HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-5611 . . Judith Shapp 255-18 Iowa Road Little Neck, NY 11362 Tel: 718-225-2028 10/21/02 Mr. Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Town Trustees Town of South old 53095 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 f"- If '. .--7?~ I ^ L UCI 2 5 2002 Re:Judy Shapp 485 Orchard Lane, Southold SC1M#89-2-7 L;~- , ' " ",!_:_;~j Dear Town Trustees: Please be advised that we believe our re-vegetation plan has been completed and is ready for inspection. Please let us know when this will take place and if you require our presence. Re: your request for Fees: $10.00, it is my understanding, after speaking today with Lauren in your office, that this has already been paid with the Permit Fee. If this is not correct, kindly advise. nw.k~o'" oo",idonrt'oo. J~ith Shapp ~ Albert J. Krupski, President James King. Vice.President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A DickerRon . Town Hall ....53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 r.... .:':;::; '. , : , , ;'." Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD yoU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE EmARD OF TRUSTEES 72 HOURS P~IOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WOI~K, TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT FOR A PRE-CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION. FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL BE CONSIDERED A VIOLATION AND POSSIB!:-E REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. 04v~ INSPECTION SCHEDULE ~ Pre-construction, hay bale line '6'/30/tJ). ;2: 30;>'" (J I::.. fl~ 1 st day of construction ir " .;, ,. .' ~' " " " Y. constructed v Project complete, compliance inspection. IO/2.(/fJ;).. fl..ol.....~' ,,.., '1>1(1""4- U~'r tOtll\PL.I~Ji IIJ/P"-tAlt.\T , I ".J I ~G" . Y (f _.........s- :~. ~: ,'.-. ,'. ." :> " .' " , :' " :;. ;:; ~. " ~. . ~,' 1 " '.' .' ~: j;: .' . . TERMS IInd CONomONS The Permittee Judy Schapp . -'..,~~ 255-18 Iowa Rd.. Douglaston N Y &~~ at . ., as part of the coosideratioo for the isSwuJce of the Permit does \I!1den1aDd and prescribe to the fol- lowing: 1. That the said Board of Trustees and the Town 01 Southold are released from any and aU damages, or claims f<< damages, of suits arising dhectly Of: inditecdy .. a resuk of any oper- atioa performed pinuant to this permit, and the said p..r.nI~ will, at bls or her own ~. defend any and aU Slid1 sailS .iDitlatecl by thltd parties, and the said F......ltt<< .,........, fullllabllhy with reSpect thereto, to the completeexdusion of the Board of Trustta <<the Town of ~ . to be completed before March 11.20.03 2. That this Permit is wlid for . period of . moo. wbich is COIISIQeteCI to be the estimated time. required to complete the work involved, but should dtouilstances watraat, request for an extemion may be made to the Board at a later dati:. 3. That this Permit should be retained indeCutitely, or as long as the said Permittee ~ to maintain the structure or project involved, to provide evidence to anyone oonceroed that &nth- .orization was originally obtained. 4. That the work involved will be subject to the inspection and approval of the Board or its agents, and DOn-oompliance with. the provisions of the orW""t/1lg application, may be cause for revocation of this Permit by resolution of the said Board. 5. That there will be no unreasonable interference with navigation as a result of the work herein aUthorized. . 6. That there shall be DO interference with the right of the pubIk to pass and repass along the beach between high and low water marks. . 7. That jffutute operatioos << the Town of South9ld requlre the removal and/or alteratinns ia the location of the work herein authorize<l, or if; in the opinIoa of the Board of TrusteeS, the. work shall cause unreasonable obsttuct1on to free navigation, the said Permittee will be required, upon due notice, to remove or alter this work or project herein stated without expenses to the Town of South91d. 8. That the said Board will be notified by the Permittee or the completioa of the work auth- orized. 9. That the Permittee will obtain aU other permits and c:oosenlS that may be required 1Up- plemental to this permit which may be subject to revoke upon failure to obtain same. Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson . . Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 28, 2002 Patricia C. Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southo1d, NY 11971 RE: JUDY SCHAPP 485 ORCHARD LANE, SOUTHOLD SCTM#89-2-7 Dear Ms. Moore: The Board of Town Trustees took the following action during its regular meeting held on Wednesday, August 21, 2002 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of JUDY SCHAPP applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions ofthe Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated July 29, 2002, and, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on August 21, 2002, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the structure complies with the standards set forth in Chapter 97 of the Southold Town Code, WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, 2 . . NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approve the application of JUDY SCHAPP to replant area within 100' of the wetlands, install a 4' wide mulch path through the 60' non-disturbance buffer area to the existing dock and bluestone walk on the side yard, all with the condition that the area be planted with Low Bush Blueberry and Virginia Creeper 18" on center and mulched with a woodchip mulch of the applicant's choice, and Black Cherry where appropriate. All re- vegetation must be completed before March 1, 2003. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this determination should not be considered a determination made for any other Department or Agency, which may also have an application pending for the same or similar proj ect. Permit to construct and complete project will expire two years from the date it is signed. Fees must be paid, if applicable, and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Inspections are required at a fee of$5.00 per inspection. (See attached schedule.) Fees: $10.00 Very truly yours, a!tL-1 ~ /4.-f'~'~' Albert J. Krupsb, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJKIlms Alh!lrt J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-Presidettt Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda . Town Hall 53095 Maitt Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 ..."', ~~-:~:' BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: -f-ud4 .J('Ih()f ,n please be advised that your application, dated '1/dq /oJ-J has been reviewed by this Board, at the regular meeting of ~Ql.1QJ,? and the following action was taken: ( ~) Application Approved (see below) (_> Application Denied (see below) (_> Application Tabled (see below) If your application is approved as noted above, a permit fee is now due. Make check or money order payable to the Southold Town Trustees. The fee is computed below according to the schedule of rates as set forth in the instruction sheet. The following fee must be paid within 90 days or re-application fees will be necessary. COMPUTATION OF PERMIT FEES: Q l~c-lUm.,oJ@l..!tS.m leoch ~~I(J.(J) TOTAL FEES DUEl $..10.00 tlttv-I /t ~1 f~.~' 9, SIGNED: y. PRESIDENT, BOARD OF TRUSTEES BY: /-In U An r. J-taM<elL cEtJ6{, BOARD OF TRUSTEE 4198 ~,~~~ ';;:r--~~"""';';i"'f!.'=- / ---- -- 1 -- -_.~._- --- - ~~ i-S ... .. - r---l'-..--""- . NOTICE . --'" .. ---- .... Police Dept. - Bay Constable Town of Southold Peconic, New York 11958 NOTICE" OF VIOLATION Date: JUr 1, 2002 Th: Norman Shapp (Owner or authorized agent of owner) Address: 255-18 Iowa Rd., Little Neck, N.Y. 11362 (Address of owner or authorized agent of owner) Please take notice there exists a violation of the Code of the Thwn of Southold, Chapter 97 Article II, Section 97-20 a premises hereinafter described in that you have cleared - wetlands in violation of existing Trustee Permit. You are therefore directed and ordered to comply with the following: Contact Town Trustees. Re-apply for Trustee Permit. for work already done in wetlands. on or before the 14 day of June ,20~. The premises to which this Notice of Violation refers are situated at: 485 Orchard Ln., Southold, N.Y. 11971 Thwn of Southold, Suffolk County, NY (Suffolk County Thx Map Designation: Dist. 1000 Section: 89 Block: 2 . Lot: 7 ) Failure to comply with the applicable provisions of the law may constitute an offense punishable by fine or imprisonment or both: NOTICE: You have the right to apply for a hearing before the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold, provided that you file a written request with the Oerk of the 1l:'ustees within 10 days after service of the Notice of Violation. Such request shall have annexed thereto a copy of the Notice of Violation upon which a Hearing is requested and shall set forth the reasons why such notice of viola- tion should be modified ar rescinded. . Bay " ~_._:_."':-~-~~"..:"';,,,""~.._'..~ ~ ~. -'--~ 15. Time OJ.. I/:'.:J~ A. B. e. DO/ , 6 fn<identNo TOwN 8.Date . '''1" .6.In<identType ~N 1.1 ~ , 1.<.. Rf<.i()[~,(f 28. Age 29. Sex OM Of U 30. Race o White 0 Bla<k 0 Other o Indian 0 Asian 0 Unk. 31. Ethnic o Hispanic 0 Unk. o Non-Hispanic 32. Handicap DYe> o No )3. Residence Status 0 Temp. Res. - Fareign Nat. 8 Resident BTourist 05tudent o Other Commuter Military 0 Homeliss 0 Unk 37. Apparent Condition o Impaired Drugs 0 Mental Dis 0 Unk. o Impaired Alca 0 Inj I III 0 App Narm 36. AliaslNicknamelMaiden Name (last. First, Middle) '!>!1LEO 38. Address (Street No., Street Name, Bldg. Na., Apt Na.. City, State, lip) 44. Race D White 0 Black 0 Other o Indian 0 Asian 0 Unk. 47. Occupation 51 Eves 51. Grasses o Yes 0 Contacts o No 53. Build o Small 0 large o Medium 57. Misc. "1",~o; T Value D.;~ M 64. Value F d 75 NYSPIN Message No. 76. Complainant Stgnature 7810Na "'t-L 79. Supervisor's Signature (Include Rank) 80.IONa o Unfaunded o Warrant Advised o Edrad. Oeclm 0 Unknawn 82. Status Date 'S' 1.).9 10 DUS-320S (2/97) "FALSE STATEMENTS ARE PUNISHABLE AS A CRIME. PURSUANT TO THE NEW YORK STATE PENAL LAW. G. H. I. J. K. l M. N 0"< ;8 o {~J EJ EJ [] GJ l~J 0,/ Pages ,...... t;:;:. . (: I: ..~ '1'f<;~"""~,,,i'?,;.:.:,:>,--_. ..,~ '1 , . . , -------'-_._._---~-_.._-. _. k 1268 Town 01 Southold Suffolk County, NY The People of the Stale of New York n. ARST...... klnR. "I "'~ ~b lAST......_ Sf.lAPP STREET """'ESS .15'5"-,8 CITY urrL... U100t.eINITIAL. APr. NO. :Law,lfl\ ,Je.c.." UCENSE OR REGISlRAllON NUMBER STATE N'r' .p 113""-- STATE J PLATE NO. i ji m"ATE Ou\TE TYPE o N.Y. o N.J. ON.Y. ON') 0 OP.... o COM" 0 VEHICLE MAKE J: 0 BUCK 0 CHEV 'J CAD<UAC i Cl PClRO C 0 I 0LnS PLYM I "' TOYOTA 0 vuu<:; 0 I 'ODY 0 'DR 0 .DR " '"' 0 "ev TYPE 0 "'UCK 0 ""'LOR 0 VAN 0 VlN NUMBER OATES'.f'~ o DOOGE o POi.rT'oAC o S.W PCT L", 0 cLS:L AM llME PM CIT't'.TOWl'tVlI.l..N3E.OFlWoMlf" 8tF!'0I.J(0CUffi''''.... 1" 10 :08 0 S"ur.~ SUBO. OF 'THE 0 VEHlCLE ANO TRAFFIC LAW OFTHE-STATE OF NEW YORK O.S. COM BUS DEf VEH MAT SfEEDlNG MPH IN A "PH ZONE MISDEMEANOFI 0 FACTUAL PART (NOT FOR TVB) I THE_......"DEl'ENDANTDiO~""'STATEDDATE:n"E;PlACE c:...L.~ ,~ ~:rc=... ~:~;o~:- :~~",;;;,.- TO q.,. .:zo . Tht~.r..donu--lRIwlMIge) .111' - PARlONG SCtEDUIZD PIN! I CONTACT COURT 0 1HI PIMON DElCRlBED ABOVE as 1UllM0frED TOAPPEAIlAT IOUTHOLD TOWN .lUl11CE COURT,... ROUTE a. 80UTH0LD. NY 11m ON I ..",,-_....'" l POI!. /I'" ~f\J.e... 1i'/~2..IAT i:30 _ FALlE STATEMENTS i'eAEIN NIlE. P\..NSIoWI.E AS ... Cl.A8&" IoUSOEMEANCA I"I..lA8l..MHT TO secnoN 210..a OFlHE P.l.N. y.s. COlM'l.<lNAHr ~". '7'~.-.aJ:~:t'- COURT COPY ~.e... ~ ~_.' yttvs. YP'-'p..... c.Q~ "( Local Criminal Court · TOWN OF S6UTHOLD VIOLATION INFORMATION · rCC#: 02-4841-J ARREST #(s): I:'_':~~~O..H :~"'.:"'oo~l tEGEDVICTIM (RELATIONSHIP TO DEFENDj STATE OF NEW YORK } Norman Shapp } Defendant COUNTY OF SUFFOLK DOB 02/16/28 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Name (Complainant) Kent B. McCarthy Shield # M-2 of South old Town Police Department, 41405 State Route #25, Peconic New York 11958 being duly sworn, says that on or about Wednesday, May 29, 2002, at about 10:08 am., at 485 Orchard Lane, in the Hamlet of Southold Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, the defendant, Norman Shapp , DOB 02/16/28, of 255-18 Iowa Rd., Little Neck, New York 11362 Wrongfully, intentionally, knowingly, committed the offense of : Conduct Operations on Wetlands Without Trustee Permit ~ 97-33(a) of the South old Town Town Code. .;, Count #1 In that: The defendant, at 485 Orchard Lane, Hamlet of Southold, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, on or about Wednesday, May 29,2002 at about 10:08 am, knowingly conducted operations on wetlands in the Town of Southold without obtaining the proper Trustee Permit in violation of section 97-20(a) of the South old Town Code; in that, the defendant cleared property within 100 ft of wetlands without first obtaining a permit from the South old Town Trustees. Therefore violating section 97-33A of the Southold Town Code. This complaint is based on (personal knowledge), the source being the direct involvement of your deponent In a written instrument, any person who makes a false statement which such person does not believe to be true has committed a crime under the laws of the State of New York punishable as a Class A misdemeanor [PL Sect. 210.24]. Affirmed under penalty of perjury this Wednesday, June 12, 2002 Kent B. McCarthv Shield # M-2 Complainant ~ B.t.. l3. < I Complainant sign17 ..~~ James A. Ginas Shield # 120 /d-u INISTERING OATH Police Sergeant, Town of Southold TITLE . . Telephone (631) 765-1892 Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL At the meeting of the Southold Town ConserVation Advisory Council held Tuesday, August 20, 2002, the following recommendation was made: Moved by Drew Dillingham, seconded by Bob Ghosio, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board of Trustees APPROVAL WITH A STIPULATION of the Wetland Permit Application of JUDITH SCHAPP to replant area within 100' of the wetlands, to install a mulch path to the existing dock and bluestone walk on the side yard. Located: 485 Orchard Lane, Southold. SCTM#89-2-7 The CAC recommends Approval of the application and also recommends a substantial fine to the homeowner and the landscaper. The CAC recommends Approval of the application with the Stipulation that a written planting plan approved by Cornell be submitted prior to issuance of the permit. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried .' ./. Albei't J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda . . BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Office Use Only _Coastal Erosion Permit Application ".wetland Permit Application " Major _Waiver! Amendment/Changes ......-Received Application: ()~ ....-Received Fee:$ 0 ....completed Application _Incomplete _ SEQRA Classification: Type I_Type II_Unlisted_ Coordination:(date sent) .....cAC Referral Sent: ~"'(O~ ,.Date ofInspection: J '110"'; _Receipt ofCAC Repo : _Lead Agency Determination: Technical Review: ;" Public Hearing Hew::n~IO~ Resolution: Minor j U'-.. l' ~ ~::-~- ' Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 ~II'-\\O~ --rS . h01\mla. \~ \.:5 , qq' ('~~ ~;) (~-t ~ ({'. fm~ C*~-trH) ,J,,_ L 9.,u '...-' -~...- .-. -. --+ -, Name of Applicant ~ Schupp Address ;;2S-S-- II? ~tAJf{ e.oCld a'{J(aJ.fz;/I f^l1/5~2 PhoneNumber:( {7/~) ;;<;2S"- 2D22 Suffolk County Tax~P Number: 1000 - ?1- 0'2 - () 7 propertyLocation~ (>r/'JJOA?! U..wLI,' ,.\()alhtJ /d j ~ j-~~\'Ij (provide LILCO Pole #, distance to cross streets, and location) ?~r/ru~iJ.. C..IYJOb1^-(. ei- 5WZ-D tna! n t20o. d ( ~owl1o /J IVY AGENT: (If applicable) Address: Phone: 76J-= <.;33 0 . Board of . Trustees Application GENERAL DATA Land Area (in square feet): 00 X / Zo Area Zoning: h5tdctlllz cJ Previous use of property: &'7{~J Intended use of property: J2e S; (~a/ Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: Agency Date 7~& - Hwe J)&~ I-l OD.{'f- qfJ - No Nolld'shtll:x:uut 8t/fft:.t q3 93 _ No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? _No~ Yes If yes, provide explanation: fJJ(U7Mf t/wr. t?1F'.fJAV' tv Jv.eHand ~d11' - /lveft&Ids /1./0* d/sltJ/kd -- ~ . - Board of Trustees Application Land Area (in square feet): GENERAL DATA ;ri> C7t.ft! 5<7 TT. Area Zoning: ;L - 'It) Intended use of property: k;~(d-tflfr;'J Rr;,clenhcJ Previous use of property: Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: Agency Date l)l:;-c ~ , 8//'/ /98 th. J -# L/ 9~ / f?(Temfe jrv'b0.& jJel~ , _ No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? 1-No_Yes If yes, provide explanation: Project Description (use attachments if necessary): l/ctlJf/n'j PIC{ rL w//;' /(10/ e>;- edge of- WL-I/and ~ plcmns ~t!(7rrYJ1t"71r1Prl hy Ow-mot:/ /I1"v1ch pafh <k d4'cfc..-, f3/ve 5/r:J/U Wait.. (7/J side.. . , yard plant> @ S 'tJal. ~fU x (?1J t plClI7"k Lec.u bvsh b/KbtYY>j I vlr'fjl/Jlq Crufu I .h/ClcJc eher'1'1 12" on c cnfcr. - lVafc.n:J /7Jvlch bpi.< . . , , Board of Trustees Application WETLANDITRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA Purpose of the proposed operations: /c:z4dc:;rr/hj rAOh Vi ,If'o/?dr.s/v/haA'V/ O~'o. acfjoce/JT 'fO INellanis Area of wetlands on lot: /0 / X lOCi I square feet Percent coverage oflot: 10 % Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland", edge of wetlands: 7h feet l r ~/ Closest distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: /ilIA feet No/1...€. I Does the project involve excavation or filling? No No X Yes (Hancldv.J plC01k) N /.4 cubic yards I If yes, how much material will be excavated? How much material will be filled? IV/A cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: ;VIA feet I Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: 4/A , Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: 13v H4-tv'D I Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): ND e-~.;/- b1 .f?5h6!tsh/~ a fleCt Imp /7YJ^f' //vcHa4d.J I a /7on-dr}i7/Y~e . . PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax:: (631) 765-4643 August 16, 2002 Board of Trustees Town of Southold P . 0 . Box 11 7 9 Southold, NY 11971 RE: Judy Shapp Premises: 485 Orchard Lane, Southold, NY SCTM: 1000-089.00-02.00-007.000 Dear Sir or Madam: Enclosed please find two (2) signed Return Receipt cards for the above referenced matter. Very truly yours, paiJ,'L(i.tl.. (', 71 100M patricia C. Moore By: Melissa McGowan, Secretary /mm Enclosures . . PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold. New York 11971 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax:: (631) 765-4643 August 9, 2002 ;:1\". ' ", i\\.\ ...., \, ;';\1 11.\ , j '. :11 '\ ,'j' ...- ;' l':, .;1' "',1 i'\l~\' N.\G \ 3 WJL jJ \ u _",.. .0,,1 , ___~IC~I~,",,~, \',\ -~-<,. . --~._~ Board of Trustees Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 RE: Judy Schapp Premises: 485 Orchard Lane, Southold, NY SCTM: 1000-89-2-7 ~,-,:"'\. \Iv , v' _,-> Dear Sir or Madam: Enclosed please find the Affidavit of Mailing, three (3) Certified Mail Receipts and the Affidavit of Posting for the above referenced matter. We will forward the signed Return Receipt Cards to you upon our receipt of same. Very truly yours, p~-IJ.,~CLa. t 1!loOM Patricia C. Moore PCM~ Enclosures U.S. Postal c-""'Vlce CERTIFlelilAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mall Dnly No Insurance Coverage Provided) Postage $ Name: ::r- ::r- PROOF OF MAILING OF NO'I ~ ATTACH CERTIFIED MAIL RE ITl ru Address : ~ Certified Fee Frank F. Licari and Maria Licari .-'l CI 385 Orchard CI CI Southold, m CI ...D 8 North Road m Sent To ran ~e1? 1ns 1, . Oy s t er Bay C CI mmomn~::E~o~Eo~on~o:mo~o~!:.P.!o~o!!o~o~~oomnoo.o....m.ooommoooooo M StNlst, Apt. No.; o or PO Box No. 50 Oxford Road CI ..oooooooooooooooooooommoooooooooooooomooooo..o........0.00000000000 50 Oxford Ro I"- city,osi.i.;Zi;;;o.oSouth ort CT 06490 (Scha ) Southport, C 1~"".,..._mlll""'I11",.'...{llI1 ~~fIi1n; Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees $ Robert Somerville and Susan Somerville Frank E. Cieplinski, Jr. and Barbara A. Cieplinski STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Melissa McGowan , residing at 555 Marlene Lane, Mattituck, New York , being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the 8th day of August, 2002 ,>iba:xxxxx, deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth in the Board of Trustees Application, directed to each of the above named persons at the addresses set opposite there respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the address of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at Southold, New York , that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by (certified) ~regXs~~ ma i 1. . ItLUt...14.t1. /' JleJ/oWCLA.- Melissa McGowan Sworn to before me this 9th day of August ,>iba: 2002 ~(~~, Notary Public -! MARGARET C. R~ Notary Public. Sta\1l aI 111ft No. 4882528 . QuaIIlled In 8ulIoIk 0DuIllf--., 00 3> QIlmmllliO'l__ June .. ...r.z;:;:. ,I -I ! 6 c /0- Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Town Hall . 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD -. BOARD OF TRUSTEES: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ----------------------------------- In the Matter of the Application of -~~~-~~~----------------- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING I, Patricia C. Moore , residing at 370 Terry Lane, Southold, New York being duly sworn, depose and say: That on the 8th day of August, 2002, I personally posted the property known as 485 Orchard Lane, Southold, New York by placing the Board of Trustees official poster where it can easily be seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for eight days prior to the date of the public ~~~rg. Dat~ of hearing noted thereon to be held UJM. c1Uq.~1 ~CO)) O(,,\O(~1'.OO,,~. I Dated: August /:2, 2002 Swo;r to before me this /:2. - day of August 2002 '7lwL4..v- 7l1-PlouJCV- Notary Public MEUSSA McGOWAN NotarY Public, State 01 New VoIIl No. 4995913 Qu"lified In Suffolk CountY 0 & Commieelon Expirllll May 4.20_ o ,...., "'" PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (631) 765-4643 Margaret Rutkowski Secretary August 8, 2002 BY CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Neighbors Re: Judy Schapp 485 Orchard Lane Southold, NY SCTM# 1000-89-2-7 " Dear Neighbor: I represent Judy Schapp with regard to her property located at 485 Orchard Lane, Southold, NY. She is seeking a wetland permi t to plant within 100 feet of the edge of wetland. Enclosed is the Notice of Hearing. The Wednesday, Hall. hearing August on 21, this 2002 matter has been at 7:00 p.m. at scheduled Southold for Town If you have this application, any questions, please do not or you hesitate wish to support to contact me. Very truly yours, 7 /~;;:v ~Patricia C. Moore '---- PCM/mm Enclosures '. NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TRUSTEES at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, concerning this property. 1 I I I 1 () I I I I i OWNER(S) OF RECORD: -Juo.~ So~~ SUBJECT OF PUBLIC HEARING: ~lo.r*\(\ ~l~ AtI\ Q,Cl\ae&l\~~ 6~c. TIME & DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING:~ O-UqUS""I,~ . OC\cr 4\xu~ ,:CXS Pin. If you have an interest in this project, you are invited to view the Town file(s) which are available for inspection prior to the day of the hearing during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m and 4 p.m. BOARD OF TRUSTEES * TOWN OF SOUTHOLD * (631 ) 765- 1 892 SENT BY: MOORE; 831 785 4843; JUL-1~.o~ 9:~7; ~ of Trustses Applla&tion U PAGE 213 " AU'DIOlUZA'rI:Olf (where the applicaIlt is not the I'~~~~t*Se~~'rty) owner) residing at ~ 55 - / P -:Z;w1f (mailing address) ;2& Lt7TLEN~ AJe U? (j tTl j( //,c,. d- do herellY a\1thoriza PIJ---r- - t7Joo.ee (Agent) to apply loX' permit($) frOlll the Southold Board of Town 'l'rust... 011 III]" behalf. ~.~~ 8 S!:NT SY, MOORE; o a31 7aS 4B43; JUL-OO~ 9:~7; PM!: 113 Boar~ of Trust... Application Colll1ty of Sutl'olk Stare of New York r-..Jud " ~ S~' BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS T HElSHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR mE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT(S) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HISIHER. KNOWLI3.DGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT ALL WORK mp 1.D~ 1Y.l1\JF,W m M~mffi8. S~.T l:Q&1B IH','{HIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY ~Y~B',:l&.~)Jill!,l.(IJt.Q }l.-L~BJI.lllII1JlllltJLU.U U IU-UUllIl m 11111 111111 UNDER ORDYVDlTUE OF SAID PERMlT(S), IF GKANTED. IN COMPIEl'lNG THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE l1lUSTEES, THEIR AGHNT(S) OR REPRESENTATIVES(S), TO ENTER ONTO MYPROPEllTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION. SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS r..L~ 10'1'" DAYOF:r~~200L N\.W~ .lANE M. ltMAVEC NDIIIr NIo. SlIII cI NIw YtIII SENT BY: MOORE; 831 785 4843; JUL-10-02 9:28; o PASE 313 r- \".I lm.tl!AN'P TRANIlJICT10llllL IlJIICLOSURI I!'ORM t '..... NATOIlI ot lIPftoteJ\'l'tOlh I Ch.ck a11 thd Ippl\' ;') "....;",.._-, ."fri\i~~~':1 n a, un ,.. you ~~. .~plylno in the name of .C.'OK8 .1.. or Qth.. .ntlby, luch II I companl'. It la, indlcato the othar plrlon'. 0. company'. n....) ;"'~:-~;:~iott:..:1'Ij,.~~~ " j. toUR IWIlt '.x gd."lnelli 'uhllo. ChIng. of .01\. AllPltl"'ll at \lhb ' ,-~ B""pblon r'o"'~~hQr lIfUlIl.l a.p. I...l--I d< Obbn 1'), 'Pl n,j,,: - - . J ,..J...... VV"--l LQ,'Yl ..> IIf -obha..,' ~.... a O.,blvlb\,.) .i,.JC.ll"lt.nq c;:vrL. ~jaU!AU JV Do ~OI ..reORl~~f lor bbrougb faur ~b~nr. epaue.. .Ibllng. peir.nb. al." "hUd' ha.. . rel.Uon.hip wlt', anr oUltlIl." Ill." "1'10'" Ilr bhe Town of Soabhold? "RIlabionshlp" lnolud.. by blood. ...c'J:Jag., or btalllin... l.'.r..-='. -1NI.1n... lnt.r..t. a.ane . ba.ln.... Including a perbulr.hlp. In which the town offlClr or ..plofa. has .... a p.rtl.l owne.ehlp of (0. eMploy_.nb b,) . co.p~retlon In whlch the town of(loe. or aMploy.. olns lore bhan ,. of the ..1'... us ""L. ~!oV " If 10'" .....taG "1'... OOllpl.bn the bib lion IIr ~hl. to,,", ond da~. ....d algll ~t.rn Indlaab8d. No.. ot p.r.1I11 ..ploynd by ~h. Town IIf 80uthold Titl. or po.l~io. ~f ~hab p.raon 08lcrlbe bhe ul.Uonehlp bebee.n younelf !tltn 'll'l'llo.nbl and the bownotrlo.. e. ..ploye.. II~he' check bhe approp.hb. lIn. ~) tl1roogh 01 .nll/or /I..crlb. in bha spaoa provided. Th. toW" officer o. _I'loy.. or h18 or her IpOU.., .lbllnl/, p.ran~. Or ohlld 1. (chact .11 th.~ apply). A) the own.r of gr'lbar bhan !~ of bh. Ih.r.. of the ----- corl'o..t. aback of bh. IppllQanb (whan the .ppllc.nt' i. I corpor.tion), . _____BI the 1.gal or b.n.rlolll own.r ot any IlIt.r..' In a nondorpor.~e'.ntib, (when bhe .ppllo.nb I_ nab" corporation), _____CI an offloa., dlr.etor. partna., or aMplo".,of bh. oppU...n~, or ~D) bbe ~cbU.l .ppllcant. -', '. ':j~k' . 'j" DBScnIPTIOHor ItBLATIOHslltP ~}' " . . "-q-- " ~-.. .., . ., ~~~.:~--' 4 ~.. jV, ; , t:'\~. ~ .or,. suba1bb.d .~ 51Il'".~url, 'Prlnb n.... ,.;.,..G.~> -i<~ ,. ;",'I"jj,"".l.:;I.l,!\~. . . ~. :1: . :.'. . '. "" -. '~~-'-'-~''''.'-''''-~'''--~''''''^''''''''..'''--_.------I_-_'~- ,., "-" ...... ...,; PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Tel: (631) 7654330 Fax:: (631) 765-4643 July 26, 2002 Southold Town Trustees Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, NY 11971 " ,'!'\ RE: Applicant: Judy Schapp Premises: Orchard Lane, i \' . ?nl;,;:M;di L l\ 1i': J~lt. ~vL\JOC'i: ~",,:',' . , -''''''', --.- \ Southol ,;~. .~I"O'~H"'~ r.'v',: I'. ~~'Ii ~-::-_[:..~,.~." -;.~J~:._.'~.:_/::::=!.J Dear Ladies/Gentlemen: Enclosed please find the following for the above referenced matter: 1. Check in the sum of $150.00 payable to "Town of Southold" for application fee 2. Application 3. Disclosure form 4. Authorization 5. Two copies of the survey of the premises with planting are highlighted We will provide you with a planting plan as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, ,...""-' ." ~ vct2~ e.- r/(~~4'L- patricia C. Moore PCM/mr Enclosures - Field Inspection 8/14/02 .d-dyt Field Inspection 8/I 4/02 ~JL~ Nonnan Shapp June 10, 2002 , ~ ..----".'-""'r::.~:,~__;...,-. -. .."~. ,'. -:.. - . ",' ~-' _ ,c.:>"".,:..~~~..: ,....,-" . ~~..::.:~~~.'."::::~~_:.'-~':;;-~'~~~' ~ '-~-~,~......~~~.~ ~.. _";1 . ~t.;,r ~.... ~__.~ .. .~~ _ _ . ......,..- ....-~_.~..... ;.,:'l. _ ~(.;::~:..,\I. ~ ..---.... -'>>.'-:"', -C;::;I:o ,-':.:.-;. .~ '":;'::';:';,"~""",A""'o::,...,,. '.. :.:."", ',"""'_ ' ",,::. -=~, .'% "~~~'7__ ",..:......;'>-'.~,...,;-;;:-.-,,~-.,~. . , _. _0" ..... .~~,.;~, ~ .... -r:-..- , .':t-'''=-.,,:::>', _"v:.~-"''''J--~'' dJ",:?::......_~~ ... Q.... d~_:;....'.,,~,_ ~ .' ,'....-,_~ ~. ~~.... -":--.:"-..l;.... ~,z. ....., . E~':-':5;~~:,~.:~.h".i': -~ - 'F-:;::'~~~~,;;;-(~~~~":~'):~~' '. .~~<::':'''';:;~i;i'~S ":~-'i..~~tzr~~ ,.~~~~~~~oI#_""~_-='-""~~"''' .." """'" __ 'w- -.;;"i'...... ". r.;.:"....,.... _.,.,., "'""~ .~=I - _ ...._z,J..i?',..''-'. r;.~ .. 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""'_~"';r.:,<,,,,~~.~~.- ~.1--,. ~_.....~:!f?'~'d:;~,~_;h-;>__~'~'" .,~ ....~_~ '" ~",;~"'~.';... ~;-...;.r';~~"_"~'" r.....'f,~--.:-~:~_...t:J.I;... ~.. ,:. i~-=':>::'~ ..,.::r-..~'" "to... .-......:: J:" -...:.~ . ~ -:.:~~ :;-t"~;b~~~..~....;~~;.f:..,~ -.;n' ~ ~!'; /l"~ ,"'oIt~l' .,,~~~.~~~.<I.~\': - - r'.~. ~....._ _..._ _ ~.::..~..~....-..:a.; _ . -~~.....' .."':AIIJI1.....,;;h...;-:..".,_.,..,_-_~..~.,Jr- , Norman Shapp June 10,2002 Norman Shapp June 10, 2002 Norman Shapp June 10, 2002 Norman Shapp June 10,2002 Nonnan Shapp June 10, 2002 Norman Shapp June] 0,2002