HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/23/1969 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairman Henry Molsa Alfred Grebe William Unkelbaoh Frank Coyle Southold Town Planning Board 5FtUTHI3LD. L. I., N. Y. 11971 MINUTES Joint Meeting on Master~ Plan January, 23, 1969 A joint-meeting of the Town Board and Planning Board was held at'the Town Clerk's Office, Main Road, Southold, New York, at 7:45 PjM., on JanUary 23, 1969, to review the maps, books, and Progress to dateon the proposed Master'Plan for the development-ofSouthold Town. Present were: Superv~sor'Martocchia, C°uncilmenDemarest and Valentine, JUstice MartinSuter~ Town Attorney RobertTasker. Chairman, John' Wickham, ~William Unkelbach, FrankCoyle, of Planning Board, and Howard Terry, Building Inspector. The meeting was opened at '7:45 P~'~.- (E%S~.T.-), by Supervisor Martocchia who stated the purpose of the meeting Was to rewiew the proposals for-the Master'Plan. Howard Terry, kcting ~Secretary~ read the proposals as prepared by the Planning B~rd to .cerrect BlOOk "II of the RaYmond` &; May"Report and the map therewith. After the reading and comparing of:Book II, it was agreed the Planning Boardsnggestions be approved. It-was - on motion made, seconded and carried - voted to obtain 12 copies of the uncolored base map (approx. 6 ft, long & 1600 ft. to the inch) as-prepared and used by Ra~mOnd &~May. fromRaymond & Joint Meeting on Master Plan -2- '~anuary 23, 1969 May to be used by the Planning Board and Town Board to revise a composite map to be presented at the public hearing with revisions and corrections the two Boards want. It-was suggested that'we have "inserts" printed to replace sections or paragraphs in Book II-where changes or corrections are desired. It was suggested that Raymond & May be contacted to see if street names and local identification marks could be removed from the "central business district" plans as shown in Book-II and these plans be-shown as "suggested layouts for business districts" on new pages to be in--ted in the books, possibly one plan for a larger district and 2 or 3 for smaller districts. There was a discussion on revising the wording in Book II. Therewas a long discussion over amendments and changes in the Zoning Ordinance, New Zone Map, etc., it ended by agreeing to have the Planning Board meot with the Board of'Appeals at 'the next meeting to finalize this and present same to the Town'Board. Open spaces program, assessments, negative easements, etc~ were again reviewed. Chairman read a copy 'of a letter he has prepared to send to Cornell University staff and some thoughts and recon~m~end- ations to go with it. The letter to be typed and mailed tomorrow morning. There were ~many ideas and possibilities suggested on what lands should be included and who should be eligible to get in the program. Also the agricultural prospects and "tourist-summer resident" aspect~were re-evaluated in light'of'this years experience, and the current land sales trends were discussed. It-was agreed, thatnow is the time to make a complete revision and update the'Zoning Ordinance. ThePlanning.Board and Board' of 'Appeals will submit these proposed revisions based onRaymond & May'S proposedordinance and our 'own experience with the present o~dinance. A marked map will be,submitted with the recommendations. Ail revisions will'be submitted to Raymond &'May for comment prior~ to setting a date for a publichearing. The Planning Board is satisfied that they can have a good Joint Meeting on Ma~r~Plan -3- J~ary 23~ 1969 program to p~esent at a hearing withthe proposed changes and revisions proPerly-worded and a clear map to show. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 P~'Mi- ~oward Terr~ 'Acting Secretary