HomeMy WebLinkAboutLWRP Section 1.0 Coastal Area Management Boundary Draft Apr 91TOWN OF $OUTHOLD RECE~V~"I~ APR ~. 9 1991 DRAFT LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM SECTION 1.0 COASTAL AREA MANAGEMENT BOUNDARY CASHIN ASSOCIATES, P.C. ENGINEEI:I~ - ARCHITECTS - PLANNERS PLAINVIEW, HEW YORK THE PREPARATION OF THIS REPORT WAS FINANCIALLY All)ED T~ A FEDERAL GRANT (GRANT-IN-AID AIII~ARD NO. NA-82-AA-i~.CZ-0~) FROM THE OFFICE OF OCEAN AND COASTAL ~ MANAGEMEI~IT, NATIONAL OCEANIC ANO ATMO.~I~IERIC AI)I~IDII~TRATION LIIIDER THE COA.~TAL ZONE MA#A4~EJ~ENT ACT OF lCJ72, AS AMENOED. THI~ ~ WA~ PREPARED FO~ TItE NEW yORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF STATE. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 Coastal Area Management Boundary ].1 New York State Coastal Area Boundary 1.2 Proposed Changes to the Coastal Area Boundary 1.3 Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Area Boundary 1.4 LWRP Coastal Boundary Sub-Areas Paqe No. 1-1 1-4 1-10 1-12 SECTION 1 Section 1.0 Coastal Area Management Boundary Local Waterfront Revitalization Program The boundary shown in Map 1-1 indicates the Coastal Management Area as designated by the New York State Department of State. This area sets the inland limit of the Local Waterfront Area or the area within which the LWRP will apply. Certain changes have been made to this boundary to reflect local conditions and objectives in the Town of Southold. This section of the LWRP document outlines the State's original boundary, the Town's modified boundary, and the reasons for the proposed changes. As seen on Map 1-1, the coastal area in the Town of Southold, inclusive of the creeks, is extensive. For ease of reference, the shoreline has been reviewed in the following manner: starting along the north shore of the Town (Mattituck}, at the Riverhead Town Line, and moving in a northeasterly direction to Orient Point; then in a southwesterly direction back to the Riverhead Town Line {Laurel), along the south shore or bay side of the Town. Fishers Island, although located within the Town municipal boundary, is independent of mainland Southold and is studied as such in this document. 1.1 New York State Coastal Area Boundary m Inland Boundary The State boundary starts at a point along the Riverhead-Southold Town Line that lies approximately 3,000 feet northeast of Sound Avenue and 1,500 feet southwest of Long Island Sound. This line runs in a northeastward direction, roughly parallel to the Sound, for a distance of about 6,200 feet to a point referred to as Old Farm Road, which is a private right-of-way. The line then runs in a southeasterly direction perpendicular to the shoreline along Old Farm Road for a distance of 600 feet. At that point, the line again runs in a northeasterly direction, parallel to the shoreline for a distance of about 800 feet. 1-I DRAFT This stretch of the line runs roughly parallel to Stanley Road to the south.} The line then runs in a northeasterly direction perpendicular to Stanley Road and parallel to Sunset Drive for a distance of about 200 feet, intersecting with Ruth Road. The line runs along Ruth Road, which runs parallel to the shoreline, to its intersection with Summit Drive. At Summit Drive, the line runs in a northeasterly direction along Summit Drive to its intersection with Central Drive. At this intersection, the line turns in an easterly direction and runs along Central Drive to its intersection with Luthers Road {known locally as Breakwater Road). The line runs in a northeasterly direction along Luthers Road to its intersection with Naugles Drive. The line then follows Naugles Drive in its southeasterly course to its intersection with Mill Road. The boundary line turns west, then in a southwest direction following Mill Road to its intersection with Cox Neck Road. The line follows Cox Neck Road to its intersection with Westphalia Avenue. It then runs northeast, and then southeast along the entire length of Westpahlia Avenue to its intersection with County Road 48. At County Road 48, the line turns in a northeasterly direction to intersect with Wickham Avenue. At Wickham Avenue, the line runs in a northerly direction over the new Grand Avenue bridge, along Grand Avenue to Reeve Avenue. The line follows Reeve Avenue in a northerly direction to a point that is about 2,500 feet southeast of the Long Island Sound shoreline and 2,000 feet northwest of Mill Road. The boundary then runs in a northeasterly direction roughly parallel to the shoreline to Dignan's Road (a private road that runs from Oregon Road north to Duck Pond Point). At Dignan's Road, the boundary turns to the southeast and follows this road to its intersection with Oregon Road. It then follows Oregon Road to the northeast to its intersection with Bridge Lane, where it turns southeast again following Bridge Lane to a point about 2,000 feet northwest of County Road 48, also known as Middle Road. The boundary then runs in a northeasterly direction, parallel to Middle Road, until 1-2 DRAFT it reaches Henry's Lane in Peconic. At Henry's Lane, it turns north for a distance of about 450 feet to the right-of-way for the Long Island Lighting Company power line, whereupon it runs northeast to Sound View Avenue. The boundary follows Sound View Avenue in a northeasterly direction until it reaches Hickory Road where it turns to the southeast for a distance of 500 feet. The boundary then continues in a northeasterly direction at a distance of 500 feet south of, and parallel to Sound View Avenue, to Clark Road. At Clark Road, the boundary runs southeast along the road to its intersection with Middle Road. At Middle Road, the boundary turns to the southwest and follows Middle Road to its intersection with Boisseau Avenue and Yennecott Drive. The boundary then follows Yennecott Drive east to Laurel Avenue. The boundary follows Laurel Avenue southeast to its intersection with State Route 25, also known as Main Road. From this point on, the boundary runs to the west along the Main Road to Indian Neck Lane in Peconic. The boundary follows Indian Neck Lane in a southeasterly direction to its intersection with Leslie Road. It then runs southwest along Leslie Road to Bay Avenue. At Bay Avenue, the boundary turns northwest, then southwest at the intersection of Bay Avenue and Eugene's Road. The line follows Eugene's Road to its terminus at Main Road (State Road 25). At this point, the boundary follows Main Road in a southwesterly direction to Locust Avenue in Mattituck. There it turns south on Locust Avenue to New Suffolk Avenue. The line follows New Suffolk Avenue west to Main Road. It then follows Main Road to the west until it reaches the Long Island Railroad (LIRR) right-of-way (overpass near Laurel Lake Drive). The line then follows the LIRR right-of-way to its intersection with Laurel Lane in Laurel, which coincides with the Riverhead Town Line. 1-3 · Waterside Boundary DRAFT The seaward boundary of the Coastal Management Area runs along the Southold Town {New York State)-Connecticut State line in the Long Island Sound, from the Riverhead-Southold Town Line to Fishers Island. It then follows the municipal boundaries of Southold Town across Gardiners Bay, through Southold, Little Peconic, and Great Peconic Bays. 1.2 Prooosed Chanqes to the Coastal Area Boundary The State designated boundary typically follows local landmarks such as roads, utility right-of-ways, and in some cases, topographical features, such as a high point or ridge. Both the Southold Town Planning Staff and the Waterfront Advisory Committee felt strongly that this boundary needed to bear a closer and stronger relationship to the goals and objectives of the Local Waterfront Program. The following discussion includes a description of the boundary changes, as well as an explanation of why the original boundary required modification and how the revised boundary location better satisfies the goals and objectives of the program. The proposed boundary changes will be discussed in the same manner as the preceding description of the State's boundary. A description of the Town's revised coastal area boundary is presented in Section 1.3. Proposed Chanqe #1: The landward boundary between the Southold-Riverhead Town line and Mattituck Inlet was changed to run at a distance of 1,500 feet back from the Sound shoreline and parallel to the shoreline for a distance of approximately 5,500 feet. Reason for Change: The State boundary line started at a point 3,000 feet north of Sound Avenue at the Southold-Riverhead Town line. It then proceeded to the northeast 1-4 DRAFT in a fashion that did not parallel either the shoreline or Sound Avenue. The line did not seem to bear any specific relationship to the topography or to any other discernible factor. The State's line is particularly puzzling when you review the Riverhead side of the Town line where the State boundary lies south of Sound Avenue, a difference of more than 3,000 feet from the abutting Southold boundary. The boundary was changed to incorporate the bluffs and the land that slopes towards the bluffs. The rationale behind this change was to include the bluffs and the approximate watershed area that would be likely to impact the bluffs from their landward side. It must be noted here that the Town does not have watershed maps. (There is one notable exception to this situation, which will be discussed shortly.) Consequently, the New York State Department of Transportation's topographic maps from 1975 were used in order to obtain a general overview of the terrain. Their small scale, which is 1" = 24,000', limited their usefulness in analyzing local conditions. Further, any changes in the terrain that had occurred in the shoreline since 1975, whether natural or man-made, did not show on these maps since they have not, to our knowledge, been updated. It is recommended that after the local waterfront program is in place, the Sub-Area 1 boundary be revised, using topographic maps that were drafted for the Suffolk County Department of Public Works (SCDPW), in the mid- 1970's. These maps were drawn at a scale of 1"= 200'. This scale is much more effective for watershed analysis than the 1" = 24,000' scale maps. Although these maps suffer from the same drawback as the State maps in that they do not reflect major man-made changes in the terrain since the lgT0's, they will be a useful resource that will enable the Town to more accurately identify and predict important watershed areas and the headwater areas of creeks and streams in this sub-area. There was insufficient time, resources and money to do a thorough watershed analysis of the entire coastline for this initial draft. Nevertheless, this watershed analysis should be done in time for the final document. 1-5 DRAFT When this analysis is completed, appropriate changes to the landward portion of the coastal area boundary should be made. Proposed Chanqe #2 The State's boundary line around Mattituck Creek followed existing roads or ran parallel to such roads. The Town proposes to move that line inland to include the entire watershed area of Mattituck Creek. As noted in the preceding section, the landward line of the watershed of Mattituck Creek starts at a point about 5,500 feet east of the Riverhead-Southold town line and 1,500 feet south of the shore of Long Island Sound. It runs in a southwesterly direction, yet in a straight line that is perpendicular to the line running parallel to the shore. The revised boundary line runs southeast for a distance of about 4,500 feet to a point which is 1,000 feet southeast of Bergen Avenue. It then cuts in an easterly direction to meet Cox Neck Road at a point approximately 1,250 feet northwest of the intersection with County Road 48. The boundary line runs southeast along Cox Neck Road to the intersection with County Road 48. The line crosses County Road 48 to Old Sound Avenue. The boundary then follows Old Sound Avenue to the east to its intersection with the Long Island Railroad right-of-way. It then turns to the northeast to follow the right-of-way to its intersection with Mill Road, on the south side of County Road 48. At that point, the boundary turns northwest along Mill Road to Wickham Avenue, where it makes a turn to the northeast, following Wickham Avenue, for a distance of about 1,500 feet. At this point, it again makes a perpendicular turn to the northwest, for a distance of about 1,500 feet. Then it turns again to the west, running back to Mill Road. The boundary then follows a straight line to the northwest along Mill Road to its terminus at Oregon Road, continuing northwest to a point 1,500 feet from the Sound shoreline. 1-6 Reason for Change: DRAFT In 1981, the Suffolk County Planning Department completed the first part of an intensive study of Mattituck Creek, (Mattituck Creek Watershed Study: Phase I Inventory of Existing Conditions and Identification of Development Opportunities). Although Phase II was never commissioned, this study remains, to date, the most thorough inventory and planning analysis of any creek within the Town. Aside from shellfish surveys that are required for certification of shellfishing areas, none of the creeks have been studied to the same degree as Mattituck Creek. The Town's revised coastal boundary corresponds to the Mattituck Creek watershed. Since one of the primary goals of the Town's Local Waterfront Program is the protection of surface water quality, it follows that the control of non-point source pollution into the creek should be a primary objective. Analysis of the watershed area can indicate the type and density of the land uses, as well as the volume and character of the stormwater runoff. Prooosed Chanqe #3 The State boundary uses two reference points, each located 2,000 feet from existing roads. The line that the State has drawn between Reeve Avenue and Oregon Road does not run parallel to either the shoreline or the road. The Town proposes to redraw the boundary line 1,500 feet back from the shoreline between the Mattituck Creek Watershed and the intersection of Henry's Lane and Sound View Avenue in Peconic. Reason for Change: The boundary was changed for the same reasons that the other sections of the boundary to the west were changed. Proposed Chanqe #4 The State's line in Peconic runs along Sound View Avenue northeast from Henry's Lane to Hickory Road before turning southeast. The Town proposes 1-7 DRAFT to shift the line from the intersection of Henry's Lane and Sound View Avenue to the south a distance of 500 feet. The boundary would run parallel to Sound View Avenue in a northeasterly direction for a distance of about 4,000 feet to the eastern border of a parcel identified as Tax Map Section 68, Block 4, Lot 12. At that parcel, the line would then turn to the north back to Sound View Avenue, where it would continue to northeast to Hickory Road, as designated by the State. Reason for Proposed Change: There are many freshwater wetlands located in this area to the south of Goldsmith Inlet, hence it was felt that this area should be included within the coastal boundary. It should be noted that the LWRP Waterfront Advisory Committee made this recommendation at a time before the State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) had completed its survey of freshwater wetlands in Southold Town. Based on the draft freshwater wetlands map that has been prepared by the NYSDEC, the above noted change should be reflected in the sub-area boundary for area 2. Either the entire freshwater wetland area {designated as S0-26 on the State freshwater wetlands map) should be included in the boundary area or a determination should be made as to which wetland areas within the S0-26 designation actually drain into Goldsmith Pond and Inlet. Such changes should be made once the LWRP is in place. Pronosed Chanqe #5 At Hickory Road, the State's boundary turns to the southeast for a distance of 500 feet, then runs parallel to Sound View Avenue until it meets Clark Road. The Town proposes to use Sound View Avenue as the boundary line all the way to Clark Road. Reason for Change: The property south of the road appears to slope away from the shorefront. A review of the topographic maps suggests otherwise. 1-8 Proposed Chanqe #6 DRAFT The State's version of the inland edge of the coastal area runs from the Clark Road intersection with County Road 48 to the southwest {along County Road 48) to Yennecott Drive. The boundary line then follows Yennecott Avenue east to Laurel Avenue where it turns to the southeast to meet State Route 25. The line then runs westward along State Route 25 to Indian Neck Road in Peconic. The Town proposes to shift the latter part of the boundary {from Laurel Avenue west) so that it runs southwest along the Long Island Railroad right-of-way, instead of State Route 25. Where the railroad overpass intersects with Ackerly Pond Road, the line will run southeast along Ackerly Pond Road for a distance of about 800 feet, then turn to the southwest at a point located between tax lots 4.1 and 7, in Block 5 of Section 69. The line will then run westward for approximately 900 feet before turning southwest again for a distance of about 1,700 feet until it reaches State Route 25. At State Route 25, the Town agrees with the State boundary. Reason for Proposed Change: The Town wishes to incorporate the watershed areas that flow into Town and Jockey Creeks. As with Sub-Area 1, once the local waterfront program is in place, the boundary for Sub-Area 7 should be revised to include the entire watershed areas for these creeks, once they have been determined using the Suffolk County Department of Public Works maps (see Change #1). Proposed Chanqe #7 In Cutchogue, the State's landward boundary line between Skunk Lane and State Route 25 follows Eugene's Road. The Town proposes that the line should continue along Skunk Lane to its intersection with State Route 25 then should run southwesterly along State Route 25. 1-9 Reason for Proposed Change: D, AF1. There are wetlands on the north side of Eugene's Road in the proximity of the headwaters of East Creek. These wetlands drain toward East Creek and may have been physically connected to East Creek before Eugene's Road was built. Prooosed Chanqe #8 Between the hamlets of Mattituck and Cutchogue, the State boundary line takes a turn south off State Route 25 onto Locust Avenue. It then runs along New Suffolk Avenue in a southwesterly direction until it intersects with State Route 25. The Town wants the boundary to remain along State Route 25 for the entire distance. Reason for Proposed Change: The Town proposes that the boundary remain on State Route 25 so as to incorporate the watershed that drains into Deep Hole Creek and Marratooka Lake. 1.3 Southold Local Waterfront Area Boundary · Inland Boundary The boundary starts at a point on the Riverhead-Southold Town line that is located 1,500 feet back from the Sound shoreline. The line runs northeastward and parallel to the Long Island Sound shoreline for a distance of about 5,500 feet, to a point where it makes a perpendicular turn to the southwest. The boundary runs in this direction for about 4,500 feet to a point that is about 1,000 feet south of Bergen Avenue. It then turns in a southeasterly direction to meet Cox Neck Road at a point lying about 1,250 feet north of the intersection of Cox Neck Road 1-10 DRAFT and County Road 48. The boundary then runs in a southeasterly direction along Cox Neck Road to its intersection with County Road 48. The boundary then continues across County Road 48 to Old Sound Avenue. It follows Old South Avenue to the southeast to its intersection with the Long Island Railroad right-of-way. It then follows the right-of- way to the northeast until it intersects with Mill Road, on the south side of County Road 48. The line then turns northwest along Mill Road to Wickham Avenue, where it makes a perpendicular turn to the east for a distance of about 1,500 feet. At this point, it again makes a perpendicular turn to the northwest, for a distance of about 1,500 feet. Then it makes a third perpendicular turn to the southwest, back to Mill Road. The boundary follows a straight path to the northwest, along Mill Road to its terminus at Oregon Road, then continues across Oregon Road {as though Mill Road continued to the Sound) to a point 1,500 feet from the Sound shoreline. At this point, the line turns perpendicularly to the northeast, and runs parallel to the Sound shoreline all the way to Henry's Lane in Peconic. It then follows Henry's Lane to the southeast to a point 500 feet southeast off its intersection with Sound View Avenue. The line makes a perpendicular turn and continues northeastward, parallel to Sound View Avenue for a distance of about 4,000 feet. At that point, {identified as the eastern border of a parcel identified as Tax Lot 12, in Block 4 of Section 68), the line returns to Sound View Avenue. It then follows Sound View Avenue northeast to its intersection with Clark Road in Southold. The boundary follows Clark Road from Sound View Avenue to Middle Road (also known as County Road 48), where it turns and follows Middle Road to the southwest. At the intersection of Boisseau Avenue and Middle Road, the line turns to the south along Boisseau Avenue to its intersection with Yennecott Drive. It then turns to the east as it follows Yennecott Drive to its terminus at Laurel Avenue. The boundary 1-11 D2AFT then turns to the southeast and follows Laurel Avenue to its intersection with the Long Island Railroad right-of-way. At that point, it makes a perpendicular turn to the southwest and follows the right- of-way to the point where it crosses over Ackerly Pond Lane. The line runs southeast on Ackerly Pond Lane for a distance of about 800 feet to a point of tax lots 4.1 and 7 in Block 5 of Section 69. At that point, it turns to the southwest for a distance of about 900 feet before making a perpendicular turn south, back towards State Route 25; a distance of about 1,700 feet. Upon reaching State Route 25, the boundary follows it to the southwest until it reaches Indian Neck Road, where it turns and follows Indian Neck Road in a southeastward direction to its intersection with Leslie Road. The line follows Leslie Road to its terminus at Skunk Lane, whereupon it turns northwestward and follows Skunk Lane to its intersection with State Route 25. The boundary then turns southwestward and follows State Route 25 through Cutchogue and Mattituck until it intersects with the Long Island Railroad (LIRR) right-of-way (overpass near Laurel Lake Road) in the Mattituck/Laurel area. The boundary then shifts and follows the LIRR right-of-way to intersection of the Riverhead-Southold Town Line. Waterside Boundary The waterside boundary of the Coastal Management Area would remain as established by the State, and discussed in Section 1.1. 1.4 LWRP Coastal Boundary Sub-Areas In order to facilitate the use of this document, the coastal management area was subdivided into ten sub-areas. Nine of the sub-areas are located within the mainland of the Town. The tenth sub-area incorporates all of Fishers Island. The designation of sub-areas was designed as a mechanism for enabling an organized discussion of the Town's local waterfront area 1-12 D2AFT (LWA) in the following sections of the LWRP. The east and west demarcations of the sub-areas do not have any particular political or environmental significance. Map 1-1 shows the sub-area divisional boundaries. The areas are numbered sequentially in the same direction as the boundary description. The east- west divisional boundaries for the sub-areas are described as follows. Sub-Area 1 Sub-Area 2 - Sub-Area 3 Sub-Area 4 Sub-Area 5 The westernmost divisional boundary for Sub-Area 1 extends southeast from the Long Island Sound shore in Mattituck along Riverhead - Southold Town Line, coinciding with this Town boundary. The divisional boundary between Sub-Area 1 and Sub-Area 2 extends southeast from Duck Pond Point, along Digmen's Road, to the established inland boundary of the LWA. The divisional boundary between Sub-Area 2 and Sub-Area 3 extends southeast from Horton Point, along Lighthouse Road, to the established inland LWA boundary. Sub-Area 3 is further divided from Sub-Area 6 (to the.south) by County Route 48. This route represents the inland boundary for Sub-Area 3, beyond Clark's Road. Sub-Area 4 is bounded on the west by Lighthouse Read, and on the south by State Route 25( which separates Sub-Area 4 from Sub-Area 5}, and extends northeast to Orient Point. This represents the eastern extreme of the LWA. Sub-Area 5 is bounded to the north by State Route 25 and extends west from Orient Point to the eastern boundary of the Incorporated Village of Greenport. 1-13 Sub-Area 6 Sub-Area 6 is bounded on the east by the Incorporated Village of Greenport and on the west by the eastern extremes of the established LWA boundary. County Route 48 represents the northern boundary separating Sub-Area 6 from Sub-Area 3. The division boundary between Sub-Area 6 and Sub-Area 7 is Town Harbor Lane, which extends southeast from the Main Road (State Route 25) to Southold Bay. Sub-Area 7 Sub-Area 7 extends west from Town Harbor Lane {the divisional boundary with Sub-Area 6), and is bounded on the north by the established LWA boundary (mainly State Route 25). The divisional boundary between Sub-Area 7 and Sub- Area 8 is Indian Neck Lane and Arrowhead Lane, which extend southeast from State Route 25 to Little Peconic Bay. Sub-Area 8 The divisional line between Sub-Area 8 and Sub-Area g is Moore's Lane which extends southeast from State Route 25 to Great Peconic Bay. Leslie Road, Bay Avenue and State Route 25 represent the established inland LWA boundary. Sub-Area 9 Sub-Area 9 extends west from Moore's Lane to the Riverhead- Southold Town Line. State Route 25 represents the inland boundary. Sub-Area lO - Fishers Island in its entirety. Although located within the jurisdictional boundaries of the Town of Southold, Plum, Little Gull and Great Gull Islands are under direct Federal control. Therefore, they are not subject to regulation under the Southold LWRP and are not discussed in this document. 1-14