivision plat. A. In the case of minor subdivisions only, the final plat ap- plication shall include all information shown on. the ap- proved sketch plan plus the following information: III A copy of such covenants or deed restrictions as are intended to cover all or part of the tract. 121 An actual field survey of the boundary lines of the tract, giving complete descriptive data by bearings and distances, made and certified to by a licensed ( engineer or land surveyor. The comers of the tract shall also be located on the ground and marked by monuments as approved by the Town Engineer, and shall be referenced and shown on the plat. (3) All sanitation and water supply facilities shall be designed to meet the specifications of the County Board of Health, and a note to this effect shall be stated on the plat and signed by a licensed engineer. 141 Proposed subdivision name and name of the town and county in which it is located. (5) The date, North point, map scale, name and address of record owner and subdivider. B. If this plat is to be filed with the County Clerk, it shall be printed upon linen or be clearly drawn in india ink upon tracing cloth. The size of the sheets shall not exceed thirty- six by twenty (36 x 20 I inches to comply with Section 335 of the Real Property Law. A 10632 ( - \... c ( '" ( l "- ~ A 106-42 SUBDIVISION OF LAND ~ A 106-42 S A106-42. Major subdivision preliminary layout. The following documents shall be submitted for conditional preliminary layout approval: A. [Amended 5.8.73] Twelve (12) paper prints of the preliminary layout, prepared at a scale of not more than one hundred (100) feet to the inch, showing: (II The proposed subdivision name; name of town and county in which it is located; date; true North point; scale; name and address of record owner, subdivider and engineer or surveyor, including license number and seal. (2) The names of all adjoining subdivisions and/or the names of the owners of record of all adj oining property. (3) The zoning district, including exact boundary lines of district if more than one (1) district.' (4) All parcels of land proposed to be dedicated to public use and the conditions of such dedication. (5) Location of existing property lines, easements, buildings, watercourses, marshes, rock outcrops, wooded areas, single trees with a diameter of twelve (121 inches_ or more as measured three (3) feet above the base of the trunk, and other significant existing features in the proposed subdivision and adjacent property. (6) Location of existing sewers, water mains, culverts and drains on the property, with pipe sizes, grades and direction of flow. (7) Contours at intervals of two (2) feet, and elevations of existing roads aL one-hundred-foot intervals; ap- proximate grading plan if natural contours are to be changed more than two (21 feet. (8) The width and location of any streets or public ways or places shown on the Official Map or the Master Plan, . Editor's Note: See Ch. 100, Zoning. A 10633 8 -21)-83 A106.4~ SOUTIlO!.lJ CODE ~ AlOG.42 if such exist, within the area to be subdivided, and the width, location, grades and str,eet profiles of all streets or public ways proposed by the developer. (9) The approximate location and size of all proposed water lines, valves, hydrants and/or firewells, sewer lines and fire alarm boxes; connections to existing lines or alternate means of water supply or sewage disposal and treatment, as provided in the Public Health Law ; and profiles of all proposed water and sewer lines. [Amended 12-9-75] (10) A storm drainage plan indicating the approximate location and size of proposed lines and their profiles; connections - to existing lines or to stormwater recharge basins. (lll Plans and cross sections showing the proposed location and type of sidewalks, streetlighting stan. dards, street trees, curbs, water mains, sanitary sewers and storm drains, recharge basins, and the size and type thereof; the character, width and depth of pavements and subbase; the location of manholes, catch basins and underground conduits. (12) Preliminary designs of any bridges or culverts which may be required. (13) The proposed lot lines with approximate dimensions and suggested location of buildings. (14) An actual field survey of the boundary lines of the tract, giving complete descriptive data by bearings and distances, made and certified to by a licensed engineer or land surveyor. The corners of the tract shall also be located on the ground and marked by substantial stone monuments or concrete or such size as approved by the Town Superintendent of High- ways, and shall be referenced and shown on the plat. (15) A certificate or other document issued by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services indicating that the existing or proposed water supply and sewage A10634 8 -25-83 ( (. ( c l. ( S A J06-4~ SUBDlVISIOi'< OF LA,",D S A106-42 ( disposal facilities in the proposed subdivision will meet the requirements of the Suffolk County Department of Health Services. [Added 4-19-83] B. If the application covers only a part of the subdivider's entire holding, a map of the entire tract, drawn at a scale of not less than one hundred (100) feet to the inch, showing an outline of the platted area with its proposed streets and indications of the probable future street system with its (Cont'd on page AI0635) ( ( '-- A10634.1 8-25-83 L ( ( ( l "-.. S A106-42 SUIlDIVISION OF LAND S A 106-43 grades and drainage in the remaining portion of the tract, and the probable future drainage layout of the entire tract, shall be submitted. The part of the entire holding sub- mitted shall be considered in the light of the entire holding. C. A copy of such covenants or deed restrictions as are in- tended to cover all or any part of the tract. !l AI06-43. Major subdivision plat. A. The following documents shall be submitted for final plat approval: (1) Two 121 copIes of the final plat application. 121 The original final plat tracing. 131 Two (2) cloth prints and three (31 paper prints of the final plat. (4) The original and one (1) copy of deeds of cession to streets, rights-of-way, easements_ or other sites' to be devoted to public use, and the original and one (I I copy of agreements, covenants or other documents . showing the manner in which streets, parks and other areas are to be reserved and maintained for the common use of the residents of the subdivision, in- cluding provisions for. homeowner associations and property assessments. if needed, all certified as to their legal sufficiency by the Town Attorney. 151 Two 121 prints of all construction and landscaping plans and drawings as required by and in accordance with town specifications. 161 An estimate as to the cost of the required im- provements, including, but not limited to, streets, curbing, sanitary sewers, storm drain lines, water lines and fire hydrants and/or firewells. [Amended 12-9-75J 171 One (1) certified copy of the water company contract indicating that mains will be installed and water will be transmitted to the subdivision when available or required. A 10635 2.25.76 9 A 106-43 SOUTH OLD CODE 9 A 106-43 r' t' (8) If firewells are to be installed, a copy of the proposed agreement to be entered into with the appropriate fire district to convey title to said firewells to the fire district when completed, together with legal access thereto. [Added 12-9.75] B. The plat to be recorded with the County Clerk shall be printed upon linen or be clearly drawn in India ink upon ( tracing cloth. The size of the sheets shall not exceed twenty . by thirty-six (20 x 361 inches, including a margin for binding of two 121 inches outside of the border along the left side, and a margin of one (I) inch outside of the border along the remaining sides. The plat shall be drawn at a scale of no more than one hundred (1001 feet to the inch and oriented with the North point at the top of the map. When more than one (I) sheet is required, an additional index sheet of the same size shall be filed, showing to scale the entire subdivision with lot and block numbers clearly legible. C. The plat shall show: (II Subdivision name, date, scale and North point. ( (2) Certification of title showing ownership. (3) Names of owners of adjacent land. (4) Certification by a licensed surveyor as to the accuracy of the survey and plat. (51 Primary control points (wherever possible including monuments included in the state system of plan coordinates or reference points previously established by public authority) or description and "ties" to such . control points, to which all dimensions, angles, bearings and similar data on the plat shall be referred. (61 Boundaries of the property; building or setback lines if greater than those required in the Zoning Or- dinance;9 lines of streets, lots, reservations, easements and areas to be dedicated to public use; large trees, groves and other natural features to be l 9 Editor's Sole: See Ch. 100, ZonIn/{. AI0636 2.25 -76 l. ( S A106-43 ( ( ~ \ SUBDIVISION OF LAND S AI06-43 preserved; lengths and deflection angles of all straight lines; radii, lengths, central angles, long chords and tangent distances of all curves. All lengths shall be in feet and hundredths of a foot, and all bearings shall be given to the nearest ten (10) seconds or closer, if (Cont'd on page A10637) A 10636.1 2 -25 -76 ( { \, ( ( '-- '- S A106-43 SUBDIVISION OF LAND S A 106-50 deemed necessary by the surveyor, The error' of closure shall not exceed one 11) to ten thousand (10,000). (7) Computed area of all lots in square feet. 18) The location of all permanent monuments. (9) Proposed street names as directed by the Board, section, block and lot numbers as directed by the Town Assessor and house numbers as directed by the Building Department. 110) Designation and purpose of all areas to be dedicated or . reserved for public use and of any streets which are not to be dedicated. (11) Location, width and purpose of all easements. (12) The proper form for the approval of the Planning Board, with space for Board members' signatures and those of other required officials. S A106-44. Accompanying documents and information. [Added 4-19-83] For the purposes of these regulations, a map, plat, subdivision map, application, referral or request received, submitted or filed with the Town Clerk or the Planning Board or any of its officers or employees shall not be deemed to be received, submitted or filed until all documents and information required by these regulations to accompany the same have been filed with or submitted to the Planning Board. ARTICLE V Variances and W nivers S AI06-50. Variations in cases of hardship. Where the Planning Board finds that extraordinary and Un- necessary hardships may result from strict compliance with these regulations, it may vary the regulations so that substantial A10637 8.2:'\-83 S' A 1116.50 S(WTlIOLD CODE ~ '} 106.53 justice may be done and the public interest secured, provided that such variations will not have the effect of nullifying the intent and purpose of the Official Map, the Master Plan or the Zoning Or. dinance, if such exist. 1 0 ~ A106.5L Waivers of required improvements. Where the Planning Board finds that, due to the special cir. cumstances of a particular plat, the provision of certain required improvements is not requisite in the interest of the public health, safety and general welfare, or is inappropriate because of inadequacy or lack of connecting facilities adjacent or in proximity to the proposed subdivision, it may waive' such requirements, subject to appropriate conditions. ~ A106.52. Board to impose conditions. In granting variances and modifications, the Planning Board shall require such conditions as will, in its judgment, secure substantially the objectives of the standards or requirements so varied or modified, ~ A106.53. Approval of Board of Appeals actions. [Added 9.23. 80] Heretofore and between the period from January I, 1971, and September 5, 1979, the Board of Appeals made certain deter. minations on appeals to it involving area variances and! or the relocation of lot lines and/or the setoff of lots, all of such deter. minations being set forth on a schedule caused to be compiled by the Planning Board. Many of the Board of Appeals' deter. minations on said schedule may have required approval by the Planning Board. However, due to misunderstanding, inad. vertance or' oversight, the owners of the lands involved did not thereafter apply to the Planning Board for its approval. In the intervening time, many of the lands involved in such Board of Appeals' determinations have been sold and/or built upon in reliance upon the Board of Appeals' determinations and the subsequent issuance of building permits and/or certificates of occupancy. The Planning Board has reviewed all of the deter. 1~ Editor's :Sote: Soo Ch. 100, Zoning. A 10638 8-2:1.83 ( (. ( l . l. c ( '" ( ( " ~ A1Ut;.~)3 SIHlJl\ISJO'\ OF !,,\'\Ji ~ .'\ 1(IG-S:J minations set forth on the aforesaid schedule. In view of the foregoing, the Plannlng Board (and the Town Board, as evidenced by its approval of this amendment) determines that an extreme hardship would be caused if such owners were, at this time, required to obtain approvals from the Planning Board. Ac. cordingly, it is hereby determined that any Planning Board ap- provals that may have been required with respect to the Board of Appeals' determinations set forth on said schedule are hereby deemed to have been granted with the same force and effect as if the same had been submitted to and approved by the Planning Board in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. It is further determined that said schedule shall be endorsed by the Chairman of the Planning Board and filed in the Town Clerk) office simultaneously with the effective date of this amendment. A 10639 8.2.5. S3