HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12388 P 570 " _.----.;a " .' L-IJ.3 ~g f~))o 1/ r~ \ 0':> V \03. 00 01.00 e:03.ooD I C'3~ 7- =J BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) FORM 8007 CAlJT/O);: TillS AGRF.KlofU1TSIlOUIJ) lIE PHIlPARKI) Dr AN AmIR);EY A"D RI;~1IlWKl) Dr A1TOR);KYS tl>R srLl.F.R A.'1D "liRCHASER DH"ORF. SIO~lN(l. THIS INI)EN1"URE, mad~ WM I\'ltxJt y4 , 20J:Jr between GEORGE E. BRESLER and ANTOINETTE S, BRESLER, his wife, both residing at, 430 Stillwater Avenue, CUlcho!,'Uc, NY 11935 pany (lfth~ first part, GEORGE E. BRELSER, residing at, 430 Stillwater Avenue. Cutchogue, NY 11935 party of the second part. WITNE.....VE1H. that the party of Ihe first part, in consid~ration of Ten Dollars and other \"aluabl~ consid~ration. paid by the party of tho ~nd part, dO\.'ll herehy granl and r~lease unto th~ party <lfih~ s.:oond part, the heirs or sUCC\.'llsors and assigns of the party of the second part fore, er. AU that certain plot. piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon ~reclcd, situatc, lying and being at Cutohogu~, in the Town <If Southold, County of Suffolk and SlaIe of New York, bounded and described as fullows; BEGINNING at a point on the soulh\\"esl~rly line ofStillwaler Avenue. IIO.nO feet northwcst~rly alons said southwesterly line from Firsl 511\."l:t, 5:lid point ofbel!inning being the northerly com~r ofJand now or formerly of Lozinski, and from l'aid poinl of beginning running along said land now or f(lrmerly of Lozinski South 44 degrees 51 minutes 30 seconds West, a distance of202.96 feet to a monumenl and land now or fonn~r1y of Kosciuszko; THENCE aI'lng said land now or formerly of Kosciouszko along land now or formerly of Bajcck, North 43 degrees 84 minules 20 seconds Wesl:l dislanoo of Ino.oo /i:el; TtIENCE along land now or formerly ofR. Machinowski. Ir.. North 44 degre~ 5] minules ~O s~conds East a distance of203.53 f.-cllo said southwcsl~rl~'linc ofStillwalcr Avenue; THENCE along said SOUlhwest.:rly line, South 45 degre~s 14 minutes ~O second.~ E:lsl a distance of 100.00 feet to th~ poinl or place ofb~ginning. SAID PREMISES also known as 430 Stillwater Avenue, CUlchogu~. NY 11935. BEING AND INTENDED to be the SRnle premis.'ll conwycd to the party of the firsl part by deed daled Septemb~r 10, 19903nd recorded in the Office ofthc Clerk ofthc Count)' of Suffolk on 10/5/91) ill Libcr 111~7, Page 152. 7'(XiETHER Wilh all righI, title and inlerest, ifany. of lhe part)' of the first part in and to any streets and n'ads abutting th~ abo,'c dc.<cribcd premises to Ihe center IinL'llthereof, TO(iEl'HER \lith the appurtenane~s and all the estat~ and rights ofth~ party of the first part in and to said premis~s. .. .~ Titlp No. GEORGE E. BRESLER ANTOINETTE S. BRESLER Section 103.00 and Block 07.00 Lot OOlOoo County or Town SulTolklSouthold Street Addrtss430 Stillwater Avenue, Cutchogue To GEORGE E. BRESLER Return Bv Mail To: Steven Kramer FELDMAN, KRAMER & MONACO 330 Vanderbilt Motor Pkwy. Hauppauge, NY 11788 Reserve This Space For Usc Of Recordine Office ~ ~.WI ..;,; ,,- ~,..,.:.~~.~...... . .',:p. -~..... , r .,.. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the premiso:s herein grantc:d unto the party of the second part, the heirs or SUCCc.o;sors and assigns of the party of the sc:cond part forever. AND the party of the first p:ut, covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises h3ve been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this convey:mee and \\ill hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund \0 be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement qnd will apply the same first to the payment of the cost ofthe . improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word 'party' shall be construed as ifit read 'parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the p;uty of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written, ~ ,.,.-re.. S. 6~1e.r INPRESENB~:' LiJ u.. w . P ./'-. . - . Acknowledgment by a Person Within New York State (RPL ~ 309-a) STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF ) SS.: ) On the :l day of IYI ~ in the year .:1.on 5" . before me, the undersigned, personally appeared GEORGE E. BRESLER ull !.NWR>JIWTE S. BRI!8bER, personall)' known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence 10 be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (arc) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me IIUll they executed the same in their capacity(iesl, and th3t by their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon bchalfofwhich the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. office of indi Vidual taking acknowledgment) . _II.ClIIlII' . ---..........,.. NIl.OI~ _a.__ '" r ' .....D&.... Spec.'!idd. TOT. MTO. TAX . ',Dual Town _ Dual Count~ _ Held for Appointment TrdnsfcrTax _Q_ _ Mansion Tax C:> 1bc propeny covered by this mongage is or will be improved hy a (lnc or two family dwelling only. YES ___ or NO 'If NO. see appropriate tax clause on :pqe # ~__ or Ihis jns.nlmpnr. c.> 0~3~ ,"~': ~inmWlity Preservation Fund I :C:pnsideration Amount $ G;l- '. . ::.tS\\\'.'~'Cb~~ . . 'i:F"~~~ " '1 W 'N:~paies', . .;:--. :::. ':":- :TORRBNS /.... ." . " s.~riii /I . "., :C~~cate /I . . ,", .' .. \ Prior Ctf; /I. . .'. .... ": '.~, M~e Instrument 3 IP./FtI\DiFee '.'~.Q..- 1"'H~dli~ll: . . 5. '00 . . .'TJ:'-584 '. '. e:;- _ Deed , Mortgage Tax SllImp FEES .. . . Notation . '-- . . . . . EA-S2' p'(CoimtYl . . I ,'.. . " ~~52i7. (State) ,'.. . ') :...- Sub Total 3() _ . 5. ..Q!L : RJ~T.S.A. . . "\ cOnlin; of Ed. 'A~vil'.. 'cerofied Copy" . . . N.YS Surcharge . Qther. . '15. 00 Sub TOlal l,f:h. J11 Gl!lnd.T!!lB! . I "'4" 'Oist , . ." . Real~y.. Tax Service . ."AF~' Verificl!\iOn 05018969 1000 PT~", RJME A :Ill-MAY 10300 0700 'j i .....-----.--.- '.:6' SatisfllClionslDisc:llarJiesll!.eleases List Properly 0wners Mailing AddJ'C!lS . . . .' ..RECORD'" RETURN TO: . . 1~('C.. CuNk . ~a.l~"" /.l..f&JIr-er""" ~tC..CL,) '3~ .~'Tc:>r (>cS\<..,.:G-'--j \-t'..l)-ffc...,-,,-'O€. .(\ '-\ 1l"7W .. RECCIlDED 2005 Hay 23' 02:37:42 P" Edward P.RoGaine CLERK OF SlFFOLK COONl'r' L Dooo12388 P 570 DTI 04-41830 Rccordin~ I Filing Stamp.' Monpgc AnI!. \. aasic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub rotal Spec) Assi\. or r CPF Tax Due J $>"- Impl'Ovcd v Vacant Land /tJ TO 11) 7' . .... :":Title Com n Information ecortUn. . .'~:&>Endorsement Pa e ~~~--~._-~...- ~--_.. {SPECIFY TYPf! OF INSTRUMENT, The premises hercin i. .ilualcd in _." ._ __ __ SUFF~LK'COUNTY. NJ:;W ,".ORK. . . . 6. _ ~ TO In lhe Township IIf ~1.I...~\ro-l ~ . ~lf'r . InmeVJU~Gf! r ' ~_ . orHAMLET~f' {J.7\~y---e .... . :'B9XEs 'mRU 8 MUST BE TYPBD OR PRINTED IN SLACK INK'ONLY PRIOR ~lW\J.G OR FILING. .~~. <.'SUffolk Count Co:N:unc :. Title" :,,: : . . . . . .. This page forms pan of me allllChed \)~\e'l . mode by: (over) . . 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUHTY CLBRIC RECORDS OPPICB RECORDING PAGB Type of Instrument: DBEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 4 Receipt NUmber . 05-0055391 TRANS PER TAX NUMBBR: 04-41830 Recorded. At. OS/23/2005 02.37.42 PH District. 1000 Section. Block. 103.00 07.00 EXAMJ:NBD AND CHARGED AS $0.00 LJ:BBR: PAGB: Lot. 003.000 D00012388 570 FOLLOWS Deed Amount I Received the Following Fees Page/Piling COE SA-CTY TP-584 RPT TrlU1sfer tax $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $0.00 For Above Instrument 1b:8lIIpt NO NO NO NO NO NO HlU1dling NYS SRCHG BA-STATE Cert.Copie. SCTII COIIlIII.Pres Fees Paid $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $152.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR. 04-41830 THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' THE INSTRllHBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Rcimaine County Clerk, Suffolk County . . PLEASnVPE OR PRI:SS FiRML'Y WHEN WRITING ON FORM 0 INSTRUCTIONS: http://wwwoorpsostate.ny.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE Of./L Y . Is..{, 7..'3. g, 8. ~I cz. D8ho D.... __ 1-.5 1 i. .31 &~ ~ . ..., C3. Book I /,.{1,"" g ,~ I cu.... I.:), 7,0, PROPERlY INFORMATION "=1 ~~e.-. S~eYIJJe ~"tr~e z........ I Bre.sler N..... lASTlilAlll!/~ c,. SWIS Code ~ ~- REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE IIOAIID OF IlEAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP . 5217 .N.l17...JIf1I ....... I~ """"'" 1~2f~E. . UUilNAlli/c:cJllf'AN't PlNTM... 3. Tax Indicltewher1f1.m.,.TuBfIM:.,.tobeMftt I SIll.. 1,____101_..01.......1. -- LAlTNAUI!,CIQIlIMNY -..... ITN'rr ~.AN051'Nrr"""l! .. Ind..... U. numta. 01 A__ .....1 ---.......- .1 an allaMI 1T.\1I' ""COllI! LJ 'of P.n:eIs OR 0 Pa" Df. PuuI I.Dood I J:rr Ixl PNperty FRDtfT fEET - 1.80" tBres lei rum. IAn.......,CQIPANV I~~~ ....... 'ORI 'N:ftI'I . 1OnIy........_---- 4A. PIonning Boanl_ &ubdiviIlcln........, e_ 0 .. ct.-'-~ ~ AppnMI_ RequIred lor lr"'" 0 <<:. _I_lor __willi Mop_ldod 0 I ~i()p--t:te s -- l€reo~ -- 7. ChecIr. the.... below whIDh molt accurate.,....... .... ... of the prgJMItY n the 11m. of..ar. ""'" 1 ... 1 V.., _""__a__ I. awwrltl'lhlp Typo II Cundominium ( ~ Community SerYice .. Mew ConItrucdon on V..nt LInd J Ind_1al _ ""'- ~ willlo. on Agrlcuiurll Olllrlcl K Public Servia 1GB. 8.,. rICIWed . dIIcIUWNO I1DIiI:v inclc:8li'lg I. - .....1ho_1I....AQriculluroIDiIIriol 11. a.dr. _ or .... 01.... ooncau.... ........ to tnnIfer: A 511.. e.twwn RNIivu or Fan.., RUtMa R 81.. ~ RIIICed Comper.. or Plrtnlrw In B........ C 00001""'_._.10:"" D ~ or SItII<< . Govemmenr AuM'ICY or Unding lNtiIulion n DIed TyPe noI W."MIY or btgllln ancI s.Je (SpecIfy Below' f _ 01 FrocIIonoI.. Lou d10n Feo In...... CSpoc;I'y _ Cl SIgnlIlcont Olonga In Pro"""" _ Touble _ ond S.l. 1 H _oI__lolncJudodln__ I 0Ih0r Un_ F_ AIfwoIing SIlo PrIco CSpocIIy _ J ..... o o o o A~On. FomIlY_1I B Zor3FomIIy_1llIoI C Relldenti.J V.:.nt UncI D NoIl-Re1idclnNl YKMllInd I SALE INFORMATION I ". .... ConIrut a.te F. ~ Asrlcu'urol f Com.......1 G Apm(ntnt H Enterllinmenll Am....ment - 11. o.w of ..lei TnnIf.. '3/~ ...... "'" I~ V.., -D- o 0 ,0.0 I , , . IFull SaIo Price .. lhe toIIl .mount paid for th. pl'OPlrty Including PlI'IOftII property. ThillJIIYIMIII: mllf be in IN farm of cuh, otfter prCJPtl1Y or goods. or tM --..mpIion of ~ or OCher obtiptionsJ ",..,. round to rIl, nNnIIl wftGIlr doIJM ImOUIIt. -0- '.._'.....Il1O"'_ I . .0.0 I . PftII*1r InIIudad .. the .... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. 001.1 oIlould reIIoot 'ho ...... Fin.1 Assoum.nt RoII.nd To. Bill 11. Fun .... Price ... "'- .... I '0 I ,0 I-LJ ,.. _ 0_ __ I l't"O -,r'T'. T u..l"Jc:.. ; ; G"'""T~ JJ" _ . 5 ~~ro.()1 , ... :::....~..=- I " 5" I 17. T.... _ v..... 101'" .......10_,1 20. Tu....._'/__rCoICI____._ch_____' IdISL.JOOO ,'\Pr. tp.~ 00 8~"1. 00 l1Tt ~ DDr> I j CERTlRCATION I I <erdI)........ orlllo ......or_ _ ...lldIron. .........__ 'IDIIlo _oImy -Itdar- __ 1_.....IIlo_1oa or_ _......._ 01_ roct __............. Iolllo ....,;,,;,_ orlllo..... low nIolI.. Iolllo -.. _lIIlogor__ BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY ---Kr~r ....ow. I ..51CVen _r_ ~ 30 I SiilJ wa.+er :kverure. _(D~I S1llEE1'MJIIMII 5nai1'No\W,W1'tIl~ NltACGCII 2..31-1'-150 "........ ..... NEW YORK STATE COPY ./