HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-07/06/1982 M I N U T E S 493 The regular meeting of_the Board of Southold Town Trustees was held at 7:30 PM, Tuesday, J~ly 6, 1982, at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. Present Were: -P~esident Paul Stoutenburgh Vice President Frank Kujawski _ ~ Trustee Henry Smith _ ~ Trustee John Bednoski ~ Trustee John DiVello .... ~ -~_Ba~ Constable Thomas Czelatka ~ Clerk Marian Goubeaud President Stoutenburgh called the meeting to-o~der at 7:30 PM. On motion made by Mr. DiVello, seconded by ~wir. Kujaws~i and carried~ the minutes'of the June t, 1982, meeting were approved. The next meeting will be August 3, 1982. ~ On motion made by Mr. Smith; seconded by Mr.'~Kujawski and carried, ~he · mooring renewal, permits for the month of August were'-a~proved. On motion made by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Bednoski, it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Mary Jane Hicks to place an offshore stake with pulley line to onshore .stake ~at Orient Creek, Orient. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs. StoutenbDrgh, Kujawski, Smith, Bednoski, DiVel!o. · On motion~made by Mr. Smith, ~econded hy Mr. Bednoski, ~it was RESOLVED to approve the 'application of James H. Rich, Jr.:, to place 150 lb. mushroom mooring in Town Creek, Southo!d. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs. Stoutenburgh, Kujawski, Smith, Bednoski and Di~ello. ~ On motion made by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Bednoski, it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Robert R. Gensel to place 300 ~lb. mushroom mooring in Town Creek,~ Southold. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs. Stoutenburgh, Kujawski, Smith, Bednoski and DiVeilo. On 'motion made,by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. DiVello, ~t~was~ ~RESOLVED to approve the request of Strong's Marine Center for ins~a!tation of a travel li~t slip to be 45 ft. long, 25 ~t. wide on ~land end and 20 ft. wide on water end~ tO dredge (66 cu yds) within the slip in James ,Creek, Mattituck. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs. Stoutenburgh, Kujawski, Smith, Bednoski and DiVello. ~ On motion made by Mr. Bednoski, seconded by Mr. Stoutenburgh, it was RESOLVED to approve the application of David McCook to place an offshore stake at Goldsmith's Inlet, Peconic. Vote of Board: Ayea: Messrs. Stoutenburgh, Kujawski, Smith, Bednoski and DiVello. On motion made by ~. Smith, seconded by Mr. Kujawski, it w~as RESOLVED to approve the application of Mary Jane Gross to construct a T dock consisting ~of a 26 ft x 4 ft catwalk With a 12 ft x.4 ft dock at end in West Creek off Goose ~reek, Southo!d, Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs. Stoutenburgh, Kujawski, Smith, Bednoski, DiVello. 494 .~' On motion made by Mr. Smi~, seconded by Mr. Bednoski, it was RESOLVED to approve-the application of Paul Birman-to re-sheath in kind approximately 40 ft of bulkhead directly in ~from.of_e~istin~ bulkhead and sand .t~ cedar ~acn CreW, Southold, fill space between with'clean, trucked~-±n ,/p ovl~lng~e puts ~in a wetlands application for same. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs. Stoutenburgh, Kujawski, Smith, Bednoski and DiVello. On motion made by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr~ DiVelto, it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Anthony Prisco to re-sheath, in kind, board for board replacement approximately 90 ft of bulkhead directly in front of existing bulkhead and fill space between with clean, trucked-in sand in Cedar Beach Creek,' Southold, providing he puts in a wetlands application-for same. Vote of-Board:.. Ayes: 'Messrs. Stoutenburgh, Kujawski, Smith, Bednoski, and DiVello. - .... -f - On motion made by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. DiVel!o, it was RESOLVED to 'table the application of Matt-A-Mar Marina to install four T shape floating docks in Mattituck Creek, Mattituck. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs. Smith and DiVelto. Noes: Messrs. Stoutenburgh, Kujawski and Bednoski. Motion d~feated. - .... On motion made ~by Mr. Stoutenburgh, seconded by Mr o Kujawski, it was RESOLVED to deny withQut prejudice the .application of Matt-A-Mar Marina to install four T shape floating docks in Mattituck Creek, Mattituck. Vote of Board: Ayes: Messrs Stoutenburgh, Kujawski, and Bednoski. Noes: Messrs. Smith and DiVello. T~is resolution was duly adopted. Dn motion made by Mr. ~mith, seconded by ~. DiVell~, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board to table the application of Matt-A-Mar Marina to install four T shape floating .docks in Mattituck Creek, Mattituck. Vote of Board: Ayes: 'Messrs. Smith and DiVello. Noes: Messrs. Stoutenburgh, Kujawski and Bednoski. Motion defeated. On motion made by Mr. Stoutenburgh, seconded by Mr. Kujawski, it was RESOLVED to recommend to' the Southold Town Board to deny without prejudice the application of Matt-A-Mar Marina to install four T shape floating docks In Mattituck Creek, Mattituck. Aye.s: Messrs..Stoutenburgh, Kujawski and Bednoski, Noes: '-Messrs. smfth and' DiVello.~ This resolution-was duly adopted. On motion made by Mr. Kujawski, seconded by Mr. Smith and'carried, the Board granted John Orlowski to change his mooring in Mattituck Inlet from an off- shore stake with a pulley line to the westerly part of'the Park District Bulkhead to a mooring-anchor in deeper water at the end of'the inlet. Lori Brooks reported that her survey and inventory.of Mattituck Creek.was going along very well and that the people owning structures in the creek were very cooperative. , There being no further business to come before the'Board, Mr. Kujawski made a motion, seconded by Mr. BednQski and c~rried, to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM. ~ F~rian Goubeaud, Clerk Southold Town Trustees Addendum to the~inutes of the Southold Town Trustees meeting of July 6, 1982. . On June 16, 1982, Town Clerk Judith Terry received a. letter from Town Attorney Tasker stating that in his opinion, the Town Board could authorize the Board of Trustees to issue mooring permits at Town Landing off Beach Road, in Sterling Creek, Greenport. The Board requested a second letter be sent by certified maiL, return receipt requested, to Lawrence Brannigan stating the dock he constructed does not conform with his permit. As he is in violation, he must sub- mit a new application and a wetlands application for the dock, ramp, and floating dock. ~ The Board requested a letter be sent to Bruce Urban requesting that he comply with his permit which was granted for use of piling ~ 77 at Gull Pond with stake in creek, not an anchor, and if he dqesn't com~ly, he will have to remove his boat. Ma ian. Goubeaud, Clerk Sout~old Town Trustees