HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12371 P 285 . ,. . weB-" Re.. llI99 (uniform ....k.l 1-12311 ~ -2gs Dist. 1000 Sec. 103.00 B1k. 01. 00 Lot 027.000 SI..d N. Y.B.T. U. F...1OO2. ..larl'in and S.. Deed. wirh CAwnaM ........ G......, Ac..-llIlIi.....1 01 c..por..... (Ii.....a...) _, .,_IAWYU_ __ __-lIUI....-.-..... III.." IA...... ONLY. /03-/-/7 rH nos JNDENnJIU!. made the ~ " d&y of January DTWEEN . Robert C. White 2200 Harbor Lane Cutchogue, NY 11935 , in the year 2005 party of the &rot put, &IIlI Daniel J. Go~an and 1-9 ll___li_-o I QQ." U__rL_nl 11\- Family Trust Joan A. GOrlllln...~,Tru8teesLo!. the GOTlIlIIn <ftf)3 )). :zn.,..,.,te~ ~. llm "/u,nferPtU'"k., j:l. .J2.719 party of the secoad put, wrrNIIIIEI'H. that the party of the lint JlUt, In COlIIidention 01 Ten Dollan and other Yliuable ~ paid by the party al the RcoancI part, cIoes hereby lrant and release unto the party of the IIIlOIId part. the ban or IIICCeIIOrI and auipl of the party 01 the secoad put f_. AU. that certai.. plat, piece or parcel of Iud, with the buiIdinp and improwmmll the.- erected, oituate, 11i.... uuI beiDc iD * SEE SCHEDULE A ATTAGHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE THE SAKE PREMISES conveyed by Deed dated 11/03/1967 and recorded on 11/15/1967 in Liber 6256 page 128 in the Suffolk County Clerk'. Office. TOGETHER with.n ript, title and intelUt, if any, of the party of the firll part in and to any streets and roads ahulling the above described premills to the <enter linn thereol; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all lhe estate and riBhts 01 the party of the lint part in and to said premiSCI; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein IIMted unto the party of the SCCIlIIId part. the hein or svva"O"l and ... of the pany al the soconcI part forever. AND the p:lny of the first part covenants that the party of the lint put bu not clone or suttOftd anythi"l whereby the said rremises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. . AND the p:lny 0 the fint pan, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, amonants that the party 0' the first pan will receive the consideration lor this conveyance and will hold the riptto receive such COI\SicI- eratian as a trult funclto be applied fint for the purpooe 01 payi"l the cost 01 the imrrovement and will apply the same.6nt to the 1..)"n18nt 01 the COlt of the imptOVelllent before ulinl an)' part 0 the total al the same for any other purpose. The ""ord "...ny" shall be construed as if it read "panies" whenever the IInse of this indenture 10 requires. IN WI1lfaS WHEREOF, the party of the int part bu duly executed 1his deed the d&y and year 6nt abowe ....itlen. 1. ._NaOF: /d(~ Robart C. ita . STATE OF NEW YORK) ) &, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) TH 0'"he~6dayof Jan. inllle~ 200~me,1he undeniped.penoaoIlyappend Robert C. White pmlIIIIIly '-wn III me or JIIIIVOlIIII me llllbe boIis of 1IIi""""" ovidoace 10 be Ihe iac6vidual(l) whooe 1lIIne(1) ill (n) IIIbIcribed 10 the wlllrin inIlrument IIId odlDowledpd 10 me 1hII1ldIhe'Ibey ..CCUIeCIIhe IOIIJO In hlllherflheir Clpldty(1a), IIId 1hII by hislherl1lleir sipatun(1) on Ihe iIIIIrumonl, Ihe indiYidull(I). or IIIe . penon upon behalfofwillcb d1e~individuol(1 . -.dill. IftSII'Umtnt. M11lICIA C. MOORe " r , NaIIJy,.. BID .,Nwr'lllrll Slpa..n.Dd otIIeo of Sl&IIIIUn lad 0IIIce of ..... CaunIr. No. ....,...!.lJJIIIIIIda. acIulowIedpat 1atII.......lIIdq ....-......1 Camm.....I!apI!w.u.1~ Notary Pub lie 1'lIlIRIClAc. MOORE NtdIIy NIIIQ....., NIw 'lIIrIl . Far ._-......u....... .. New Y.1'll StIte. IluIraItCDunty. No. _188. _ Cammlaltm ..... June 18. ~ .. Sta" DIItrkt .'C.I.IIIII", Tarltory. ..." . .,.r Fantaa en.try . STATEOFNEWYORK) ) a.: ) COUNTY OF On Ihe _ day of in Ihe ~ _ W.... me, the lIIIlIenipcd, penaaally append penoaoIly Iaunm 10 me or prowd to me 0II1he buie of .lilflClary evideJa to be Ihe individual(l) -lIIIne(s) II (....) sublcribed 10 III. wllllin insInJmonlllld ocIl:nowIedpd to me 1hII heishellhey executed Ihe limo in hislherllheir c:epocity(iel), IIId 1hII by hiIIheJfIheir sipalwo(s) on Ihe inSllWllellI. Ihe indlvidual(I), or Ihe perIIlII upon behalf ofwhieb 111. individual(s)...ed, .....Ied 111. inslnnnent. ) ..: On Iho _ day of in IIIe ~ _ before me. Ih. IIIIdenianed. penaaally append penonaIly Iutown to me or JIIIIVOlIIO me 011 the buill oflllilllclOry evidence 10 be the hIdividuIl(l) whole nllllC(s) il (n) IUbocribed 10 Ihe wllllin illllnlmenl and aeknawlalpd 10 me lllel _ey ......ed III. .... in hi_r .....ity(inl. 1hII by hilihmlheir liananu<<s) OIIlh. i.._~ Ihe indlvidual(.~ orllle........ upoa bchIIfofwhicb Ihe individuat(l) 1Cled. .....!lOd lhe instrumen~ ond 1hIIsuch individual mode IUeh IppOIIIIICI beb the IUllhnigned in Ihe _ (Insen Ihe cil)' or other polilical subdiYIJlon end Ihe SIa1e or C01I/IIr}' or other plecellle octnowled......1 Wllllken). .. For .......W.........II..... OIIts1de of New Yoi'll State. Jlupm IJIIl "Ie .tell WITH CoVENANT MAINS'" GUN'OIl"S AC1s Tnu No. Robert C. White 10 Daniel J. Gorman and Joan A. Gorman, as Trusteos of the Gorman Family Tru.t I1'ANDMD RIMa 01' ... 1'01I IiIIIID Of nnI "_1_._ _6, Fir,l Auricall Titlt IlIIIU'lIlIce ColllpGlIY of NeIIJ York ~ SIp...n .ad omce of Iad_I..Ida..dulowlal.....t I .I sterlON ILOa LOr COUNTY Y'IMIN' 103.00 0] .00 027.000 Suffolk ___ AI Requoll or FInI_nlltl_~dI_Y"" _.-ruIN ay IIAIL TO- John Arweiler, E.q. 20 Old Hickory Lane Huntington, NY 11743 ZlpNa. I I a I I I ! i .. i .. TItle No: RH04302078 SCHEDULE A - DESCRIPTION AMENDED 1/12/Z005 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, sitUate, lying and bclng in the Town of Southold, at Cutchogue, Suffolk County, New York described as follows: BEGINNING at an Iron pipe on the westerly line of Harbor Lane 2,123.28 feet southerly along said line from the southerly line or the Main Road; RUNNING THENCE along the westerly line or Harbor Lane south 07 degrees 58 minutes SO seconds east, . 100.00 feet to an Iron pipe; RUNNING THENCE along other land or Dalthet CorporatIon, three (3) courses liS follows: 1. Running thence south 82 degrees 01 minute 10 seconds west, 140.00 feet to IIn Iron pipe; 2. Running thence north 07 degrees 58 minutes SO seconds west, 100.00 feet to IIn Iron pipe; and 3. Running thence north 82 degrees 01 minute 10 seconds east, 140.00 feet to the westerly side or Harbor Lane to the point or 8EGINNING. Certlncat. or nUe ,. ',j, . u:: 2 ] Number of pag.. TORRENS REl)jr.na> 2'lO5 F9b 14 10108,21 ~I'I Edw"rd P.IlOlUj~ CLERY. OF SUfF(LK COUt.W L 000012371 P 285 DTII 04-~l SerialN ecnincale N Prior Of. N . ~ Deed / Mortllge Inslnlmenl Deed / Morlllle Till Slimp FEES Recording/ Filing Slamps 4 Page / Filinl Fee Mortpge Ami. Handling TP-S84 I. Basic Till 2. Addilional Tax Notalion Sub Tolal EA-S2 17 (County) EA-S217 (Stale) Certified Copy ~g. Copy Other Sub Total Spec.! Assil. Or Spee./Add. TOr. MTO. TAX Dual Town Dual Counly_ Held for Apportionment _ Transfer rex () (') gO ~ Mansion Till The properly ered by Ihis monpge is or will be imp ved by. one or two romily dwelling on! YES If NO, see IF _oflhisl _ Sub Tolal COInm. of Ed. S~ R.P.T,S.A. 30- Affidavit GRAND TOTAL s Real Property Tax Service Agcw;y Verification Dist. SeClion B lock LoI servalion Fund 1$ S20 000.00 7,400.00 51 05005568 1000 10300 0100 027000 CPF Tax Due _mo ! ~ 1"1 I nltlls j _ -;1 SOlisfaciionsIDiscliargOilKeleases LISIl"ropeny I:Iwners Mailing Addres ..:.J RECORD oil: RETURN TO: Improved Vlcanl Land John Arweiler. Esq. 20 Old Hickory Lane Huntington TD~ TO TO 9 g Title Company Information Co. Name CODlnonwealth Land Title 101. Co. Title #I RH04302078 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page fonns part oflhe altached Deed mode by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Robert C. White' The premises hMin is silwued in SliFFOLK COUNIY. NEW YORK. TO In the Township of . . '.In the VILLAGE or HAMLET ot" Southold Daniel J. Gorman and Joan A. Gorman, as Trulteee of the Gorman Family Trust Cutchogue BOXES 5 lHRU 9 MUST BE TYPED'ORPRINTEO IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR flUNG. IOVERI 1111111111111111I11111 11111 11111111111111I1111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIII SOPPOLIC COUNTY CLERK RBCORDS OFFICB RBCORDING PAGE Type of Xnstrument, DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages, 4 Receipt Number , 05-0016476 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBER: 04-28567 Recorded, Atl 02/14/2005 10.08121 AM LIBER: PAGE: D00012371 285 District 1 1000 Section 1 Block. 103.00 01.00 IIXlIHINBD AND CHARGBD AS FOLLOWS $520,000.00 Lot. 027.000 Deed Amolmtl Received the Following Fees For Above Xnstrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO HYS SRCHG $15.00 NO SA-CTY $5.00 NO SA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $2,080.00 NO COIIIIII.Pre. $7,400.00 NO Fee. Paid $9,632.00 TRANSFBR TAX HUKBBRI 04-28567 THIS PAGB XS A PART 011 THE INSTRUMBNT THXS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.RoIIIaine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRIT1NG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: htlp:,ll www.orpa.&tlIte.ny.ua or PHONE (5181 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONt y Cl. SWIS eo. C&. PoIlllI ~ _I REAL PROPERl'Y TRANSFER REPORT Ii',? '?1?, ~.rl g.A '''' / t'.n -, ..;z., t'..5 I 8TATE OF NEW YCIIlIl STATE _ OF REAL PIlOfIIl1\' _ C2. o.tII DHd ReI: D .-ct ca."" PROPERTY INFORMATION "_1 2200 LocatIon ......r........ Southold arv..._ RP - 5217 IIH:n...."., Harbor Lane 1'lllllf1WlC. Cutchogue - , 11935 ..- 2. ..,.. -- Daniel J. Gorman and Joan A. Gorman 89 T~uateea of the Gorman Family Trust LAlIT NMII' ICOIIIWn ,..,..... LAIr NAIA,aM'AW -, .... So To 1ndkIIID..... fuIu..T. .....IID....... BlVng ._IIlIIl...,...__lII-.albmll - LMT......,DlJMtI'ANV ""'f..... .1IIUT........ MID.,.,. NWI CITY DlIIMN irA" ...- I. =...v 1 - """""" Ixl -- IORI 'MX,I _ 3 2 1 1lInIr.-...--.IIlor....." .fA. PIIruq a.d.. &!.............. AudDity ExIIII 0 .. ""ntill'" AppnMI_ ........ IDr Y...... 0 C......~Ior...."'......_Mlp_ 0 .. IracIate the ......... ... &---- __ RaIl........... , ._ on'" died , '01_ 011 D ""nal._ ..- - White LMI NoWi/COlllWft' Robert C. ...r..... LMrNAlllr./CCIM'IUoY F"'_ ^~Ono_IIy_till B 2 or 3 FIl'l'lIIy ......"... C ....1do11llo1 v...nt Lond o _.-ntiol_Lond I SALE INFORMATION I "._--- E ~ .....Itu,., I ~ Comrnunlly 50_ F Commercill J InduICriII a........ "........_ H E......In..ntl Am_nt t fo... -"'--.IIlor_ "~IpT'fpoIo_lnl"'" .. ,. ConIItu:Iian on v..... Land 'M. "'-Iv L.- _. .. _IOu... IJohkt ,...~_._..--. thII tht PfIII*IY '- in In AcIr1aAbn1 DIItrk:r o o o o J. c:e.a...... bu bIIow which 1ItOII1CCUr_' cI-u.. the __.. me prIIperly .. ....IIIM DlIIIIiI: .... a.- _ or..... of __ _......_......... ~ I 10 - / 18 ... /2004 v_ ^ B C I) " F o H I J --_..._- _ _ _ Campon;oo ..........In 1IuII_ Ono 01.. ..,... Is .110 . _ Buyer or...... Ocwtm.._.l At#Jrrt:Y ar LandIng InIdIudon DoocI Typo... WI......,...1IorgoIn .1Id _ ~_ 8010 of _ or L-. _ Foe ''''-ISilodlY_ Sig_QIongoln~_T__ond8oloO" 8oIoalllull_IoI_In80Io_ 0IIl0< Un_ F...... -.. 8010 _CSpocify Bo_ Hen '.._....../T_ ~ - / I ... /2005 - ,5,2,0,0,0,0,0.01 , , 0 IFull_PrlcoI.........mauntjllldlor...._-.__. Thlo _ moy be In \tIo form 01_ orho. _or..... or.... _m_ of _..._abIIg_~1 __IOIho___.......,. 11._"'_"- , __In"'_ ASSESSMENT INfORMATION. llouo thould ..- tho .._ fln.t_mom Roll .nd r.. BUt ". Full ... .... ~OIOI ,..v_..-- ._..'l1oi_, 0.4". r....__CoI.........._, ....... .......-....... .... . , , 5 8 0 0 ; ,..",-_ 1 2. 1. Ol-U ,..___1 Mattituck-Cutchogue .. r..__IIIoI_II___.____....._1loI1 1000-103.00-01.00-027.000 I I CER11FICATION I I <IIGl)' II1II,,"'''' _"'_ _......._ ...._... _110..._ ....,.... Ill..... boIIoII...'.......- .II1II......... """l' .1IIl'oI..... _.._ .... ...... wII"-",, _ 10 "'" ........""'..... ..... .... ........... ... -........... "'..... __ . !YIm BUYErS AnoIWEY 4l--i#'#' ~ - 1~6'~.s- ./ Arweiler ,....... John -- ~d.3 I N. .z:o.,r~"-~u:..v~'_ ~urY; .IIIEET~ 1fRI1t.....1AFllll1ALC 631 ....- 673-3629 .-..... 44.r.".~A"",A" I/~. IJ27P? ClrYClIl"*", . ~Al'I ..... /H~' NEW YORK STATE COPY 1/--a/:rOS;- ....