HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12416 P 653 -' .,. . "'. d~ ,. ~)7L..H~ fG53' 65- J- !0,.,2 QUITCLAIM DEED (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) STANDARD NYBTU FORM 8009 CAlmo.'l; THL~ AGKEE.'IIE.'T SHOlILD BE PREPARED BY AN ATTU\lNE\' ,,-'In REVIEWED B\' A TTOIl.'lEl'S FOR SEI.I.EK A.'lD PIiRCIIASER BEFORE SI~ING. / , THIS INDENTUR./::. made the ;> l"~ day of August,200S belween MAUREEN H.M. WOI.FE, as Trustee OJ' her Suc:cessol1i in B Trust, under THE MAUREIlN H.M. . I) WO~R LIVING TRUST, dated tlle 1st day ofOclOber. 1997 and any amendmcnta thereto. residing at 3810 ~ J1IttIf' ~.Id Ave., Kensington. MD 2089S-1603 as to a three-sixths interest; SEAN CARROLL MOFFAT, residing ! at 60 Crescente Avenue, Bolinas. CA 94924 as to a one.sixth interest; BRIAN HOWLEY MOFFAT, residing at 10 Deer Run .... Hopkinlon, MA 01748 as 10 a one-sixlh inlCrcst and SEA." C. MOFFAT, as Trustee of the Restatement of tile Moffat Special Needs 'frust dated July 21. 1994. residing at 60 Creseente Avenue. BolinBs. CA 94924 as to a one-sixth interest ' pany of the first pan, and MAUREEN II. WOLFJ; 8/kJa MAUREEN HM. WOLFE residing at 3810 Denfield Ave.. Kensington, MD 2089S-1603 :. . . ,",!". 1 ; ":" ":.:';'. . ., . ...' party of the second pan. ". I.:~' / . . . , . . . WITNESSETH. that the party of the fil1it part, in consideration ofTEN DOLLARS and other valuable eonsidennion paid by the party of the second part, does hereby remise. release and quitclaim unto the party of the second part, the heirs or SUC:CCSSOI1i and assigns of the party ofthe,sec:oiId part forever.. .. ; ., . ALL that certain plo~ l!i~.Qr parc;el o(land, with the buildings and improvements thereon ercc:ted, situate. lying and being in the " A. ,.1 " ' ~ SEE ^ TTACHED SCHEDULE ^. DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES ~J. . BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises as conveyed 10 AII....i..Moffat. by a deed dated 519/32 J recorded on 6120132 in Libcr 16S6 page 399 in the Office of the Clerk of the County ofSulTolk. Said....... fIulMc . MolTat died a resident of Suffolk County on 5/15/46 (SlII'I'Optes Probate file no. 276PI946>.leaving Madeline MolTat his wife as sole devisee. Madeline Moffat died a resident of Suffolk County on 7/14153 (Surrogates Probate file no. S68P.19S3);-leavinll her son, John Wallace MolTat, as devisee., Said John Wallace Moffal died a resident of Suffolk County 0~9/ ~O (Surrogatn Probate file.nl,l:. ~5~~PI980)~I~'v\ng ~~~ H. MolTat. his wifc. now known as Maureen I olfe and BEING AND INTE~QE1?1'O.B!i\'~. o!~.p~~ises as conveyed to the Grantors hen:in by a d ted 1/17/03 and recorded on ~(~jn Lil}er.173 \.7 page ~:in ~lIeOffice of the ClcrkoflheCountyofSufTolk. . .", '. ....:;~:,..! .,'" f .. . ," ."... TOGETHER with all right, title and interest ifany. of the pany of the first pan in and 10 anystrects and roads abutting the above described premises to the: center lines thereof. TOGETHER wilh the appurtenances and all the estate and righlS of the party of the first part in and 10 said p".'mises, TO HA VE AND TO HOLD thc premises herein granted unlO the party of the second pan. Ihe heirs or successors and assigns of the pany ofthe second part forever. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the: Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first pan will receive the: consideration fOJ' this conveyance and will hold the right 10 receive such consideration as a trust fimd to be applied first for the purpose of paying the costs ofthe improvement and will apply the same first 10 the payment of the CDSI of the improvement before using any part of the IOtal of the same for any other purpose. .,' ..."'. . -.. . The word "party" shall be construed as ifit read "partin" whenever the sense of this indcri~uii: so.. . I .. I: I requIres.. : ~.. IN WITNESS WHI!:REO"~ the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day imii)'Or fi/st. aboVe wrillen. . > _'. IN PRESENCE OF: ~+. .. . f.,.- V'~-L,.~~,<,,- SconC.Monill ~ ~ ~ ~ QL.;~;- Scan Canoll MolTat NYSB^ R..idcnlial _ eo.... FonnI on 11011)0"'" (9100) -I. Copyri"" Capooll" Oe"lapnal , '/ ;' Il.....'!l.' ,/ /' , , SCHEDULE A ALL THAT certain plot. piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected. situate. lying and being at Southold, Town of South old, County of Suffolk and State of 'new York, being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side ofC.R, 48 (Boisseau Avenue) distant 1,275 feet more Dr less ftom the comer formed by the intersection of the westerly side ofC,R. 48 (Boisseau Avenue) with the southerly side of Old North Road; RUNNING THENCE along the westerly side of Old North Road, in a southerly direction along the arc ora eurve hav~ng a,radius of2259 feet, a distance of93.10 feet; RUNNING THENCE North 86 degrees 00' 00. West, 137,90 feet; , . RUNNING THENCE Noith 4'degrees 00' 00" East, 77.0 feet; RUNNING THENCE South 88 degrees 57' 00" East, 173.98 feet to the westerly side of C.R. 48 (Boisseau Avenue) at the point or place of BEGINNING, . . , ." .... , , ~ f;,. .. Number of pages TORRENS Serial II Ccrtificate II Prior CIf. II Deed . MOl1gage Instrument Deed , Mortgage Tax Stamp FE6S 3 Pagc , Filing Fcc /}.. < < - Sub Total :Y7 1{ ~qJ 5. 00 ~ Sub 1'01:11 A~ /< . Grnnd Tollll Handling TP-584 :-!otalion EA-5217 (County) EA-5217 (Slate) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affiduvit Certified COpy~ Reg. Copy Other 1000 4 District Real Propeny 'Iax Service Agency Verification Section 55 2 Block LoI-- ., .' ~~ 1000 ~~ ,. ----. 05500 0200 010002 i 6 SatisfactionlDischurgeslRelease List Property Owners M:riling Addn:ss RECORD &: RETURN TO: Patricia C. Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 7 Co. Name TItle II REaJI1DE[I 2005 Oct 26 11151115 All Edward P.Romaine ClERr.OF SUFFOLK COUIITY L DOOO1241'5 P653 OT# 05-125;33 Recording J Filing Stamp& ~o Mortgage AmI. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub TOIal Spee.' Assit. or Spec. , Add. TOT. :vITG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual Counry _ Hcld for Appointment Transfer Tax ff Mansion Thx The property covered by Ihis motgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. yp..s or SO If NO. see appropriate tax clause on page II of this instrument. I~ 5 Communit Preservation Fund Consideration Amount - 0 - - 0 - CPF Tax Due $ S Improved Vacant Land TO )0 o om TO ntle Company Information PeconU Abstract, Inc. -8 8 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page Quitclaim Deed (SP.F.cIFY TYPI; OF INSTRUMEI\'Tj Maureen H.M. Wolfe, as Trustee under The The prcmisis herein is situated in This page fonns part at' thc atlllChcd made by: Maureen H.M. Wolfe Livi"ll Trust, et al. SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO Maureen H. Wolfe alkla In the Township uf In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of Maureen H.M. Wolfe Southold Southold BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRLTl/l'ED 1..'1 BLACK ll'K: ONLY PRIOR .TO RECORDING OR FILING. 111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 StJPPOLIC COUNTY CLBRK RBCORDS OFFICB RBCORDING PAGE Type of :Inst~t: DBEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages: 4 Receipt NUmber . 05-0112473 TRANSFER TAX HUMBER: 05-12533 Recorded. At. 10/26/2005 11.51.15 AM LIBER: PAGE: D00012416 653 District: 1000 Section. 055.00 12Y"M:IHBD AND $0.00 Block. 02.00 CHARGBD AS Lot: 010.002 pOLLOWS Deed Amount. Received the Following Pees Por Above :Instrument Bxempt Bxempt Page/piling $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 HO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCBG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO EA.-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO CClIIIIIII.Pre. $0.00 NO Pee. Paid $157.00 TRANSpBR TAX HCMBBR. 05-12533 TR:IS PAG. :IS A PART 011' THE :IHSTRtlIIBHT TR:IS :IS HOT A BILL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County ; PLEASE TYPE ORtPRIiSS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON"FORM 'INsTRUC'TI,ONS: http!llwWw.orps.stato.nv.us or PHONE (5181 473.7222 FOil'couNN USE ONLY, ,.1 '1,'1,.3, g, t,"fl" cz.___ I Itt,4' It '&,;"1 MOM I DIy Yelr C3. _ I J. ef.. 4. I Jcn C4. ,,-I ,. ,S, 3, ~ - REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT CT. SWIS ~ BrA" OF NEW YOIIl S'An_ OFREAI.-.nY__ RP - 5217 ~1'I~JIIn PROPER'i'V lNFORMATlOfol" ': ".."...,::'! -',,-i'L'k." ."-.L:j",',,':~':;'._:;l'.i. ,_....... ~ c",," .' r, '.,'._ _, . ..,.':-...__....._... .,' _,_"""'". , ,.",-,;.'c'~ "':..."..,t,Couilty',.BPall 48 LocatfDn I1IU.T~ I t.'....l..... ";\ '. _ " .. J Soutbold," "'."'.r';-'Y,~!iJ~';;;:'~;;.r. '. Southold Ql'YQII1;UIfrN, .' . " '_ .' . VLI..AGl 2...,.. Maureen.\!. Wol.fe al\tiiKautla~n:H.M. Wolf)e rt.rM LM'......,IXN'MY',' .,.',._~ ~":. . " .:' :,i-_~!'. .... ..,,( HIIII..-. ;," .. . '~-" '( .' 111971 "''''''' "' 1.qT..../ggw~ '1',,-;r:, ....TNA'lC 3. Tn: 1nd1c:8111 wi-. futurw T.. BiIl..1D be -n I ..... K_.... __11I_ "'farm) - LAIr ~ I awPNft' -- 111...., ..........NiD.,...,... g:WQIIIUWtrI 1'1'''11 "COOl! IOnIy . ,., "'. - .... ...., """ 4A.1'IonrOns _ __ Ao<hoNy..... 0 5. -.. .. 5utI<Nooon.......... - ~ "" T,...,.. 0 "'- , Ixl IORI. . . .. c.__",,__Mop_ n ... KJllRIl.'rtl. H.M. Wofri!' as Trustee Dr h.rr"successors in a Trust under The Maureen HX I. _ Wolfe Living Trust ,dated 10/1197 and aD>} amendments thereto. Sean Carroll Hoffat'l No... Irr'ra::/~ey Moffat and Sean C. Moffat ss T;:1l.'t:'e of the reststement of the Hoffat SpeCial Needs Trust dated 7/21194 I I IAIT~/c:o.ANY Htfl'NAIII I , of '.as OR [] PIIrt of . Parcel t. ...... 1M ............ of -'-_._., ---......- . 7. a.cII: tINt boll ..... which ...... _..., ....... the ... 01 tile pI'IIIpIII'tJ 81: '1M 'lima DI ... .... ...--....,- .. Owr.IIIlp Type ill Candarninium o o o o A~ Ono Fomlly _101 B Zar3Fomily_ C ReIIdentiII YICIftI L8nd I) Nan.~1 V..-: .....d I SALE INFORMATION I 11.___ E ~ AQricuMurol F Com......1 G ...._.. H Entmilnmenll AmulltlMllt - , Iloy , ... I ~ Com..unlly_ J Indu.,l.. 1GA. "'- L-.l_1n III ~I_ K Public Service .. Buyer I'fIlItMld . dIIDIoMInt noIIcIl..... L FDfftI ChIt the ~ II in .... AgrbjturII DimId ,.. CMck _.. .......... ......IIIc.. _ .......... to ~ ^ ...._ _orFarmar_ B __ _CamIlll.....orPll"-ln ._' C Ono 01 the Buyora Is ... . SaIlor D ..,..or....... _............. or ~......-. I! Dood Typo ___ or Borpln'" .... ISpoc:lfy _I F Solo of "'_ or Leu....... _ISpoc:lfy -. Q 518_' ChIIngo In "'-'" _ T_ _... Solo Dotao H 5111 of Bu.i~ is h:Iuded in Sill Price I ou. U....... F_ AIIocIIng _ PrIco (Spor;fy IIeIowl J NoM .. New Cou..uclian on V..rtllnd t2._......'T_ go , iJ.a., 2005 I ..... - Y. o . ",0,0 I , , . IFuI Sill Pric:v I. Ihe 10111 .mount pMI for the ptapII1y.nctuding perlOftll propMy. ThiI peymlnt mIY bI in IhI form aI cab. aIhar IN'DPlrty or goodL Dr .... ............ of mortpgII or other ob'Ig . ,.,1 "'-1fJIIIWJ to rr. ....,...,.,...... amount. 14._...._of_ I , 0,0 ,01 II'OIMI1Y Included In ... .... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. D.l1O Mould ._tho 10_ Flnol _amon, RoIlond To. Bill 13. FuI .... .... 1& YMr of ....... ._.&110I from I - .........-.... IlJ.,__v_laI.._In_1 , , , ,.._a.. I '?-.!Ol-LJ 1"___ L-. Soutbold ...,..__..,__..__......._____1011 1000-55-2-p/o 10 I I CERTIFICATION I I nrdI'y .... 1II.-....11ft1w ...aaran..........IIII......... .....rann 11ft I......... NI"IWd tie lilt ......r.., ~....... IIIIiIn and I ....1 :.tt.l.... ..adaI ofllllY....... ,..,._or____"1B1lIbJod ........ __or..._.... -...""........lIIIIIaof_inst.......... BUYER 8UYER'8 ATTOIlIEY Hoare ,...- Pstricis C. -.- 3810 .1....' ....... ..It alkls Maureen H.M. Wo~fs .~:.~!J:!!..~"enue ~~F~"b 631 .....""'" 765-4330 'PI "..... 1iIUY"" "'." 20895-1603 "COllI Kensington CRY DR 'OWN HD SEUER ~~me I i~S NEW YORK STATE COpy