HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB-09/03/1969 Information Meeting on Master Plan "Mattituck"
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Southold Town Planning Board
SDUTHDLD. L. I.. N. Y. 11971
John Wickham, Chairman
Henry Mo.!..
Alfred Grebe
William Unkelbach
Frank Coyle
September 3, 1969
A public information meeting on the Master Plan was held by
the Southold Town Planning Board at 8: 00 P.M., Wednesday, September
3, 1969, at the Mattituck High School.
There were present: Messrs: John Wickham, Chairman; Henry
Raynor, Frank CoyleJ Supervisor Martocchia, and Building Inspector
Howard Terry.
The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming everyone present
and stressing the fact that this meeting is informational only, it
is not a public hearing. He informed the people that the adoption
of this plan does not include the adoption of any zoning ordinance,
amendments, or the expenditure of funds beyond what is alloted.
CHAIRMAN: It is not necessary to hold a public hearing. The
State Law prohibits a referendum of the people. They require an
information meeting to be held by the Planning Board and give the
sole power of passing a resolution to adopt it to the Planning
Board. We are here tonight to present you ~ith the publications,
to give you information, and to get information from you. Your
views and suggestions on this plan are very important to us.
Parts of this plan will be changed to meet our needs, it would never
be adopted as a complete package as shown here in the pamphlet,
. '
changes will have to be made. This pamphlet represents suggestions,
possible ideas, not confirmed answers. We want your opinions.
In reference to the issue which most of you here tonight are
interested in, I would like to inform you of the following: the
proposed airport shown on this map is only the N. Y.S. Bureau of
Aviations thinking of how the Town might develop. It is not the
Planning Board's thinking at all. This Master Plan Study cost
$80,000. The largest part of this was paid for through a grant
by the Federal Govt. It only cost the Town $14,500. over a six
year period. One of the conditions of granting us this money,
set by the Federal Govt., was that the final map show a possible
location for an airport, such location to be indicated by the N.Y.S.
Bureau of Aviations. This is the one and only reason that the
airport was even shown on the map.
We are here tonight to get information from you. We are
presenting you with our publications and maps which represent
6 years of work by the Planning Board and 3 years of work by
Cornell University, Malcolm & Pirnie Engineer~, & Raymond, May
Parish & Pine. We feel that they have done a very good job. We
want to know what you think. We have no idea at all of passing a
resolution until we know that you understand it .ompletely.
SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHJ:A: This is the third meeting on the
Master Plan that I have attended. The first one was held at
Southold on August 29th, the second one this after noon at
Fishers Island, and the third one is here tonight at Mattituck.
I am glad to see that there are so many people in Southold Town
that are interested in what is happening around them. Each of
you have a pamphlet before you. You will have many questions
some of Which will go unanswered tonight. The Planning Board
has given many hours to protect the Town from unorderly growth.
We are trying to develop a nice town. There are going to be a
lot of people in the audience tonight who will contribute to
helping us.
CHAJ:RMAN: On the back tables there are a series of maps.
OVer here we have all the minutes pertaining to Master Plan
Meetings, Malcolm & Pirnie Engineers water survey, and pre-
liminary books on the development plan. I want to point out
that the final presentation of the analysis of all the studies
and Raymond & Mays ideas of the devel~pment plan will not be
available until the end of September. I do have some of the
proof sets here which I may refer to from time to time. This
information will be available at the Town libraries, at the
Supervisor's Office at Greenport, and the Planning Board office
at Southold. I think I should repeat that this is something
the planning Board spent 6 years on, Raymond & May spent 3
years on, and Malcolm & Pirnie spent 2 years on. Everything
may not be covered this evening, the meeting will end at 10:00
P.M. After this series of information meetings and after
Raymond & May submits the final books and the people have had
a chance to dig into this material. we will held a final meeting.
If it takes more than one we will have more than one. We want to
know what you the people think about this. We have only one
criteria. what is best for all the people in the Town of Southold.
Our problems are grouped into 3 centers: ~~ulation. which
is divided into part-time & full-time residents. aqr~culture. and
~ter.. each of which is very dependent of the other. Our wealth
comes primarily from part-time residents and agriculture. These
two businesses comprise 9~~ of our economic base. We have to
consider the people who pay the taxes. The reasen the summer
people are here is because of the rural nature of the Town of
South old. This ties the two together. summer residents and
agriculture. Water. I am sure you know about. particularly
in Mattituck. Most of the people on Mattituck Creek import
their water. There is a salt water intrusion prOblem here, also
at Nassau Point. What zoning density can we have here in Southold?
If we want summer residents and agriculture then we have to limit our
growth. Well. I think. I have eutlined our situation te you.
QUESTION: You say that the rural nature is what brings
people out here? What about the beaches. shellfish. and water-
front recreation? You say resorts and farmers are our primary
assets. then the waeer prOblem is going to limit our growth.
Why does the plan call for the least density north of Route 25.
if we have a water problem to the south. shouldn't we have a
lesser density here?
CHAIRMAN: The area north of Route 25, between Cutchogue
and Mattituck is our best source of water. Someday we may
have to have municipal water. This area would be the best
possible place for pumping stations. This is the reason we
Must preserve our water. more so in this area.
WM. SCHRIEVER. ORIENT: At the Southold meeting we ;llooked
at the map and had a number of questions which you have already
covered in your introduction.
It came up at that meeting that the area in gray (agriculture-
residence) should be 2 acre zoning. I have 1.68 acres and it is
a heck of a job keeping it up. I think. 2 acre zoning is impractical
it is beyond all reason.
The farmer who has really made an effort to keep going should
be bailed out in as good manner as those who have already bailed
out. The farms should be purchased by Southold Town residents.
not out of towners. The farmers taxes should be reduced perhaps
then maybe they could afford to stay in business.
CHAIRMAN: You are right. You said just what we feel,
agriculture should stay in business. and the farms should be
owned by Southold Town residents.
MR. SCHRIEVER: I purchased a farm myself and I am holding
it because I think. it will make a good business section for Orient
CHAIRMAN: In :eeference to 1 acre zoning. whether we want
it or not. it is coming. The Suffolk County Board of Health has
passed a resolution for one acre zoning. They just have net
ordered it into law yet. So we will really be operating under
the restriction of the County Board of Health. They have made
one acre zoning law. someday they may make 2 acre zoning mand-
atory. So this whole idea of 2 acre zoning is not really so
far fetched as it may seem. We may get it whether we want it
or not.
QUESTION: M1Y wasn't this airport issue brought out
before Grievance Day. so we could get an adjustment in our
assessments? S~pervisor Martocchia. that's your department.
why didn't you do something about it?
SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: I no longer have anything to do
with assessment rates.
CHAIRMAN; This proposed airport is,tnot a new issue. It
was brought up here before the Town Board 10 years ago. at
which time they voted it down. But it is still on the books
of the Federal Govt. The Federal Law says any study for
master planning financed by them must include a possible
location for an airport.
QUESTION: Why wasn't the present airport at Mattituck
shown on the map? Why was it forgotten?
CHAIRMAN: The present airport at Mattituck was not
forgotten. The reason it was not shown on the map is because
it was too small an area to color in. A lot of the small
businesses scattered throughout the Town were not shown for
the same reason.
OPINION- QUESTION: I come from the west end of the Island.
We have municipal water and we are paying very dearly for it in
taxes. Our population is very dense. We are now having a
problem with septic tanks over flowing. Our only alternative
is a public sewerage system. which is going to be even more
costly than the water. I think your plan for density is ex-
cellent. I think you should stick to it. The farmers will
appreciate the 2 acre zoning later. I feel that they should
be given a break in taxes to help them out. In reference to
industry. you would be wise to consider clean industrial
businesses. ones without soet. smOke. or wastes. I think the
Town should have a controll over its population. If you have
a large density of population you need more schools. The cost
of schools is very high. The school tax is the largest single
item on your tax bill. I would like to suggest that we should
have more park area. Mattituck has very few parks to go to.
I wish we could have some more ,park area.
'. .
CHAIRMAN: Thank you for your opinions. J: am glad to see
that you understand the issues and agree with them. But in
reference to the park there just is not enough land to makea
p~rk and playground area on eastern L.J:. for all the people
in New York City. We want more parks. yes. but we want Town
parks. At present the Town Board is not in a position to
finance them.
CHAIRMAN: J:n reference to sewerage. The County is now
making a complete study of the eastern towns on the need. estimate,
and cost of a sewerage system. We think we can possibly get by
without municipal water. We are very lucky to have other alter-
natives. A sewerage system is even more expensive than a water
system. These are the reasons we suggest one or two acre zoning.
to alleviate the need for municipal water or sewerage.
QUESTJ:ON: J:t says here in the booklet that in 1965 over
half of Southold's acres of land were in agricultural use. That
would be approximately 14.000 acres. The 1965 value of the total
farm crop was in excess of eight million dollars. That means
that each farmer had a gross income of $23.000. After he pays
his bills how do you expect the farmer to make a profit?
CHAIRMAN: Yes. J: agree the farming problem is very serious.
One more bad year for potatoes and we won't have any agriculture.
QUESTJ:ON: When will this airport come into being?
CHAIRMAN: My own opinion is that it will never come.
QUESTJ:ON: How large will it be? What will it accomodate?
CHAIRMAN: J:t is proposed to handle small jets.
QUESTJ:ON: Why do we need an airport like that here? J:s
it going to be so dense. like New York city?
CHAIRMAN: J: don't know. J: don't ,"hink this will ever happenl
QUESTJ:ON: As long as this proposal is on the map, will it
affect our assessments?
CHAIRMAN: NO. it will not. Does the New York Stock Market
react on rumor or fact? The same applies here.
QUESTJ:ON: J: agree with your plan for development so we
don't get over crowded, but why stick an airport in here?
C11airman explained again that this is only a proposal
made by=the N.Y.S. Bureau of Aviations.
COUNCILMAN DEMAREST: About 8 years ago Spellman Associates
made a survey. They said that all the funds will be available
for airports at Orient & Mattituck, all we had to do was request
them. We, the Town Board, turned them down. When we first saw
the airport on this map we requested that it be taken off, but
in order to get funds we had to leave it on. This is the only
reason it was shown on the map, we have no plans for such an
CHAIRMAN: The Planning Board feels the same as the Town
Board, we don't want it.
QUEST~ON: ~t says here in the booklet that state and
federal funds are available for acquiring park area. What is
the Planning Board doing about park area?
CHAIRMAN: As ~ said before w~rying to keep all of
our parks town owned. The Planning Board requires a specific
amount of land to be set aside in each new subdivision for
park and playground area.
QUEST~ON: m reference to the fresh water supply, Mattituck
has the most abundant supply of water in the entire Town. This
area is located in the north-western section of the Town border in g
Riverhead's indus~rial zone. The Town of Riverhead is doing a
lot odi dredging in there. ~s there anything that can be done
about this?
CHAIRMAN: Yes, we have taken action on this. We have
petitioned the Suffolk County Planning Commission to make them
retain a 500 ft. buffer zone. ~f we ever want an industrial
zone in this area, it would be an ideal place, but we feel it
is more important to preserve our water, the 500' buffer zone
is in Riverhead Town.
QUEST~ON: Will the property owner be given a chance to
speak before the Planning Board passes a resolution to adopt
this plan?
CHAIRMAN: This is the reason for the information meetings.
Now is the time for you to speak up and tell us what you want.
QUESTION: will there be a canal around Southold Town Beach?
CHAIRMAN: No, this proposal has been dropped.
QUESTION: Can the Riverhead Town Board withdraw this 500'
buffer zone at any time they wish?
CHAIRMAN: No, this restriction has been placed on them
by the Suffolk County Planning Commission.
. .
QUESTION: Will Southold Town's industrial zone be next to
Levon Properties?
CHAIRMAN: N06 our water comes first.
QUESTION: You say you are interested in stimulating resort.
I don't think you could sell some of the people 2 acres of water
front property.
CHAIRMAN: The water front property is proposed to be surb-
urban densitY6 not 2 acre zoning. This is indicated on the map.
Two acre zoning would cover agricultural reside~ce, and some
sections of low density.
QUESTION: In reference to the dredging gOing on at Levon
Properties6 I would like to point out that the beautifuillcsound
cliffs in that area have eroded and nothing has been done about
CHAIRMAN: The Planning Board had a meeting with Levon
Properties. The manager does not admit that the deedging caused
the erosion but he says that he would like to help.
QUESTION: Where will the proposed Expressway end? Why do
you propose to put another main highway on the north shore when
you all ready have the North Road (CR27)?
CHAIRMAN: This new proposed road will be Seundview Road.
The Planning Board advises everyone filing for a subdivision in
this area to make provisions for this road.
QUESTION: Who will Benefit from this road?
CHAIRMAN: The part-time residents using the proposed
recreation facilities on the sound and the home ewners in the
MR. JAS. OLSEN; I would like to know the salary of the
Chairman and the members of the Planning Board?
CHAIRMAN: My salary is $16500 a year6 the members salary
is $1,100 a year. We usually put in more than 40 hours a month.
We are net making a great deal of moneY6 it doesn't even cover
our expenses.
QUESTION: Are we considering garbage removal?
CHAIRMAN: N06 not at this time.
QUESTION: In due course you will finalize this plan?
CHAIRMAN: Yes6 that is correct. Yes, it will be changed
. .
over many times before it is adopted.
QUEST~ON: ~s the whole plan going ~o be broken down and
presented to the people or will it be a package deal taking .the
good with the bad?
CHAIRMAN: This is why we are here tonight, to break the
material down and present it to you. The only thing we may
possibly have to accept is the airport. ~f we go to 2 acre
zoning there will have to be a public hearing and a map would
have to be drawn up showing the 2 acre zone locations. But
this will not require a referendum of the people.
QUEST~ON; Soundview Road crosses a body of water in
Mattituck, is this a proposed bridge?
CHAIRMAN: This is just a proposal , we have no definite
plans for a bridge here, but we feel that we should have one
QUEST~ON: Who would benefit from a bridge at this location?
CHAIRMAN: The people using Soundview Road.
QUEST~ON: Wonr t the Town Board make a decision on it?
CHAR~: No, the Planning Board has sole power to pass a
resolution adopting it. We will implement the plan.
QIEST~ON: Why does the airport have to be on the map?
CHAIRMAN: ~ have explained that several times, we borrowed
the monej' now we have to live up to it.
OP~~ON: We should appreciate what the Planning Board is
doing for us. ~ would like to commend Mr. Wickham on his fine
work. EVeryone should be willing to help him by offering
suggestions in a cooperative manner.
OP~~ON: ~ would like to offer a proposal for developers
to set aside so much land for future school use in each develop-
CHAIRMAN: Yes, this would be a good suggestion. The
Planning Board now requires a section of land to be set aside
for park and playground area in each new subdivision.
CHAIRMAN: ~n reference to 2 acre zoning. The land north
of Route 25 must be protected with i acre zoning for the good
of all the people in the Town. ~f we are going to impose ~
acre zoning on the farmers we will prepare ourselves to make
an adjustment for them in some other way. We have no solution
at this time. We would like 2 acre zoning and we will find some
way to help agriculture in return.
MR. SCHRIEVER: All these plans involve the farmer continuing
to own the land, why don't you give him a tax break? The land is
under contract for farming only.
Chairman explained negative easements and how they help the
QUESTION: But, isn't agriculture causing our water problems?
CHAIRMAN: In proportion, house lots use more water than
QUESTION: How do we go about entering into these negative
easement contracts?
CHAIRMAN; The people must first real:ize the need for preserving
agriculture and equalizing the load in some way. Then the Planning
Board will be glad to prepare a controlled program. Under the State
Law we are required to hold a seperate hearing for each contract.
We are prepared to take steps for negative easements. All we need
is the applicants.
QUESTION: Have you looked into buying the land and leasing
it to the farmers?
CHAIRMAN: Yes, we have. But the proposition didn't look
too promising for this area.
size of a lot
demand governs
health reasons
In reference to 2 acre zoning. I don't think
has too much to do with the price. Supply and
the price. two acre zoning is very important
in the Town of Southold.
QUESTION: Is there any provision being made for off street
CHAIRMAN: Yes, we are working on it.
QUESTION: Some time ago Govenor Rockefeller appointed a
commission to study agricultural use. Have they come up with
a report yet?
CHAIRMAN: No, they haven't. The Commission was dissolved
because they wasted so much time and didn't come up with any
reports. I think it has been re-established since, but I have
not heard any reports yet.
QUESTION: HOW much of our farm land is owned by speculators?
'. ~...
CHAIRMAN: Quite a bit. But a large number of these people
are farmers from the west end who were driven out of business.
Their farms were condemned and confiscated for highway purposes.
etc. They purchased the farms here to replace what they had to
give up there. Most of the people do not plan to develop the
land. they are holding it in the hope of farming it again.
In Closing. the Chairman read an article from the New York
Times un reference to New York City Master Planning. The City
has been working on a development plan for the last 30 yea~s
and finally came up with the conclusion that the best possible
thing to do would be to forget the whole idea.
Respectfully submitted.
South old Town Planning Board
~~q t" 0 ~~L( -
Jo n Wickham. Chairman
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