HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/23/1971Southold Town Planning Board
E~OUTHrlLD, L. I., N. Y. 119'71
John Wickham, Chairman
Henry Moisa
Alfred Grebe
Henry Raynor
Frank Coyle
Special Meeting
March 23, 1971
A special meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board
was held at 7:30 P.M., Tuesday, March 23, 1971, at the Town
Office, Main Street, Southold, New York.
There were present: Messrs: John Wickham, Chairman; Henry
Moisa, Vice-Chairman; Henry Raynor; Frank Coyle.
Absent: Mr. Alfred Grebe
Also present: Howard Terry, Building Inspector
This meeting was called for the purpose of preparing a
resolution for the adoption of the Southol6 Town Development
Plan aha proposed Development Plan Map, and for the purpose
of preparing a statement on the adoption of the Development
Plan to be released for publication in the newspapers.
Southold ToWn Planning Board --2-- ~,/ March 23~. 1971
The Planning Board reviewed the statement which was prepared
by Henry'Raynor. After several minor revisions~ it was unanimously
agreed that the folloWing statement' be released to the ~ewspapers:
"Adoption of the Southold Town Development Plan was for-
malized at the Southold Town Planning Board meeting on March
23rd. This is ~the culmination of a seven year study on every
aspect of~Southold Town~'s natural~ social~ and economic re-
Primary consideration of any form of development hinges
on the ability-of our water resources to meet the demands of
'the Town's population. After several engineering studies
were compUteda there appears to be water enough for approx-
imately 35~000 people. This figure is based on a gradual
reduction of agriculture. The Planning Board feels strongly
that there is an urgency to develop new and diVersified busi-
ness,, industry, and housing to support a well "balanced"
community. Each of 'these factors is so intricately integrated
that it has become necessary for our Town Government to create
guidelines to insure the success oE its goals.
The gradual decline in agriculture, coupled with rising
costs of operations, has provided great latitude 'for land
speculation throughout the Town, The plan endeavors to
prepare our community for this influx of inevitable develop-
ment. Only by setting up guidelines, will the ToWn be able
to cope with this situation and future situations.
The' Development Plan maynot be a perfect documente
The Planning Boardhas culled and sorted information from
all phases of engineering and planninq to give ~the most
flexibility to our Town. As the peoples~ needs and require-
ments changes so must the planning. Any plan is good only if
it represents the best interests of the people.
The implementation of the Development Plan lies with the
proposedZoning Ordinance amendments~, currently being studied
by the' Southold ToWn Board. It-will be this legislation that
will carry out the guidelines set forth in the new Southold
Town Development Plan."
After due consideration of numerous telephone calls~
letters, and personal visits to the Chairman and other
members of the Planning Board~ relative to the proposal
for the new light industrial zoning in the New Suffolk
Southold Town Pl~a~ing Board -3- .L~rch 23, 1971
area, the Board held a lengthly discussion as to the present
and future uses for the existing business and industrial areas
in New Suffolk.
On motion by Mr. Moisa, seconded by Mr. Raynor, it was
RESOLVED to hold the following area in the "B-l" Business
District: The parcel on the southwest side of Old Harbor Lane
running north from the entrance to Schoolhouse Creek and on the
east side of the first canal or channel back a distance of 300±
feet to include the property of Harry Lundine with a distance
of 350~ feet on the southwesterly side of Old Harbor Lane.
Ail the remaining property shown on the Development Plan
Map as "C-l!' Light Industrial Districts to remain as such.
Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs: Wickham, Moisa, Raynor,
On motion by Mro Moisa, seconded by Mr. Raynor, it was
RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board adopt the
Development Plan for Southold Town and the proposed Development
~an Map as presented at the "Public Information Meeting" on
March 4, 1971, with the exception of the above noted change~
Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs: Wickham, Moisa, Raynor,
The Chairman read letter received from the New York State
Department of Transportation in reference to the proposal for
the improvement and elimination of curves in Route 25 (in the
vicinity of Aldrich Lane), Laurel, New York. A design report
booklet was enclosed. This booklet described the re-construction
project in detail and contained various maps. The Chairman in-
structed that a letter be sent to the New York State Depgrtment
of Transportation advising them that the Planning Board'i~s very
much in favor of this improvement, and requesting that they send
us a set of the final construction plans, upon their completion.
Southold Town Planning Board
~arch-23~, 1~71
The Chairman read letter received from the Suffolk County
Health Department in regard to the construction of a dwelling
on recently filled land on the south side of North Road to
Bayview,~ $outhold~, New York. The Health Department stated
their emphasis on the preservation of wetlands and urged the
Town of $outhold to adopt an ordinance to prevent instances
such as this. The Board discussed 'several possibilities for
preventing the destruction of wetlands and other open areas.
The Cha/rman to send a letter to the Health Department in
reference to the above.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45
Respectfully submitted~,
~et~ty ~~Secretary
Southold Town Planning Board