HomeMy WebLinkAboutJames Creek-1964-1965 Os ~ ~ ~ !:t..-_ '.. f: - '" [ ~ '. >,; ..--. - ::JAUF- 5 e. R cE (( I W./-IQ6S- DREDGiNG- :J..7:J./~-oo Cuo/c YARC>5 ()i~EPGF.;j) <. ;- - - ~ . r ---\ Tl - ..-. -I E ~ Ci1 ~ = \J. -:::J \ V ~ 7'V <=:> ", ~ v ::!. C') + <- \." ;C <:;'I . . I . Cl 1> -I ::N IT E fT1 -j C- O' \Ii C\ N ~ - Z- = ~ Z- ~ '" ~ V. \I' \ , \ . - -. - ~ "". ~- ,- F~ ... . ." . f . , < , , r". - . -,..:.. . ....' .... AI I q(,:) SPOIL A-R6A EA-ST Or- .:r,l.."-L6n t~EE-JL " ~ z 0 c '" < " <C r r Z " " (' ~ m ~ ~ > r ::r " '" -\ z ~ ~ " z .' ('I < 0 p1 0 ~ (1\ m Z B c " " f'. '0 ~ Z .' Z m ~ , V> c m m 0 r .' '" '" '" r- :i y <+ c 1J r ~ V- tc:. tTT f;\ 'l'J .+: (i1 m TV "t r ....\ '+ c:; i'I [TJ J> =1 r ,... -.{ ~ ..... -t r;:J 0--. ..c::: :r c I m ~ c-.. ,.... V\ -I V' 0.1\ ~ -j ?fI 0- (Ti - .+: C7 r (T1 G\ 1'1 .... ..... 171 '.C 1: " G'\ 2:- ~ r > -<:> " .... ill ...c::. . . :';"'! ~. _ \~,,'.r.'~ '. .;/;;;.'~:., ""'S.-, ':-<:.t}.;..,,.. :~. ," .' .~ , , w."_~_,,,__,,_, . West End Properties Association of Camp Mineola, Inc. P.O. Box 1701 Mattituck. N.Y. 11952 September 20, 1994 We are a group of 38 families who are extremely concerned with the marine ecology in the J ames Creek area of Peconic Bay at Mattituck. On an average of every three years, the N.Y. State Dept. of Environmental Conservation issues a permit for the dredging of an approximate 400 foot distance where James Creek meets Peconic Bay. The spoil is pumped to the east of J ames Creek, nourishing the eroded beach shore line. Each dredging kills thousands of marine creatures that dwell there and benefit from the nutrients deposited at the creek bottom. Then, when the spoil is deposited along the shore line, it kills the marine life that has come back to this area since the previous dredging. We believe that the best way of eliminating this constant dredging is to replicate the nature built jetty that~nded southerly into Peconic Bay on the east side of James Creek. This 400 foot natural jetty was in existence until about 1945. (See Exhibit I, consisting of maps and surveys documenting the existence of this jetty.) This natural jetty started to erode only after the first dredging of James Creek which took place about 1940. The wave action on the vertical cut along the west side of the natural jetty, (creek side), caused the natural mud bog and beach grass that made up the natural jetty to break off slowly and fall into the newly made channel leading into James Creek. Once the natural jetty was entirely destroyed, the sand that was held to the east by it quickly moved westerly, filling in the channel at the mouth of the creek and also causing a sand bar to form 300 feet into the creek, extending westerly. With the disappearance of the nature built jetty, the shore line to the east of James Creek continued to erode to a depth of 5 feet, extending 1000 feet east of the James Creek channel. In 1964, two jettys were built. A 200 foot jetty was built 100 feet east of the James Creek channel, quickly trapping sand and renourishing the immediate area. A second jetty, 50 feet in length, was built at the same time, 55 feet east of the channel, catching and holding sand washing around and over the 200 foot jetty 45 feet east of it. (See Exhibit 2 showing erosion from 1945 to 1964, and the renourishment of the area as a result of these two jettys built in 1964.) The dredging that takes place approximately every three years serves to nourish the beach shore line to the east of James Creek for a short period of time. This spoil eventually winds up back in James Creek due to the fact that the existing 200 foot jetty is not long enough to prevent it. This is clearly illustrated in Exhibit 3, which shows the beach shore line east of James Creek at three stages: . * Novemher '90 Right after the dredging of James Creek * June '91 Th~ erusion is well lIndcrw~IY * Novemher '91 Once year after the dredging most of the sand is back in James Creek again. In order to eliminate the continuous dredging we wish to apply for a permit to construct a new jetty (420 feet long) from the present existing shore line, to partially replicate the nature built jetty that was in place until 1945. The new jetty would ideally match the length of the jetty on the west side of James Creek. The photograph below shows what we believe would be the optimal location of this jetty. Building this jetty would eliminate the need for dredging by holding the sand in place and will restore a natural ecological balance through natural undisturbed nourishment of an area extending one thousand feet east of the James Creek channel and well into Peconic Bay south of the shore line. Eugene Bozzo Rick Curcio Norman Wamback West End Properties Association of Camp Mineola Dredging Committee. PART 1 The aerial photographs in Exhibits 1, 2 and 3 were taken in Au~ust, after about six months of gentle southwest winds which deposited sand against the west side of the wooden and rock jettys. The winds in the Fall and Winter storms are from the east and northeast at a much higher velocity. A few hours of an easterly storm can move more sand in a westerly direction than it has taken six months of southwest wind to build up on the west side of the jettys. '-J RECENT EXAMPLE Photo #1 This photo was taken August 30, 199h looking west toward James Creek. The sand is piled against the west side of the wood and rock jettys. Photo #2 :J. This photo taken on October 15, 199h shows the sand piled on the east side of the wood and rock jettys. This was the result of a mild northeast storm starting on September 22, 199h and extending to the early morning hours of September 23rd. Data from the Northeast Climate Control Center in Ithica, N.Y. showed the strongest wind [;Usts on eastern Long Island occurred at 11:30 PM at 26 knots. At midnight the gusts reached 2h knots. By r;:OO AM, September 23rd the gusts lowered to 17 to 28 knots as the storm passed. Southwest winds for the month that has followed has not yet begun to restore the sand that this mild storm moved in those few hours, some of which has beLn washed into the .James Creek chnnel. \,_...~ i) :Jt:( c o ;it 2. ,~.J;~~.~---J '. : -,-;;,tj: -:;.-}? _ ,. ~ _"._ --...,..lo -"". .. .":".... _~ ~ _ -r1.'1j.. . .......__ _.. _ i~, - '. --...-. " ,-.. -" ..... ~- ~. : ......;1-",... .... ._~" .... .~. . , ~..; "",' .. - ii:- - ";. ~ .; :('_ c.-'_ *. .... "". -....... '...; ..- " .....-. "'-.', ~s:=:. , -' .-' , \r rot c PAR T2 BENEFICIAL RESULTS OF FIVE INDIVIDUAL HOME o~rnER JETTYS BUILT 'CAST OF JAMES CREEK c c , 1957 and 1952 looking west to James Creek. Prior to the building of five individual jettys extending to 1,500 feet east of James Creek. At that time for the distance of 1,125 feet east of James Creek at low tide the water level was two feet deep at the bulkheads. ~ ~~ "- - - ...... .. --- . [: ~. ~ . <- '..- - ,'._'''~.~'4. - . :r~:,"?--r~-:~~~ ~J' ,- C-\l.vvl'-" -."_ _.r _::t;:....;....-- " --- .~~~ . ,~ *,?: .^, ., , 1..'b 7, " --~ ~. - .- J-'I' 50 01'1 I!!!\;l r I , 1991 Note the sand held by the five individual jettys built about 1960. t, ,. . . ,. ~ !II= . I I ~ , I. , p~ . ~ ~: I ~ Non:.. THE 1.,.I;V,;L OF Sf',N'i> UN\)'::~ w/",rSR Iff'LD 01 .I Tft-~ NUO GaG- -J"1::H'1' A" I - C OKP/\Ch:O wITH TO \)r\ '1 L...ownl>~ (ft"~IL 1\ / / \PAR, 3 v s Todo.y I q;J...Ol~ ~ C{,;LJ' -- ~ , /'tUt) [3aG .::r1"~TT'f - II ~ -:--...... _ .j""" '.;,"'. ,"';;.. > O' ',1 -- =---~~, ~ "'"".;k . -.........,...~ ..,. ,~ .,. '". ',t. .. - .- ~ . . . ' ,. ~~.. .~ .." ,~ . y ...~ -.,.~:-.}( ." I . ~ " ;>c .~ I , L.lJw .lDE DEe ')..(, ! '!~4 , . or t 1:. ~ I .-", L j .J . ..:>--- . .' l .-. ~-:.o.._ -,-' :~".)io:" I -,~".'r".~ ~..r .:;~t..._, __ . , .......c.~..fl~,.. .,.~ ,,- .- ''Z- I ..;.~_:'- ~, "' -.r.;J.... .1"-,......" 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