HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-6097 Board Of Southold 'Town Trustees saUTHaLD. NEW YORK PERMIT NO.. u'Qfjlu. DATE: ...~p.:r..i.!..?g.,..)005 ISSUED TO. ...........!.':'r.l.:.r..ll..~.;..N.g.~uuS..gIM:!'P.. ..........u.................u. uu.uuu.. 1\utql1ri;!uUl1u Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 615 of the LaW$ of the State of New York. 1893; and Chapter 404 of the Laws ofthe . State of New York 1952; and the Southold Town Ordinance en- tltled."REGULAT1NG AND THE. PLACING O.FQBST.R.UCJlONS IN AND ON TaWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and the REMOVAL OF SAND. GRAVEL. OR aTHER MATERIAl.S.-f.iOM LANDS .UNDER To.WNWATERS:~~. and In accordance with .the Resolution of The Board adopted at a meeting held on u..~p.EJ,Lf.Q.. 2005 ' d . 'd t' f th f $500 00 'Id' b . .......u.... an In cons. era Ion 0 e sum 0 uuuuu'-..uuuuu u.. pa y .. ..u..uuu....J..':'~.~~.~...~J:l.~u.~..o.:r.II)~.~....;?<; n.?P..!?.........uuu....u..u..uu..uu.................._................ of ......u_.u...~.O'.l1!.I1.<>.!.<i.uuu......u...........uu..uu.u. N. Y. and. subject to the Terms and Conditions h$led on the reverse side hereof, of Southold Town Trustees authorizes and permits the foRowlng: WeUand Permit for the existing docking facility. consisting of a 3' x 30' timber dock, 3'x 12' ramp. and a 6'x 16' float, with the condition that a 60' non-dlsturbance vegetated buffer remain landward of the wetland line, with a 4' wide perviouslwoodchip path to the dock, and all as depicted on the plan drawn by Sea Level Mapping dated January 29, 2005. aU in accordance with the detaited specifications as presented In . the originating apphcatlon. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF. The Rid Board of Tnastees here- by causas Its Cor~atc; Seal to be a~lXed. and these presants to be subscn'bed by a rnalorlty of the saId Board as of this datil, . . . . Attie r Trruius .. . TERMS end CONOmQNS T/je ~t1- Judith and Norman Schapp le"~. Southold ... .. N. y...as = cbe ~ lor the ,........... of ch~ PCaak does ~ Ud ~ CO the foI. L 'I1IU the .ud JlouII 01. Tl1ISteeS md lh~ Town 01. Soudlold are tdeNCd -&om any md ~ cJamap. oc claims f<< .~ 01. I\IkI erWDg. ditect1.J or toalndly IS . cesuk of IS1'j oper. ~. pdoaued p'._ut:....lbIa ~ ..IM...~. ~~~!!!!!..~ Ills <<her OW!' Clp(lISt. deleai uy aacI all $Ulh _'I..ltI.<.e4 .117. dIkd faafc.f, aacI che .ud 1". ...Iu~ ISSlII'IeIIullIlablllq widt ~ cheteto. ..-d!t ~:~l"tf.adusloo of chelloud of Trasttet. of che Town of ~ a. 'I1IU cbls ~ "...ud lot apedod of. 2"-4_ wbkh Is ~ to be . ~....oed time.ttqaiRd lD .ciOmptete che 19Od:: lO'folwd, tJut.i:boald m<',,:, I."'"C$ -ar. request. fOIl all UlellSiOD _y be GlIde to che Dou4 at a ..., .we. . . . 3. That thls Penuk should be ~ lndeftoitely. or IS long as <<he sold Pe-!-- wIsbCs . co . ....1....1" the _ II( ptQject lmoIved, to provide nidence co anyoae ~ that aalh. ~OD ms odBlaaIlY obtalaed. 4. That the wodc lmolml will be lUbject to the ~ aacI approval of cbe Board or III ~ aaclllOtl-<lOlllpllaoce wilh che provisions of the Mg/n.(lflg applkatloa, maybe CII!Se fOl: mocalion of thls PeImit by resollttlon of <<he saW Board. S. That there ..m be DO wuasooable Intetf_ wilh aavlgtdon as a result of the wodc bercIn uichodzed. . : . J Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Board of Trustees Field Inspection Date \Yl~ ~1) ',;:2,005 Address L(~) O~ Lv-- Owner /VVY~ ) 'J\,.l).. '\\- 5 uk-r r SCTM# gq -:z - l ~"\k--r,.U ~ , Inspected by Findings_lOa Vlrs' nA (~ fl<.-,\:;~ 3fo G6, L l~ ~ \lA'~} f"'lh cIe-~ +0 I.f - l,J1-j ~, P \c;:,,-b tW ""i- -f\",,~tt'\ ~~I ) b)~ % ~ ~ l)~\~ (\r&- ~ CV' . Photos taken ~-e 5 j S ~ Field Inspection \"\>,,, X\-"" I l.uo r April 13 Field Inspection April 13 Field Inspection April 13 Field Inspection April 13 Field Inspection Ma~ 26 05 11:2Sa Moore Law Office 631 765 4643 Southold Town Trustees P.O.Box 1179 Southold Town Hall Main Road, Southold, NY 11971 By Fax 765-6641 Dear President Krupski and Board: Mr. And Mrs. Shapp area. We respectfully and issue the permit. cc: Mrs. Shapp PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold. New York 11971 Tel: (631) 765-4330 FllX: (631) 765-4643 MllflllU'e1 Rutkowski Secreta!)' May 26, 2005 p.l r5.) Ie ~ IE I W lErnI lf1l MAY 2 6 mi /.1lj Re : Shapp Property: 1000-89-2-7 Southold TOW1l Board of Truste" have completed the re-planting of the buffer request that you please inspect the property Very truly yours, ~)4tiz-e~eY01~ 'patricia C. Moore ~ PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (631) 765-4643 Margaret Rutkowski Secretary May 26, 2005 Southold Town Trustees P.O.Box 1179 Southold Town Hall Main Road, Southold, NY 11971 By Fax 765-6641 Re: Shapp Property: 1000-89-2-7 Dear President Krupski and Board: Mr. And Mrs. Shapp have completed the re-p1anting of the buffer area. We respectfully request that you please inspect the property and issue the permit. ~ Very truly yours, FtdU~6tl~ 4{atricia C. Moore ~ cc: Mrs. Shapp \6),'" t 1;1 H ~ \\ru \.\~'{ 7. 7 2005 \~ 50\1\0010 10wn BoatO 011tus\ees . . Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 1,2005 Patricia C. Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: NORMAN AND JUDITH SCHAPP 485 ORCHARD LANE, SOUTHOLD SCTM# 89-2-7 Dear Ms. Moore: This is to confirm that a final inspection has been made on the buffer planting in the non- disturbance area on the above referenced property. The site has passed the inspection, with 100 Virginia creeper and 390 Low bush blueberry planted. Please note that these plants were not all fully planted in place, and the grass that has been growing in this area may shade out these plants. At any rate, the area will remain a non-disturbance buffer, and the new owner will be responsible for the survivability of vegetation. Enclosed are the approval and the permit for the existing dock on the above referenced property. This permit will need be transferred into the new owner's name before any repairs can be done on the dock. Please contact this office with any questions. Sincerely, ~~ Heather Tetrault Environmental Technician . . Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 13, 2005 Patricia C. Moore 51020 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: NORMAN AND JUDITH SCHAPP 485 ORCHARD LANE, SOUTH OLD SCTM# 89-2-7 Dear Ms. Moore: The Trustees are in receipt of your letter of May 11, 2005 requesting the use of Low Bush Blueberry to replace the Virginia creeper that is not available for the re-planting of the buffer on the above referenced property. This office has approved this request. This letter will serve as approval to plant 100 plants of Virginia Creeper and 400 Lo'" Bush Blueberry, instead of 250 of each kind of plant. Please contact this office for inspection at the completion of the planting. ~~ Heather Tetrault Environmental Technician STORED ON THE MARSH OR IN THE.INTERTIDAL AREA THEY MUST BE MOVED TO AN UPLAND SITE. ~ 0... : .. . TERMS end CONDlTIQNS 'l1le Perml~ Judith and Norman Schapp .11""". Southold .' "... N. V..... = cbe ~ tor the u.......... of the PCanit docs UIIdas~ .Ad pt'C$Cribe co the fol. L 'l1Iat tbc said .JJotrd of T_ and ebe Town of SOOlcholcl are reltated ltom any I4d ~ cIamages, oe dalms foe'llamap. of Il,1lts ulN.og. 4ltectl7 oe IocIirecdl .. . result of any op<<' .&xl ptfOlJlled ..l"'~.Jdiia.~ .egd..,~ ~~~!!'.!J,!..~hIs<< 'bet ~ ~ defea4.anl and all JUCh _'I..ltJ.f.e<lby dihd f'atda, and tbc aid t'HmI...... US"I>ICI taU IlabllIty wiIh reipect thetCCO,lIt'~lm"exduslOQ of the &ud of TlUStte$ of the Town of ~ 2. 'l1Iat cbIs ~ ~.~ I.ot. pcdod of. i4.coos. wbld1 Js ~ to be the _.....~ time. RqUlted 10 miaplete cbe wod< la~l'CCI, t>ut.sboaJd dt<...:,,..nm 'lVUtIOt, request. lor aa exIeIISioo -1 be made to the lload at a .1aIu ~ ' . . 3. That cbIs Peqnk should be Rtalacd indeflaltdl. or as Joog as the aid p~...... "frishCs . CO . ....1....1.. tbc _ o( ptQjeel involved, to provide evidena> to o.nyooe ron<:etDed chat autb- ~oa was ori&laaII1 obtaJoed. 4. That tbc work Involved will be Rlbjeel to tbc lO${leclioa and approval of the 1loard << lis ~ and ooo-oooipUaoce wieb ebe provisions of the O"lg/n.tI..g applkatioa, may be ause foe mocadon of this Peanlt by ~l\adott of the said !loud. S. That tbete will be no uoreasooabIe latelf_ wich aavigadoo as a result of the 1VOdc IIecda aUdiodzed . . '6. 'l1Iat tbete shall be noiawfercoce wich the tight of the pubIk CO pus and .. aloa$ che beach betweeo tIi8h.and low _tel awb. . 7. 'l1Iat If futuu opcruioos of tbc Town of South9ld tcquUe che.laIlO'fIl &I1d/oe I1cen.doas III die Iocl'tt.... of.che ~ baelaaatbod>-e<I, o( 1f, la che oplaIoo ofche.Boatil of n-. die. WOlkshall cause alltWOlIIble obsttuctlOO co f(Ce a1iguloa, cbe said J'erml...... will be ~ ..-1Iue notice, to RII10Ye or 11* this ~ or project herein stated wIchol,1t ~ses 10 che To,m: . of 8oltchold. . :. . . 8. That tbc aid Board will be notified by the Peanluee at the cioror~: of the wodc autb- odzled. 9. That tbc 'PCtmlttee will >Obtala all ocher petmks &l1d CiO"$e'lti.Chat m&f be nquItcd . .........., to chis permit ~ -l'be RlbJect to revolce upoo fallure CO obcaln -. . . . Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 20, 2005 Patricia C. Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: NORMAN SCHAPP AND JUDITH SCHAPP 485 ORCHARD LANE, SOUTHOLD SCTM# 89.2.7 Dear Ms Moore: The Board of Town Trustees took the following action during its regular meeting held on Wednesday April 20, 2005 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS Patricia C. Moore as agent for NORMAN AND JUDITH SCHAPP applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 97 of the South old Town Code, the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated February 3, 2005 and WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on April 20, 2005 at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the structure complies with the standards set forth in Chapter 97 of the Southold Town Code, 2 . . WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approve the application of NORMAN AND JUDITH SCHAPP for the existing docking facility, consisting of a 3' x 30' timber dock, 3'x 12' ramp, and a 6'x 16' float, with the condition that a 60' non-disturbance vegetated buffer remain landward of the wetland line, with a 4' wide pervious/woodchip path to the dock, and all as depicted on the plan drawn by Sea Level Mapping dated January 29, 2005. Permit to construct and complete project will expire two years from the date the permit is signed. Fees must be paid, if applicable, and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Inspections are required at a fee of $50.00 per inspection. (See attached schedule.) This is not a determination from any other agency. Fees: None Very truly yours, Jt~f.j I). ~.~. Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK/hct March 17,2005 Field Ins_ion . ~ '/<. ~ <.r { ~ - \:)~ ie' ~ [:i f\. .... ,7.. ~ --' (')I/J';t ::r s "'. ~~~f C~f\" f:f~ .f~. \) 't) ~ lI. "'" -Q~ '3,% r-fi c~ t~ s;.1Io '$~ Ii} ~. J (0 g ,Q:) I ;~ ~ ilj . ; ,.. !'~~ . , '~~i , "ril~ . li~~ :li~' 'III i!I ;;- '" :i~~ ' ~ -<fq~ ;.~~~ " l~~~ g~ ~ 3"l . .;. . ", . '" '.' . . f' , " '.. . '. 3, 1 ~ ,,:0., ,~ ti' '" Uti 11,1',. ti t I ll'~ all ~ilr ~r r!! '~ r !t .., ~ ~ i ~ ... <0 ~ ;; .. II ;. II} ~ \ ~~ , ~ I ~ ,.' .,: ..~.~~t...; . :. ..' .... ". :'~I ..:;; ~ .' -t<< ):. ~.... ..." "1 ~ ....." ,~ ~, r; " . -4- d... ,.4 ...;: IjN'ftlI"l' -. . .. 1;\ :,.~ ..' S" 'I '1 .. :@ ,J' <,,' -"', ),r" .. Rl r ' I ~ it 1=\ :<: ):l ~ ~ t:J rJ) Q ij , b'i '" ~~ d ~~ :~i ~ ;~~j ~ ~I ,- ! '"~"- ! ~ \":'1 !.,.. . i~~r.. ; r:::':-- '':':';i r.__. ~ ~. L c: r rv CD ' \::5 = ~' ~ :) , ~1- . ~ ... , ~." .". . '- " ./ " . , ' PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (631) 765-4643 Margaret Rutkowski Secretary May 11, 2005 Southold Town Trustees P.O.Box 1179 Southold Town Hall Main Road, Southold, NY 11971 By Fax 765-6631 SOllthold 10"11 Board 01 Tmst"s Re: Shapp Property: 1000-89-2-7 Dear President Krupski and Board: Mrs. Shapp wishes to complete the re-planting of the buffer area. She has been advised that the Virginia Creeper, proposed in the landscape plan, is unavailable in the quantity she ordered. The Nursery has approximately 100 plants of the Virginia Creeper. Rather than delay the planting, Mrs. Shapp asked if she could substitute the Virginia Creeper with Low Bush Blueberry. The plan presently called for 250 Virginia Creeper and 250 Low Bush Blueberry. Low Bush Blueberry plants are available. We would request a modification of the plan. My client will plant as many Virginia Creeper as are available. We would like consideration of this greatly appreciated. to plant as soon as possible, so your request at your earliest convenience would be Verytrul~ yours, .... /;7./( / c-v./ Lpatricia C. Moore cc: Mrs. Shapp #. -1/"'1 ". ~,.. . ~.hl,i.: TV lHS ~ IS A l/IOlA TICN nIIIl" $TAre fJlC.C'ATICN LAlrL...._ I.. AlL U:If.rl'A lKBS __JIIf1IEf1l"CM.YF !. __. OF 11<< '. . " , . '. ~ .!!" :-,: -..... " .. ,..... .. .. STANDARDS FOR APPROVAL CIJNSTRUC'IlDN OF SUBSURFACF SE"AGF. Q$AL $YSTDlSFOIl SWGt..~ FAMIL Y tfESDENCE "" ...,. ,I, ... t:tItI4I1oM ..t lor'" fIler.in f/IId on Ihe r ,. .:-1nIe1. . .- , . . E:".. . ,.. .!AS IiEFE'R TO VAP OF ur 1lEA0I ,.Mr FLED II TIE ____ ' : I 'lXK COf/tITY.a.ptI("$ 0FF1C~ ..,... ,___-'-- IW' NO. SO ON DEC. RO, 19I!7 -- MfJ" eo"..lJIjis FIt- FIll"" ilO;'icO?,,'( G M"r of; 199 9 . . ."... - ~ "... << tL ,eu ~""."'.""'. .1"__LA'II7M:lDlII" .r 'c_ c .I/IL'--l A ,. . c~. __M lI!II"ND . "'" ., QlIft.MM% .", LA" :.: ). . . . . ",..,I ;1" . J1JL ; ,{/I" c I ID.5 j. i ~_ .";_. , : . '_~:: - :,~J_'"_ ~ If y~~_._:__liL', G),WlSl ,""JCk.~~I~ Qt<" . Co/LJ'lc.,- iil -" SCf)HS REF. NO. RIO - f18 - 0112 co,,,, .. ;-. ~l '.7. ,-,.;,.. -. ~O" . . 4 6' I...S II.... _:iT .T.'"," l.I!(r:~"'~' 'to )... ; ; ".--', t:, .;.. t;.;. (. l Co =----j~",.~/,~ 7F$T HOLE r tIr:Jhl!'! "xpi!cNU<) GRADING Pf.j4N .. :i'. <S>""l ~-1-- ,,' . cD/?YAD'S ..,. o.rt ,.,._ ... ....,. _ oc. ....... ~ ."",,' ",..... ... .. ..... "" """ 10" rowJ sr r_ " ..... 11M 10 ___ -- "'" ...- $IF :\ ....0 r' c. ;r 3.7" I " , . @ 10- .. ( ;" .. \." , \\\,,1IJ0:-( ,J.#- c " "," , "- . \. @ r' 00(,. cO' \; ~O. cti . " 13 -;.. /-1 "-~.r'~e.;:. ~: [jJ , pr"p - ~/o:"O-+'.~ ~ ... p,--p, .;C,oO" lD".r . . ARE4 : 28,614 sq ft. ' '.'~ . CONTQI;!R LrlES .."" a.~'" n t( '" ),~ bo.le :.IOote The /<JorJllonc of."." (I1Id caupoolr ~i.orm h.,.on I1r. (rom field obstlrvalinns omlor Irom dola ohlmed from others. , LIC. -NO. 'f9618 -*,RE REFERENCED TO N.G.V.O., . Np.weAL 98 - 222 \rJ 11)-\_!~ 'Yt1.\.vW; . ~ 50 plO/rts I (yH,JUW\ .~ . ~ L.ow eu...", 9l\lc:: 'ei!:U-'/ I<. Vl\t-b.1N.A c.~.e~ ' R:.~OtY~ ""' R'b 'or LH-40.~ " c.g~~e~ . .~ ., ...' --- ~. . Al.H.w.AI. 'fa SCDHS REF. NO. RIO - 98 - 0712 6P~lt~s-8 " "- , "-~ ''\ c::..<'> Q? q.., q. '" -o'v~ L-~ -0 ~..--o ..... -0 ('>~ <::9 "'Co. .... '<-. " "),~ r ... ^ .."..... , SURVEY OF' PROPERTY A T BA YVIEW TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NY 1000 - 89 - 02 - 01 SCALE: 1" = 30' JUNE 3D, 1998 , , .ItA. Y 1/7, 1!J!J8 r AU6.11l 1!J!J8 ( ...",.." ... J AU6. Ii 1.98 ( /11M ... ... . ,.. .... J NOV. I!f, I'" ( .....,... J ./AN. 1/1 1.-. ( ...WriM J ./AN. I.., 1.-. ( ".,., ..... J ~ & ) r~[i' rr,;- r? Ii ~a'~ ~11 ,I r \ 1__ '- j ,', '~.,. .,-...1 n I II ~,1".U'"'' "4' ' ':t \j I :,1;: v'(! '{,J i \", t~~ : l L'C,?'l6~c<t~i:-l ".)..,sc:, -r;:..->,)~",,~ )0 <~-/.,.."., '<~"wq, (fIr. elltJ,5 . ' ;' ."-t>/ ',5 20' " , tEg.S DRYAD'S IE.:8.0 5r _ /000 ... IE 7,6 yZ",m 3r: wCU"e,.. I h'3he~,J GRADING PLAN TEST HOLE el+'1 ~~ \.S}~ Dark brown ond .ontiy loam OL Brown loamy .0tId SAt 1!' s: .,. -k 6'<9-0. 1;.; V", "'0. ~ NOTE' 6RADES FUR-".'7'HAN 20' FROM LE'ACHINIJ POOLS !HALL BL STASlLIZIrD PURSL'-<NT TO LUCAL CODES ........ 2' oJ(' 0' I~&q ~ ct+ ~ ~",,>,-""""':,<- o"!-- "'& ~ _ _ <"- . ~O.... '% /0:;- <'0 .....-:: ~ ~. ' . ~ '22' "'"" ;./' ~ '-':;,'" "0' ............... a I ,is' '~~~j ""- ... ...,-/~.....: '" ,":--...... c.... /,~e"'- .... ,'rH 'C1.lT ..... """', 4-io, .4 ~,~ 2t>~~~~ 3' /~y~c 7"o,~ .$cre*t~ Brown line /11 1:0"6. SOlId wll~ 10" grov&1 SW , ~ ""- <'I , 3.7' I am familiar with Ihe STANDARDS FOR APPROVAL ANf) CONSTRUCTION OF SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS FOR SfNGLE FAMIL Y RESfDENCE and will abide by- Ihe condilions sel forth therein and on Ihe permi! 10 conslrucl. Woltlf In brown !tie 10 coarse .ond wllh 10" grav&/ SW @ . o~ ~ "" " NOTE' SUBSURFACE: SEWAGE OISPOSAL SYSTEM DESIGN BY' JOSEPH FISCHETTI, P.E. HOBART ROAD < SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 1/97/ (5/6) 765 - 2954 10' el "Jel I'v 0) ~'<J 11\0 ~q J.",e '. ,,e V (" Q' ~ a- &"t ~ j ~ (J 0:- ----- . . ~,~ o ~,Di - .0 />."J_ ~, ~ ... I@) / ,-- I ... c;J' i"O "> :'\'''' ; />.";j,\\0 I ",,' \ ,I \ X = h,O-7 b o../e Mo.te ~ .( ~ >< he locolions of wells af!d cesspools, . . 1;,\ ~ shown hereon are from "eld observaltons and or from dolo oblained from olhers. ("7 \. @ ('\ O~ err ~ ~y .. . "& ". ... "<. .. -......... ---.:: NOTE' LOT NUMBERS REFER TO 'MAP OF CEDAR BEACH PARK' FILED IN THE SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK'S OFFIC~ AS MAP NO, 90 ON DEC. 20, 1927 hooO ZONE UNE', /-"'OM OI2M ?:c,lc'3CO/(P7 G Mo-74; /'19'0 :-...,......7 __ "'q;;,- ORCHARD C;<we/I;"1 (PR/V4 TE lANE f.. v!>e ' J ROAD) ,Lub/(L i+''l.,~c;r( >'101 0 ANY AL TERA TION OR ADDITION TO TIfS SURVEY IS A \IIOLA TION ,P~.., ) OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW,- EXCEPT AS PER SECTION 7209-SLfJDIVISION 2. ALL CERTI'1CA lIONS HEREON ARE VAW FOR T/fS MAP AND COPES THEREOF ONL Y F SAI) MAP OR COPES BEAR THE IIPRESSED SEAL OF THE SURVEYOR WHOSE SIGNA TURf: APPEARS HEREON. ADOITIONALL Y TO COMPL Y WITH SAI) LA W THE TERI/ 'AL TEREO BY' MUST BE USED BY ANY AND ALL SURVEYORS UTLfZING A copy OF ANOTHER SURVEYOR'S MAP. TERMS SUCH AS WSPECTEO' AND "BROUGHT-TD-OATE' ARE NOT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE LAW. ( EL. 10.3 CERTFfED TO' FIDELITY NA TIONAL NORMAN SHAPP JUDITH SHAPP /3 -/~ 1=1 4-J'. C.i-C:..~C \ <;- TITLE INSURANCE COfJPANY /' ~ .. {> "r c!eV3..' --JjJ- c prv/, .:;..v] Ie.. ,J(' AREA = 23,64~ sq. ft, to titlline CONTOUR LINES AND ELEVA TIONS ARE REFERENCED TO N.G. V.D. WI Y 8, 2001 <<:E1tTFICA TIONSJ well 98 - 222 fC. NO. 49618 I J 765 - /797 .... . o' .' . ii, ." SClJHS REF. NO. R10 - P8 - OT72 . '. ~ 1M. r.~' '.7. '0' ,;.;,. -.. Zo- . 4 6' ..:5T . ".J ,.... l.I!(e~4/~f' z' ,... . ---t-. ~~;.;..l(: '. , l-Z .... ~..... ~II./ I fn.:Jhl!'! ""pl!~4') GRADING Pf.ftN 0 : i.. . DRYAD'S . ..r :.; ~/I~ ~IID.5 ,. ..~ 'l~.. - TFGT HOLE L""1 D.rt lor.... .0- _ 01. r' ...... '-t, -' ,r -.. .. ..... - .. 10" ...- 51' .,. ,,-r I'_"h... ... Ie .... -. ... I07C ...- GI' Oi \; . . . . @ " . . ..,..,... .... STANDARDS FOR APPROVAL CDNST1fUCTIDN OF SUBSURFAfT Se"AGF. O$AL $YSTDIS FOR SlNGI..E FAIoI1I.. Y ffESDENCE .. ..... 61 ... ttImIIIon. .el forlh therein find Of/ Ihe I ,. __1nIe1. 10' o. I ~. .. I'v 'II\~IJ)<:? 0 ,J.."" 0 ....., 0 ,po ',", \. .. ~. (f .. #: lAI'"Aa' SOAQE' DI$POSAL .MJ _."",.L'. ~~' ~ KY. 111m .a' a~ !!5. -.B5'f (f' @ r\ Oi. ,0' \,: oJ' oj ~"" r. " ,." ~_.. .... .' '. ... ,... lIS RUER TO 'llAP OF ., -, / ilIf SEAat !'AM" FLED 1# TIE 0 I "Cll.K ~'a.pIK'S ~ :::---.:7--"::'--1- iW" #IQ. 90 ON IJEC,. RO, 19I!7 -- '10#' ~~S FIt- FIll'" iI~')-'O?f,.( G "'''7.f; 19'J9 . ~. ~ .. :... . , . . 0 << a.. ,fU J(: ),.:::J h 0.11: :.I...t~ Th" /4oaI/OIIS 0/ we" OIId ceupools ~i.owtl her.on M' from field obStlfva!ions OfId or from dola ohfolned from a/he's. d; . " ,I~_; ,;~ i JUL I I 2002 ." ~. ---.. -~~..'.", ~c-_f't f . -'c.'! h../:. .. \_~,' 1"eL-- -- eMS ,V.lck.eRll. c.olL^l&'- ''', "'-.0 -....'1; ~ <S>~ U}-1-- 13 -;.. /.1 G"'V"t'~eo;:ob: \ [jJ . pr"p . ~/-"..O-+'o~ ~ ~Pr-p"o;c.",...loo#_r 0 -. o ARE"A " 28.614 sq. ii. 0 0 t;" intt ',', " CONTOUR LINES A1I1 fI.EV~ n . I4RE REFE:RE1K:ED TO H.G. V.D., . Np.UJeAL 98 - 222 \tJ 11Y\_1~ 'j-\:1.\OW': . e 6"'0 pla,Tts / rI\!.J~-~ ~ LDW e.v-wl.-t eH~ 'eeU-'/ I<. '-I11t-b\NIA c~~. " r._ eo R:.t5':otr~ "" ~Ik"" t"..h'eu..Y p~,.'S. . "..,. If, ,I , Ii ,. ; <- , , . . . .. 1'" IJ/~ II: I IO.~ I. '.S '''~.. :IT .,... - TeST HOLE ~I", o.nt ,.,.._ oH...., _ ot 1:' .......~ -' J' ",.... .. .. .... - """ 1011 """' S.. .." J.r .._It,..... @ ... ,. - ._- 1011 ,....w 0'" Gtf \; 10' '. ( 0'" ... I'" 11\,,"J~t 0..",". " . ",' '. " \. 20- ii, .-'l SCt:!HS REF. NO. R10 - gtJ - om . .. .:"r :.= DRYAD'S *~ Cl4ll?ls"vick:eeIL ~ c: o !Vol" '- . . MH."M. . 0>-9' ~-'V '; , ..,.... ..... STANDARDS FOR APPROVAL CON$TffUCT1C1N OF SUBSURFAfT SEWAGE'. lJSAL $'lSTEJIS FOR SINGl.E FNIL Y ffESDENCE riI .,. ", tile ~ .al for'" "'arain ond "" Iha , ,. c-hef. , @ ('\ 0-<" cO' \; iJ' ~ . ," ~"" . . " ~ ~-~ E"' . ' - ""'- /t.S REFER TO "MAP OF _.~ "" ...01 ,..... FLED '" TIE ____ . : I 'lllK ~.ct.PfIC"S OFFICii .....".. 1__-1... iW' NfJ. 90 ON IJEC. 1'0, 19I!7 -- *'" ~ W-s FIl- ':/IlM ~o-.~'CD?'-.( G lII"r of; me . . ,. 0.. . ~ "... . " . . ti; . .. K =),.:::1 b.,J.., :>/0.1:.., Tha k>otJllon. o( lIa" OIId ca..poot< ~i,tI"" her.on Of' 'rom field obs~rllalinn$ OIld 0" 'rom dolo obtained from olhftl5. (G..,U 13 -/- /-1 e.4>v,"..~e,;:. b: [j) . pr"p . e/~"o-""'~ -ru-- ~ Pr-P. . .;"''' hNr . AREA :: 2!1.,6I4 sq. ft, ' '.'~ . CONTOUR LriES"~ .E1..EVATl "AffE ffEFE:REJYCED TO N.G.V.O.. Lle.'NO. ..9618 :JI I 76!J .. 11'97 ...../. . . Np.~JeA L 98 - 222 \tJ 11"\"\;~ 'Jt1.\.OW; "~ 50 pial,"!!> / ()')!)~I\ ~ ~ \...ow ~-joj" 9l"-lC: ~-U-'/ '" "'~'~'N'" c~-- - . .-=.. .......,. -..-'....~ ~ r>. _ n LJ"~tr-,-~ i> _ "" LO;;:"N""\- '<"~- ~ ".,...,.....""'- "" !'t-~;L C-hli..--uq Vl.I"Y-N;::. , Quotation PEAT AIlD SON OORP 32 OLD COUNTRY ROAD WBSTKAMP'I'ON, NY 11977 Quote Number: 298 Quote Date: Apr 20, 2005 Quoted to: COUNTER SALE Page: 1 r--'..~ Cuslomer ID Good Thru Payment Terms ... COlllTBR SALB 5/20/05 C.O.D. ] Sales Rep Quantity Item Description Unit Price Extension 1-- FAX # ~31-765-4643 PAr MOORE -'UOY 7l8-225 2029 KOMI! 516-931-4200 OFFICE 2S0.0C 1I100GlI ~ACCINIUM AIlGUSTIFOLlUM 111 6.00 l.500.0C 2S0.0C ~IRGINIA CREEPER #1 2 WBBKS TO 9.00 2,250.0C RECEIVE 1.00 !>BLIVERY TO . 585 ORCHARD LANE 100.00 100.00 ~OU1'llOLD .-.. -. Subtotal 3,850.00 Sales Tax 336.88 Total 4,186.88 2'd lZl79t>S9L:0.1 IlZ6W3821f:9 &IX) NOS '8 1\:8cj:~ 91 :lilt SOO2-02-&I\:j . , Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fox: (631) 765-4643 \OllIE I:JLtH-m \~ APR 1 1 LuuJ!..':.J .---1 Sout\1G\d l-own Board ot Trustees PATRICIA C. MOORE AUorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 April 11, 2005 Margaret Rutkowski Secretary Southold Town Trustees P.O.Box 1179 Southold Town Hall Main Road, Southold, NY 11971 Re: Judy Shapp 485 Orchard Lane, Southold SCTM#1000-89-2-7 Dear President Krupski and Board: I am in receipt of your April 5, 2005 letter regarding the above applicants_ The house is in contract and the closing was scheduled to occur end of March. The contract is contingent on receipt of the permit for the existing dock. We have a pending application for a permit for the existing dock which was constructed more than twenty years ago. The dock was located on the property in 1998 when the prior owner, Martin and Denise Krall applied to transfer of the "Permit Title" on the currently existing dock. Attached is the August 8, 1998 letter from your file. The Trustees inspected the property at that time and saw the dock. By that letter Krall requested that the permit title for the existing dock be transferred to the Shapp's predecessor in title, Frank Licari. Then in 2000 the Trustees granted an amendment to the permit to change the footprint of the house, again the Trustees inspected the property and saw an existing dock on the property. Finally in 2002 when the house was under construction and the Shapp's landscaper cleared beyond the haybale line the Trustees inspected the property at that time. In March of 2005 the Board refused to issue the dock permit because of an alleged violation of the 2002 permit #5611. By your letter, you acknowledge that the owners planted in accordance with the permit in 2002, passed inspected, and was approved by your Board in 2002. Therefore the owners complied with the conditions of the permit, No violation exists. The Trustees demand that we re-plant because the plants did not survive. The permit has no condition of survivability. In fact plants are only warranted by Landscapers for one year. In addition, the trustees policies and regulations prohibit fertilizing and active cultivation of the plants in the non-disturbance area. These I . 01 EI1SI1 SSl. a:s a~~330 mel a~oow ezz:so SO II ~0I~ , , factors, as well as deer populations, make any planting doomed to fail. This Board is unreasonably and without legal authority conditioning the dock permit on re-planting. The work was done and the Board's demand that we replant is jeopardizing our contract of sale. While my client has not yet agreed to replant, I asked Doroski Nursery, Inc for a proposal. The 2DD2 planting plan required 50D plants, 18" on center (Virginia creeper and low bush blueberry) planted in the area where the landscaper had cleared. Under the leaves and mulch some plants have survived. When Mr. Jenkins called Heather she told him to plant the entire area from the wetlands to the haybale line. That proposal would have been 2000 plants and cost over $31,000, that recommendation did not accurately describe the permit of 2002. I have attached the landscaper's proposal and ask that this be reviewed and approved before my client agrees to do anything. You are hereby placed on notice that your actions will cause irreparable financial damage to my client if the sale is terminated, Your Board's refusal to issue the dock permit on a re-planting is arbitrary and capricious, and without legal authority. /~~?>t~ ..-::: .. r~c~a C. Moore cc: Shapp 2"01 EvSv 5Sl. lES SO~~~O mel s~ooW e22'SO 50 11 ~0I~ . I PROPOSAL DOROSKI NURSERY, INC. LANDSCAPE AND DESIGN 38400 COUNTY ROAD 48, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 631-765-3600 FAX: 631-765-5192 Proposal submitted to: Date: April 8, 2005 Name: Judv Schapp Type of Job: Plant Buffer Street: Street: Orchard Lane, Cedar Beach City: Doualaston, New York State: New York We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: Architect plan by: Chris Pickeril Replant Buffer Area according to approved trustee plan of July 2002, A total of plants to be planted: 500 Plants @ 1 Boo on center: 250 Vaccinium Angustifolium 1 Gallon 250 Parthennoissus Quinquefolia 1 Galion We hereby propose to furnish labor and materials -complete in accordance with the above specifications, for the sum of Thirteen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars dollars ( 13,500,00 ) with payment to be made as follows: AIi materials are guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike manner according to standard practices. Any alterations or deviation from the above specifications involving extra costs, wili be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. AIi agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insurance. Our workers are fuliy covered by Worker's Compensation Insurance. Note: This proposal may be withdrawn by us if days. Authorized Signature: The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified, Payment will be made as outlined above, Accepted Signature: Date: Signature: Date: E'd Ei>oSi>o SSl. tES aO~jjO me, a~oow e22'SO SO tt ~d~ Apr 15 05 IO:37a Moore Law O~~ice 631 '765 4643 D, PA TRICIA C. MOORE Alt{)jlh.':y,at Law 51020 Main ]{o~d Slluthnkl. New York 1197l JL~ ;- ~ fL.( , (\o.~...-o.(1\\JQ.I[~~ [5)( U W~rnI lnl APR 1 ~lllJ SOlJtlGld Town Board of Trustees < ~/lJ- Tel; (6311705-4330 Fax; (63l) 765-4643 FACSIMI~E COVER SH~ET .~I"'\. ._.1. pagE'S ~o~p;:-.:si,n9 t:nis facsi::l:;~"" confiden~~al ln~---~~~ ~ . , ~-~ :~~rS7~~;_ ..:..' " .____'-'",.."',....on _LOP" Patr.lCl2 C i,.......-..--~ ...S lntenaec sr-.;~lo'o ... ' . -.'-'...--. ........t..... v ..... r ...lS..e bH - ne " ""--'-':D~C1n" . - ....z t... ~na'v',.J',\.- --- -<:.:'-..LJ:........:.: :~ereof. If yop a""e no.... ->-,.. ," - ......-- -:. --- .:::'.--::'::: =..5 that anv d~ Q,.-,L....S" ~.'" J \.. t.._l~e IT:.te:-;G.e.:: :-ec' '..:.- ~-- ... __............... .....re .....:':;1"0"1....".., d..;c.::+"b . -. - ...... - - - "'f t"his t. _ ~ ,.1 --. ~../ H':;I,.....~ ....rl. 'ut.LOD, :.)~~ n",.;;. -~ -. ,-,. _.. ransm.:ss.:.cn is probi-""ited 1';:'. ,- .--- ~- .- t-ransm1.c<::~o . - '. -..I ~ - -I- vC)'... "'_:':'"r~ ::::-';.":';:'~'--.:;.~. ..... . ......~..;....D J.n er:::or, -olea se 1"" '-r ~ ';~p ". - H -~ ~ :.-- . --- - - - - . - ;:10 ,...."'.v a~-' n - _lv~..l--I-:f U.:: .!Jv LE I':;;OC.............::;: - .~..--:.. - - -- ...... ,,,::.,) 'Cl ae -r< ret.,.' n' - ~- '.-.,- -.---.---~- __ ..... ,-'.,l--? _' _leve t.I1.S transmissio~ ;::. :".:' /i2: d/ ---- .!.~, _;-l-'..;.......e-t'~..'rt.L'~ >('7 /~,....~.-r.l(...1?2P /' -v "" ~ -. - - - ..- - -., - . '!:he - ~.. - :.. ~. FE: :lA':'E: '--! ~ Is.- (:-:::;-- T~C.~L N:Jr-tBER 0= PLG1<' c:: ~"!CT q......ING ('0 .. ~.... -,--L'i L,.J-'-' _; . VER S:-:1EET ,~ ,=.~ IF :I'R;'.NSMISSIGN AS POSSIBLE. IS FAULTY OR I~~O~PT,;~T~ ---- ~f PI..:2.:.:'.SE. -,::-.....' _._~- OPER.?\TOR: /0C~/C: ')'"7 . n/Co/'V:-d'~{ , ~ ~ . ~ C:LIE~JT NAME: ----, -" I . i:- ,I _ _" i./ __t::.P~-<' / - tr....-pA:..t-"2/!~:J.e .....4?':'? _"'7 7/.<- _r"t.f,.","?:L~~~'",_ .-- .:-;::,--_....-:.::.. 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Oc:eupation Sl,Eyes 53_Build OSmall Olarge o Medium o Home o Work 44. Race o White 0 Black 0 Other o Indian 0 Asian 0 Unk 46.Skin OUght 0 Dark 0 Unk. o Medium 0 Other 52. Glasses o Yes 0 Contacts o No 57. Mise , l T,:" -.F!' f":':"i-; .;Ui'h'0d) ,.,.", ~ ,j . I\Tlllfl..l A ]:/.- O~. f .~ .,;c. 10 14. Inquiri" (ChKk all that apply) o OMV 0 WantlWarrillnt o Crim. History 0 Stolen Property 75, NYSPIN Message No 76, Complainant Signature o kofflaw o Other 62 Status Date Reporting Officer Signature (Include Rank) ~.e. 7810No M.-L 79 Supervisor's Signature (Include R.ank) 8010NO 81. Status o Viet. R.efused to Coop. DCBI OJuv..NOCustody o Unfounded o warrant Advisecl o E~trad, Dt'1:lin 0 Un~nown 5" I ,.l.9 " DUS-3205 12/971 'FALSE STATEMENTS ARE PUNISHABLE AS A CRIME. PURSUANT TO THE NEW YORK STATE PENAL LAW '1 15. Time (1).. II;'.:J~ A. B. e DO/ , f. G H J. K. M. N CJ o [] ,[] [J GJ o GJ [] G CJ tEl ;i j 13 ,,";'''''''', "It_,: 84 I -vage--- 0,/ PilIges Plan View Prepared for: Norman Shapp SCT# 1Q00.89.2-7 Surveyed: 01.10.G5 Town: Southold Suffolk County, NY TIde Range: 2.5'+/- Datum: M.L.W. ~ SGALE 1"= 30' SHEET I OF I ;h ):u. \0 r..... ~",' I <J . ./';y I 0' ~" Otf:(Jrl ,..0 :<:' ~ rfrl JrP0 ...y1lJ'O Dryad's -b;3 ~ -b;3~ -4,1 -5.8 84' S/~ -5,1 .>l " o I )!.L -2,1 -4.9 LI^I -10 -3,q g..",..~ -I.~ ~ 0e-.-~.9 ~ 0,1 A ,,~ . 01' ~A_ - ______ -o.q 70..10."...,,"8,. e~ . -..., ...'......0' ;h Of 00 -----_, . 6' .. '<' 9 " "'1.~ ;Iu. '-'_" \II' '~~~ \''''-'- p. '\"\ ..-.- ;h ~ "';Iu. F ~ .!!l x III HI^I ;h ;h ;h , , , h> 6.""t "'- -y~ ~ '-" , . k~'Q' -_...... 9"- 't~~-""_" ,~ -,- '""Less ........ " -- ;h e / / /t~ / /p~~ / uJ/} / / I i II l l I I '" co ",0 ,/!) rv~ r/.~.;S 'fJl,<rJ oOj,if> -P"" "p ., '<JQJ' Rs..:- chJo<& tr~ If " Of / 0"'11 ~l'.. (Q 10 '>qo 0;('0.... .. S;, '(39, '*'}'> 'f5J fE ~ fE U W fE lfl]1 FEB - 3 2005 SouthOld TOwn ~~E S Cross Section SCALE 1"= 20' Existing Float 61 x 16' Existing 3~'g, HI^l LI^l ~ ..- ex'lit.________ --....-- "bftm. () 11,1 ,I ~ ~~ I^letlCll'ld Bou~ by R. Fox, JaI. 2005 Existing Tlmber Dock 3' ...Ide x 30' long 23' +/- ct:N. 61"". EXisting ...oad I U.>- .1..1.. --' ....- ,..___ chip ...... path Location Diagram N.lS. -t' PREPARED BY, SEA LEVEL MAPPING p, o. BOX # 53e RIVERHEAO, NY PH b31-122-3;:lq0 ROBERT H. FOX, NY!'> Lle# SOlQ1 1/2<1/2005 1I,ll.56AM c.,\5L~happ2.pr' Plan View Prepared for: Norman Shapp SCT# 100Cl-89-2-7 Surveyed: 01.10-05 Town: Southold Suffolk County, NY Tide Range: 2.5'+1- Datum: M.L.W. ~ SGALE 1"= 30' SHEET I OF I Dryad's -6,:; ~ -6i3~ ~~E S -4,1 -5,1 -5.8 dq SI;' -2,1 -:;q ~ a1.~ -I~ ~ Oc.f- 11,9 ~ 0,1 ..tl "1JJ,o . OJ, 111A . ...... _. -o.q. :70", . OJ, "'11o~" ;1. 0'f7if-----__ . 6' ""-,,>, 9 --- "",6"" Jh. ~~" v., -", ~""'" -10 .>L " LW ;1. HW '- 1l E ";1. l!1 & ~ III X <Il ;1. ;1. ;1. ;1. ~""" \ ,I ,_ )ll. ~------ ~~~~-----_ ;1. o+~_ ''-4;. ~-----__ ~~ -'-- .-- ;;,,- ;1. JO&, .,.--' '- 'v;:y I .0' t?J" oO'l (} " if ~ a:d- u)Js?ifJ "tJlI)'<J / / / / ~ I ~l~ / p ~ / / <;0... .I / u.(f) / / . / / I II i ! ! ! , : I i <:- '<J ",,0 ,.!9 rv~ o!~tS rplQ.(j oO~,i}> 0- (j ~ .."QJqJ~ "S<:" ulJ.o<fjJ ?J~ ~ " Of, OJ-v" <t1'.. <q 10 '>q 0;'0, .' Sf,'CJ9, ~:.?,;> ib [5)1 [E ~ [E ~ ~ [E ~ lfIl F E B-3 2005 [!d; Southold Town Board 01 Trustees Cross Section SGALE 1'= 20' I'Ietland Boundary by R. Fox, JGr1. 2005 Exlstlnq TImber Dock B' ...ide x BO' long 23' +/- cbv. <Sr. Existing ...ood ~.:::y toU'. .U__ -- - -pa~~~ ..... th Existing Existing Rarrp Float B' x r2' 61 x 161 HI'l.......... LJi'l.........------ ~ ..- exl~t.________ ------'- --6ttm. Location Diagram N.r.S, .+' , .....' OU Ii if .,p< ,.0 v?' ~<:-~ nO) (1)-: fliT < Orenara ~ARED BY, SEA LEVEL MAPPING P. o. sox . 5:38 RIYERHEAD, NY PH 6:;1-122-:;:;q0 ROBERT H. FOX, NYS Lie. SOI<11 1/2<1/2005 11,11,56AM C,,\5L1"f'I5r.app2.pro SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES OFFER AND COMPROMISE The Board of Southold Town Trustees are in receipt of an offer for a civil compromise from Judy and Norman Shapp, property located at Orchard Lane, Southold, New York ( SCTM# 1000-89-2-7) to replant an area within 100 feet of the wetlands; and WHEREAS, Mr. And Mrs. Shapp submitted a proposal dated April 8, 2005 prepared by Doroski Nursery, Inc., attached hereto and made a part of this agreement, which the Trustees have reviewed and find that it satisfies the terms and conditions of permit #5611 dated August 28, 2002 ; and NOW THEREFORE THE TRUSTEES AGREE, in Consideration, Settlement and Compromise of all prior actions, proceedings, agreements, and alleged violations by the owner, agents, and their successors in title, as of the date of this agreement, the Southold Town Trustees agree to settle all disputes with the owner and grant the application for an "as built" dock permit on April 20, 2005; TRUSTEES FURTHER AGREE, that upon issuing the permit to Shapp, the Trustees will authorize the permit to be transferred to the contract vendee, Judith Appel; AND THE OWNER AGREES that they will replant in accordance with the Doroski proposal, the area to be planted will begin at the haybale line and run seaward, which planting will be completed on or before June 30, 2005. The owner of the property is authorized to maintain the plants but may not remove the plants. In the event closing of title takes place before planting is completed, Patricia C. Moore Esq., the Shapp's attorney, will retain an escrow in the amount of $13,500.00, or the outstanding balance due, to guarantee completion of said planting. SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES By ~MANSHAPP ~V~ ;5 05 10:37a ~oo~e La~ Of~io. 631 766 '16'13 p.2 SOl.THOLD TOWN TRlJSTEES OFFER ANIl COMPROMISE T~~ 3xrd <>fSouthnld Town Trustees are in receipt of an offer for a civil compromise ".);,;,: L.:y ar.<..: :Sor:nar. Shilpp. pmperty located at Orchm-d l.<lnc. Southold. New York ( SCTM# 1 'X;':...S9-:;-7j 10 replant an area within 100 feci of t1le wetlands; and WHEREAS. :vIr, And Mrs. Shapp submilled a proposal d:lted A.pril 8.2005 prcp:H-ccl oy ~rC$J;' :S;)r':'er:', fnen aU;x;hcd herelo and made a purl of Ihis agreement. which the Trustees -"~',= r~'-;c',\'=d ~:le f:ne that it satisfies the terms and condilions of permit #561 I dated August ~S_ ~fJO~ : ;i.r.d "OW THEREFORE THE TRUSTEES AGREE. in Considerll1ion. Selllcmcl1l and C'~~!r.?:-o;:::s.e of ~d! prior .tlcljl)nS~ proceedings. agreements. and ulle-sed \,joh.t1ions by the owner. "f=-:i', cr.:,! :he;,. ~"eeessors in title, us of the date of Ihis agreement. the SOiltholrl Town Truslc:cs ..lp-l.....~ (p ~t~h: nil disputes with the owner and grant th~ llppJi~Ltion few an ~'u~ built" dock permil ,,1. .,,\p~; :Z!J. ':005: TRi.'STEES FllnHER AGREE,lhat upon issuing the pcrmittQ Shapp, the Trustees will ~;;",",":-;,:: the ?Cr.tillt) be transferred to the conl1llet vendee. Judith AI)pel: Al\D THE OW:'iER AGREES Ihat they will replant in accordance with the Doroski proposal. t;:: ;",oa to be plilJ'lted will begin OIl the haybale line nnd run seaw/lm. which planling will be ::c~:,lc,d on 0: :.cfore June 30, 2005. Thc owner of the propetlY is authori7.ed to maintuin the p:;.;.n:::. ~: r.1::.y :10~ remuve the plants. i:: :!:~ .\elll cluSlng of title takes place b.fore planting is c()mpleled. Patricia C. Moore =."'__ th:: Sh;:?i; a\tomey, will retain:m escrow 10 guarantee completion of said plaming. SOL THOLD '1'0\1,.':-; TRESTEES By JUDY AND NOR:V1AN SHA.PP By 114-15-115 18 :36 RECEIVED rROM:63I 765 4643 P.9? HI "d 1685vE:LIE:91=Ql ~~1~~0 MV~ NOLSNHor 5E::E:l 511-51-vll March 17,2005 Field Ins_on . . . Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 22, 2005 Judith and Norman Shapp 255-18 Iowa Road Little Neck, NY 11362 Re: 485 Orchard Lane, Southold SCTM: 89-2-7 Dear Mr. And Mrs. Shapp: At the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees held on April 20, 2005 your application for a dock at the above referenced property was approved. However, the permit will not be issued until the completion of the planting plan approved by the Board, and a final inspection of the plantings by this office. Please notify this office at the completion ofthe planting for inspection, so that your dock permit can be released. This is not a determination from any other agency. Very Truly Yours, .u~. f ? ~. 7f14...J... f}. Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK/hct Cc: Ms. Patricia C. Moore, Esq. . . Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 15, 2005 Patricia Moore 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Norman and Judith Schapp 485 Orchard Lane, Southold SCTM# 89-2-7 Dear Ms. Moore: The Board of Trustees is in receipt of your letter of April II , 2005 and proposal from Doroski Nursery regarding the above referenced property. The Trustees have reviewed the proposal and approved it. These plants must be planted in the area from the hay bale line to the wetland line, as per the attached original plan. Please note that this 60' area is a non-disturbance buffer area as per attached Permit # 5611. Specifically, the area is not to be mowed or cut; plants may be mulched and watered, as needed for their establishment. Please call this office for an inspection after the planting is complete. After the inspection the Trustees will complete their review for the dock permit. Please send this~ifi~~o~~t~~reement with Doroski Nursery, signed by Mr. And Mrs. Schapp. ----- -- -- ---- - Very Truly Yours, /Lh.-I9. ~'0. Albert J. Krupski President, Board of Trustees Cc: Norman and Judith Schapp Attachments: Permit # 5611 and planting plan AJK/hct . PROPOSAL. DOROSKI NURSERY, INC. LANDSCAPE AND DESIGN 38400 COUNTY ROAD 48, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 631-765-3600 FAX: 631-765-5192 Proposal submitted to: Date: April 8, 2005 Name: Judv Schaoo Type of Job: Plant Buffer Street: Street: Orchard Lane. Cedar Beach City: Doualaston. New York State: New York We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: Architect plan by: Chris Pickeril Replant Buffer Area according to approved trustee plan of July 2002. A total of plants to be planted: 500 Plants @ 18" on center: 250 Vaccinium Angustifolium 1 Gallon 250 Parthennoissus Quinquefolia 1 Gallon We hereby propose to furnish labor and materials -complete in accordance with the above specifications, for the sum of Thirteen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars dollars ( 13.500.00 ) with payment to be made as follows: All materials are guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike manner according to standard practices. Any alterations or deviation from the above specifications involving extra costs, will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insurance. Our workers are fully covered by Worker's Compensation Insurance. Note: This proposal may be withdrawn by us if epted within days. Authorized Signature: The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Accepted Signature: Date: Signature: Date: . . Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTH OLD High Marsh Buffer Plants Low bush blueberry (Vaccinum angustifolium) High bush blueberry (Vaccinum corymbosum) Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginianus) Staghorn or smooth sumac (Rhus sp.) Groundsel bush (Baccharis halmifolia) Marsh elder (Iva frutescens) Beach rose (Rosa rugosa) Northern Bayberry (Myrica pensylvanica) Beach plum (Prunus maritima) Virginia creeper (parthenocissus quinquefolia) Black cherry (prunus serotina) Shadbush (Amelanchier canadensis) FC1X~ --fu /VI r 5(;., l;, nJ iA+ Ib5.SI~9 ])y..o.f/:.(J '-I - 6 -05 -I L_ bt4~ ovt!o,. ex s iX- ~ Cr n ",--f,~ f' { tf(l-fS 1lY . . PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (631) 765-4643 April 11, 2005 ~ Li ,~ ~ \ ~ I '1 I, 3 '~~-D r ,,1) ,;;:;.J _."_ _.--J gare! Rutkowski Secretary Southold Town Trustees P,O,Box 1179 Southold Town Hall Main Road, Southold, NY 11971 ,--.-- 'iJiG "1 r- :,,-d of Tn: 1,,,~S Re: Judy Shapp 485 Orchard Lane, Southold SCTM#1000-89-2-7 Dear President Krupski and Board: I am in receipt of your April 5, 2005 letter regarding the above applicants, The house is in contract and the closing was scheduled to occur end of March. The contract is contingent on receipt of the permit for the existing dock. We have a pending application for a permit for the existing dock which was constructed more than twenty years ago. The dock was located on the property in 1998 when the prior owner, Martin and Denise Krall applied to transfer of the "Permit Title" on the currently existing dock. Attached is the August 8, 1998 letter from your file. The Trustees inspected the property at that time and saw the dock. By that letter Krall requested that the permit title for the existing dock be transferred to the Shapp's predecessor in title, Frank Licari. Then in 2000 the Trustees granted an amendment to the permit to change the footprint of the house, again the Trustees inspected the property and saw an existing dock on the property. Finally in 2002 when the house was under construction and the Shapp' s landscaper cleared beyond the haybale line the Trustees inspected the property at that time. In March of 2005 the Board refused to issue the dock permit because of an alleged violation of the 2002 permit #5611. By your letter, you acknowledge that the owners planted in accordance with the permit in 2002, passed inspected, and was approved by your Board in 2002. Therefore the owners complied with the conditions of the permit, No violation exists. The Trustees demand that we re-plant because the plants did not survive. The permit has no condition of survivability. In fact plants are only warranted by Landscapers for one year. In addition, the trustees policies and regulations prohibit fertilizing and active cultivation of the plants in the non-disturbance area. These . . factors, as well as deer populations, make any planting doomed to fail. This Board is unreasonably and without legal authority conditioning the dock permit on re-planting. The work was done and the Board's demand that we replant is jeopardizing our contract of sale. While my client has not yet agreed to replant, I asked Doroski Nursery, Inc for a proposal. The 2002 planting plan required 500 plants, 18" on center (Virginia creeper and low bush blueberry) planted in the area where the landscaper had cleared. Under the leaves and mulch some plants have survived. When Mr. Jenkins called Heather she told him to plant the entire area from the wetlands to the haybale line. That proposal would have been 2000 plants and cost over $31,000, that recommendation did not accurately describe the permit of 2002. I have attached the landscaper's proposal and ask that this be reviewed and approved before my client agrees to do anything. You are hereby placed on notice that your actions will cause irreparable financial damage to my client if the sale is terminated, Your Board's refusal to issue the dock permit on a re-planting is arbitrary and capricious, and without legal authority. Very .,1; y / ours, C. Moore cc: Shapp . . . rf" \' ~ '\D \E If\' \0) I \E ~- ~-~--- __-,i U \ \\fD: APR 1", LvuJ ..>:;.J .---1 Soutdoid lown Board of lrus\eeS PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road SouthoJd. New York 11971 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (631) 765-4643 April 11, 2005 Margaret Rutkowski Secretary Southold Town Trustees P.O.Box 1179 Southold Town Hall Main Road, Southold, NY 11971 Re: Judy Shapp 485 Orchard Lane, Southo1d SCTM#1000-89-2-7 Dear President Krupski and Board: I am in receipt of your April 5, 2005 letter regarding the above applicants. The house is in contract and the closing was scheduled to occur end of March. The contract is contingent on receipt of the permit for the existing dock. We have a pending application for a permit for the existing dock which was constructed more than twe~ty years ago. The dock was located on the property in 1998 when the prior owner. Martin and Denise Krall applied to transfer of the "Permit Title" on the currently existing dock. Attached is the August 8, 1998 letter from your file. The Trustees inspected the property at that time and saw the dock. By that letter Krall requested that the permit title for the existing dock be transferred to the Shapp's predecessor in title, Frank Licari. Then in 2000 the Trustees granted an amendment to the permit to change the footprint of the house, again the Trustees inspected the property and saw an existing dock on the property. Finally in 2002 when the house was under construction and the Shapp' s landscaper cleared beyond the haybale line the Trustees inspected the property at that time. In March of 2005 the Board refused to issue the dock permit because of an alleged violation of the 2002 permit #5611. By your letter, you acknowledge that the owners planted in accordance with the permit in 2002, passed inspected, and was approved by your Board in 2002_ Therefore the owners complied with the conditions of the permit, No violation exists. The Trustees demand that we re-p1ant because the plants did not survive. The permit has no condition of survivability. In fact plants are only warranted by Landscapers for one year. In addition, the trustees policies and regulations prohibit fertilizing and active cultivation of the plants in the non-disturbance area. These 1 'd Et>St> SSl. lES aO~330 m~1 a~oow ~GG:60 SO 11 ~d~ . . factors, as well as deer populations, make any planting doomed to fail. This Board is unreasonably and without legal authority conditioning the dock permit on re-p1anting. The work was done and the Board's demand that we replant is jeopardizing our contract of sale. While my client has not yet agreed to replant, I asked Doroski Nursery, Inc for a proposal. The 2002 planting plan required SOD plants, 18" on center (Virginia creeper and low bush blueberry) planted in the area where the landscaper had cleared. Under the leaves and mulch some plants have survived. When Mr. Jenkins called Heather she told him to plant the entire area from the wetlands to the haybale line. That proposal would have been 2000 plants and cost over $31,000, that recommendation did not accurately describe the permit of 2002. I have attached the landscaper's proposal and ask that this be reviewed and approved before my client agrees to do anything. You are hereby placed on notice that your actions will cause irreparable financial damage to my client if the sale is terminated, Your Board's refusal to issue the dock permit on a re-p1anting is arbitrary and capricious, and without legal authority. cc: Shapp 2"01 EvSv 5Sl. IES a~~330 m~1 a~oow e22'SO 50 II ~0I~ . . . , PROPOSAL DOROSKI NURSERY, INC. LANDSCAPE AND DESIGN 38400 COUNTY ROAD 48, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 631-765-3600 FAX: 631-765-5192 Proposal submitted to: Date: April 8, 2005 Name: Judv SchaDD Type of Job: Plant Buffer Street: Street: Orchard Lane, Cedar Beach City: Douolaston. New York State: New York We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: Architect plan by: Chris Pickeril Replant Buffer Area according to approved trustee plan of July 2002. A total of plants to be planted: 500 Plants @ 18" on center: 250 Vaccinium Angustifolium 1 Gallon 250 Parthennoissus Quinquefolia 1 Gallon We hereby propose to furnish labor and materials -complete in accordance with the above specifications, for the sum of Thirteen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars dollars ( 13.500,00 ) with payment to be made as follows: All materials are guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike manner according to standard practices. Any alterations or deviation from the above specifications involving extra costs, will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insurance. Our workers are fully covered by Worker's Compensation Insurance. Note: This proposal may be withdrawn by us if epted within days. Authorized Signature: The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted, You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above, Accepted Signature: Date: Signature: Date: E.d El>Sl> 5S':' lES aO~JJO me, a~oow ezz,so 50 11 ~d~ . . 385 Orchard Lane Southold, New York 11971 August 8, 1998 Trustees Department Town of Southold Southold, New York 11971 Re: Transfer of Dock Permit Title Tax Map#: 1000-89-02-07, #485 Orchard Lane, Southold, New York 11971 Dear Sir: By way of this letter, I, Frank Licari, authorize that the Permit Title on the currently existing dock located on the above referenced property be transferred from my name to Martin & Denise Krall, as "Contract Vendees". If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (516) 765-5185. Thank you for your timely cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, /~L Frank Licari . . Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTH OLD AprilS, 2005 Ms. Patricia C. Moore 51020 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Norman and Judith Schapp 485 Orchard Lane, Southold SCTM# 89-2-7 Dear Ms. Moore, As discussed at the March 23, 2005 hearing, the Board of Trustees found a violation to permit #5611 on March 17,2005 when inspecting the above referenced property for an application for a dock. Permit #5611 was issued as remediation for a violation issued on June 1,2002 for clearing within 100' ofthe wetlands. While the buffer area was re-planted and passed inspection on October 25, 2002, the buffer area in no longer in compliance with the permit. In order to resolve this matter the Trustees ask that your client re-plant the designated area in accordance with the previously approved plan before the April 20, 2005 hearing, so that they may continue the application process for the dock. The Schapps are currently in violation of their permit and the Trustees would like to resolve this without taking further action. Please contact this office if you have any questions on this matter. ver~urs" i/. t.. AlbertJ.Krupsl /~ 9n President, Board of Trustees Cc: Norman and Judith Schapp March 17,2005 Field Inspeln . March 17,2005 Field 1nspeln March 17,2005 Field lnspeln . March 17,2005 Field InsPin . '" -'--;-., ~""v::"" -.-- ';I-l,.,- , ~r .' ~~~. ~, ':~~~5J.~~~' ':/ -. ! ~~. .' . ,.1 I . -" ;, ... r 1-"'~ ~ i ", ~ ,~ .. ~ March 17, 2005 Field Inspew . .. March 17,2005 Field Inspe1J . r- -,l , . March 17,2005 Field InspecI . S'ha.ff '~~ . Telephone (631) 765-1892 Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box i'(79-- Southold, New York 11971-0959 CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Tues., March 15, 2005, the following recommendation was made: Moved by Jack McGreevy, seconded by Jennifer Mannino, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board ofTrustees DISAPPROVAL of the Wetland Permit application of NORMAN & JUDITH SHAPP for the existing docking facility, consisting of a 3'X 30' timber dock, 3'X 12' ramp, and a 6'X 16' floating dock. Located: 485 Orchard Lane, Southold. SCTM#89-2-7 The CAC recommends Disapproval of the application because the existing docking facility does not match the submitted plans. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried " ~'., nlr~ .111. , I ! I } - i + I -<>- Z I + -' " e I I I , t--- I , \ _---- i ,-- \ ' , \----- , \ ' \------;-- \ ;~ i , , , ,- , , ' l----- , \ ' \ --- f-- , , . ., " ~ II jI ,I ~... j / ~ , . '! e , ,. .. -! ~ " ::i c .~ Ii ;;j j " ~ I "~I I I I I ... I 'e I I I I """ I . I I I I ttl'Q3;J I I I I i I I I I dp I , . ---.1.__~ I I l' I I l I I --- li --- -~ '--:! --- i i G + + Ilir- . il~', + 1 =>-Z ~ I + ~ ~ ~ j i! .1, i ,...,' I. e~ I 1 I I r--- I I I \ \------ I \ ' I __ \...----- \ \ . \ . I r-- ~! \ \ ----- r" " , \ \...----- \ \ . \ . \ l--- \ \ . ..... ~ Ii / / , i ~ " ~ e " ;l~ e -~ . ~ :; FE ,j I " HJr38 tlra~ i ,h I I , --_..l -- , ',lIS) I I I I I ." I :8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I Ii! -5 , - -----~L f . ~ ~ + + ~ I . ~ J P.O. Box 385 Islip, New York 11751 August 8, 1998 Trustees Department Town of Southold Southold, New York 11971 Re.: Transfer of Dock Permit Title Tax Map#: 1000-89-02-07 #485 Orchard Lane, Southold, New York 11971 Dear Sir: By way of this letter, we are hereby requesting a transfer of the "Permit Title" on the currently existing dock on the above referenced property. We request that the title be transferred from Frank Licari to us, as "Contract Vendees". Attached is a signed statement from Mr. Frank Licari authorizing such transfer of title. Thank you for your assistance with this request and if you have any questions or need further information, please contact us at (516) 581-0186 or (516) 277-4558. Again, thank you. Respectfully yours, ~~~~// Martin & Denise Krall . ~. . '.- Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice~President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda .....'., . .;;. -...;....,." '. Telephone (516) 765-18'12 Fax (516) 765-1823 ."f, ~ 'c.." '0 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 24, 1998 Martin & Denise Krall P.O. Box 385 ISlip, NY 11751 Re: SCTM #89-2-7 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Krall, The following action was taken by the Board of Town Trustees during its Regular Meeting held on September 23, 199B, regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, MARTIN & DENISE KRALL, applied to the Southo1d Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated September 1, 1998 and, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on September 23, 1998, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the structure complies with the standard set forth in Chapter 97-18 of the Southold Town Code, WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approves the application of MARTIN & DENISE KRALL to construct a single family dwelling with septic system, driveway and deck with condition that haybales be moved 15' towards Dryad's Basin and drywells be placed tQ.c ."". IIll .",,_ contain roof runoff, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this determination should not be considered a determination made for any other Department or Agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. Permit to construct and complete proiect will expire two years from the date it is signed. Fees must be paid, if applicable, and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Two inspections are required and the Trustees are to be notified upon completion of said project. FEES: None Very truly yours, tla,.,1 ~ I~ 9, Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK/djh cc. DEe Dept. of State Health Dept. Bldg. Dept. , " . ~'d ("\ , ,', ".-I ( or , TOWN, OF SclUTHOLD ,BOARD OF:SOUTHOLD TOWN: TRUSTEES , SOllTHOLD, NEW)'ORK ,WETLANDS PERMIT' . ' '293'" ' T)1.s We,dands Pe,rmlt No..u................. has b99n granted bV the, Tpwn Trustees according to' , "infOrinatiQnfurnish.dlDAppi~i:fQn No. .,J.U.......... filed ,bY'Applic~nt .;r}.;i'.Jl.k..M1wj,;......~..~~. . ~. ~ : -'. .. , '. ' ". . . . , '. '. "'" . . ........................,.....;......,;.on ..~.'i\.R...all'....;...;...~. 19...IHi... A m;.i'i of the prapo';'d~rk will be kelil' \ 'onfilein,theTrustee Office under:theappllcationnumbergi1len., ','.,',' "" ~ -,- PermIt grantee to do the fOllowing'work _.!.o-.EI?~Qy,~}.....tQ...99).l!i'.t;*J;\~Jr..3!...1'!!!~!s....'h.~...~!!IL.' ,',' .. flOat. .........."..........-..................._...............,..._.................................................-......................u..~...................._......................_ '" ....................................................................................................................................n.n........................n......... Location of property ,on which work to be done, ......9.Ii.gt!R.r.Il...td~1\Il,;:.:Ji9.Yj;:.M.'Ii.~.....NX....._............ , '. , " .. . ... H....................................~................................................................u.................."....~......................................... " , _..............................................u....._...........................~...u..n..............................n...........,.._..................._.............. ere" B H'rb m; , Dr,yad'!ii BaS.l,n ',,' . e,.".' 8V or a or ntln9 property ............. ......n.. .............. u........-....................................u..........u.~...f-...'.. , ' , , . - - .' - . ... . . .......................................................-.......................................,.........................................,....................~._...._._...~r... " Size of work:, Length ~....~.r;L~.t;"...'!'!~.:!-.&...:.J..?:...,l;l!IIlP......1Ji...n.,..;.t:lg....j;:.....:.;....;....:...............:..~; , Width " ........~...g.t.~...'!'!e.:!-.&........~.:....l:;9!!I.P-.......J...1:J;.......t:J,g....J;"..........._..._.........~."..~. Heigi:lt Above High Water .....;.?...!.t......~..................._............._...........,....................::..., bep~ Below'.L.ow Water.- ...........~..........................................................._................~.............._. . ... _Yards to be Excavated ............................................................................:........................' { Yards to be FHled '...................:.............................................................:........................ ';";". Manner in which material is to be.removed or deposited .....m..........................................;;.~~:......~........~..... " ...................'.......................................... .........................._...................................................;..........................-......................... , , Intenlled use of property ......_..F.~:;.iatm;J;.;i.;jJ.,.........................,...;...................:..........................:........ . ...-......-.................-.........................-...................................................u.u......u....u.............u.._........un............... , , Conditions if any ..........;:".::::I~::::-.::.::.7.......~:~...........u..n........................00...'...................u.~.....~..n..~........... ..n......................uu.;.............................................. .................'O.P......................................~....u.............n................. Expiration Date" ~....k!i!-Y....?~..<...;r.".~.7....H...Wl?f;,l5...h!!I\..P..9.j;:...p.g}!P.'tl!i'.ns;:.~..illr...liR..j,a..:ail.t~.,...., ...._ .. P. . I E1>91> 591. lE9 aO~jjO mel a~oow a5E'll 50 ED q.~ ,. .. \1 ." " , l< . . ---- --"~. '$"'t~~. 1UfifUl:.1/- t/fJItMP " ,""'J"'Y~P; ~".(I<A~A7'" ",,$ J.-=wn~ '-j $#1'-1 Y T'u~ ........:..-........ ,,,-,- '1...",,(:- . /J'ift';S 1). , . " '-:.v4IM".~;: I .......~.........~ /-'--~'.- "," - . T"'" M,"P i,..It/llM>4Jri-,~ ~IU,"'" P-1n"'I _lie;. 8)': R...y.....t; Uf,<.s:.I" N , . " -. " , ",-" in ...'-,-1'.......-+-...., ..1' 'T'.' fi t, i .1;1--:. ',-j- ", IT) t"" 'r .'~ III "': .~..'. --~ .-';'---'-'-''':- -"- . .....,;,."".:.-...-.... ,,,",, \...~ -- . "'",,',J ~~ . , ,/ / ..r"..-. /\ . .WI> .1> . -.JMtl.,u/:." . Plot-r, ,WA.L(. ~",' ......"/fI'F.. . rN~;'PJ,.amd ....rH.'$.'~ ,,~ .LANE> T'A)f tfI"P 4'1 I :~ctrae '..e" LOT' Aft . .WHe~_ 8Y= S'~e:r 'eCUAT .; ,.MlII. J..1.eAR' iP,,/eU."Nt!;- 0" j>~~rl I"d e.9.... S91. IE9 ~O~J.fO me, a.JOOW eSE: 11 SiO EO q~..:I ~ -"~---'.' r, \...1 o r~ ~>~/" "31 IELBPIIONIl (5161 765-1892 IIE1IRY P. SMITII, Preside.t JOHN I(. BRI!DEMI;;YER, Vice-Pr<is. , PIIlLUP, J, GOUBEAUD ,Ai,f!ER'l' K!~)JrsKIiJ~.. , EtUN M. tARsSN,"'" BOARD ,OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWNOFSOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 MaiD Road P..Q. Box 728 Southald, New York 11971 May 30, 1986' Mr . Frank Licari 'P. O. Bax 261 'Orchard Lane "Sauthald, New, Yark' 11971 Dear Mr. Licari, ! i The fallaw,iJ;lg actian was taken by the Baard o,f Trustees" regarding,your wetland applicatian an May 29, 1986.. Maved by ,Trustee "Smith secanded by Trustee Larsen WHEREAS, Fra.nk Licari applied to, the Sauthald TOwn Trustiies, far a pe~itunder the pravisians af the Wetland Ordinance af the'~own o,f southald, applicatian dated February 20, 1986, and wHEREAS, said applicatian was referred to, the So,utheld,Tewn CanserVatio,n Advisery Co,uncil fer their findings and reeemmendatiens and . "' " ' WHEREAS, a public hearing was held "by the Tawn Trustees, with respect to, saidapplicatien on May 29, 1986 at ,which time ,all interested persons were given an opportunity to, be heard, and' WHEREAS, the Beard members have persenally viewed and are familiar with"the premises in questio,n and the surrounding area; arid wHEREAS, the,Bo,ard considered all testimony and documentatio,n sUbmitted cancerning this applicatien; and it is neted far the recerd that there has been no, public oppositien; and WHEREAS the Board has determined that the praject as prapased will nat affect the health, safety, and general welfare af the peaple" af the Town, NOW, :I'HEREFORE BE IT RESOLvED" that Frank Licari be granted permission under the provisiens af the' Wetland Ordinance af the'Tewn af So,utheld, New Yark far the construction af a 3' x 30' walk, 12' x 3' ramp and 'a 16' x 6' fleat iri Dryad's Basin, Seuthold. This permit will expire an t.lay 29, 1987 if th~' work has net cammenced by said date . The Trustees are to, be notified upen co,mpletien of thepraject. Eod El>Sl> 5Sl. lES a01JJO mel a~ooW e5E'11 50 EO q.~ .' .'~ . v'd {'\ \...~, o ,'I~'-" , ".......J,.. ;_ TELEPHONE , (~ISl,765-l892 BOARD OFTQwNTRUSTEES TOWN OFSOUTHj>W ' Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 ,APP,L J CAT ION' ' I Ii HIIREST MADE TO THE, TOWN TRtisTEES" OF ,T\<I: TOWN" OF SOU'~HO"'D., .SU'FO~K' ';:OUN'rYi ~~. YC?RK FOR TH.e ~SSU.~CE OF",A PIUiMIT :PuRsUANTTO THE:~LAl!'.S,' 'OIiD "NANCES, 'AND RE!lULAT IONS: G'''7ElINI,I'IG' THE CQ~TAL 'AN,D 'INTI!:RI'OR WETLANDS, 1"4000 PLAINS ,:AND ,D_INAGE'AREAS OF: '(HE TO!,N OF SOUT~LD. ANDTH&: ISSUANCE'OF"r>E~ITS iioURSUANT TO CHAPTER'.3 2 OF'" THE: CODES OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHD.LD. , - .'. ' .' API;'~~~~tl,"N N~.'3in DATE 0.. APPLI.C:AT..[QN-'.,.. ~AANtl Jt,,,CAI!Ie/ F'tt!"tpJ;~T' fl'e4~T' "#IF ~4.U!'a.' .-P.'_ lS(fJI~ "'''-' . ~ A~~J>,"'V./~~7/ .20.. ,,~r-t. T"" tr>'8G PHONE NO_ IDI!:N~,ITY OF APPLICANT,' 'ADDR~~S OF APPLiCANT T~ MAP NO. nfl9, . L6r :.z.9 ,AG':NT PHONE NO. 'PE:RM I "I" JltEQQ'ES'I'ED 1'0 l#'~oJl_..., wAUt. ~.;. ~-," ..., 1111 ~~rr . LOCA'I'JON OF .PROPEftTY FOR: WHICtl PERMIT ..ANTEDlMlI-..--..... hIL., '~l'J'71. -J!rr. ~ h~"'/.~ '4G.u:- _.MF~ HONE. ADDRE:$S OF' PE~I" APPL.IC.ANT JF.DIFFEREN~, FROM" _JJ.FQ"RE~AJ.D l.OCATION--..:- CREEk, BAY OR ~ARBOR FRONTINGPROPER'rY .bdV~'.s --7a...AM~ Sl~~ OF PROPOS2D WORK ~ ~6~~ ~ELD~ LENGTH" ~- ~O~, J/?AdP ~ ,:..".;., ~L._....-/~FT". . WI DTH ILiA.Lll _ ~ .ezT: ~ 89A1~-=-..'J!.,""". -_or - ~ Pr. HEIGHT ABOVE HIo:H WATER _ut! - """"0 ~8'~r' (" JJ. "'1':) Ev9v S91. lE9 ~O~JJO mRl ~~ooW RSE'll SO EO qa~ . . S'd r\ V 1""\ '~ COUNTY OF . SUFFqLK . STATE. OF NEw YORK , ) . )S6: .~ ,LieAA/ BIE I HG. .,DUL.:~ . SWORN DEPOSES . . . AND: .~'t'S', '~ful.T::'J.JJE._ 1:$'~';"H~ ~ppi.;.[.~~r .F;~R THE:.~BOVJS D~~~J..im.~..Pi:'~;lTS., Al'fO; '1'_" AL.L. $TATJi:Jll!:l'ITS CONTAINED ...Jl.RIUN ARE TRUE TO THIt. BEST 0.. H.I S KNbBL.E!>".: #iJm. In,l; I E... THAT'lKs' lI'ORKHirU;L.BI: ~DOJolB.tN THE "'ANNJ.:ll S~flioRi'~l";TIUS:APPLI CATION:A:Iitl>Jl$' MAY' mi:;' ....P~VED :..v Tio:,' :ioWiiilr"ARD .OJ'" THE. TOWN' '>I" sOUTH-OLD; ; TfjjEAPPL..lcm'l- .A..US. TO HOI.,Q< +.."" +0"'" .0# So.UTHClI.P. .,w!'> - T..... :1'0.1<' .TRlISTUS H'i..USS.":~ i<ilEE. FRO){"JUiy. Nil) ALL l;AMAGES .ANOCUIMS' AR1SiNGU~z,R:ORB'Y: v-lidull OT..SA:IO.'"l!;milT,....~AANTi;;... . /-.-:~ -.. SIGNA'i'URE.O.. A~PI.ICANT SWORN '1'0' DAY OF ~ Cl " \ . "... j "l~~~ SIot..f lisw r..i . 'w, Suflolkc.. fI,:lI"IIIaIIIIl:M1 EXAMI.NED APPROVED -jf.E'TLAND.st~ PERMIT (CHAPTER 17) APPROVED "BOA?,. bOCKS, WHARVES" PE-RMIT (CHAPTER:- .JZ) DISAPPROVED "WETLANDS PERMIT" (CHAPTER 97) DISAPPROVED .I'BOATS.DOCKS. WHARVES" pERMIT (CHAPTER :aa') CONaITION$. IF ANY . EXAMJNJNc; BODY SIGNATURE OF CHA'lRMAN COMPUTATION OI'I'EES Approved 2/27/85 1:1>91> 991. 11:9 ao~.f.fO me.., ~""DDW "SI:: II SO 1:0 q..:! .~ .... 'r'!'-- '-1J~~ ~ . .~. '[.,{. . /,;_. ,.-- . 1.1!'*"~...... I' - 0..~-r- ...~ T:J:Y .,. -O? .....\..: .t ti: } -.... . ~ """-{2""Zi ' , ..... ':'. . ~.,... . v - .,~...... .1 . . Itt"'~"'" l"f t . """ . 0 . -r ~~ :1-. c.~~.. . ... I,,' .. ." I .. j : 'SO"'" 4 .. . f" -.'1'"'' .. . 'I ' ""i. r. I.....". IlU"'lofLM...!' J ' ...,' .'" ~ . . t.t~" .~ '1'1." ,.;lr ,i~~ . ~" ~s. , r . ;..--' .~ ! 10<:-.0.. III '0 ~ t-' o . II'l .of t .", J~.9 IS' ." -'1'~~~1; ..t... ~--. "~:" . i 'f.,..;"J .... \ fro ,.,~. ~ . " '. ~~r, I.. '\Q ~ . . '),:; . '.. j ,,'~-r.i~' . I..f ./<-:;,. ;tl~... = 1I...:z'Jl~ ~..c: .:._];',~-:- . .':'i~.., './c"~ 1./: . -_..' ... \ < . 1 \. ~ .... .~'O.. . Q>~ .~ ':e.~., . Q ; .......:.0-"""," .:....:....il3 . _~ .... .. ~-;;; Co" ..-.- ,..... ~",.....,,' :-~."""".. "O~'~-<;'J" ,. .... .. -' ,~,j. 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'''~~~1''$' l'f.~".,., .. c..,e-y- Tea. "'1""", '1IIF~"<l.>Y' 8"<lcl. J;b...1o. ~ .f.\..d : i... i,.... $\IH"rl<. ee........ CIe~j,'S ~.Jic.r _....~_.__._~~._----... S'd EI>SI> SSl. lES k a01JJO mR, a~ccw .-:--....:..... ,'. '..... ',1'.. _ .'~ .... .U '1;', I . ; h....._. ... .- '3( !. t..,"'_ :.. . ,. ; r - i.; I :.'-.::..~. r: ';.:~.. . ., I... .,. r. I- f ..,. ''';'::';.:...J ...."'. ;. ~ .", ,"- ....11.': ----. .. -Sk:=:C ZY 1" '\11'01" <4~- .C"':-.-,, ~,. _. -- -....---.. ~ .,- :~', . ""!' ';<:~,;~,;:' .; ':;':?, ::"~~~...',~~~. - ~ RSE'll SO EO qa~ . . .'",.~!~~~..~Jt~~4L.t,;~, ;~.:.~ ,~~~~,~-~d~~~~~t: ~m.:~~,:~~~":,,, 7~':.\~ ,'~" ~.i." ~.s~.,:.~:~,<~~ ~ ~":.:. ,'~~~~~~j~~~~~r~~~:.1 :.';').'.:~:~--:::~:'_~..~~}":'~,~~ }:':; :.;,~\ ?~~:;~ ",~""'~:':' "........_~:--:...".~~';;:~.~:..:~)' "~-.'''::1:'.~: ::;"-' '....', ", .: -. : ::.,:;-'. ~::""', '.'. '. .',.' ,.... ;'.' ,._.. ALL 1.~OOR!l~GS Ah.'DST$>KESMUS'l' DISPLAY VISIBL?: HOOaUl"G .tilUz;mBRS .' ALL ObCKSA~lD BULKHEADS t-WSTtl!SPLAY VISIBLE '~aar.t~~Nt!l-lli~... .' ""'If~"''''~'';''.~~ '.'- '.' .:'..':'....... '~"" '..>"~ ;"'~;<~..,;.,;.y...;.:;,.'{,.:-~~~y~~~-..;.a. f";;"~. ..~.:-:-l~~.~~~.. :-r~.~~~~...~rP.o't7=ff"'f~~. c'. 'J \,........; .......~~.- ....'...~<lr '~'''''''~'' ;"'. ..\0;' .;..'''''r.....''''.~~-O;:~..,.IJt.~ ......c..... ca \~,..~~ ~.....~..~~~..~.!.~:._~~i;~: .!~-';~. :;.,:;':.1;~~."~:"~~.'" .........~'~~~~;f".~;;;::.P-~~.~..~';_...'~~~.; . }'~~S.~':;."'-~':'~.'~ \. .f;;.._.i!....""1~.'..,. ~.........-........lf;.....1""'""~~. ..".'(~~\:...!::f..c .__;;:.....~. jj:;.~r:...,.. "'l.':t'~~:t::... .~' ~....~,~, .... '"'.tt:~~~:~." '.-VI~~. ':, .........~ ~~" .. ~ ~~r;1I(,~ .... ,:,c..~~',%-"'" .,. ~..".-rb-~"'" . ~ . ~ t '(~L"""; /j'l!t"'-.. ,~~~~ ~~-'?~~':.>;'':~'fj~'''''''''-;:-\r~'~'"';1~~~~~~11,~t'{_r~~Jl~#;.~~iit7~~ - ~ ;,~ .!1f5' ::_~,~~ I -/.),... ~~.,~, t..i.i1:._~~U~ll.-.~~'_ .-_____......:-;._.__.., ...--""t............-.-.......o;..-_~.._.._..........._ "':_ __ ....r~..._.~~ jo'.tli .. 1:-0' '-1'-.- . ';""'~::-""-"'~"'------~-'_.---;;:::"-'/"';"'_"J1!'T'"\''';''''''''''-..''' "'.~..,.,."'....f~~' .-..._,....,. ---. ~'.' ,. "'....., '....,. .1...-,..........:...4 -~ fJ ~.' ,~,."., ;.:.:....~_,.t~7-""~:.~..,;.~r_:.:..._. ...:..~,...~... ~....,-..,~...:= .~_,"f'. ,~-........--~..-----.,. .:a_,.~_ - .& ...., -."" ...,--~ ~:.."'"4Jr.+.I~.~ 'ff -<;;h'-#t.' ." ..' ...... .' .' . '. l."'!t~ ;;';" ., (,1~tf1~.~i~{ . BoardorS-outhold Town trustees {m:}~f1{~~.: "~.,--~~ \. . ';"~ .......c'....-:':~~~ ...~_~~.~~l\i. S' K .tIo . ..~c:_'~ d;:::..~J.'."."., "I",s=" .,...... '. '''tiS' ~,W~i ...... OlJTHOLD,NEW YOR '.. ~,...:~~~ II. f;"";':~'f,~,'~''.;l\\ ". MOPRII,JG.NO. N/k (~.-:~.l~ I't,;h '.....::." :t!~t. -. """;. "".. ---~~- ~ ....0; . """,. ..... "0' '5.71 .'(."""..~..j 'i'~:{~.:.'.;.t~.~.... PEfi,MIT N. '.' .-.'-"-...-.............. OATE~PY.:.~...1B:L.~~82f.~;i~!/4,~ . . '.iE~~~; Iss(J.i:oto,,,,..;.;...:c;...c.~.._i.a.~. .~.:XlJ." .' Q&L-tf~,".'.... .:!U11'.ts:........ '~.');l. .:.........<::,,;......:..:...;..i.;. t ~~ 'l':'~..t:'.~'~'{. '. .r.. ""...~. "';WI .'. li;t~Qt~.~ "~i F. ~u..t. liu. r..i:z.'.uti.l1. $1:' li'~~ . ffi.:~~~;-,; ""-"\)! .. ~ .' ", .-,,"~ j . ~:-':~v{ '.;. ,~1t.;._. .,,'. ..... -,.,. --'.,:' ,. ,'_:,;,'''\..~ '.' '~k:'':':~~ ....' ..Pursudnt+~ thep!'o;,..i~ons.oft%dptetbI50-fth~ L~YiS of . t I>'-~;<... ."~ .. ~. . '~";'~~~i . tn. eS.ta~_e. ~f- N. <!~. Y...ork,_1'B:93. '. ~n,.o..~. '.C... he. pk.',e. '.,:4'.04'0. t the. L.' '.aws. .... oft. 'h,.r . {. .''itf<...~ '.. .., '{#'7~:, .~t~l'\1 St f 'N y.c j'" 2 d L S ld T' 0 'J :.' .' /1!$~~-.:.':;\'..~ . ~"'-l:""'~" ".n"f""';.l""" '. a eo,'.-ew' or. .... 0; an.me 'ollWO'. . qwnrOlnance ell': 'l<.n~.,1~W.. '''~,.l.~.''': . .... -tit/ea"REGULATING ANDTHE'Pt:AC1NG01= O:SSTRUcTlONS " ~.~'?J ". ..' ,'. r.i:(~]{: .~~i IN AND.ON:TQWN WATERSANDP.uS:L~lANDSandtfia ." l:J.t!~fJ'j :. . '~1~;~~.fi.i~:-i '.:. .'. REMQVAL:OP SAND, Gi0yELOROTHEltM:ATERIALS.FROM -', '.f g,~;,,, . .' '. '~-:fi~i.[. :LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;~' and m acecifdMce with the .t~'?i~!:"i . .' d' iriJ. ~F~', . Resolution ofTheBoard ad~pfed at a:maetittg held pr:i J9:0Y...:..:~,..._. l;{ ~'.'~ . . I {(!P:t>j2~. t~'19aa.~.'dnqin.~oris;derati;noftk stimofJ:,."~~~~. ....<p...i(;jby .' ~: .~ /l~~1 . . ~.~".?A.: .....2 .. . .' B _.. . . . .' '~I"'Il""~" . . . /f!t~~ii;J:; . : · _~_'h_~_:_":'~':'.'" =:.=,~.='A~'!!i:€}.~('.f},.;....i.~N"~~y?;~~~_c-b-:-~';-;- [j _ji '~~, 'i<.:~.r~.-.~ Or ...:--.._............l2p:."""'-'-..............._......_,,_.__.... . . an.. su {ect to tne' ~~ "":" _ .7~ \.:r~;-~..&;t~~.. Terms and Cc>ndifion~ listed .on the re"7.rs~ side hereof, . \_ ',N; 1 ~;;::?$ll:f of SOutnold Town Trustees autronzes dnd peri'rllT$ The -1ollowfrlg: . -!' ~':l;;~~ ~>- .,.~ ., 1" . 'no d' B - , l;St~""-;,;;;'\'.l ,:~;;..,.'. :d&'i;,ir.:\ to Canst ruct a small an~ng pler lD urya . S as1.l!. .; S:~ ~ '. .' ;>ll}I,'~~i?} Cedar Beach; SouthdJ,d, 12 it x 4 It in front of h.ist~I..'~~:.~ '~!ti.<...'~-<l:.~... '.~.l'" property. ~ .;~... . .,,":074 ~k.:~. . '~: '~~ ,,{ #);1" . '. ':(.,~.'-.i~~~. . all in accordance with the detailed speeitic;atTons as presel1ted in l~ ::~:il ~~~~~~ the originating application. . ~p;:!r~~, ;C.f~ Z~~i'S1~..t ,; It.. ;:;.'~. \~~~ . d~~~~~d;~f~ '. IN WJTNESS WHEREOF, The said S'>drd QfTrustee~he~e-~~~1 . ~~~~p.\~!;j'" .' by caltses,ifs Corporat,: S~df to ~e aff}xed, and the~ p~es'ents to~!~,4t,1 J..... \~,:.....-:ii~;;&J..l1.. . . be subscnbed by a /nlljonty of ,he said Board a~ fhls dat.e, . .' "~rb~..~.~ h~i%'lSf; ...... ~ c31 '-' rV~~ '~1~~~1~1 f'f!.~:' ~~P;'" . ~~s~rFUlJ( An"$, . ..... .. ....._~- ....-...-.""'.... .'. '"Ft~:-~ t~.~@::~>~~~.. ~~-;~"%~] -....~.. ..~~. ~.~..~~..i..r~] \',,",,-,,,:!t..~~<., f.,,;;;iW:""~\-< IL. :.?. L.J ... <Jl\ ~"i\'I, '.\ ':ri'~~~-8t{ . is '~{2.AfJ~~":~'"'= .~.. ~.- ~1. -.. ~ ..~-_.' "~~?'j!i . -..; :o.~.. 5~.~t:':.~.. en _"~V "..1';:"''; . ~ IJ . ,,",.~'!;~C".,;,;;oo~1. ~~:i:~i~ ~X~~~~~ _..... ~~._-_. ij@L~ if";;" . .,.~.,..,t ~~'&r . . i~'" '~~~. "'~ it,. ~J7~{fI,;o; f(J/ "" '<l;~ -..-.. .-...- ~- .----.--" ., ;:.;~~.. ",," '1 '~5j,,,~; ~~ ~"':i:.~ " ~ f\ T-.~te." . 1t'" . '=-' -& . ~ : . '>>...~... ~t:. - ..,.~ .... ~..," . ~ ~.~ -"oft;, "';;.t:~" ., i"jt~ ,,~ '.::~ ~~~.~ ~l-.-._.....__....t'.."'-.~__._."I'_ ..~-..-...._~.,.......,.. 0;_ ~ .....~__..~___......__.#'>..........':..... .0;.- . ~i ~ ......~...::...!..~"-!-:..&.r!;..-i~t~.:.;.-$-...:,.,~_:,.;;..~...... ......:~~~.::.:~, ';./~ ,-~-<,,z~,J ...~~':...'~..::.:.-!.~.::-~"'t..~.::ct'.~e~~ l'if~ ~.~_l",~.\""!J.~~;,,~d~(i."'$i:G.',:~~.~~...~,,~~~.e:.,7~,,"-UJ~~!"'.~!ili-~~~~.~(._..a,~ ...Y'Oi ._. ~I. .~: .iI:....~~ -~ ., '.,...t "~ ~..fl..'.'.h 'P........ ~ "'-to",:.. , .",.. ~ '. ..-_ !~rrJ:<,~lti.Y--~~r ~~~.i::.;:~~~~~~"-:;:~~~~~~~~#r:t~-,~. N'$/':' J.' ~:',;jl~\ .~;;tl.........s>-~,.,..l'r,..'<"'~l~i?;~?':.;!.t... ~~.~v...~, it '_~ ;\ ~~:~~~~~~~~~4~~~~:~~~ -___~_~_____~~_________~_~_~e~~~~=_a~s~D~~r?S~~----7~-----~ Board Qf. SoutholdTown . . S-oUTHOLD,N'EW YORK MOORI~G NO.. N/A..' PERMIT NO.u.....157'L .... Trustees . DATE: ..-'. ............. c.Q.. ISS.UED T.O.. ..,.bo.~wr..e.!}Q!':!h);!;t?';!l~1ff.~... . . ..'.. ...;.....,.....;.. ;-' ; t. '1 certify that .the~o:t'k as authorized . in fh:is permit has peen cbmpleted and{s nawJ;'e<l-dvfor }"OU~ ins'pec.:.:... . tiOI1~AlSQi.t.b..enumber . recruired on this pro:tect is c Learl\l' visible. :r' fu.J:;the.-t-und~r$cind.t;hispermitis not validl,liitil this. tear shea.t is .returned to thl3;"';L'rustees. . ......,.-,6, .' . ' . ..... '.. - .~. ,...,:..~.;.i:;:.:i:.D-_,...i..".::..:~_ _.,...;...~.._:..:; .;.... ",'.-.. - ':;;-~:z;~;r;:~::~~~~:;:::~"'~-~7-:~=,.- <"(.: ~:.:.~.. ':':=-:-:7~~~~':"':h':~:'.'7~:' ....':-. ..: '.. <:-,.., '.-..--- .:.- . .' " . . . . , '. ~. .', . . -'.' ' , . , - ". :" . 'I_:~'~"'_'__""k~__'~~_______""""'-'-'~--'''~- '~31 . . l~ .1" TERMS and cON0li10NS ~I i .~. 121 II l ~ . .~~ . .... .' '. . .... , . . '... '. '..' . . '..'~" : ,.' ." . '.' '.-' '. . -, " .,., . . " . . .' .,' ,.' ,. " ' . . ' " . " ..' . . '.:., ,. ... ., . " '.' '.. ".-, 't "~~'.~~l~"~,,,::~,~,~t.~.t-~~:~:~.:,:'::~~~~~ :.~~~~.t'u::~'~~~.~> :~;.~:~~:'::::::I:~'~~~):~:~~y2~~.~.~::;~~~~~.~.,~~~: :,:,~;~,~~,~/ ,'_~. t ~:'~;,,::>'i.::_~f"'~~ ~ ,.81, m]I.. f.' I I. ...~I '-I . I I " .,' . ..:~. . .~ Th. Permittee '. . . . . . .,. , '. " ,.' . .". . ',\ :" - . LawrenCElB'rann:igan ",'.' . "-" . .. . . ie:sidmg' at . Box 1231. Southold;.. . . . .:!:'i.Y..as . .!l~rt .p.f. We.. ~jlllSidemci9llt.!Ot.. !h1li~!~."",,<Oi ,a;.~. p.~doet:.uBd.rsW>ci~.pne;aib&., totl>e:~ .' . Joiving' 1. 'l'ha.t~eSouth61d Tti1'ste~s Perl!lit must be pr:omin~nt1y . dis_.olayed.on. the prem'iise. s. ef,fecteci therebydudng the pe~iil~(;f. . . . ...' 2. Tliat. the ~d 1l0:u:cf.of TtuSt'ed~d ~: T~~ ofs...:th~kl_teIUdholli llI\Yaad:'POrK . ". *l!' damages. Ct da!lW for dam:'g<$,of. $UjtS. ~mg. ~y ,or "'~1.~', a. 'resnkof ..=toper: . tinder' ;&1100 perfomled. pumt....ttothis pe<m1t;aod rh....d PetIXl1ttee wi:iI,..c his or mown' e:p~. . ". aer.nd ""y.and all such sWtsiniti:lted by thirdputies,a4dche said Pe:l;aiUei:~... fwfliabillty. t:~e withiespect tm<etO; to the.. complete exclusiooof cheBoard ofTmsEed oI'1heTown'oE ~];)erm:Lt. ,,". . ' . "., . . . ,'. .... .... 3, That iliisPl=k k~ciforapo~ o~ Or'.TF.VP.Jl,R ,wlrlc:b is,~.tobe .., sufiiciel1t timet~ed .tc! i:Ompi'~0e,"orkmYolved, but..should d.t~warraac; Uquat . .' " far an. extemioo '.may bem2<l. tl'theBOard a' a later date.' . ..' ,.', . . . . . .. ", - . 4.Tkt rh:isPemnt' ShoWdbe 1'e;amed iod'.finttely,or as long aNile s.Jd. PN"'\;~~ . . to mitil1t3m the strUctur. atpr<>jel;tinvolved, to provide .vi~to anyo~ ro"........(Jdlu ~, dtinrion''O\fli$ odgimllly. obtained. . . . .... '. .'. . .' - .' '. ' ' . .' .' . ." . . .' . !:i.'Tharth.Work invohc<f~ill be subj<<t to the ';;'~QO and apptovalof~'Boudiii iaagentS, and.notl=mpliaace...,;ththeptovisio.o.. of theorigil1atitlg' a.pl'lI;..,no..,,,,,,-y .beciuseJor . tc"OCacionofth~.Pt;rr:o.it by.resoludooof the.saiclBO:u:d.. ...... . .. ":.' . '... ........ '. -. ' . - ,... '.. . , . -, . ".', ," '" ',-.. . - . . . . , " . .6, nit th...willbe ,,0 1irw!ason~blem'eti..em:e with navigaclCo . heWl\lauthomed. . . . . . . . , " . . -' - "". & ~. oC~ Wodt , , . . 7.Thauw.shaiIbeo<>lnter:fete'":e~chth~rlg~of the public to paSs. aDd~ ~g. the beach berw.en. high ""d1ow water 1Il3i:~. . . ' - .. . . . .S;. 'That.if fu~.opeioiijl!l5()fth. ,ToWaQi5<>u~IdRquh..th/ ierDcr!'al~ot~I",,1f~ intheJo~don. Of.the. Workher~aIItho.tbl;'or if, iiltheopinionoftl'e ~. oiT~_ .. work' sholl causeuD<eas~oabk . <;>bSttu,:oQa tofIe.navigatioOi the'saidl'~~.wUt Qe.. ~" . I1pon,,<iuen"~ to remove or il~er fIiliworkor projOi:the"ein Stated wjt;hout. expeosesto ,doe Toma of Soilu,ol<l '" . . . '. . . .. . .,.'. .9, . "omedo' , .' . . . tliatthesaid13aard\viUbeii~by the I)~ ltt .the. cornpl~Otl of'~"~.'~ ..... .' '(Seetear'off'i;lhelet..) .' '........ .... .' .... ...... ..... ..... , " . ..' "10,.Tha'chePetmitteewill'oi?t3in~otli.rpermiti;a.ad ~nsepadiuuiay.beteqWied:SQp. .ple~nta.lio.thispetmtt'whicb )Ilay.ilC Sa!>jl:rttOtevokeuj>Otlfailuteto '*a.iD ~e. . ',. ., .... . .' '. "~ '.' ",.', . .. . ; b " / i ; i':' ".., , :" "'" , ,.. . . . . >:;~~~'-,;" . ,:~:;,:\~ >~~:.;,~ ~,t';~{~, \~:~~~;;,~~',~'~:',~:~,,~~;;~, ': .' . . . , . - . ;~,-,i~'f,fi;:;?;i~i-:~t?f:~;:~~~:ti':';;:,:fii:}.~::t4;.:..;;.:;i~j:~;..(:;),~ ",~ . (";'. ~ ~..., , . Tin:El'WOI'/E (516) ,65-1861 . BOARD. OF TQWN TRUSTEES. . TOwNOF'SOlJfHOw. . Town I{a)I, 53tl95 Main Road p.o. Bdx728 Southold, New York 11971 May 27, . 1982 Lawrexlce P ~ Brannigan 151-19 12th Avenue Whitestone, N. Y. 11357 Dear14r. B.rannigan: This is to notify you that. your dock is not constructe,dasapproved.: . .' . .. . .. ' . . . AS. you are. in violation, you mustsubm.it a newapplicatien; as. well' asa wetlands application,f<)r your deck, ramp,fleating.deck and any piles. . Application forms. for both are enclosed. Yeurs truly, VcJ . j Paul steutenburgh, President SoutholdTewn TruEltees ", ~,,: ,") .~. TELEPHONE ' " (S16}16H801 B()AftD ',OF T();WN" TRU~TEES TOWNOFS6lJtROU> Town Hall, 5:3Q95Main Road ' P;O. BOx 128 Southold, NewYark 11971 CERT;I:P!ED, MAIL. RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED August 25; 1982 LawrenceP.Brannigan Box 12;31 Southold"N.Y. 11971 Dear Mr. Brannigan:, ~nc1osed is a'copy cif a letter sent to you by the Board of Town Trustees on, May 27, .1982. To date, we have not receive,d the applications. If We ,do not re- ceivethem within ten days, we will ,be forced to issue y,ou a vfolation. Yours truly" (dJauX ,- I Paul Stoutenbilrgh,President SoutholdTownTrustees ~ ~ifJ1}r., Iif~ ~ ~ ....".., ~ . ;5<t;~,;~~~~'~~;+~~~:'-~~~~'~r~~;;i.~:~~'~'=~..--~,. . ,...t" . ".C. .~: ,~_ ':': .~. .~: '>. ".-: "':,"'> 'r',. ':"'Y.' ~ .:. _.~"." '/";': ".C",,:;,. g::;'::;~::;:,i0;:tt:;~:y:~~~';;::~~-:~:.~~:~:'.jj;~ :~,~i'~~:~::~~',~~: J .' . ' . . , WI!! !1WJjjlHIIHtl!!! Iliil'!I!tl!i 1111'11i lil!!HlliHIIHliIHI! IIIII!I , . " .- ~---~~-~~-~~7--~~~---~-~----~. ;j :_.' SENDER-::. €Ompr~te.Jtema J, 2'-and 3.. 'n. . Add_'yGUr"arld:resSizithe."'RETURNTO"'spacie.oo' ~. .'~$e.: ,- . g .:i.. Th~,foU~i~li~ice ~_~req~ed (ch<<kone). :r: 0 Slj.crw to, ,,!hotir.n<i dat< <!eliv<led, " ...." .~I ';; .1iI~\.",wh"",~dal~....d add.... Of delivOfy, .--'1 "G,~~:~~;~,.., ,;.,'.-"-~ OR1J.S1BI%1'~'mtl\'~".: . . ' . '. ' . ,-' . : ~~,~,~idca~. '..uI'~d.OS.ofdelivOfy .$~ '(~lJt!trostM.:\~F()R FEES) '" ",,:,,:-{-." I CLERK'S " '"'~'AL$ '. .g.CPOI"I"j'-2.7W'(::.'~ ::_i_~~, . ,_:"t,'--.'.,',<<'.' . c,_ ", " ';;;:';',. :''"'''.' , ::);~)\:~,t',~;?~:~i~~\~~'~'~~-:--'~ ~ ~ ~~'~7""~---'~ 4~'-~ ~, '. ~, .;:~"'iilli>it:..:~....; ,,'-'.', :':-. ~:' .;~ ' ";i'~' - '-f"'--~':"'..,... , \ -\ , , \" " ,~ , .............. ."'-'~'-." ',- '., "" _._--_..,~-"---_.,.,..- ,.; ......'. .".. ..... " , , --..;. -_.....,.~- ~~-_....... :--'-~~'. --......',....,. .....-.. ,....-..~: '.-. ;., ~ ", . " ",; , " '.' .", ",.. '::_:"_.~ :,,,,,..,\--,:,,,;,"::-,"":,.,',u ,~.. ..-'~., . ,~.. : -, .~'.' '. '. . ~~~~~';~~~:~t~)i~ft(ili$'fii'~~~,~,"~~~"ijW;"..hR~~t#;~1i~~ .' ~ I.;. :' wasaJd Que lW;OaJ ,s~4l a..,P'S '9 Ct !l;;i 'Ii::J.lU:) ~PdlS,QritaJ Sl JD!;Ji~ ,~s."'l.:J;:,J S~L\jdt Sl.Il JOj sei; Ja~lJ3 '!i '. I._ o ^~,^ll3a asbUlJS3~asJOPU; . IU 01 paJ~!~I'S~~:;;lM!lap lU~N\ IiGA Il .~ .' .iaq~:';l.! e~J c: ~;Ja:)O!!pt?, o ~:l'21:; o~ )(jlll!"'asI1NaU,J . 511WJec l::?i,? ~~::' i'19€ WJO::r'DJ~ :Cj&,~;; '.!!'" 'jo..",",",,;> lU'" nOAll . 'E , lu;; -UJi!iap;-i1lil:l 'el:J!u~ <ll.!l l(l e9:t ;sco lOJi:J"; Sllij'llJ'EM IOU C~HlOAJI " -Xg:;JI 'J~JR:l!;~J:-:j ~nol\ Ollr p1!~ le.t.e~t~~J atU 5.ut4t~ll! ';'~'ilJ'l: a~l "'~''"'s1:-' ,a'''f' ""!leE" no!.;1 'I liJ m;'c' '33.4 11b'VJ f.B!:3llt:!33 1.';!!S :i!J\'1'S{lC! ~:JU.:S .'~" -',;.'., ...,:, :~'''~r~~i.:::~:~~~4; ~'"". \.. "'" ,-"' ,,':,....... " ....~......... ';'.,:\.. ,'.... c. . .'-"__ ....- BOAI . " .' ~.. ,'..... :1[;2'~' .."..,.!t'ir!.-.. ~~.-~-<.? ::'~),~::.;;: .. . , ~.~.~:~~:';~ ~. ><:."-),,., .....,.t,.. -.' '. , , '. ~ - .~:':-(.. J :.;~;" .....'-, . '"f.- . '. '. . .. . , . .PQ40345936 . RECEIPT FOR CEflTIFlEOMAll. NO iNSJ/!l/lijtECOV~If'RtJViDEn- . NUT FlllIOOEllIIATfOHALrIlAfl . (See Reve(e~, . r I~H..,e{.'T:r:('" n1:l1rt:l L.;dll '1~)X 12 l.L .. ..:.... :;cJ\.I:t:oJ u, ':!.V l! 'j i J i;- 'So ,. .. .. ..:. .1 ~ I:~ :.i .' '".. i- r.. _.. 1,:::-, ... :.. _:: :=~ . , f:. ..;.,~::, ..~:~~;.~~(~~.~5;~:~(:~:i~_J.~.. . ,-. .~~~:t\;:':~:';~;}-M;HHi~~~:~,:}~:~ . .) ~. ." :\~~\-:.: ,'. :.~:~.:t( .,. .....,. "..;"j\.,. ":'-':c:t. 0;'11:: ,. ".;. Lawrence P. Brqnnigan Box 1231 Southoldj N.Y. .1197l -'r . i ~;,. ..tj., :.~. ~:' ',' '..- . .-.- .-.:";:. <~. . . ., ....;f..; 'f,"'" ,-.":. 1," , i I i ~ ~. j: ' . I j. i ,j , . , ':-'.';~ './:.~,':~ .-"/ . . .\i' .~- " . ., .< :', .1 , I I I , I . u . ,!>.,~ ~. S1\Gl<. P05T~GESiAMPS iO Mli\GlE Tn'CIl~ElI flaST C\.ASS POS1AGE. c~i\f\tU ~\A\L I'OE: A~lD CHARGESflia'J\N~ SEl.ElliEOUl"I\G\lAlSER~\CES; (... \r1lnl) '\. i~ 'f(;'J ~'.h\i1~ ttlS re~~.'?'t '~rn2J:-. ;c.'<e - ct sUC~ \~. q\.l.~med st\,l~._on tl1~ le~ p0rt~cin.' 01 ~ad.dr_~S:~de, o~ ,~,; ",,'C\. .1"""''1 \lIdOoGl~laulCh'~, ana' pr....l lne. artiCle at a posl al\'c, SSf'Jlce"'11100"'" .,..1"U ',[ \o,/our,"r~;eamer. \nv'~1<1...charge) .' '. 2. .j '(c"~a. not "'.i!f\t [i,\s.J!'eP.\P.\~.. ..' .a .rk.,.i:stiCk\h.egu.rn\11.~.~~o.n'ne.\ett portllin 0111" address . ,,""", \~, ,rue,.'. oe\e.ll~ac~.~noreta\n.\M' receiPt. ,n~ mart 1M ,nlcle.. · . , ",. ~,,,,,",...,,,.,,_... -"" ,,," ........ ,.." ,<';<'1)\ c<lid. Fa.m 3$1 \. ana alla,:n'Ha \\Ie'tranlC! 1M a!l\cle b,/ means 01 tn. gumm'O enos \l space ,~~". ~,:::",;:' "'!'..., """".... -",,,, - ...",,,. ~. .: ,oJ .,,",r o,',"C" ,'Sl'iclad'\a the a<lot""': or 10 an ,.;tM",ed ,genlOI 1110 aodresse., . ",.""",.f,~S\Oicf6\JOELI~El\~ on !hOlronl 01 l\1e artiCle. . 5. fl,'," :,';".,iOl tn' '~d",iC'S "ia.;,;is\Oo ',n\"e i,pplOQriale sp;>:es on \\16 \1ont oi tniS ,eceipl. It return ,..;e;.OI" '.a!\,,.,,.d..d1ec;; \~.appiicah\. plock' in It'" t ri< f",-m 381 \ . S. "." ;"" ,"~,'n' ~nh present il\\ 10" mak01nquifY. ~\,I,5.GO""(f\N~\[ofI'1'l'Il\'loT!Na.OF-f'CIii tDl";~? . .-....-- . . ~J:i:(~~l!,'~i.. ,,_"" I~'l?("~ ~., 1f~~A . ~~l~j;~::f - ....~~~I-J..- ._ ..,_t:l~Jt~ "..' ......"'.... ..... . ~.; .......'....:~''''. ~~.;...:.-:.;':--.~~ . . ..---"""'"";'-.--....--.:--- --"'- ...---.- ,..; "-- -~ ..'1' ~.~ ." . - ",,' ~ -" - . . '.:.~~',:~~~.:'::;::'.~'?i-:~'~~+~~'~~-"-' :--: "..-, . .' ,..':"""!'~- . ,"" .::" . ..:' ' 1 ~. .." ~":':' " 2'" .... ,....;:,'.:.,. "S:L~:'~':;i",";,;~,iL;;;'..~:'- \. ..: . .. ...'~. .' .' ",'.., ," .....':.: , .. ,.,," :,.-.,..;. ", ,. ;,", ~ ......~ g ~..~... I'l;l. .. '1;J~ n .,..,t;!: ~. " H.:l:<' .l;:l'I'-I' ..>i'.t".. 'i;g o m @ ':' ' ~&.s: . S::~ ~ . S:'I-' lD o N tJ. ......(.,1 0 po.l-' lD I'd . !2:' , t:r:I 11 ..S11 tJ ::1 ... <Q III tJ >< . ... ..... \0 .... ... ..-..~.-. I g> ! c. : - 'S'. -I i ji !::~ ! r-. 18..::1 . . - o' .:-,,~ -, .. ." z,O...~...; . .g,i:; . :< SO, ~. '0: j I ... ... ~.. ... I .1 , j-. 1"; , , , .(,' 'f j , , "'.'; A ,:::.'~;C~~ .:,-' ;,:"-~',i "'Ii' '" .,'.." ,,"':,'.-'.~:t' .' , 'i :,);;, ' , ," :Yn' ,.!~,:_:{"i:..::,~ ';,}',~ ,~Flf ,', t> '-.-,','" }f?~~ H~3 /;i~l , ' '1' ,;~::~ , ""j lr;~ ::n~., ;:!~;~ . ,<;',:'.:;;hf~:' ,'~ ,>:5~l : :::Ij~: ..'j,~' ",..,~ :::ijt~ \ J~~l~' c~1j~ 'j:,. .~,i.:. '1' J " :f;/f:" 1:'+ , . ~lj'n~ , r,~ ': .,-,-!-.... . '.1,',)' ....f:-P". ~ ., ,~ September 1. 1977 To Whomli:~y'CO~et'D: , Atta:ebe~'i.s',~QOPY of an lllPPl1cationend p&I'Ill1:t td1" LaY.t'et1oep;';~ig8n. , t The ortginal'o.t this pe.1"lIl1t is in the files and was' never i:eawta::a'Pfr~i'e number. ' ' ' , Itis~a~d'that the reason it was nO't issuedia beeaus.";~;$l$.OO',pe:m!t :tee was not paid. Yours truly, Muriel Brush, Secretary :.' " i,. .-.', ...,. '", ':,' ",t.' ';":;~;;~;'F1i%',~{;1~;t~~:i'J~)!'i;1~~~~~T~"~:.">:'......>,.:: .:. . ., ..."...."*...,.. ~ ". t J,' '-:;~~21:;-i'&1"/,,, . ::~:.,. ... "" ,)":' 'i... '::";'" "'.-';' ,,' " t:~~~~;;":jl~~~i~;;<~~;~ .~.":. :<(\' ,~-.".'X\...'t!'~,,~,.,\: -.., ;"~"'''~f-;~'t~'~:',~~;~, ~'.~ -- _~;f,{'ili'~~1,1""";._;;:",::> ,,- , , ~.~' '~~-~~,;," '.. '1", ',.'- '.;,' . ".,'. --.:' --. ,. ",.::1'0:;:"."< ,\: ';""i:\ ,;;:. -. '~,'~ ;'.: ~::::~:i(:!.:(~ ;': :~;J/:;:";'<;.~:.~ ';:"- ',", ;,\.;;'; . , ,0- .;,~, '..,.< ':' '~' :, ".-< ,'.., ,:~c_,:~,~,:,..: :~.~-:,~,~,:~:<:_:(,' .~.;, ';:_' ~b~~~i_.. :-.-,". J~'~~'~IPi~~~~~ '. ~.-~". " .,,' ""'~m~~~~ti~{ t~::..'."_.;.'.~._'~..'...~;.i.~.,.<.,";~.';.~..'~.2.:.;~.::~.~..;-~.:{~.~::::;.~.';. ". ,. ,;,';::\,0,:' " . . . ':l1m,W'c< ~"'!:", ~. .. '11 ,.;: ,;'..~~i;'", c" .;, ..,,; ,., ",~" .i~;;f/;<_.,:>,;il'" , ../;t:i~~*t~l.ti;!f1~;,;;!;:Y -"'-""" ..., ., ''''. . ~..~~~"".~~.,.,'''''~~.,...,..... ~~.<dt; ""~"'''''':'itir'i;~ ..'~~~t..i'f.;~~." .;"I;Q'~ >/1,~ :<. ~.I~''Z-. ~:.I./~/: ,"~";;-:.(r:;:'; :,~~. ~~. ,: .'.,;,;,"::,.'1. . '..> , ." ' ~€,;'~jn:~;::'f V~/.~.',~~:::> :.~<;:,<>,-~~,'~~~. .: ' ,,.~~,::}:~"'?c' ~#f""p' '. ~~i ;"'. '}?;~"f',; '..;'~ :~j~(W;;;~?~~:(;';,'::',::::;; c", ;~r~~~w~;; :..,'..:,.:'::........' :;\..:.....:.~:;.;:<:.:,)?.' ,.'. .... ':.' "- . "l~.ft '.,' "'NO+- .' -,' ....---'~_:..---.:...~' ,..... ...........,' ..... . '.. ;;.., ". ..~~-.--.".r. - --- -:.:--:.:..-----.=------~---~e"'~;:rf__ai:i'!f:::se!l "'--=_.J.rus~.:: __ . - " - .' -,' ---, '-~ " . , . . . Board. .~._.:-~<-~,~~~~~ '~. . .. . SoutholdTown SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK MOOR:rNGNO. Nt A PER/vIlT NO.....1571.... Of -'-I'r"u'~'r' eatfo , .', '-;:I ...\".....~ . . JSSUED,.b....J,@.h~!J~!3.::a:r.@.Rj,z:~1:L. . DATE: .~ '" . '. . . , .' '.' , . - " ,. . , ..iii0i1d/:2/ff31' '. .... .'. .:/...-. 7' ~rt:'l')ce:J~r4t:VJi1J.rl; . .,certify. that: the wotJcasauthOrized ~n th~sper"utha:s b~ncompleted and 15. now r~ady for .yoUJ:ir.;sp~c- Hon.AlSo, ..~.rtumb~r recruir~d on thi..5 project ~clearly ',lisib,le. I ~urther u,:d-eJ;"stand this permit is riot valid Until th.i,s tear shee.t. .... ~;:::: ,~.:/--- "'1!1~ "_.......<:1.... . . oOi.~r~f,,..~io:t'.;.:17~.i~~;rs~::::: ':"'"".. ----'--.... u , I " . TOWN OF.SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES PmMIT NO. ................ I'!J;rsuant tothEl proyisionsofChlipter .615 of the Laws of1$3'of the State of New ~od~;Chapter404.of the Laws of 1952 ,of the State of New York; thElPro- . ' ,." ... .. visiQns .of ..anordinanceeIrl,itled "SOIithold Town'()rdInanceRe~atingthe PI!iclng at Obs~ctiQrls tD and on Town Waters MldPublicLands, andtll,eRet#'alof Sand, Gravelar,ot!1er' M~eria!Jl' from Lands under.Town Watars~', $d:m ~C~al).ce with' the resdIution of the Boiuid ,of Trustees of the Town of' Sou~(}~d :9.ddpfed a:ta meet- ..' . ....Ju1119G8 '., .';, ',. . ..' mg of ~dBoardon ........:t...I,....... ........ and in ~d~!l.pf..tl1e l!UIn . ..6...0.0.... " . '. ... . '.': .... ;~l:1ee; ~. BJ:'annl.gi of $........:.~.,lawf1P money~f the V;llited States,paid.~;t5'7'f~'..'-..........,. . . id" , t": 151..19 12Ave.,wtll.t.estone, N,Y... 'N""~' It" .th''';'''d res, 1~,'.a: '........................,.................................:.""',' ew-:"oI.:~,. e'l:W:LI:. Board of TrUstees of the Towri of South old, Suffo:lkC()uhtY;!New ,t~ii,; ;liereby ,- ,", ",:' ". . ,", " '.' :. . ",!,.,;. ." .,..." aut.ho~d,and p~hnits said.... .LaNrerit::.e. Eatr.ick.BranniS"AA;:.:......: to' . ," , . '. .' .:....,' . .... COpiS~:tl9t; :~ sjnall :Landing pier in Dryad's Ba~irij~!=l#~Beach, Southol.q" :t!r. y,. 12. I x 4;' in front of his property"a.~i in ',' .' ,"., .... . , ,. accetdarlcie'with:t.he application submitted. II h 'd Lawrence. Patrick Branniaan . -.... f th __L3. ti T e saJ ...............,.. ....... ....... j#,.., as Pa:.&.1lo 0 e CO.lli:UUera .on for the issuance of this permit does hereby release the said Board at Trustees and the TlOwn of Southold from allY and all damages claims for damages or suits that may arlseor occur directly or indirectly a s a result of any operation carrieli on un. derand pursuant to this permit, and will at his own expense, defend any and an suits wh!~h niay be brought by third parties, as a !!'esult of any operation carried on pursliant to() or in accordance wIth th e terms of this pernut, and. assume full liability with:respect thereto to the complete exclusjon of said EQard of Trustees and the Town of Southold. TIns PERMIT. Is subject to the. following terms and conditions: 1. Thatthere shall be nounreasonable interference w~th navigation as a result of the work herein authorized. 2. T!1at there shall be no Interference with the rIght of the public to pass and re- pass along that portion of the beach between low and high water mark. 3. That the work shall be subject to. the supervision and apPl'oval of the said Board of Trustees or its agents. 4. That if future .operations of the Town of Southold require the removal and/or alteration in the location of the work herein autho:rized, or If, in the opinion of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold, such work shall cause un- reasonable obstruction to free navigation, the said .~....~... .1H'1i.I}1}~.~~!'l...... will be required upon due notice fro m the said Board of Trostees, to remove or alter theloeation of the work hereby authorized without expense to the Town of Southold, so as to render na vigation reasonably free and unobstruct-, ed. ..: ...~,---- ~"k _ ...:__.".._ '.u ..........'-,.--...._, __. '..' _.": .~:.""',.,,,""'..,~',,.,..~.-.~.....,_,."',=-r....,.,...""...,,,...............__...___~~..,......,,... '.", ,,=.., ~~".~"....,. ........."""._,,__.~ ~'_""_<'''7<' ~ ,,".'. ". .. . . The authority conferred by this permit may be ~rrnlnated by,thelloaid of Trustees .' -, - .' . .. . .' LawrencePatxick Brannigi!Zl' . for a failure on the part of the sqld ...............,.....................................................,............... to . . comply with the te";"'sand cOnditlol'ls herein imposed. In the . event of such termination, .' . this permit shall.bil deemed revoked five (5) days after the date when the Board of T . ....h...". . ..,.' ..ill"'d .I,a:wr~cePat:rick Brannidan . . h ru!;teess .0.. mal t{HI"& SOl . ..................................:................................r................... at t e oddress!)iven in hisopplicotion, a certified cOpY of a iesdlution of the ;Board of Trustees . .". -. " directing such termination. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold has caused its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and these presents to be subscribed by a majority of the said Board of Trustees, the seal day and year above written, .~ .s.> STATE OF NEW YORK ) SS: COUN1'Y OF SUFFOLK ) 5th August 68 ON THIS .................... day of .......................................,............. 19........, before me Dersonallyappeared Alvah B. Goldsmith, Frank Dawson, John F. McNulty, George Simpson and Dogglas Robertson". all personally known to me, who, being by me duly sworn, severally said that they each resided in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, and .were members of the 'Board of Trustees of. said Town of Southold and constituted a majority of the same;' that they knew the corporate seal of said Town of Southord; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument was such corporate seal; that it was sa affixed thereunto by order of the Board of Trustees of said Town of Southold and that each one signed. his name thereto as C! Trustee and by like order. Filed: it... ...... J en r ~{~I ~. ~.,.~,..7?~..;..... MARION A,ftEGEN1' . . . OTARY PUBLIC. S\al6 01 New Vork N No. 52.323~120 Sllflolk 'f~ 'f lJrm f.xll1lU -,,3ll. . ~ . ","".",=_=,r-:..-.:,;"', ".. ,,' . ..","~.. '-"".,...a":,~;,~,.~.~.~___.__,_____,'-"'_ .,._..='..,...,..."..u.."."....,..,.. ~'''"..,~~"''''..........,..,.''''''''....'"".~.....~,...........__~.,,..~,..-'...~,,.....,,',..'",_,...__. '.'-"'_'. ___.m_"_'....,~.,,,.._.,.... . .. .. ~ . ',.A!';~~', FOBlll NO. 1 ;:> <=<- .r--' - .6~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF 'TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 'Il, l$I.i~plov~rl; ./....._..:....... 19 (g,cP. . f... .... . . . . . . . ... .. . .~ 1:.. . . . , Application No. ..... ............... / '-"'Permit No.. . .. . . ... . . .. ., . . .. . . . .'. . . , . . , Examined . . . Approved ... . . . . . . . . ~. . .,. ....... .... ..-................................:.. " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .' .... .. . . .. .... .. .... ~... ... ..... ... . , . . ..... '... .. ..... chairman, Board of Trustees" " APPLICATION FOR PERMIT INSTRUCTIONS . . A. This application to be completely filledi!l by typewrit):r or in iiil< and- s1ibmitt~dto the Town'Trustees in dup- licate., .," ", ". .' . ._~ ,:.. . B. Plot ;la~' showin~ location ~f lot and buildings on premises, relation to adjoining prem~~ V'blic streets, parks. etc., and giving detailed description of proposed layout of project must be drawn on diag.,un :1irhicli is part of this application. ~ ..',. C. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before the issua,nce of a. perp,it. . ! _., t".. D. Upon approval of this application, Town Tntstees will issue a permit to applicant. Such"permit shall be k~Pt on:c. the premises alld available for inspection at all times. .'. ,o..... . E. Applit;ant sh'a.1I notify the Boapd of Trustees upon tmPletion of the worf' cov~red b~,'permit. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Board of Trustees of the Town of $~uthold, Suffolk County, New York, for the issuan';~ of a permit pursuant to the laws, Ordinances and r:egulat,il)nsJgoverning.cOnstmction of: docks, piers, bulkheads, jettys and dredging in, under, and over the waters of Topn of Southold. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, regulations and conditions}ipecified by said trustees, and to hold 'the Town of Southold, and all T?wn officials free from Ii.wility and dam;ge:j.,(,f any kin~. . Name of Owner of Premises: ../..-9./ftrl!#.t.4... ./fprA'II!.r.... ..tf/fI7.t((I!lttAJ':I........ ....................... Street Address of Property ...................;....;'.. j;p . 'f;' . . k l' . . . 'j;;-';" . . ... -/'j~ . . . .~.. . . . . . Home AddressIf Other Than Lo~atlon .1.1.1. ..I.? .. ..t.... .r............. '/./R........ .~...I...... 7... 'j'.y,... Creek, Bay or Harbor Fronting Property. ... p.~r~. P.S.... ..A~P.l.1I. .. .-:-:. . td.lIt.r... :a~=,.,I1.. . .. . .. Permits Requested To: .... ~f(! ~t:I!.";iJ,r.... .f/t~.':-.t. . .M!!I.IP.'P:.., .hG'd.. .......... ,. ....:......... .... . , Size of Proposed Work: Length :!/.:/.. If!::..... Width . ~f.r.... Heighth Above High Wat~~'.. .1..1?,f.',... Depth Below Low Water ...:........:. Average Rise In Tide. .. .... .. . . . .., Yards to Be Excavated . .~i!~. .. . Width of Can~l, Creek or Bay Fronting Property .'. .&.~!1. ..I:f<........... Depth at Low Tide. ../J.! /!r...... Is This For Private or Business Use? ... . f.~ ~ l!!':ffl.. .. . . .. .. .. .. '" . . .. . .., Area Zoning .................... Complete plO't plan to be drawn on reverse side of this application. STATE OF NEW YORK ). )S.8. COUNTY OF ) . . . . . . ...... .. . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. being duly sworn deposes and says .that h~ is the applicant 'for the above described permit, an'd that all statements contained herein are true to the best of his knowledge .'and. belief; that the work will be done in the manner set. forth in the application and as approved by the Board of T!'lIstees of the Town of . South old, and the applicant agrees to 'hold the 'fawn 'of Southold and said trustees harIi:1l~ss and free froln any and aU damages and claims arising under or by virtue of said per'l" . . d... .......... '. ".. .. .)!.~ .. ;ffA .. .. ....; .. ...~. .. .. (applicant) . .' . . .... ......... 19.6..r.. ...". d.. .. . ..... ''''l J77f Sworn to before me this ... .0.-.Q. . :':- Notary ~~..~. . hi . 'j/ yu.trJ - /. . ,"---" . .~-" . ~~ -S-c . '/'7 r= :...~ t> ~ .....,S)~ ~ "'- r >P .~ ~ 1'> <l': ~ ~ Q - "" ~. ~ :1 ,'. ..-; ~.ILq 1)fX y.4 p.j {3 #1jl~ . ..... ,. " " ..,.-..., . " ~ ~ \A, ............ .~ ~'..7-:' " ..~'~i{; . <27 ,...., ,~ . . . , 'iiJ ,.;..~,~;:....~ . ....'.:'.'.. .~, \-. -. '. .Jt-. ',:1'>;<, f1 Ov 11 Q-' L fJ j3 Ay' March 17,2005 Field Inspection .. Homes tor Sale ... Homes for Rent ... land tor Sale .. .t~( ....,....111I.. I II Quick Search: Find Homes for Sale ... WorldwIde Properties Vlrlual Tours New Listings Find an Associate Recent Sales Office locations ... Getting to Know Us Advertising Strength Mortgages CO\'((mDI- I r r 'r, I\EIO' :\.\lll ):\.\1 HOME SE/\[~CII GORGEOUS WATERFRONT HOME -- SOUTHOLD This young 4-bedroom, 4.S bath home boasts an open floor plan with high-end finishes granite fireplace and countertops, custom cabinetry, hardwood floors, stainless steel appliances. Great room with soaring ceilings. Master bedroom suite on first level with doors leading onto a forty- foot deck. Three bedrooms each with its own private bath and bonus room are on second level. Enjoy swimming and boating on this wonderful country retreat, Deep water dock (S'mlt). Exclusive $1,375,000 IN# 30457 / FOLIO# 64060 Rose Siviglia 1-631-734-5500, ext.17, or mobile 631- 988-1427 rsivig Iia@allanschneider,com SOUTHAMPTON 631 283-7300 - ~~ ~ mI'IiIIm E!RIOGEHAMPTON !l31 537.3900 EAST HAMPTON 631 32'-)900 WESTHAMPTON BEACH 631 288-6200 EBltt'Im II!IBIm.I NORTH SEA HARBOR 631 287-6700 SHELTER ISLANO 631 749-4000 set . March 17,2005 Field Inspection . Homes for Sale ... Homes for Rent ... Land tor Sale ... .I~I""-'.III"I I I Quick Search: Find Homes for Sale ... Worldwide Properties Virtual Tours New LiStings Find an Associate Recent Sales Office locatIons ... Getting to Know Us Advertising Strength Mortgages CO.\'CORDF II r "I ftEIO' \;.\m,\;.\\ HOME SEARCII GORGEOUS WATERFRONT HOME -- SOUTHOLD This young 4-bedroom, 4.5 bath home boasts an open floor plan with high-end finishes granite fireplace and countertops, custom cabinetry, hardwood floors, stainless steel appliances, Great room with soaring ceilings. Master bedroom suite on first level with doors leading onto a forty- foot deck. Three bedrooms each with its own private bath and bonus room are on second level. Enjoy swimming and boating on this wonderful country retreat. Deep water dock (5'mlt). Exclusive $1,375,000 IN# 30457 / FOLIO# 64060 Rose Siviglia 1-631-734-5500, ext.17, or mobile 631- 988-1427 rsivig Iia@allanschneider.com SOUTflAMPTON 631 283-7300 IlRIDGEHAMPTON 631 537-3900 EAST HAMPTON 631 324-3900 SiiiI!i IE!'.:.lliZ:I:! ~ ~ m:IDID1I set .. WESTHAMPTON BEACH 631 2S8-6200 mIlmm I!1:IBB.1mI NORTH SEA HARBOR 631 287-6700 SHELTER ISLAND 631 749-4000 Albert J. Krupski. President Joh n Holzapfel. Vice President Jim King Martin H. Garrell Peter Wencze] -~'" '. ..:f:~.~~UFFDl;;~~ ,~ v. ~ .:'" ':f- -: .,:::,. 2"; ~ 0: . :. ~. en <: :,; ""':'--: ' ""17:' c.o. ~:. ""'-~ s::,'t-<.' ~f + ~~.,c:o ~"-"""""~r"'C_"L '. Town Hal] 53095 Main Road P.O. Box] 179 Southold. New York] 1971 Telephone (5]6) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765. ]823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTH OLD uffice Use Only ___Coastal Erosion Permit Application ~etland Permit Application ___Grandfather Permit Application Waiver/Amendment/Cha19 s -1teceived Application: a.OS" ...-Received Fee:$ ~ompleted Application Incomplete SEQRA Classification: Type I Type II Unlisted Coordination: (date ~ ~AC Referral Sent: Date of Inspection: Of Receipt of CAC Report: Lead Agency Determination: Technical Review: A'ublic Hearing He Id: ;H'I. W .0.$ Resolution: fB) lE ~ lE ~ \Yl lE 1m! mll:- - 3 2005 i[Ui LI SO,,~i,0iG lown 8u,rrl 01 Trustees Name of Applicant lIIore./II/I7V :5J-I>1f"f' ,A-{lJO JUOI n-r Sh +"f' Address ;')5 - / (3 JOL.U:1 ~ClCl, !.. file !Vu(c /Vi 1/:3 b 2.. Phone Number: (Sf (P) '76/ - 'f 20 0 ~ 9~ t,tf. ~\\ Property Location: /5ou>Htold I N'( (provide LILCO Pole #, i8s- //771 1000 - 9lf - .:? - 7 Ore hcvyc-l Lane Suffolk County Tax Map Number: distance to cross streets, and location) AGENT: Udr?LrC! C. /Jl{}PN C'S1' (If applicable) , Address: :nOW Yl7ar;' kt?Cl~< SDt4-Ao/d ----- Phone: . FAX# : fVJ //'11/ 7C,')- Lf331J ')It, \'- LJ6'13 1 4ItFard of Trustees APPlicat~ GENERAL DATA Land Area (in square feet): .:2??r ~ tJ '-/ Area Zoning: t- 'If) Previous use of property: /::::7-,/ 5M 'J'lh-f: , /Cx/ .<,h?11 j),rye-L, !?a~ -f n(?"1f- fa /KfJ r ~io a-f Intended use of property: Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: Agency Date No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? Yes Vlola"";n fN c/e~7 ~ Lwr:l~ - f~4 a.V\,A !r'5o(ved. No PC If yes, provide explanation: L...,vtd.sCC'O'~:I C)pnKl."d ~o",d oV't'c.. f>'2f(f~I1)c/ - I-h.~btw l ward. f'Mmct doio..;l\..I'd ,CIJf\e\ tesol\l-€'.d, Project Description (use attachments if necessary): ~1E.\-0ll1-1),cL I ~ n\.f iA.V'cl 1l~a:t- co-n>\fuc\Ld \.?j _~flb-{ blAJ-M/ k{cd\- -'l-t- CO r-PP(UfS ~ "" lY''1 Ile s-{ Wa5. (Y)c( ctr In au; vs f 8/ ~9 -+n +'t:V1I\~.(;Jl_ M,,,,+riv\c. f~ - Il.cA(l~M19 dodL " (AU PJJJy..) tlaUYAU<, J (~ not h~d In YOU( r2"ctrds. 'i---tu Cl ctvcUi ~~ -hr-r ~ c\oc Ie.. --rh city x WQ-S: (tms.l\vlJ(~d P{\~' +n ~ f7..N ~ ~ in'?Jt?dZd ~0fW.,Q~. H.~ j" ~\ C\Nk:\ ~ l1"9vest r0(m.d Wl'llLlr'l q ~ Ccc\~ d ocX: . z 4Itard of Trustees APPlicat~ WETLAND/TRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA Purpose of the proposed operations: I \W\,~ Ooc'L- .=3 f \,.l )( 30 I 10(1"\ 1 ~o:\: (,,' y. tl,.' As r2. CVY'\.p 3')< b (.; .I.J:-- 12 ' ) Area of wetlands on lot: ~ fJ\~ A.u.. P (M-6 square feet Percent coverage of lot: % Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: ~ ~ 3 'w feet closest distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: doc.t 3' "" feet Does the project involve excavation or filling? )<. No Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated? cubic yards How much material will be filled? cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: feet Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: NDt ar p 1U' (j bLp 0x (bhNJ, Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): pYQIW\~\ Wv\O n C Ccf fU.;t I~ :s.kb~ - d c e--\L ~ (S.~I l':7\ W'C.-H CI'Yld<>- . 3 ~ard of Trustees APPlicati~ County of Suffolk State of New York I~ft[uc, (r/1l007'-< DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS THAT HE/SHE IS THE~PPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT(S) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT{S), IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT ( S) OR REPRESENTATIVES ( S), TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION. '* ac;-?l1f nrr BEING DULY SWORN ~ //~...- /' 6i. ,gnot::e SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS -3 DAY OF ~I "M 20 Or ~~ ~~J-<< ~~ a~- Notary Public MARGARET C, RUTKOWSKI Notary Public. State of New York No. 4982528 Qualified In Suffolk Counll.. _ Commission Expires June 3, ~o 7 7 q1/B4/2Be5 :1:44 - 51&9314296 ARROW t"'~l.X. OJ. ./~/O} . . fl) wl:#Q~ ,7 yYl Aj Co ~Cele...:" . w C2., J "4 ~;71+., ,JDL_,.. ,..J SH.1I~p, J~ Co( n/C1t, 1.. E OV, It- lTOt ~"t pp,--r mDolI-G it> I"I,Py"~ I41',LI c./'rr,,,, r r:..4 ~O<..IC p"""'- ,--, I '" ,...Jl? C It'S J Jl'1It.-a ' r ~ It n 0:: ,~, 'PU:>~ of Se)....THOc..b ~rr~fS ""A-'1> D 1'1-1 ~ t:. /J-GrfJ1"'t-)' lJ it e'& .... \ L ~ b . '11> "fH'~ DIL ,. ~ 'rt .4- C/r:;-F /~ . It--- ~ f 1-'.~6-J. 12187)- rexl 12 I PROJECT 1.0. NUMBEiI . . 617.21 Appendix C State Environmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I-PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) SEe 1 APPLICANT ISPONSOA . 617 J. pROJECT LOCATION, 'ff"5 L>-ChaA'<7/ ~ Municloalily County 4. PRECISE LOCATION (Street address ana road intersections, prominent landmarks, etc., or pray I 2. PROJECT NAME 517 L/ f"s Drcha/c/ La~ (opo- 'ir"1' ;;;J - 7 5. IS PROPOSED ACTION, /N-.!$hH1.. - ''is bz.-u-.ll- o New 0 Exoansion 0 Modification/alteration 6. DESCRIBE PROJECT 9AIE:=LY: -r ,"..,I.ct 3/1< 30 ' . / I t?1/K'Y CUi> . f2a4l1-f=' , .3 X /2 ! Hod/" c,/x/(,,' 7. AMOUNT OF LAND AF;=:;CTEO: c:s-- Initially /' ii acres UllimatelY' acres a_ ''''ILL FRO?IJSEiJ ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING LAND USE :::!ESTRICTIONS? ~es 0 No If No. descnbe briefly 9. ;IJHAT IS PRESENT l..Ar~D USe: IN '/IClNIT':' OF PROJECT? ~ ResidenliaJ O.!ndusUial 0 Cummercial 0 Agriculture Desenb" .1 'ri r~.J- P-wffu-<.; oy--~c.lc. / ~, rU) cu o ParkJForest/Ooen .!tpace UOlher 10. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAl. OR FUNDING. NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY (FEDERAL, STATE Gn. LOCAL)? DYes g] No It yes, list agency(s) and permillapprovals 11. DOES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTIQH HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? DYes 0 No If '1~s. list aI;Jeflcy name and permillapproval L. .. ~ A ~'..fi, ~d< of n.u;,.d- fir, I~ /!lor cil"t:MI" ,~C v'. v ~, clock -UfSH-nJ 12. AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING ?Erl.MITlAPPAovAL REQUIRE MODlFIC).,TION? DYes ~NO ._. I CEiiTIPf THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE 15 TRUE TO THE 3EST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicanl/sponsor 6h Dille: .R -.3 OJ - Sign.!.lure: If the action is in the Co~stal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form beiore proceeding with this a.~~essment OVER . . PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law 51020 Main Road Southold. New York 11971-4616 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (631) 765-4643 March 14, 2005 Southold Town Board of Trustees Southold Town Hall PO Box 1179 Southo1d, NY 11971 Re: Premises: Hearing: Norman and Judith Shapp 485 Orchard Lane, Southold March 23, 2005 Dear Ladies/Gentlemen: Enclosed please find the Affidavit of Mailing with two (2) certified receipts. Also enclosed is the Affidavit of Posting for the above application. ld2:ou~!JJhYg patricia C. Moore (2... PCM/mr Encls. r 1[5) ~ rG ~JJJ ~ ,!~ iflJ MAR 1 / ~"J { .---1 , Scut!!Oid Town Board of Trustees . . SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD:NEW YORK -------------------------------------------------)[ In the Matter of the Application of Norman and Judith Shapp (Name of Applicant) AFFIDAVIT OF MAILINGS -------------------------------------------------)[ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) that: I, Vanessa Craigo residing at Cutchogue, New York, being duly sworn, depose and say On the 28th day of February, 2005, I personally mailed at the United States Post Office in Southold, New York, by CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, a true copy of the attached Legal Notice in prepaid envelopes addressed to current owners shown on the current assessment roll verified from the official records on file with the ( X ) Assessors, or ( ) County Real Property Office Southold, for every property which abuts and is across a p,lili, oc pri"" """<. 0' wlii"'M righ<.of-w.y "f~"gi:yroperty. (Signature) Vanessa Craigo Sworn to before me this 28th day of February, 2005 ~~rr~' (Notar~tl8*Ah C. RUTKOWSIO Notary Public, Slate of New YorIc No. 4982528 Qualllled In Suffolk Cou~ 00 7 Comml&8ion Explree June 3, ~ PLEASE list, on the back of this Affidavit or on a sheet of paper, the lot numbers ne)[t to the owner names and addresses for which notices were mailed. Thank you. . . Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice~President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TRUSTEES: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Application of ----'1J-<<-!M-fJ___y_~--(A~~ih.-dlJ1l/lf_----- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING I Patricia C. Moore , , residing at 370 Terry Lane, Southo1d, NY 11971 being duly sworn, depose and say: That on thefilY'oay of 111 ru.d... 20~perSOnallY posted the property known as by placing the Board of Trustees official poster where it can easily be seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in plac for eight days prior to the date of the public hearing. Date of hearing noted thereon to be held 00 . m. Dated: ""~H 10 ?-oos- ) S'}'?rn to before me this I O"t' day of n/t"'c90o..> ~~- N tary ublic MARGARET C. RUTKOWSIO Notary Public. State of New York No. 4982528 Qualified In Suffolk Cclunlr..., 7 CommIuion Explrea June a. ..sc.!? 0 . . PATRICIA C. MOORE Attorney at Law 51020 Main Rnad Southold, New York 11971 Tel: (631) 765-4330 Fax: (631) 765-4643 Margaret Rutkowski Secretary February 28, 2005 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Re: Norman and Judith Shapp 485 Orchard Lane, Southold, NY Southold Town Trustees Permit Dear Neighbor: My clients, Norman and Judith Shapp, are seeking approval from the Southold Town Board of Trustees for an existing dock, ramp and float located on their property at 485 Orchard Lane in Southold. A copy of the plan of the existing dock is enclosed. A hearing on this matter is scheduled for Wednesday, March 23, 2005 at 7 p.m. If you have any questions, or wish to support this application please do not hesitate to contact me. Verytru~ yours, /~;+L \_I:)~i:r:i.cia C. Moore cc: Norman and Judith Shapp PCM/vc encs. , II \", .:1- I ' II ~ ~~~;;'>',l 'k~'q ", >>"- I 0+ ~ "'. It! {II . ~'<~~~.."....., ~-R.t Sit) I I Plan View Prepared for: Nonnan Shapp SCT# 1IlOO-89-2-7 Surveyed: 01-10-05 Town: Southold Suffolk County, NY Tide Range: 2.5'+/- Datum: M.LW. ~ SGALE 1"= 30' SHEET I OF I Dryad's -63 ~ -6,3~ -4,7 -2,7 -1.0 :,L " LH ;i.t HH -..-. -~--- -----. L j;i.t <r1 .s; ]; x \I) , ).lL ;i.t ;i.t ;i.t .--- .' .. ~"" "", ;i.t )0 cf' ...... of'V-.!J r:-flJ m va jV=*,v oStcf/) ,0 Jl t! ~i(Ju uJ!)10 vlJ'0'O ~ll <Q "/0 ">q a o~o... .' Sf,d9, 9<> :.;>,;> ;0 W~E S -5,7 ~ Cross Section SCALE 1"= 20' I^Ietland . Bound~ by R. Fox, Jan. 2005, Existing Existing TImber DOGk .. ' Existing RamI" :;' ..Iae x :;0' long . Float :;' x 12' 23' +1- abv. 6r. / Exlstldn~ 6'x 16' HOO J. J ~___. HI^! """".. ""t LLJ.. .,.,.- ..' Gh~ L:'6;}~.'-----_:t--.._...~>. "..-. pa Location Diagram N.r's. ,<-' OU 1jiY' d;(:--o Y:} ",?1'- 9) a >;-<:',.,.-0. 1-0'" (J' fiT < <:' '0 ",0 ,,!(J ":'1' o'....>S' '0 ll^(j , 0 '< oOff t$'> J)",,(J q;q; ., '</45: " s..:' Jrorfp t>~ cf v . /J (/ I ~~. PREPARED B'I' SEA LEVEL MAPPING i P. O. BOX # 53E RIVERHEAD, N'I PH 631-722-33'!C ROBERT H. FOX, NY5 LIG# 501Q, 1/2Gl/2005 11,1"l,5bAM C.,\SLM\!>hopp2.p~o ~ . NEIGHBOR LIST: Norman and Judith Shapp: 1000-89-2-7 1000-89-2-6: Frank F. Licari PO Box 361 Southold, NY 11971 1000-89-2-8: Bradford M. Winston 333 West 56th Street, PH D New York, NY 10019 .