HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB-09/03/1969 Information Meeting on Master Plan "Fishers Island" . . , Southold T own Plannin~ Board SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 PLANNING ,BOARD ,MEMBERS John 'Wi,ckhlS\m, IChalrman Henry Moisa Alfred .Grebe ~ Frank Coyle INFORMATION MEETING ON MASTER PIAN "FISHERS ISLAND" September 3, 1969 A public information meeting on the Master Plan was held by the Southold Town Planning Board at 2:00 P.M., Wednesday, September 3, 1969 at the Fishers Island School. THERE WERE PRESENT: Supervisor Martocchia. Justice Suter. Councilman Valentine, Justice Edwards. Planning Board Chairman John Wickham. Henry Raynor. Alfred Grebe. and Board of Appeals member Serge Doyen. Jr.. and Building Inspector Howard Terry. Public notice for this meeting was published in the official newspapers of the Town. and a notice was posted in several places on the Island. and a notice was sent to the Bishers Island Civic Association. Several interested people appeared and loOked over the maps. books. etc. that were displayed and asked questions about park and beach area for the Island and they seemed to be satisfied with the proposals for the Island. A complete set of books. Raymond & May Book I. Malcolm Pirn4e Water Report and all Cornell Reports were left at the library , . (2 ) . along with a supply of the printed map and text. Xt was promised to send a copy of Book XX as soon as it was received from the printer. Respectfully submitted, Betty Neville, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board ~~ /1"'-. . . ", __,.J /1 ~ 7~/ /&.'~' .~ _ 4'?1 , d';:~~ ~/~_./ /.,..~ ?~~