HomeMy WebLinkAboutRecommendations from Planning Board . . . . RECCllMENDl\.TIONS From Planning Board review of Book II Raymond & May Associates Comprehension Development Plan for Town of Southold, N.Y. Upon completion of reading and discussing Part II of Raymond & May proposal for the comprehensive development plan for the Town of Southold, the Planning Board submits the fOllowing proposals. Using Book II as a base (including the map insert), the loose maps (4,000 more or less) as supplied by Raymond & May should be entirely revised or discarded and ndw ones prepared. Fishers Island. - The large golf course on the east end of the island and the mnall course on the west end of the island toqether with the "driving range" at Middle Farma should be shown and kept in an "open area proqnm." The reservoirs and the new pumping station at Middle Farms should a180 be included in the open area proqram. The proposed larqe park area on southerly side of the present airport should be el1minated and be relocated somewhere on the westerly part of the island for the use of year round residents. It should be a "complete park" with all facilities and a good bathing beach. The site should be selected with local cooperation. The insert map should be connected to delineate the Navy Sound Laboratory, and other government property on the island The business areas on both sidas of Fox Avenue, and at the ," . . RECOMMENDATIONS -2- intersection of north end of Crescent Avenue should be shown and enlarged to include the vacant land each side of the Legion Hall and dry cleaners, maybe more area also. The cQD\ll\ercial (industrial) area on the west side of West Harbor, including the power plant, fuel and coal docks, utility co. buildings, public garage, yacht club marina, "fill pit" etc. should be shown as well as the beach used for bathing north of this area. More study must be given to a recreation program for the year round residents, and the use and development of the "Port Area" west side of Silver Eel Cove. The main east-west runway of Elizabeth Field should be extended as far to the east as possible to accomodate the larger planes now using the Fishers Island airport, this should be made into and kept up as a first class airfield. Additional docking and marina installations will have to be provided in West Harbor as boating increases. It appears that the other harbors are not well suited for this development. The _in part of the Town as shown on the insert _p will have to be done over or discarded. It was again agreed to ask the Town Board to increase the min1Jllum lot size to 20,000 square feet and make the other recOlllll1ended changes in the Zoning Ordinance which have been agreed to for a long time. This should be done immediately. Lobi south of Route 25 without public water should be increased to 1 A. and north of Route 25 (except Sound Shore front lots) 1 A with and 2 A without public water. A program of land use restrictions to hold our agricultural lands open - probably a negative easement type - should be instituted immediately. Also an "open area" and "wetlands" program should be started this summer or at latest fall. The business area as proposed west of Gr.enport Village (Dusin.ss and industrial) will have to have publiC water and sewers. Preliminary plUUl and arrangements for these services should be made now between Greenport Village and the Town by forming sewer and water districts,etc. Provision for shopping centers must be made now near Greenport and Mattituck and some expansion in Southold area. Off street parking and some rebuilding will have to be provided in all business centers. Site approval will be required. The Town will not support a "regional shopping center" such as Huntington, Babylon and other west end towns have. Page 14, colums 2, item 2 1963 is a misprint, all other quotes are for 1966. Traffic problems and patterns in Mattituck, Southold, and Greenport areas were discussed and recommendations in each case will be made to the Town Board in hope of getting some relief for next summers traffic. ""T~"n"" .ay~ 10 UOf..'. ., peM tn- A!MIl 'P'. .... !MIl uo AU....... Aott... ...:) el(\ ~ ~1{IITIOII( 811 '"'" ~8fp -.t ~ .. PUWY .'PO tf8 ~ ,(l.Hdozd 8/11Cl.1o ~....Jld JO ~..,. ~ Temp! uo pUlrY JO ~.snd P"I 'O"W -T "a.w t""~JJ(" C"..~.q "B~.r.~ ~eAO~ "~ ~e.u paw ~ s, '1: ~ftOU ~. tt3UWZlUII .~ oety "~- Ul etq...wrv.~ ^t:nMU eq O~ lfpOOtJ *'~ n .. PMO~ 8(f P'[ROqII ~~ -'fill JO e6.J._,eap.tU; Oanu8Ay MfA Punes 1- o~ ~ p~.. .. pyao\(19 eytUi "8UW'J PUOd .KtD"l!f,W "'" e, ,,4MWt 1'..14M01!. -L.t e61t.! o&E.wtnA lpJl'I~nl8W JO tAau (LZ ~...., ..... ~ .1ftOJ ~ O:lUO .~. Sf tpJYliI ;')TUv.n "[1I:IOT ~ NT-TN ~ "tM{ ttl- 8l\G o.""a( tMet qr.,'t. MU . QY" peowydN lIIIf Pl"Ol(e "Ill 11.. ..... ... ...... "eIttY.q nTlot no" ~ .z-.nal .p... e~ft":' 01 n-td Aunt.... ,..~.sd "1.AM) Mll litllliOJ.;, ~ uo.zJ paMS eq:; o~ tettw:nd PWOJr "....oat MU .tl1 \tn'" 1--""" Ol anWtAv puaos JO ,"%OU -e-r qD,.ty pa~ O':l ft9T pea! . 8'J U l,"" ~. ... 'U .....,..:I'lllOlt .. ~ .. ...... e:ae .1 __ ~ee.n. _9 ..t ~ ~ CIf1t:a",- 01 eptIIQ UO'.TAOJIC!! pn J:!8SflIz:IOT ec'f. Ol ....&{ In- eeye .1[.I1lCI '(e:JOf 0 ....,.~ .l\~H1l1i~" e, ~rll l.!Gte -.up -.JRq pNodo,ad ~ 10 ~1IOlIf ~~ ,..:d. elM't .at II6e.! ozeal 1" dOl8Ct -ltn ~"OM 01 pe6.m .., PtOtn~ Ul r."'1IMId ... UOfl"tI'NJa a"J.,n MO.IilIW'f ~ _.160... o..,U. y .13l~ ......,tIIWC tu*-- "' ~ ....... e6ftT W'I ey ee:ae Iel~ ~. 110 p.n..... lMU .Pl~nog III tOO'P. t.,t;pO~ em 8l -.z81;t on elWd OP4ttdT on Jl'UttH<f .p.,qaop 1nat '$9 MI' ;I~ pe040... .. ..... a.r1lH<< '(en- -"o'P"Il:> tRR ~ ... ~t · Lt .e...t .C It ...-0'1 '0 qlJ'" -'lIOf"fATP<l.f'. - It( ~ez....~ :tTn..n ~q.__.)M ~ ..,..,aq ""1II "ilT/III p83'r(cfN eoJI PtftOl;llJ _aw.y llToUll!!l ..... - .....,.z!t ~o MI..l .....3 8f'A J. pat .KtalMf.t.. tRR ....t. ..... .........t.... ....~ tllTO' Jill ...,. pie "':-.1 ect Ptnoqe (1ayo,f ......,6MrJ~ --) .... P".,..... ~ JO ~.. ....Ay 1ItOJ1ng lIleI't - et!pJaar"" ......... ~.l... pue .....,.1_ .~, ''MIll eft lTl''' ean .,..., _, .,-....... .....IId ...... ..,.fteuy..... -.yl- ~ 6uy _&A1) -AycHntt ftIle)\ l)n~ JO pewu N11' 8T WT Hft trT'tt. ......01..... . ee:ae 6tilfdcfoqe., qoMI..eq w. tn" '<<tOIJ"- ..... ...... PM.e .... "1 ."1""'" ., .... T"",-.pT"Z paw .{t..,," ..... lW.IJ~""' .eeaw lMn8 lilt ., lua.. en ..,~ ev. 11(tOJJ"8... - " ... -t- ~t&~.....:)U . . .,' '. .' , . . UCC>>OCBNDATIOIIfS -4- 2. Ellllinate the lbIlIlll park area south side of Peconic Bay Blvd. near the A.L. Downs subdivi8ion in favor of enlarqinq and 1mproving other Mattituck Park District parks. 3. Ellllinate propo8ed park on land of E. Roland, south of New Suffolk Avenue & east of Maratooka Road and enlarqe other Mattituck Park District parks. 4. New Suffolk Beach i8 shown in wrong place, should be at 1st and 2nd Street. If properly cleared and legal - beach at 80Uth of oyster shop could be shown. 5. Eli.minate beach at end of East Road Fleets Neck in favor of a central beach near Pequ..sh Avenue. The approach to end of East Road 18 dangerous. This park and beach should be owned and maintained by the Cutchogue Park Di8trict. 6. The park and beach area east of Goldsmith Inlet, Peconic, should not be extended beyond present 111llits but should be intensely' developed. Should the "CampDunes" property becOllle available at any t11lle in the futw:e, this mould be taken ewer along with any adjourning lake front property and used for recreation purposes. 7. Eli.minate proposed park at the end of Indian Neck Lane in favor of enlarging the Southold Park District park at South Harbor and possibly using the "COIllIlIOI1ers" land at Little Creek for park pw:poses. It should be put in SOl1l8 form of permanent "open spaces" program. 8. The Town Beach east of Goose Creek Bridge is not shown. This area should be enlarged as soon as possible. 9. E11lllinate Paradise Point Park in favor of the Cedar Beach p"rk. The Cedar Beach Park should be intensely developed. 10. The Village owned land "Clarka Beach" should be cOlllbined with the Town owned property at Eastern Shorea and made into a perk and beach area. 11. The isthmus betw_n East Marion and orient as lIhown on the map should be revincl to e11lllinate the existinq residencea. The "Cove Beach Estates" land on the Sound and west aide of Dam Pond, the area south of Route 25 east of Dam Pond to the entrance of the creek south of Stephenaon Beach lIhould be put in park area. "Stephenaon Beach" (exiating public beach) ahoulcl be extended eaaterly to the re8idential area and 1IIlprewed as public beach, possibly a small marina in the creek entrance. 12. The area at orient Point shown as park can be e11lllinated. It is larqer than neaded and //lore valuable as residential land. The existing orient State Park should be enlarged by taking in the "wetlands" on the north 8ide of Long Beach Bay, Hallock Bay etc. and this perk should be 1IIIproved with camping and trailer facilitie8. All other wetlands in the orient area should be put into an open space8 program. . <>. , . tI JlJ;C CIU4I1ll).\ T ICE -5- i'~ );1. 'l'h 1. .bo~14 be f'o~ t<\aitt:ltuc:k. Ma~a~. LU.& i'Ull. opgoaiU the MattUuck SchOol. left. w1th the "h001 p~~rty .. a "G4M\Aty .iIOt" ....". 32. ,1&1:10.8, !."All;! lI\01'e NZ1ml8. tIoat 18OOI:1IliiJ.. :boa~yaar". atora",e IUd.a. etc. are nee4e~ partlcul.~l:i rrClWll l4..npoxt .....t. COftdlt1Orl !;If each creek an(! c~.l weze cOlUllde1:e4 and .1~ ....111 c:haDMl dl"e4i1ag" or "..1IlteaaAC;G ~~ed-iln9" 18 nc;:_ad84 tor acet of the cxeeks. Spec1fic: l~t.lon. ...111 have to tA ,i?lcll.ed for the.. .ar1Y tacl11U.ee in the very nMZ' future. ""a ,..ecOI8eaad'D.)" H&loo1a Punia t:l\i1Deera. ~y dOClr.1JvJ faclUt1ea \;111 have to be pzovl.se4 in "OpeD ",.t.er' rauer than 1n c1r.d>je.s aU.~ in tne ",.t.xl1ae u~... .P.~ 34. li1lllltdute start .m .. "",etlands pltD<p:Ul' either by .pecul &0IHt 41aulc:t or ne<)atl" ......nt. contxact 1lIl ~e<lOllalln'" ..a>18 35. 5ubdlvl.1on tte'i\llat.lona. ..vera! pzollO.ala for ........ .enta to the sUbdivl.ion re~~lation. have ~en ..nt to the town BOaC. in a letter dated J~lt 9. pa\je 16. Chan"je "Suffolll COUl'lty Water Author1t.y" t.o red d1at.rict.. formed by the Town anel opel'ated Of <:ontl'.ct. paje 36. ..It ho prevloualy 'been a\l~_d that all lar\le ",ell. an4 la1'9- ",at._r u.e. be by a "bit trOOl the Plannln'i Board. P.~ 37. A PI'Oi.c- of d1klnS the h..d of .."e...al c:zoeekS to hold back ~I'''noff~ ",atel' b re<:a..ended by Halco1l11 Pirnte &n."iJl1elf. _0\114 be ImdeJrtake. 800n. 'l'he nec..llU't 1e'ilal for.. .houlc1 - a_ UI' ud pre11lll1ft81'y pI... lol' each dte Ill6c.1e. Page 37. 0uI' pol1<;y of retuning all reuzface I'UIIoffH vatel: bto the ground an.d aot. let it run lnto ..It. va~ 18 naff1J:M4. Pa<ie 39. l1'il'8t it;Ga on capital 11l1P1'0'-elMnt. prO!Jl''' 1. a ... 'feltn Ball. 'ftli8 \-tt..a ahould be funded 1slne41ately. and should lie lug& ~ to carry 01'1 the Town blueine.. and a roaa fctr public ...t.ln'}.. 58..ral location. were mentl"" but. no fin I'~L r..da1:1011 for. alte Ie ...de at thl. tl_. Trut pzoopolMd alte we.t. of l'Iouthold haa now beeI'I 801d to pd...te inUre.ta. ZU..1DaU .tu for IMV ttatt.Uuc:k. firebCNN. .. tMY have J-t a.'" on to the exi8t1a<j 1MJll41nq at pike St.reet to Wl~ ^... GrMapOft 111 buU.b, a .... flJ:ebouae at ~ . Jr<< 1t1fMt.. altho. it ill DOt to be . cen1:zoal f1rebOUM .. I.'4lCCloIRlnde<<. ~ . '.. ..., . - RECOMMENDATIONS -6- Page 41. The need for an adequate airport is increasing each year. Our existing privately owned-leased facilities are fast becoming obsolete, better and longer runways with lighting and landing controls are needed. Page 45. ~ne airport construction cost figures as shown should have a better breakdown as to initial costs and expansion costs. Also there should be special "a.irport" zoning regulations for the area surrounding the proposed new airfield. Page 45. It was agreed that Rose Airport in Ori~nt should be phased out. It is undersize and not level, there are high-tension electrical wires close by and it is dangerous. Pages 48 to 52. This section on the L.I. Connecticut Bridge impact should be left for consideration. it will probably be a long time before there is a bridge from Southold Town across the Sound, but it is far from a dead is~ue. possibility of an improved high-speed ferry service to SaybroOk was again suggested. This would also increase through traffic if it were made a reality. Page 61. After discussion it was a"reed to establish a "continuing program" of capital improvements. The Planning Board will make reconunendations to the 'lown Board and revise and update it each year before the budget meetings each fall. Page 61. It was agreed the Planning Board should not get involved with school programs other than land aquisition and building expansion programs. Pages 63 0. 64. 'l'here was a long discussion on the "Town Engineer." We nos hire two consultants and an inspector. It was the opinion of all that the time is near at hand when we should have a full time engineer to do all of tileee jobs. Certainly tile fees should be raised to cover all of tile costs involved. We are going in the hole badly under our present system. Pag"-l 64. It is again rocommended that a member of the Town Board attend the Planning Board meetings to have better coordination between the Boards. Page 65. The proposed capital improvement program was reviewed carefully. " - -.II '. . . RECOMMBNDA'l'ICBS -7- '!'he estimated co.ta are out of line in every instance. It was agreed to add to the li.t a new bridqe road bed frOll Mary. Road to Reeve Avenue over Long Creek Mattituck and a new hiqh level bridge over Mattituck Creek at the "old mill" bridqe .ite. '1"hi. will have to be a county or .tate project in all probability but should be OIl our prOCJZ'am. The.e recOlllDllndatiOlls are made as the Planning Boards ...-.....y and revision of Raymond & May Book II. If there are further cOlllDllnts~ plea.. submit thea before the next Planning Board meeting~ August 12, 1968. Howard Terry ~ Acting secretary