HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/01/1969 Special Meeting "Informal Minutes" . . . . "Informal Minutes" Special Meeting at supervisor's Office 11:00 A.M., Wednesday, October 1, 1969 A special meeting of Town Officials of Southold and Shelter Island Towns was called by Southold Town Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia, to meet with the Suffolk County Sewer Agency and their consulting engineers - Bowe, Walsh & Associates of Hunt- ington, N.Y., for a discussion of the Sewer Agency Study being done for the 5 eastern Towns. Present were: Evans Griffing-Supervisor Shelter Island Townl John Wickham, Chairman-Southold Town Planning Boardl Robert W. Gillispie, Jr., Chairman-Southold Town Board of Appeals and member of the Suffolk County Planning Commissionl Lawrence Tuthill P.E.-Southold Town Planning Board Engineerl Herbert Davids and James Pim of the Suffolk County Health Dept.l Louis P. DiMatteo P.E. of Bowe, Walsh & Associatesl Bruce Matzner of the Suffolk County Sewer AgencYl and Howard Terry-Building Inspector, Town of Southold. Supervisor Martocchia opened the meeting by introducing all those who were present and asked to be excused as he was conducting a special Town Board meeting in his private office. By unanimous acclamation Supervisor Griffing was selected to be Chairman of this meeting. 'Special Meeting at ~ervisor's Office -2- ~tober 1. 1969 Mr. DiMatteo of Bowe. Walsh & Associates reviewed his firm's work in the study done for the Sewer Agency in the 5 western towns to date and the problems they have encountered - including the voting down of the required bond issue. He reviewed the plans of the N.Y. State Pure Waters Conunission and their requirements for financial aid from the State. The older and inadequate sewer systems will be acquired by the County Conunission and improved and coordinated into the County System as soon as possible. They are reconunending 5 seperate districts for the western Towns. most of the planning expenses to date have been paid through a state grant and must be completed within the year. A lot of the work has been done by aerial photos with topographical survey at 5 ft. elevations. this has been in process for 7 years now and some progress has been made by arranging to take over some of the existing sewer plants. Herbert Davids. Suffolk County Health Department. stated that the State Sewer Planning Program is under health dept. controll in Suffolk County both western and eastern towns~ and they may use aerial maps now being made by Michael Baker Co. in the County Tax Map Program as they have topographical readings. Generally sewers are required where there are 5 or more people per acre or where industrial waste~1must be treated. Most of eastern L.:I. has good subsoil drainage which leads to contamination of the ground water supply. Mr. Gillispie reviewed present zoning regulations and density of population also the proposed changes in Southold Town zoning. Supervisor Griffing stated that they have 1 acre zoning and many houses using the same wells and cesspools for over 50 years without problems. some for much longer periOds of time and saw no immediate need for sewers or public water on Shelter :Island. Mr. DiMatteo stated that the zoning of an area sets the pattern for the sewer plan. They try to "over design" for the forseable future. the need for pumping stations is governed by the top~raphy. Current estimates for 8" transit sewer lines installed is over $20. per running foot. John Wickham outlined the problem of sewers for Southold Town with the intensive development along our 200 miles of creeks and inlets where both sides are built up residentially and which will need many pumping stations or possibly several treatment planus as this is mostly low level land. :It is the hope and plan of the Planning Board that larger lots and publiC water in these areas may hold off installing sewers for . '. .' 'Special Meeting at .rvisor's Office -3- . october 1. 1969 many years - possibly 20 to 40 years. Mr. DiMatteo reviewed the Greenport Sewer System to date and the proposed secondary treatment so that effluent can be pumped back into the ground instead of running out into L.I. Sound. Also the need of sewer lines in the "clay belt" surrounding the Greenport Village area where there is no natural drainage. JQhn Wickham r~eiewed our water study done by Malcolm Pirnie Engineers and quoted some of the statistics from the report including the fact that we loose several million gallons of fresh water by natural "run off" each day which helps to flush out the "salt water intrusion". sewerage seepage and other miscellaneous things that collect in the top layer of our underground water supply. There was a general discussion of possible development. tax base. indus trial uses and problems. suburban development. salt water polution etc; the probable agricultural use of water. the possible improvement of shellfish industry and probable population increase. Mr. Matzner of the Sewer Agency stated that they are to coordinate all of the sewer districts activities and tie them together as an operating unit; They can form sewer districts on the County level for any or all developments. 0" This lead to a discussion of installation i8 systems so they could be tied together. financing such districts and the operation and maintainance of these systems. He stated that each developer would have to submit his plans to the agency for approval before it was installed. and all weuld be coordinated into the plan for that area. Herbert Davids discussed 1 acre zoning for the eastern towns and stated the County Health Dept. has approved this and will try to have their code updated to 1 acre by the end of this month. It was mutually agreed that an evening meeting with the Southold Town Planning Board would be set up in the near future. as soon as Bowe. Walsh & Associates and the sewer agency had more details of a plan to discuss. Shelter Island would do the same when they are ready. Meeting adjourned at 12:35 P.M. Howard Terry. Secretary Pro Tem ~( ~~!