HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12403 P 44 , \ ., ! ! i-':' J II I ' N:<<!5 - Harpln.-.l Sale Deled \ljilh On.-muIl qaiD.'il C'1l1lII1oI'"1i Acts Indj,'idual or Corp.:nIinn tSiagIc Sbtc1} IN'rtDTU 810011 '-.. "'--'--....../ cosslln \'OVR LAWYER BFJ'ORE SI~G TillS INSTlIVMf.l\oT - TillS L'i!;J'RVME."r SIlO\ILD Br. 115m B\' IAWHRS OSL \. THIS II'lDENTURI_, made the ,'!' ~ay Df July, in the year 2005 BE1WEEN DSK HlOm... loe. noo Little Neck Rd. Cutehogue. NY II !I35 P8rt)' of the: lirst part. IDlI Joho Ciuni... and Patricia Romano 584 Ardsley BWd. Garden City South. New VDrk 11630 ()e g ~ '% 2 f b L r{) C( . c!JO Gof 01 ~ {)OO (I 3 <<':)0 .:> ~ e' I 0 '~~ u.1iJr; eJ:. P1at). ollilc second..... WITNESSETH.1hoI1lx .-.rof1hc fi", pall, in <Ofl5id<rllionofTcn DoIlarslllld IIlbcr ..luabIc c....._ion paid by IlIc panyolU~ sccund..... dues badoy ..... ond ..I,... ...., "'" pony ol1hc second poD. "'" heirs ond sucassors IIIlI up of tile pony ol1hc ......1 poll l<nv... ALL lh8Il c:crtain plot, pili:CC or JDOtI of land, ".lab buiklinp Ilhd irnpromucnlS tbaeon Clcau:cJ. lioilulll:, lying: or being in the See I\IlIA:hed Schedule "A"; Premise" being and inlended tD be the same as conveyed to the GrantDr hl....in by dt:cd dated 7f19/04 and recorded in Libcr 12336 a' Page 381 m. 8/1 1/04. Premise" more cDmmDnly known 15:1605 Lillie Neck Rd., Cutchoguc. NY 11935 This tral1lsactiDn is mllde in the regular cowse Df Business of OSK HDmes. Inc. and withh 100% shareholder approval ..f same. TOG ETH ER with alllriahl, title IDd WIeRSI, if My, oflhc pIIt)' ofthr firsa PIn o( in alld 10 any 5U1:ClS and roads abuninalhe Ii'loYC'-O~ibcd pl<lllises to lbc """"'1...._: TOGETHER "itb1hcappul1ClllllCa'" ..11hc:......IIlll......ollhc porI)' olth, Ci.npon in .."'n..w pmni...: TO HAVE A.ND TO HOLD.... pICIII.... _in........ _1hc pony ol'1hc....... pori. "'" !lri..." .....CS5OIS llIld ""..... 01"'" part)' oflbt. !IeCond pan benr. AND the Ip:II1)' or IlK rirsl. pan 00VCIa1IS Ihllllw: parI)' oflhe filSl p8r1_ DOt done or sufIA:mi 1Il)'lhinG whcrmy the sUd ptcmAses h....e tftn incumbered in 1IJ!o' "..y wtwevc:r. cxccpI as aforesaid. AND IlK: p8rt)" "rlhe firsl, ptI1, in compIilnl.'e willi Sccliun 13 ofllle Um "aw, awcnardS lha lht: party ohhe fll'Sl pa:n: ",'illlrec;ei".c lbc c:oIlSidLTDli,.. for Ihis COII\"eylnCC ad will hold Ihc ripllO rec:cn..c such CODSidenlion I:'!Ii elnlil fund 10 be wHeel IirsI for Ibe purpose ofp8)iollhc aJ5I Oflhc impIO\~_II.-.d will appI:r Ibc same flBl,lO Ihc P=l)1neII1 oflhl: o.J5I of the iInprovcmcm bribrc usina any pan: oflhc IOIaI oflbe SGnC: for 81[J.~' odaer purpose. The "orcI"'party" 5haJI be (~. ifi1 rad ""partics" "'ihcnC\'C'r the 5CD5C ollbis lrulauu.rc so mpaire" IN WITNESSETH WH EREOf. the pony oflhc r... pori has du~' ..,ccUlcd Ibis cIlocd the da)' .nd ~<ar filSl ...,., "Tincn r-) /;< ~':_---- I~ PIU:SE~:C[ OF: ~h/ All that certain piece or parcel ofland, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at East Cutchogue. Town of South old, County ofSutfolk and State of New York, being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Little Neck Road, distant 1542."76 feet southerly from the comer formed by the intersection of the said easterly side of Lillie Neck Road, with the southerly side of Eugene's Road; RUNNING THENCE South 89 degrees 54 minutes 10 seconds East along land n1o1f of Ovsianil(, a distance of 150.00 feet to the westerly line ofland n10lf of Zeneski; THENCE South 00 degrees OS minutes 10 seconds Wcst along said lands Ii distance of 125.00 feet to other land ofZeneski; THENCE Nonh 89 degrees 54 minutes 10 seconds West along said land a distance of 150.00 feet to the easterly line of Little Neck Road; THENCE nonherly along the easterly side of lillie Neck Road 0 degrees 05 minutes SO seconds East a distance of 125.00 feet to a point or pilla, of BEGINNING FOR CONVEYANCING ONLY, NOT FOR POLICY. SAID premises also known as 1605 Little Neck Road, Cutchogue. New York / .~ yf/ --;. .;IV ..;,.' // .'-'" / ( .~- . ~ .-.... -- ; ~:>f ~7 V # --- NYOOS.- flupio and Salle l.lccd \1rilh CO"CRllJlllpiDsI Gt'IDI(If'S Acts Individual orC'.-p(lfMioa 15lnak Sheet) tNYBTU 81))2) UfEAa/ltOWlEDCEMENlr I"OIIM 8BUJW WlTlllfII NEW."'- .tr'ArEONJ.J': SIal< 01 N... y_ C"'1Iy 01 I...; 5~ IF" &- co \ "" 0I""'~ofJulYin~"_200sbefun:"" n. ~ Theuadcnipod........Iy~_~_ '4L... \i""'"" of DSK IIOIIDS, 1-.:. PasoaaII)' tnown 10 lIE tll" proved to IIIC on the t.is of smsfilaory .._.. be 1M indlYiduoJt.,_ nouo(.)is C_) _...... willi.. ......... ond octaowtcdpd..1IIO dIOIlIoIIIIolIIey ClU:CU.... "'" .....iII_~ytics)._....bybiso1lorJdlOir~.,... "'" .....-."", indi.i&WI.j............... ..... bcIuoIf ....ich 1hc: indjy-..c" -.............. " E, IJsI:"Q./IIOI~TnaM Ul.lJWWlnmv NEIl' r(Mjr STATHOI'ILr. SIll.. oIN... y_ C..DIy 01 IIIL; On Ibc d8y of JamuaJy i.1hc ~ 200S ~'me.. "1100: undorsiJIned ....-.uy ~ PersoaaIIy tllOWlllo IlK' lCW proved 10 me: on lI'ae '-is of 511i!J'.aw:v .._.. be 1hc: indjy......, _ _'1 is (..llllhocribcd ID.... -- --... "'*-~..... -1lchhoIIIlcy......... "'" .....iII_r~(icsj....... by hisIIlaiIbeir,"-<!.,... Ibc ;.-..--.... die _vi"(s). or IhI: p:noIll upon bchIIIr ofwbida Ilbe iIllIMlDI('J -.......... "'" ...........L A~ENr FOol" #-VII U8B our.uDt~ NIJ:W rlMA' Ji7AJ'E' I1I\'Lt: ACA'A'OIn.I!lIGDlENr FOI'M RM U2 rnTIIlN NEW rtM'.. STAlli ONI.r. (OUI'IJ#'$TArE oa ""~GDiDAL ..tcrIW.....,...IJGI:M~T (N""Y__Wlr>iLI.<A~IM"CUrrn<:A~ CUrr"""~ _orNew ,'_eo.''''Df lIS.; SlatE DfNrw Y.... Coalllly or )IL; On lhr: Uy of JIIIUlII)' in the)al' 2005 btGn me. no. -1IJlCd.......,uy ~ The sua.s.:I'Ibin&: wi&Dcs51C:11bc fon:goina iD5Inunad. widlwbMI I... .......,uy ocquoiaIed. wh~ bcina by... d8Iy ._ did __ ond say .....1lcIsIIeI1hey raide(.l i. (if.... qf,.~~ ill ilrQ~ MIdadr _.. _""".....,. " ...... ...-..It. dIOI heIsboIIIiIey tnow('l .. be "'" indjyiduol _.... ill ond who......... "'" ~ -: dIOIuId_riIliD& wi__....... ___ acelllC the~; and..... SIIid wilDC:S5. the same lime subsI;:rihod hislberldte:it namc(.s.) IIIi . uiIncss thaeIo. &1I'gIIin and Sale Deed TiJ'leN,,: wilh""M......~~ I DSI>IIOm"-IIIC. '"(J Ciurcinl8l1id R,DDaIJO Fidelily Nalional Tille fnsUJllllce ComJl8l.Y Incorporoled 1928 ..-~-."'- Fidelity 9#--" Member NC'oIo' \'Ol't SUI1\: Land Tille Associ.uli('lO tl 0: a ~ I ~ o "' ~ ~ ~ ~ '" ffi !Ii ()r 1bc Uy or July in Ihr )1:lW 200S bcftllR: rue. The IIIIlknicned penaIIIIy ..-..r Penc.IUy kllowalO me CI' pnwcd 10 me OD the _is uf_.r.:tofy evidaloc ID be Ibc iDdivicbllll(s) whole amc(s:l is (an!) sw.aibcd to die wiIIIiD __ ...oct_IedFd" ..,.....IooIsIIoIIbey....- oK .... ill bisnIen\beir ~icsj. ad IhIt by ~i5IlIerllbeir sipDoa<(.)... .............. "'" __.j.... dJc........ DpClII behoIr.fwllleb!he ...iYiduoIl.,................ dJc_ (huNf.. c."~Y'" 041., pctlilical SIlbJivJsioIft (1IfIi,..ttdte or courIry ll' ....r,...._~__ DISTR~r I CT""" b SECTION I D"3 Dux'l; 0 l/- LOT l>( (0 COUNTY OR TOWN <; Ovth1t> lei. Recorded at reque~t of FIdelity Nationa' Title Insunn.. Compauy of Ne.. York Return by mail to llmet E. Conroy. Esq P.O. Box 1297 Rocky Point, NY 11778 I I i .-,-------.-.j ~ " .;{' . I Number of puges TORRENS .,ECOllC'liD 2005 Rug 11 09'08,53 ~M Ed",. rd P. Rom. lne CLERIC Of SUfFOlJ( COUNTY L DOOOI2403 P 044 DTlI 05-'01719 Serial II Cenilicate II ._.....____ Prior Of. /I Deed I Mortgage Instrument Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp ==r= FEES Recording I Filing Slamps :1J Page I Fi ling Fee Handling ;;2.. Mongage AmI. ._____ I. Basic Tax .._____. _~ 2. Additional Ta,,. .._...____ ___ Sub Total Spcc.lAssit 5.~ Tp..584 Notation EA..52 17 (County) . - - Sub Total EA..5217 (SUIte) -,---- R.P.T.S.A. a~- Comm. of Ed. 5, 00 Affidavit Cenilioo Copy NYS Surcharge :15. 00 Sub Total Other "---- - Gr.md TOlal or Spec. I Add. TIlT. MTG. TAX !Dulll Town _..... Dual County _ iHeld for APPOinl~.~ Tr:ansfer Tax . . . _ Mansion Tax !0c9~J n,., property COVl:red by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES __'__" or NO ______ If NO. see appropriate lax rlause un page /I erf this ins~rumen1. ~DiSI. Real Propeny Tax Service Agency Verilication GeClion Block LoI CPF Tax Due $ 05030610 1000 10300 0400 016000 6T~;-. (ROTY A) ~~ Improved -.,/_ :!] SntisfactionsIDischnrgcslReleases List Property Owners Mailing Address RE(:ORO & RETURN TO: 'Vacant Land "', TD_lrU_ ':-:h~.el-E G"IU....y j?tJl}.Ox. fi),f7 ,/d;cI7 ;:6f"lT/VY II/)/' TD 7 11'0--- ------ ~-- Title Company Inturmatil!!!....-_ ~ ~(( ON - r..:l.-l Suffolk County Recordine & Endorsement Page ,~({Q (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Co. Nnme TItle/l This page fonns part of the allached made by: (JJ~/C /7b''117e5 IFJe The premises hetein is situatoo in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK P#It? ((:;; ~ Qf1 ~~ 0 \ /i:.1~ ~ CIvil( r-./ t! f)- .... BOXES (j THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. In lhe Township uf In the VILLAGE SOv:/AtJt.'d-._____ or HAMLET of (over) 11111111111111/1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111/11111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLE~K RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 4 Receipt Number : 05..0083520 TRANSFER TAX NUMEIER: 05-01719 RE:corded: At: 08/11!200!; 09:08:53 AM L:CBER: PAGE: D00012403 044 District: 1000 Section: 103.00 EXAMINED AND $490,000.00 Block: 04.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 016.000 FOLLOWS Deed Amount: Received the Following Fees For Page/Piling COE !;:A-CTY TP-584 RPT Transfer t..,,, $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 ~;1, 960.00 Above Instrument Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Handling NYS SRCHG EA-STATE Cert.Copies SCTH COIlIIIl.Prell Fees Paid $5.00 $lS.0Il $7!5.00 $0.00 $IJ. 00 $6,801).00 $8,9l:!.OO Exempt Ne. NO NO NO NO NO TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-01719 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County FOR COUNlY USE ONLY PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ONI FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hnp:/I www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE 1518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C:1.SWIS Codo ~,7. 1.,?? ,11. '11 l:2. Dote Deed R..",dod I" <:11 / / 1 OJ I '""'i:f..... fl.; y", C!. Book Y ..,.)., ~ a.....lT c.. Pogo PROPERlY INFORMATION ,. ....,.... U (....0'-.:;- I 1- '.4--f.{ ,., Locatloa ST=r;NUMIEA ~ ,,5~.\)~l~J cl z. Bu.o, I (' I U(' r ( ,(,"ICI.. MI,.. bir N4ME I COM~ ~~Q(\O 0ec-t . 3.. T.. lndic1r8 wher8 '1utunI Tax Billa D,re 10 be IetI1 Billinu if other thin bUVlr ecktreII fat bonom of tunnl I Ad-. LASI NAltf.laMolL'ANY lmIfiT Nl.IUIlift ..."'D SfRffT N..... cnvO=l TOWN .. IndJute tt. number of Aueam.m I Roll parCIIIlr.n~ DR the ... ORD -.J "of Parcell S. Dood "- SIzo ~xL """"'EET I ORI Aef/IL( .."'" I. Seller Nlm. (Q~.1k:NY~ ~~c. LAlT NAME I cow......" it..- . I' ~- STATE 0" NEW YORI( SlfATE BOARD OF REllL PROPERn' SERVICES RP - 5217 IINU1~.J.Ill'7 Rd ~'11:-~(\) ~____.-L (j!.~ l'j~n . T --=--t-----'---.--.- -,----- I ~cftx- \ c C 01... HRllTNAN5 , ------.-------1 .__.__..____---1 HRsr NAM~ ________---1 __,l.._~._--.J 'STAn zpcom: Part 01 . Percel 10nIy H Pili at II Pan:elJ OIedl .. '(hey .,p.,; 4A. ~nn1~ Board with Subdivillotl Aulhority bllt$ .. Subdivision AppruvBJ 'MIll RecjUQd b TrllRllfer 4C. PlirWl ,t~prowd for Subdivilil;)o with Map Pirovidod Cl [J 1:=1 . ....,..... ,__________-.i 1. Chedl.1h. boa billow whkh mDSt MC.areteIy deIcrIbn the .... vi the property ., the time of..... FMS'I' HAMil!: _______---1 F. ~ Allricu..'" J ~ Cammun"" So..... r COrNnlK.i.1 J tndustri.1 Gi Apafh"Mnt K Publil; Service H Enllrtlinmtnt I Amusement l Forest ,Y,'10 6.0 ,D, 0,0 I J , . tFun Sale Prica I, !hit lOtIIl amount paid fl)l' the prup.ny including pellORIII pl'Clperty_ This payment m.-y 1M in the form of cash, DlOO. property or goociI. arlhcr 856Umption of l'nOflg.1D81 or OIher obtigMions.1 PIfNtH IOUnd to rhe nura.a whole doIIM _mounl, 14. lncIate ~ value at penanIIl L, I , "0, 0 I 0 I property lnclucllld In the ....!, , . I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Data should reflect the laleil Final AsansmenE Rolland Tax sm] A One Family Resldentl.1 lJ 2 01 3 Fonrily Reaidontial C Residentl411 Vaclnt t..nd D Non-Relidemiol V'Clnt Land I SALE INFORMATION l '1. S... Comncr: DIU 15 1 IJ' ,OS'I ~ 1 :S:65-; MonIh 0.., v.... 12. Od. of "'Ie, Tr........~ 13. Full S.III PriClt L a..cIl. tlIIt bona below at ttI.-y ippIy: .. OWNU"It1ip Typo is Co~rninium I. N8w (::Onstruction on Vacant land 1OA.. Property LocIted within .n JI.grtwttur.1 Diltrid 1" BIJylIr .ruceivad a discloeure ltOOco il'ldicalinl~ lhI11he pro~rty is in an Agiricuilu...1 Qistril:t 1:=1 1:=1 1:=1 1:=1 1&. Chedr. ... or IftON.M..... ~ldidol. ItS appkeb" to 1nufer: A SIIlt. SeIween Re"'ives 0' Fonner 1~.Ia1ivea R 5.111. BeIwDon RoIated Colllpllnies (If Partnars in Bu5.ineN C 01. of the Bu~ is .Iag . 5811.' D Buyer or ScIlolr il Government Agenc;y or Lending INtitutiol'1 ~ DfIed Type nott Warl1lnty or Blrg.il1 and SaI. (S,:lOcify Below) F Sllle of "actional or Less"th.n Fee Intef8lt (SpllCJfy Balowl G SiQnilicant Change in Pll;lptlrty Between Taxable Status and SIll. on. H SIll. of Bulin... Ia Included in Sall. Price I Other Unusual FDClOfI AOocting 511e PriCe CSpec;ily BellM? J ""no J-" C.... ,..... . ~-~-"--~~ , , , CI ' Ifi" \ DI-L~ ".School_NomoI tJlff"T1 TlJr.IC lLoUle.P/-" <#>~___.--J 1'- :"of~~': tram ~s:J 11. T..... Aauued VaIu. CaI .11 parnh In b'....... L, '" PrapIIty a.. 20. Tax Mlp 1dentifilIr(lt I Roll tden1IfI..clllllf more IbIn tour, 1ftt8ch...... with MIdiIiDnlJldentlflllisJl 10Q()- I 03.CO~ {)Lf ,00'-01(,.()C)O I .--J I CERTIFICATION r I urtJl)" ...... all oltbr 1la'D.'i oIlnJurma:tIoa atirral an lhb; IOnn IU'l' true ud C'OI'1'ft.111.o the be5I or all)" knowlrd~ ..... belief) /,lad I jWldcnWnd abat lhr ~ 01 811)" willful faR lI1Dtftnml oImuk:riaJl filet hrrda _10 IUbJtct .... 10 1hr DI"OYi5ion.'i 01' Ihe Ill!'DaIlaw rebdh-r to Lbr IDIIkinJc unci rllintc vi false lnortnunndli. eUVER BUYER'S ATTORNE'~. \ . ~~~Ij\\~h c..A. V-'.L c;\ ST..l',.k"'.t....TtRiI'>W .. \\. \c,-....~\; 111'lFFTNUMBU G",.. 'b _ c..~ CI1"YCll'I TOWN \ \JYI "A'" \ \ t;"'1}J ".",'" SEU.ER ~ eJ.<; . -=--Vf. I d'l(AS IE IIGN4nN I~ DATE ;c c...,v....,.c.:......... L~)V \....... mlSTNAWf loIUiTNAMl S\\.- S(.'~-'-{t, l~------------ TEUP'tiOHElrIlJU -..,"'" '" , NEW YORK STATE COPY j