HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB-02/27/1969 Joint Meeting on Master Plan . ~ ... M.!NQ:r~S Joint Meeting on Master Plan . February 27, 1969 A special meeting of the Planning Board and the Board of Appeals was held in the Town Clerk Building, Main Street, Southold, New York, after the regular meeting of the Board of Appeals. Present were: Robert W. Gillispie, Jr., Chairman-Board of Appeals, Fred Hulse, Jr., Charles Grigonis, Jr., Serge Doyen. Henry Moisa, Vice Chairman- Planning Board, Frank Coyle, Alfred Grebe, Howard Terry-Building Inspector. The Meeting was opened with a discussion of the Master Plan Proposal for Fishers Island. Mr. Doyen and Mr. Grebe reported holding a meeting with Justice E. Perry Edwards and another with the Board of Dwrectors of the Fishers Island Civic Association. The recommendations for Fishers Island are as follows: 1. No changes to be made in the business zoned areas at this time. Future applications are to be handled on an individual basis as the need arises. 2. An "open area" program be established including both golf courses (East & West ends), the "Middle Farms" golf driving range, the new water system well and pumping field, the two fresh , ~ . , . Joint Meeting on Ma~r Plan -2- ~ebruary 27. 1969 water ponds and surrounding area used as water reservoirs. 3. All of the Town owned property on the south side of Whistler Avenue not actually used for airport purposes be developed for park and recreational activities including a public beach on the waterfront. 4. "Dock Beach" (Wls West Harbor - across the road from power plant) be leased or purchased for a public beach. about 200 feet or more. and be maintained by the Town. It should be condemned and taken if no other arrangements can be made. 5. The "old brickyard" and surrounding area should be taken over and controlled as a "SanctuiU!Y" by some means. 6. Whistler Avenue, Greenwood Road. North Military Road. Tyler Lane, Trumbel Drive. and South Military Road (Schmidt Road- sls Whistler Avenue to airport) - should be taken over by the Town as pUblic streets including sidewalks - )property line to property line each side) I 7. All other roads now maintained by the Town and not already dedicated to the Town should be taken over by the Town and put in first class condition. It was unanimously agreed upon reviewing the recommendations for amendments to the ordinance that item 7A. page 8. be further strengthened by changing it to read any swimming pool at or below ground level shall have a permanent fence (strike out with an area of 150 square feet or more and a depth in excess of 24 inches) no less than 4 ft. in height with no access to the pool except by self-closing and self-locking gate. No opening in the fence shall exceed a 2 inch square mesh. Existing swimming poo~s at the effective date of this ordinance sha~l within one year from said date comply with all above require- ments for fencing. There was considerab~e discussion on the lot size in the"B" and "B-lL" District but finally agreed that new~y created business lots will need this size for parking. planting. etc. It was voted to increase the distance from 200 feet to 300 feet between a pub~ic garage. gas station, new or used car sale lot or building. and a church. public or private school. library. hospital. orphange. nursing home. or similar use by amending Article X. Section 1004 to this effect. ./ , , Joint Meeting on Ma.r Plan -3- . February 27, 1969 ., . There was a long discussion on prohibiting cabarets, dancing, and entertainment in eating and drinking places in the "B-2" Distric4. This could cause a nuisance if it were adjoining a residential distr ict. No final determination was reached on this point. . It was left that John Wickham and Howard Terry were to make up and color in the map as per the agreed recommendations and put the recommendations before the Town Board for their approval, also to ask the Town Board to adopt the ordinance amendments as proposed immediately. Also to ask that the material for a public hearing be made ready as soon as possible so that the Planning Board can advertise and hold hearings. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. ~ Howard Terry Acting Secretary . . . ~ , j ... , . f . . -/~i' ,,/ /?"f' < /,3"- Y'-~ ~~'(;~'~ ~..::;v -"c----