HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-87.-3-63.1 ~ , MARTIN, VAN de WALLE, DONOHUE, McGAHAN & CATALANO ATTORNEYS AT LAW 555 NORTH BROADWAY P.O. BOX 350 JERICHO, N. Y. 11753-0350 CHARLES R. VAN DE WALLE NICHOLAS J. DONOHUE JAMES M. McGAHAN- THOMAS C. CATALANO, JR. MICHAEL BEUTSlS. 516 681-3100 FAX: 516 681-5357 JULES MARTIN 119961 JOSEPH A. GUARINO 119911 RANDI M. SEIDNER HELEN VOUTSINAS. "ALSO ACMITTEO IN N.J. April 10,2001 Planning Board Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 I APlt 111111 SouIMkI.... ............ Att.: Mr. Craig Turner - Planner Re: Louise Moyle Application SCTM #87-3-63.1 Dear Mr. Turner: You have been kind enough to communicate with me in the past regarding the above property application. As you recall, we are the attorneys for Pauline Rafkin, the owner of premises 1715 Minnehaha Boulevard, Southold, District 1000, Section 08700, Block 00300, Lot 052000, the premises located across the street from that owned by Louise Moyle at 1920 Minnehaha Boulevard, Southold. In your most recent correspondence with me, dated January 23, 2001, a copy of which is enclosed herewith for your additional review, you advised that "The Building Inspectors will subject the proposed addition to review as required by Town Code". Please advise me as to the status of any such review by the Building Inspectors. I thank you for your cooperation, and hope that the spring is enjoyable for you. Very truly yours, TCC/jc MARTIN, VAN de WALLE, DONOHUE, McGAHAN & CATALANO BY:~" PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. Chairman ~LI.AM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RlTCHIE LATHAM, JR. RlCHARD CAGGIANO Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971.0959 Telephone (631) 765.1938 J;"a", (9~1 [\0) ~ ~ ~ 0 W ~ I~J: JAN 2. A ZOOl . ~ PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD !MAIlTIN. VAN do v~E. OC;r<OHUE, McGAHA.,"," CATALANO January 23,2001 Thomas C. Catalano, Jr., Esq. Martin, Vande Waile, Donohue, McGahan & Catalano 555 North Broadway P.O. Box 350 Jericho, NY 11753-0350 RE: Louise Moyle application SCTM # 87-3-63.1 Dear Mr. Catalano, I have discussed this situation with the Building Department and they have informed me that this in fact not a covenant which they can enforce. The Town cannot enforce Covenants and Restrictions established by private parties. The Building Inspectors will subject the proposed addition to review as required by Town Code. Sincerely, ~~ Craig Turner Planner cc: Edward Forrester, Building Department PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. Chairman ~LL~J.CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. RICHARD CAGGIANO Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1938 Fax (631) 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 23, 2001 Thomas C. Catalano, Jr., Esq. Martin, Van de Walle, Donohue, McGahan & Catalano 555 North Broadway P.O. Box 350 Jericho, NY 11753-0350 RE: Louise Moyle application SCTM # 87-3-63.1 Dear Mr. Catalano, I have discussed this situation with the Building Department and they have informed me that this in fact not a covenant which they can enforce. The To~ camrot enforce Covenants and Restrictions established by private parties. The Building Inspectors will subject the proposed addition to review as required by Town Code. Sincerely, ~~ Craig Turner Plamrer cc: Edward Forrester, Building Department WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. RICHARD CAGGIANO Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1938 Fax (631) 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. Chairman PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 19, 2001 Thomas C. Catalano, Jr., Esq. Martin, Van de Walle, Donohue, McGahan & Catalano 555 North Broadway P.O. Box 350 Jericho, NY 11753-0350 RE: Louise Moyle application SCTM # 87-3-63.1 Dear Mr. Catalano, I have reviewed the information that you sent to me with your letter of January 12, 2001. The Trustees were correct in that the determination if the proposed addition violates the Covenants and Restrictions is not within their jurisdiction. This is the job of the Building Department. When the Building Department reviews the plans for the addition, they will determine whether or not the proposal violates the restriction that "Only one or one and one haIf story house with garage attached shall be built on this plot." Sincerely, ~~ Craig Turner Planner cc: Edward Forrester, Building Department MARTIN, VAN de WALLE, DONOHUE, McGAHAN & CATALANO Pi? <::.....,- ?e.,t R7;e.tt$~n~ S/-l6V ATTORNEYS AT LAW 555 NORTH BROAOWA Y P.O. BOX 350 JERICHO, N. Y. 11753-0350 CHARLES R. VAN DE WALLE NICHOLAS J. DONOHUE JAMES M. McGAHAN- 516681-3100 FAX: 516 681-5357 THOMAS C. CATALANO, JR. MICHAEL BELITSIS. JULES MARTIN (1996) JOSEPH A. GUARINO 11991) RAND! M. SEIDNER HELEN VOUTSINAS. 'ALSO AOMITTED IN N.J. January 12, 2001 Planning Board Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 r-;',~'~~~::-7~\ _~_~~, f~(~~~~ ~'t '.: (" .(. . .. JAN 16 2001' Re: SCTM #87-3-63.1 Louise Moyle 1920 Minnehaha Blvd. Southold. New York Southold Town Planning Board Dear Sirs: Please be advised that we have been retained by Pauline Rafkin, the owner of premises 1715 Minnehaha Boulevard, Southold, New York, described as District 1000, Section 08700, Block 0300, Lot 052000, the premises across the street from that owned by Louise Moyle at 1920 Minnehaha Boulevard, Southold, New York. We had previously presented the enclosed documentation to the Board of Trustees, Town of Southold, at Ms. Rafkin' s request. Ms. Rafkin has instructed us to do all possible to oppose the Moyle application to "expand present garage to two car garage and add a family room above garages", as indicated on the Notice to Adjacent Property Owner attached to our December 15, 2000 letter. Please consider our December 15, 2000 letter, accompanied by this letter, as a full and formal objection to the granting of a Building Permit for the proposed expansion of the Moyle property, as indicated herein. While we are not certain that a formal application to the Building Department has yet been made, we do enclose a copy of the letter from the Board of Town Trustees, Town of Southold, to our attention, which included a portion of the Minutes from the Public Hearing held on December 20, 2000, as respects the Moyle application. You will note that the Board of Trustees specifically indicated that, while Covenants and Restrictions on property "shouldn't concern us", the Board of Trustees, by Trustee Poliwoda, did indicate that "those issues should '- . Planniilg Board Re: SCTM#87-3-63.l January 12, 2001 Page 2 be brought up before the Building Dept. ". Accordingly, consider this letter, together with its attachment, as bringing up the issues of the described Covenants and Restrictions before the Building Dept. You will note, in the same minutes attached hereto, that Trustee Foster indicated that Covenants and Restrictions lie in the hands of the Building Dept. and the Planning Board. We thank you for your consideration and cooperation, and request that you advise us when a formal application for a Building Permit has been made regarding the Moyle property, and the ultimate outcome of that application. For your convenience, we are enclosing a self-addressed, postage paid envelope. Very truly yours, MARTIN, VAN de WALLE, DONOHUE, McGAHAN & CATALANO By: TCC/jc Enclosures cC.: Mrs. Pauline Ratkin Thomas C. Catalano, Jf. l~/j~/~~~~ Ll:ob b~]-qq4-7817 OEC-~I-OO 11.09 FROH,CTV.PRINTERS 11B-615-4094 IO,?19A8BO~~~ . P..!l&~ B2L.0~ NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWWR BOJ\RD OF TRUSTEES, TOWN OF SOlJ'l'ROU> In the matter of appliCAnt: SC'rMUQOO- 'J." YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: . --~"". .. -., ,., '.."'- ',' ............-~""'~-.. ,.,., .._.,...:......._..-~.:."..-..__.",... '. 1. 'That it is the intention of the undersigned to request a Pemi:t from the Board of ~5tees to: E)lf4w'D 7>..(~sevr <lIiU?1r ::r'l1 -r~, <-~,4.. ~A,(K6 4..,) . .4))~ ;(/ ~"'rm. 'r ROfJr7 48~\I~ 4'~L"",~~ 2. That the p,l;'Qperty.whiCh 18 the .u.bject of EnvIronmentel n."tew-is J.ocatecl adjacent to your prop=t.y and 1a 'described . as folltlw$: /J .h K.IJ'SIHc."c1 J~OC~~"b" r J<;].f) MA/N"F.J)<II,W! ~,-v) :S"~;:..->Yt:l (.2, .r #Y 3. ' That ~he p1:oj4llct wt.ich is subjee1: to Enviro~nt.al ~view un4ar CIH\p~S 32" 31, or 97 of- tile or""", code i.s open to .pub-t1c c()IIIIlIent. on~ ':#'C:L:a?MO You lIIAy contact the Trustees oftiCe ollt 165-18'2 or n wri ing. The .above referenced proposal 1.s under revIew of the Bearc:l of Trust.ee.. of' the ToMn of Sou.thold aJId' doell not refe:r:ep.ee any' othvJ:. aCJoncy that sight have to ~1ew Sallie proposal. ~~~L~~~~n~~~. '... .......---. PHONE' I: (:2"...) 74~ -~~~.:t' (M~ :bClOl"~ Mew.....} ...,.-.... .' .. Ene. ~ COpy o~ s~t.ch or plan showinq pJ:Oposal for your convenience. ..' ':': , s '"/~"I<""" <l:ob 031-444-7817 DEC-el-00 11,08 FRO",CTV,P~INTERS 7IB-57i-40B4 10,7188860907 /./V, "'co :tl: CC""Nr'Y 7,4)/ MM' 8'7 'B...oc.,.IM! 3 LDT''S.J PAGE l:l3/l:l3 ..."''''''&. ~/., .. -., . ... - ... .......... ,:,..'. . .. , .' ^' . ~_..,.=~ '.. .. - . .~ . - . " . ,/1/" . . \. 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Ifhat the partj1 eS of the fir~t part, in conStdenHlon of Or1e Dollar, lawful mane)' of the Ulli~~d St3.te~. an ather vnlu:1b'e consideration pilid by the party of the second [1<ltt, do II b~rt?n)' grant and rc\e<l~e unto the: part~r of the sGcond part, her J,eirs! a"oJ a"igns fore,'.r, All that certain plot, piece D.., I' pared ..Of Larl.dl.~rilh the b1>ild+gs andil11pwvel11ents theren" eroded, ,itoate, lyirtg and being iJJ;t~ atLs-'ll hinil: Wa't:Jl', nel1r Southold, Southold To-.m, Suff'oll, - . - 'l County, Ne",Y~t'k, bOl1n!nd a!1d d',sc.ribed as follows: -. G01HIENGI11Gat "'. p pe set on the 8011,,1151'ly Une of rUnNh,d1S .,",.-;. ....::::.oulevardJ 'V1h~Ch pipe I s three COUJ.~5E!S p-I".d 6i~te.nces 8$ !ii.oP-:':1\trecl .' '.,.: along the SO'll~herlY li.he of lHn21ehaha c'oulcvat'(l from" pipe set -.<",at'the: 1ntel~s~etlon of' 't.hes,ou:thr:!rly ,11ne of ~-~innehn.1Hl. 'c-,oul!:1vH;;,d ,"" Md theVlest~W1Ylinelof. i':'llsl,O,j"y Brldge us rollo-I/s: ~.outh 47" ?6 f ..,'Nest :,20fj~t~t;th~::Hc:.e' ,South '7S030' "t,lest 135.. 70 fect to n ccn- ,'~:I.:~:. :.-':",~'~l~t'~':tnCin~tmeJb; thenc ,- North 70007 I ~,'iegt 75 ..~7 f'eet; rtP-mJnG thonce "'..,-;, ,',;frDm saidlj'o~6t 6fbB ,irir:1.ng .south 100' ;;41 East 125 feet ~11ore OI' 'lEls. thr"ti~hlla pipe t meanbi"h water m9t'k of Old Mouth Cjj2,nl101J -~- -~~ -- -. tb.g;JJ:l.~~"_'l,g.~j~;l';!-X _~~~png il~~P~ hi!h ~~=-~_ !~larl~ ...~.o ~~~:o~th G!'!F"-nr.(;,l . .65 feet] o!'e 0; 1!~'~ to f point in the oesterlY- S1-'~t'-c OJ--'~,-il1n~hD.hs.. Boul~ve.rd j t' ence H Dr h 70 11' r~a.st ~hroul,,:;h a (,i oe a'-!d alan:: the easterly 11n~ of rUnn h!?-ha Boulovard 7" r:et :ll~"~ or 1e~" Lo e con- ere'be monn'.e~tl rtUl)]iEf' the-nee "ortl1 100 34' Sest 810n(' t,,-,: oastel-l;r line of S'idl~oUl.varr 35.4 reet to B pa1ct; run~1nn th_noD South 07' Ea~tll by and ajlan!! the south~)'l~i J.in~ of' L1:tn.l1ch~ha 3ol.l1c:v,Ci,!l(~ feet thl'j u(;h s. monU1T10nt to .u pj,pe set ;J.t the ~loint 01' place of i I l11d.dc thr- p<:.t /) /." day Ot~-L/,?/~ / :.'".~ """,,~mI i I , l 'j f '.\ I . , , ,. i ....; p:J.fty of the st=cnnd p;lrt. I ! \ , ,'-,,;." , I --,. t,- D['f;l:.~,l(~~;) firE;,ii;:'!2,~') '.':" Alt~ lilt" ,aid p~t, :tEi" of lh~ fint part'co\-'cmm1S:iS fCJIlows: FII{STtrT1wt i 11H: p:!.rtl ies uf till! fi st p:lrt sdz~d of suid premi~c:" ill fl;C sitrlp!t:, Lind lli1."'e guod n~l" tl) conv", t "ame: SECON10......Th:lt tht: Jart y uf tlw ;;Cl:Ullr! part .ljhall qUietly tnjCt)' the s~nd prcnnscs; THIR~I--That t11~ S::l~d preITllses ;ire fr~~ from ;1'Cllm1)r;tnc.t:~j excl::pt as afore~aid; FOUR'~H-That 1 tIll! pJ.r~ ie s or the first part wm eXt:'~\1tG rJT lIfocurc ;1.f1r further rleCC!isrL\)' ns:;uranc:~ of tl,e tItle to I~aid premises; FJFTJi-That tbev",~ '~e s of 1IJ'" I,,,:<t Fa,t \\'ill [n,,',er ""o,,"nt 11", rltk to "Ie! promises, 1/11 IIU11l'6!i tlahrrl'of the f,,,t ics ,,[ the Ii,,, part ha v" hmonto 50' tl-I-:l,!' ~:~.,:;;' 1 '"" "" .00 ,." ",,"'," ""'''" ,111 ~ I' 'I .'--, , .y.v~ I . ~~ ~l"--~ 7f ,.~J} '- ~>"II.7..s',.,;;s>..(~ rv..... ~"O ~ I..~ ?~ .~'~ ! C1cP~ #U.)~~/ e~t,,~~:!t1d(!;6l_a-<.; , E - ~ r, ~~ t., . '" \;~, ~- ^- () "'1, 4 '.1;>--.. CJ.;g ,.<./.~ '<f"~,--.. 'i I 'l-9.....)",-"..o"- II ,',' , . <- , STAfE," OF NEVi, YORK" t, ~ CO~NTY OF (JFFGL;; J 55, .llf),n ,hi, ~,.iI., day oi ~~--, in the )'ear nineteen hundred and i'r,ty-onej ., ' I>du" m"ver.i'm,,(;y camt II" cl:;dr1.c H: ';,ickl',801 "nci Clar"U,a ". 'iflol:hoi,." 11ts I'll 1'6 .t?_~lli~'_l'~~'C'_~~ __~~t~e, mdlVldll~l _3, _ dr::scnLt:d In ~~!id ,,;h,) cx~c:uted the fl)r~goil1g in~tt'\.mcJ1t, ,~J'''J!II'llli' rj\lly II ~ico~~~itt +l1"Y~'iEc~;;;,/,'~ /7 j Q'7 ~;/ ,7 -~v.~~ a~~~~_h'-C -,_ ,,' I'!' II ~E~,)} 1941 ~:04:; i'u":-,lJ,c, 21lf:f'o11,: CO'>.1nty 1:.!~/_I7,M_ I FR^~'" WMKVAfl"f ! ./ [i Ct..,k.f iJutft>tl; Q.q,ty I ' I I I ~ ,- I I '*-~ - - -. Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES n G 8' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I:D ! T}1_";~ ,\ ':' \;t,\\ ";i: Q n \'\11 re \: l\ ~ is '- n.., , ., .~---.. ( , --,..--.. ,....~ ., .11 'II, ~ - I' I 0 ?nn! l ; \ U : ~_ '.".; ,..:I L , .._.,,,_-1 ".,;,::',:j~~~~~:~~.0~60HUE. January 8, 2001 .. ~'!' Thomas C. Catalano, Jr. Attorney at Law Martin, VandeWalle, Donohue, McGahan & Catalano 555 North Broadway P,O. Box 350 Jericho, NY 11753-0350 Re: LOUISE MOYLE 1920 Minnehaha Blvd., Southold SCTM#87-3-63.1 Dear Mr. Catalano: In accordance with the above-referenced, enclosed is a copy of the Minutes from the Public Hearing held on December 20, 2000, If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to give our office a call. Very truly yours, c1~n In . -J TClI1OML. Lauren M, Standish, Clerk Board of Trustees enc. 3 PLEASE KEEP YOUR COMMENTS ORGANIZED AND BRIEF. FIVE (5) MINUTES OR LESS, IF POSSffiLE 1. Donald M. Moyle on behalf of LOUISE MOYLE requests a Wetland Permit to expand the existing one-car garage to a two-car garage and add a family room/studio with bath and deck above garages. Located: 1920 Minnehaha Blvd., Southold. SCTM#87-3-63.1 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Would anyone like to comment in favor of the application? Would anyone like to comment against the application? The CAC has no recommendation. I've got a letter here from Martin, Van deWalle, Donohue, McGahan, Catalano and Fairgrieve. I don't think they're writing in support of this application. 1'11 read it. (Letter in file.) TRUSTEE SMITH: Covenants and Restrictions on property shouldn't concern us. TRUSTEE KING: It's already a two-story house. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: You and Kenny both looked at it? TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Yes, I looked at it. TRUSTEE SMITH: Environmentally, I have no problem with it at all. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Where does it lie in reference to the wetlands? TRUSTEE POLIWODA: It's behind the bulkhead and the native species don't exist. It's turf, lawn. TRUSTEE FOSTER: This is across the street? Ob, I see, this will restrict the view of the house across the street. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: But they can get 10 permits from us. If they can't get it because ofa C&R they can't build it anyway. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Those issues should be brought up before the Building Dept. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Right. TRUSTEE SMITH: We can make them put drywells in. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Covenants & Restrictions lie in the hands of the Building Dept. and the Planning Board. TRUSTEE SMITH: What did the CAC say? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: They didn't inspect. Is there any other comment on this application? TRUSTEE SMITH: 1'11 make a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: So moved. TRUSTEE SMITH: 1'11 make a motion to Approve the application with the condition that the water from the drains have to be contained in drywells. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. ALL AYES 2. Architechnologies on behalf of ROBERT HAASE requests a Wetland Permit to build an accessory building which will be used for additional storage and restroom facilities for the marina. Located: 40200 Main Rd., Orient. SCTM#15-9-8 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone who would like to speak in favor of the application? FRANK NOTARO: My name is Frank Notaro and I'm representing Mr. Haase. I believe we have submitted drawings. I have little sketches if you want them. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Anything that you want to submit is fine. . . MARTIN, VAN de WALLE, DONOHUE, McGAHAN, CATALANO & FAIRGRIEVE ATTORNEYS AT LAW 555 NORTH BROADWAY P,O, BOX 350 JERICHO, N,Y, 11753-0350 CHARLES R. VAN DE WALLE NICHOLAS J. DONOHUE JAMES M. McGAHAN" THOMAS C. CATALANO, JR. SCOTT FAlRGRIEVE MICHAEL BELITSIS. 5166Bl-3100 FAX: 516 681-5357 JULES MARTIN 11 995} JOSEPH A. GUARINO (1981) RANDI M. SEIDNER HELEN VOUTSINAS. .Al.SO ADMITTED IN N.J. December 15, 2000 Honorable, Albert 1. Krupski, President and Honorable Members of the Board of Trustees, Town of Southold PO Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Honorable, Albert 1. Krupski, President and Honorable Members of the Board of Trustees, Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: SCTM#IOOO- Dear Members of the Board of Trustees, Town of Southold: Pauline Rafkin, the owner of premises, 1715 Minnehaha Blvd., Southold, New York, described as District 1000, Section 08700, Block 0300, Lot 052000, has retained me to submit this formal letter of objection to the permit requested from the Board of Trustees, as applied for by Louise Moyle, 1920 Minnehaha Blvd., Southold, New York. We understand that the above-mentioned project is subject to Environmental Review and open to public comment on December 20, 2000, and that written objections can be made to the application mentioned above. We enclose, for your review, pertinent portions of the Title Insurance Policy and a copy of the Deed for the Rafkin premises. Pauline Rafkin now owns the premises as sole surviving spouse. We also annex, for your review and consideration copies of the Covenants and Restrictions in Liber 2185 cpo 426, as referenced in the Rafkin Title Policy, and which were contained in an Indenture dated August 30, 1941, which was the Deed for the premises now oymed by Louise Moyle as evidenced by the drawing on the third page thereof, which comports with the survey annexed to Board of Trustees December 14; 2000 Page 2 the "Notice to Adjacent Property Owner" furnished to Pauline Ra:fkin, a copy of which is annexed hereto. You will note that the Restrictions as set forth in Deed 2185, page 426, and specifically on page 427, restrict construction to "only or one and one-half story house with garage attached shall be built on this plot". We also enclose, for your review, as recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office, Liber 6908, page 288 through 290, a document entitled Modification of Covenants and Restrictions, effecting the Moyle property, and stating, on page 289 thereof, that the earlier-mentioned Restriction is modified as follows: "only one or one and one-half story house with garage attached or detached shall be built on this plot". A review of the Notice to Adjacent Property Owner enclosed herewith indicates an intention to request a permit from the Board of Trustees to "expand present garage to two car garage and add a family room above garages", clearly indicating the creation of a two story structure, and not a one and one-half story dwelling, clearly in violation of the Covenants and Restrictions, and the modifications of Covenants and Restrictions, and set forth in the documents annexed hereto. This objection is further stated to be for reason that the additional structure, at a two story height, will now eliminate the water view previously enjoyed by Mrs. Ra:tkin since the purchase of her Minnehaha Boulevard property in 1979. The Rafkins decided to purchase their property based upon its proximity to the water, and its clear, unimpeded water view. Permitting the proposed structure on the Moyle property will create a two story eyesore, blocking the water view on the Rafkin property, and accordingly decreasing the value of that property by eliminating the enjoyment of the water view by any future potential purchasers. If the Moyle application is granted, the Moyle property will be overbuilt, and will violate the Covenants and Restrictions set forth in the Deed recorded on Liber 2185, page 426, particulary on 427 thereof, which contains the additional restriction that "no house or any portion thereof shall be built closer to the highway than twenty feet", which will also be clearly violated as evidenced on the copy of the Moyle-provided property Survey annexed to the Notice to Adjacent Property Owner earlier referred to and annexed hereto. Environmentally speaking, the over-building of the Moyle property will adversely impact the environment and the neighbors, both waterside and across Minnehaha Boulevard, by restricting natural vegetative growth, causing additional erosion potentials, and will effect surface water run-off. Mrs. Rafkin has asked us to formally request a denial of the permit for the Moyle expansion, expressing extreme dismay at the impact of the new construction on her enjoyment of the water view, the natural habit and environment, the calm and quiet of the neighborhood, and has asked us to indicate that it will severely impact, not only on her property values, but also on her ability to enjoy the use of her property during her senior years. Board of Trustees December 14; 2000 Page 2 On behalf of Pauline Rafkin, we hereby formally object to the Moyle application under SCTM# 10000-, for a permit to expand and to create a second story, and respectfu1ly point out that not only will the Covenants and Restrictions earlier referred to be violated by the proposed structural expansion, but also that property values and the use and enjoyment of the Rafk:in property will be severely impacted should the permit application be granted. Should you have any questions regarding the foregoing, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, MARTIN, VANdeWALLE, DONOHUE McGAHAN, CATALANO & FAIRGRIEVE TCC/jcwcC.: Mrs. Pauline Rafk:in ~ I~ ,<1.1/( ~/> t ,ft/]') P '<II" c..ry? . V'Z57'f ,J ." ." ,. , ~~...L_ ., (! ~., I ,."' - ,Il - " ~.~. (: >', 1"(,' . t'. ''''I .~ :~, /il"i,t(l ) .... "l" I '~~'i~j; . ,. _ ~~\\'_~\ \ "t \' ~ .~~ .:t..:, l r~', 'I ~, < 'i~I,f, ,11 ~ 1):'!~j. >.",),.11,. . ,> . ,'" U,~l 'J~ ~ II~IQ\/~~ :,,';,:'j:' \ 'iI .: '."- ':'1;, Ill> $ II 'U ~. I ~~j'~ '. f ,I, '~' ,", .-~'~b,~: ~ ',:, :~5u80f~';28 ',;". ."'( ,,~"\ ~ .. ,,,..,.. ,;r~<' ~''''i-d\. ,U., "j.._>-:~. i~'~~'::~r~;~~IJ.~~'(.." . . ..~:' '::;/\~,::i~ ",.:'~ 'tri.~"""""!foCOllOllT".NA'ss~\b',:\ ~; ....n:'!"'...,f..:.'i""""~ ...' r ir-!\,&:<,~-:'3itit'-da~dh..:....:.L.l~ 19J'61]lidOfC -'. :'f:~)~: kdii:'ti':,,};:->'d ',^:';~:;"'~':""'~: '", ~ ~I,,' '-ibTr..~: ~,c :~RE;;:k~~;",~,~ :-~~i~itr :8.!~.' : -~:,'-_;:~.: -~J~(:~""i;:.';:;>(k: -; I' , ;');~'. :/' ;: ~ ;., "_i,KATHLEENC. W'~~Gl\T_:"J,,!.I>:;~:t. ;\_::.<"~,. .; f' 1,' if ,. ~~:- ~ to 8ILk.1Ioft.. ....theio4iYidaal SdMmi/,i! In.w... c "'~filii..._I'. . ._~~Iil>"':~ _...f....._.'...~........lhoI. .__...'......,~...) i.'raE~~:..~.........~~"" ,...-:,}'>.-;" ':' . (_ ~ P,: - ,', I ~ (; 'f ~ '1,0- ;,; 'L I . If 'f ..' r. ~ ~ ~ \" 4 . I, ' "~Of .-," , j, ,~.l.l:>ClNOHiJl,;llt..' .[.; ) i",;'!' i " "'!\;a5E:4.'.~, ~ < " '.'., f.!>-'liila~'.'~~~'~''''''' .:~.. i...;."'...~..~'1:;; J~...~ ""r' "'W:l\a ...;..-...,t...,.-Jt'*"';.r-.;J....!' '.,. .... '~m .... .... ..i.....J... ~~~1(~'i~~~''''''''''''';(~~'''>.. ,I :;;~~ if.'::',,::,t~(';qt.. ,'~, ~~~:r~:~~' ~; {(; :.iU~ {;~l ,.' i u ." i1f . '.' .....'?. ':!II..' " >S, .~. i. ;;";"-ifi'ir1i ':U, .... ,illld. . Jiif 2 ... .s'! ~ ~ ']j ~. , ~b n [I w J."-;I ,. ~, '-) .', ' "",ii' " 'J i'J' ',-' .' ~'~! '.t . ~ .~ .' 'C>. 'i'; 1. b ): .! I .~ " r ':.Ii ;~. ~, ~'. . 1"": .. = II - 'i ~ . . '. " '. I- n .. , :{",,',:,-, ^ ., I , . I . RECORDED . "-..L. ;:;; Q. > NOV 13 1!61 Q. ~ @,;1't:/.f' Il.' . /, .. ~..._' '~ If ::; '" o . ,~" . '" "'~=> t. " .' ... " ,00 NORMA E. KLIPP . . ""- '" 8 w.::;U crerkof SuffollcCoUllry 2 .. :z:"~ => N ",,"'''' ~ ... "'0 .-"If ~ !:'~~ . ; "', 1'; '" => - ~ ~ - ~ ~ - ,'".. . eONlULT 'OUI UWY'lI IUO" SIGNIN. THIS INSTRUMI!NT THlllNsnUMENT SHOULD II USltI It UWYJISown ,. . -\Q7". . 175 tdl~ PiD'Eknil{(m;.d..th(' 1 S~h day"l Ju.~ r:.n~!~r. .~'lnd~,; -.rd se"-er,ty-five BETWEEN 1_'Fi7 \,'. PAUL :~U.EN' and CLARA T. ALLEN. his wife, Loth rE"sldinq at {no r1uml-'t'd Mll;n02haha BrJuli"\'ard, Southcld, New Ycr~: 11971 / I . pa"~' (.i [he first tMrt, and D. ALDEN CORWIN and ANGELINE D. CO!\\"lN. his wife, both residing at 42 Fawn Lan€, Westbury, New Yo~k 11Sl0 p:Lrt)'of Ihl'5('.::nndpan, WITNESSEm. fha.t the pMt)' <:If lh.. firsl part. in ( .sld..r-ation "I TE:n (s 10. GO) ---- -- ------------------------.- - - -____ --------------iOlJari. lawful monl'Y (Ii Ih.. Fnited States, b~- thO" p:~rty of the ~eoond part. dOl's hl'f~by grant and r..l"a~" unh1 rh.. p.a"~- of the sO"COnd part. the ho:i~ or 'U"c"~~-'n and as.sipls oi Ihf' llartf oi th~ sC'cond part foft'\'er. All trat t'ettain plot piece Of parcel of land. with the tlui!rling,; ;o.nd impro\'ement~ th~ "lII ~rectC'd, situate, lying and being irxtllucx at Bayview, Town of Sou~hold, COt...lty of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and de~cribed as follows: L,~'_:HJNING c.t the corner formed by lhe inlerset"ticn (,f the southerly sij.~ "If Wallun Street anj the easterly si.de of Minnehaha Boulevard: runr:ing theO':,t' North 87 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds East along the :~u~~;;';Y side of Wabun Street 75.00 feet to land now or formerly ;~t tJ-.er.C'e South 10 degrees 34 minutes on secon:i~ East along said last ~. mentioned land 150.72 feet to the northerly side of Minnenaha Boulevar.t~ 'thencI? North 70 ::legrees 07 n,inutes on sE"conds West alan; the northerly 9ide of Minnehaha Boulevard 86.15 fpet to the easterly side of Minnehaha Boulevard; tl.L'nce North 10 degrees 34 minutes 00 secon:}s West along thE' easterly side of r-hnnehaha Boulevard 117.50 feet to the point or pIar = of Rf':GINNING. ,BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premi~es conveyed to the ~rantors .jherein by Frederick C. Wright and Kathlelen C. Wright, his wife, by ,!deed dated Nove..nber 3, 1961. recorded No~ember 13, 1961iu L,ib-er 5086' '!at page 287. I -.' 'i)V lIM [SI T[ ~ SlATE OF " m.~SFER AX~tI[W YO~~ ~, \l;~~l~dn ;,'OU .. !;S t!'~~-.D:':','~> ::t Hnilnu _ ~lr f~h5., ,1.;:~~'i' w. .; ., 00 WO ~J_ _.____... .____~_ '....~_"-.",~.,._ ~''''''''_L''';.:'''.''"''''''"'''''''.~>~'''''"''"_~_ paid ,.\~~: .~ ',^ ~ ),' ;,j;i1-:1 _.2; -~ !~ ~); : ~1 -i~ I:) 1~.' I.J TOGETIIER -10\\1 -'1:10 '"j. ",! "'l'-" IJ."', d,!:. ,;., ..~" and ,.~,.:. .ll,'r~,,,,.; 'j.." .,t......" '.'n' TOGETHER., :i' .t" "il" ""T..,,,, ..,,,\ ~!l lh~ ~:,I...-' " ; .1:', ,n,i 'n.: ':'~: i"'''~ on and to "':Ihll,,~ml,...~. ft> HAVE AND TO HOLD 11,. .-,',.,,_,', hl"fnn [.:,... :., ti,,_, \""~\ . i I:'... ....and p~,.t, the h~irs or :.Cl.-..:r.'''''f' :ud :t~"cn, "fIll" 1""- ! Ii.,.. ,(cond J.l'Irl i",~' i ANfI ,.- i""~\ ! t~" (".-.! 1'.H' "'(,h,,":, ,li,n the I""q. ": 1',1:: ";,,, 11, . ,~:'n~ ('Or sa:J:,:r",j, Ulything ",-' -.j" :t" :;..lLd i".",i~., \,....." tn.-'-n !t-.\:W..',...ffd;l1 H' ",1 tl"'" . I'; a, ~i(.!,'<,;l.(t ~- , "I ,,': Til'~ '_')~: (,f th,' i!llprovrll1'~'" hdl)~... \! ;t1~ ,my ~~~rt _.j t~.c hltaJ ,_,j the ".mt for L',w. ' ":"'-.3n'~ th.lt ~""rm}' of Cl AND ~he lJ.l"~- <,j II,,' li;q part_ In (..>tnpli..n....' "ilh S..,"'", ..\ ,.f :i... j' ,~,,> rirH par! ,\;11 r;'nl\~ jh~ ,'onsiJc:r.ttiull j"r th:s ~"w.-,-"rH'l" ~.11 i '~I:~ hriJ the- - .:'1: 1(, n,:,i\"~ ;"ch (0f1!i;}. ''I :.~.I ,~l '-'ll: It<; ,~. 'f'!']"-'! iir'; f,-" ,h~ 1"':<["'_'5- ,f f'a:..il1f.: 1,1,. ...,,: ,.; tho . ';>"""'~l""; '''''~ ...;11 apply 'I!',n pllq"'~t A"",.I"p_. .L.la ~~- '-''',~lnll,d as if ;t r"..d ""drli('5" "-h~l,,,vl'1 tho. ~<";b'" {'; :h,. in,kfll'F~ sr. rt'quirei. [J": WlTNESS WHEREOF, lh. p;u1r t.r Ihc.lirst pari t.iI;S ,!ul),",XtCUI,,1 th,~ Jce.ll!-.' ;l~J ~ -.J \. ; tir1>tab.lV'C: ....It;. IN P1>iS, ;("E':>F JJ/?<. t?~- Wt Paul Allen 4flY '7l'~- ~ ~),:) 1_.., 1/ SUrf O' NEW '(OU. COUNTY OF ~ t ' 55' sun Of iUW YOU, COUNn or S'l i).\ , 1." pi .1 I" lor'nr... mro , '" 11,,. ", "...,,_w \-1 , il'. I , , , ,', 3n~1 I . , a I'..,.~.,,;...!: . ',""", t~ . fJol'fort m.. T. .:; I! '.. 11 i '","1 f ('. 1 n," known l~ !~,~ in,!i\ir:luaJ.,; d~(ri!Jrd i.'l an..! 10-1;.-. ,..".-,.u:~" l;.~ ~"-'~~-''''g 11lSlrutnl'fll, <tn,l adm..I\'!rJKl-d tha.I . ('''.'Y ('~""lJ!I'_1 tho:' qtn(' I It) r.'r L-'f<l;1001. .,. i... d... ,"d"',,Ju... Pll.l'-.'ul...1 lh~ f'~n'g,..inK inSlnl'T'''f1t .,l....<'UI,..J th... SiU'f1t ,10. '..-nl"'<l. in and who Md atknGWItdged that ~,~ "' ~t>r .,~ '; l :of1 STAT! 0011 NEW yO.... COUNTY 011 SS; STAn O. NEW YOI.. COUNTY Oil ,"- f-'l'i, hI d,n ~.i 19 . I::-.~lor~ me On th~ .!a\" of 19 . belon- me personal!.' ,-am,.. !!1r '"l'>~"I_I.mh ""I1,'S< t" Ii,.. j"n'~uin~ iflstrurnmt.. wifu "1;",,, 1 .1i1' I"'" ",<1:,. J.~71.1.J.;I,k'] wl,e, ~wg t.,- me duly _worl\ ,L It"i' .-..j ,'1\' thaI h~ rt~idtS3t ~., -.~ r.or.." 0 ..II.. ~,,'.,.. I, n" ~:Ol"""l wh,.. (""111/2' f,,' -, ... ': )" "... ',1 '" ,,~ .'( t, mt" '.luh- ~Wt)nl. ,Id dr~'u~I' am: 11.' f1. , the ,OI"pl\rJ:wn d,o~('Tlbl.-.l , ,. 'r ~1.! "h.,j, ,'v,::t.-,! '.1" t';rl'g"i,~~ ill~lrunW"I; thaI h..! tot~t.~tindivi.dlM1. J ,'.., 1"~ ,..al "I .....;.1 c;;,,"poration; that tht ~raJ affixed 'I' d('~tritll'd in and who t:t~,.t('d the foregoing instnmHi.a~;:. J.,~- t. >;lJd tn~lnln!rnl IS S 1<"11 corporate seal: that it was so 11hat h... ~lid ~ubscnbing wilnl's~, \\'a~ present .an~.a. .,!~,::....;.t:" ~!fix,..,) f" '.r.lfr .:or" (he Ward of dln:ctors of said COrpom. ex...'rute the samr; and tha.t he, said .~~\~~1 lUll. ...",i lna' he signed h namr thrreto by like order_ a.t th.. .~mt linle subscribed h n:une a~ witness theftbi;~ d#.\ ; '--:::Of';' ;,:1:. .~i, 'Ii!. "~'~~rR: 'i',ll i;..I..-n...... iargaill aub t!J'lil' 111'1'11 T. CO \'."111 C"q"" .\(o.'l'.;"r t;R~"d"ll\ "\<:1\ r ..iL.. til:."'S ~':':~']="~~T2 ~!.L8 EJ.l)o h'. Paul Allen and (~lar3 T. Allen. hi~ wife, TO D. .:.. ldeo c;}['Win and l\ngeline D. Corwin, his wife. t Sf__ FIll . 111'1' '-....- mil -.nsTllS .;v ' DlJf.,bulrd by 5!.C1ION BLOCk L.or ~~row~ of Southold County of Suffolk 1lO'COR\m.11lI'q1.leNCII nUl Af;O TITLE INSlIII.A),;C[ COW'A!\:\, Jl....umbf...il.D CBI~GO TITId: IN"I!IVRANce COMPANY R~nsselaer G. Terry, Jr., Main Road Southo1d, New York 11971 LV No I " 0 ;;; (; . ''1' z ~ 0 0 ~ ~ 0 (; .. Q ; " ... 2 - 0 .:\ ; ! . .r- 0:- "- ~ Q "' So! ~ ~J.&~ '-..-.'-' .0".. "'" - -i'..:;.:;, ~<-'S ~ ~ .' '.l_.l'i:dIIilt~, ;.,.,....,..', BEING AND IWIEJlDED 10 BE the ....... premis,. conveyed by W. paul Alleu and Clara T. Alla", bis vife .toP. Ald Corwin and ADgeline P. ,Corwin, biB wUe, the parties ~f, ,~ f,i.rat , . "'~' ~1D" ~ ."'*" V.July 15, 1975 aud rec........ 1D tIiI!~.Il1k .~. .. ttl:ltiR'. Om"" .July 16, 1975 1D LiI>er 7875 of 1lieiB '.lie" .... ,115. ;''z 3$ 3B T-4413 (11-3182) 1'1'GC # 1206396 llll- 11 ~ c: . , ~~ '\ '\~ ,~ ".S .,' ~,~--~" I;' "f", T ','" ..r -::..:........-". \'!;\' " .1'- 'j,., 1000 08700 t.,;. 03!!11 ... 05 ". Z:' " ~,aad>,.tN Y ~ I " 1""..11:1". . " /0>.1 _I"'..." ...~ \.1, Uft-J ..".. (....,,,.... ........ ,,,.......' A". - ...J..~lu.I,..1 U'I''''''"~ ClDNII&l' yOU' LAWYllIIJOM ..- ~..lMIMIIft-'" M'I......'NCMaD.....::.1' ""..,... ~Y. " S65:J" 2U7 nus INDENTURE. ~de tbe ;tiG:" Jay of June . lUIleleal bundred and Seventy-nine. 8EI_ D. ALDEII CORWIIl and AIlGELIlIE D. CORWIIl, his vife, both residing at ino Il1Jd>er) lIiDa.-a Boulevard, Southold, Ilew York i _:~ 11971;i): . {;j ;i >" , , ,} pan)" of the int prt. aad la-VIR DAVID IlAFKIB met PAULDIE AIIIf JlAFKIH, his wl.fe., .," ,1:'-, " .~. both re.iding at 110-20 7l8t Road; Fore.t I!ills, New YorI< 11375, party ,)f the :>ttond pan. WI'I'Ift'aIEtH. that thf' pan~' of the fir~ paM. in consideration of .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - TEll AND 00/100 ($10.00) - - .. .. dollars; la....ful money of the United St2te..~. and other good and valuable consideraclon paid by the ~rt... or 1t.e ~O'C'Ond put. <loes btrtb}" gnont aoo r..-lealiof" unlo 1M PJ."r of I~ m:und pan. I~ twin or ~uc:tt,;loOr~ and i<!.Mgn~ ,,{ Ihe p"'r.~ .J th.e: stCOOO pari fureve\'. ALL lhal amain ,tIlot. piC!Ct or parttl oi land. with the- buildings and impro'"C'rrItnb IhtreIJll e-Rded, tinate-. .;' lyillC and brill&''-- at Bayview, '[own of Southold, COUDty of Suffolk aad 1~ State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEX;I:Nt~ING at the comer formed by tbe intersectioa of the southerly' side of Wahun Street and the easterly .ide of MiDaebaba JIoulevard; RIlHNING mEReE North 87 degree. 26 minutes 00 .ecODdB East alaDg the southerly side of Wabun Street 75.00 feet to laud now or fcmaerly of Yaro; mENCE South 10 degrees 34 minute. 00 seconds East aloag .dd last mentioned land 150.72 feet to the northerly side of Minnehaha Boulevard; :lIENeE North 70 degrees 07 minutes 00 sec::onds West aloag the northerly side of Minnehaha Boulevard 86alS feet to the easterly side of Minnehaha Boulevard; mEHCE North 10 degrees 34 _tea 00 .econd. West aloag the easterly side of Minnehaha Boulevard, 111.50 feet to the point or place of Beginning. ._.~ :,;;.s..': ,"~' , ~; ".i '~,. ~ l,,,.8653..ll208 TOGEl1IER with "lIli~ht tit1r ;uut ihlrrt~t il any..I tM rart.. ..I l~ Ilr" ~Il ill and 10 .1r "'r~h Hid toads allUltinR Ihr lol!xwr c1t~(fll1f',1 I,rr 'li~r~ t;. lhr trnlC't hllt\ 'hfr""I, TOGETHER 'nlh Int appUnl'nall<<'S andrJtU ~hl;. ~t(' ,am! right. "j .1':" va~y ...1 thr i;r\t part iu and to I ",id p"mi~.. . TO HAVE AND TO IfOU) the rr~~~ IP~D JTUted DIllo the p;.ny o}f tile sealnd put. the betlS or $UC'Cessors .1nd .s:iigns or me part~ of the s~ pari: for~. i , , t I j I:, L 'J "r-',..,'" .}. L i ArfD the party 01 the nrs! part coyenants tNt the party of the filii ~rt has not done or suft'eml lUIytbiug ....hereb). the said prmlis.e. h;ave been incumbered in aft)" W2'1 whatner. fW:ept as aforesaid. ANi..: the puty of the first put. in ~..~'~ J, of the 4-,LaW. eo~_~~..,:gu17 ,~l the first part wiD recem the COIUidcratiou Tor this ~~ and wiD bold the ript to .tl'O!iWl,IMl!Ch.;~. er.llion as a tf'Ust fund to be applied lint (or tJR:JIU"P?'C of 1*>' the coft of 'M- impto~~ Will apply tbe ~ first te tJr pa~-mmt of tbe ('ost 01 the ;......:..........ut bdo~ using'any part of (be toIaI of tilt same for an)" <:Ither purpm.e. I The word "party" shall he CODStJ"IIt'I! as if it mt4 ~~l\W~ u.t RD!Ie of dIia'ial!totUft. 80 r"-lnirtt~ IN Ml'MlSSWHEREOF, the partyof,tbr: lint..-.ut'bu'cIa1y~ecUblII ~ deed. the day'ad,.. finlt ahtrve ___v,'; <:'^~ <-, ,~~~'.t-0~\''''-'~ ;,f, writtcIL 1'-' IN rU!iIDfC!: or: ; I . .~-) ~..4~ ~.._'. (D. '. dOli. II) I- ft ,r~~ L.S.):r; L~:' ",:t.1t~. .., .,/ (L.S .)~r ,.. ~JJ)~'rt, ;-'>'~( "f.ij ,'!,.:w,~"..~j".l-~ .f;.t~ ''''i-~i-~ "', l"<,C<;, ~~::: .l, ~ ., .,,>,, . . ....."""""""'<kKribed in and wIDth executed the forcgoiDc instflllDmt; dat he lObe . i8diti.., bows the seal of said corporarion; that h: seal aIfi:Rd.dacribecI irl aM. tztcuted tile ~''f~'' I; to aid iDstnanent is such anpunIt: lrIIi that it -.siD 1IIIt: ....... IIlhciiIiIIlr wm..,~ 1iriiI ., _~. .:.~~ .,...... aff"'lXm by order of Ihe baird of diftdon a( said cupora~ caade tilt...; -.I... ../iiiii.....: tioa. aad that be sipcd h DIllIe tIlen-:.o .,. lire....... .. ,6t. ___... ..........'h, --. as wIIiiI;Ii; ...... 0..8653 . 20n Sf.."" 1'01I. cown. StlFFOtK -= Oa dR ~rrday of June, 1979, .'ew.. prr...aJy ~ D. ALDEN CORWIN and ANGELDfE D. CORW!.N, his wife. to _.... to be the iaIh:.&llls dlscribed in.... ... aaaII!d .. fGftKOing ~ aDd ad._*L"..d that th:.~ the-:-- #i ;,.", , .{ ~t ottary Public. ,-.......&~..rvttn".I1l ...,~-~...y- ~~~'"t nAlI 011"'101I, COIIIII'. Oa ,t.e cia, af 19 . bdore me '~"""'1:aIM io ft-. known, who, bting b.' Ole duly sworn. did deposr &nil say 1f1at he '~sidcs al No. that ~ is tho:: 0' ...... .... .... .." . G ,. W"UCOVEf-IANT ^G^IN~l GlANlt3SAcIS ., . nn.No T-44l3 (K-3l82)TTGC #12063.0 D. }_~EH CORWIN and ANGELINE D. CORWIN, hi. wife TO IRVIN DAVID RAFKIN and PAllLIRE Mid RAFKIN, hi. wife Sf.......... _ __ Of".,..-.... ........ ., .. 'TITlE GlIAIlAHTH. _ NEWYORK ......- i I 8 ~ I i i ~ ! . ~ l;\ AAW_ ~,.~~"S J'llM~~~~llr' Q.IY'l2 ~l ~ 1\j' nAft _.. 'I'ClIIK. COlRfn' OIl o.t~. .,.01 pa>><"'.llJC8Iue .. 19 .lc:10l1J me 10 me bon to be tt.e iodiYiclutI cIeIEtW ia aad who - -'- '-... -.."""".... -*-. _ "A._....-.~_ '! i ;1 . OIl .... ...,. 01 19 , ...1_ me personUl, CUIe the mltsC:rillinc witness to the forqoinr in!ltrummt. 'Wit}:. whom I am pt1'SOPaIly aDluainCed. "00; beinc by me duly ~"Om. did depose and say tMt he rtJides at No. tbat he bowJ- .. ''-''''~' .~ :;~. 'i ';J , SlCtlON aa1 """'" 003 lOr 052 <XlllmY oa iOWa Suffolk, Southold, T....X BILLING ADDRESS ~~~:: 1~ f,'" ';"'~' " "~;l( l' 1'l@(.C'dec""RI!CtJ'K'O.~.,,!T'''''~u.lranl_CllmlNl'''' unJaN .1' JLUL '!'C), .it t, *' ~f!'!"Y fl.~.II;s ~. .<<f7 19~....p.....",.)'. ~~RI' A-~y. ;DC07 "j; '''-, Zip I,,~ Q3Q~OJj.. to ...__ 1- I: ~ "'''' "'(1\ \~ \ ~' ". . e '" .. -... . '" . n . . .., . .. ~ . \ . . .. ~ '. .,Ot'''' '" . '" ~ .", 0 ~ u; "'", '" a ~ ~~ '" . 0, - ... 0(0 . ~ ~ W . . --- .. ~ .0'0" 0'" " ..... " ~:, ~ , . ",. : ::. Dr .. . ., r (J) ,. 0 Z C C -i :J: o r '" r! od I . ., -: . 10" " ---- ~ b " F , - . D !- ~ . f ~ i :1: / "'- , . (~ CJl_ l> ", S c: -i z 0 <D C ::< "' '" '" Z @ " " ,. -< 0 > "' ." 0 '" ,. --, ,-/ l_ \---- ~. -.........-' -' ,:'~~ '/J ________ , /( ._"" '/ \' )t, ~'------, Jt. ~ , ~ "-- CIl- ~~\\ ",N ". lj;N ':\ \ --..;....---------- ----- \ \ I I '- ;,' t ~ "- 0>- l.aAte) II ,. A C . ) '0( ... . .-' . ?- I' .' '" ~ -:.- .; ~ \ ) t.~ - ,- .' -""" ...' r.... . t ., U AC. ,.- _.>J~ ~~.Wi~~i",":.~:~:~~~~~::;rt:~~;.:j~,~ drlf1!{f(~~'~:i\nFI,l~~, :_~lj:e'.'t!_~)!l <j l'~! L: ~~:tJ <_~'!.~'It,?-j..g! i~'~J 1 p:g:. }l~'ld)~l,- ~:t,t:.~ l-,!-:-jl~.g;h !,fl,g;:::/ .,:,:,1 ; ::. ,,:.,j :i"~':;'.1~b,~~~;)t~~:;\1';;;':;;i;;~~~?:~'~~\~;1'~ tSu7~~~1:~~f:~~:r' ,. . ..:::::: hE0..rN~~ix(~:;~1.;~' 1:.t~nL:r('{t mon.o.ment~"h{!ll~~~r!l'e!~~-!t::d';:'l.:ii1~' 'of v: " ;,.~.. ',',' ~pu- .\\-cn'ut,"at' i:i~<,~~'~o:dl}w~srpi'I~' {'(;r:tlf;r l){ lh~; ~Jr~~~P:~-~~~t;~l~'~es,;r.lI;dil~\': >,' (!\'1:ng,l'Hld' n""\~ nr: f{J~'n.(-~d.). ;)~ \l~lrg-il-n:l HO..~~I~ ;11~1~'1 E.~S~;--S!(rPE~ilit_ .~. ~;~::~- . ,Jy' ll:.:'. "',,{Ii'ill ,6702 I' WI" -~, .6 7 ..4 fj p1 l,t ".Ii : h~,~ I t11~' f"::;'~W inn Itl~ ::il~ Lfl'l .llHo.l..;tf;c'f"L)'J,_ l1n'~ nf ti!:ii't> A"lmut': .Hylll1~' lltJl'~h,,"/ ~"I l~.:' ,Hnt: oj" O",:a.:Js? ~\h~Jl1Jf~ I~prr._!f.n~),_ 'j: ?}(~lnt,:()f}l~~g,~nln!,{,.:rW1;Il!n~,~fl'_1hCIJ"Xqrth HI' '~'ll _We~t ~,feet/by l\n~ .df~bg_tl~e ,-; .-', .i~:~:;h;\"~~~~~;:';~~~~~~'::'i~~';i:r~l.~'~~:;;\~~~;t~l:~:;f;:i?l~;~;;t.~~~ X'~:;~~..; .'- ';lj_r~ ;, l'1;'?:,t~,~l:;~!Je,~,,' \~IL'!:!J J4_ _VH~'k_~st;.~,~n~?~~, !'::'!:h)' ,~:td:: :!~onil);f:I'i'~'~'.ly,r~jF~',-'_'::- ~ ~n-,'-'~:L:. fIt _1;1~~'_hh1.';i ,Pt''-}P':!I.f-I'~S..J: ~lll'~~,j tlp\1;,t'l.1 n~: .Jv_{:e.-'~ll1?<"',\n 'n'I:-~ncr~lof,~, mbnv:- :i! _.r~: ~,Y:l' heY;' Sff~,j (,h ~_,hrt~ j:J: ','fri7 t: G-n,'!~<r;I..~~-..:~,l i?~j,>;}(~{I:~~[i_r:)~,;:~,t/ ~Il: !;;~~..:~o/J11#lf f!~ ~_\i[_~n\,l:-; P'-OJ'!~l'I~t';-;",lrt~.: -nG'.\..of ',t.. Dilr_llJ~':_~.r/,- ,'n a;;pnJ;n~.;" ~h~m~l;"_:.si,ut~ . ::!(,:14~):1 ~1,t"\VI:,;'; U-~!,~H gJt"'b)' 'an.d~lon,g:,pr:(;ln'c:: l'l;;(;&.l\'I~r~;:ll'~'('.B~7I~.,"tr to:tli_G ;~? i,>f:HE:::_~~'::\I:-:~2;.; .,:'~ P: ; ':" _:_~": '--'-,:'_~:;ii ;,.:<,-:_'~::~::'.~;;::'_'~ .' ~_;!.. ~{:. \\'<:K1I,.\\1 1~!-)q'\.:I'~',~d;N'~r~lre"s \.v~~~~hi5:\Hf~~, '. : to, 1~~)jHn~jl y ~::()'\~,H-E.~!!,:~>~,d'F~il \' .,!l \-" .' .,", , .,1 .i-\1e,.( ,~:.i1f\ . , ( - (',~-":1!'i"'.: ,C' ",~Il . '.r I, ....i ....,.;, nf Su':Jui.~ n 1..11" J ~ ll~-!i,~=p -un ql!p~l_~lq~ . ., '/' t. l' ;,n/~'~ .1-+H~ pr":n.i.~,l :; 6;Yr.q'::hY':~,j,1?i~'l:;'lJRIC;.':': , ': " h;Clit'.d'Q(l",irt. t~ll--, , 1.-' 'i iJi:; \\."4' ~ : " '. .'l.",'-;' hJll.i . ~(ili"L~:j';' :t.fk. n-~lJi 1~ lid.1G . ' \il,Cl'''--,ft:l.Jm.:. r ~ ", ... r:. '1:. :'~ .; ~, \\Ii';:111C~~', " :l'!".'; ; ~ " ' "', ., ," " ,',,' ,'~'~ " !'I}~~"l/::t~ FfC.I::i~IUC l.T. \Vl€:',KHA:\t.to-:, it,"':' :' (, . \~~"t"i~ f,~: ;";"~' 'j;""I;"';;;'. J.. ~ '. , n;~~r~s; ;'1, :,I~,,: :~:""':)l..:-;.i l';h,~;'J ,~i'.;m;st~~;- 'I,'! :1"'\ f,'Jif- I !-i',' ;'''I'V'}i ;" ;', ..n ..,: " ,;, ,J,".,;,('I;i"'J, o:;;\,l';~.J.!:pn .~ . '0', , \i ", :-11, .1;!,\I;:rq'.F(/i{l; )\ ';'iJ~,l,':.( [. t-\: oi, _, ~'_, "f:()~...[? i~ l-.I.~.tlfi)-ol)ijlHt. -,',: ,. , .\ ". .'~ , ,,~,:: .., I. . ...: .~ ! , '." !:"l . .. , .\ , . , t " r.o:' ~ {-.' . ~ -. " -.~-, ~.,' .'.:~" 4- . . ~ " r . ' 1', b, f('l;r,,:.,A;'-'I;;~;.~<;;-;-'i--;~H, 'c., :~~, . , . .' ,- ,'. - "--~ COSI:\GS.f.V\' a.lW,nOROTH\" f;i, , , ~ ... " :, c ," 'I ,11/":\1r ,~ 'J " '1. , . l .: ~ .f '& "-; " <r ',. . .. 4.\-.. ,f' ~ . 1~ t. '.. H; .~ " ---- ': .... . :~" -oj , .~ ... . i] ;.' " " . ~ ..... '. ,-. " , .;' ~ " " , I . '. " "i .f < . 1 ". " . , t.~,';;..,," '~-'~ , . " . " . ?' , <, .I _~ ~ ~ I , " . " , . r . .ct- " -~, :(\ " (j , ',.' ~ \ :;-(' I .\.~.\ 4 l"t 'i:lI , '.. . G ; '"' '4' ->> :>-- ;,., > << :<l ~ " < < .... r- "" "'- "' .... ~ . z " ~ ?: ~ ~ '" ~ o ...'J :S~ _0 ,~ ~ '" o , '. - ...., '"I ,- I ~ "1 ~ ~,,' " '" '<> '..( , ~. , ~ ~ ,~ .' .~ .-t "'- . Rec-otd and ReluTnTo:.M~R 2 ~ <' \ ','^ ~ \ t~ .[ L' " l' "j;! ~l Ij fl '. ~i ~i- i' " 1~71 " '~A~ Y FI,;"~,Idtt: '?Js ",/ . :t1/.I;L', r1/7<:'C'~~dI . ~ . m.,l'fr!-e-l....~<I.((.''f. IrJ,s-~.i! ~ . i' " ...~ if) ;' '. a ~ . . " p \ " ... , ,~ . . --- -. ~~ 4~=~~ ~~UM:CTY,PRINTERS Nome of In.urad IRV!N DAVID RAFKIN & PAULINE ANN l?.ll.FKIN 718-575-4064 10,7188860807 '\\~CIO (L Policy No. 1206396 PAGE 2/12 Amount of In.uronce $ 72,000.00 The .stote or inter.st insured by this poncy i. fee simple vested in the insur..d by meons of D. AJ.din Corwin 6< Angeline D. Corwin, his wife to the INSURED dated 6/28/79, recOrded 7/5/79. D~te of I'$ue 6/28/79 a deed made by Th. fonowing ..tot.,. i.t.r.,to. .Mnd., obi..ti... t. titl., Ii... nod In.umb,.n... o.d othO' ..att." .r. ....pt.d fr.m tJ.. .o..rog. .f thl, poll.y, SCHEDULE B bi!'fec::tJ Qnd jncumbrc~ee& erising or hee~f'nin9 q Ii." Qlfter fh. dl\lt. of this poricy, exe:ept (1'1 herein: pl'Ovid.d. COftse-qu.nc::es of the e)(i!'re.isct and 'tl'lforcernenf or affemptttd o:nfore.... ment of I;lIny gGveommcntQl, war or poUc:. p.......us over thq. ptemisQ$. Any iaw'li. re9ulotions or ordhlCUtees HnaJudin9. but not limit.d to ZOq- in9, o~i1dln;. ena envlronm.nto' profedioD) Q$ to !,1M, OCCUpGh(.y, 5Ub- divisiar. or improvem.m of the premises oGopfed or Imposed by any govel'l'l:mel";tl;lll bQdYI Qr the dF.ct of any none.om~lianee. with or any \l'lofatioft' thereof. A. Telephone Agreement in Liber 1977 cp 478. , B. Survey by otto w. Van Tuyl dated 5/8/64 shows a one story frame house and a detached garage~ 1) Variation between fences and record lines of title. No other variations. Any state of facts an accurate survey of the premises might show since date of said survey. lien$. or incumbr'(lhC." creoted. suff.red, 4u$.tlmed 6t agreed +0, by ar with the privity of the insur". 5. Titl, to ClIny prop.riy ~yon" tae lines of the premis.s, 6r title to areat wifhin ~r rights or eQl5eme-nb in ony abuttino sfr..h. roods, aVeil:ueS. 'an~$, "fQys or wcrfer'W'oys. or tlte l'ight fo ft'IointClin therein vaults. fuDoo n.I$, R'lMps, or any other structure or improvemeat. bftles, thi$ poUr;y spef;iflcalJy provide-, thct such fit'.,. rights. or eosemftltts or. Insar.d. Not\vnhstandin:g Qfty pr~wi..jolts in this porotraph to the contrary, fhl$ policy, unle5' otlt.rwl,e .Xt;.pted, insur.s fh. orOinfllry ri~lris ol aCI;C"$ Clnd .gres$ belonging to aollftin9 o....n:.rs. 6. litl. to any pe"onaJ property, whcfhcr th~ $Qme b. offe-clted to or Us" in ~ann.Qti9n with aqid pr@mi'ej. 6r 6.1Re,~;~. J"d9m.nts. ClI9Cl1irtst the insured or estotes. intered'f:, defech:. abjllcticun. C. Any state of facts an inspection of the premises might show. D. Covenants & Restrj.ctions in Liber 2185 cp 426, which restrictions have not been violated by the existing improvements. There is no condition or right of re-entry, or other provision for forfeiture under which the in$Ured can be cut-off, Subordinated, or otherwise disturbed. E. A mortgage made by Irwin David Raf.kin & Pauline Ann Rafkin, his wife to southold Savings Bank dated 6/28/79, recorded 7~/79 in the amount of $50,000.00 and interest. SCHeDULE ''8'' OF THIS l'Oucy CoNSISTS OF c.=J SHEETlS). DEC-07-00 10.20 FROM.CTY.PRINTERS 718-575-4084 ID.7188880807 PAGE 3/12 Policy No. 1206396 SCHEDULE A The prel'l'lit.e& in wh.lch. th. iftt.utt'd hat. the estate or iftterest e.avcrOd by this polie.y ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Bayview, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New l"ork, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the corner formt!Cl by the intersection of the southerly side Of Wabun Street and the easterly side of Minnehaha Boulevard; RUNNING THENCE North 87 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds East along the southerly side of Wabun Street, 75.00 feet to land now or formerly of Yaro; THENCE South 10 degrees 34 minutes 00 seconds East along said last mentioned land 150.72 feet to the northerly side of Minnehaha Boulevard: THENCE North 70 degrees 07 minutes 00 seconds West along the northerly side of Minnehaha Boulevard, 86.15 feet to the easterly side of Minnehaha Boulevard: THENCE North 10 degrees 34 minutes 00 seconds West along the easterly side of Minn",/:I"h,. Boulevard, 117.50 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. OEC-07-00 10.20 FROH,CTY.PRINTERS 718-575-4064 10,7188880807 PAGE 4/12 ')7 CONS....._ "'WYIlI_ -... --... -_ I_II _.......WYBS _Yo ",~8'653 ~li:201 l1USINIII:.nIUllE,mo<klhe ~il1:daYOf June ..m..-.lDmdndaDd Seventy-nina, .....1........ D. ALDEN CORWIN and ANGELINE D. COlUfDl, his wife, both T-4413 (M-3182) T'IGC # 1206396 .oo! ~j..11 Cl') i€ N N ~\ ~/ TAX MAP OESIGNA11ON o.t. "1000 s... BIl. Ut(j), ~ ;!'\. ~ ~ .l. ;...... I" .. lp.I.::: 14"...... residing at (no number) Minnehaha Boulevard, Southo1d, Naw York 11971 partyolthol;Qtport.aDd IRVIN DAVID RAFKIN and PAULINE ANN llAFKIN, Ms wife, both residing' at 110-20 7181: Road, Forese 1ij.1lll, New York 11375, party cI ,he """"d port. W1TlII!S5EIH, that Ihe party 01 ,he fino pert, ill coosidmtlon 01 ... - - .. - - .. ... - - - - - - - - TEN AND 00/100 ($10.00) ~ - - - - - - - _.~ lawful......,. of tho UnitEd Sb.tes, and other good and valuable consideration paid by tho party of tho ....io.I port. do<S hcm,y gnmt and ..I.... unto !be ".,.,. of ,he _ port. !be hein or ........... .... arsilJU or Ihe pany oltbe second port _. AU. that certain plot, piece or pared 01 land, with !be buildiup and Impro...,_ _ eRCIed, _. Iylugand bdDc:iPolll; at Bayview, Town of Southo1d, County of Suffolk and St:a!:e of New York, bounded and d~cr1.bed lIB follows: BmDlNmG at the corner formed by !:he :lntexsection of the southlU'l} side of Wabun Street end the easterly side of )finnAh..h.. Boulevard; RllNNING TllENCE Horth 87 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds East along the southerly side of Wabun Street 75.00 feet to land now or formerly of Yaro; . mERCE South 10 degrees 34 minutas 00 seconds East a1011g said last mentioned laII.d 150.72 feet to the northerly side of Minnehaha Boulevard; THENCE North 70 degre.... 07 minutes 00 seconds Wast along the northerly side of Minnehaha Boulevard 86.15 feet to the easterly side of Hitmehaba Boulevard; THENCE North 10 degrees 34 minutes 00 seconds West along the easterly side of Minnehaha Boulevard. 117.50 feat to the point or place of Begof.....i"g. 08700 03011 . BEING MID I1trlS1'/DED 'l'O BE the same premises conveyed by W. Paul OS_Allen and Clara T. Allen, his wife 1:0 D. Alden Corwin and Angeline D. --'- .corwin, his wife, the parties. of the first part: herein. by deed dated July 15, 1975 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clem's office on ,July 16, 1975 in Liber 7875 of Deeds at page 175. 36938 , i , j r f ;, '~ ~ $ :L..9.~._....... REAl.. esr....If!: JUL 0 5 1979 1R'AN5A:Rr,AJ( SUFPO!:.< cov. ;:~ r I ~ .~ DEC-07-00 10,20 FROM.CTY.PRINTERS 71~-575-40B4 ID,71BBSB0S07 umOO;JJ PAGEaJ~ -..-.-.-. S1JFFOLlt - _.._.-.~. 0. tile ~j'r.. of JUDe. '.}9.1I,d_... Oa tile "'01 ~ """" >>. ALDBII COlIWDI aod ....-J\r- ANGELIRE D. COlllfDl. his vUe. lD ......... to he tile ....w..Is ......... ill ud..... lD me ....... to he tile iadmoIaol ......... III IlIIll ...... tt:l;J,7:- ~~~ .-. ._~., ...'!'~.-"f... ~ ~I"" PAGE 5/12 - III , 1Idare.. . ITA1I0I'_'-'_Df .. 1T.6.1I0II_-..-...0II _ Oa ... day of III . before.... On tile ' day 01 19 . t..lon. me ,....,...uy ame J><nOIlIIIy """" to me Jamnr. wIJo. W. "" me duly ......... cIId ...,... IIId tho IlIIlocriJlaIg .,;...... to tho ~ I............ with oay!bot ... ....... at 1(0. whom I am ~ __. -. beiog "" me ""Iy ; owom,clldclei>ooealllloay1hal ...-..atNo. that he ....... !bot he is tho of . \he ....,......... cberihed ill """ - ~ the fancaiag __; tIIa, he to he the iudi1Idao1 ....... the .... of .... <Orp01'Ilicm; !bot the oeaI al6moI deocrihe4 ill """ who .....mI tho ~ ..............; to lIIIicI .....---4 i. '""" corporal<< ....; thot it .... ... '!bot he, oaUI ~ .ma.s.. _ _, ODd .... - by 0Jder of the board of diru:mrs of oaUI ""_ ........ the ....... IIId tIlIt he. oaUI _. ..... ...r - he mgoed b ..... _ "" Iila: emIer. at the ...... _ tabscrlbcd r. _".,;b1<ss_ ~ lIlllJ 8IIc 11Im G, ,- WITH Co'vIlNANT MAINST GtANTOt:'S ACTS "I 'm1N<>. T-44l3 (M-3l82)Tl'GC #12063~t D. ALDEN CORWIN and ANGELINE D. GORWIN, his wife TO SI!CTION 087 ILOCI: 003 LOT 052 COON'IT 0I1'OWN Suffolk, Southold. 'I'AX BILLING ADDRESS IRVIN DAVID RAFKDT and PAULINE ANN RAFKDT. his wife Record..tA:~ofThttTIdeGUiUVlIH~ny dTUltH BY MAIL TO! trNeQI) .. OF NIW YOU: IOIIID OF mu _"lOiiI"~ --" II nn.e EillARAN1'EE- NEWYORK ~l'ttr"t:Y n.s~~" ,e;.;. ,-?17 ,4..............,.....1': ,4"""/<>;'''' )'l.-1y. /"""7 ZIp.... A1ICIllR""",""" ! ; ! I ; I I ! . . ~ ~ ~ UHno~ ~lums 10 ~U313 ~ol13n un~IHV 6l, Hd rc: ZI S lOr Q3Q~O~lo DEC-07-00 10,21 FROM,CTY.PRINTERS 718-575-4084 ID.7188SB0B07 PAGE 6/12 TOGEllJER with aU right, title zml inw-st, if any, of tht' patty of the first part in and to any $tree'" and nx'lds abqttinc the above described premi3es to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the zppurt~~,. aM\ all the eIta&e atId rights of the party of the first part in artd to SJid premi$et, ro HAVE AND 1'0 HOLD the r...m... """"' graoted ""'" the lJO'ty 01 the scoond port. tho bel" or sua;es.son and usigns of the puty of the second put forner. AND tho IJO'ty of the first IJO't """....,.. tl..t the """1 01 the 6nt port hos tlOt ....,. or sulI'etod ..ytloiog wh<tdIy the sald premiJa have been ;l101lIIlbertd in any way whatever. exr:q>t as afoRsaid. AND tile porty 01 the fi", port. in oomplIan<;e wlth ScetIon 13 01 the IJe" Law, e"...al"o that the 1""'1 of the fitsl port wiD r<:ed", the eoDSidernlilltl for this ~ and will bold the right to r<:ed.., oud1 0>lISid. ....... as" _fund to be applied fir" lor tbe porJlOIl! of paying the _ of the ;..p..,....... and will "I'PY the some fils! to the ""ymeDt of the <<1st of the fm_eolCOI belo", astor any pall 01 the 10IllI of the some for any-- The word "party" _ be CX>DStrI1ed as If II read "parti.." wheoe= the _ 01 this iode!ltaR '" roqulrts. IN WlIl'lI::D WHEREOF. the 1""'1 of the "" IJO't has dl'ly exeeuted lIDs deed the clay and year fitslahoft ....:; writtaL ...,...::r I. PmISElfCE..oI': . , ;.'. ..", _.~ t h )ry'rr . '.;.-, : O. ~J".I,4ft Q,-~. (D. Alden Corvin) (L.S.) r.:-" ~~/...~tJ. ~L.S.) (Aq. D. Corwin) '.-.... :..t. ", ,-,0 ... .; \iJ;e;:;i~: hi':~~ Cli ....~.~ ~ ..,.",,~ r;:.':~ '. '0 , --.. ., ;.. .."..;. .-) . . ~... . .::;. '!.~z:~ .;;: ,~:~'.-. " ":". ;1:" _" ':"1 . : -\ : . ~ ... . (.~ . !)')'j ""0" (..~.) ;).1 fit.. DEC-07-00 10.21 FROM.CTY.PRINTER9 718-&7&-4064 10.7188980907 , T-4413 (M-3182) 'l"IGC# 1206396 DISTRICT: 1000 SECTION: 087 : BLOCK: 003 LOT: 052 ',..~' ',A,:',.:;'; "';,,,<' t"7~:"":': .,;, . PACE 7/12 ~ ALL THE ~"IkGS ~K SERVICES YOuWILlI!V!1l; NIID Southold SAVINGS BAN K .C>,. J A , , .1 . ...... .; MORTGAGE '" eJi: , This is a real property mortgage glven on JUDe C'\ 0 1979, by IRVIN MVID I.lAFKDI and P.AllLIllE AIIN 1.lAFKDI, hls wife, both residlDg at 110-20 71st lOad, Fonst: RUb, lIlew York 1U7S, to SOUTHOLD SAVINGS BANK, a New York banking corporation, having its principal place of business at 54375 Main Road, Southold, Suffolk County, New York 11971, to -..re a loan in the sum of($ SO,OOO.DD) FIn'Y TBOUSAllll> AIIll> 00/100 DOLLMlS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and oovering real property described herein. This document will be called dIe MORTGAGE. The words. I, ME, MINE and MY. refer to each and all of those who sign this mottgage. The words, YOU and YOUR, refer to SOUTHOLD SAVINGS BANK or anyone to whom It may assign this morlpp. The NOTE Is a separate document I signed this day by which I acknowledg.thall have received the sum 0( $ 50,000.00) _ _ _ _ _ FrY TBOllSAIIlD AIIll> 00/100 IlOL1&IS - - - and _to repay it with Into_to you. GIVING OF MORTGAGE AND ITS EFFECT On this date, because you loaned me the money for which I gave the note, I morlpp to you the property described In paragraph 1 below. By this I mean the following: A. I g;vo you the rights In 'ho property which tho low jives 10 holdo.. of morlgaJes. B. I..,.e to keep all the promises which I make in the noto and In this monpge. If I fall to pay the money I owe you or to keep the other promises made in the nOle and in this mortgage, then you can foreclo," this mortgag.. Fo",closure moy ",suit 'n the property being sold 10 a buyer who will have the riJht to remove me from the property_ The proceeds of the sale m~ be applied to pay the CO$! and ex"e.... of the f""""osu", action. as well as to pay tile money I owe you under the not. and this rnorlpp. If the proceeds.... not enough 10 p.y these amounts, then you may ,et a pe""na! judgment against me for the diffe"'nte. 1. PROPERTY UNDER MORTGAGE , The property I mortgage I. all tilat certain parcel of land, with the buildings and Im~rovem.nts thereon, slluate, lying and being In the Town of SO\ttbold . County of Suffolk ,State of New Yor", at , yvUIr. btllDlded 8DcI descr1becl 8S follows: , IlEGIIIlIJIRG 81: the comer f~ by the iDtersecl::I.oa of the outber1y side of Wabun Street and the eallt.rly side of Joltnn......"" ou1evarcl; IluAllIG 'J:HJlIIlCE HortI1 87 degnu 26 ad.uutes 00 secmcls Ilast aloag the sO\ttherly .:I.de of liabuD Street 75.00 feet: to ll11ld DOlf or formerly of Yaro; 'DIERCE South 10 degrees 34 III1Dutes 00 secoDds Baa t: alao& .aid last: I118nt::l.oaed land 150.72 feel: to !:be ~ly sUe of jofinn"h..h.. evard; 1:twlCJ;; ."",th 70 d"llreeA 07 minutes 00 8_0Qda lleat a1.oag the t:ber1y slde of lfiIUlebaba IIoI1levlIrd 86.15 feet: to the _ter1y side of lIinn"".h. Boulevard; , 1IUIIIMlO lIlorth 10 d"llrH8 34 Id.Dates 00 secoada West alOll& the aster1y aide of tlh....h.h. Boulenrd 117.50 feet: to the poJnt or , place of 'Beginning.' , DEIIIlG AIIlJ) .uulU'WlD TO BB the ._ praia.. conveyed by D. Alden and Angeline D. COJ:rin to lJ:v:I.n David ,_Arh, and Pauline llafld.n, his wife, th$ JIOrtS8son b8reiD, '1>1 dud dated J_ :?8"~ 19n lIIld iDtlIIldecl to be recorded .fIIal....__1y benwith, lIIld t:b1s pp is a pumbalie _1 fint 1IIOrtp&e alVflll to s_. 8 part f' tba cClDlIiderat10D expzessed 'in .aid dud. " ' ,t, _" MOD......" OEC-07-00 10.21 FROM,CTY.PRINTERS 718-&7&-4084 10,7188980807 PACE 8/12 Th. property also Includes all lilY rilhlS In the property and Illy rilhlS and priY~_. if any, 10 al/' land, Waler, streelS and roads' next 10, and on allllid.., Qf th. property. The ptOp<<ty also indudes anything which Is now au.dJed 10 or used In connOction willl lIle Property, or wIllch Is 50 allac:hed or used in the future and any proueds, to tho extent necessary 10 repay the ;unount that I owe, which com. from the uklng of all or any pan of lIle property by a government ogency or by anyone else authorized by law. . . . . . I . . 2. PAYMENT FOR TAKING OF PROPERTY I give you the right 10 any money which may b. necessary to repay tho amount I owe you, if any gov.rnm.nt.,.ncy or anyone el.. authorized by law takes the property or any part of it. 3. PROMISE TO PAY NOTE you name all the amounts as provided in the note. 4. INSURANCE For your benefit. I will keep the buildings on the property inlUred against loss by fire, flood (If the property is located In an area having special flood hazards), as well as any other hazard against wIlich you desire protecllon, with an In- SUranc. company ......tabl. to you. At your requ....1 will dellv..- and assign any lUch policy 10 you. If I fail to pay the premium for this insurance, or If I fail to obtain ",oela' hazard Insuranell within ten days after you ask m., you may du so. I agree to then repay lUch premium to you when you ask for repaymenL I promise to pay you or anyone 5. PRESERVING PROPERTY AND RIGHT TO INSPECT I will keep the property in good repair. I will not damage, destroy, or substantially change the property, and I will not ai/ow the prop- orty to d.terlorale. If anything attached 10 the prop.rty and covCl"ed by this mortgage Is removed or damaged, I will replace it immediately. You ha.. th. right 10 enter and Inspect the propeny on.... sonable notice .nd at J:ny reasonable time. 6. PAYMENT OF TAXES AND OTHER CHARGES I will pay when due all taxes, ....ssm.nts, sewer rents and water ratas which are assessed again.. the prop.rty. I will show you re- ceipt> for payments fDl" such charges withIn ten days after you request them. If any new law is passed wIlic:h r.quires you to pay a tax or assessment becausc you are the holder of the note and this mott- lPP. th.n you may request lIlat I pay you all the monies I owe you. If requested by you,l awee 10 pay aI/lhe monies I owe you under Ihe nol. and this mortgage wllhin thirty days afler you glv. me notice of the pauqe of 5U~h a Ia.w. 7. PAYMENTS BY YOI) If I do nol pay all ~.......... ments. seWer renb, ware.r rates, insurance premiums, costs to protect the value of the property. main- tenance and any other payments I .m required to make, you may pay those charges, although you don'l have 10. If you do pay them I wUI repay you prompdy at your l1!quest with Interest althe rate provided In the note and such sum shall be .dded to the J:RlOUqt I owe you. 8. ENFO~CEMENT OF YOUIl.Il.IGIlTS If you do nol exorel.. Or enforce any of your rights under this mortgage, the note, or under the law, you will still mve all of those rights and you may exercise and enforce them in the future. Eat;h of your rights under the note and this mort.... is separare. You may exercise and .nfolU one or more of those rights as well as any of your rights under the law one J:t a time or all at once. This Is a purchase money morrga,e and may not be changed withoul written consent. 9. WRmEN STATEMENT OF AMOUNT DUE Within ten days amr you asJc me In writing, I will give you a written and signed statement of the amount that I owe you on the note and this mortgage and whether Or not I have rights or claims to reduce or not pay the amount you Siy I owe. 10. VIOLATIONS AFFECTING PROPERTY If I receive nolice from any governmentilf body that the properry, or my U5e, occupation or mi.intenance of that property, vio- lates any law, then I agree [0 correct such v;oliltlon within ninety days. 11. CONSENT TO CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP propertY without your prior written consent. I will not ..II or lransfer the 12. ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING improved by 3: one or.a two family dwolling. This prop.rty Is, or will be, 13. NOTICE AND OWNEIl.SHIP You may glv. any wrlnen no- tices regarding the note ilnd this mortpge to me by personal delivery or by ordinary mall at the address of the property. I represent and WJrn.nt that I own the property covered by this mortgage free and clear of any riahts of anyone else and I will defend my ownership and your rights under this mortgage agaInst any claims made agahlSl them. i I ( , t I i , DEC-07-00 10.22 FROM.CTY.PRINTERS 718-575-4084 ID.718eSB0807 T-4413 (H-3182) 'l"l'GC # 1206396 Il' - S~~~g =I-IIllI:)oo~ cl<~Z.; :i ~ ~ 9~ c(1IllI:."Q'lO lllO...j!O- ~.."'~~ .~~~ S ..... . :t:~. .. ~~)'~';i '. :~...:,;.\~~\ :~:." PAGE 8/12 ~ 4ll THE $Avt~ JANie: $iIWICES YOUWlLLIVIiR _ED Southold SAVINGS BANK /' /.. . "I,'., 1~/0 ' I 'J J I "i~ \ \...-/ .,.:. MORTGAGE NOTE This document will be called the NOTE, The words, I, WE, MINE and MY, refer to each and all of those who sign this NOTE, The words, YOU and YOUR, refer to SOUTl-lOLD SAVINGS BANK, or anyone to whom It may assign this NOTE, Tho word, MORTGAGE, rere.. to a separate document I signed this day by which I agre.d to morrpge proporty to you as security for the "",ayment of Ihi. NOTE, PROMISE TO PAY AND MANNER OF PAYMENT I, IRVIH DAVID RAFKIN and pAm.nnr. AlDl RAI!'KIR', his wife, ..siding at 110.20 7ln Road, Farelt RUb, Nn York 11375, , havo received from you, SOUTH OLD SAYINGS BANK, a Now York banking corporallon having its principal place of business at 54375 Main Road, Southold, Suffolk County, Now York 11971, the sum 01($ 50,000.00) FIFTY TBlUSARD AID 00/100 M - - - - - - - - - - dollars, which I promise to repay to you. I shall also pay interest on any unpaid amount at tho rato of 9 3/4 % per cent per year, until such amount Is paid In full. Those amounts will bo paid to you or to anyone to whom you may assign this NOTE. I promise to pay 1..011 $445 57 on July ~lf ,1979 and a like amount on the !:J..?" ~ day of each and .....ry month thereafter. Each paymont shall first be applied to tho InlOrest duo al that timo, thon tho balanco will be used for tho "",ayment of the amount borrowed. I shall make my monthly payments at your address listed above (or at any of your branch offices) or at any other place that YOUt In I writing, require. This NoTE is secured by a MORTGAGE mado by me to you this day on property situate In Suffolk County and .,,,,ed by mo today. I agtee that all tho terms In tho MORTGAGE are mado a part of this NOTE. This NOTE may not be changed without wrltll:n Consent. If you rocoive and accept any monthly payment required undor this NOTE and MORTGAGE, which is mado more than fifteen days aftor tho duo dall:, you may Impos. a IaIO charge. This late cha.... will bo 2 % per eont of tho toullall: monthly paymont. I promlso to pay thislalO charge. THISNOTEISDUEANDPAYABLEONORBEFORE JII11e ~8' ,2004. PREPAYMENT AND FAILURE TO PAY ~ f may pay either all or any part of the amount owed in advance within one year from today, but there will be a charJe equal to 90 day. Interest on the amoUnt paid In advance. AflOr one year, I may make advance payments wlthou. any additional charge. You have the right to require Immedlall: payment of the entire balanc;e of tho amOUnt due, if I do not make any monthly payment due under this NOTE and MORTGAGE within 15 days after It I. due of If I do not keep any other promise which I mako In thl> NOTE or In tho MORTGAGE. Dated: 6 1).'1' /79. Wilneoied By: (L.S.) (IJ:V1n D8v1cl RaAtD) , I' ii II I .\ (L.S.) ('nJCw. ADa. .........n) DEC-07-00 10.22 FROM,CTY.PRINTERS 718-575-4084 10. 71SeS80807 PAGE 10/12 f)',,"': :'1 ~~'.!, \':- :,,,;':':, / - ,n,.~" ,/ , '.l. ~ . .,~ .. - . (yr". .(r.2~)' O.~:_."} " STATE OF t4EW YOIlK. COUNTY Of SUFFOLK SS: On the ~cf-~ day of JUDe .19 79 . before me personally earn. IRVIlI Il&VID BAFn\!I 8IId P61JI.T1Il" _BAlm. his wife. to me known to be tIl. individuahdesribed In and who fXecuted the to,.g.,ln.'instrUment,:;;;'\ acknowledged that tbey executed tho same, NotaryPublla ~A "'_,,'"" Coo . """"'" .~ r. __ March 30. 101 STATE OF NEW YORK.COUNTV Of SUFFOLK IS: On the day of , 19 , before me personally came say lhat he resides at No. that he is the \0 m. known, who, belnt by mo duly SWOrn, did do_ end of the corporation described In and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal arfrxed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was 50 affixed by order of the board of direct"" of said corporation, and that he slIRed h name thereto by like order. No_,., Public U. '1\0 '\ ;\ \: ~ OEC-07-00 10.23 FROH,CTY.PRINTERS 71B-575-4084 10. 718BSB0S07 I PAGE 11/12 5TA H OF NEW YORK. COUNlY OF SUFFOLK as: On the X~aYOf June, ,1979 ,bef~mepersonallyeame I mVIN DAVID RAFKm aud PAULIlIE .AlIIl UFlCtN, his w1fe i to me known to be the indIvldual'descril>ed in and who e"..uted the foregoing inSlrument, and acknowledged that they ""..uted the same. Nqwry PubJ. STATi OF New YORK. COUNTY or SUfFOLK 55: REHSSElAQ Go TiRllY JIL -~_Y"" # ~-=-WL.c.;r,... On tho day of ,19 , before: me personally came to me known, who, beifIJ by me duly swom, did depose and say that he resides at No, that he is the of the ""'I'o,,"tion described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said eorponttion; that the seal affixed to said Instrument is such corporate 5eiiill; that It was 50 affixed by ord'" of the board of trustees of said c:otpOration, and that he signed h name thereto by like order. ~Ptbllll T-4413 Tide' 1206396 rrGC /J f) , f' Cy/ I \ '--./' i / t J.r' 'i-{' )< L.l M...tgage ...... br .....10 UVIN PAUL RAFKm and PADLI1!IE .AlIIl RAFKm .his ..ue ~ to RfNSS8.AElI G. rEillY, Jtl AnORNFf AT LAW 52~5 MAIN ROAll SOUlItoID, N, y, 11971 1516' 765-2300 SOUTHOLD SAVINGS BANK I i K G K ~ I ! . I . J " .., ::;. . i~" '~I :" "'.'l' 'H .. ~ ;. . . ,. . i ~ ." .:! ': " ~. ~:.,t' ; ew i: !.! v' .~.: ", ;:, ..:~ r:; : 1')1 ~ ~. .. .!, ' ',' ;" f1 ': i:.< ., np. 1~ I ' ~... ~... . 1 ;~' ~. 1.' . '~,. ' H ~ -:. !, \:.~! ~ ". ! '. : ~. ~l ').. ,: -!' : ~.~ ' : ~" ' , DEC-07-00 10,23 FROM,CTY.PRINTERS 716-575-4084 ID,71BBSB0S07 PAGE 12/12 14. FO~ECL~U~'-' .. ". ..-...... .-.--- .. . . .... If an :,;;,:-::..,....,j. ~;);1 foreclose this m~ and !here is a sale.at foreclosure,' >aroe that the property may be sold In on.. ." ~ You may ask 11\ attorney either to foreclose !his 1IIOl1p&e, to collect money I owe under Ihe1 note and !his mOl1lPlle, or to .nforc. ""y of the promises I haY' not lcePL If you do so, you may add' aU reasonable legal fees, COStS, allowances and dlsbu,.ents to the amount I owe you, roge!her with' Interest at the rate specified In the note. The unpaid balance of my debt to you shall bear InteI'eSt at tho rate of9 3/4 per cont por year until it has boon paid, repnlless of any default by m. or ""y condemnation of tho property. .. '< 15. RECEIVER OF RENTS If you start a foreelOlllto action, you may ask tho court to appoint a receiver of rents and profits to look after the property and to, collect rents from lilY tenants on tho property. This action may betaken wl!hout prior notice to me and without reference to the valuo of tho proporty. If I occupy all or ""y part of the propertY, then the receiver may collect a rcasonable chalgo from me for use IIId occupancy. If I fall to keep any of tho promises in Ibe note ""d Ibis mor1pge, Iben you may do and pay for whateVer is necessary to pro_ the valuo of the property including entering upon tho propertY to mako repairs, and you may cIwp 100 for your costs. ... 16. ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS I ,.... you tho right to c:oiloct all rents due from tenants or occupants of the propertY upon my deflUIL Upon your glv.... me f"1YO days written notlc:e that I have not kept my promises mado In the note and this mortpp, you may eoll...t ronts. I will not assign rents to any olber person. 17. PAYMENTS FOR USE AND OCCUPANCY If I fall to make any payments or keep any promises under this mortpge or Ibe note, thon I shall pay monthly in advance to you or to ""y'recelver a fair charge for the use of the property that I occupy. If I do not pay this fair eh..... you or the receiver may sue to collect It or to remove me. or both. 18. RESTRICTION ON USE OF MONEY LOANED ME I will comply with tho trust fund provisions of Section 13 of the lien law, by using any money I receive from you fortbe purpose of pilying the cost of improvements or construction, before I use any portion of the money for any other purpose. 19. DEFENSE OF YOUR RIGHTS If you have to defend your rights under the note and this mortgage, then any money you have to pay, including reasonable lopl f.... shall be added to the amount I owe you. I shall pay this money promptly, at your request, together with interest at the rate provided in the noto. 20. YOUR RIGHT TO REQUIRE PAYMENT OF ENTIRE BALANCE DUE Yau may require that the en- tire balance of my dobt lO you be paid Immediately If I fall to koep any of Iho promise. 1 mako in the note and this mortgago. 21. ADDITIONAL MONTHLY fA YMENTS In addition to the monthly pay- ments required by tho nole, I shall pay to you upon your domand, as part of the mon~'II'i'l"nt, one-twolflh (1/12) of the real estate laxes plus 1/12 of hazanlln",rance premiums, plus fl"r'Wato Mortgage In",ranee premiums, plus ono-twelfth (1/12) of Ibe yearly water ratos ""d sewer rents assessed against the property, all as estimated by you. You will pay tho.. items with this money. If there Is a shortage of money to pay these items I promise. to pay you the mortag., on demand. Witnessed by: (L.S. (IxviD David RafldD) (L.S.) (Pauline Ann Rafkin)