HomeMy WebLinkAboutAreas of Rescue Assistance AREAS OF RESCUE ASSISTANCE This Tech Sheet is part of a series of publialtions on the design requirements of the ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADM G). This isme provides srope and design infornuJtion on the requirements for areas of rescue assistonre. Although based on the ADMG requirements, the infornuJtion provided on the foUuwing pages is advisary and should be crmsitkred as supplemental to tbe ADMG. The ADMG must be amsu/ted for specific requirements for areas of rescue assistonre. The Al1leriams with Disabilities Act Acassibility Guidelines Tech Sheet Series ADAAG 4.3.11 AP~ COMPLIk'lCE MATERIALS copyright @ 1994' Barrier Free Environments, Inc. CONTENTS Introduction 1 ADAAG Requirements for Areas of Rescue Assistance 4 Design Specifications for Areas of Rescue Assistance 7 Size of Areas of Rescue Assistance 7 Signage Identifying Areas of Rescue Assistance 8 Communication with People in Areas of Rescue Assistance 11 Design of the Exit Stair at Areas of Rescue Assistance 12 Approved Locations for Areas of Rescue Assistance 14 ADAAG Reference Index 22 Barrier Free Environments, Inc. is outhorized by tbe Notianol Institute an Disability and Rebobilitotion Reseorcb (NIDRR) to develop informotian ond 71II1teriols on tbe AmericollS witb Disobilities Ad (ADA). However, yau sbauld be DWore tbot NIDRR is not responsible jiJr enjiJrtf11lent af tbe ADA. Tbe inftrmotian, presented bt7"e is imended solely os il/formol guidoncc, ond is neither 0 dcterminotion afyaur legol rigbts or responsibilities under tbe Ad, nor binding on ony ogenry witb enftrcement responsibility under the ADA. TO' abtain odditionol ropier af this Tech Sheet, (()1ltod your Disobility ond Business Tecbnicol Assistance Center. TO' be OUto71ll1tiaJlIy (()1l11Cded to' your regiO'nol center, coU 1-80o-949-4ADA. PortionsaftbisTech Sheet may be ropied os =y times os desired by the Disobility ond Business Tecbnicol Assistona: Centers ftr distribution to S'TItIlU businesses but moy not be reproduced in wbale or in port or sold by ony atber entity without 7J)ritten permissiJm af tbe outbors. AREAS OF RESCUE ASSISTANCE Introduction Egress and life safety during an emergency are major concerns for all building occupants. For people with disabilities the problems of evacuating a building are a greater concern. Many people with mobility impairments cannot use stairs and people with hearing and vision impainnents cannot receive emergency notification and directions unless they are provided in both audible and visual forms which accommodate various methods of assimilating information. For buildings of more than one story emergency exits usually arc provided at stairways. In emergency siTUations elevators gener- ally cease operation, making the stairway the only path available to leave a multi-story building. In most cases stairways are designed to provide a sate means of isolating building occupants from smoke and fire. Once the stairway is entered. people arc protected from heat and smoke until they reach the b'Tound Hoor and safety. People who have difficulty using st.1irs or who use wheelchairs or scooters do not have the same access to a safe means of exiting a building as people who can climb stairs. Exit stairways seldom have additional Hoor space where people can stand or park a wheelchair on the landing while they await assistance. If people using wheel- chairs attempt to remain on the small landings that are typically provided, they resmer the path down the stairs for other people as well as jeopardize their own satety. The Hazards of Inaccessible Exits 1994 <> BARRIER FREE ENVIRONMENTS. INC. . NIDRR GRANT .H133Dl0122 77" Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADMG) was published as the St07ldordr ftr Accessible Design in Appendix A in ~eD~~lentO/JWtiaSH~ Rule, 28 CFR Part 36/Nondiscrimi- nation by Public Accammodotions Il1Ui in Commercial Facilities. Copies of the Final Rule may be obtaiued by calling the Department of Justice at /-8(JO- 5/4.<J JU / or the Aa:ess Boord at /-8IJO.U,'V/-ABLE (/-81JO.872-2253). Sidebars contain quotations from IIDlul(; "lid from oth,.,. federal dotume'7lts. BFE note: The Urm '\t'llnoay" if used in the /I/)AAC "nd 7l'ill be used throughout this Tech Sheet. In common building practia the term "rtairway" is defined as one or more flights ofstairr Il1Ui the uecessary Ill1Uiings O7ld platforms connecting them, to form a continucus and uniuterrupted passage from one rtory to O7lOther in a building or stTUd1Jre. 1 ~~ " ~ \:" ), :) "- .... ADAAG 3.S DcfillitiollS. Area of Rescue Ihsistollce. A11 area, which has direct access to an exit, where people who are unal,le to use stilirs may rerlloi71 temparorily in safety to trUJait further imtrnctiom or assistance during emergmcy t:ViUUiltiOll. 2 AREAS OF RESCUE ASSISTANCE .~, I..................................... .W~'i ":: \. \ fl, '. Dangerous Exit Stairway with No Waiting Area Outside Path of Travel The Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Cuidelines (ADAAC;) require that a safe waiting area be provided at or near inaccessible exits tor people who cannot dimb stairs to remain until rescue persOlmel can assist them in evacuating the building. These spaces, or areas of rescue assistance, must be a designated fire pro- tected area (approved by a local building authority) that is within or immediately adjacent to an exit stairway. Areas of rescue assistance must be large enough for, at a minimum, two wheelchair users to position themselves out of the path of travel. They must also be equipped with a two-way comrmmication system and have adequate signage that directs building occupants to the protected location. Areas of rescue assistance must be on an accessible route complying "'1th all the requirements of ADAAG 4.3 Accessible Route. 1994 co BARRIER FREE ENVIRONMENTS. INC. . NIDRR GRANT 'H133Dl0122 AREAS OF RESCUE ASSISTANCE directional sign indicat. ing location of nearest area of rescue assistance area of rescue assistance must provide same protection and fire- rating 35 stairway one possible location for area of rescue assistance identification sign instructions for use of space and communicator exit sign (required by building/life safety codes) ~ ~ ~ea. \ I I \ 1 "" "" " ~ permanent room! space sign in corridor (must display 'EXIT' in raised lettering and braille with a required" AREA OF RESCUE ASSISTANCE" sign located here) .; Area of Rescue Assistance Inside Exit Stairway 1994 '" BARRIER FREE ENVIRONMENTS,INC. . NIDRR GRANT .H133D10122 3 BFE note: /Irea of Rescue Assistance Are Required Ollly in New Buildillgs. Under /IDAAG a new buildillg is a structure that . had its Iarr building permit appliwtUm after January 26, 1992 and . was first occupied after January 26,1993. ADAAG 35 Definitions. MeIlllS of Egress. A COlltillUOUS and unobstructed way of exit travel from any poim in a building or facility to a publu way. // 711e1l1lS of egress comprises vertical and horiumtal travel and may induJe intervening ro0711 spaces, doorways, hallways, corridors, passof{e'U'nys, balamies, romps, stairs, enclosures, lobbies, horiumta/ e.>.:"its, courts and yards. A11 iJccessible nJeans of egress is 071e that camplies with these guidelines and tkies not include stairs, steps, ar escalators. ,-Ireas afrescue assistance ar evacuation elevators 711ay be induded as part of accessible means of eb17'ess. areas of rescue assistance may be required at ground floors and in single story buildings where required exits do not discharge or open onto an accessible route at grade level fire-rated walls and doors AREAS OF RESCUE ASSISTANCE ADAAG Requirements for Areas of Rescue Assistance The requirements tor areas of rescue as'lstance are found in two sections of the ADAAG: 4.1.3 (9) Accessible Buildings: New Consouc1:ion and 4.3.11 Areas of Rescue Assistance. Section 4.1.3 (9) known as the "scoping" provision, specifies where and when areas of rescue assistance must be provided. Section 4.3.11 provides the technical specifications for the design of the designated area. Areas of rescue assistance are required in all new multi-story buildings (and additions, which are considered new consouction) covered by the ADAAG. Some exceptions are pennitted and will be detailed below. Existing buildings, including those undergoing alterations, are not required to have areas of rescue assistance. ADAAG 4.1.3 (9) specifies that an "... accessible means of egress shall be provided in the same number as required for exits by local buildingllife safety regulations." An accessible "means of egress" is a path of travel accessible to people with disabilities that allows them to reach a sate area out-or.doors or in another building protected by a firewall. When this accessible route on Hoors above and below the ground Hoor cannot discharge (open) onto an accessible route at grade, then each inaccessible Hoor must be provided with areas of rescue assistance in the same munber as the required exits. In multi-story buildings exit stairways are part of the required means of egress. In new buildinb'5 without an automatic sprinkler system, areas of rescue assistance must be placed in or adjacent to exit stairways (one exception is allowed, see page 21) so rescue personnel can get to the ,mmded person quickly from a stairway or '111okeproof elevator to assist in their evacuation. There are seven acceptable locations for areas of rescue assistance specified in ADAAG. Each of these will be described in this Tech Sheet starring on page 14. required fire emergency exit - no area of rescue assistance required where exit discharges at grade on an accessible route main entrance and one of the required exits: entrance must be accessible. on an accessible route, and provide accessible egress Areas of Rescue Assistance May Be Required in Some One - Story Buildings 4 1994 <l BARRIER FREE ENVIRONMENTS. INC. . NIDRR GRANT .H133Dl0122 AREAS OF RESCUE ASSISTANCE accessible means of egress elevator can not be used as a required exit (except under rare circumstances) hall or exit access lIeads to exit} area of rescue assistance within stairway required exit with areas of rescue assistance required exit/exit enclosure (fire-rated construction) ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ /' /' ./ ./ /' ./ entrance on accessible route exit discharge: door to exterior street, alley, or side walk Accessible Means of Egress As Part of Accessible Route 1994'" BARRIER FREE ENVIRONMENTS, INC. . NIDRR GRANT .H133D10122 5 BFE note: ,'Irem afrescue d..rrLrtance are not required . if superJlSed sprinkler system is instaLled, . or if hon'=nntal e.J.:1t meeting lowl building code requirements is present, . or in exirting bui/dingy. Ilonz(mtal eXits alum! Imi/Jing oa'Upants to nurJe fram a ddngeraus "rea of the bui/Jing to a safe (refuge) aTea withauf cha1lginf{ kveLl'. The scopin/{" pnr.;isia!L.f in --t. J. 3: .'Jo..'{!zib/e lluil.Ji71gs: iYe-JJ CUll.rtructioll "fOT areas afrescue as.riJ1/mre do not "f7PIy to e.:rten'or }flei/iries (o'verrd by -1./.2 /AccessibLe Sites iJnd 10rteriar r~/ciiities/. For e.xample, parking Ivts IJ/ld opeu parking garaj.;l's aTe cmJt'Ted I)I~Y by -1.1.2 iJud aTt' not required to ..o. f/;il'Je} areas a/rescue fLuistance. " 1)0 CFR })"71 J 19/, Federal Rl'pJ\fCT, July 26,1991 0'lcce.rr Board's J.i71al Guidelin",)} . Scope is a set a/directives that stlltes "<L'here", li.u'hen", and "lxT'JJ 111l1ny" deme1Jts and spates must be atcessibJe and camply Veith tbe design require- mmts of the /II)/I//C;. 6 AREAS OF RESCUE ASSISTANCE When Areas of Rescue Assistance Are Not Required Only lUlder two circumstances arc multi-story builclings (or single story builcliub" with insufticient mllnhcrs of required exits with accessible routes to grade) not required to have arcas of rescue assistance. The tirst is if a new IJllilcling has a supervised automatic sprinkler system monitorcd 24 hours a day. llowever, cven in builclings equipped with sprinkler systems it is recommended that areas of rescue assistance be provided. It is quite possible for a person "ith a clisability to be stranded and overcome "ith smoke before rescue personnel could reach him/her, given the clifticulty in locating someone in a smoke-tilled building. 'l'he second instance where the areas of res<..:uc assistance as described in 4.3.11 are not required is in a building with a horiwntal exit that meets the requirements of a local builcling authority. Horizontal exits may be fonned by continuous tire-protcL1:ed construction "ith tire doors which enable each area to serve as an area of reli.lge (or rescue assistance) from tire in the othcr area. Horizontal exits are desib'11ed to allow people to Illove !i.OIll a dangerous area to a safe arca in the sallle builcling or an adjacent building "ithollt chanb>ing levels. Moving trom a tire-involved wne on the samc Hoor into:1 non-involvcd zonc Cln provide refuge for one or more hours, depending on tl,e building construction. Most people, including those "ith disabilitics, cm move trom wne to wne through appropriatelv desib'11ed tire doors. It is best to consult 10ClI building aurhority or code officials on approved use of horiwntal exits \\-ithin \'our area, level connection between two areas separated by a fire barrier, space, or other form of protec- tion may be part of a horizontal exit -level connection of two buildings may be part of a horizontal exit area 1A and budding 2 are refuge areas (areas of rescue assistance) when area 18 is threatened lA~ ~ . n -< Building 1 Building 2 A Horizontal Exit Can Meet the Requirement for Areas of Rescue Assistance 1994 <D BARRIER FREE ENVIRONMENTS. INC. . NIDRR GRANT #H133Dl0122 AREAS OF RESCUE ASSISTANCE Design Specifications for Areas of Rescue Assistance permanent room/space sign in corridor Imust display "EXIT" in raised lettering and braille with a required" AREA OF RESCUE ASSISTANCE"sign located here) exit sign in corridor (required by building/life safety codes) it is recommended that aU features and elements within aU areas of rescue assistance be identical through- out the building Elements of Area of Rescue Assistance Size of Areas of Rescue Assistance ADAAG The area of rescue assistance mtLst be located on an accessible route and be large enough to pennit at lcast two people lLsing wheelchairs to enter the space and position themselves outside the exit path of other building occnpanLs. Tbis necessiLates that at least two 30 inch by 4R inch wheelchair parking spaces be provided within the area of rescue assistance. \A'here the "parking space(s)" are not recessed into an alcove, the area iilr wheelchair users to position themselves could be indicated by a change of floor material or Hoor marking. Local building authorities may reduce the required mnnber of spaces per Boor to one where the calculated occupant load per floor i.s lcss than 200. In large ocrupancy buildings some Boors may be required to have more than two parking spaces in a single area of rescue assistance. It is critical for the safety of all building occupants that the accessible route to, and the area of rescue assistance itself, be con- tinually available. Areas of rescue assisLance must never be used for temporary storage, even of lightweight movablc itcms. Maintenance staff must be cautioned not to place extra fumittLre, cleaning equip- ment, or other items in this "out of the way" comer. 1994 e BARRIER FREE ENVIRONMENTS. INC. . NIDRR GRANT .H133D10122 Notes in italic are recommendations. communicator (with use of space instructions adjacent) located within reach range of a seated user minimum of two wheelchair parking spaces stair must have 48 inches clear width between handrails 30" n ['~UUU~U; ~. . , . , . , m '. ,\ .. ,u~m"uu Clear Floor Space for Parking a Wheelchair 60" 1~~~~~~"__L~3~O"~ ~~I [. ' , , ' , , , , = :., :.. .j ~ ~ - j I..! [__________1__________) Two Wheelchair Parking Spaces 7 Signs which designate pernuznnlt rooms and SplUeS must be . in raised type and Braille (ADAAG 4.30.4), . of appropriate finish and contrast (ADAAG 4.30.5), and . muunted at appropriate Ia:utUm and height (ADAAG 4.30.6). Signs which provide direction to, or information about, functional spaces of the building must have appropriate . character proportion (/lDA/IG 4.30.2), . character height (/IDA/IG 4.30.3), and . finish and contrast (ADA/IG 4.30.5). 8 AREAS OF RESCUE ASSISTANCE Signage Indentifying Areas of Rescue Assistance ADAAG When room identification is to be provided in a building then ADMG requires the installation of a sign that identifies the desig- nated space for the area of rescue assistance. Signs used to indicate permanent rooms and spaces are required by ADMG to be tactile and mounted at a particular location beside doors so people with visual impainnents can find a specific room or area. Although areas of rescue assistance may be considered permanent spaces in a building, the signage identitying them is not subject to the ADMG signage specifications of mounting height, location, or tactile lettering that is required for other permanent rooms and spaces. Under the ADMG 4.1 Minimum Requirements, these signs are not required to be tactile because it is generally assumed that areas of rescue assistance are used primarily by people with mobility impairments who cannot climb stairs. However, a person with a visual impainnent may also have balance problems or a condition that limits stamina that prevents them from walking rapidly down stairs. This person may have to seek refuge in an area of rescue assistance also. Thus, where exit doors lead to an area of rescue assistance, it is recommended that tactile sib'I1age complying with ADMG be installed at the exit door. Only one sign identitying the area of rescue assistance is required and it must meet the following ADMG specifications: . contain the words "AREA Of RESCUE ASSISTANCE" in uppercase type . display the International Symbol of Accessibility . be illuminated when exit sign illumination is required (by other codes) . comply with ADMG for character proportion, height, finish, and contrast international symbol of accessibility required since some people may not comprehend the text AREA OF RESCUE ASSISTANCE these signs must be illuminated if exit signs are required to be illuminated Sign Identifying Area of Rescue Assistance 1994"" BARRIER FREE ENVIRONMENTS. INC. . NlORR GRANT .H133010122 AREAS OF RESCUE ASSISTANCE Signage Placement and Size. The required sib'll identitying the area of rescue assistance should be located in a standard, logical, and predictable place at the entrance to, as well as inside, over, or adjacent to the actual area of rescue assistance. It should be posi- tioned where good visibility is maintained at all times. Anyone of the suggested locations for the required signage shown in the illustration may be a good choice. Characters on signs identitying areas of rescue assistance must be sized according to the viewing distance from which they are to be read. If the sign is 80 inches or greater above the l100r the minimum character ~ height is three inches (ADAAG .HOJ). overhead locations are good because the sign can be seen over the heads of moving people if overhead location is used letter size " / Possible Locations for Required Sign at Areas of Rescue Assistance Directional Signage to Areas of Rescue Assistance. Although only one sib'll identitying the area of rescue assistance is required, additional directional sib'llS m:1V be required to g11ide building occupants to protectcd areas. H~ te)r example, the accessible route passes through an intermediate door bele)re arriving at the area of rescue assistance, an additional direluonal sib'll at the door would help users quickly tind the sate area. / /: // Notes in italic are recommendations. "EXIT"sign required by building/life safety codes a sign positioned at locations 1,2, or 3 can help to guide the user to the area of rescue assistance - such signs are not required by the ADMG but If installed they must meet the ADAAG requirements for character proportion and height as well as finish and contrast r:8%l ~ 2 ~ when exit signage is prOVided. ADAAG requires an exit sign (in raised lettering Jnd Braille) ~ ~ if sign identifying area of rescue assistance is installed here, it is recommended that it be tactile Possible Locations for Additional Optional Directional Signs Indicating Route to Area of Rescue Assistance 1994@ BARRIER FREE ENVIRONMENTS. INC. . NIDRR GRANT #H133Dl0122 9 ..10/1/1(; 1<k7'tijicatiIJ11... Sij.,mage shaU also he installed at aU illoaessible exits and 71)here otherJ}ise necessary to clearly indicate the JJ"rectio71 to areas afrescue ass/lalla. See aLro /lJ)/I/lG 4.1.3 (16) liuilJil1g Sigllage, and 4. 30 Signage 10 AREAS OF RESCUE ASSISTANCE Additional directional signage may need to be installed at corridor intersections and at other building fire safety signage to ensure the safe evacuation ofbuildingoccupams with disabilities and should be considered for any signage system. If an area of rescue assistanee is not directly accessed by a designated exit door then a directional sign must be installed at the door to indicate the direction to the nearest area of rescue assistance. I- permanent room! space sign with raised characters and Braille EXIT AREA OF RESCUE ASSISTANCE - directional sign with flush type Sign Directs User to Remotely Located Area of Rescue Assistance Signage Describing Use of Area of Rescue Assistance. ADAAG also requires that instructions on the use of the area of rescue assistance under emergency conditions be posted adjoining a two-way communication system. Tnis may be a separate sign subject to the requirements of directional/information signage or this infonnation may be incorporated into the communication panel itself. Communieation with people in areas of rescue assistance is presented in the next section. 1994'" BARRIER FREE ENVIRONMENTS, INC. . NlORR GRANT .H133010122 AREAS OF RESCUE ASSISTANCE Communication with People in Areas of Rescue Assistance ADAAG A method of two-way communication ",;th both visible and audible signals must be provided in each area of rescue assistance. The system must peffilit non-verbal use so someone ",;th a hearing or speech impairment could notify the control center of ills or her presence and be assured that someone is on the way. Simple visual panels can be installed that have separate lights indicating that various messages have been received and what the response mil be. Other non-verbal communication panels may use LEOs or screen displays to pennit vis'ualmessages to be sent by the control center managing the evacuation. The conlll1lmicator must he powered by the facility or lllrilding emergency electrical service to ensure continued operation during emergencies. Buttons, operating mechanisms to signal for help or to reply, and the location of the unit itself must be mthin the reach range of a seated person. The communication panel must be located no higher than 48 inches above the Brrished floor [()r a [(,rward reach and 54 inches for a side reach and must be operable mthout tight grasping or twisting. Instructions tor operating the t\\.-'o-way commlmication system, if they are not part of the panel itself, must be placed adja- cent to the uni t inside the area of rescue assistance. Notes in italic are recommendations. Canrmuniwtors must [omply 7.L'ith ADAAG 4.27 Controls and Operat- ing lvlechanirTlls. 4.2.5 Forward Reach, and 4.2.6 Side Reach. ADAAG /14.l.11.4 T",o-way Canmnmiclltio71... -;,'isibfe signal requireTllmt muld be satisfied with s(Jmethi71f!, {IS simple as a lmttan in the area afrescue lLfsisttmce that lights, i1ldiCtlting that hdp is an the 7))01, 1J.,,!Jell the rJll.'s..'lage is i1l!.rJJered at the point of entry. notification "PUSH FOR HELP" should be in raised lettering and Braille (not required) Instructions for Use of Communicator (sample) . push bar for assistance . light indicates message received . light directs user to remain in designated area of rescue assistance . light indicates rescue personnel will arrive shortly 1994 <> BARRIER FREE ENVIRONMENTS. INC. . NIDRR GRANT .H133Dl0122 11 AREAS OF RESCUE ASSISTANCE Design of the Exit Stair at Areas of Rescue Assistance ADAAG 4.3,11.3 Exit stairs adjacent to areas of rescue assistance must be suffi- ciently wide to allow someone to be carried down the stairs in a controlled descent evacuation chair or in hislher own wheelchair and at the same time allow a walking person to pass. The minimum width space in which this can be safely perfonned is 48 inches; therefore ADAAG specifics a minimum stairway width of 48 inches between handrails. Local building codes usually specify landing depth and base it upon the stair width. Exit stairs under ADAAG are 48 inches wide minimum, and although some state building codes allow bs, the depth of the landing should be 48 inches minimum also. r- ~I~ I +- .8' fire-rated exit enclosure '8' local code requirements specify stair requirements, e.g, landing is usually required to be same depth as stairs are wide r- 1\ / , ,L -r-- 1" UP DN . 0 ~I.E I minimum clear floor space at landing Minimum Requirements for Stair Adjacent to Areas of Rescue Assistance 12 1994 <Cl BARRIER FREE ENVIRONMENTS. INC. . NIORR GRANT 'H133010122 AREAS OF RESCUE ASSISTANCE In addition to the "fireman's CllT}''' other methods of assisting a person to evacuate a building are available. Controlled descent chairs fold and can be placed in exit stairs for use in emergencies. Through fri,:tion braking systems, rollers, and other devices these chairs allow a relatively small person to take a larger person down the stairs with safety. It is recommended that at least certain designated building occupants familiarize themselves with (or be instructed in) the use of such a device. Controlled descent chairs are of no use for people who cannot transter into them at the top of the stairs. Don't torget to have the person's wheelchair brought down to the exit discharge area. Use of Controlled Descent Chair For people in wheelchairs several rescue personnel must be prepared to carry the individual down the exit stairs. This should not be attempted by people not trained tor the task and is lL,ually only possible when the person is in a Illanual wheelchair. If the person is in a heavy powered wheelchair be/she will probably have to be carried down separately from his/her chair. Rescue Personnel Assisting Person in Manual Wheelchair 1994 <i'l BARRIER FREE ENVIRONMENTS. INC. . NIDRR GRANT #H133D10122 A.4.3.10 EWess. Be=e people with disabilities may visit, be employed or be IJ resident in any /miMing, emergemy management plans with specific pravirio1lS to ensure their saft evacuation also ploy an essential role in fire saftty and life safety. 13 AREAS OF RESCUE ASSISTANCE Approved Locations for Areas of Rescue Assistance ADAAG Notes in italic are recommendations. An area of rescue assistlnce must bc on an accessible routc and must be e"y for building occupants to reach. It must be IOClted in one of seven approved IOCltions connected or adjacent to an exit stlirway. A presswized elevator lobby is the only situation where an area of rescue assistance is not required to be at or near a stainvay. It is importlnt to note that all fire raring requirements and 10Clrions for protected spaces are subject to loCI! code authority approval. Cautimlllry Note: An area of rescue assistlnce, even when protected with fire-rated walls, does not ensure that an occupant ",ill be safe for an hour. At best, most of the areas of rescue assis- tlnce provide an additional ten to tifteenminutes !(lr a building occupant to remain until rCSl'UC personnel arrive. It is not meant to be an area of safe relUge where a person Cln remain !(lr any extended period of time. in fire-rated corridor, fire-rated construction also around entire area of rescue assistance instructions for use of space emergency personnel will use staIrway to assist with evacuation identification signage may be mounted in either location, it is recommended that both signs be installed exit enclosure two-way communication system minimum one hour fire-rated corridor serves as accessible route and path of travel to exit permanent room! space signage 3'.0. minimum width accessible route Area of Rescue Assistance Located Adjacent to Exit Stairwell 14 1994'" BARRIER FREE ENVIRONMENTS. INC. . NIDRR GRANT .H133Dl0122 AREAS OF RESCUE ASSISTANCE Location 1: Stairway Smokeproof Enclosure Portions of stairway lanJin6'S C:ln be alloC:lted as areas of rescue assistance when the stairway is ""thin a sll1okeproof enclosure. minimum width for exit stairs at area of rescue assistance ON UP smokeproof enclosure continues around area of rescue assistance \ - ---. . C sign Identlfymg area of rescue assistance 48" :...~ ~'l I .-- , 48" mln rated door i:Jnd frame ~ 'L-: 48" I " min I , I I .. I communicator wall with required opening to air (or rail at balcony) f<.lted door and frame . I I -CORRIDOR- Area of Rescue Assistance in Smokeproof Enclosure 1994 co BARRIER FREE ENVIRONMENTS, INC. . NIORR GRANT .H133Dl0122 15 all openings to interior of building within 20 feet of area of rescue assistance must be 3/4 hour rated 16 exterior balcony fire rating continues around area of rescue assistance communicator . . AREAS OF RESCUE ASSISTANCE Location 2: Exterior Balcony A portion of a balcony on the exterior of a building, adjacent to a stairway, em be designated as an area of rescue assistance. If there is an opening into the interior of the building within 20 feet it must have a three-f(lUrths hour fire protection rating. minimum width exit stairs at area of rescue assistance sign identifying area of rescue assistance 60" t ~r-..... ...." WtI' , " .. '. ' . " ' ~. t ' ,,1, . - .." · . , '. ~ , , '. ' . '. ' , ' , '. ' ,----------..-------- , ~ UP min DN 20'-0" i i ~ 48" min 48" min . t BALCONY . . Area of Rescue Assistance as Part of Exterior Balcony 1994" BARRIER FREE ENVIRONMENTS. INC. . NIDRR GRANT .H133Dl0122 AREAS OF RESCUE ASSISTANCE Location 3: Corridor Areas of rescue assistance can be portions of a one-hour rated corridor located adjacent to the exit stair. UP ON exit enclosure ~ ,I 46" ..~-- I min. 48" min. I one-hour ~ CORRIDOR I 46" min corridor Area of Rescue Assistance in One Hour Fire-Rated Corridor 1994 e BARRIER FREE ENVIRONMENTS, INC. . NIORR GRANT .H133010122 minimum width for exit stair at area of rescue assistance communicator ~ large occupancy I buildings may be I required to have more , II c than 2 parking places 8 E within an area of rescue assistance ~ L - sign identifying area of rescue assistance I I 17 AREAS OF RESCUE ASSISTANCE Location 4: Vestibule .\ vestibule between the corridor and the exit stair is another location that can be desib'llated as an area of rescue assisrance. 'nlC vestibule must have the sallle fire rating as the corridor. exit enclosure communicator 30. x 48- wheelchair ~ parking spaces -.-'X sign identifying area of rescue assistance vestibule with same fire-rating as corridor Depth is dictated---./i/ by life safety codes minimum vestibule depth and ADMG doors in series require- ments. The installation of a 3'-0. door results in a vestibule depth of 84- minimum. If 6- is added to the vestibule it is possible to provide 3 parking spaces. .. UP 48" --~....._-_.. min +._48'~~ I mln +- ... ,.. i 1" I,' CORRIDOR'I-'--;~ , I ' Area of Rescue Assistance in a Fire-Rated Vestibule In SO~ jurisdictions this vestibule may be required to be ventilated or pressurized. 18 minimum width for exit stair at area of rescue assistance .. fire-rated door and frame .~ direct access to ~ c: exit stairway "',- ..,.iE . .. fire-rated door and frame 1994 i&J BARRIER FREE ENVIRONMENTS,INC. . NIDRR GRANT .H133D10122 AREAS OF RESCUE ASSISTANCE Location 5: Vented Stairway Landing A portion of a stairway landing can be an area of rescue assistance provided the presence of the wheelchair parking spaces does not interfere with the use of the stairway. The landing must be vented to the exterior of the building by natural or mechanical means and separated from the interior of the building by a one-hour rated door. stairway vented to exterior (open with rail) exit enclosure ~ ;\' r fire~rated construction per local codes UP DN minimum width for exit stair _-- at area of rescue I ! assistance 48" I, 48" I I min .t. min f ~ I.~ opening with grille Jr ! I ~~0~~:a~r::~S~:d~iC:dI" , ~' J.-rommo""",", , . ""I E one-hour . .' I . : ~_;, - sign identifying area minimum . ~~e~~ated ----l---~___i_____ _' i ~ of rescue assistance ; I ! . i I I I !. i : .,-I....-~CORRIDOR -~- --+-~- ~I III'" I r I I 30. x 48- wheelchair parking spaces Area of Rescue Assistance in Vented Stair landing When the area of rescue assistance is located on the landing of the stair the usual building elements such as the fire extinguisher, sprinkler valve, and fire cabinet should not be placed in or protrude into the clear floor space required for wheelchair parking spaces. 1994'" BARRIER FREE ENVIRONMENTS. INC. . NIDRR GRANT #Ht33Dl0122 19 enclosure with \ minimum one- hour fire rating . 0 :j!- , E v self - or automatic closing door assembly with 20 minute minimum fire-rating I sign identifying ----+-----t area of rescue I assistance ! room, office, or lounge adjacent to exit enclosure may serve as area of rescue assistance provided con- struction is fire rated and neither door into the room is lockable 20 AREAS OF RESCUE ASSISTANCE Location 6: Adjacent Room An area of rescue assistance can be a room that is separa ted from other portions of the building by smoke baniers of one-hour mini- mwn construction. 'The room must have direct access to an exit enclosure (stairway). The doors to this room must have a minimwn 20 minute fire rating, and be self-closing or automatic closing tight fitting smoke and draft control assemblies, If the adjacent stairway is reqlrired to have a rating greater than one hour, the area of rescue assistance and door ratings must be the same as the stairway. 60' r sign helps i to keep space available at all times r- communicator direct access to stair exit mon r ... jf the required fire- rating of the stair is greater than one-hour the fire rating of area of rescue assistance must be equal . 0 ~,.E , , ~- n D r . '0 ~.- ..,.iE , I , ' --- ---,-. , I I t- -<_j I CORRIDOR I " I -j I minimum width for exit stairs at area of rescue assistance Area of Rescue Assistance Within an Adjacent Room 1994 <J BARRIER FREE ENVIRONMENTS. INC. . NIDRR GRANT #HI33Dl0122 AREAS OF RESCUE ASSISTANCE Location 7: Pressurized Elevator Lobby Areas of rescue assistance can be portions of elevator lobbies when the lobby and elevator shafts are pressurized as required by local authorities for smokeproof enclosures and when all the requirements of the ADAAG for areas of rescue assistance are met. The pressurization system must be activated by smoke detectors located (as approved by the local authorities) on each floor of the building. The equipment necessary to pressurize the lobby and the elevator, including ductWork, must be separated from other portions and systems of the building by a minimum of two hour fire rated construction. Notes in italic are recommendations. minimum two 30" x4 wheelchai parking sp communic sign identl of rescue a 8" \ / / , , r ' , I i aces ' ' / I I / {~ I~ ' ! Si I ! / J : ator --+p '\ -- ,u "- '" \ ...... ! ' - '~ ( I~~',i , ! ..-1 ~ ::.,...... "tying area i I I ,) ;-".' ssistance I i a: " ffi ' 0 0 , a: ! I R~ ~ :~, ' ,a: ator lobby is used o-r I! - ,u , escue assistance /--.++ I : Id be an adjacent --""- - ' I I cue personnel. , ' I ' mended that this , -- -'I I he 48- minimum ~ - - When elev as area of r there shou stair for res It is recom stair have t width for exit stairs at areas of rescue assistance. Area of Rescue Assistance Located in an Elevator Lobby . 1994<> BARRIER FREE ENVIRONMENTS. INC. . NIDRR GRANT .HI33Dl0122 pressurized elevator shafts pressurized elevator lobby self-or automatic closing doors on both sides of lobby sign identify- ing area of rescue assistance 21 AREAS OF RESCUE ASSISTANCE ADAAG Reference Index for Areas of Rescue Assistance Scoping Requirements for Areas of Rescue Assistance (Types of Facilities Covered, Minimum Number, Location, and Exceptions) 4.1.3 (9) Accessible Buildings: New Construction 4.3.10 Egress (Accessible Route) Technical Requirements for Areas of Rescue Assistance . Primary Reference ~ o < < Q < Advisory Material . ~ . o < < Q < Location and Construction 20 Size 21 4.11.3 Stairwav Width 21 A4.11.3 Stairwav Width A4 Two-way A4.3.11.4 Two-way Communication 21 Communication A5 Identification 21 22 1994 <0 BARRIER FREE ENVIRONMENTS, INC. . NlORR GRANT #H133010122